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Modeling Complex Railings and Balusters in Revit

Nicolas Catellier
BIM Pure Productions

Learning Objectives
• Learn about and customize every individual part of a complex railing
• Learn how to generate complex shapes for rails transitions, extensions, and
• Learn about navigating the subtleties of advanced posts and balusters placement
• Learn how to create and manage a sophisticated baluster family

Learn how to model complex railing shapes in Revit. Manage the three types of rails, create
smooth transitions, customize joins and set custom landing height adjustments.
You will also learn how to generate complex balusters and posts. You will unlock the secrets of
the balusters menu, understand the subtleties of placing balusters on stairs and find out the
smart way to set posts. Finally, you will learn how to create a complex classical baluster family.


Nicolas Catellier is an architect, designer, BIM manager,

educator and founder of the website Nicolas
graduated with a master in architecture from Université de
Montréal in 2011 and now lives in Quebec City, Canada.
He is passionate about design, technology, teaching,
music, running and his 2 daughters.

After working as an architect and BIM manager for Atelier

21 architects for almost 10 years, he now works full time on
his business, BIM Pure Productions. His focus is teaching
Revit, BIM and the use of technology in the AEC industry
with fun, efficiency and simplicity. Nicolas is the host of
"Revit Pure Live", a weekly show on YouTube where BIM
experts share their knowledge with users.

Page 1
3 Types of Rails

Top Rail
Top rail is the highest horizontal element of a railing. It is created by selecting a 2D profile and a

Handrail is an intermediate rail used for hands. They are linked to a wall or to a railing with

Intermediate Rail
Any horizontal rail other than the Top Rail and the Handrail. Can be used to constraints
balusters. Also known as Non-Continuous Rails.

Top Rails and Handrails have their own system families. They can be found in the project
browser. Different types can be used on different railings.

Page 2
In the railings properties, you can select a Top Rail type and set the height. Click the 3 small
dots to access the top rail properties.

You can have 2 different Handrail types for each railing type. Set the right/left position and the
type used. Unlike Top Rails, the height is set in the Handrail type properties.

As for Intermediate Rails, they are created directly in the main Railing type properties. Access
the menu by clicking on Rail Structure (Non-Continuous). Then, set setting properties like
Height, Offset, Profile and Material.

Page 3
Top Rail Properties

Page 4
Handrail Properties

Page 5
Intermediate Rail Properties

Page 6
Comparing 3 Types of Rails

Page 7
Page 8
Understanding 9 Rails Parameters

1- Assign to Balusters

Balusters base and top can be constrained to rails, except for handrails.

In the image below, you can see we constrain a baluster base to an intermediate rail (also
known as non-continuous rail). The top of the baluster is constrained to the Top Rail. Offsets
can be assigned to the base and top.

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2- Creating Rail Profile

Create a new profile family using the Profile - Rail default template. Use the text guidelines to
properly draw the profile.

In the top rail properties, make sure to select the profile you have just created. The Hand
Clearance value will be set so the profile is automatically centered with the railing boundary line.

Here is the resulting top rail profile.

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3- Default Join: Miter or Fillet

Most top rail Default Join parameters are set to miter, producing a standard, straight transition.
You can go to the Top Rail or Handrail type properties and change the Default Join to Fillet
instead of Miter. Then, you will get access to the Fillet Radius value. This affects all transitions,
both in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Modify Individual Join

In the previous tip, changing the default join affected all joins. What if you want to modify an
individual join instead? You will have to select the top rail using tab. Then, click on Edit Rail.
Click on Edit Path.

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Then, you’ll have to click on Edit Rail Joins.

Click on one of the join, represented by the square snap symbol. Then, change the join
type to Fillet and enter the radius value you wish to use.

If you enter a value that is too big and would interfere with another intersection, you will
get the following warning:

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4- Supports

Supports are used to connect Handrails to railings or to walls. Adjust Family type,
Layout, Spacing and Justification in Handrail type.

The default Revit family is Circular. In the Support Type properties, you can adjust
Radius and Height. If you want a different shape, you will need to create another
Support family.

Layout Options

There are 5 different layout options for supports:

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Layout Options Examples

Page 14
Supports Tips

You can unpin and move a support to get a specific position.

When a support is placed on walls of different distances, you can individually select a
support and set an individual Hand Clearance value.`

Page 15
5- Hand Clearance

The Hand Clearance value represents the distance between the railing path
(represented by a purple line) and the beginning of a rail. In the example below you can
see a few different values use on a Top Rail, showcased in a plan view.

Projection Value is Automatically Created

Just next to the Hand Clearance value in the properties, you will find the Projection
value. This represents the distance between the railing path line and the end of the rail.
This value is only for information purpose: it can’t be modified. It is automatically
generated by adding the Hand Clearance to the rail’s width. In the example below, you
can see the projection is equal to the Hand Clearance (50mm) added to the width of the
rail (40mm).

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Flip the Direction of the Railing

By default, the hand clearance value is relative to the interior side of the railing. That’s
quite obvious when you are hosting the railings on a stair, but less so when you are
drawing a railing on the ground. If the hand clearance puts your rail on the wrong side,
click the flip arrows to switch sides.

Hand Clearance Guidelines

The top rail is usually centered on the railing path line. Actually, Revit will automatically
set the Hand Clearance value to -(width/2) so the profile is perfectly in the middle.

Hand clearance is usually more useful for Handrails, where code standards often
requires you to have a minimum value.

Page 17
6- Transitions

There are 3 transition types for Handrails and Top Rails in Revit. Simple, Gooseneck
and None. Look at the image below to understand what all these transitions actually do:

In the strange railing below, the Top Rail has Gooseneck transitions and the Handrail
has Simple transitions.

In the strange railing below, the Top Rail has Gooseneck transitions and the Handrail
has Simple transitions.

Page 18
7- Terminations

Terminations are located at the end of a Top Rail or Handrail. In the example below you
can see the difference between a top rail using a termination and one using no
termination. People are less likely to stab themselves in the stomach when a termination
is used :)

The default Revit termination family is a simple plate of wood usually set against a wall
and used for handrails.

Creating a Termination Family

Create a new family and use the Railings - Termination family template. Model the
geometry of the termination on the right side of the reference planes, where the red lines
are drawn in the image below.

Page 19
To recreate the ancestral termination used in the previous page, load the profile in the
family and model a sweep. Then, create a void extrusion to cut the extremity of the
sweep. Load the family in your project.

Assign Termination to Rail

Terminations can be assigned to Top Rails and Handrails. In the example below, we
start by assigning terminations to the Top Rail. We assign a termination to both the
Beginning and the End of the rail. Then, we assign terminations to the handrails. Why

Page 20
Remove Termination Line in 3D Views

As you can see, there is an annoying line that joins the rail with the termination. You can
get rid of it in a 3D view by using the Lineworks tool (shortcut: LW). Select the <Invisible
Lines> type and click a few times on each visible line you want to remove. This only
affects the visibility of the lines on a single view.

Termination is Placed at End of Path

Are you using a custom end path for the railing? The termination will be placed at the
end of the custom path.

Page 21
8- Extensions

Now, let’s talk about extensions. You will find these options in the Top Rails and
Handrails properties. You can set an extension type and a value. You set whether the
the extension is at the beginning and/or end of the railing. The Wall extension type only
works with handrails.

As you can see below, an extension value goes beyond the purple path lines of a railing.
See next page to understand the extension options.

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Extension Styles

Page 23
Using « Tread Depth »

When using railing on a stair, you can activate the Plus Tread Depth parameter. This is
only available at the bottom of the stairs. In addition to the extension length, the width of
a tread will also be added to the rail.

9- Using Custom Extension Path

In the last tip, you were limited to 4 extension shapes. It turns out you can customize the
shape to whatever you want.

Tab-select the Top Rail, then click the Edit Rail button. Then click Edit Path.

Page 24
Changed your mind and want to go back to the original shape? Click the Reset
Rail button when the Top Rail is selected.

Editing railing path is limited to the extensions, you cannot modify the main part of the
rail. Use this feature for Top Rails or for Handrails.

Custom Path Limitation

A custom path is limited to the current plane of the railing. You can’t draw a
sophisticated 3D path. In the image below, the path has to be drawn on the blue plane.

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Other Railings Features Affecting Rails

We just went through 9 features affecting rails. Now, we’ll go through general railings features
that also have effects on rails. These are:

1- Railing Direction
2- Tangent and Angled Joins
3- Landing Height Adjustment
4- Railing Slope Override

Railing Direction

Have you ever wondered what the arrows in the railing path mean? They indicate where the
beginning and end of railings are located. They also indicate the location of the left side and
right side of the railing.

You can switch the railing the direction of the railing by clicking on one of the arrow. The arrows
are only visible if the railing is hosted on an element.

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In the example below you can see what happens to the railing when the direction is switched.
The handrail and termination location are modified to match the beginning/end and right/left side
of the arrows.

Page 27
Tangent Joins

In the railings type properties, you will find the Tangent Joins parameter. The image below
illustrates the 3 available types. The behavior of this option can be quite unpredictable. Add
Vertical/Horizontal Segment is the option that makes the most sense on most cases. See a few
examples in the next page. As you can see, different options might end up providing the same

Page 28
Tangent Join Examples

Page 29
Angled Joins

In the railings type properties, you will find the Angled Joins parameter. This option manage
how the joins will behave on at the intersection of railings. An example would be at the bottom of
the stairs, like in the image below.

Landing Height Adjustment

In the type properties of a railing, you will find the Use Landing Height Adjustment parameter.
Check the box and enter a value. This way, you can have a different value when the railing is
located on a landing (or floor).

Most people aren’t aware of this feature and will create multiple railing types with different
height. Using this feature avoid the trouble.

Page 30
Landing Height – Individual Segments

If you don’t want to apply landing height correction in the railing type, you can apply the
effect to a single railing path line. In the example below, we set a height correction value
of 300mm to one of the railing path line. This value will override any value set in the type
properties of the railing.

Page 31
Railing Path Slope Override

Another hidden feature in the railing path options is the Slope parameter. Here, we set
the Sloped parameter override to an individual segment line. Instead of having a
vertical connector like in the previous page, the selected segment will be sloped to
connect the adjacent segments.

Having Fun With Slope / Height Correction

By using the Sloped parameter and the height correction parameter on individual railing
path lines, you can create really odd railings. The example below is made from a single
railing, just by creating multiple little segments with overrides.

Page 32
Balusters vs Posts
Vertical elements that are part of the railing. Set their shape with Baluster Family. Adjust their
spacing in Baluster Placement.

Posts are balusters that are at the Start, the End or the Corner of a railing. They can be added
in Baluster Placement.

Baluster Family
Balusters are made from a full 3D Revit family. These families are made so the baluster can be
cut diagonally to match slopes in the railing.

Post Family
While baluster families can be used to create posts, usually they aren’t cut diagonally and might
extend beyond the top rail height.

Page 33
Understanding the Balusters Menu
The balusters menu allows you to create a balusters pattern. In this example, we have balusters
with the Distance From Previous set to 100mm. In the second example, we add a second
baluster by clicking on the “Duplicate” button. We set the Distance From Previous to 125mm.

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As you can see in the previous image, we now have two types of balusters, each with a different
Distance from previous.

Vertically Aligned Balusters

Time to understand the Base and Top constraints. Let’s add an intermediate rail to have fun
with our railings. Next page, you can see an image where we have a railing with a Distance
From Previous of 0. That allows us to insert two different types of balusters that are vertically

As you can see, setting a Distance From Previous of 0 to the second baluster allows us to
vertically align 2 different baluster types. In this case, the Top of the first baluster and the Base
of the second one both are the Intermediate rail.

Page 35
Using Base and Top Offsets

In the example below, we mess a bit with the Base/Top offset values of the balusters. You can
see what happens.

Page 36
Setting Justification

There are four different justification settings available for balusters. When using Spread Pattern
To Fit, the Distance From Previous value will represent the minimum spacing. Revit will then
adjust the dimension to fit the length of the railing. Spread Pattern To Fit is usually the best

Page 37
“Use Balusters per Tread on Stairs”

When the “Use Balusters Per Tread On Stairs” box is checked, the balusters “Main Pattern”
menu will be completely ignored.

Many users are confused about this feature, so again: the top menu becomes completely
irrelevant when the box is checked.

Page 38
Once the “Use Baluster Per Tread On Stairs” box is checked, you only have to set 2
parameters: Balusters Per Tread and Baluster Family.

You only need to specify a baluster type and how many balusters to be placed on each tread.
The bottom of the balusters will match the host element (either the treads or support). The top of
the balusters will be the top rail. In the example below, you can see what happens when you
switch the number of balusters per tread.

Page 39
“Use Balusters Per Tread on Stairs” Beyond Stairs

When creating a railing that is partly on a stairs but that extend beyond the stairs to a landing or
a floor, the same balusters will be used, with the same spacing used on the stairs.

Basically, the “Main Pattern” of balusters will be ignored for the entire railing, even on segments
beyond the stairs.

In the example below, you can see that the balusters distance from one another will be
automatically adjusted to match the Actual Tread Depth.

Known Issue : Balusters Glitch

If you have balusters that go beyond the stairs, you might have a glitch like in the image below.
Sadly, there isn’t any easy way to solve the issue for the moment.

Page 40
Offset Value on Balusters
The offset value is used to control the distance from the balusters to the center of the railing
path. A positive value will move the balusters to the left side, while a negative value will move
them to the right side. You can understand the direction of the railing and which way are the
right/left sides by looking at the direction arrows.

Page 41
Offset Value Balusters (on Stairs)

We mentioned that a positive offset value moves the elements to the left side. The process is a
little different when railings are hosted on stairs. A positive offset value goes to the exterior side
of the stairs while a negative offset value goes to the interior side of the stairs.

Watched out though: If the “Use Baluster Per Tread On Stairs” box is activated, the offset
value will be ignored.

Page 42
Using Posts

Revit allows you to create Beginning, Corner and End posts. The image below explains how to
use posts. Look at the arrows to understand the placement of the beginning post.

Page 43
Space Value on Posts
When creating posts, you have access to an additional parameter called Space. When the
value is set to 0, the post will be centered on the extremity of the purple boundary line. A
positive value will move the post towards the start of the railing (represented by the beginning
blue arrow).

Usually, the Space value is equal to half the width of the post. A negative value is used at the
start post and a positive value at the end post.

Break Pattern at + Corner Posts

Just below the balusters Main Pattern menu, you have a dropdown menu called Break Pattern
At. The default is usually Each Segment End, which means each purple boundary segment will
restart the balusters pattern. You can switch the option to Never if you want the pattern to never
be interrupted, even at corners and intersections.

Page 44
Just below the Posts option, you can also select in which case you want to use the Corner Post
feature. If the pattern is set to break at Each Segment End, you can also set a corner post at
each segment end.

When the pattern is set to break at Each Segment End, you can split the purple boundary line of
the railing to add Corner Posts at the positions of your choice.

Page 45
The Angles Greater Than option allows you to create a minimum angle required between
segments for the pattern to break and for a corner post to be added.

Create a Classical Baluster Family

Time to learn how to create a classical baluster family. Below, you can see an image of the
profile we want to use.

Create a new family using the Baluster template.

In our profile, the middle part will be fixed, will the top and bottom square shaped parts will
adapt depending on the baluster height and angle.

Page 46
Go to the Left elevation view and add 2 new reference planes. In the example below, the new
reference planes are in pink. We add dimension and set the planes to 100mm.

Then, you need to lock the middle area, which is the fixed part of the baluster. Add a dimension
and click on the lock icon.

Then, import the image reference for your baluster (if necessary).

Scale the image so the middle section fits between the reference planes. Place the image so
the center of the baluster is aligned to the center reference plane, like in this image:

Page 47
Now, use the Revolve tool. It is located in the Create tab. Revit will ask you to pick a Work
Plane. Select the Center (Left/Right) reference plane. Make sure you are already in the Left
elevation view in the family.

Page 48
Now, draw half the profile of the baluster with the purple Boundary Lines using the image as a
reference. Then, pick the Axis Line tool and match it to the center reference plane. This will be
the center of rotation for the shape.

We will now create the rectangle shaped part of the baluster above and below the curved part.

Go to the Left elevation view and create an extrusion. Again, you can pick the Left/Right
reference plane as a workplane when prompted to.

Use the Pick Lines tool and select the 4 reference planes like in the image below. Make sure to
Lock the boundary lines. Then, Trim the lines.

Page 49
Go to a Plan View. Create new reference planes to have a square shape around your baluster.
Then, Move the boundaries of your rectangle extrusion and Lock to the new reference planes.

Page 50
Repeat the same process for the rectangle shape at the bottom of the baluster.

The geometry of your baluster should now be complete! You can go to a 3D view to make sure
everything is properly working.

Page 51
Try a few dimensions for the baluster height to make sure the family is properly working. For the
moment, the excess height is distributed to the bottom rectangle. Next page you’ll learn a trick
to distribute the height to both the top and bottom.

To equally distribute the excess height to both the top and bottom rectangle shapes, create a
new reference plane at the center of the baluster. Then, add 2 EQ dimensions like in the image
below. Test the baluster height to make sure it properly works.

Page 52
A final thing before saving and loading the family. Select the 3 geometric shapes. Click on the
small rectangle next to the material parameter. Create a new parameter called “Baluster

The family is complete! Load it to your new project. Add the baluster family to a railing type. Try
it on stairs to make sure it properly works. As you can see, it does adapt to height differences.

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