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Manfroye X Mahynya

Elves and humans used to co-exist. Manfroye used to live with elves, who taught him about
the power of gemstones as channelers of charisma

However powerful elves also have some innate magic capabilities

They had a child, Miranda

Miranda -> suspected to have strong innate magic by elf priestesses

Fenrir is an attempt to unlock Miranda’s innate magic, first manuscript written by Elves, then
later attempted completion by Manfroye (corrupted)

Break-up between Mahynya and Manfroye due to Arvis’ interest in magic and after having
stolen the manuscript.

Manfroye teaches humans gemstone magic, but only those of pure soul.

Human & elf bloodlines researched by Arvis

Retrieved first manuscript, studied it, and based other magic on it

Is still interested in Miranda and wants to research her

Manfroye would only allow this if he gained back his position


Manfroye is elf racist but his daughter is half elf. He wants to unlock her innate magic with
Fenrir. Wants to pressure Arvis into teaching her.

Elves have amethyst mine. Manfroye still has crystals from said time.

Arvis is more pragmatic, wants full island control by marrying into Agusty family.

Both Arvis and Manfroye are responsible for instigating crisis.

Arvis ordered kidnapping by ex-druids.

Manfroye ordered fire be set to Manster.

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