RIZAL Last Part

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JAPAN (1888)


• After 6 days of travel from HK, he was able to
Rizal’s first homecoming we leaned about the
reach Yokohama.
negative reaction of the church regarding the
• However, this time Rizal doesn’t know anyone
content of Noli me tangere. He became an enemy
• But the fact that the Spanish authorities are still
of the church and because of that he was forced to
closely monitoring him, when Juan Perez
leave the country the second time.
Caballero invited him to stay at the Spanish
Legation (it is like an embassy but headed by a
HONGKONG (1888, 1891-1892)
• Rizal accepted the invitation because he
believes that he had nothing to hide from the
• During that time Hongkong is a British colony
Spaniards. He did not do anything wrong
meaning it was conquered by Britain
• During his entire duration of his stay in Japan,
• He’s very fortunate when he visited Hongkong
he stayed at the Spanish Legation.
because he was warmly welcomed by his
• His life in Japan is simple, he observed the
friend Jose Maria Basa.
lifestyle of Japanese people, studied their
• During his stay in Hongkong, he stayed at Jose
language, appreciated Japanese arts, and
Maria Basa’s place.
visited villages and their historical places
• He studied the lifestyle, language, and customs
• He met Usui Seiko, but after 45 days of staying
of the Chinese people
in Japan, he decided to move to USA.
• He was able to visit Macao for 2 days and he
was able to see the Grotto of Camoens USA (1888)
• After he left Hongkong he moved to Japan
• From Japan, he travelled for 15 days.
• After that 15 days of travel, they were able to get
NOVEMBER 1891 – JUNE 1892 to the port in USA, however, they were not
• Rizal’s family joined him in Hongkong before the allowed to get off the shift and they were ask to
Christmas of 1891 stay inside the ship for another 1 week because
• Rizal established his medical clinic during that time there was a cholera epidemic
• He received a duplicate copy of his Licentiate in from the far east and Japan is one of the
Medicine that allowed him to practice his countries from the far east so the authorities of
profession freely and with that he was able to the US wanted to make sure that no one among
operate his mother’s eyes once again. During the passengers is carrying this disease.
his first homecoming that is one of the things • When they are allowed to get off the ship, Rizal
he first did to operate on His mother’s eyes. With visited different states.
his knowledge and skills in medicine, he • He first visited San Francisco then went to
became known as medical practitioner in the Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Chicago,
Crown colony (another term for Hongkong) and New York where he fortunately sees the
• He wrote and printed the Constitution of the La Statue of Liberty.
Liga Filipina (The Philippine League) • He was able to visit half of the states in USA
• He contributed articles in the British newspaper,
The Hong Kong Telegraph
• The highlight of his stay in the USA is when he that would also give us a glimpse of how our
was asked by his friends what s the things that ancestors live during that time.
he observed in America. • For the second time that he visited France, he
• This is what he said “America is the land par was able to see or attend the universal
excellence of freedom but only for the whites” exposition where they unveiled the Eiffel Tower
meaning US is a country where there is freedom on May 6, 1889. He is fortunate, He is one among
however, it is only for the white Americans. the people who witness the Eiffel tower for the
• Even if slavery ended during the 19th century first time.
because of emancipation letter issued by the • The third when Rizal visited France, specifically
former president there is still a racial in Biarritz, is when he left Nelly Boustead. After
discrimination. breaking their relationship, he went to a
vacation in Biarritz and that’s where he finished
ENGLAND (1888-1889) his El Filibusterismo.
• He went to London where he met Dr. Antonio
BELGIUM (1890, 1891)
Maria Regidor.
• It is where he annotated De Morga’s Book • He stayed in Brussels as a first time that when
• He was able to visit British Museum because he just came to Belgium that is the place where
that is where De Morga’s Book is kept. he stayed. He kept on promoting his native
language. During that time, the native
FRANCE (1888, 1889, 1891) language that he is promoting his native
• During his journey of trying to annotate De language and during that time the native
Morga’s Book, he actually visited France language that he is promoting is the Tagalog
because he went to the Bibliotheque National language (there’s no Filipino language yet)
to look for more historical books about the o There is a saying “ang hindi marunong
Philippines for him to have enough reference to magmahal sa sariling wika ay mas
explain further his annotation to De Morga’s mabaho sa malansang isda” that also
Book would also prove how Rizal loved his
• After gathering all the references, he also went native language
back to England to continue writing his o Continuously revealed the oppressing
annotation. practices of the Spaniards especially
• Afterwards, he came back to France where he when he received the news of
published annotated book of De Morga. Th real persecution of his family in Calamba
reason why Rizal wanted to annotate the book because of the unreasonable rents
is because he wanted the Filipinos to become collected by the friars.
knowledgeable of their glorious past. This is one o Even if Rizal’s family belong to the
of the that shows/tells us of how Rizal give principalia, the native nobilities, his
importance to history. He really believes that family also experienced injustice during
our history has something to do with our that time. They are being forced to leave
present situation, it contributed to the identity, their own land because they no longer
belief, culture, tradition, that we have at present afford to pay the rent because annually
the Dominican order will increase the
rent until such time that the family can movement. Rizal also became a member of
no longer pay that is why the Dominican propaganda movement (the main thing that
authorities is asking them to move out. they are advocating is change in political
• He thought of establishing a school in Calamba system and not necessarily asking the
– he wanted to name it as Colegio de Moderno Spaniards to leave the Philippines, but they just
because he wanted the Filipino youth to enjoy wanted change in Political and economic
the same privilege he had experienced through system).
education. Riza have high regards of education • He went to Madrid (1890) and to be specific he
and he really believes that education is power. went to the Ministries of Colonies. He wanted to
There are a lot of privilege that he experienced seek help for his family and to ask the Ministry
because of being knowledgeable and to help his family not to be evicted from their
educated and he also wanted that for the land.
Filipino youth. • However, it was also here in Madrid when he
• From Brussels he now went to Ghent to look for received from the letters from Silvestre Ubaldo
a publishing house for the printing of the and Leonor Rivera. Silvestre is informing him
second novel. However, he experienced the that Rizal’s family already received a copy of
same thing when he wanted to publish the Noli ejectment order informing them that they really
Me tangere. He ran of fund. He even pawned his need to leave the land. Rivera informed her to
jewelries and the money he expected from his her upcoming marriage with Henry Kippings.
friends did not arrive. • Another highlight of Rizal’s visit in Spain is the La
• There is someone who helped him published Solidaridad which is the official organ or news
his El Filibusterismo and that is Valentin paper of the propaganda movement. It is
Ventura. As a sign of gratitude, Rizal now gave where they published their articles, essays, and
the original manuscript and autographed literary pieces that advocates change in the
printed copy of El Filibusterismo to Ventura. Philippine system. However, when the group
• El Filibusterismo is dedicated to GomBurZa wanted to change plan and change its editorial
because he believes the GomBurZa are the policies that’s the time when Rizal decided to
symbol of oppressed by the Spanish leave the propaganda movement because this
Goverments. The meaning of the title of this change in the editorial policy is already
novel is “El fili” means subversive or The Reign of contrary to Rizal’s political ideology. According
Greed comparing it the content of Noli Me to him these policies are now promoting
Tangere, El Filibusteriso is full of anger, hate, diversity instead of unity. When they now
vengeance. A novel which promotes the intent conduct an election for responsable (leader),
of overthrowing and destroying the established Rizal won the election but declines the position
political system during that time because of because of his ideologies that also marks the
the cruelty and atrocities from the Spaniards. end of his participation or the member of the
propaganda movement.
SPAIN (1888, 1890-1891, 1896)
BORNEO (1892)
• He went to Barcelona and it was in Barcelonan
that he met the twin tower (Marcelo H. Del Pilar • Last stop before his second homecoming.
& Mariano Ponce) of the propaganda
• When he is still Hongkong he saw North Borneo
as a good place to establish a Filipino Colony.
• North Borneo is a British owned Island under the
government of Britain.
• Went to Sandakan to make survey of the place
and to negotiate with British authorities for
possible settlement. He wanted to ask them if
they will agree for him to establish a Filipino
colony there.
• The British North Borneo Company (BNBC)
agreed and offered 100,00 acres of land.
However, the current governor general of the
Philippines Eulogio Despujol, according to him
there is no chance of establishing a Filipino
colony in Borneo and that is one of the reasons
why Rizal now travel back to the Philippines

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