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Project: Youth Empowerment and Engagement Project

Activity Name: Lobby meeting

District: Arua city

Date: 3rd February, 2023

1. Introduction
As part of the initiative for attainment of second YEEP objective of increasing Youth participation
in decision making, AYDL organized Youth parliament debates in January 2023 at Country side
hotel Arua. In this parliament, commitments and recommendations were generated. Its upon this
background that AYDL represented by the local coordinator of the project selected a team from
the youth who participated in these parliaments to carry out the lobby meeting to influence
implementation and realization of commitment made.
2. Objectives of the activity
The objective of the activity was to lobby leaders and other stakeholders to act on the commitments
and recommendations made during the youth parliament and pertinent youth issues including their
participation in the parish development model.
3. Achievements in terms of outputs/outcomes of this activity in line with progress so far made
on commitments and recommendation made during the youth parliament
The following are the progress so far made after the last youth parliament
 Ayivu division council Executive committee has directed the Division clerk to ascertain
on the land in question and will have the next meeting when the report is complete as they
wish to know whether the land in question is titled or not and at appropriate time will
engage the youth leaders when the report appears before the division council for approval.
(Actualize the youth corner for Ayivu East constituency)
 A report on the Youth Centre from the office of the principal CDO is out pending meeting
with the city youth council and Community services committee to discuss on the report
and there is a proposed move by the Division mayor Ayivu to meet the city mayor with
the youth leaders on the same to fast tract the handover of the facility to the youth leaders.
( One stop Youth Centre)
 More of the young people will be able to go for skills training in Zombo this month of
February as the application forms have already been sent and soon the mobilization will
be conducted by the youth leaders and city councilors. (Presidential initiative for skilling)
 City council is pushing to register more of the youth groups that were not part of the PDM
beneficiaries as the young people keep demanding for the 30% through their leaders.
 The youth leaders of Arua city had meeting with the organisation Awesome Minds on the
next phase of implementation of the “Awesome Mind Speaks” program, they will engage
in schools for the start and will conduct talk show on 3 rd Feb, 2023 on the same.
(Awesome Mind Speaks)
 The edutainment program will kick start will planning meeting in march 2023, the
Division mayor of Ayivu division has joined Anguyo in the organisation and has
committed him to support the budget from division council budget of community sports.
The activity will be climax with Ayivu Day which the division has proposed to be
celebrated at the end of year. (Edutainment)
 The division mayor for Ayivu division has committed himself to lobby for the engagement
of the youth in garbage management in the city. (garbage management and greening)
 Though without MOU the Leaders are already advocating for the local content with all the
contractors in the city e.g., Construction of Enyau bridge on Pajulu- Awindiri Road but
will push to have MOU’s in future with every contract working within the city including
the NGO’s
4. Proceeding
 A committee of selected youth constituted by 7 members (4 male and 3 female) had a
small meeting on 2nd Feb, 2023 at 10:00am to internalize the commitments made during
the last Youth parliament as the Leaders were still busy for the Special council sitting for
the approval of Arua City Physical Plan.
 The youth committee selected the lead chair for the meeting among themselves.
 The lead chair introduced the purpose of the meeting and asked the coordinator to present
the commitments made during the last parliament.
 The leaders then reacted to the presentation made as they gave the progress on each
commitment so far and giving the strategy on the next course of action.
 The meeting was conducted at Arua city Council board room
5. Challenges
 The activity collided with the council sitting which made it impossible to have the meeting
at the time communicated
6. Lessons learnt
 Youth advocacy can change the mind set of the leaders in city to handle youth priorities
and treat youth issues as a matter of urgency.
 The young people have some challenges that needs mind set change programs in the

7. Pictures

Probation officer at the left, youth committee lead, and the coordinator
RT Hon. Speaker taking notes during the meeting.

Hon. Anguyo Godfrey of Ayivu north responding the issues on Edutainment

The coordinator giving an overview of the project to the meeting.
Hon Enatu Simon, the male youth councilor responding to some of the issues raised

Meeting chair probing the leaders on the commitments made during the last parliament.
Division mayor Ayivu Division His Worship Avutia Marlon on right responding to the issue of
Youth Centre
Female youth councilor Hon Onyiru Doreen Responding on the issue of one stop Youth Centre,
on the Left is Hon Ayaba joseph Male Councilor For Ayivu East(Oluko)

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