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138 [By Practice Fill in the blanks with the correct simple past tense forms of the verbs in Parentheses. ‘When I was a child, we __d'dh't stay _ (not stay) inside watching TV in hot weather. We —Scr'own _(not own) an air conditioner, so on warm summer evenings, we ae (stay) outside on the porch for hours. We children paved _ (play) games or ——2¢is (lool) at eomie books. My dad —‘0laxe6 _(re- Jax) in his chair and eet (smoke) his pipe. Sometimes he ‘ed ___ (try) to do a crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Occasion- ally some neighbors ___vstsd_ (visit) us on the porch. Ther’ my dad Sioned ______ (top) reading the newspaper and discussed _ (discuss) current events with then. They —auueg _ (argue) about politics or the economy. Chapters amo xB Téng hap TPLHCM -NXB Meraw-a After my mom. set ___ (wash) the dinner dishes, she usually joined Goin} us on the porch. She and my father ake (talk} about the house, the neighborhood, and us kids. Sometimes she —Peeled_(peel) apples. My dad usually ee (help) my mom. When they finishes ___ fin 7 ish), they handed __ (hand) each of us kids an apple. My family al- ways age. (enjoy) those summer evenings on the porch. Practice Think about your childhood. Write an affirmative or a negative past tense statemient about that time with each of these verb phrases. You can tell about yourself and other family members. Examples live inan apartment We lived in an apartment. share a bedroom | shared a bedroom with my sister. 4. work hard 8. watcha lot of TV 2. clean the house 9. play games 3. order in food 40. talk on the telephone a lot 4, cook or bake 11. plant a garden 5. own a computer 12, wash and dry dishes 6. rent videos 13. visit neighbors or friends 7. use a microwave 14, enjoy being together Home 139 Explanations In present perfect ‘questions with who or ‘what as the subject, the word order is the same asin astatement. In other questions, have or hae eeparates the ‘question word from the sentence subject. Examples ‘Affirmative | Who has lived abroad? | Juan (has lived abroad). Why have youcome | Thave come to learn about other cultures. here? How many tives have | I've been here twice. you been here? How much meney have | Ihave spent a lot of money! youspent? Negative | Whohasn't taken any | Noone has. pictures? Why haven't you don't need one. brought. amap? [Bi Practice underline the present perfect phrases in the conversation on pages 162 and 163. identify these sentences as affirmative or negative statements or (yes/no or information) questions. Example Alex and I have just arrived in London. (affirmative statement) Practice Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the vert form the present perfect tense. 166 Chapter 6 ao. parentheses to Querides rmamae and papai. I'm sorry I (not write) haven't written _ sooner, but | (not have) taventhed __a free moment! There (be) fave been _so much to do here in London. | (meet) havemet_—_some great people. and I am having a wonderful time. There's so much to tell you. don't know where to begin. What Neve ——ione___ (do) here so far? Well! (be) _havebeen _to Westminster Abbey. the most famous church in England. Also. | (visit) fave: = Buckingham Palace, the Queen's home. | (ride) have, we double decker buses a few times, and I (eat) have eaten traditional English foods like Yorkshire pudding and 7 steak and kidney pie. (I'm not crazy about the food, so | (lose) _havelost_____some weight!) c I (speak) fave spoken with some English people. and they (teach) have tava me a few things about British culture. | (learn) ave leamntihave le2med abcut pubs-places for people to go to meet 7% friends and relax. | (go) M2v° sone to pubs a few times, and | 7 really like ther! In the pubs. | (play) UNEP OV __a few games of darts. « popular English bar gare. | (watch) have watches afew | soccer matches on TV at the pubs. What eve _—_] core (discover! Soccer is almost as popular here as it is back home in Brazill| (be) De? 68 _ amazed at the amount of tea served and drunk. | (try) evo wed _ the coffee. but its | usually very weak. | (not be) baventbeen _able to find really 2 strong coffee like we drink in Brazil. Unfortunately, the weather (not be) en Cultures of the World 167 ead lial — very good It's often rainy and foggy here. | (not see) —teven'iseen __ sunshine since | left Brazil. with all of this rain. (catch) __have caught _a hitle cold. | can't wait to tell you more about my trip. | (take) ee many. mary photes.|__have —_also —bovalt___ (buy) many souvenirs for everyone at home. | really like it here, but | think I'd better leave soon~my friends (tell) nett me that I (begun) havebegun _o speak with a British accent! Besos, Alex se Practice write present perfect questions for these answers. Be careful to use the correct question form (yes/no questions or information questions) as appropriate. Example 1. Q: Has your father eaten Indian food? A: Yes, he has eaten Indian food. 2. Q: How many times has he eaten Indian food? A: He's eaten it only once or twice. 3. Q: Where has he ecten Indian food? A: He's eaten it in London. A Sf ene ‘A: Yes, she has taken a lot of photographs. 2.Q: ‘A: Probably about 6 or 7 rolls. : i see A: Mostly of churches and castles B. See eee A: Yes, I've spent a lot of money on transportation. 168 Chapter 6 aa.

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