T NG H P 4 Bài Luaanh Đã S A

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Read the following text from a book about tourism. Đọc văn bản sau đây từ một cuốn sách
về du lịch.
Tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Millions of people today are
travelling farther and farther throughout the year. Some people argue that the development of
tourism has had negative effects on local communities; others think that its influences are positive.

Du lịch đã trở thành một trong những ngành công nghiệp phát triển nhanh nhất trên thế giới. Hàng triệu
người ngày nay đang đi du lịch ngày càng xa hơn trong suốt cả năm. Một số người cho rằng sự phát
triển của du lịch đã có những tác động tiêu cực đến cộng đồng địa phương; những người khác nghĩ
rằng ảnh hưởng của nó là tích cực.
Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the effects of tourism on local communities.
Include reasons and any relevant examples to support your answer.
Viết một bài luận cho một độc giả có học thức để thảo luận về tác động của du lịch đối với cộng
đồng địa phương. Bao gồm lý do và bất kỳ ví dụ có liên quan để hỗ trợ câu trả lời của bạn.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

In recent years, the development of tourism has become a broad issue to the general public.
Some people believe that the development of tourism in local communities has many
advantages. However, others think that this can some negative effects. From my
perspective,, its cons could never overshadow its pros. This essay will discuss about several
benefits as well as drawbacks of this issue.

First and foremost, people should recognize that there are many advantages of the
development of tourism. A very important point to consider is that tourism is playing an
increasingly significant role in local economy . This means that tourism supports the
development of transport, post and telecommunications and entertainment services . To
illustrate this point, I would like to mention that localities have been building roads for
tourists to conveniently visit. Thus, the transportation industry in local comunities is developing.
Another advantage I would like to point out is that tourism brings many job-opportunities for
workers, especially female workers. Because of the large number of guests, many restaurants
and hotels will be built, then many workers will be employed. At the same time, tourism also
helps local communities to promote culture and customs.
On the other hand,The development of tourism also cause some negative effects on local
communities. In fact, people believe that the environment is badly affected by the development
of tourism.. Specifically, the awareness of people and tourists in environmental protection is still
not high. Therefore, places where have many tourists visiting, are pollution due to a lot of
waste . This can be shown by the example that water bottles, plastic bags are used more, so
plastic waste appeare everywhere sush as river, beaches, scenic spots.

In conclusion, the facts mentioned above have outlined the benefits as well as the
drawbacks of tourism for local communities. Its disadvantages should be taken into account.
People should take advantage of the pros and minimize the cons of this issue.

ĐỀ 2
1/ Forests are lungs of the earth. Destruction of the world’ forests amounts to death of the world we
currently know. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

1/ Rừng là lá phổi của trái đất. Việc phá hủy các khu rừng trên thế giới tương đương với cái chết của
thế giới mà chúng ta hiện đang biết. Tới mức độ nào bạn đồng ý hay không đồng ý?

In recent years, deforestation has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people believe
that the destruction of forests amounts to death of the world. In my opinion , I partly agree with this
issue. Discussed below are several reasons in favor of my perspectives.

First and foremost, people should recognize that forests are lungs of the earth. A very important point
to consider is that leaves produce and provide fresh oxygen for us every day. We all know that without
oxygen, we and animals can not breathe and even die. Besides, forests are home to many animals.
Because people destroy forest areas, many species of animals and plants have become extinct.
Therefore, deforestation is destroying our earth.

However, deforestation is still happening always. So what is the cause? Forests are a great source of
timber, so it develops the local economy. Because of people’s low awareness, they exploit the forests
without a plan. They think forests are unlimited resources. It is not a big deal to cut down a few trees,
but now it is in the millions every day. Finally, state management of forests is still weak. So, people still
do not see deforestation as serious.

In conclusion, the above mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people evaluate the impact of
this issue, and it is still a controversial issue. However, it is a true cogizance that destruction of the
world’ forests amounts to death of the world, I totally agree with this. Awareness of people is very
important. Protecting the forests is protecting our earth.
2/ forests product fresh oxygen and participte in regulating climate. But every year tree cover of our


Nowadays, traffic is serious problem in big cities. Why this is so and what effect does it bring? Give
reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience to
slove this problem.

Ngày nay, giao thông là vấn đề nghiêm trọng ở các thành phố lớn. Tại sao lại như vậy và nó mang lại hiệu
quả gì? Đưa ra lý do cho câu trả lời của bạn và bao gồm bất kỳ ví dụ liên quan nào từ kiến thức hoặc kinh
nghiệm của riêng bạn để giải quyết vấn đề này

In recent years, traffic in big cities has become a broad issue to the ganeral public. Although it is
noticeable issue, the impacts of it have not been realized by many residents. Discussed below are
several causes as well as effects of this issue.

First and foremost, people should recognize that there are several main reasons supporting the idea
that traffic is serious problem in big cities. A very important point to consider is that traffic is mainly
caused by overpopulation. This means that the more the population increases, the more vehicels
appear on the street. People are too dependent on their personal means. To illustrate this point, I
would you like to mention that the large amount vehicles move on the roads each day. Another point I
would like to make is that not only many public transportations such as buses are crowded and
inconvenient, but also the users have to pay heavy fees. As a result, the use of public transportations is
decreasing. The last cause is road systems. Most of the streets in big cities are quite narrow.

There are many serious effects of this issue. One primary effect is increased anger and
disappointment. Every day, people have trouble moving to the workplaces or schools. In addition,
traffic jam always happens in rush hours. This leads to high stress for people on the streets. Besides, it
has polluted the environment drammatically. Heathy people are also badly affected.

Therefore, from my perspective, people should be encouraged to use public transportations such as
buses or trains to move. In addition, government should build broader roads.

In conclusion, the above – mentioned facts have outlined the reasons as well as the measures of
traffic’s problems in big cities. Its causes and effects should be taken into account. People should have
further consideration on this issue.

ĐỀ 4
Advantage and disadvantage of studying college.

Thuận lợi và khó khăn khi học đại học.

In reccent years, studying college has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people believe
that studying college has many advantages. However, others think that it can some negative effects.
From my perspective, its cons could never overshadow its pros. This essay will discuss about several
benefits as well as drawbacks of this issue.

First and foremost, people should recognize that there are many advantage of studying college. A very
important point to consider is that a degree can open the door to better job prospects. This means that
economies are becoming increasingly knowledge-based. Therefore, most jobs requite specific
knowledge and skills. To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that skilled workers are needed
for sectors such as information technology and engineering. Another advantage I would like to point
out is that college can practice many soft skills. At university, you will have opportunities study and
practice soft skills such as presentation, communication and teamwork. At the same time, nowadays,
companies tend to use machines to replace workers. Therefore, without no degrees, people may lose
their jobs.

On the other hand, studying college also cause some nagative effects. In facts, people believe that
studying college not only spends a lot of money but also takes too much time. Specifically, most of the
time of university training is more theory than practic. Besides, a university degree seems not to be
necessary for many service profession such as tourism, retaurant management and delivery. In some
industries, practical training is more important.

In coclusion, the facts mentioned above have outline the benefits as well as the drawbacks of studying
college. Its disadvantages should be taken into account. People should take advantage of the pros and
minimize the cons of this issue.

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