Traffic-Accident Sections

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1 Existing Traffic ConditionsTG 

2.1.1 Traffic and Vehicle Data

The area for the traffic assessment extends between Loughbrickland and Sheepbridge Road.
This is a

The traffic data is collected by Automatic Traffic counters (ATC) Sites. These sites are
maintained by DfI throughout Northern Ireland and the data is published annually. In the
area specified there is one ATC where the data is applicable. This site is:

 419 Loughbrickland – Newry, South of Moneymore road

(Insert picture of location)

Fig xx: ATC Site location

The data from the ATC site was used to determine to a growth factor for the annual Average
Daily Traffic (AADT).

Table 1-AADT Traffic Data and Growth from Previous Year

From the table xx above, it shows a trend of a consistent growth of traffic from 2015-2019.
The years 2020 and 2021 were not included as covid restrictions had an impact on travel so
would skew the growth factor. The average growth factor is 3.92% per year with a predicted
total AADT of 54480 in the design year of 2037. Further information can be found in
appendix x.

2.1.2 Public Transport

Bus Stops have been located along the section of road, both Northbound and Southbound.
There is a total of 6 Bus stops, 3 northbound and 3 southbound. Reviewing figures in table
2.4 (provided by Translink) from the stage 2 report (RPS, 2020), it showed a very low
average daily use on the A1, this trend could be associated with the section between
Loughbrickland and Sheepsbridge Road as it is a continuation of the A1 which services a
smaller and more rural population.

2.2 Road Safety

2.2.1Accident Data TG 

Road Traffic Collision (RTC) statistics from years 2013-2020 were collected and analysed from xxxx.
Shown in table xx below is the total accidents per year and the severity recorded.

(insert table e.g 2.11)

Table xx: Breakdown of accidents within study area between 2013-2020

Table xx identifies the number of fatal, serious, and slight accidents record within the time period
stated. The most frequent being slight accidents with a total of 19 recorded, with there also being 2
serious and 2 fatal accidents.

Within this data the accidents have been refined to the vicinity of the junctions along the study area.
The graphs fig xx and fig xx below highlight the frequency and severity of accidents at each of the
specified Junctions. From fig xx: Loughend road is the most common place for an accident to occur,
though fig xx shows that these are predominately slight collisions. Of the 2 fatal accidents recorded
in the study area they are located at Moneymore road and Dromaghmore road junctions as can be
seen in fig xx.

Collision Data (2013-2020) of Junctions on A1

Between Dublin Road & Sheepsbridge
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Fig xx: Graph showing frequency of recorded collisions at specified Junctions


3 Serious

Fig xx: Graph showing frequency and severity of recorded collisions at specified Junctions

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