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Angels And Amber Eyes

A story by Starrgazer

201M2025 BC Volcaldera Bluffs

It was interesting that after five years away from Volcadera that nothing had really changed.

Skin Row was still a shithole that I wanted to avoid so thankfully I was able to move in with Lucy

to her place. It was a nicely furnished house she recently bought with the help of

Ridley…someone who thankfully didn't want to turn my head into a trophy anymore. I guess

being with the same person for five years gives you some credit. Otherwise, the place was a

decent sized suburban home where she could have all her guitars and musical equipment, while

I could have all my games (Rock Ring 3 needed a place after all too!). I didn’t have much to

move in from the dorm so moving in was easy and quick and before we knew…it was home

sweet home for the both of us. Well… at least I thought so.

“Anon, how much does the shit weigh? I feel like I'm lifting boulders with these bags.” as she

huffed. The visible anguish on her face told me she wasn’t exactly pleased with the current


Well, maybe I had more than I thought. Sorry Lucy. The collection of vidya had piled up over the

years after all.

“I've almost got it all and then we can relax, I promise. To make it up to you, how about we hit up

Moe’s after. A little bit of nostalgia and some good food will do good for the both of us. After that

we can figure out what’s next… ok.”

“Fine, but you owe me a COLOSSAL amount of dino nuggies when we do get out to get

groceries. Otherwise you won’t be able to feel your nuts for a week you dweeb… that’s a fucking

PROMISE.” I could feel some extra bitterness in that “promise”.

Well, looks like I was definitely going grocery shopping. Wouldn’t hurt to pick up some

cornflakes for RAYmba either.


After moving in with Lucy, I had originally agreed to a contract with a studio inside Volcaldera

that looked to be promising. Coming off of my college degree, it seemed to be a pretty damn

good deal. Of course it turned out to be the latter. It seemed that the studio had wanted to hire a

specifically Dino sound engineer and poor Anon Y. Mous did not fit the bill. Naivety on my part I

suppose but leaving me out of a job regardless. This left me scrambling a bit to find either a new

contract with another company or some independent studio work. After getting ready to give up

on another day of not finding or being reached out to by any potential employers, I got a call

from Reed of all people.

“Hey bro, are you there? I heard you were looking for a gig and I think I might have something

for you to do. Stop by the address I sent you and we'll talk about it. Nice seeing you again man.”

This could either be the stupidest or smartest decision I could ever make… of course I was

taking it. Shortly after the call, I called up a taxi and was met by that same guy, I guess I

shouldn’t be surprised he was still driving people around. Probably will be driving around people

until he dies at this rate. Gotta give him credit.

“Hey kid, how ya been holding up. Probably been a couple years since I've seen you last. You

still with that little cutie, the one who used to wear all the black clothes and give me the dirty

stare all the time.”

I wasn’t exactly a fan of him talking about Lucy like he did but he had a point. She wasn’t exactly

the friendliest of people back then.

“Yeah, we actually got back together and moved in with each other. It’s been real nice to tell you

the truth. When I met her originally, I was laughing at her during her band’s disaster of a concert

and here we are years later and we're sharing the same bed. I don’t think I'll ever get used to it,

even though we honestly love each other. It's just a weird feeling is all.” That’s when the taxi

driver swiveled his head around to face me.

“I get ya kid. I've been with a couple flings in my time and I can see that you two have

something special going on. My advice, just keep true to each other and try not to get on each

other's nerves too much and you'll be fine. If you can go the distance for five years, you can go

for fifty. Don’t stress yourself out about it too much for me, eh, kid?” I was met with that same sly

grin from five years ago.

“ Yeah… sure.” What unrequited wisdom from the cab driver of all people. Maybe I didn’t have

this guy figured out yet. After a while of contemplating his guidance, I could hear his voice ring

out again inside the vehicle.

“I think we're almost at the place anyway now that I think of it. Big mansion on the hill with the

ugly colors, right?”

I had no idea what he was talking about.

“Come on and take a look won’t ya so I know i'm taking you to the right place. It wouldn’t be

good service if I dropped you off just anywhere after so long.”

Sure enough, as soon as I looked out the cab window, I could see it. A large mansion protruding

off the cliff and taking up much of the space on the hillside. Guy was right about the colors too, it

looked like someone had thrown a bunch of colors at the wall and mixed them together. Like

something you would see at the Dinofornia Museum of Modern Art. I was really starting to

believe this was Reed’s place after all. Maybe the carfentanyl had gotten to his brain and he had

hired the worst designer in Volcaldera in the meantime. I wouldn’t be surprised.

“Yeah, this looks like the place all right. Thanks for the ride… and the advice” I handed whatever

cash I had in my pocket as I got out the cab and started to ascend the long walkway to the front

of the monstrous palace. I was about to text Reed as I noticed he had already sent me a

message that I had missed. Probably while I was chatting it up with the taxi driver.

“Doors already open. Just walk in bro :).”

Looks like he knew I was here. More surprises to be had with Reed after all. After what felt like

the most painful walk of my life just to get to the front door, I finally made my way inside. It was

definitely Reed’s place to say the least. Weird art sculptures shaped like drug paraphernalia

adorned the main entrance of the large mansion as I steadily made my way through. Signed

merchandise by popular musical figures as well as trinkets and valuables were present as well.

Just like Lucy, Reed still had a devoted passion for music… well that and drugs. As I
approached the end of the hallway after taking in all the items that were displayed, I was met by

a large staircase… and Reed.

“ALRIGHT BRO, you made it here. Be down there in a second my man, let me just slide down

this rail real quick.”

I could see the coming catastrophe happening already.

“Reed, I don’t think that would be the smartest…”

It was already too late. Before I could finish my sentence, Reed came boosting down the railing

of the stairway, falling flat on his snout near the bottom. I rushed over to him pretty quickly,

hoping what might be my only chance of employment wasn’t in a coma. As I reached him, I

could see his tail wildly thrashing around… at least he was alive. I gave Reed some space to

get up from the fall, it was only then I noticed the comical outfit he was wearing. It resembled

something of a mix between a hobo and Mark Zuckerhorn, similar to what he wore at the

reunion. Looks like being rich didn’t give you any taste, maybe that’s why Naser liked

Kanyesaurus so much.

“Sorry for scaring you like that bro, get ahead of myself sometimes.”

For Reed, that wasn’t saying a lot. I just really wanted to hear what this job opportunity could be.

I hoped I wouldn’t be cleaning Reed’s bong collection or something stupid. God, I hoped it

wasn’t really that.

“Just glad you didn’t kill yourself getting down here. Maybe you shouldn’t be digging into the

carfe that much. Doesn’t look like it’s doing you any favors.” I could see that Reed was taken

aback by that with the visible expression of bewilderment on his face. That’s when he thrust a

claw into my chest, which took me back a little.

“My friend Anon, when you put faith in the carfe… the carfe puts FAITH back in you bro. It's a

reciprocal relationship, otherwise it wouldn’t work. That’s how I always knew carfe was going to

be the way, it spoke to me amigo.” Reed withdrew his claw from my chest at that moment.

“Don’t worry, you’ll come around man.”

I don’t think I ever will, actually.

“Well Reed, you've held me in suspense long enough. Are you going to tell me what this grand

job proposal is all about? I've been running around all day and honestly don’t have a lot of

energy left. Especially after the move the past few days, I'm just ready to do anything besides


Reed placed his hand on my back and gave me a light shove. “Ask and you shall receive my

scaleless amigo. Just follow me and I'll show you to what could be your new place of


He hurriedly rushed me into a door on the right side of the hall, after which followed a set of

stairs which no doubt led to another room in this huge monstrosity. By the time we got to the

bottom, I felt like passing out right there. Maybe I should have joined the army after all. It was

worth it in the end however as I was met by what had to be a very expensive musical studio.

Sound equipment was placed all over: an array of drums, electronic keyboards, and guitars. A
selection of microphones were present as well, but what took my attention was the large mixing

console inside the producer’s booth. A few state of the art computers filled the room, with crisp

monitors to match. I could feel Reed’s and my enthusiasm thoroughly fill the air, it was like he

knew what I was feeling at the moment. Thank you Raptor Jesus, I will never ask anything of

you ever again.

“All we have to do is knock all of the paperwork out of the way and I can have my best bro as

my one and only sound engineer. Sounds like the perfect job for you though right?” Reed

stretched his hand out to me. “Don’t leave me hanging amigo.”

Reed had literally for once in his life taken the words out of my mouth. We shook hands to what

I hoped would be a fruitful working relationship. With Reed, anything could happen honestly.


After a day of paperwork signing with Reed and getting everything situated, I became an

official employee of Reed Enterprises Incorporated… at least that’s how he put it. I finally got to

spend some time in the booth and actually put my degree to work, meeting with some of those

bands that paid to use Reed’s studio. A good mix between actual pleasant sounding music and

sharp shrills and noises of dinos who should stay away from music forever. All in all, it was

better than I could have asked for. After what felt like ages inside the studio, Reed came over to


“Anon, I think you've been here long enough. Why don’t you call it a day and get some rest.”

“Thanks again Reed.” I turned back around to look at his face before I said it. “Thanks for

always having my back, even back at Volcano High. You didn’t have to…” Reed stopped me.
“Nothing to it my guy. Even after the incident at the auditorium with Trish, you worked to make

things better for everybody in the end. Just paying you back for all that, it's the least I could do

for my bro.”

Felt good to hear him say that.

“Alright bro, I got some stuff to take care of. I think I accidentally booked two bands at the same

time and now they're pissed. Don’t know how it happened but I'm gonna go figure it out while

you bounce out of here.”

Yep, still the same Reed. While Reed proceeded to nonchalantly make his way upstairs towards

the main hall, I made sure to tidy up before I left the studio. Just moving some of the

instruments and other objects back before I left the place.

“So Reed does have you doing real work after all, huh, dweeb.”

I tripped over one of the guitars I was moving as I heard her voice behind me . As I flopped to

the ground afterwards, it felt eerily similar to the fall I took after the mess of a presentation

where my social life almost turned to shambles. If it wasn't for Lucy… I don’t know how I would

have gotten through that semester, let alone the day itself. Maybe I was just being dramatic

about it. I wasn’t about to let her hear the end of it anyway.

“Trying to kill the only fiance you have after all this time.”

“Pfft, you're tougher than that, you wuss.”

“Whatever you say… sweet tooth.” I could feel a wing slap against my back. Got em.

“Next time it'll be the elbow Anon. Now let me help you get off the ground.” I grabbed Lucy’s

outstretched hand as she pulled me back up off the ground. She was still pretty damn strong,

had that Ridley in her. “You never could detect my dad coming behind you after all, always

made you turn pale when he did it too.”

“Trying to follow in your father’s footsteps or something.”

“God no, however that does remind me… mom and him want to have a housewarming party

now that we're together. I'll round up all the usuals: Trish, Naomi, Stella and Rosa. Since you

work for Reed now, just tell him to come over.”

“Sounds like a plan to me. Let me finish putting this stuff up and we’ll head back home.” As I

finished saying that, Lucy shot me a mischievous look, she obviously had something else on her


“Since Reed’s out of this giant museum, why don’t you and I go for a sightseeing tour. Just you

and me, Reed’s definitely not using all of this space for himself after all. Wouldn’t hurt just to

peek around and see what he’s all got stuffed in this place anyway. Anyways, you own me some

time after all the shit we just moved into our new house anyway, right babe?”

She did have a point. Even though I was still tired, I hadn't had a proper outing with Lucy in so

long that I was willing to forgo the prospect of a good night’s sleep to spend some quality time

with my new fiance. It was just like old times after all.
“Alright, well where do you want to start fir..” I didn’t have much time to react as Lucy quickly

grabbed my hand while she yanked me up the stairs.

“Let’s go find some food first. After dealing with those hellions all day, I need something to eat.

Reed should have a kitchen somewhere in this place and we're gonna find it.”

Looks like that solved the question. In all honesty, I hadn’t eaten much of anything either and

anything sounded appetizing right now. As we made it up the stairs and back into the main hall,

we hiked towards the door on the other side of the hall. Lucy pushed open the door only to

reveal a massive dining room , something that should have belonged to a king, not to the guy

you knew from high school. What was more impressive was the buffet set before us: pot roast,

whole turkey, what looked like different varieties of fish. It was like some kind of fever dream,

honestly I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t notice the note on the table.

To Anon/Lucy

Figured you guys would be hungry so I had the cook make some grub.

Extra room upstairs if you guys want to sleep over. Super busy and stuff.

They will put away extra food so don’t worry about pigging out. Bye now.


How rich was Reed at this point? Lucy didn’t seem to be pondering the point too much as she

dug in and made herself a five course meal. As I watched Lucy stuff her snout with everything

made available. I started to dig in as well. Taking some salmon and some steak, I made a nice

meal for myself. Compared to Lucy though, I hadn’t much in the scheme of things as she

seemed to devour one of the turkeys and a good amount of the pot roast. How much could this
woman eat? Looks like I would have to pull some evasive maneuvers if I wanted to get us to the


“Oh Lucy, can we PLEASE stop eating. I don’t think I can take ANY more of this. My stomach

feels like it's going to BURST if I don't stop.” I was playing it up, sure, but it got her attention.

“Were you always such a lightweight or did I just never really notice.” was uttered devouring a

cheesecake. “Oh well, I guess we can head upstairs now. I think I'm ready to get a little closer

with my favorite human before I fall asleep anyway.”

As Lucy and I started to make our way up the stairs of the main hall, I finally saw what she was

wearing. It was this nice little ruffled blouse, a black just like she used to wear in high school.

Below she had a black little skirt on to match. It accented her feathers well and made her stand

out as we climbed the stairwell. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it in the meantime. Was I getting

hot under the collar? No, that couldn’t be it. I just needed to go to bed, clear my head. Lucy

definitely took notice of this as she looked my way and gave me this toothy smile, similar to

when we went out with Naser and Naomi on our forced double date.

“ I found it so cute how you try to act like you’re not turned on by me right now. Honestly, I think

it’s why I fell in love with you in the first place… dweeb.”

Fuck… now I really was hot and bothered. Thanks for noticing Lucy. I was taken out of thought

as she quickly threw a claw around my waist and whispered in my ear.

“I might as well give you a sneak peek to what you can look forward to… you deserve it after

That’s when she started to take off the blouse, revealing the lacy white singlet underneath. Lucy

knew she was pushing all my buttons and was reveling in it. I didn’t know how much longer I

could last at this rate. Thankfully, we reached the top of the stairs before she had a chance to

continue her teasing. A sign awaited us on a little end table “ GUEST ROOM ←” pointing us to

our destination. As we approached the door, Lucy turned to me amorously.

“Ready for the intense cuddle session to come Anon. I don’t think you'll be able to handle me

once we get inside.”

“We placing bets now or were just always that overconfident. The last time you made a bet with

me you lost, remember?”

‘That was like the first time we met. Do you think I haven’t learned anything since then? If you

want to take a trip down memory lane, I still believe I was pretty obnoxious they/them at that

time too.”

We pushed open on the door to Reed’s guest room to be met with what could be described as

the cushiest room i've ever been in. Inside the guest room was a large king sized bed with an

elegant headboard and a canopy hanging above it. An Xrox was present in the middle of a large

entertainment center with sizable speakers and a soundbar in the middle. A home bar was

present with a variety of different drinks to pick from, with an ice machine nearby. An attached

bathroom with a large jacuzzi inside helped to fill in the rest of the room. Knowing the stoner

from high school did pay off after all.

“Let's finish this bet in the bed Anon. I think I'm tired of waiting anymore.” she was starting to

sound real restless.

“Sure, let’s get under the covers.”

As we leapt into the bed, I felt the coziness of it firsthand. I sank into it immediately along with

Lucy as she proceeded to remove her skirt, revealing a white thong underneath. As she

proceeded to remove her clothes, I took off the t-shirt and pants I was wearing and stripped

down to my underwear. As we laid barely naked in the bed together, I turned to position myself

with Lucy. We just kind of stared into each other's faces for a minute, not sure what move to

make next. She really did look beautiful like this.

“Damn Lucy, you look…”

Lucy made her move first however as she rolled onto me, taking the upper hand in our little

game. She pressed her snout to my mouth and dug her tongue in. Sloppy kisses were made as

we began to engage in our battle of love, her wings splayed out in hopeless abandon and her

tail thumping the large bed. Her amber eyes peered into me as continued to thrust her body

down on me, using whatever energy she had to continue the current lovemaking we were

having. It felt like all the pent up energy we both had from our respective workdays was being

used up.

“Mmmm Anon, keep going” I could hear her moan as we tussled for dominance. I could feel her

weight… her warmth. She could hardly get it out but I heard it. “Undress me… Anon.”
I started to strip her of her belongings, pulling away at the singlet and revealing her plush

breasts. Her thong was the next to fall to the wayside, her pubic mound unveiled to me. Little

feathers covered the area around it. It would be cute if it wasn't getting me so damn horny. We

continued to keep up the tongue tussle as Lucy decided to go for my underwear, pulling them

down my knees and past my ankles. My underwear was flung off to Raptor Jesus knows where

as the pace held steady. I eventually saw an opportunity to get on top of Lucy and took it.

“Alright, im about to fuck you like you’ve never…” A sudden silence. A noise followed afterwards

that was clear as day.


Fuck! Forsaken in what could only be considered one of the most cliche places in the world for

something hot to happen and here I was. Oh well… another time would come. As I nestled with

the snoozing pterosaur in my mist, I could feel her wings suddenly engulf me in their cocoon. It

seems they had a mind of their own. Not that I was complaining about the circumstances. I

started to drift off to sleep in the warm embrace of the feathers covering me as I thought about

the events of the day. Life was pretty damn good for Anon Y. Mous.


I woke up to the disappearance of Lucy as she was not present when I did wake up…

whatever time it was. Once I finally got myself out of bed, I took a greater look at the room we

were in. A couple of Wurm Drama posters were displayed that I didn’t notice yesterday. They

were all Trish’s terrible ones from high school that looked like the epitome of “Graphic design is

my passion”. Reed must've had an excess amount of them left over that he just placed

wherever. I noticed a large wardrobe in the room, it had a note placed on it.
To Anon/Lucy… part deux

Noticed you guys crashed pretty hard last night so got you some things to


Chef won’t make any more food so just treat yourselves to the leftovers

Will be at carfe dispensary for most of day so just chill or whatever

Abolish the government and peace out


Looks like that left the door open for me and Lucy to spend some more time together at least. I

grabbed one of the robes, monogrammed with an “R” on the front, and threw it on. Reed had

even gone the distance and had some caveman tailored sandals available for me too. I made

my way out the door of the large guest room and proceeded to make my way down the stairs as

I heard a voice call out to me.

“About time you finally got up, I thought I might have put you in a coma.”

Coming from the one who fell asleep first.

“Get down here and have some food. I already started without you so you'll have to catch up if

you want to do anything else while we’re here.”

My sign to get myself downstairs. I finished making my way down the stairs as I turned into the

dining hall. The food from last night looked to have been preserved in its natural state, plastic

wrap covering most of it and keeping it mostly fresh. Lucy must have found the fridge as well as

tubs of opened ice cream were visible. Treating myself to some leftover pork chops and some
perch, I went on the hunt for Lucy. Not finding her in the dining hall, I circled back and left. As

soon as I found myself back in the main hall, I thought about where Lucy might have run off to.

An intuition told me to head towards the door on the other side of the hall. As I opened the door

and heard the sounds coming from down the stairs, it all clicked. The studio… of course.

“Lucy, don’t go fucking around with anything down there. Not exactly sure how cool Reed is with

us just using the studio like this.”

Making my way into the control room, I could see her in the recording booth. She had on one of

Reed’s robes, just modified to have holes for her wings to stretch out. Underneath it, she had on

a sports bra and some athletic shorts. As soon as she saw me, she smirked and discarded the

robe. She was about ready to rock out…. with or without me.

“Which song should I do: “I Need Meth Money By Tuesday Night And If I Don't Get It I Will

Stomp on your Child”, “I Gave The Special Kids The Jonestown Special And Now I'm Going To

Jail”, maybe “The Waco Massacre Was A National Tragedy And We Should Abolish The ATF”.

At this point I just really needed her to chill out.

“Lucy, how about we slow it down a bit before I get fired from my job”

“Stop being a pussy and just help me pick a song already.”

What the hell was going on right now? Why was she acting like this?
“How about you just come in here and we talk about what’s going on. Let me know what the

problem is and we'll fix it together.”

“If you're not going to help me pick ASSHOLE… I'll just do it myself. I'll just do the last one.”

At this point she was visibly frustrated, she quickly snatched one of the guitars and started to

strum it violently. Harsh shredding followed afterwards in what appeared to be some great

anguish being released from Lucy, her face a flurry of emotions. As if she had been bottling up

something for a while now… and was letting it go all at once. The onslaught continued for about

fifteen minutes before she finally finished. By the end of it, instruments were knocked over with

Lucy breathing laboriously over the guitar she had been holding. Soon after that, she started to

cry. Tears streamed down her cheeks, droplets falling to the floor and forming a puddle in the

recording booth. I took my opportunity to come over to her at the moment that she fell to her

knees and dropped the guitar to her side. I wanted to hold her in my arms and never let her go.

To always protect her as she had protected me.

“Oh A-a-anon, I need you now.” She choked out in between the sniffles. Her face was a mess of

shed tears and smudged makeup. ‘I–I’m sorry for treating you like that. It’s not me… I promise.”

I engaged Lucy in a strong hug and held her tight.“It's OK now Lucy, let me know what it is so I

can help… please.”

She looked into my face quizzically at this point, seeming confused that I wasn't getting what

was going on at this point.

“Y-y-you can’t tell? Anon… I'm in estrus.”

My face turned completely red. I looked like a human beet. Was I really that oblivious that whole


“I wasn’t eating that much and pigged out yesterday when I saw all that food in Reed’s dining

hall. I wanted to have sex with you yesterday Anon… but I was so tired. I hope you understand I

wasn’t trying to leave you high and dry last night.”

“Don’t worry about it… sweet tooth”

Lucy’s eyes engaged me again, just like when we were swaddled up in the bed covers last

night. The amber shine returned as she regained her composure and spoke to me.

“I do want us to have a child, Anon. After being apart from you so long, I never want to let you

go again. I want someone to share that joy with us. I want them to see the most wonderful

human to ever come to the Volcaldera Bluffs. The one I'll share the rest of my life with.’

By the time Lucy finished her last sentence, I was already upon her. I pushed her up against

one of the knocked over amps in the booth as I jerked away the sports bra she was wearing,

feathery breasts back in play again. I could hear her whine as she tried to unfasten the robe I

was wearing. I did the hard work for her and just ripped the damn thing off. This gave her time to

get my underwear off and reveal my penis to her.

“O-Ohhhh Anon, enter inside me please.” She begged and pleaded for me to do so.

“Sorry babe.” I growled with conquest in mind. “Still have some work to do here first.”
I traced my tongue around her breasts and softly licked at them, getting the occasional feather

stuck in my mouth and having to spit it out. I could smell her aroma so well now, I was so close

to it. So connected to her. I continued to trail my tongue down her chest, all the way to her

navel. Here I was met with another barrier to entry, Lucy’s shorts. Pulling at them with my teeth,

I slowly pulled them down and off of her body, catapulting them away onto one of the drum kits.

Lucy’s pubic mound was visible to me again, looks like she didn't bother to wear underwear

today knowing this was probably going to happen. My tongue plunged into her vulva, getting a

good couple streaks in as I lapped at it. Lucy prodded into me as I did, helping the process

steadily continue.


She muttered in her pleasure as I continued to curl my tongue around her most sensitive area.

Eating her out was an experience in itself as I gyrated and pivoted my tongue to suck at her

juices. Eventually I just take it in my mouth like I'm sucking her tit, ramming the tongue

completely in. I pistoned the tongue inside of her vagina as she bucked harder against it… I

could feel she was close. As I continued to use Lucy’s pussy like an etch-a-sketch, I could finally

hear her bellow out.


I was met with Lucy’s pussy juice spraying my face like a sprinkler. Bitter, yet delightfully

tasteful, I took laps of it in my mouth. I had made my fiance cum for the first time into my face…

but I wasn’t finished yet.

“A-anon, please get inside me. PLEASE.”

“Your wish is my command, my beautiful ptero fiance.”

I made sure Lucy was properly positioned on the amp as I spread her legs open. I pumped my

penis a little just to make sure I was nice and hard and used some of Lucy’s femcum as a

lubricant around it. Lining myself up with her vagina, the head of my penis pushed in and the

rest of my member followed in quick succession. Lucy’s eyes rolled back in her head as I

entered, penis knocking against her vaginal walls as I fit myself snuggly inside. As I made

myself comfortable, Lucy made eye contact with me again as she panted.

“T-t-thank you…Anon. It feels so good right now.”

Anything for my scaly angel. She wrapped her wings around me, sealing us in our little cocoon.

“Now FUCK me so hard I won’t be able to feel anything for a week… dweeb.”

As if on command, I rammed my penis back and forth inside her vagina at an anchored pace.

Lucy’s vagina clamped around my penis, enwrapping it and keeping it fastened inside her walls.

She was so tight yet so easily pliable at the same time… it made it feel like I had entered the

gates of Dino Heaven already. Lucy used her legs to wrap around the back of my hips and pull

me in closer, my penis digging even further into her vaginal tunnel. She audibly squawked as I

did, making me giggle a little which she wasn’t all too pleased with. She placed her hands on my

waist and whinged at me.

“Stop laughing at me! I can’t help it… I'm just so fucking horny right now.”
My penis continued assaulting her walls as I breathed in and out. The tempo picked up and so

did I, pumping my penis faster inside her body. In the meantime, I used my thumbs to squeeze

against her nipples. I could hear her gasp as I did so, head looking to the sky in response.


Lucy cummed on to my penis as I thrusted back and forth inside her still. Her natural lubrication

continued to give my penis the access it needed to slickly make its way in and out of her vaginal

enclosure. I was fully engaged in Spears mode at this point as I barked and snarled at my loving

mate, using my penis to batter the entrance to her womb. I didn’t know how much longer I had it

in me at this point, the act of sex itself starting to tire me out.

“A-anon, keep going. Keep going PLEASE!!!.”

My fervor grew more erratic, more like a freight train than anything else. My penis moved like a

well oiled machine as both Lucy and I’s grunts continued to fill the recording booth we were

currently calling our sex space. Slap on slap keeps my attention as I continue to hit her g-spot

over and over, the only thing keeping me from releasing is my own determination. That is until,

just like the Manchurian Dinodate, I'm activated by her signal.

“Cum inside of me Anon!. Release your seed inside and give me a child already!. Unless you’re

too much of a dweeb and you can’t!”

That set me off completely. I used my teeth to gip down onto Lucy’s neck, biting at her like a wild

animal. Lucy hollered her painful pleasure at me, my penis finally cementing itself in place as I
finally discharged inside of her. Streams of thick white liquid poured out into her at once, filling

the space of her vagina and flowing into her ovaries. Making sure that I stayed placed inside of

her, I continued to ejaculate everything I had into her in hopes of a future child. Everything over

the past five years had led up to this. The first day I stared at her for the first time. The

horrendous concert in the auditorium during that first week. That time Lucy had confided in me

on the rooftop of the school… Everything had led here. I stayed with Lucy a couple more

minutes before I pulled my teeth off her neck. She unwrapped her legs from my waist and huffed

a bit. Some remaining sperm shot onto her chest and she lamented in the pleasure of it.

“That… was so amazing. I never knew we could feel like that before.”

“Me either… I can't wait to do it again soon.”

Lucy gave me a weak elbow jab as the words left my mouth. I was honestly too give any kind of

reaction at that point. I couldn’t even really react when I heard a noise coming down the stairs of

the studio.

“Bro, I was going to tell you if Lucy wanted to use the studio today she could. I don’t have

anybody booked up today to use the place so…” Reed stopped as he noticed us. I don’t think

he could comprehend either the fact that Lucy and I just had sex, or that we did it on top of his

equipment. That or the pool of sperm and sex juice inside the recording booth.

‘Uhhh… I think I'll let you guys figure this one out. Just… um… clean up afterwards I guess.”

You still work here so… yeah.``

I think that was the last of Reed we were going to see all day. As Reed ran back up the stairs

with that face of torment he had on, Lucy started to get her bearings and stand on her feet. She

shook off her feathers a little bit, getting some of the excess sperm and sweat off. As we both

recovered from our bout of sexual prowess, Lucy decided to grab the guitar she was originally

playing when I got in here.

“To make it up to you for yelling at you earlier, why don’t I play you an actual song.”

“What did you have in mind?”

‘It's going to sound embarrassing but… My dad used to sing this to my mom when I was little

and I always liked it enough to learn to play it. He wasn’t always the hardass you see him as


The Lucy lore deepens. I gave her the space to get into position before she started her song

and jumped inside the producer’s booth. As I place myself down in the chair in front of the main

console… when I hear her start. It's nothing other than magical when she starts to go into it.

Can you hear me calling

Out your name?

You know that I'm falling

And I don't know what to say

I'll speak a little louder

I'll even shout

You know that I'm proud

And I can't get the words out

Oh, I

I want to be with you everywhere

Oh, I

I want to be with you everywhere

201M2025 BC Volcaldera Bluffs

Months Later

After the events at Reed’s mansion, everything seemed to move in double time. Reed didn’t

seem too peeved about our made for SnooTube sexcapade inside his studio. Not sure if that

was just out of the embarrassment factor and wanting to move past it… or if he really was just

that chill about things. Lucy and I immediately planned for a wedding so that by the time the

baby was born we would be officially consummated. The baby bump wasn’t large yet, but it was

visible enough I could cup my hands around it. The ultrasound revealed it would be a girl,

already naming her Fang rang through my head for shits and giggles. Lucy and I did have to

start shopping for some more loose fitting clothing and we made a day out for the occasion.

“Anon, do you think this outfit looks good on me? I can’t tell when I think all of them make me

look like I just binged at Moe’s. Help me out here Anon!” She was panicking from inside the

dressing room. I could see we were going to be here for a while.

“You’re fine Lucy’ I think you’re overthinking the process here. You pick out something that YOU

like… and we buy it. Pick some of your favorite colors, put them on, and I'll tell you how you


After I said that, Lucy finally came out of the dressing room. I found her dressed in this button up

blue dress with polka dots, it really did look good on her.

“I really like that one, definitely my vote for it to stay.”

“You're not saying that just to appease me are you? If you are…” She then lifted her elbow and

pointed a claw to it.

I made my way over to Lucy and put my arms around her, cradling her and the future member of

our family. “If you really think by now that I don’t find you beautiful every moment of the day…

you're more clueless than Reed is.”

She blushed under her feathers as she tried to cover herself with her wings.

“Don’t talk about your boss like that or you might just turn into a stay at home dad.” I smirked at

“If anybody needs me more than you, it's Reed. Sometimes I'm surprised that he can dress

himself in the morning some days.” I hesitated for a minute before I spoke again. I'm just glad

everything worked out to the point where I have a job to support my new progeny and my soon

to be beloved ptero wife. Wasn’t sure what else was going to happen in the meantime so I'm just

glad he gave me the time of day.”

Lucy exposed herself again to me, unfurling herself from her shelter. Lucy turned to me and

pierced me with her beautiful amber eyes, the same color as the pendant around her neck. Her

face turned from a mixture of happiness, grief, and finally to uncertainty as we just held each

other’s attention.

“Hey Anon, do you think our child will understand… us. Just our dynamic and the way you and I

are together.” She grabbed hold of me. “Do you think people would try to harm her!”

I grab hold of Lucy’s head with both my hands and give her that patented Spears look. I wanted

to make sure that I had her undivided attention.

“If anybody ever tries to do ANYTHING to OUR child… you and I will deal with it. You're just as

capable of kicking anyone’s ass as you've ever been and I can hold my own. We have a great

support group of friends and family to fall back on in the meantime.”

“T-thank you for that Anon. I needed to hear that from you. I don;t know what I did to deserve

you sometimes… my beautifully dweeby human.”

“Same to you, my long snouted sweet tooth.”

After looking through a couple more outfits for Lucy and grabbing a bite to eat at a nearby pizza

place, we decided to lay out in the yard for a while once we got home. Laying in the grass took

me back to when I got stuck gardening in detention with Lucy. A time when we were still figuring

ourselves out and who we really were. I had found some of Fang’s leftover cigarettes in one of

the moving boxes and took a drag, still choking on the damn thing. Fang laughed at me as my

pathetic attempt to be cool in front of her backfired. I tried to offer it to her and she gave me a

“really” look. Definitely a smooth brain moment for me there. All in all, laying amongst Lucy in

the grass gave me a form of serenity. It was the best I had ever felt in my life to that point.

Relaxing in the grass, Lucy yelped as she felt the baby kick for the first time. Her first time

reaching out to us.

“Hey Anon, any baby names you got off the top of your head yet?”

“Just one really… I think it would be perfect.”

“And what would that be daddy dweeb?”


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