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Comparatives and Superlatives Worksheet

Name: Group: Date:

Exercise a: Fill in the chart with the missing forms of the degrees of comparison.

1. high

2. smaller

3. the largest

4. heavy

5. newer

6. the most interesting

7. beautiful

8. more difficult

9. creative

10. the most careful

11. bad

12. the most

13. better

14. little

15. the biggest

Exercise b: Write the correct form of the word in brackets according to the type of comparison
(superiority, inferiority, equality).

1. Mary is (tall) than Kate. (superiority)

2. Bruce is (short) Bob. (equality)
3. Bill reads (slow) than Ben. (superiority)
4. Pam is (old) Helen. (inferiority)
5. Mona’s dress is (expensive) than Monica’s. (inferiority)
6. Nick is (smart) than Mike. (superiority)
7. Tim is (helpful) than his brother. (inferiority)
8. This text is (difficult) that text. (equality)
9. Today is (hot) yesterday. (inferiority)
10. My mother cleans the house (fast) than nobody else. (superiority)

Exercise c: Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets (superlative).

1. July is (hot) month of the year.

2. My bike is (cheap).
3. This is (high) tree in this park.
4. Peter is (good) runner at school.
5. Mona is (clever) student in our class.
6. This task is (difficult) in the test.
7. The traffic on this road is (dangerous).
8. It is (heavy) box here.
9. My granny is (old) in our family.
10. This car is (expensive) here.
11. Tom is (fat) guy in our street.
12. This is (good) translation.
13. It is (popular) movie now.
14. I think it is (cold) day today.
15. It is (large) size of the dress.

Exercise d: Correct the mistake in the sentence.

1. I have the heavier bag.

2. Lucas is best in our group.
3. Lorena is thin than Lucy.
4. Hanna is happiest than Steph.
5. Tony is older of the group.
6. This apple is the sweeter.
7. Your watch is cheapest than mine.
8. The tree is the older in the street.
9. My house is more expensive in the neighborhood.
10. The panther is most dangerous in the zoo.

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