Factors Influencing The College Course Preference of The Students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus

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A Research Paper

Presented to the

Faculty of the Business Entrepreneurship and Management Department

Eastern Visayas State University

Tanauan, Leyte


In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Course

RES 313 Method of Research


Advincula, Rina B.

Maceda, Cristy Jane M.

Vicenta, Jelly Ann P.

January, 2023


Background of the study

Every nation of the world strives for quality of life and social status through wise

decision-making in choosing a career choice because education is universally acknowledged as

the solution to socio-economic problems of the world. Nations and individuals look to education

to provide a cure for poverty, ignorance, drought, excessive rainfall, mental deficiency,

joblessness, bad government, poor communication system, hunger, and inadequate shelter among

other things (Ouano, Torre, Japitan, & Moneva, 2019).

According to Ahmed, Sharif, and Ahmad (2017), a miss-perceived career choice directs

all individual efforts and resources in the wrong direction, when not aligned with the

expectations; would not only be frustrating but also draining of the student's energy.

In this context, the government continues to value the education of our fellow students.

Following the pertinent provision of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, Section 2 the Declaration of

Policy. The State shall protect, foster and promote the right of all citizens to affordable quality

education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall be accessible

to all (“Republic Act No. 7722,” 1994).

Therefore, choosing a career is one of many crucial decisions that students will have to

make when determining their plans. This issue is not limited to one aspect only but is universal.

For many students, selecting a college or a major is an important decision (Ahmed et al., 2017b).
In the study of Johnson & Chapman, (1979) stated that every year, graduating high

school students are faced with the problem of having to decide on future career paths. The

decision whether or not to continue with post-secondary education and the choice of an

institution to attend are two critical decisions that students make at this time in their lives.

Before, we were free to do what job we wanted to do for a living since life is simple. As the

world changes, life comes together and in order to be successful in life, we must consider what

profit we gain from a certain job. Due to the number of courses today, a student graduating from

high school may find himself in a difficult situation. Choosing a course is a very important

aspect. There are also a lot of factors that may affect a graduating high school student in

choosing a course. These factors may include job opportunity, preferred course, influence and

personal choice of course, the parents, peer influence, decision making, interest, gender, location,

passion, internship and work experience, the quality of teaching and others. 

Choosing an academic major is part of the process of making a career decision. For many

people, the college major they choose leads them to their future careers. Recently, universities

around the country have started to urge students to decide on their academic majors early in their

college careers. The rationale for this move is that once the students determine their majors, they

will be able to focus on graduating within a four-year time period. Some people might

hypothesize that the pressure to choose an academic major place a strain on students that leads to

stress, which may be manifested in psychological or physiological reactions such as anxiety,

depression, or panic. If a decision is made without carefully looking into different alternatives

and thorough investigation, the student runs the risk of making a “bad” decision.
Furthermore, according to Heppner and colleagues (1995), negative coping behaviors

could be detrimental to a person’s physical and psychological well-being. The decision-making

process of college students is a crucial occurrence and needs to be examined. 

 Thus, the purpose of this study was to better understand the different factors that

influence students when choosing a college course. Additionally, by identifying what most

influenced students, the findings of this paper can aide colleges in marketing their programs to

students more effectively. Understanding the complexities of what students consider when they

make their choice can help guide colleges to finding good fits for their academic community.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the factors influencing the choice of course of the college

student in Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus. Specifically, it sought to answer

the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

1. Gender

2. Academic Strand/Track

3. Course

4. Income Status

5. Residence
2. What are the factors that influence the choice of course of students?

2.1 Parent’s Preference

2.2 Peer Influence

2.3 Personal Interest

2.4 Availability of Job opportunities

2.5 Availability of the Course or School offering the course

2.6 Financial Consideration

3. Is there a difference in the course choice of 1st-year students along with the following?

1. Gender

2. Income Status

3. Academic Strand/Track

Significance of the Study

           The researchers objectively agree that this study is equally beneficial and significant to the

students, teachers, school administrators, parents and future researchers who want to seek valid

information base on the results of the study.

Students- by conducting this research, the students will be able to decide what course to take in

accordance with the factors that will influence them. They are the center of this study because

ultimately, they develop an awareness of themselves, their strength, and their abilities in their

career development. 
Parents- in today’s society, parents or guardians play a significant role in the lives of their

children, especially when they are developing. Parents should give their children the assurance

that they will receive a quality education that will enable them to get a better job, earn more

money, and have a brighter future in this study.

Teachers- in this study, teachers will be given information about the student’s background so

they can concentrate on the skills the students will need when they pursue their goals. Teachers

make a significant contribution to the education of each student. if a student is able to complete

their studies and obtain a job, teachers will be among the people who are most proud of that


Administration- The findings of this study will help the school in setting up an effective,

intelligent career information and guidance system that will aid students in making the best

career decision possible.

Future Researchers- The result presented in the study could be used as reference data for the

new researchers.

Scope and Limitation

 The scope of the study includes the profile of the respondents in terms of gender Gender,

Academic Strand/Track, Course, Income Status and Residence.

           This study is design to determine the Factors Influencing the College Course Preference

of the Students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus. The respondents are the
1st year bonified students of EVSU Tanauan Campus. The research method will be use is the

descriptive design and a research-made survey questionnaire.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Related Study

This chapter is composed of related literature and studies reviewed and gathered from

various sources that provide the researcher valuable information and insights necessary to the

current study. Specifically, the literature will reveal the most influential factors in choosing

courses.  The purpose of this review of literature establishes the facts which are already known

from previous research. The literature that will be discussed will add up to the knowledge of the

researchers for the research study.

Review of Related Study

In the study of Del Norte (2013) asserted that choosing a course carefully is an important

aspect which will give a conclusion to a student’s academic endeavor. Choosing and deciding on

what course to choose in college may be difficult and sometimes an unpredictable process, but it

is mainly seen from one perspective. Many would say that the main factor or the main influence

is the passion for a particular field, but there are few who know exactly what they want to

become when they graduate High school which lead us into thinking that there are other

significant motives (Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015

According to the study, Bucherer (2018) added that selecting college courses is the start

of the binding process, where students may not realize that the decisions they make can affect

their decision four years when they are expected to graduate. 

A major turning point in an adolescents' lives involves the career choice that they make while in

high school. These decision are mostly influenced by the family and community of a student
which plays a major role in establishing a career path that opens as well as closes opportunities

(Bluestein, Phillips, Jobin-Davis, Finkelberg, & Roarke, 1997).

There a lot of factors that could affect a student's decision in choosing their courses. There are

uncontrollable elements such as location, cost, distance and availability of financial aid (Jackson,

1982). However, some Colleges, set standards before accepting students to a particular course;

hence, this can alter student’s decision especially those with academic issues.

The course the student will take will have a lot of say on the career they eventually pursue so it is

important to decide on a course best for them. Melone (2014), said that it is important to choose

the right path you want to achieve, it is the most important thing that you can do for your family

and yourself. Even if it is your first career or begin on a second or third, finding the career where

you can enjoy and excel and where you can improve yourself. There are jobs that are not perfect;

there are some factors that you should consider that you are into right career you want. Melone

said that interest, career opportunities, and education and training, these are the factors that the

students consider in taking up course. The students should find out the career they want to pursue

soon. The author also said that students should put their passion and skills into a career they

really want, so that the student would enjoy their college life and succeed in their future


The decision to continue to a college education, and choosing which institution to attend to, are

two critical decisions that students make at this time in their lives. (Fernando, et al., 2016 cited

Johnson & Chapman, 1979). Because of the increasing number of courses today, students

graduating from high school find themselves in a difficult situation. 

In the study of Kuehnle (2017) stated in his article, The Difficulties of Choosing a

College Course that with so many majors to decide on, it becomes difficult to know if the major

the student finally decide is actually the one right for them. After choosing a college course, that

is not the end of the process because the student needs to consider what can they get if they

choose this course. And that can be a thing to consider to help decide in choosing what sort of

path to take. 

Some people think that there is only one perfect career that exists for an individual according to

Measom (2011). She added that the more the person knows about the pitfall in choosing their

career, the more prepared they will be when faced with the process. Sometimes, the decision on

the choice of career and school depends on how the students perceive the world and their future.

Unfortunately, not all have enough knowledge and consciousness about how they should process

information from.

In the study of Freedman(2013) said that there are many challenges to implementing a

systemin which students delay major choice until the second year in college. Funding would

beneeded to change advising structures, including updated physical environments forinstitutions

in which a total intake advising model is not currently utilized. According toFreedman the

students also considered the university campus and the facilities of theschool.

According to Cruz(2014) stated that the Academic Track, the Core Subjects take care

ofthe CRS(College Readiness Standard) and the Strand Subjects prepare studentsfor the

particular college course that they plan to take. This is different from the otherTracks. In the

other Tracks (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, Arts & Design),the Strand subjects are

really terminal subjects, in the sense that they are not preparations for future studies but are

meant to give students the tools to immediately enter the workplace.

According to Ushure (2014) lectures indicated that limited finances available to students will

affect them negatively in their preferences of profession selection. Their desires to become

specialist in renowned fields like engineering, doctorate etc. would be restricted by the

availability of finances to them. He also argued that in some cases even the children who belong

to low status families’ ends up entering in high status professions despite their high cost. This is

because their parents want them to enjoy those aspects of life that they have missed out due to

their insufficient wealth.

In the study of Freedman (2013) said that there are many challenges to implementing a

system in which students delay major choice until the second year in college. Funding would be

needed to change advising structures, including updated physical environments for institutions in

which a total intake advising model is not currently utilized. According to Freedman the students

also considered the university campus and the facilities of the school. Cruz (2014) stated that the

Academic Track, the Core Subjects take care of the CRS(College Readiness Standard) and the

Strand Subjects prepare students for the particular college course that they plan to take. This is

different from the other Tracks. In the other Tracks (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports,

Arts & Design), the Strand subjects are really terminal subjects, in the sense that they are not

preparations for future studies but are meant to give students the tools to immediately enter the


According to the study of Huang et al., (2019) revealed that course selection is a non-

trivial task. Prior to every academic term, students make a series of course selection decisions.

The course selections they make create a chain of reactions that influence future course choices,

skill development, and job decisions. Due to the increasing number of students and the rise of
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), course recommendation systems have been broadly

applied within the context of student learning by using various data explicitly and implicitly, for

instance, the data about learning activities.

According to Jiang et al., (2019), stated that current studies on course recommendation

use datasets collected in physical university environments, however, they rely on

recommendation approaches that are similar to the ones used in recommending MOOC courses

without fully considering the versatile nature of the reasons involved in course selection in

university environments. T is amounts to a collaborative recommendation of the nature of “most

people like you did X next.” When it comes to university students’ diverse intentions in selecting

courses, a student’s goal may not align with what most people have done. 

According to the study of Parameswaran et al., (2011) states that although a few existing

works consider the students’ motivations in university environments, they tend to make

simplistic assumptions about learners and their contexts, thereby merely recommending the

whole sequence of courses that satisfy the degree requirements (Parameswaran et al., 2011), or

predicting the performance of students and give recommendations based on predicted results

(Elbadrawy & Karypis, 2016; Elbadrawy et al., 2015; Hu & Rangwala, 2018; Sweeney et al.,

2016). For course recommendations in university environments, acknowledging that students

have different reasons for enrolling in courses–for example, to improve their skills, gain access

to new knowledge, dabble in an area they find intriguing, or meet the requirement of graduation,

and so on. However, there is a lack of study on those factors that influence students’ course

selection in university environments, and course recommendation methods that fully integrate

with students’ motivations are relatively unexplored research topics.

According to the study of Jackson (1982) stated that there a lot of factors that could affect

a student's decision in choosing their courses. There are uncontrollable elements such as location,

cost, distance and availability of financial aid. However, some Colleges, set standards before

accepting students to a particular course; hence, this can alter student’s decision especially those

with academic issues.

In the study of Hossler, Braxton, and Coopersmith (1989), defined that college choice is

defined as a complex, multistage process during which an individual develops aspirations to

continue formal education beyond high school, followed later by a decision to attend a specific

college, university or institution of advanced vocational training. However, taking Civil

Engineering course is not easy one. You need to be a student that will not surrender in all

challenges you will face in this course. Having a study habit will help the student to finish this

course. If student chooses this course, stand for it no matter what difficulties will come.

In the study of Del Norte (2013) asserted that choosing a course carefully is an important

aspect which will give conclusion a student's academic endeavor. The researchers have decided

to make a study about the factors that graduating high school students consider in choosing a

college course. The researchers provide the Information that will cover various factors such as:

having better job opportunities, pursuing your passion, etc. This research will help students and

parents alike in choosing a course. In accordance to this literature, it is related this research

because it covers the importance of choosing the right course carefully. It also studies the factors

that the students consider in choosing a college course.

The study of PAMS, n,d defined that a career choice is important because it determines

your success in the next stages of your life. One of the tasks of high school students is to explore

and plan for their postsecondary career options. High school students are at the exploration stage
of career development. Many factors affect career choices of high school students. Identifying

these factors would give parents, educators, and industry an idea to where students place most of

their trust in career selection process (Super, 1990)

According to Fernando et al. (2015) asserted that economic demand is more important to

students than interest in the field. Self-Decision as a Factor Affecting Choice of Course Pascual

(n.d.) said that students’ career success can be best attained if proper guidance is given in

choosing the right course in college, suited to students’ personality, ability and intellect.

Penedilla and Rosaldo (2017) stated that, in choosing a career, suitability to the interest of the

students is given importance. Students must know on what degree to pursue in college, a course

that interest them that at the same time fit their abilities so that it will not be hard for them to

choose the right career path. At some point, many students try to fit in a course or two based

purely on personal interest. While their majors may reflect their primary interest, most people are

interested in more than one intellectual pursuit. 

According to Babad et al. (1999), one of the vital reasons is the characteristics of the

course. McGoldrick and Schuhmann (2002) indicated that course selection is more of a function

of relevance toward future careers and perceived interest in course topics. Tallón et al. (2014)

conducted a survey to analyze why students choose one elective course. However, it is limited to

only the case of teratology. Other study shows that students are driven both by the desire to

master content because it is interesting and relevant, and by the desire to demonstrate

competency to earn external recognition (Pintrich, 2003). Environmental factors, such as

classroom pedagogical strategies, interact with academic and social motivations to influence

learning and engagement, as do individual student characteristics (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
In the study of Malubay, Mercado and Macasaet (2015) noticed the primary factor

affecting the decision of freshmen students in taking up specified courses or programs is the

economic factors that include economic stable wages and in-demand jobs. 

         According to Su, Chang, Wu and Liao (2016) showed that students’ career decision-

making is most deeply affected by “personal factor”, next are “group factor” and “career

exploration factor”, and “school factor” has lowest affecting level to them. Students of large-

sized schools with taking household affairs courses who will be easily affected by personal factor

of career decision-making.

According to Uyar, Gungormus and Kuzey (2011) revealed 12 factors affecting the

decision of students including career opportunities, interest in the subject, instructor, money,

parents, enjoyment, previous experience, lifestyle offered because of the career, challenge,

prestige, usefulness in operating a business, and other students. It also discovers the top 5 reasons

for choosing  a major where: interest in a career associated with the major, good job

opportunities, abilities, a desire to run a business someday, and projected earnings in the related

career. The least selected reasons for choosing a major were the reputation of the major at the

university, the perceived quality of instruction, the parents’ influence, the amount and type of

promotional information, and the influence of friends. Utilized factor analysis and determined

the following seven main factors in deciding career choice: high earnings expectations, career

expectations, job experience, knowledge and ability, family environment, social status, and

education environment.

Factors in Course Choice

Peers Influence
In the study of Pummel, Harwood and Lavallee (2008) reported that the external

influences that help to shape an individual’s career choice are also influenced by significant

others through social support from peers. People around contribute a lot in one’s decision-

making. Friends may influence an individual choice of career. Individual interest may be

affected by peers for the reason that one wants to be with them in fulfilling dreams or a certain


According to Frenzel, Goets, Pekrun & Watt (2010) stated that classmates also play an

important role in the formation of student’s achievement, related beliefs and values, even if these

classmates do not always correspond with the peer group of leisure-time friend. Id n a cross-

sectional study relating aspects of classroom climate to student enjoyment, Frenzel, Pekrun and

Goetz (2007) reported that class aggregated student perceptions of classroom values were

significantly and positively related to students’ enjoyment. Developments of students’ interest

were really affected by their peers and classmates.

In the study of Okikor & Otabong (2015) revealed that peer interaction influences

students in choosing a career. Peers influence career choice through peer interaction. As students

interact, they share information about careers. This is in line with Krumboltz’ social learning

theory, which emphasizes the importance of learners interacting with one another in their


According to Michael (2012) parental and peer influence is a serious problem that has

serious and far-reaching consequences. A student who prefers one subject or career and the

parents or friends prefer another, is simply reduced to a programmed robot that simply does what

is expected of him with disregard for the preferences and feelings of them. Kala (2015) stated
that parents and peers are the closest people that students may confide in regarding careers. Some

students may influence other to follow their career path. 

In her research entitled “Parental and Peer Influence on Career Choice” she found out that the

fact that peers influenced subject and class selection as well as library books and co-curricular

activities implies the need to sensitize students to choose friends who are positive in life and

those with a clear vision of their life goals. Students who choose the bad company end up ruining

the rest of their career life because of the influence of peers. The study concluded that most peers

tend to influence career choice of their fellow students unconsciously. 

According to the study of Yi-Hui (2006) states that students’ interactions with peers play

a central role in how students think about themselves. In his study in China, Yi-Hui (2006)

revealed that students’ interactions with peers of diversified interests, races and backgrounds

have the potential to stimulate reflection, knowledge and beliefs which may lead to new ways of

thinking about the world, other peers and eventually themselves. For peers to understand the

world of work, their interaction makes it possible for them to venture into careers they were

unaware of.

According to Ouano, Dela, Japitan et.al. (2019) graduating learners perceived that they

agree that they are accompanied by their peers in making a decision in their courses because their

peer helps, give an advice or encourage them to achieve their course. Overall, the graduating

learners agree that they need peers because it will help them to enhance their capacity as a person

in order to have an idea and to decide easily. This was presented in the study entitled “Factors

Influencing on Grade 12 Students’ Chosen Courses in Jagobiao National High School – Senior

High School Department”. Similarly, to this study, Bhayani (2015) made a study regarding to the

social and peer influences in college choice of course. It shows that females are more susceptible
to social influence with regards to selection of college and programs. Males were more likely to

follow hubs in their school either they be senior students or fellow students. 

According to  Kiuru (2008) also revealed the importance of peer interaction in Finland

when he stated that the academic orientation typical of the peer group to which they belong may

potentially have a long-term impact on individual adolescents’ vocational careers.

In the absence of proper career guidance and teacher mentorship, students resort to peer

mentorship. According to Njeri (2013) and Okiror and Otabong (2015) in Kenya, students turn to

peers who have similar experiences for mentorship, information and guidance on career issues,

especially when other proper avenues like school career guidance are not properly functioning.

In Kenya, Koech et al. (2016) emphasized the influence of peer mentorship in students’ choices

of careers. However, in United Arab Emirates (Ausman et al., 2013), peer mentorship was found

to have little influence on medical students’ choices of careers. Ausman et al.’s (2013) study

concentrated on a certain group of people who were already training for a particular career, while

the current study looked at students who are yet to engage in a career.

In the study of Kiuru (2008) purports that, in Finland, peer group members who are

closely related are likely to end up in similar educational trajectories as they are likely to accept

opinions from members who are similar to themselves. Peer relationships were also found to be

influential in students’ choices of careers, Kiuru (2008) further states that peer group members

resembled each other, not only in their educational expectations, but also their subsequent

educational trajectories. In a Nigerian study by Bankole and Ogunsakin (2015), peer

relationships were revealed as a significant factor in helping students choose careers. Pakistani

students who were close to each other in terms of friendship were likely to influence each other

to take certain careers (Naz et al., 2014).

According to Alika (2010), Ho (2006) and Obwoge and Kibor (2016) espoused that peer

encouragement was found to be a critical factor in influencing American students’ choice of

careers. This is in line with Bandura’s social cognitive theory, which states that realistic

encouragement leads to greater effort and eventually to greater success. Since high school

students are adolescents, they may rely on people of their own age. 

In the study of Hashim and Embong (2015) agree that the student’s peer group is the

single most potent source of influence with regard to career choices. Adolescents are easily

influenced by their peers because they rely on their friends to provide validation of the choices

that they make, including career decisions.

A number of challenges were raised about the effectiveness of peer counselling in

schools. Chireshe (2013), for example, cited lack of training among peer counsellors, and

Kamore and Tiego (2015) enumerated that failure by Kenyan peer counsellors to resolve their

own problems impacted negatively on their duties as peer counsellors.

According to Alika, (2010), contrary to earlier findings, it has been observed in America

that there was no significant relationship between peer group influence and career choices in

humanities among secondary school adolescents. Peers were found to be less likely to influence

high school students in choosing careers. The American study only concentrated on students who

were in humanities. The current study did not look only at students specializing in a certain

category but all students in Zimbabwean high schools. 

Parents Decision 

According to Pascual (2014) considered that the involvement of family, school

administrators and guidance counselor to help students make good career choice in the future.
Respect for family is one of the most influential factors that impact Filipino student's career

decision. related factors, economic factors Aside from family which includes the employability

and availability of job in the future is also considered by students. This column is related to this

research because states the different factors to be considered in choosing a course. According to

him, family is one of the most influential factors that affect Filipino student's course decision.

According to DOLE Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz (2011), pointed out that

parents should take an active role in their children's career choice. "Career guides are very

Important to parents. Gone are the days when a parent's task 18 merely disciplinary. NOW,

parents should developmental role as they actively engage themselves in the career planning

process of their children. They must be able to convey to their children the significance of

choosing the right career, as what DOLE secretary said.  

This study wants to imply that parents have a big role in deciding on what course their children

should choose because they are the one that will give the financial support. Not only the financial

but also their opinion about a certain course because they are the one who are knowledgeable in

life. Parent’s Decision as a Factor Affecting Choice of Course Parental influence exists in career

decision making amongst students and also there is an interrelationship between father

preference and mother preference; father preference and mother occupation; father’s occupation

and mother’s occupation; father’s occupation and career and mother’s occupation and career.

Autonomy in making career decision making amongst students is restricted to parent’s

preference, further this finding is limited to the present study area. 

In the study of (Kumar, 2016) revealed that some students think that parent’s decision

matter in choosing the College Course. They think parent’s decision is an important factor

because it is their parents that send them to school and pay for their tuition and some may say
that their parents knows what is best for them. According to Pascual (2014), family is one of the

most influential factors that the Filipino students in choosing the course. Considering the

involvement of family, school administrators and guidance counselor to help students make good

career choice in the future.

According to the study of Finlayson 2019, respect for family is one of the influential

factors that impact Filipino student’s career decision. it is concurred that “Out of respect and

loyalty, it may not be appropriate to express personal desires; rather, one may alter one’s in

interest to maintain harmony”. As a sign of respect, Filipino children want to do well for the sake

of the family, follow parent’s advice about choosing a job or major in college and lastly, makes

sacrifice for the family.

In the study of Shumba and Naong (2012) found out that the family is a significant factor

in determining children’s career choice, the ability of the learner self to identify his preferred

career choice, and teachers influence career choice of their learners. These findings are

consistent with the findings of other studies that have examined the influences of each parent on

the career choices of their sons or daughters and have found that mothers tend to have more

influence on the career decision and aspirations of their children than fathers. 

  Similarly, according to Leppel, Williams and Waldauer (2001) revealed that parental

education, family income, and family head’s occupational status were found to be positively

associated with offspring’s educational achievement. Rababah (2016) family members and peers

have an influence in the students’ choice of the major including personal interests, gender, career

opportunity and availability of jobs are some of the factors that affect the students’ decision

making in this matter.  

According to the study of Khoo, Ban, Neng, Hooi and Joan (2015) showed that college

students and non-college students who were involved in this study agreed that parents are the

most influential or important person when choosing their choice of college or university and

course of study because parents perceive as their main source of finance and normally seek

advice from them due to the perception that parents have the relevant information or experience

with regards to higher education, and hence, parents are viewed as a credible source of advice. 

In addition to the study of Kaneez and Medha (2018) supported that parental influence

have significant effect on the career choice of their children. Al-Rfou (2013) explored that the

parents have a significant influence on the major selection, siblings and friends also consider

important source to select the major, while teachers and media are the least amongst the selected

factors. Umar (2014) showed that although parents have influence on the choice of career of their

children so also other factors such as peer group, employer and relatives. 

Identically from the study of,Dagang and de Mesa (2017) identified the results which

point to the strong influence of parents on their children choice of tertiary school. It is deeply

rooted in the consciousness of the Filipino people the respect for elders, hence the strong

influence of parents on children decision. In a Filipino family child are financially dependent on

their parents, hence their submission to their parent’s decision, thus explaining the moderate

influence of others such as the peers, friends and relatives. Another factor was affordability of

tuition, followed by scholarship. 

In the study of Ibrahim (2017) revealed that family members have the highest

contributions in influencing students to the profession of medical laboratory science due to the

fact that family is usually who provided financial supports to them. Eremie and Okwulehie

(2018) indicated that factors such as environmental, opportunity and personality can influence
the choice of career among secondary school students. In terms of environmental factors, it

revealed that family, socioeconomic status and peer groups have significant influence of the

students’ choice of career while in opportunity factors such as education and mentorship also had

influence to the choice of career as well as the personality factors such as the students’ interest,

values and skills in choosing their courses.

Future Job Opportunities

According to the study of Opportunity is another factor that has shaped courses choices

for students. Opportunity may influence how students have perceived their future in terms of the

reasonable probability of a future in particular career fields. The issue of poverty has played an

important determining role in the opportunities available to all. The income level of high school

families may determine what course a student chooses during a specific time in the student’s life;

choices that will determine a large part of that student’s future. Some students will have to

budget education according to their personal income. 

In the study of  Thout (1969) addressed those in desperate need, “Where necessary, these

persons [Individuals described as living under the poverty level] must be assisted through special

training programs to overcome educational and social handicaps so that minimum job standards

can be met” (p. 1). Students in many cases will need the proper mentoring opportunities to

succeed. These support groups will be another opportunity that if properly implemented, can

help a student in the career choice process. The support system must have been in place and

readily available for the student to utilize. The creation of support groups will have to be in place

to sustain the student through times of financial, emotional, and educational need.
According to the study of Suah (2014) expressed that the career extravaganza, a program

which the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) conducted was realized with a vision

to make work and provide graduating high school students with an Insight about career paths in

different industries, get information about the labor market and opportunities, understand the

world of work and reduce the number of job mismatch. It was also endeavored to reduce the

number of job skills mismatch by giving the students and parents with adequate information that

will guide them in choosing a course that could lead to either gainful employment or successful

business venture.

In some means, this is related to this study because article about a program which help

every graduating students in choosing their career paths, in this, they will have an insight about

what jobs will be in demand for the future that is related to one factor in this study which is the

job opportunity. 

According to Bacani (CHED) (2014), The Commission on Higher Education is advising

incoming college students to go for "priority courses" for them to get financial assistance and to

land in-demand jobs that could help spur economic growth. According to the new list, the

priority courses are those in the fields of agriculture, engineering, science and math, information

technology, teacher education, health sciences, arts and humanities, business social

administration, and behavioral architecture, sciences, maritime and communication. Skills and

jobs that match the projected employment requirements of key industries until 2020.

According to this literature, one should consider the job opportunity in choosing a college

course which is one of the factors affecting the choice of course in our study. By prioritizing

what job are in demand, this could help a lot. to our economic growth.

In the study of Malgwi, Howe and Burnaby, 2005; Yazici and Yazici (2010) states that

interest in the subject, guaranteed employment, and expected earnings after graduation are the

most influential factors for college major choice. According to Ahmed, Sharif and Ahmad (2017)

which revealed that interest in subject has strong and positive relationship while ease in grades,

financial outcomes, and future job opportunities had minor impact on students’ decision for

particular field and subject. It was also stated that the career choice of the students was also

influenced by the level of their social status, financial resources, affordability and future


According to the study of Sabir, Ahmad, Sharif and Ahmad (2013) revealed that students

rank university reputation, interest in subject and employment prospectus as the most important

determinants, whereas, the factor of course being easy and career guidance from schools the least

important factors in choosing course.  

In the study of Malgwi, Howe and Burnaby (2005) revealed that the most influential

factor overall was interest in the subject followed by the potential for career advancement and

the major’s potential job opportunities. Pascual (2014) showed that the students’ first

consideration in choosing a course in college is the availability of possible work.  


According to Higdon (2017), location plays a major role in your college experience. The

state, the size of the city, and the local community, all impact your years at school. For example,

an urban university might offer you more big business internship opportunities, or larger non-for-

profit internships, while a school in a smaller town might have a very large campus and more on
campus activities and opportunities. Things like this are crucial to consider in order to make the

right choice in choosing your perfect college. Your desired career field can be affected by the

location of the college you choose. A suburban school can offer a range of on campus jobs, and

internships however may not have nearly the options that an urban college can offer. At an urban

college, you will have the chance to work with many of the businesses based there through

internships, or part time work. This allows real work experience and a great avenue to get your

foot in the door.

According to Hanna (2013), picking a college to attend to is just the half of the decision.

She stated that the other half involves choosing an actual course to pursue. She also said that the

major step in being able to attend the college of their choice is by taking entrance exams.

According to her, another factor to consider is the choice of university campus. Choosing the

college course to attend is still a major step.

According to Higdon (2017), when choosing a university to study location is one of the

most important, location plays a major role in your college experience. The state, the size of the

city, and the local community. Things like this are crucial to consider in order to make the right

choice in choosing your perfect college. Location of the school. Paying attention to the city and

environment is a great help for your educational experience.

The location of your school can also greatly affect the finances of your college

experience. Being a student at a university located downtown allows you to get from one place to

another swiftly and at a low cost. With everything you need being so close, you won’t need a car

if you don’t already have one. Just as easy as it is to spend money in a city, It is also very easy to

entertain yourself without spending large amounts of money. As you evaluate college locations,

consider how easy it will be for you to find transportation to essential locations. 
Moreover, in the study of Ming (2010) stated that college or university location can be a

major factor for potential students’ decision to apply and enroll. Some students maybe looking

for a school close to their hometown or place of work for convenience and accessibility. It is

therefore concluded that location, academic program college reputation, educational facilities,

cost, availability of financial aid, employment opportunities, advertising are institutional factors

that influence students’ college choice decision.

Theoretical Framework

The purpose of this theoretical framework is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

factors that influence students' course choices. Understanding these factors will enable educators

and policymakers to develop strategies to improve student decision-making and enhance

academic success.

The theoretical framework is based on three key theories: The Theory of Planned Behavior,

Social Cognitive Theory, and Self-Determination Theory. Each of these theories provides a

unique perspective on the factors that influence students' course choices.

Theory of Planned Behavior

The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) posits that individuals' behaviors are determined by their

attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. In the context of students' course

choices, attitudes refer to their beliefs about the benefits and drawbacks of particular courses.

Subjective norms refer to the influence of peers, parents, and teachers on students' course

choices. Finally, perceived behavioral control refers to the extent to which students believe they
have the ability to choose and succeed in particular courses (“Theory of Planned Behavior,”


Social Cognitive Theory

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) emphasizes the role of observational learning and self-efficacy in

shaping individuals' behaviors. In the context of students' course choices, SCT suggests that

students are influenced by their observations of peers and role models who have successfully

pursued particular courses. Additionally, students' self-efficacy beliefs about their ability to

succeed in particular courses can also influence their course choices(“The Social Cognitive

Theory,” n.d.).

Self-Determination Theory

Self-Determination Theory (SDT) emphasizes the importance of autonomy, competence, and

relatedness in promoting individuals' motivation and engagement. In the context of students'

course choices, SDT suggests that students are more likely to choose courses that align with their

interests and values, and that provide opportunities for mastery and social connections(“Theory –

selfdeterminationtheory.org,” n.d.).

These three theories suggest that students' course choices are influenced by a complex interplay

of attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, observational learning, self-efficacy,

autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Educators and policymakers can use this theoretical

framework to develop interventions that promote positive attitudes, provide social support and

role models, enhance students' self-efficacy and sense of autonomy, and foster a sense of
belongingness in academic communities. By doing so, they can help students make informed and

fulfilling course choices that promote academic success and personal growth.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this conceptual framework is to provide a visual representation of the

factors that influence students' course choices. The conceptual framework is based on a review of

existing literature on this topic and aims to provide a clear and concise overview of the key

factors that are likely to influence students' course choices.

The above conceptual framework depicts the factors that influence the decision of the

students in choosing a course as independent variables. Based on the conceptual framework

above, the factors affecting the college course preference of the grade 12 students are the
preferred course of the parents, peer's influence, personal interest, job opportunity and

availability of the course or school offering the course. These factors can lead in deciding and

choosing a college course.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding of the terms used in the study, the researchers have

defined the following terms operationally.

Academic Strand- Strand subject prepare students for the particular college course they take.

Course- A specific study that a student will be pursuing in the future for his or her desired


Job Opportunities- It refers to the majority of present occupation which many companies are in

need for a particular job.

Factors- The things a student should consider or not in choosing a course for college.

Gender- your own perception of who you are. Moreover, the phrase can be used to describe

socially constructed categories that pertain to what it means to be a man or a woman.

Income Status- refers to a position of a person or households’ income in relation to a low-

income line. 

Interest- To induce or persuade, the feeling of being motivated and to engage oneself in the

desired course.

Location- location is the space where the school is found. 

Track- it is the core subject takes care of the College Readiness Standard.
Peers Influence – means that one’s decision is based to what a friend, classmate or group of

friends decided.

Parents Preference - One of the major factors that influence in making decision of a student.



         This chapter explains the procedures and methods that will use in the study to know the

Factors Influencing the College Course Preference of Students of Eastern Visayas State

University Tanauan Campus.These includes the research design, methods, locale of the study,

research respondents, data gathering techniques, research instrument and validations and

statistical treatments.

Research Design

       This study is an approach to quantitative research that focal point on Factors Influencing the

College Course Preference of Students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus.

The study will utilize a descriptive design. A descriptive design aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon (McCombes, 2020). The

researchers used this design in order to determine the Factors Influencing the College Course

Preference of Students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus. The study will

utilize a descriptive design. Moreover, the use of descriptive design can use a wide variety of

research methods to investigate one or more variables (McCombes, 2020).

Research Locale

           This study covers one of the University in Eastern Visayas which is Eastern Visyas State

University Tanauan Campus that is strategically located at Havana, Tanauan, 6502 Leyte. They

offer courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as

bachelor degrees, master degrees, and doctorate degrees in several areas of study.

Research Respondents

This study will use simple random sampling technique in the selection of the respondents who

will participate in the study. The students will be randomly selected so that there will be an equal

chance of being included in the study. The student who will qualify to participate in the study

will be requested to answer questions. The number of samples will be taken using the Slovin’s



A total of 272 will be the chosen number participants of the study. They come from the total

population of 926 first year students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus who

are currently enrolled in this school year 2022 – 2023. The researchers decided to have a 95%

level on confidence and 0.05 margin of error. The 0.05 margin of error is taken from 95%

confidence level (100% - 95% = 5%) giving an alpha level of 0.05 for the research not to be


Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire will be utilized as the instruments to collect relevant and in-depth

data from the participants. It is a research instrument consisting of series of questions for the

purpose of gathering information from respondents. It can be thought of as a kind of written

interview and can be carried out face to face, by telephone, computer or post (McLeod, 2018). 

          A survey questionnaire will be utilized by the researchers as their primary instrument to

collect quantitative data from the identified participants. The questionnaire is composed of three


 Part I. Personal profile 

 Part II. Socio-Demographic Characteristics 

 Part III. Questions on Factors Influencing the College Course Preference

          In this survey questionnaire, the researchers will make a research-made questionnaire

specifically a Likert scale that will serve as a tool in eliciting profound responses from the

participants, which is distributed through google form.  A Likert scale is one of the most

established question types for online and offline surveys where survey respondents are expected

to rate an attribute or feature. It is a variant of the popular multiple-choice question which is

widely used to gather information that provides relative information about a specific topic and

this scale survey question can be compared to a checkbox question, but rating scale provides

more information than merely Yes/No (McLeod, 2018). The questions are all anchored to the

problem statement particularly the Factors Influencing The College Course Preference of

Students of Eastern Visayas State University Tanauan Campus this survey questionnaire will be

validated at least three teachers or the research panelists to ensure its validity and reliability of

the instrument.

 For the validity of the questionnaire, the researchers will have used face validity,

according to Johnson, 2015 “it refers to the extent to which a test appears to measure what it is

intended to measure or the test item appear, at face value, to measure what one is seeking to

measure”. It involves the expert looking at the items in the questionnaire and agreeing that the

test as valid measure of the concept which is being measured just on the face of it. This means

that they are evaluating whether each of the measuring items matches any given conceptual

domain of the concept.

Statistical Treatment

           Frequency counts and percentages will be used to describe the results of the study.

Hypothesis of the Study

           The study tested the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between the

Factors Influencing the College Course Preference of Students to the profile variables.

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