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Brooke Morgan rie Vapinal Binh Jouat During today's clinical [was given the opportunity to observe a vagina delivery of a baby git The mother was & GPS, she had no significant obstetrieal history in her por pregnancies and deliveries I watched from the point of 10cm dilation 100% effacement as the ‘mother entered the active pushing stage of labor The mother was given an epidural prio this point inthe delivery, but was ill feling stong contractions throughout the process Tmumediatly upon assessing the mother when I entered the room, [noticed a unusual abnormality ia hee vaginal area. The nurse explained that she had a bulging bg of arm i Mid Ande ‘sa thus rupturing her membrane to further activate the labor process The mother only needed to push for about 1 minutes before the baby was delivered wnt the assistance ofa vacuum. (Once the babys head was out, noticed thatthe cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck and the baby was very blue and discolored, moreso compared to other newboms I've seen. The doctor was abl to sucessfully unwrap the cord and suction the baby quickly to allow adequate ‘oxygen to reach the newborn, ‘Some nursing skills that ¥ observed during this delivery were quick assessment sills, ‘expecially onthe fetal monitor stnps, gathering needed supplies forthe physician porto his turval, comforting the mother, and administering pitoen I myself performed some comfort measures fo the mathee She was in need of support in a moment of an intense contraction, 0 1 comforted het by holding her hand and helping her throught the contraction, Two nursing diagnoses that were appropnate for this labor and delivery are Risk for Fetal Imparid Gas exchange related to the nuchal cord, and Fatigue related tothe labor process. As a result ofthis fang, her pushes were ineffective at delivering the baby, requiring the assistance of a vacuum tw extract the newborn ‘During this clinical I felt that the two things [Teamed the most about were the bulging ‘bag of amniotic Mui andthe use ofthe vacuum to deliver the baby. Two clinical objectives that felt metin this clinica include, course objective I: Integrate relevant concepts & theories of nursing & other disciplines into a plan of care that maintains & promotes the health and wel being of developing families and women, and course objective 8: Implement effective Iimterpersooal sis with acute or chromcally ill eildbearingfamuly members, women clients snd thei famslies, peer, and health eam members I feel that I met objective | cause I was able to utlize concepts I lead in class and relate them to cel life stuanons, specifically about the use ofthe vacuum and the bulging bag. This allowed me to crete an indvidualized plan of eare fo this mother to crete the best outcomes for her and her baby [fel T met objective because 1 used my own personal judgement to notice the patient needed support just by comforting her ‘through her contractions. felt that I communicated with the patient in a therapuetic manner that ‘cased her ancety about the delivery process, ‘Overall, was so grateful for his experience on my final day of OB clinical It was uch a ‘beauiful proces to witness firsthand for the mother and father I also goto observe the important jobs ofthe nurse in the delivery room and how to maintain a comfortable ‘environment forthe mother This patient was great teaching example for me asa student to witness, so think tis i oe ofthe most valuable clinical experiences I've hadin my nursing ay i cepa school career w bese he YUN

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