8 Martie

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Jewish holiday on March 8 Clara Zetkin (Alexandra Kolontai) and Rosa Luxemburg.

This holiday was invented in 1910 by Jewish Bolshevik Rosa Luxemburg and feminist Clara
Zetkin. Invented this holiday, which was approved in the next, 1911, at the European conference of
women socialists.

The day of March 8 suspiciously “successfully” fell on the celebration of the Jewish holiday of
Purim. Purim is celebrated in honor of the “feat” of Esther.

Let’s take a closer look at the articles of Deacon Andrei Kurayev and other educated people. So that
again everything is not written off as paranoia “Fascists eating children”

Spring would naturally be celebrated not on March 1. It would be logical to celebrate it on March
22 - the day of the spring equinox. Women’s Day could be celebrated on any of the Sundays of
spring. Why was the 8th of March chosen?

Why was March 8 chosen for such a holiday? Why the Bolsheviks (the top is entirely Jewish) is
celebrated on November 7 - I understand. Why the day of class solidarity of workers is celebrated
on May 1 is also known to everyone (at least the official version assures that this is the memory of
the demonstration of workers in Chicago). But the choice of March 8 was not explained in any way.
Neither official historiography nor popular traditions have preserved anything about any event that
once happened on March 8, and it turned out to be so significant and memorable for the fiery
revolutionaries that they decided to keep the memory of this day for centuries.

But if people celebrate a day of which they themselves know nothing, is it not strange? Does this
not make it possible for some people (statists invited to a holiday) to celebrate one thing and others
(organizers) to celebrate something completely different? Maybe the organizers decided not to
disclose the secret of their joy? They say that our joy is great, and we do not mind that the whole
world congratulates us on this day.
But we have our own, very private and not understandable reason for the holiday, and we want a
universal holiday, and so that the whole world sincerely had fun and sincerely congratulated us - we
will give it a different interpretation.

If the motives were personal, then you need to look at the personalities. And this portrait series is
familiar to us from our youth. It is only recently that we have allowed ourselves to note that the
kinship between these luminaries and the heroes of the 17th revolution is not only membership in
the party of revolution and devotion to the ideas of the International. They also had ethnic kinship.
The International, as it turned out, was extremely mono-national and included Jews. History of the
revolutionary movement in Europe at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. It was the natives of the
Jewish people who raised the world to fight the “world of violence” and called for its destruction
“to the ground”.

You have a wonderful idea to create a women’s day. A German, a Frenchman, an Englishman with
such a statement of the question would immediately remember Joan of Arc. But Clara Zetkin is
Jewish. And for her quite natural associations with the history of her native people. And in this story
there was such a figure - Esther
Esther is dedicated to the annual and most “fun holiday” of the Jewish people – the holiday of
Purim. And it is celebrated just at the turning point from winter to spring (the Jews keep the lunar
calendar, and therefore the time of the celebration of Purim slides in relation to our solar calendar
almost as the time of the celebration of Orthodox Easter slides in relation to it).
To change every year the date of the festival of the Revolutionaries would be both inconvenient and
too frank: it would be too noticeable that only Purim is celebrated. Therefore, it was decided to
separate the celebration of the Destroyer Woman from the Purim holiday, to fix, and annually on
March 8, regardless of lunar cycles, to call on all peoples of the earth to glorify the Warrior Woman.
To glorify Esther. That is, to congratulate all our women with Purim (even if without realizing it).

This idea would have been ingenious if Purim had been a common holiday, like Harvest Day or
New Year’s Day. But Purim is too unique. Perhaps none of the modern peoples have a holiday
dedicated to this kind of event.
This is not a religious holiday. This is what the “Jewish Encyclopedia” says about it, emphasizing
that this holiday is “not connected either with the temple or with any religious event”. (The Jewish
Encyclopedia. A collection of knowledge about Judaism and its culture in the past and present. M.,
Terra, 1991, stb. and 123).
The Babylonian captivity of the Jews ended. Those who wished could return to Jerusalem. True, it
turned out that there were significantly fewer people willing to return to their homeland than could
be imagined by the cries and demands that preceded the release (from the cursed “prison of
peoples”). - Russia - at the opening of its borders, far fewer Jews left than the leaders of the Zionist
movement would like).
Many in the capital of the world empire (which was then Babylon) things went quite well, and a
considerable number of Jews did not want to leave the houses inhabited for a century, to break the
usual ties, trade contacts, to lose an established clientele. Thousands of Jewish families remained in
the cities of the Persian Empire, and not in a position of slavery.
The situation over time began to surprise the Persians themselves. Looking around, they ceased to
understand: who won whom? Did the Persians conquer Jerusalem, or did the Jews conquer
Babylon? As usual in such situations, the last institution of power that realizes the threat to national
interests and tries to defend them is the “power structures”. And like Kryuchkov, who reported to
Gorbachev about “agents of influence”, the Persian defense minister, General Aman, goes to the
royal Xerxes (events occur about 480 BC) and shares his sad observations.
As has just been pointed out, the times were far from being evangelical, and the mores were by no
means Christian. Xerxes’ reaction was decidedly pagan: to exterminate all Jews. Xerxes’s plan is
discovered by his wife, Queen Esther. The king does not know her nationality. And so, in a moment
of delights and promises, Esther pulls out of her husband confessions and promises: do you love
me? means you love those whom I love? means you love my people? means you hate those who
hate me? means you hate those who hate my friends and relatives? means you hate the haters of my
people? So unleash your hatred ' Destroy my enemies, whom you consider to be your enemies !
And Xerxes, who answered all these questions without much thought, is now surprised to discover
that he has agreed to destroy all the enemies of the Jews he hates...
As a result, on the day of 13 Adar (this month of the Jewish calendar falls at the end of February -
the beginning of March), the royal command concerning pogroms comes to all the cities of the
empire. It was all about beating the Jews. And the messengers brought a completely different
decree. It turned out that the king allowed Esther and her cousin and tutor Mordecai to draw up a
decree about the upcoming pogroms: “Write about the Jews, what you want, in the name of the
king, and fasten the royal ring ... And the king's scribes were called, and everything was written as
Mordecai had ordered to the rulers of one hundred and twenty-seven regions in the name of the king
- that the king allowed the Jews who were in every city to gather and stand up for their lives, to
exterminate, kill and destroy all the strong in the people and in the region that were in enmity with
them, children and wives, and their possessions to plunder. (Eph. 8 to 11).
And for two days “all the princes in the provinces, and the satraps, and the executors of the king’s
affairs supported the Jews. And the Jews beat all their enemies, and destroyed, and dealt with their
enemies according to their own will. (Eph. and 9.3-5). Aman was hanged with his ten children. A
total of 75,000 Persians were killed. country's elite. Anyone who could be a competitor. The fate of
the Persian Empire was sealed.

As soon as possible after millennia Aryan peoples celebrate the events of that day. Is there another
nation on earth that celebrates with joy the day of notoriously unpunished massacres? I understand
the celebration of a military victory. It was an open and risky clash, and the day of victory is a
manly and honest holiday. But how to celebrate the day of the pogrom? How to celebrate the
murder of thousands of children? And how can you write about the “fun holiday Purim”?
This holiday is very fun. This is the only day on which the sober and pedantic Talmud prescribes to
get drunk: “After noon they eat a festive meal and drink alcoholic beverages until they cease to
distinguish between the words “Cursed Haman” and “Blessed be Mordecai”. (Seed. The gates of
prayer (Shaarei Tfila) on weekdays, Saturday and Holidays. Translation, commentary and
explanation of the order of prayers edited by Pinchas Polonsky. Jerusalem-Moscow, 1993, p.

The festive meal includes cakes with a poetic name " Ears of Aman" (The Jewish Encyclopedia,
vol. 126). Such a sweet family scene: the parent, who no longer distinguishes the name of Haman
from the name of Mordecai, offers the son: “Honey, do you want to eat more of the flesh of our
And this holiday is revered as the greatest. There is even an opinion among the Talmudic sages that
when all the books of the prophets and hagiographers are forgotten, the book of Esther will not be
forgotten, and the holiday of Purim will not cease to be observed. (There, st. 124).
So is it unreasonable to assume that in the minds of the Jewish leaders of the International who
organized the massacre in Orthodox Russia, the women’s revolutionary movement was associated
precisely with the name of Esther, and on March 8 was chosen by them because of the habit of
celebrating the family holiday of Purim on these days?

The International and its goals were international, planetary. They had something to say to
everyone. Purim is a festival of beating enemies. Who are the enemies of the Jews? Is it only the
tribes of the unfortunate Haman? In the medieval “Dispute of Nachmanides” the Jew interprets the
psalm: “Say the Lord to my Lord, sit at the right hand of Me, I will put your enemies at the foot of
Your feet.” The Jew agrees that this is the Messiah. God will help the Messiah as long as he puts all
the nations at his feet, for they are all his enemies; they enslave him, they deny his coming and his
authority, and some of them have created another messiah for themselves. (Dispute of
Nachmanides. Jerusalem-Moscow, 1992, p. In the history of Jewish thought, then, there is a current
that holds that all nations are enemies of the Jews.
The events of Purim remind us how to deal with enemies. This is the enormity of this “fun holiday”:
from generation to generation it reproduces a model of treatment of those whom the Jews will one
day consider their enemy.

Now we have only to recall that the coming of the International to power in Russia was connected
with a change in the calendar, and to ask: when was the day now called the “eighth of March”
celebrated in the revolutionary circles of pre-revolutionary Russia? It turns out that the eighth of
March in the new style is February 23 in the old style. Here's a guess - why "male" day and
"female" so close to each other. When the European brothers in the International celebrated the
“eighth of March”, in Russia this day was called the 23rd of February. Therefore, in the pre-
revolutionary years, party members and sympathizers used to consider February 23 a holiday. Then
the calendar was changed, but there was a reflex to celebrate something revolutionary on February
23. The date was. In principle (given the floating nature of Purim), this date is no worse and no
better than March 8. But I had to find a cover for her. A few years later, the corresponding myth was
created: “Day of the Red Army”. The memory of the first battle and the first victory.

But that's a myth. On February 23, 1918, there was still no Red Army and there were no victories.
And the February newspapers of 1919 do not rejoice at the first anniversary of the “great victory”.
Only in 1922, February 23 was declared the Day of the Red Army. However, a year before February
23, 1918, Pravda writes that February 23 is a holiday: “Long before the war, the proletarian
International appointed February 23 as the day of the international women’s holiday.” (The Great
Day // Pravda, March 7, 1917; see M. Sidlin for details on this. Red gift for International Women's
Day on February 23 // Independent newspaper, 22.2.1997).
However, it was also necessary to invent a cover for the celebration of February 23 because it was
on February 23, 1917 that the “February Revolution” began. Since the Bolsheviks did not play a
leading role in it, but nevertheless accepted it, welcomed it and made it to their saints, it was
necessary to celebrate the day of the “overthrow of the autocracy”. (Keep it a holiday) give a
different name. It became the “Day of the Red Army”.
So the tradition of celebrating Purim led to the establishment of a women's holiday on March 8. By
the women's revolutionary day were timed riots allegedly starving residents of Petrograd on
February 23, 1917 The fall of the Russian Empire coincided with the defeat of the Persian Empire.
Since Purim in 1917 in Russia smelled pogrom - the pogrom of Russian culture ... So the Soviet
congratulation from March 8 (as well as from February 23) is also a congratulation with the
“liberation” from “tsarism”. Orthodox people to congratulate each other with such a holiday is no
longer humility, but sadomasochism.
And yet: the only military event that occurred on 23.2.1918 is the decision of the CEC of the
Council of People’s Commissars to accept the terms of the “Brest Peace”. This is the day of Russia's
surrender in the First World War. Capitulation by the will of the International, which turned “the
imperialist war (or rather, the domestic war) into a civil war”.
It is difficult to find a more shameful day in the military history of Russia (including Soviet Russia).
And the fact that today this day is called “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland” is another mockery.

In general, it is very amusing to listen to hints that are “dedicated” to the secret of Purim utter in the
presence of people whom they consider to be uninitiated. In 1994, a kosher food store opened in
Moscow. Main "anti-fascist" In Moscow, the deputy of the Moscow City Duma Yevgeny
Proshechkin, speaking at the opening ceremony of this shop, “made a toast to increasing the role of
trade enterprises in the development of national-political relations. By the way, at one time a special
and very worthy role in them was played by the oils with which the body of the biblical heroine
Esther, the wife of the Persian king Artaxerxes, was rubbed. (P. Ehrlich. Moscow is kosher. Today is
6/30/1994. What a subtle humor ! It turns out to cut 75 thousand people - means to play a " worthy
role in the development of national relations"! Supporting the elegant joke of the deputy, the
journalist continues: "They say, the king left a little for the firm " Osem" and for us with you" . So -
the owners and visitors of the kosher store intend to reproduce in Russia the plot of the book
Esther? By the way, according to the same journalist, the presentation menu included a dish called
“ears of Aman”.

Therefore, especially we appeal to young people: think, is it worth congratulating the mother or
beloved girl on the holiday of the massacre?
We should always treat women as the parents of our nation and people.

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