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CHE 218 LECTURE NOTE: Basics, Acid-Base Titration, Non-Aqueous
Titration And Redox Titration
Dr. Gilbert U. Adie
Course Outline
1. Preamble
- What analytical chemistry is all about
- Importance of analytical chemistry
- Need of analytical chemistry in various fields
- The analytical process

2. Classical methods
- Different types of classical methods
- Why classical methods in spite of the advent of instrumental methods
- Titrimetric Analysis
- Various types of titrimetric analysis (example of each type)
- Basic equipment’s for titrimetric analysis (show the students)

3. Definition of some terms in Titrimetry

- Standard solution; Titrant; Titrand; Titration; Equivalent point; End point; Titration
error; Molarity; Moles; Millimoles; Normality.

4. Identification of end point in titration

5. Conditions for a given set of reactants/reaction to be analysed titrimetrically
6. Primary and secondary standards
- Examples in each case
- Conditions, a compound must satisfy before being used as a primary standard
- Properties of ideal standard solution
7. Buffer
- Definition and examples
- Henderson – Haselbalch equation

8. Acid and base titrations

- Different types of acid/base titrations and their curves
- Balance equation with worked examples in each case
- Detection of endpoint in acid base titration
- Titration in non-aqueous medium

9. Redox Titrations
- Definition of some terms
- Oxidation , Reduction, Oxidizing agent, Reducing agent
- Balancing of half-cell reaction
- Practical examples in each case
- Types of redox indicators

1. Preamble
Definition of Analytical Analytical Chemistry
This is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter. This field of chemistry
answers two important questions: What is it? And How much is it. These questions
are associated with qualitative and quantitative analyses, respectively.

Analytical chemistry is important in many fields of human endeavor. Some of these

include: Agricultural, Chemical, Environmental, Forensic, Manufacturing,
Pharmaceuticals etc.
Typical examples to when qualitative and quantitative analyses are required on this.
Required are thus
Qualitative: The presence of gun powder residue on a hand in a crime scene
Quantitative: The price of coal is determined by the % of sulphur impurity present

The analytical process

1. Defining the problem or discovery
2. Obtaining a representative sample
3. Preparing the sample for analysis
4. Performing necessary chemical separations
5. Performing the measurement
6. Calculating the results and reporting the data

2. Classical Methods of Analysis

There are two broad types of classical method
(1) Titrimetry (2) Gravimetry
Titrimetry deals with measurement of volumes while gravimetry deals with
measurement of weights
Classical methods of analysis are still very invaluable because of their precision and
accuracy compared with the instrumental methods which are however more sensitive,
but are not as precise and accurate as the classical methods.

Types of titrimetric methods

There are 4 broad types of titrimetric methods
These include:
1. Acid-Base (Neutralization)
2. Precipitation
3. Complexometric
4. Redox (Oxidation-reduction)

This involves the reaction of either a strong or weak acid with a weak or strong base
to form a salt and water only.
Na+ OH- + H+ + Cl-  NaCl + H2O
Na+OH- + CH3COO- + H+  CH3COONa + H2O

This is the reaction of titrant and analyte resulting in the formation of an insoluble
Ag+ NO3- + Cl-  AgCl(s) + NO3-

This is a reaction where the analyte forms a soluble complex with the titrant
Ca2+ Na2EDTA  Ca-EDTA complex + 2Na+

Titration in which one species is being oxidized while the other is reduced.
Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e-  2Cr3+ + 7H2O (1)
Fe2+  Fe3+ + e- x 6
6Fe2+  6Fe3+ + 6 e- (2)
(1) + (2)
6Fe2+ + Cr2O72- + 14H+  6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

Basic Equipment for a titrimetric Analysis

All titrimetric Analysis require the following apparatus
1. A Retort stand and clamp
2. Burette
3. Pipette
They exist in various volumes 1ml, 5ml, 10ml, 25ml
4. Conical flask
5. White tile
6. Standard flask (volumetric flask)
7. Funnel
8. Indicator
Assignment: Students to draw each of the apparatus listed and state at least one function of

3. Definition of terms
Atomic weight (mass)
This is the mass of a specific number of atoms of an elements. Atomic mass of every
element contains 6.022 x 1023 atoms/g. Atomic mass of an element that contains
isotopes is the average mass of isotopes masses. E.g. atomic mass of every element =
No protons + e-s
Molecular mass
This is the sum of the atomic masses of atoms that make up a compound.
Formula mass
This is a more accurate description for substances that do not exist as molecules, but
as ionic compounds. Molar mass is sometimes used in place of formula mass.
Standard solution
This is a solution prepared by dissolving an accurately weighed quantity of a highly
pure material called primary standard and diluting to an accurately known volume in a
volumetric flask. It always has known concentration.
This is the test substance.
Titrand: solution that contains the analyte
This is the standard solution that is normally titrated against the analyte. This is
normally contained in the burette.
This is the process of reacting the titrant with analyte by mixing the titrant in the
burette and analyte in conical flask.
Equivalence Point
This is the point at which the stoichiometric amount of titrant is added to completely
react with analyte.
End Point
This is the point at which the reaction between titrant and analyte is observed to be
complete. This is normally assisted with an indicator.
Titration Error
This is the difference between equivalence point and end point.
A mole
This can be defined as the Avogadro’s number (6.022 x 1023) of atoms, molecules,
ions or other species of an element or compound or ion. It is numerically the atomic,
molecular or formula mass of substances expressed in grams.
� ��
Mathematically, mole = ���(�/���) ; ���� = ��� (��/���)

Class work
E.g. 1: Calculate the number of grams in 1 mole of
(a) CaSO4.7H2O
(b) NaCO3. 10H2O
E.g. 2 How many mg are in 0.250mmol Fe2O3?
0.250mmol X 159.7mg/mmol = 39.9mg

1 molar solution is defined as one that contains one mole of substance in 1L of
solution. It is expressed as moles/L or mmol/mL. It Is abbreviated as M.
mole = molarity x L or mmoles = molarity x mL.
E.g. 1. A solution is prepared by dissolving 1.26 g AgNO3 in a 250 mL standard flask
and diluted to mark. Calculate the molarity of AgNO3 solution. How many mmoles of
the salt were dissolved?
� 126�
No moles of Ag = �� = 169.9�/����/0.250�
= 0.0297�

���� = � ×= 0.0297 × 250m = 7.42mmol

Home work
1. How many grams per mL of NaCl are contained in a 0.250m solution?
(Answer 0.0146g)
2. How many grams of NaSO4 should be weighed out to prepare 500mL of a
0.100M solution ? (Answer 7.0988g)

A one normal solution contains an equivalent for L. An equivalent represents the
mass of material providing Avogadro’s number of reacting units. A reacting unit is
either a proton or an electron. The no of equivalents is given by the no of moles
multiplied by the no of reacting units per mole or atom.

The equivalent mass or weight is the formula weight divided by the no of reacting
For acids and bases, the no of reacting units is based on the no of protons (H+) an acid
will furnish or the base will react with while for redox reactions, it is based on the no
of e’s an oxidizing or reducing agent will take or supply.

E.g. Equivalent wt of H2SO4 = 2 eq/mol
=49.04 g/eq

 The Molarity of H2SO4 is twice its morality

Calculate the equivalent weight of the following substances.
(a) NH3 (b)H2C2O4 in reaction with NaOH (c) KMnO4 (Mn (VII)) is reduced
to Mn2+.
��3�/��� 17.03
(a) eq wt = 1 ��/���
= 1
= 17.03 g/eq
(b) eq wt = 2 ��/���
(c) MnO4- + 8H+ + 5e-  Mn2+ + 4H2O = 5
= 31.608�/��

More Exercise
Calculate the normality of solutions containing the following:
(a) 5.300g/L Na2CO3 when CO32- reacts with 2 protons
(b) 5.267g/L K2Cr2O7 when Cr (VI) is reduced to Cr3+
(a) CO32- + 2H+  H2CO3
N = 105.99 = 0.1000eq/L

(b) Cr2O72- + 14H+ + 6e- 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

N = 294.19 = 0.1074 ��/�

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