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Final report

Development Interventions


The final report is the Danish organisation’s report to the Civil Society Fund. Therefore, the intention is that
the Danish organisation fills in the report in cooperation with the local partner and uses it as an opportunity
to reflect on the impact of the intervention.

The final report can be used as a tool in your partnership to enhance transparency and joint responsibility
as described in CISU’s thematic paper on partnerships, which is available at CISU’s website:

The final report will be added to the Danish organisation’s track record and will be taken into account in
future assessments of applications from the Danish organisation involving the same or other partners in
line with the Guidelines for the Civil Society Fund.

External evaluation: in the case of interventions with a total budget over DKK 2 million, the external
evaluation report must be attached, unless it has already been forwarded to CISU.

The report can be supplemented by images, videos, documents, screen dumps from social media or other
materials produced during the implementation that can be uploaded through ´Vores CISU´ together with
the final report.

CISU aims to send feedback on the report to the Danish organisation no later than two months after
receiving the report.

The report must not exceed 8 pages (this cover page is not included).

Danish applicant organisation Dreamtown

Intervention title Open Civic Space for Youth
Contact person’s name Nina Ottosen
Contact person’s email address
Reference number 21-3579-CSP-UI
Country(-ies) Uganda
Period of the intervention 01.01.2022 – 31.12.2022
Total budget DKK 999,982 Actual expenditure DT fills

Date Person responsible (signature)

Person responsible (in capital letters)

1 | THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Development Interventions, rev. June 2021

Final report
Development Interventions

1. Outcomes and strategy

1.1 Describe whether each of the objectives have been achieved and assess the extent to which the
strategy has led to the expected outcomes and objectives as originally set out in the application.

Development objective: Strengthened organisational resilience and eased operating environment of youth-
led CSOs in Arua.

Specific objective 1: Increased knowledge and strengthened capacity of youth-led CSOs to operate as
effective civil society actors.

Indicators: i) 30 CSOs remain active and operative throughout the entire project period.
Through out the project period more than 30 youth led oorganisations become active as a result of the
project activities
The strategy has attracted more Youth led organisation to come out to look for office space from the Hub
apart from the original 30 organisation that were selected to benefit from the project

Specific objective 2: Strengthened networks, shared resources and joint actions for youth-led CSOs.

Indicators: i) Increase in number of joint initiatives and actions among youth-led CSOs in Arua.
Some organizations have been able have joint efforts within the hub and with other CSO players not in
the hub, notable of this is SSURA, WEID and PIA joint effort for a proposal, CAWOYEN constantly being
engaged by IFRAD and Reach a Hand Uganda, WEID working SIHA Network among others
Organisations Like Hope Foundation, Youth Initiative for community Transformation, Centre for Youth
Participation and Engagement have also been able to network with other CSO players like Centre for
Health and Human Rights Development, MEMPROW, African Youth Development Link among others

Specific objective 3: Strengthened capacity of youth-led CSOs to advocate for a freer civic space through
dialogue, legal and policy advocacy.

Indicators:  i) Increase in number of advocacy issues identified, stakeholders engaged, and commitments
given by stakeholders.
The community youth parliaments and the CSO marketing programs have created smooth environment
for Youth led CSO’s to operate in the city as the Hub has been looked at as a positive development by the
city leaders including the security cycles.

1.2 For each of your objectives, note in the table below how close you are to fulfilling the objectives (in
Remember that the % must correspond to your description of achievement of objectives in section 1.1.
Achievement in %
0-19 %: very low achievement
Achievement of Objective 1 78 20-39 %: low achievement
Achievement of Objective 2 65 40-59%: medium achievement
Achievement of Objective 3 60-79%: high achievement
80-100%: very high achievement
2 | THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Development Interventions, rev. June 2021
Final report
Development Interventions

1.3 Describe the main challenges faced during the implementation and what adjustments you have made
to mitigate these challenges.
These may concern factors and changes in the context, which have had an impact on the partnership, target
groups and/or activities.
-The major challenge has been delays in the release of funds which has been handle through constant
communication with the partners on the status of the funds.
-High expectation of some of the partners from the project which has been addressed through constant
information sharing.

1.4 Describe how the intervention has strengthened civil society and to what extent this has contributed to
social justice.
This may concern fulfilment of human rights, decrease in poverty levels, participation in decision-making
processes, equal access to resources, just institutions, etc.
- The intervention has amplified the work of youth led organisations as well the city youth council
leadership particularly advocacy has helped in many ways;
The youth leaders have been able to put a spirited fight to get the one stop youth centre under
their control.

1.5 Summarise (in no more than 10 lines) what difference the intervention has made. For example, the
most important changes that have occurred as result(s) of the intervention.
- Some of the CSO partners that were part of the project have been able to acquire assets like Laptop,
furniture for their future use after the project
- Some CSO partners that were not recognised in the city have been able to register with the of the
Principal Community Development officer of Arua city.
- The intervention has been able to create unity among the youth led organisations operating in the 2
divisions of the city.
- Some CSO partners have been able to organise community engagements apart from their joint
efforts with other organisations.
- The young people have become more active and vibrant as a result of the community youth
parliaments which creates for them the platform for debate with the city leaders.
The text will be used in CISUs monitoring and communication as well as published on CISU’s world map
website used to communicate results.

2. The target group

2.1 Describe how the intervention has contributed to bringing about improvements for the intervention’s
target groups.

3 | THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Development Interventions, rev. June 2021

Final report
Development Interventions

- Generally their has been a very big swift improvement in service delivery in the city due to the
constant pressure from the youth led CSOs eg no organisation can implement any activity
without the consent of the youth leaders example of such was Naguru teenagers that was
blocked by the youth leaders of Ayivu division to implement any activity in the division.

3. The partnership

3.1 Reflect on to what extent the intervention has strengthened the cooperation and partnership and
created mutual gains for the participating partners. You are welcome to provide specific examples.
The CSO partners have gained in the knowledge they got from CSSN through the training as well the
CSO flex fund which made the make sure the project was a success.

3.1 Describe how the intervention has contributed to the partners building relations with other actors.
The actors can be authorities, other local, national, and international organisations, networks, private
companies, or other donors, both in the developing country of cooperation and in Denmark, and how these
have contributed to the results of the intervention.

The CSO hub has on several occasion been pointed as an example of what the young people can be able
to do in different forums and many more organisations have been coming to the hub the check on the
activities at the hub. The engagement in through the community youth parliaments and the CSO café
have created a very conducive environment for the operation of other partners in the city

4. Monitoring, evaluation, and learning

4.1 How have experiences and results been gathered and used during implementation and after the end of
the intervention? Please also describe which methods and tools you have used.
In case, an external evaluation has been conducted, you must explain how the findings have been
integrated and/or how these can inspire potential follow up activities/interventions.

4.2 Describe the most significant lessons learned and how these can assist in improving future

5. Sustainability

5.1 Describe in what areas it is considered difficult to achieve sustainability.

This may encompass political, organisational, social, technical, financial, and/or environmental
Financial; most of the CSO partners are still struggling with fundraising for their operations making
them to so much to be focusing on the resource that come through projects as such
5.2 Assess the extent to which the intervention has made sure that partners and target groups are not left
in an inappropriate relationship of dependency after the end of the intervention period.

5.3 Assess the extent to which the capacities of the partners and other actors built through the
intervention will be used in future work and activities.

4 | THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Development Interventions, rev. June 2021

Final report
Development Interventions

As it is of now, most of the CSO partners have been able to put in the practice what they were taken
through during the capacity building therefore to a greater extend they will be able to use their
capacities to do great work in the community

5.4 How have you supported your partners in exploring other opportunities for funding and/or capacity
building? And has there been any results so far?

We have been able to share with them calls for proposals for them to try as well constantly giving
them technical support when needed

6. Information work in Denmark

This section is only required to fill in where intervention-related information work in Denmark has been
budgeted for.
6.1 Explain the objective and target group of these information activities.

6.2 Briefly describe the primary information activities.

6.3 Assess the extent to which the goals of the information activities have been met.

7. Follow-up
This section only applies if CISU has carried out a monitoring visit to your partner(s), if the letter of approval
contained specific pieces of advice or if the organisation did not comply with CISU’s financial standards at
the time of application.

7.1 If CISU has carried out a monitoring visit to your partner(s), describe how you have addressed the
requirements and recommendations in the monitoring report.
- Here, we can reflect on and mention CISUs visit on their thematic visit regarding partnerships and
localisation – although it did not relate directly to this project, we can list main topics discussed and
any follow ups agreed or mentioned

7.2 N/A

7.3 N/A

8. Other observations or reflections

5 | THE CIVIL SOCIETY FUND, Development Interventions, rev. June 2021

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