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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C

We have five members in our team. Each member's objectives / milestones are
identical. Therefore, as a squad, we are united. Every member has excellent skills. We have
chosen to suggest hotel following many debates and conferences. Then, according to the
voting participants, we choose the roles.

A construction project requires final design plans to be planned before the works on
site is performed. The project manager is the most significant individual after the client in the
building project. They are accountable for the achievement of a building project. They handle
every aspect, including planning, implementation, surveillance, control and completion. They
work closely to create planning, timing and work and material expenses with the technicians
and architects. Project managers have to verify the implementation of time frames and
budgets. It is also critical that the project maintains a healthy customer connection. The main
responsibilities are project planning, resource sharing, time management and risk
management, benchmarking and staff management.

Kyaw Soe is responsible for effective project implementation, planning, development,

implementation, surveillance, tracking, control and closure, as project manager. Kyaw Soe is
a self-motivated team member and a delight in working with all employees. It shows superior
technical skill and generates outstanding job. He supports team members in the group and
supports our choices.

Architects work with other professionals such as civil and HVAC Engineers to deliver
qualified designs. They have the duty of gathering all the information and ideas necessary to
create a functional space that meets client needs while being code compliant. Also, they have

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C
several responsibilities during all phases of a project, from the initial drafts and meetings to
the installation of a building. They can also help to improve energy efficiency meanwhile in
Designing buildings that adjust natural lighting and ventilations. Creating detailed drawings
and testing the project feasibility are also responsible for Architect. Architects visualize the
whole building structure, bringing creative designs and ideas to the construction industry, but
these also require an underlying structural design and MEP installations. Architects can help
during the contract negotiation phase, and they may suggest and choose the contractors for
different activities. Once all tenders are received, the architect carries out analysis reports,
and results are compared with the client’s expectations and budget.

I'm take as an architect in this team. Other participants suggested this position at the
decision-making stage. They already claim that I have a sense of vision and creative ideas to
satisfy the building laws and code of practice. Also have excellent drawing abilities that are
able to operate with modern instruments such as BIM in three dimensions (3D). I love houses
and the constructed environment, and I care for individuals and the surrounding environment.

The structural engineer's role is a main element in the building process. Their
responsibilities are broad ranging–not least their obligation to guarantee the security and
durability of the project they work on. In order for structural engineers to solve technical
issues, they need to securely resist load calculations and stresses. Structural engineers must
be able to influence the distinct characteristics and forces of a range of construction materials
and comprehend how support beams, columns and foundations are incorporated. Their work
may be varied according to the size of the project. Structural engineers will be needed to
coordinate and consult with other members of their projects, including engineers,
environmental researchers, architects and landscape designers. They must also handle or
organize and supply materials and equipment for the building project requirements.

Khun Aye Han Kyu, an outstanding student and received higher grades than us. He
was also a good communicator. Due to his abilities and skills, he took the role of Structural
Engineer. His duties take account mainly of safety, technical, economic and environmental

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C
Quantity surveyors are responsible for the cost of any building project - from initial
estimates, right through to the final acquisition of materials. They need to do that resenting
detailed information on the cost of particular elements of work on a periodic basis to enable
payment for those works carried out to date, known as valuations. They organising the
division of a project into its component work packages, then awarding these work packages
to smaller, more specialised construction companies (known as subcontractors) and, in that
process, finding out who offers the best deal. Kyaw Zaw Lin, Quantity Surveyor (QS)-
During our class works, I met with him in a group many times. During Structure and
mathematics lectures, his concentration and problem-solving skills are better than others.
Thus, he plays as Quantity Surveyor. Following are some responsibilities of Quantity

 Dealing with contractual and legal matters.

 Managing costs to make sure that the initial budget isn’t exceeded.
 Arranging staff payments and, at the end of a job, settling the final accounts.
 Acting as financial advisors and monitoring progress for the client.

Myo Kyaw Oo has a very favourable attitude and builds powerful ties with others
quickly. He is good at planning work. He has extensive understanding of building health and
safety management. He's playing as a Health & Safety officer accordingly.

Health & Safety officer – The main aim of them is to prevent accidents, injuries and work-
related illnesses in the workplace. Their role is to create and implement health and safety
policies in accordance with the latest legislation and to ensure that these policies are
implemented by management and employees. In workplace, they planned to prevent
accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses. Their role is to create and implement health and
safety policies in accordance with the latest legislation and to ensure that these policies are
implemented by management and employees. The health and safety officer work very closely
with management, as well as health and safety inspectors and trade unions. In a construction
project, these are some duties of H&S officer safeguarding machinery, fire safety,
occupational health, noise, control of hazardous substances, manual handling, working with
display screen equipment, and environmental health.

In short, the abilities and auditing of our team members, including myself, mentioned
above. Successful projects are generally the consequence of careful planning and team

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C
members ' talent and cooperation. Without each of its key team members, projects cannot
proceed. The achievement of the project relies on the capacity of the employees to determine,
allocate and assign these different responsibilities. A cooperative atmosphere enables team
members to freely interact, comprehend emotional intelligence, share thoughts and expertise,
learn from one another, etc. However, it enables teams to be flexible, above all.

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HND – 1805 C

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C

The allocation of roles within a collaborative team to meet overall project needs

Dr Meredith Belbin has researched teamwork over a long period of time, and he has famously
noted that individuals in teams have tended to take on various "team roles." He has described
a team-play as a "tendency to act, to help and to interact with others," and recognized nine
team roles underlying team success. Typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths are
connected to each team position. Teams can become unbalanced if they have comparable
conduct or team roles for all team members. If team members have comparable weaknesses,
the entire team may be weak. If the team members are equally strong, they may tend to
compete (rather than collaborate) with their natural team duties and duties.

Action Oriented Roles Shaper Challenges the team to improve.

Implementer Puts ideas into action.
Completer Finisher Ensures thorough, timely
People Oriented Roles Coordinator Acts as a chairperson.
Team Worker Encourages cooperation.
Resource Investigator Explores outside opportunities.
Thought Oriented Roles Plant Presents new ideas and
Monitor-Evaluator Analyses the options.
Specialist Provides specialized skills.

The allocation of roles and responsibilities within a team, recognising individual skills
and ambitions vs project requirements
Belbin recognized nine team roles and classified those roles into three groups: Action
Oriented, People Oriented and thought Oriented. Typical behavioural and interpersonal
strengths are connected to each team's role. Belbin also described typical faults that tend to
support every function of a team. In terms of behavioural weaknesses, these fields can be
identified and possibly enhance as the "allowable" weaknesses of team positions. Within a
team, members which possess complementary skills and produce a coordinated effort to
maximize their strengths and reduce their deficiencies.

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C
Due to Belbin’s team roles, our group members are adapted to following categories
and also included roles and responsibilities, weakness and ambitions.

Coordinator: Coordinators are the people who play the traditional role of team leader and are
also called presidents. They guide the team to what they see as the goals. They are excellent
listeners and of course can recognize the value each team member has to offer. Their
potential weaknesses are that they delegate too much personal responsibility and may be
manipulative. They are soft and calm and comfortable, and delegate tasks very effectively.
Kyaw Soe run this role for team.

Shapers: Shapers are people who make the team more challenging. They are dynamic and
usually extroverted persons that like to stimulate others, question standards and find the best
solutions to problems. The Shaper is the person who shakes things to ensure that all
opportunities are taken into consideration and that the team is not complacent. They see
obstacles as exciting challenges and have the courage to push them on when others like to
quit. Their potential weaknesses can be arguing and offending people's feelings. Kyaw Zaw
Lin plays shaper within our team.

Another one is Myo Kyaw Oo, he is compatible with Team Worker according Belbin’s team.
Team workers are the people who provide support and work effectively with people within
the team. These individuals fill the team's negotiating role and are flexible, diplomatic and
perceptive. These tend to be popular individuals who are highly capable on their own, but
who prioritize team cohesion and help people get along. During discussions and decision-
making, their weaknesses may be a tendency to be indecisive and to maintain uncommitted

The last one is Khun Aye Han Kyu, Specialist, due to his abilities and skills. Specialists are
people with specialized knowledge that is needed to get the job done. They pride themselves
on their skills and abilities and work to maintain their professional status. Their job within the
team is to be an expert in the field and to commit themselves fully to their field of expertise.
This may limit their contribution and lead to technical concerns at the expense of the wider
picture. In short, our team members are included in three categories.

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HND – 1805 C

Construction Phase Plan

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Kaung Si Thu Unit 22: Group Project Assignment-1
HND – 1805 C

 https://online.ntu.ac.uk/online-student-experience/articles/how-important-is-a-project-
 M. Wong., July 1, 2019, 8 Construction Project Manager
 M. Tobis, Role and responsibilities of architect in construction
 https://creativepool.com/articles/jobdescriptions/architect-job-description
 B. Barwin., (2013), https://business-division.co.uk/health-and-safety/the-role-of-the-health-
 https://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/
 https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_83.html
 Beatty, Carol A.; Barker Scott, Brenda (2004). "3: Ream Problem Solving for Pros". Building Smart
Teams: A Roadmap to High Performance. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE.
p. 65. ISBN 9780761929567. Retrieved 2019-02-04. Synergy occurs when the team's

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HND – 1805 C
combined output is greater than the sum of the individual inputs. Synergy creates an
excess of resources.

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