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A D C E NT R I C I T Y > > C A S E S T U DY

Barack Obama


Barack Obama Presidential Election 2009

Campaign Name: Change Barack Obama, Presidential Election Campaign 2009, Ohio Primary Client/Advertiser/Brand: Barack Obama Afliated Agencies: GMMB (Boston, USA) Date: August 2008 Target Audience: Demo: 18-34 years of age; Male 50%, Female 50% Geo: Cleveland, Akron, Cranton (Ohio) Objective: To deliver strategic digital out-of-home media plans for the Barack Obama Presidential campaign. In particular, the critical battle ground state of Ohio, which needed special attention to bear positive results for the candidate: Increase gross reach and frequency of the relevant Barack Obama messaging Utilize digital out-of-home as a competitive differentiator and home stretch canvassing vehicle Trigger voter action by prompting potential and existing constituents to engage with the messaging through mobile text messaging for immediate and extended campaign dialogue

170 MM

monthly impressions

140,000+ 80+ 16

digital OOH screens

network partners

venue categories


venue sub-categories

Digital out-of-home with ADCENTRICITY was by far the most efcient part of our advertising plan.
-GMMB, Boston

Execution: Working closely with GMMB, ADCENTRICITY was able to identify the targeted demographic and psychographic audiences within vital geographic areas to develop a strategic plan. Utilizing ADCENTRICITYs platform ADVenue, strategic considerations were made. The platform helped to cross section the voter prole with the venue types, behavioral patterns and venue audience make-ups to meet the program objectives. The program hyper-targeted highly populated FSAs of two DMAs within Ohio and included 729 screens across ve major venue categories including: entertainment, gas stations, hospitality, personal care and health care. Results: The campaign produced a monthly audience impression of 866,189, serving 2,173,457 Barack Obama ad spots featuring an SMS call to action with specic key words in each DMA. Voters who engaged with a text message* were sent a Barack Obama bumper sticker and were included in an on-going dialogue with Barack and Michelle Obama driven by GMMB. The Obama campaign was a turning point in the dynamics of advertising and media. Jim Margolis, President of GMMB said, we took a lot of risks along the way. Those risks produced over 3MM mobile sign-ups and 8.5MM visitors per month to the Obama Website and digital OOH was a part of the story. *(Mobile results were not been released at the time of submission).

D i g i t a l O O H M e d i a S t r at egist s

New York Chicago Toronto

1 -8 66-61 1-366 4 1 -866-611-3 66 4 1 -8 66-56 8-314 2

W W W. A D C E N T R I C I T Y. C O M

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