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Photo 1 – Midterm Study Guide

Copyright Law
● Define Copyright
the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or
record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

● What does copyright law protect you from?

original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as
poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

● What are the creative commons?

an internationally active non-profit organisation that provides free licences for creators to use when
making their work available to the public

What do the following Creative Commons Licenses Allow for?

Cc zero public domain dedication tool logo

Attribution (BY)

No deritive works (NO)

Share -alike (SA)

Non commercial

History of Photography
● The term photography comes from two Greek words Photo meaning light and Graphien meaning to
draw or write Making photography Greek for Photo drawings.

● What photographer is the first photographic image usually credited to?

Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
Photo 1 – Midterm Study Guide

● The term Camera Obscura is Latin and translated means

Dark chamer

● Who created the first roll of film?

George eastman

● Which 2 inventions lead to the development of small handheld cameras like the Kodak Brownie?
Flexible film

● Who is credited for leading a movement to have Photography considered a Fine Art?
Alfred Stieglitz

● Which invention used glass plates coated with a wet silver emulsion?
glass plate negatives

● Which inventor/photographer is credited for doing early motion studies and whose invention lead to
the development of the early motion picture camera?
 William Kennedy Laurie Dickson

● The three items used in making a correct exposure are which controls how long
light goes into the camera _____________which controls the size of the lens opening and depth of
field, and _______________________________which controls sensitivity to light and digital noise.

● Explain Shutter Speed:

● Using the exposure triangle chart, explain which Shutter

speed is best for action photography & why.

● IF you are taking a portrait, & you want a shallow D.O.F.

which aperture should you use & why?

● Explain Aperture:

● Explain ISO:

Photographic Composition
Photo 1 – Midterm Study Guide
● Explain the rule of thirds?

○ Whenever you have a subject that is moving or looking in a certain ___________ you should
leave empty space in the direction that they are ______________________. This is called
● Explain POV:

○ When you take a photograph from above facing down it is most commonly called?

○ Taking a Photograph from below looking up is most commonly called?

● Explain framing:

● Explain Leading Lines:

● Explain Simplicity:

Photoshop Basics
Identify the following photoshop tools and what their main purpose is. You can go online to research or use
photoshop and hover over each tool for the name and purpose.

Directions: Write the name of each tool symbol pictured and its purpose in the appropriate spaces.
Icon Tool Purpose   Icon Tool Purpose

Elliptical marquee Selecting

Photo 1 – Midterm Study Guide

● Define non-destructive editing:

● What is an adjustment layer?

File Types

● Which web file format is best for photographs?


● What is the difference between Lossy and Lossless compression of a file?

● Which web file type supports transparency and animation

● Which file type is best for logos, charts, and graphs?

● Which is the only file type choice when your final output is intended for print publication?

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