Flowoverweir 281 29

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To study the relation between flowrate and total head above the cress level of the rectangular notch and
V notch.


At the end of this experiment, students are able to:
1. Calculate the flowrate in difference notch.
2. Identify the relationship between flowrate and total head.
3. Identify the velocity and the magnitude of the flowrate in notch.

The notch is similar to that observed at a sharp edged orifice, and has the same effect of reducing the
discharge rate. A notch may be defined as an opening in one side of a tank or a reservoir, like a large
orifice, with the upstream liquid level below the top edge of the opening. A notch is, usually made of a
metallic plate and is used to measure the discharge of liquids.

V notch weir is simply a 'v notch' in a plate that is placed so that it obstructs an open channel flow,
causing the water to flow over the v notch. It is used to meter flow of water in the channel, by measuring
the head of water over the v notch crest.

The rectangular notch weir is a common device used to regulate and measure discharge in irrigation
projects. The results obtained from this research indicate that the relationship between the discharge
coefficient and the upstream water depth is a power function.

Trapezoidal notch is a combination of a rectangular notch and two triangular notches as shown in figure. It
is, thus obvious that the discharge over such a notch will be the sum of the discharge over the rectangular
and triangular notches.

Laminar flow, type of fluid (gas or liquid) flow in which the fluid travels smoothly or in regular paths, in
contrast to turbulent flow, in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations and mixing. Turbulent flow,
type of fluid (gas or liquid) flow in which the fluid undergoes irregular fluctuations, or mixing, in contrast to
laminar flow, in which the fluid moves in smooth paths or layers. In turbulent flow the speed of the fluid at
a point is continuously undergoing changes in both magnitude and direction.

Cross sectional area = BD

Wetted perimeter = B + 2D
Hydraulic mean depth = BD / (B + 2D)

The criterion for the type of flow in channel will be:

Laminar flow: ρv(4m) / µ < 2000

Turbulent: ρv(4m) / µ > 2000

For a pipe of diameter running full, A = (π/4)d2 and P = πd so that m = d/4. Replacing m by d/4 in
Reynolds number, the formula above will be get.
The continuity, momentum and energy equations can be applied can be applied to channel flow in the
same way as for pipe flow.

Q = B1d1v1 = B2d2v2

Where v1 and v2 are the mean velocities at the two sections for wide channels of approximately
rectangular section it is sometimes convenient to consider the flow per unit width, q:
q1 = Q / B1 = v1d1 and
q2 = Q / B2 = v2d2

In travelling from section 1 to section 2 there will be change of momentum per second of the liquid
corresponding to the change of velocity:
Rate of change of momentum = mass per second X change of velocity = ρQ(v2 – v1)

This change is produced by the difference in the hydrostatic forces at sections 1 and 2.
Force in direction of motion at section 1 = ρgA1 X 1
Force opposing motion at section 2 = ρgA2 X 2

Where X1 and X2 are the depth from the free surface to the centroids of the cross sections.
By using Newton’s second law:
Force = rate of change of mometum
ρg(A1x1 – A2x2) = ρQ(v2 – v1)
(A1x1 – A2x2) = Q(v2 – v1) / g

The steady flow energy equation, Bernoulli’s equation with a term for loss of energy can be used, since
the fluid flowing in the channel can be assumed to be incompressible. Considering conditions at a point
on any streamline at depth x below the free surface.

Total energy per unit weight, H = (P / ρg) + (v2 / 2g) + (d – x)

Now P is the hydrostatic pressure at a depth s below the free surface, therefore P / ρg = x and

Total energy at any point per unit weight, H = d + (v2 / 2g)

Applying Bernoulli’s equation to section 1 and section 2 including the head loss, h:
d1 + (v12 / 2g) = d2 + (v22 / 2g) + h

V shaped notch in a vertical thin plate which is placed perpendicular to the sides and bottom of a straight
channel is defined as a V-notch sharp crested weir. The line which bisects the angle of the notch should
be vertical and the same distance from both sides of the channel. The V notch sharp crested weir is one
of the most precise discharge measuring divices suitable for a wide range of flow. In international
literature, the V-notch sharp crested weir is frequently referred to as the “Thomson weir”.

The basic head discharge equation for V-notch weir is:

Qt = theoretical flow rate
Co = coefficient of discharge
ϴ = degree of V-notch (90°)
h1 = elevation head
g = 9.81 m/s2
Figure 3.1: V-notch weir

Figure 3.2: Coefficient of discharge Ce as a function of notch angle for fully contracted V-notch

The basic head discharge equation for rectangular notch weir is:

Qt = theoretical flow rate
Ce = coefficient of discharge
h1 = elevation head
g = 9.81 m/s2
b = breadth of weir (60 mm)
B1 = bench width (230 mm)

Figure 3.3: Rectangular notch weir

Table 3.1: Values for Ce as a function of ratios bc/B1

1. Weir apparatus with hydraulic bench
2. Stop watch

Figure 4.1: Weir apparatus with hydraulic bench

A: Filter slot
B: 90° opening V-notch weir
C: Rectangular weir plate
D: Weir test section
E: 30° opening V-notch weir
F: Cap screw
G: Hydraulic bench
H: Point gauge with scale
Specification of weirs:

Figure 4.2: Dimension of rectangular notch weir

Figure 4.3: Dimension of V-notch 30° opening

Figure 4.4: Dimension of V-notch 90° opening

1. Fill in the water into three sump tank to ¾ height.
2. Open all the valve before starts the experiment.
3. Switch on the mains switch on control box.
4. Switch on the pump, and now regulate to the desire flow without placing any weirs.
5. Slowly place in the weir which need to be test into the test section and tighten it with the screws
6. Allow the water passing through the weir about 2 minutes, then measure the height by using point
7. Tabulate all the results into table.
8. Repeat the experiment with other weirs.
9. Then, compare all the results from the experiments.


1. What is the different between rectangular weir plate and V-notch weir plate (30° opening and
90° opening).
2. Compare the calculated result between theoretical flow rate and the experimental flow rate.
3. Does coefficient of discharge, Ce take effects on the flow rate, how?
4. Give a conclusion for this experiment.

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