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IELTS Speaking part 1 – Quý 2 - 2022

1. Doing sports

What sport do you like?

Well, I think I’m a big fan of sports. Although I’m not good at it, but my favorite one is swimming. You know I can
often meet new people and make friends when I do sports. And as I think that, you know, practicing a sport
regularly does wonder for my health. It keeps me in shape, it helps to relieve my back and neck pains. And last but
not least, it refreshes my mind after a long day of hard work.

Where did you learn how to do it?

I’ve had many ways to learn to swim, but the best way to learn how to swim is to take lessons when I was at
elementary school. Private swimming lessons having an instructor to tailor the lesson to me. My experienced
instructor at a swim school can develop a program that allowed me to learn at my own pace. I did not feel peer
pressure to perform at a higher or lower level.

Did you do some sports when you were young?

Well, I was mostly a quiet girl/boy and not very sporty in my childhood. But I did play some sports, such as
badminton and running. I was quite good at them actually but I did not continue practicing these sports when I
grew up.

Do you think students need more exercise?

Yes. Better focus in school. When the brain activates following exercise, it can better concentrate and helps
improve memory and information retention. This helps students to perform better and learn more information
during lessons.

Builds a strong, healthy body. Students that develop a routine for physical activity when they are younger lower
their risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and other life-altering diseases and conditions. This helps
them build a healthier and stronger body for a longer life.

What sport would you like to try in the future?

Well, there are many sports that I would like to have a crack at, but if I have to choose one, that would be climbing.
You know, I have always dreamt of climbing Mount Fuji, which is the highest peak in Japan. I can’t imagine myself
reaching the summit and getting to admire the breathtaking view of the scenery below. That would be absolutely
amazing and I’ll be on top of the world.

What sport are popular in your country?

Well, I guess in Vietnam right now, it’s football. I think football is considered the king of sports. It’s very easy to
play. All you need is just a ball, a few friends and two goals, which you can always make or create by marking the

ground with, you know, a piece of clothing or bags, for example. And I think it’s a competitive sport, it can be very
enjoyable to watch and play.

Do you think it is important to play a sport?

Of course. I think it’s essential for everybody to take up a sport, because, you know, as I mentioned before. Playing
sports brings great benefits to your health. It helps to lower the risk of modern diseases such as diabetes, obesity
and heart attack. Anyway, at the end of the day, your body is the only place you’ve got to live, right? So I think
you’d better take good care of it.

2. Reading habits

Do you often read books? When?

not really. Reading is very time consuming and I need a comparatively quiet place to read. So you know it’s not
easy to have such a condition for me like have a long period of time as well as a quiet environment. Um yeah
hopefully I could read more in the future.

Are your reading habits now different than before?

Sure I enjoyed comic books a lot when I was young because they’re very romantic and funny to read. But now I’m
more into historic books and classic literature because they talk deeply into the reality.

Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into film?

Well I would say the opposite. I read the novel after I watched a movie, like the one called call me by your name. I
really liked the movie a lot I liked it so much that I bought the novel afterwards, but I still think the movie is more

Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?

Well it depends. If it’s something like comedy or documentary, I would definitely go for the movies because they’re
more vivid and it’s just funnier to see the real thing. However, if it’s something about history, I would read the
books because there are more details in the book, and you know the movie can never go back to shoot the real

3. Watch

Do you wear watch?

Well, in senior high, I used to wear a watch for the sake of time, especially in examinations. And the watch was
used to keep an eye on time back then. But currently I use my smartphone for the time.

Have you ever got a watch as a gift?

I don’t think so. I have never received a watch from my parents nor from my friends. Cause I’m not a typical watch
person, meaning others hardly ever see me wearing a watch. So that’s the reason why they haven’t given me a
watch as a gift.

Why do some people wear expensive watches?

This is because some brands are a symbol of their social status and wealth. The price of such watch is exorbitantly
high so that it is difficult for ordinary people to afford. So for those who want to label themselves by luxurious
items, they may choose watch that can give them a sense of taste.

Do you think it is important to wear a watch?

I don’t think so. As I’ve mentioned, I reckon a watch is somehow obsolete for some people, meaning they can have
their smart phones for replacement. But for some special jobs, like for doctors, I suppose, watch is still significant.

4. Talents

Do you have any special talent?

Yes. I’m quite good at math and most things related to math, such as creating budgets, calculating investment
returns, and so on. I think it’s a useful talent because it helps me manage my personal finances.

Was it mastered recently or when you were young?

I don’t think I would ever master it, but I discovered it when I was young. I’ve always achieved high math grades a
everything else just became natural to me.

Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work?

Yes, I have a strong desire to be businessman/ businesswoman. Understanding basic business math is necessary
for profitable operations and accurate record keeping. Knowing how to add, subtract, multiply, divide and use
percentages and fractions is the minimum I need to price my product and meet my budget.

Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

Surprisingly, no one shares the same talent with me. So, it is not something that runs in blood. Because they all
hate math, they often come to me for financial advice.

5. Sitting down

Where is your favorite place to sit down and relax?

Definitely my gaming chair in my home office. I’m in my last year of university and I’m just having too much on my
plate right now, you know, multiple projects and essays. Sitting on my gaming chair and playing some video games
is the best way to unwind myself.

Do you always sit down for a long time?

Yes. As I have mentioned, I have many projects and essays to do. I often sit for more than five hours a day just
to keep on track. Sometimes I even sit for the entire day.

Do you feel sleepy when you have to sit still for too long?

Sometimes for sure. I mean, I think everyone will feel the same when they spend hours sitting down with their
computer or textbooks. I drink lots of coffee to keep concentrated.

Did you sit on the floor when you were a kid?

I don’t think so. My mother is a cleaning freak, and she prohibits me from sitting on the floor because it is
not hygienic.

6. Old buildings

1. Have you ever seen some old buildings in your city?

Yeah of course, in Haiphong, there are many old buildings that have been well preserved and actually, some of
them are even vibrant. If you go to places like Nghe Temple, it is famous as an urban hub, but the best thing about
this place is that it actually has kept its thousand-year-old temple, which I believe is something we should be proud
Do you think we should keep old buildings in cities?
If really depends, if we are talking about old buildings that have cultural and historic flavour or some unique
architectural style, it should be kept. but when it comes to buildings that are unsafe and in very bad
condition(dilapidated), we should demolish them and build more high-rise building to solve the housing problems
in cities
Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?
Modern house, no doubt! I want to enjoy the conveniences of modern, high-rise buildings, Where I can enjoy
the spacious and well-ventilated rooms equipped with modern facilities such as air conditioning and lift. These
are something that you can hardly enjoy in an old building, though most old buildings can be refurbished.

Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?
Yes, many of them because I’m really interested in taking pictures of old and classical architecture like temples,
pagodas, cathedrals, and castles.
As you can see, old buildings are witnesses to the aesthetic and cultural history of a city, helping to give people a
sense of place and connection to the past. Historic buildings often represent something famous or important to
people who live in a city or those visiting.

7. Meeting places

Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?

In my living room for sure. I have a nice big couch and many fluffy pillows. A variety of drinks are available, and we
can feel free to make ourselves as comfortable as we could.

How can you choose a place to meet with a new person?

There are several factors I can take into consideration when selecting a suitable place for meeting. The first one is
convenience/ proximity to attendees. selecting meeting locations that are time efficient for travel. The other is
Safety. Safety is as much of a top priority for you as it is for us. Though emergencies are rare, the unexpected can

Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting people than others?

Absolutely. But it depends. I mean, for those who are very sensitive, as I mentioned, public places are more
suitable. But for those who are very gregarious and extrovert, actually they don’t care where to meet.
I mean the location doesn’t matter that much to them.

Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places now and the ones when you were little?

Absolutely. My preferences have changed a lot. When I was little, I used to always want to go to a fast food
restaurant, but in this day and age, I park or somewhere close to the nature would be no doubt my perfect choice

8. Evening time

Do you like the morning or the evening?

Well, I am an early riser and the early morning is my favorite time of a day. I usually wake up at 5:30 am and start
the day with a cup of tea. The early morning is somewhat different than the other parts of the day. It is quiet,
refreshing and allows me to plan for the remaining day.

What do you usually do in the evening?

In the evening, I like to do cooking and watch Dramas and do yoga also I think walking also helps me release stress.
Talking to friends also helps me to know about everything that has been going around in their life. Doing these
things helps me to reflect on myself; also, it is like a stress booster.

What did you usually do in the evening when you were a kid?

When I was a little boy/girl, evenings were a time of study. After finishing my study, I watched TV and made sure
to read at least a chapter of a book before I went to bed.

Are there any differences between what you do now and what you did in the past?

There is a huge difference. Since I am working/studying now and mostly occupied with work. I don’t get enough
time to do fun activities. But when I was a child, I always used to play games with my childhood friends outside my
home in a large playground, for example, we used to enjoy playing soccer or hide and seek vigorously. Moreover,
life used to be tension free but now, it is full of stress.

Do you prefer to spend your evenings with family or friends?

Considering the situation, I like to do things; if it is my friend’s party, then I would love to spend time with her. I am
doing new things such as going to parties, exploring new places and going shopping, all these things I would love
to do with my friends. And in my daily routine, I would love to spend time with my families because I feel that they
are important, and giving time to them is also important in helping them to do the work.

What is a popular activity for young people in your country in the evenings?

The popular activity for young people My country is cycling or in sports there are plenty of Games available to them
such as football, basketball, badminton. also the young generation can explore bowling game which is available in
the mall when they can meet new people and also their friends.

9. Computers

When do you have to use computers?

Basically, I use it every day, I use it for studying, because these days many things have to be done with computer.
These is particular true during the lockdown, during which I use it to listen to a lecture, discuss with my
classmates and submit my assignment.

When was the first time you used a computer?

Way back to my primary school. I remember we had a computer class once a week, and we were all excited about
this class, because computer was exclusive, and very few family can afford it. But at that time, our teacher just
thought us how to turn on the computer, how to type and how to carry out some basic operation such as copy
and paste.

What would your life be like without computers?

It will be full of doom and gloom, like I said, most of my study are now being done with my computer, So without
computer, I couldn’t finish anything. And besides, I tend to use computers to do other things, such as watching
sitcoms, online shopping, or just scrolling social media websites. To be honest Just can’t image what my life will
be like without my computer.

In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

It will be full of doom and gloom, like I said, most of my study are now being done with my computer, So without
computer, I couldn’t finish anything. And besides, I tend to use computers to do other things, such as watching
sitcoms, online shopping, or just scrolling social media websites. To be honest Just can’t image what my life will
be like without my computer.

10. Collecting things

Do you collect things?

No, now I don’t collect anything, because I am not very into any particular things. But when I was a kid, I used to
collect stamps, because at that time, collecting stamps was the thing, so I was jumping on a bandwagon but later I
did not find it interesting anymore

Are there any things you keep from childhood?

I am afraid no, keeping something from childhood is just impossible for me, because I am not very organized, so
basically, I am always losing my things or just forgetting where they are, so how can you expect a man like me’to
keep something from childhood?

Where do you usually keep things you need?

There is no particular place, I mean I just find a spot to see whether there is enough space to keep things I need. I
do admit my house looks messy and disorder, but for me, it is total OK as long as I can find what I want whenever

What kinds of thing do people often like collecting?

I suppose all sorts, but most common ones are stamps, coins, pens and such like. But there is a very popular one
among young generation – sneaker. You can always hear them talking about things like air jordan, yeezy, all shapes
and sizes. they are crazy about the shoes, like the Lovers even are willing to wait outside the flagship store for up
to ten hours, just hoping to get the newly released one.

Why do you think people collect certain objects?

It varies from person to person, some collectors do it because they want to make money, they may look for, say,
antiques that they can buy cheaply and expect to sell them at a profit. Other people may do it for fun, like my
friends has been collecting coins for many years, I suppose he can get a strong sense of personal fulfilment from
doing so.

11. Boring things

What kinds of things are boring to you?

Off the top of my head, there are large amounts of things which make me boring like waiting to someone, reading
academic journals, listening to long speech. And on top of that, I also get easily bored by same daily routine.

What will you do when you feel bored?

I do many things when I feel bored. Most of the time, I love watching news on tv or youtube as I want to be informed
about what’s happening around me. Sometimes I have a long chat with my best friends or I make new dishes in
order to pass time

What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?

I’m not really sure, I felt bored from a lot of things these years. But it’s true that young generation gets bored easily
without any reasons. I think, lack of concentration, stress and impatient are primary reasons for getting bored.
They want to get everything without Working hard.

Do you think school is boring?

I’m not really sure, I felt bored from a lot of things these years. But it’s true that young generation gets bored easily
without any reasons. I think, lack of concentration, stress and impatient are primary reasons for getting bored.
They want to get everything without Working hard.

12. Advertisement

Do you like watching TV advertisements or Internet advertisements?

I give more preference to the internet as compared to television. I rarely watch TV, so most of the ads that I see
are on the internet while surfing youtube videos or any other website.

What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?

Actually, I really hate some intrusive ones, because I think these days we are bombarded with adverts, and I see
those disturbing adverts on my social media feeds, sometimes the website pop ups, or junk mails. They are just
wasting my time when I have to close or just delete them.

Do you share advertisements with others?

Yes, I do, but I only share ads that provide helpful information to my family and friends. Although I wouldn't say I
like most advertisements, I have to admit if I know my friends or family are planning to buy something, I would also
share relevant advertisements for their reference.

Do you want to work in advertising in the future?

Yes. Though people don't realize how important advertising is to society, it will always be around, and it is
something that keeps growing. There will be lots of job opportunities in the industry. Of course, advertising is one
of the most creative markets. There is only one criterion to stand out in the crowd, and you have to think out of
the box. I am a bit creative-minded person, and I believe I will use my skills in this industry.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

I guess it’s due to the benefits of the companies. Advertisements are the easiest way to reach customers to attract
their attention to a particular brand or product. From that attractive information, customers will be able to choose
an appropriate one. it also plays a crucial role in the marketing strategy that the company applies to attract

Đề cũ

13. Street Markets

Do you enjoy going to street markets?

At present I do, but I used to not to not really like them. Before I was more into brand names and walking around
in comfortable indoor shopping centre environments. Now I’ve grown to appreciate some street markets,
especially the more authentic ones that offer fresh locally grown produce, and arts and crafts that are sold by
independent designers.

Are there many street markets in your country?

Absolutely! Street food and markets are a huge part of my culture. Many, no matter rich or poor, go to the streets
in the morning to pick up the freshest produce from the street vendors. The thing is that the street produce is the
best quality and price! You simply cannot find fish or crabs straight out of (directly) the water onto your plate in a

Are street markets popular in your country?

People used to think that street markets would die out when large and easy to park shopping centres came to the
scene, but that hasn’t happened or at least I hope it won’t. Tourists usually flock to centrally located markets, so
they tend to get rather crowded. And locals searching for affordable deals and nice authentic street food also visit
quite regularly.

What do street markets sell?

I’d say the most common items are fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe even meats or fish as well. However, the
farmer’s markets in my town tend to only sell fruits, vegetables, and local products such as honey from their bee

Do you like going to street markets?

I love it! I love the whole experience of seeing people selling their products, as well as I believe that the
freshest produce comes from there. I would much rather go to a street market than a large name brand
supermarket, where the produce is treated with pesticides and other chemicals to keep it from perishing.

Would you like to visit a street market in a another country?

What I mean is – what other way is better at getting to know the culture and history of a country. There are some
street markets that have continued to run in the same location for centuries in counties like India, Turkey, England
and Thailand. Many still feature the same ancient architecture, food, and valuable collectables unique to that

Do people in your country prefer to shop at a street market, or in a shopping mall?

As I see it, urban citizens tend to choose shopping malls because they offer a wider range of goods. People in small
towns or in the countryside, however, prefer street markets and open markets, perfect venues for shopping and
socializing with neighbours.

What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

Street markets have fresher products and usually involve local people or farmers coming to sell their products,
whereas supermarkets sell more commercialized products. Although street market food may be tasty and fresh,
supermarket food can be safer since they have tighter restrictions from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

14. Cinema

Did you usually go to the cinema when you were kid?

I wish I could been able to do so. I was born and raise in the countryside, so I have never seen movie until I move
to the city in middle school. But actually we have a movie channel on TV and I often caught a movie when I have
some spare time to kill.

Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?

Yeah, absolutely. I often go to cinema with my BFFs one we get some leisure time. It’s quite the way for us to
unwind and bond each other. We’ll visit the cinema whenever there’s a new blockbuster from Hollywood. We really
enjoy the atmosphere of the cinema, you know, the special effect and soundtrack is really magnificent.

Do you still enjoy watching the movies that you loved when you were a child?

Well to be honest, my taste has changed a lot over years. I think the reason I that mentally I am mature enough
and the movie I watched when I was very little were a bit naïve or simple. I prefer watching something profound
or though-provoking as I grow up.

Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?

It really depends. If I’m alone, I prefer catching movie at home because there’s always a lot of traffic and it’s pretty
time-consuming to only watch a movie by myself… what’s more, the ticket is a bit expensive. However, if I’m with
friends, I enjoy watching a film in the cinema because I do not get bored and we can discuss the plot of the movie
and do something else after the movie

15. Photos

Do you like taking photos?

Absolutely yes! I’m a massive fan of photography, so I really love taking photos. That said, I don’t think I have a
knack for it because most of my photos that I’ve taken so far are ugly and sometimes ridiculous. Therefore, I’m
planning to take a course in photography to become a better photographer.

Do you like taking selfies?

As much as I enjoy taking photos, I have to admit that I’m not really keen on selfies. This is because while my friends
keep posting these picture-perfect selfies on their social media, and yet I could take a million photos,and not one
of them is insta-worthy. I think it is mainly because I’m not that photogenic, you know.

Do you have any photos taken with your family?

Yes, a lot but most of them are in my family’s photo album and I only have one on the wall in my room. Well, I still
remember vividly the day we took it. So, like I told you before I’m incredibly unphotogenic, and that’s why while
every member of my family was busy posing for photos, I actually tried to hide behind my father. Needless to say,
when my parents found out, they berated me the whole day as that photoshoot was expensive.

Do you want to improve your picture-taking skills?

Definitely! It’s one of my New Year’s resolutions, to be honest. I’m not really good at photos though I have a passion
for it, and therefore I really want to upgrade my photo-taking skills to be able to take stunning photos and learn a
bit about how to touch up photos as well. Sadly, time and money have made it impossible for me to do such things
to date.

16. Time Management

How do you organize your time?

I must admit that I am not really a highly-organized person. I do try to be in control of my life by setting goals and
making plans. However, I don’t always stick to them and I do procrastinate sometimes.

Are you ever late for anything?

Sure, I guess everyone has been in a situation with several urgent tasks at hand and all need to be prioritized. When
I started my first business, I ran behind my schedule and promises from time to time.

What excuses do people have when they are late?

The people I work with within the organization have made sample excuses during times of pandemics. They have
made excuses like they were stopped by a cop for not wearing the mask, or somebody they were traveling in a car
with was not wearing the mask.

Do you plan what you do every day?

Yes I do, or at least for the majority of the week I do. I believe that it’s good for people to follow a ritual. What I
mean is that when I only have a vague sense of priorities, I don’t feel happy about myself. I like to start my mornings
off by siting down with a blank piece of paper to plan the rest of my day out.

Do you prefer to be busy or not too busy?

When I’m not feeling overworked and tired, I prefer to be engaged in something that keeps me productive and
busy. You know that if you just sit back without being focused on something, you’ll find that the day will manage
you, and not the other way around. That being said, I still like to have a good work life balance, which includes
some time for relaxation. Staying too busy all of the time can really wear down the body.

Do you think that you are an organized person?

Yes – Most of the time I do. I think that being organized may lead to feeling more in control and having more mental
energy. I see myself as a do it now kind of person who likes to free up my time by getting things out of the way. I
don’t like to be lazy and say things like, I’ll do it two hours later. By acting this way, I’m more productive

What difficulties do you have when you organize your time?

Well, sometimes when I have too many things on my plate, I can get stressed easily. I find that it causes me to
spread my attention too thin. That’s why I prefer uni-tasking instead of multi-tasking. Also, every once and
awhile, it is hard to stick to a plan and to maintain concentration for long-periods, so I have to deliberately remind
myself to take breaks, which will help me stay energized and focused.

Do you think Planning is important for time management?

Yes, definitely planning plays a vital role in time management; planning helps us tithing in advance what, how, and
when the thing is to be done. It helps in bridging the gap between where we currently are and where we want to

Do you think children should learn to manage time?

Yes, I strongly agree with it, managing time should be taught at very early stages of life. If a child learns to be on
his own, they will never be dependent on any other person for their achievements.

Do you think children should learn to manage time?

Yes, I strongly agree with it, managing time should be taught at very early stages of life. If a child learns to be on
his own, they will never be dependent on any other person for their achievements.

Do old people, and young people manage time in a similar way?

I believe as we Age, our speed to do a certain task slows down, and we end up consuming more time. Certainly,
the human body is a piece of machinery; the newer the machine, the result will be faster, the older it gets, the
slower the pace becomes. Hereby younger, I mean the youth, and by the older, I mean the elderly.

17. Lost and Found

What will you do if you find something lost by others?

I’m gonna return the item to its rightful owner right away if the people lost his other belongings happen to be my
acquaintances. And if I’m doing workout in the gym and find the Bluetooth earphones in the strength training area,
I tend to give them to the receptionist or put up a lost and found notice trying to contact the owner.

Do you report to the police when finding something lost by others? why?

Yes, if I find something that means a lot to people like a big cash or ID card, I’ll definitely report to the police because
it’s much more reliable. You know, they can solve the problem in a professional way. If I turn to other people for
help, personal information would be leaked which could be used by someone who has ulterior motives.

How often do you lose something?

I occasionally misplace my belongings, I’d say once or twice a month as I have this: “absent-minded syndrome”.
Last week I was looking everywhere for my laptop before finding it in the living room below the coffee table.

Have you ever lost things?

Yeah, I lost my notebook in my second year of university. I left it in the library before the exam season. I felt bad
about it for some time because the notes were detailed and accurate.

Will you post on social media if you lose your item?

I think I won’t because it’s personal and there is no need to make it public. Even if the thing I’ve lost is of sentimental
value, no one is gonna strike a chord with me. However, if I plan to get it back, perhaps I’m gonna post the notice
online, hoping to see miracles happen.

Who can help you find lost items?

When I have searched high and low for my items that I lost in my house, my mom is always the one to turn to as
she has this uncanny superpower to locate missing belongings quickly. In fact, several days ago she helped me find
my iPad in several minutes after I had been looking for it in vain.

Have you found anything valuable before?

Yes, I have found valuable items on a couple of occasions in the past. Most recently, I have spotted a lost wallet
which had hundreds of dollars inside as I was in a public restroom. I then brought it to the police office to have it
returned. Just a few hours later, the wallet’s rightful owner called and thanked me profusely.

18. Mirror

How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

I look at myself only when I am going out somewhere important such as parties or socially. Different places and
times need different dresses. So mirror helps me set the right tone for the outing and make any adjustments with
items that might be unfamiliar.

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Yes, I bought a mirror for my room. I do shopping online, so I bought a mirror two months ago through a shopping
website. The e-commerce site takes care of delivery without damage. Even if it is damaged, we can ask for a
replacement. It is a wooden frame rectangular wall mirror. 100% handcrafted Constructed from high-quality
materials to ensure long-lasting durability.

Would you see Mirrors to decorate rooms?

Mirrors effectively double up your light sources. Mirrors aren’t only making the room beautiful, but they’re the
perfect solution for making space feel brighter and more significant.

Mirrors windows bring a sense of balance to a neutral room design. I like to add a simple square mirror because it
adds an inviting touch to the bedroom. Mirrored wardrobe doors create interest in the bedroom. So I would use

Do you usually take a mirror with you?

(Male) No, I do not. Perhaps the reason is that I’m a man and I don’t need too much make-up, so there is no need
to take mirrors with me.

(Female) Yes, of course. I don t think that's a big issue since I am a young girl and every girl makes great effort to
maintain her best look, especially in public. Furthermore, mirrors are placed almost everywhere such as in the
restrooms, in a working place as decorations, which is too tempting for me to ignore.

19. Dreams

Do you often dream?

Yes, I dream quite often. Particularly if I spend a lot of screen time right before going to bed, I tend to have a
nightmare afterwards. However, if I experience something extremely happy during the day, then I’m likely to have
a sweet dream at night.

Do you remember your dreams when you wake up?

Usually, I don’t. My mom said if we spoke out loud during our dream, we would not remember anything about it
the next morning but if we didn’t then we would be able to recall our dream. This is true for me, which I find really

Have you told others about your dreams?

Yes, I have. When I was little, I would tell my Mom every time I had a dream. Last week, I shared one of my weirdest
recurring dreams with my friends and they were all cracking up.

Do you like listening to other people telling their dreams?

Yes, I dearly love storytelling, especially mysterious stories like our dreams. I’m amazed by the way our minds
wander while we’re sleeping.

Do you think dreams have meanings?

I would say so. I believe to some extent, dreams are just a reflection of our real-life experiences and thoughts so
they say a lot about our concerns, worries and aspirations.

20. Emails

Is it common for you to email people?

A) I tend to email my teacher mostly and there are a couple of other people who I occasionally reply to. My English
teacher expects me to email my assignments to her , and that happens about once per week. So that’s about.

B) I use Gmail to communicate with my friends and co-workers/colleagues almost every day. It's very convenient
and versatile. I can not only send and receive text messages but also attach files, forward an email to others, and
organize my emails in different categories.

How soon do you answer your emails?

Well every weekday I check my messages at least once per day. If I see that it’s an important email, I’ll answer as
soon as I can, usually within 24 hours. However, for other messages, it’ll take longer. On weekends, I like to have
one or two days off, so I rarely reply then.

Has an email ever made you happy?

Yes, around the holidays, I sometimes get emails from friends and family. They always make me delighted. But I
think the most pleased I got was when I found out that I was accepted into a university program that I’ve always
wanted to get in to. I couldn’t stop jumping up and down all day after reading that message.

Do you like to get emails or texts?

Now that I’ve become accustomed to using apps on smart phones, I think that I enjoy texting more. That’s how I
usually communicate with friends, and I expect the same from them. Not that there is anything wrong with
emailing, it just seems more convenient to just text.

Is sending emails popular in Vietnam?

Yes, Especially Gmail. Because Gmail users can use with other services of Google. Google Takeout to Back up and
download the data in your Google Account, and Google Translate to instantly translate words, phrases, and web
pages between English and over 100 other languages. It is convenient and handy for officers and students.

Do you think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future?

Yes, although with the advent of so many new social applications and email alternatives coming into all aspect of
life and work, there are a number of reasons why email is still popular. This is perhaps because email has been
around for over 25 years, it is seen as a more reliable vehicle to communicate with others, and email is so readily
available and so easy to use, it’s not surprising that so many people still rely on it

21. Art

Are you good at art? / Do you like art?

I don’t see myself as the artsy (khéo tay) type. I mean, I used to take drawing lessons as a child but then I realized
at some point in my life that I don’t have a knack for this kind of craft, and so I gave up altogether. That being said,
I still try scribbling (vẽ/ viết nguệch ngoạc) some light-hearted doodles here and there, most of which draw heavy
inspiration from the comics I read in my free time.

Did you learn drawing when you were a kid

I have a lifelong passion for art since I was a child. Beside the official art class in school, I also joined a drawing class
in The Children’ House and my teachers were very pleased with my drawings. I also participated in some drawing
competitions back then. Until now I still draw in my free time, although not as often as I used to do.

Do you often visit art galleries?

I’m a bit of a culture vulture, and so I’m always on the lookout for the newest art showcases in my city. There is
only a handful, though, since most of the galleries in Hanoi feature archaic exhibits and historical-themed artworks,
which are pretty boring to me. As with most people my age, I prefer looking at curated collections of modern art,
and the Vincom Center for Contemporary Art near my house can provide just the experience.

Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)/ How do you think art classes affect children’s development?

Yes, definitely. Learning arts, especially at a young age, can help stimulate children’s cognitive development and
encourage them to think outside the box. Because they’re still little, their ideas are very fresh and lovely, which is
worth appreciating.

What kind of paintings do people like?

In my opinion, people love hanging landscape paintings at home. Bringing in the beauty of Mother Nature somehow
ease people’s mind after a long day at work. Another style of drawing that most people also like is portrait. It could
be portraits of someone important to them or even their lovely pets.

What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

I think the mediation efficiency worth mentioning first. Colours in some ways reflect our thoughts and emotions
very well and somehow stimulate our body to defend against our negativity inside. For me, in particular, I think
what’s so interesting about painting is that you have no idea how harmonized colours can become until you actually

Is it easy to learn how to draw?

I think I must say it’s even challenging for a lot of people. I absolutely failed when it comes to drawing still life
paintings like fruit and flowers. I think for those who succeed in drawing or arts in general, they first must have
God-gifted talent, then comes to the long-term commitment to arts that requires extreme practice and high

Do you want to learn more about art?

Yes, of course if I have the chance. This is because arts subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can
build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity, and studying arts subjects also help to develop critical
thinking and the ability to interpret the world around us.

22. Sport programs

Do you play any sports?

Not anymore. I was an avid swimmer as a child, but I gave that up after high school, as it was quite time-consuming.
Nowadays, I enjoy going to the gym, running around the lake by my house, and going on mountain treks. I’m not
sure if these are considered sports, but I’m really into physical activity.

Which is the popular sports in your country?

Soccer of course! As soccer is the sport of the world, that would be number one. People go wild when our team
wins a game- they even drive around waving flags, blocking off the streets! Apart from this, many people enjoy
playing tennis and doing martial arts.

Do you like watching sports program on TV?

Yes, sure, although I’m not very sporty myself, I do like to watch sport games and I don’t have a lot of chances to
actually go to the court or field to watch the game because of the time difference as the distance and the expensive

Do you like to watch live sport games?

Yes, of course, it’s so much more exciting. You’ll never know what’s going to happen the next minute and it‘s always
something unexpected or dramatic. It always keep me in edge.

Who do you like to watch sports games with?

I’d like to watch the game with my friends and we like to bet on different teams or players just to add a little fun to
it and I actually won 500$ from them during last European cup last year.

What kinds of games do you expect to watch in the future?

I definitely want to watch a live football match after the Covid with crowds of people cheering , screaming, shouting
at the top of my lungs without having to wear the mask. It will be so cool

23. Mobile Phone

How often do you use your mobile phone?

I use my mobile phone on a daily basis to play games, watch movies and to stay connected with my friends and
relatives through social applications.

What was your first mobile phone?

I got my first mobile phone when I was in school and it was of Apple brand. It was the Iphone 5 series and was a
very cute tiny phone. What I liked the most about that phone was it used to come with extra back covers in unique
vibrant colors. I remember that I used to change the cover of the phone according to the outfit I wore on that day.
It was very dear to me as it was my first phone.

How has your mobile phone changed your life?

A) My mobile phone has become an integral part of my life. It is a sort of personal diary, reminder clock and
electronic notebook for me. I don’t think I can ever lose my phone as it has every important data of me stored in

B) My smartphone has changed my life a lot. In terms of my study, I enrolled in one online course to learn Korean
thanks to this phone. I mean I don’t have to go to traditional classes anymore, and it helps me save a great deal of
time. About relationships with others, this phone enables me to easily make new friends and keep in touch with

Do you often use your phone for texting or calls?

Sometimes sending a text message is more convenient and makes more sense than calling someone. For instance,
if I’m in a meeting or in a crowded place, I would prefer SMS than phone calls. Moreover, if I need to send an
address, a number or an email ID, I would rather send a text message than to call the intended recipient.

Will you buy a new one in the future?

Although my smartphone is now outdated, I would not buy a new one in the near future. Because this phone
still fulfills my needs , and buying another one is quite unaffordable for me.

24. Websites

What is your favourite website?

National Geography for sure. I am a big fan of it, I often go to their official website to see some useful information
and I like to spend time in watching those amazing videos.

Are there any changes to the websites you often visit?

I’m not sure, but according to what I see, there’s a huge difference on the layout of webpage between the past and
the present. It’s much more colorful, with clear fonts and pictures. Descriptions are shorter than before, an entire
paragraph of information will no longer be on a page.

What kinds of websites are popular in your country?

Well, it varies. It’s easy for us to find what preferences we have on the Internet. Kids like cartoons or video games,
young adults prefer vlogs or pets, while the elderly tend to see contents more about nature or peaceful things.

What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?

I mostly use the Facebook website for social networking. These days all the social networking sites have an app
that we can install and use on our phones, so I don’t usually visit the websites. I use my cellphone apps.

25. Car trip

Do you like to travel by car?

Yes. I like to travel by car. I find it very convenient and time-saving compared to taking the bus. I have a scooter too
but prefer taking the car, especially during the not summer days.

When do you travel by car?

I like to travel by car when I am going to places in my town or nearby cities. For long journeys, I prefer the train to
the car. The roads in many areas of my country are not in good condition, so car trips for long journeys are not safe
and uncomfortable.

What types of cars do you like?

I prefer the SUV because it is really versatile. It is comfortable inside like the sedan, and it can also be off road if

Where is the farthest place you have traveled by car?

The farthest place I have traveled to by car is probably Quang Ninh, which is a coastal city in the north. It took us
about 6 hours to get there, and we had many opportunities to experience the breathtaking, scenic routes on the
way, and even pulled over several times to enjoy the gorgeous scenery and take photos. I think that was one of the
best experiences I have ever had.

Do you like to sit in the back or front when travelling by car?

Well, for me, sitting in the front is much more interesting than in the back, and I often ask to sit in the front seat if
that’s possible, as I can see more of the road, of other vehicles in front, and even the scenery along the way seems
to be more beautiful from the front seat view. And when I sit in the front, I can also watch out for potential dangers
that could happen and warn the driver if that is necessary.

What do you usually do when there is a traffic jam?

Nothing I can do but wait, and try to obey the traffic rules to ovoid making traffic congestion worse if I ride a
motorcycle. When I am in the bus to school, I listen to that podcast and count all the cars I can see in the traffic

26. TV programs

What kind of TV programs do you like?

I am not too fond of watching TV, but I am interested in watching reality shows and comedy programs. I think
comedy shows are the best way to relieve stress. I watch these shows on weekends only because I am very busy
with my work during weekdays.

Do you often watch programs on TV or on your smartphone?

As I said earlier, I like to watch reality shows and comedy programs. I watch comedy shows on TV with my family
in the living room of my house. Sometimes I also watch programs on my smartphone if I missed an episode.

Do you like watching the same kind of TV programs all the time?

Yes, I watch the same type of TV shows most of the time, but things are changed with time; when I was a child, I
loved to watch cartoons shows, my interest was altered at teenage age, I mean to watch new movies (action and
horror), and now due to busy schedule I watch TV only on weekends, and I watch comedy and reality shows only.

Do you talk with your friends about the TV programs that you watch?

Yes, I like to talk with my friends about the TV programs that I watched last day or night. My friends and I live in
the same building, so we go to college on the same bus, and at that time we discuss the show that we watched.

Do you watch a lot of TV when you were a kid?

Yes. I was a couch potato when I was younger. We used to have fights for remote to watch the program that I
wanted. I was obsessed with lot of TV programs and after watching them would go and discuss with my friends
about them.

What kind of TV programs are you looking forward to in the future?

There should be mor programmes and documentaries on environmental issues so that we can learn and educate
ourselves, understand the concept in a better way and get informed about the steps and measures that can be
taken to move towards a sustainable environment. These programmes will be more engaging and exciting to watch
as they will connect the people visually with them. Such programmes are like an eye-opener for the people so that
they can understand their environment and related issues and what measures they can take as individuals.

Do you think children nowadays watch a lot of TV?

Yes, The latest developments in video game consoles attracted children to spend extra time watching TV, compared
to the past. With interactive gaming characters and high quality graphics, children are more likely to spend long
hours playing games, and watching in front of the TV.

What are the impacts of watching TV Programs on Children?

Television watching can also prevent children from enjoying healthy activities like playing sports with their friends.
As a result, they may end up becoming “unsocial”. Besides, it also affects children’s studies, grades, behavior
patterns, sleep and weights in a negative manner.

27. Daily routine

What is your daily routine?

I’m not an early bird but I always try my best to get up as early as possible. So that I can have more time to do
everything I like. I start my day with a 30-minute exercise. Then I go to work at 8 am and come back home at 5 pm.
I often end my day at 12 pm by putting my mind at ease. However, this schedule is not fixed. It depends on the
amount of the duties I have.

Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, I have. I used to work and study at night as I found it easier to concentrate, the silence at night assists me
in focusing on my work. However, since I had office work in the morning. I’ve learnt to get used to working and
studying during the day. For the first time, I had difficulties concentrating on working. But now, It’s not what I’m
comfortable doing, but it’s not too bad to keep up with it.

Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, I have. I used to work and study at night as I found it easier to concentrate, the silence at night assists me
in focusing on my work. However, since I had office work in the morning. I’ve learnt to get used to working and
studying during the day. For the first time, I had difficulties concentrating on working. But now, It’s not what I’m
comfortable doing, but it’s not too bad to keep up with it.

Do you usually have the same routine everyday?

No. As I mentioned above, I don’t have a fixed schedule. I keep an open mind and always strive to upgrade my life
from the tiniest things. There is a significant difference. Instead of getting up at dawn, I spend my Sunday on my
warm bed. Besides, I try new interests like eating out, reading a book or learning a new sport. New hobby gives me
inspiration to work and study more productively.

What is the busiest part of the day for you?

The evening is not only the part of the day I like but also the busiest part for me. I’m up to my neck in finishing all
deadlines before the new day starts. I concentrate on working well because no motivation is as good as the urge
to sleep.

What is your daily study routine?

I’m not the type of person who crams for the exam right the night before so I divide the work into small sections
and get them done each day. Therefore I won’t be under the pressure of studying. For example, I’ll usually focus
on what I study for 25 minutes straight, then take a five-minute break and then get back to studying. This is a
technique called Pomodoro to help you concentrate and study more effectively.

Do you think it is important to have a daily routine for your study?

Yes. I absolutely have a daily routine to study. I do think having a fixed schedule for what you study is necessary. A
daily study routine gives you a big picture of your studying progress and motivation to study harder. Not only do

you prioritize what to do first but you also meet deadlines. Without a routine, people tend to
work spontaneously and this may lead to reducing study efficiency.

How do you organize your time of study?

To avoid putting pressure on myself, I tend to learn little by little every day. Moreover, I have a plan which is the
most important so I can know what I should do first. When I have a great deal of energy, I immediately sit at the
desk to push up study efficiency.

28. Science

Do you like learning about science?

There are some areas of science that I really enjoy learning about. I am a very curious person, and to understand
how things work, I need to have some understanding of science. I’m especially interested in health science. I like
to know how my body can get proper nutrition from eating well.

Did you study science at school?

Yes – It was mandatory to study science all the way into the senior years of high school. I even choose
some electives to study because I found that I was a decent student in most science subjects. This is probably
because I think fairly logically. They were suitable choices for me.

What kind of science classes did you study at school?

Hmm. There were a variety of science subjects that I studied at school, including chemistry, biology, and physics. I
didn’t care much for physics because I found it a little bit dull and this subject was pretty challenging for me to
understand. However, I earned excellent grades in other science subjects.

Do you think science is important?

Yes, I think so. I believe that everyone should at least have a basic understanding of science. You know that science
affects our daily lives in many ways, and without some knowledge of science we cannot progress much further.

What kinds of interesting things have you done with science? (mình lấy thí nghiệm cây hướng sáng
nhé - Tính hướng quang)

There’s a lot of experience the students can get in a Science classroom. The one that I still remember is a scientific
experiment called “Making plants move with light’ that I done at high school. This helped me to know that many
plants move toward sunlight, a process known as phototropism.

Do you like watching science TV programs

Yes. As I briefly mentioned before, anything science related is my cup of tea. Especially the Discovery channel or
nature or wildlife documentaries somehow arouse my interest. Because the content is very accessible,
comprehensive and not heavily scientific.

Do you/ Vietnamese people often visit science museums?

Yes. I have been in several museums of science in Vietnam like Geological Museum, Vietnam National Museum of
Nature and new innovation Museum. The exhibits in these museums present natural phenomena, technological
innovations and scientific ideas in ways that prompt visitors, interacting with them, to ask themselves questions
and reinforce my own learning.


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