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Accordingly, this criterion aims to develop teachers' understanding of how to design tasks that

engage learners in meaningful ways. Digital natives, for example, are inclined to shift their
attention between different sources of information due to hyperlinks within a text (Loh and
Kanai, 2015). Thus, cognitive load is increased; however, when hyperlinks are not used to
enhance teaching and learning, cognitive load is reduced, and learners who are unfamiliar with a
concept may receive additional information as a result. It can also be used to present additional
information to learners to help them understand novel information. According to Verezub and
Wang (2008, as cited by Loh & Kania, 2015), it can facilitate navigation and support adaptive
behaviors. In this respect, tasks should be created to encourage learners to engage with and
critically read content, assess it in a meaningful way, whilst minimizing the possibility of
shallow information processing, where learners fail to recognize the importance of reading or
engaging with the material and become easily distracted with texting or web browsing during
contact time (Wolf & Barzillai, 2009, as cited in Loh & Kanai, 2015). Hence, digital natives will
recognize the importance of technology in education as opposed to simply viewing it as an
entertainment tool. when presenting new information, it is crucial to consider the limitations of
working memory and to create opportunities to store more information in the long-term memory.
Accordingly, Sweller et al. (2019) asserts that instruction should aim to store information in the
long-term memory.
we take into consideration the disparity between the digital natives and digital immigrants as it
relates to how effectively they use technology. In this criterion, teachers should be provided with
access to empirical evidence.. Consequently, teachers must be prepared to apply relevant
elements from different theories of learning to guide their choice of pedagogical approach and
learning outcomes (BOOK). Despite the importance of learning theories to understanding
classroom decisions and choices, this criteria emphasizes that teachers should not base their
decisions purely on one theory. In this sense, it encourages the selection of relevant elements
from various learning theories that will allow the implementation of diverse pedagogical
approaches that will enhance critical thinking and student autonomy. . To effectively integrate
technology-enhanced learning, a solid understanding of learning theories is crucial before
selecting a pedagogy and integrating technology.
By applying these principles, we can reduce human cognition and make more information
available to the long-term memory. Educators as instructional designers are encouraged to make
learning meaningful and to help students develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Lessons should facilitate problem-solving and provide learners with engagement with the content
(remove distractions); first activate prior knowledge in the long-term memory; then demonstrate
novel information to learners; encourage learners to apply new knowledge in meaningful ways
based on their own experiences; and then integrate learning into daily activities so information
can be retrieved at any time (Merrill, 2002, pp. 44-48). Accordingly, the importance of
understanding human cognition is once again emphasized with regard to the integration of
technology into education. Game based learning can be used to assess learners as well, as teacher
can select the

content, provide the goals and aims to learners as well as rules, and allow them to play the
complete at an allocated time and structured difficulty and save time of teachers and learners by
allowing immediate feedback for the teacher and learner ti understand where they are in term of
acquiring knowledge.


Before applying this method in any given subject teachers should ensure that the game designed
or selected for use stop plates clear goals and rules of the game, that it allows learners to explore
in Seoul problems of the intended outcome; games should provide immediate constructive
feedback to learners; it should challenge learners in order to create a flow well learners interact
with the content in a positive manner and with a positive attitude; gaming is meant to challenge
learners therefore it every level the difficulty should increase, Gamification can be used in every
subject and it is not solely based on problem based learning but can be used in content based
subjects such as English history or geography, therefore teachers in all phases and subject areas
specialties can apply gamification and should be developed in applying it for the enhancement of
teaching and learning.

With that said students should be viewed as designers of their own meaning; encourage the use
of technology insert learners in acquiring skills that allows them to use different modes of
presenting knowledge or information; it gives learners the skills of understanding the metal
languages that comes with each of these modes, does having an understanding of underlying
assumptions end users of molds of presenting information like ordering pictures and words when
presenting material; allows learners to construct playing and design their own learning; allow
space for creativity (Siegel, 2012, p. 672). It is vital that if a framework to develop teachers and
learners in digital literacy is set out that it includes pedagogy that encourages contemporary
practices of teaching that enhances the learning process and allows learners to be active
participants in their own learning, is such storytelling is an essential criteria too assisting learners
in acquiring 21st century skills.
Acknowledging Kushner eight else rebuttal simulation what guidance from the educator is good
for enhancing learner agency, problem solving skills, shelf directed learning, collaboration skills,
and social and psychological skills that prepares learners for the future professional and personal
endeavors. this can encourage learners to choose are you profession or occupation which suits
their skills best and in a finding what they like most learners will develop a positive attitude
towards learning and towards becoming skillful for the workforce. furthermore the integration of
simulation is inclusive end diversive in that it allows all learners with different learning styles
and capabilities to participate in activities chain page 780. Learners with cognitive impairments
can also take part in activities with simulationism applied as freemotion interactor activities
direct control through body motion I used to create simulated experiments food students to
actively engage in experiment learning.

C7 According to Leanne and Adams 2014 digital skills and competence is goes beyond digital
literacy to promoting the right attitude preparing learners full competence rather than merely
using technology. Therefore learner should possess the following competence is in this criteria
have the ability to search for information evaluated store it and retrieve it competently;
communicate using technology by connecting different nods full communication true e-mail
social media textbooks teachers and so forth to share knowledge; engaging in society and the
globe to become empowered to use information and building digital identities that reflects strong
competencies and abilities with in learners; to create content in different formats added content
and show innovation; to show that they can safely use the Internet what out multitasking,
distractions or texting during contact time; thus producing learner agency and autonomy and
stimulating problem solving within.

C8 Ultimately, this approach will promote critical thinking and problem solving in learners in a
modern world which relies on problem solving to improve society. According to these authors
discovery learning involves minimal guidance two learning tasks such as pet and detection,
elicitation of explanations, working from manuals and conducting simulations, whereby
Teachers deliberately do not provide learners target information or conceptual understanding and
must work independently is they only provided with learning materials is the guide. however
there are researchers who disagree with this method of teaching, such as bruner 1961 who
cautions educators that this type of method requires some form of prior knowledge in order to be
successful. Maya 2004 argues that minimal guidance should not be applied in the classroom as
research also shows that learners who are not assisted to discover problem solving at placed it it
does advantage because of the lack of structure used by this method. In doing so teachers will be
able to apply thus learning metal what caution in order to ensure that they are constructing
skillful learners who have the ability to think for themselves, to make decisions based on
findings from problem solving and apply them creatively. The stream forces the notion that
teachers should have an understanding of learning theories and not only teach according to one
assumption of a theory but use relevant paths from these theories in order to design the lessons.
As such the flipped classroom combine learning theories (constructivism, cognitivism and
behaviourism) in a unique way to achieve the best results from problem based learning methods.
Reswarch findings from studies by Movarec et al., and Day and Foley as cited in the flipped
classroom, applied a flippe classroom method for to examine student performances and the
research showed that learner performance incresead by 21%. taking into account human
cognition teachers will use this metal best to ensure that their learners are involved in the
learning process is and allow them to discover their environment Without overloading human
cognition. We live in a world filled with with problems diseases poverty global warming
pollution and all these problems will need solving for the generation of the future to live in better
societies therefore educational systems should be preparing learners whether digital natives or
immigrants to become the future workforce that can solve these problems As such we need to
teach our learners to think scientifically. Hypothesis generation is a very crucial process in
discovery learning it is a process where learners generate new knowledge and ideas page 390 To
generate hypothesis statements learners need prior knowledge teachers can also integrate
technology to help learners discover prior knowledge on the Internet by using hyperlinks within
content presented that will lead learners to understanding a concept better which they may not
understand. This reinforces the use of understanding how the digital generation think and carries
on from criteria 1 where teachers need to know how to use elements that could distract learners
in a way that will assist them discovering learning. Lennox must be given the opportunity to
design their own experiments did either inspire them to hypothesize or to test their hypothesis
page 391 Teachers can encourage learners to collaborate in order to avoid burdening the working
memory and share responsibility such as taking notes while experimenting and sharing ideas. To
promote 21st century skills and learning, discovery learning is essential.

C9 According to selander (2011), A semiotic approach in multi modality promotes choice as the
expression of meaning, end initiates learner agency. this promotes communication in the
classroom amongst educators and learners is the express themselves in their understandings of
the world in different context depending on the cultural backgrounds and bring forth deep
meaning and understanding of how they view the world. Learners can use him ya tic entities to
argue different viewpoints as presented in class or by the maker of the sign through multiple
modes of instruction such as creating videos or documentaries or podcasts or writing speeches
preparing rebuttals for debate in class to stir up that inner agency that each and every learner
possesses. And education should be one that promotes democracy therefore implementing the
use of semiotic text is vital in a transformative education, as it allows teachers to recognize
learners is semiotic work and brings forth the possibility of change in the way teachers assess
learners according to particular standards and outcomes as it allows the recognition of learner
agency in the way they communicate to take presidents over traditional teaching methods
(Selander, 2011).

C 10 Educators should be developed in finding various ways to assess learners In ways that
promote a transformative pedagogy as such educator should acquire a value for transform motion
in education and teach to assess learners in a learner centered classroom. According to esten at
Al 1992, effective assessment is based on teachers value and visions of different kinds of
learning they strive to yap learners achieve them. Assessment should reflect an understanding of
how learners learn and therefore educator should use different forms of assessment methods that
include lenses extra performance in integrating knowledge. It should be based on the learners
views to make it more meaningful for example using sign miotic works (it should promote
change) and true observational and ongoing assessment learners will be able to understand the
meaning behind what learners present is such assessment should be ongoing to create a deeper
understanding of a learners cultural backgrounds, eastern ET al 1992. Furthermore assessment
requires attention to outcomes and learner experiences therefore assessment should be not only
meaningful but the information presented to learners should spark prior knowledge of current
events or information that learners find meaningful. Information must be connected to issues that
learners really care about eastern 1992.

C11 This reinforces why teachers should have knowledge on how to implement learning theories
and engage learners in a transformative pedagogy. Asbestine download. Indicates that. is such.
In We Internet access is limited or slow, and investment in broadband may be valuable. We
regions cannot provide Internet access for all Learners, based in Dunlop. This will promote
collaboration and engagement which shared access to a larger screen which can also prevent
technological issues like multitasking being distracted by texting in avoiding hyperlinks, whilst
demonstrating to learners how to excess the Internet and identify credible sources as such when
learners are able to access the Internet they will already have the knowledge of how to
implement this and therefore they would only need to apply and integrate it into their daily
activities. For this criteria policymakers can also make use of the criteria used in instructional
design is steps of implementing technology into the classroom to bridge the digital divide gap.
As the two first steps can be done with little to limited Internet access while the final two steps
can be done when learners are able to apply and integrate technology is in when the bridge of the
digital divide gap is closed. policymakers can also in addition invest in learning management
systems for teachers to share information how to best use technology in a class to divide the
digital skills gap and how to work towards dividing the scape even without technology in the
classroom. As such digits can make use of various resources like projecting from a laptop oh I
cell phone or using a radio in class. There are various ways that policymakers can work towards
closing the digital gap of access to information and how and skills on how to use this
information, it should not be a case where if you don't have you should do without it but it
should be a case of how to work around us. There for a framework should develop teachers end
policy makers school management teams on ways to work around us call my files emphasising
the need of integrating technology into the curriculum to ensure that it is not viewed as a mere
luxury but as important as a textbook is in a class, so that all learners what benefit from
education and be prepared to become part of the workforce and skilled citizens of the future.
according to law for at arrow. 2021, technology improves learning experiences and outcomes
learning is improved when students can choose between different learning modality's and when
they fit lanez's needs then the instructional goal off the learning tasks can be reached. In a similar
fashion, understanding how to read information critically and make inferences can also be taught
to learners when teachers have been trained to become effective instructional designers. This
enables them to empower learners to think critically and solve problems.
C121. Does the framework leave space for autonomous education where teachers in school
leaders allowed to set up the only developement goals of cognitive and heterogenous goals to
pedagogy to yard the match if these goals two create citizens for the workforce that possess
agency, critical thinking and problem solving; 2. Does it encourage sharing of good practices by
providing platforms for individuals and groups to express themselves on an individual level and
cooperatively; 3. does it Does he include informative goals within education that promotes the
equation of knowledge that is crucial for dealing with theoretical aspects and practical tasks and
allows teachers room for becoming a life long learners; 4. does it sit out formative goals it aims
to improve the skills of individuals like assisting them in designing, planning of lessons that and
Hans contemporary teaching and learning skills for the generation Z; 5. does it take into account
the current situation of education sentence and sets out an anticipated goal for the future needs of
the digital native educators and learners; does it set out short term medium term and long term
goals to achieve and in tyssa pacted growth of new technology depending on the current state of
education within a particular society and economy; 6. add gold revised on a continuous basis
These development goals are critical in education considering that as we slowly exit the
pandemic stage of COVID-19 and realize that the day to day activities of common work
practices have and are changing steadily, as more and more businesses are resorting to allowing
their employees to work from home to save on cost. this means that it is possible that future jobs
will require employees that can work with computers proficiently and independently, as it is the
prediction of this paper that digital humanism will become more individualized, as the workforce
will work independently and perhaps employees within the same company might bot know their

The criteria then asks if goals are set to close digital capital gaps by providing or emphasizing the
importance of Computer literacy programs, means of acquiring access to technology, with long term
short term or medium term goals to trian people in different levels of society such as rural areas;
training teachers and learners to use e-learning, it will broaden the scope of knowledge for teachers in
using and applying multiple methods of e-learning and allow learners to engage and participate in
learning competenly; means of seeking sponsorship for schools to develop skills in digital literacy and a
choir computer hardware And Internet access such as rod brand Wi-Fi; are economic and social goals
aligned to educational goals and vice versa to promote participation in the workforce (Selwyn et al.,
2001).  Similarly, digital equity is meant to promote equality in terms of technological access and skills in
the levels of capital, social, economic, political and cultural capitals. Consequently, development
programs should promote lifelong learning and provide a platform to develop learners and educators in
accessing resources to guide their use of different methods of instruction, to use digital resource and
tools effectively and transfer knowledge to learners effectively (Selwyn et al., 2001). 


The indicator The frameworks indicators the frameworks indicators are in line with the criteria
set up under the theme of contemporary pedagogies, as it indicates that educators have too
understand the diversity's within a South African context and find ways of addressing social
problems by interpreting and designing material that will promote Learner centeredness,
diversity, equity platform for learners to Share knowledge and engage in real life problems, into
a in collaborate with their peers, lessons did aim to improve the skills of learners such as digital
literacy skills, using media, and searching for information in an ethical manner that allows safety
for all learners when you using Internet

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