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Midterm Examination spring-2022

Pakistan studies
Subjective part
Short Questions
1. What was the system of Dyarchy?
The system of diarchy was introduced at the provisional level. By the
system the provisional subjects were divided into two categories as the
transferred subjects and the reserved subjects, the transferred subjects
such as health, commerce, and education were entrusted to the Indian
ministries who were responsible to the council.

2. Describe the difference between wahdat ul wajud and wahdat ul

Wahdat ul wajud:
According to wahdat ul wajud, people believed that the
entire Universe is the symbol of Almighty God and a source of revelation of
God’s sovereignty. They believed that there is no difference between God
and His creature.

Wahdat ul shahood:
According to this theory, the Creature and the creator are two
different identities. It also says that everything in the universe explains the
presence of Allah.

3. What are the reasons described by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the reason
for the outbreak of the war?
Some of the reasons are:
 Nonrepresentativeve of Indians in the legislative councils.
 Forcible conversion of Indians to Christianity.
 Mismanagement of the Indian army, and
 Many other ill-advised measures of the government created large-scale
dissatisfaction among the various sections of the society.

4. What is the Hijerat movement?

It was a by-product of the Khilafat movement. Local bodies say the
Muslim majority of Muslims should migrate to a place where their religion and
the Muslims are not jeopardized. The idea of Muslims migrating to Afghanistan
for religious protection was accepted by scholars.

5. Describe the objectives of the Muslim league?

The objectives of Muslim leagues are as follows:
 To promote among the Muslims of India a feeling of loyalty to the British
government and to remove any misconception that may arise as to the
intention of the govt. with regard as to any of the measures.
 To protect and advance, the political rights and interest of the Muslims of
India and to respectfully represent their needs and respirations to the
 To prevent the rise among the Muslims of India of any feeling of hostility
toward other communities without prejudice without other
aforementioned objects of the league.

Long Questions
1. Describe congress measures against Muslims during congress ministries in
British India?

Congress had formed its ministries in eight provinces. The Muslims

living in these provinces under congress’s rule were subjected to most
inhuman treatment and made to bear the oppressive and tyrannical rule of
congress for two and a half years. Congress adopted every means to
completely obliterate the Muslim population of the provinces under its

Congress has adopted an unconstitutional method to rule the provinces

and its administration did not conform to the parliamentary system as laid
down in the act of 1935. The congress ministries were not accountable to
the parliament. They received all instructions from the Congress high
command and were answerable to it for all matters. The Congress high
command made and removed the ministers. A parliamentary
subcommittee was set up by Congress to deal with the work of legislatures
in all provinces. The committee was to guide and advise the legislatures in
their functions. It consisted of Maulana Abu-al-Kalam Azad, Ranjendra
Prasad and sardar vallabhai Patel. The provinces were distributed amongst
the three members of the committee, Maulana Azad was given the charge
of Bengal, Madras, central provinces, and Sindh. This subcommittee was
given the charge of Bengal, united provinces, Punjab, and the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, Rajendra Prasad got Bihar Orissa, and Assam. Valla Bhai
Patel was allotted Bombay, Madras, the central provinces, and Sindh. This
sub-committee was given enormous authority to deal with all matters in
the Congress regime was an absolutist rule and was an oligarchy dominated
by Mr. Gandhi.
With the installation of congress ministries in Hindus came out to impose
Hindu nationalism on the Muslims. Congress began its rule by imposing its
will on the Muslim minorities in the provinces under its rule. The Muslims
were forbidden to eat beef. Severe punishments were awarded to those
who slaughtered the mother cow. Every effort was made to humble and
humiliate Islam the religion of Muslims. A systematic policy was framed by
congress to erase Muslim culture. Hindi was enforced as the official
language in all provinces under congress’s rule. Azan was forbidden and
organized attacks were on Muslim worshippers busy in mosques.
If a Muslim has to kill a cow for sacrifice, hundreds of Muslims including
their children and women were killed as a reprisal. Pigs were pushed into
the mosques and Azan was frequently interrupted. If Muslims lodged
complaints with the authorities, the decision was ways against the Muslims
 Bande Matram
It was a song in which degrading verses were used against Muslims
and their religion Islam. The song was written by a Bengali novelist
Bankim Chatterjee in his novel Anadamath and urged all the non-
muslims to wage war against the Muslims in order to strengthen
Hindu Nationalism. Bande Matram was also adapted as a national
anthem and was to be recited before the start of official business
every day.
 Wardha Scheme
The Warda Scheme was the outcome of Gandhi’s philosophy. It
preached Hindu nationalism and principles of non-violence. It aimed
to develop high respect among the young minds for the Hindu heroes
and religious leaders the Wardha and Widdia Mander scheme sought
to isolate the young generation of the Muslims, from their religion,
culture, and civilization. The Muslims therefore, rightly feared that the
education policies introduced under these schemes were completely
segregated from their religion, tradition, and culture and would
subvert all that they loved so much the main objective of this scheme
was to destroy the Muslim culture and secure perpetual domination of
Hindu culture. It aimed at injecting the political ideas of one political
party, the congress, into the minds of the Muslim children.
 Hoisting of three-colored flag
Congress after taking over the government in the provinces
immediately ordered the hoisting of a three-colored flag with the
British union jack to prove that there were only two powers in India
which were the British and the congress.
 Widdia Mander scheme
Another attempt was made to erase the Muslim culture by
introducing a new educational system. The education policy was
known as Widdia Mander Scheme and was meant to convert the
non-Hindus to Hinduism.

 Hindu-Muslim riot:
Hindu Muslim riots were usual during the congress rule. Organized attempts
were made on the honor, property, and lives of the Muslims by indulging in
communal and religious feuds.
 Muslims mass contact campaign:
Congress started a Muslim mass contact campaign. The main objective of this
campaign was to damage the popularity of the Muslim league amongst the
Muslims. It was Nehru’s imagination to destroy the image of the Muslim league.

2-Discuss NATO its formation, its objectives, and its role since its
NATO was established with the military alliance in 1949. Its full form is NORTH
ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION. NATO constitutes a system of collective
security whereby its independent states agree to mutual defense in response to
an attack by any external party.
There is a total of 30 members of Nato out of which 2 are north American
countries and 28 other European countries. Out of those 30 countries, there are
two Muslim countries like Turkey and Albania are also included.

• The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created in 1949 by the United
States, Canada, and several Western European nations to provide
collective security against the Soviet Union. NATO was the first peacetime
military alliance the United States entered into outside of the Western
 It offers protection and stability for members and their regions.
 When one nato nation is attacked all nato nations will retaliate.
 Nato is founded by its members with the U.S contributing roughly 75% of
its budget.
 Nato targets include weapons of mass destruction, proxies (terror groups)
and cyber security.
 Nato`s protection does not include civil wars and internal coups.

Role of NATO:
• Military operations and Missions.
• Protection in COVID-19 Pandemic.
• Training mission in Iraq.
• Supporting the African Union.
• Refugee and migrant crisis in Europe.
• Disaster relief operations and missions.

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