Pgdca 2 Sem Gui Programming in Visual Basic 951 May 2017

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(4) Code No. : B-951 Roll No...................... Total No. of Section : 03

Total No. of Printed Pages : 04

Q-2. Write a Visual program to demonstrate the use of a user Code No. : B/951
defined procedure. Second Semester Examination, May-2017
Write a Visual Basic program to take an integer as input PGDCA-106
from the user and display the factorial of the number using
loop control structure. Paper - I
Q-3. Write a Visual Basic program to demonstrate the use of GUI PROGRAMMING IN VISUAL BASIC
ComboBox in an application. The program should read Time : 3 Hrs. Max.Marks:100
the choice selected by the user through the ComboBox Note :Section 'A', consists of 10 very short answer type
and display the choice. questions, all of which are compulsory and should be
OR attempted first. Section 'B' consists of four short answer
What are the different techniques to handle errors in Visual type questions with internal options. Section 'C' consists
Basic? Write a small program to demonstrate how to of four long answer type questions with internal choice.
handle errors using the On - Error statement. Section-'A'
Q-4. Explain the file operations that can be performed using
Answer the following very short-answer-type
Visual Basic programs. What type of applications can be
created using file handling? questions in one or two sentences. (2x10=20)
OR Q-1. Name any two events associated with Mouse.
What are the different techniques to access data through Q-2. How can we write a one line comment in a Visual Basic
a Visual Basic application? What is the difference between program?
ADO and RDO? Q-3. How can you display today's date in a Visual Basic
Q-5. What are the different steps to create a data report for an program?
application? Q-4. What are the different kinds of loops in Visual Basic?
OR Q-5. For which purpose are functions like Cint and val used
for ?
Explain the use of the date/time controls like Calendar
Q-6. What is an Error handler?
and Timer. Write a program that displays the current date
and time after every 1 second. Q-7. What is the full form of ADO?

---x--- P.T.O.

(2) Code No. : B-951 (3) Code No. : B-951

Q-8. Name some of the functions used for file handling OR

With the help of an example code explain how error
Q-9. What is the difference between a form and a MDI form?
handling is done in Visual Basic.
Q-10. What is SQL used for?
Q-4. With the example of an example code explain how file
operations can be performed through Visual Basic
Answer the following short-answer-type questions programs?
with word limit 200-250. Give example code OR
wherever relevant. (6x5=30)
Explain ActiveX data Objects?
Q-1. What do you mean by event driven programming? Give
example of an event and one property of the Command Q-5. What is the use of MDI forms and dialog boxes for appli-
Button. cation development? Name the different dialog boxes
What is the difference between Msgbox and InputBox?
Write a program that will ask the user to enter his/her name Why are data reports needed for an application? What is
and then display the user's name. Use Msgbox, InputBox Crystal Report?
and Command Button only. Section-'C'
Q-2. Write a Visual Basic program that will take an integer from Answer the following long-answer-type questions with word
the user as input and then print its multiplication table. limit 400-450. (10x5=50)
The code should use any suitable kind of loop for this Q-1. What are the basic elements of event driven programming
work. model? Explain the terms event, property and methods for
control objects.
Write a Visual Basic program that will take three integers
as input from the user and then display the value of the What is the importance of documentation and indentation
largest of them. The code should use if-else construct for of program? With the help of a well documented and well
this work. indented program explain how single line and multiline
comments can help to increase the readability of code.
Q-3. Mention the basic controls available in the Visual Basic
tool box with their use.


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