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4.21 didn'tdo much ‘What did you do lastnight? I didnt do much —just made myself something to eat, ‘watched telly fora bit, and then bed by ten -| had an early night. | was asleep by eleven. BOR ing! eer 2 Q What did you do lastnight? Sarah I went to my yoga cass —it does me good after a day's work — then some of us went fora drink.I got home about nine and did2 bit of online shopping, .. just supermarket stuf, and that was it. 3 What did you do lastnight? Jane | went to see a film with a couple of fiends, the latest James Bond, .. it wasn't really my kind of thing — liked the previous fone better. Then | missed my train, so didn't get home tl after midnight. Not the best of nights for me! Q What did you do lastnight? ‘Tom Well that's easy - what | dotevery night - studied’ after ‘midnight. even took my laptop to bed. Ive got a major exam ‘coming up. Oh boy! m going to be out every night when it's allover. 4.2 I didn'tdo much 1 @ What did you do last night? Chris didrit do much — just made myself something to eat, ‘watched telly for a bit, and then bed by ten -| had an early night. | was asleep by eleven. BOR-ing! @ What did you do last night? Sarah I went to my yoga class - It daes me good after a day's work — then some of us went for a drink. | got home about nine and did @ bit of online shopping... just supermarket stuff, and that wast, 3 @ What did you do last night? Jane | went to see a film with a couple of friends, the latest James Bond, .. it wasnt really my kind of thing ~ I iked the previous fone better. Then | missed my train, so | didn't get home til after midnight. Not the best of nights for met Q What did you do last night? ‘Tom Well - that’s easy - what | do every night - studied’ after ‘midnight. even took my laptop to bed. Ive got a major exam coming up. Oh boy! m going to be out every night when t's allover. @ 4.3 How Shakespeare caused an air crash P=Presenter N=Karzator On October 4, 1960, a Lockheed Electra plane was taking off from Boston Airport in the US when a flock of about 20,000 starlings suddenly flew into its path. The plane crashed into the sea and 62 ‘people were killed. The birds had choked the engines of the plane and brought It down. Tragically, only 19 people survived. P So... whatis the link to Shakespeare? The stating is not a species of bird that’s native to North America. Starlings were introduced in 1890 by a New Yorker called Eugene ‘chiefflin. Schieffelin was not only interested in birds, he was ‘obsessed with Shakespeare. Hed made alist of all the songbirds ‘mentioned in Shakespeare playsand poetry and he wanted to introduce these birds to Cental Parkin New York This he di, but, some birds such as thrushes and blackbirds foundit dificult to survive. Others, however, particularly the starings, thrived, and by the 1940s they had spread across America from California to Alaska. ‘They formed gigantic flocks of upto milion birds and many native species suchas bluebirds and woodpeckers, were driven ‘ut. Schieffelin romantic gesture not only caused an aircrash, but ‘an ecological csastey, too. So, where does Shakespeare mention starlings? In allofhis 37 plays and 154 poems theres only one brief reference, and that'in Henry IV Part One. @4.3 How Shakespeare caused an air crash P=Presenter N=Narrator On October 4, 1960, a Lockheed Electra plane was taking off from Boston Airport in the US when a flock of about 20,000 starlings suddenly flew into its path. The plane crashed into the sea and 62 people were killed. The birds had choked the engines ofthe plane and brought It down. Tragically, only 19 people survived. So... whats the link to Shakespeare? The starlings not a species of bird thats native to North America. Starlings were introduced in 1890 by a New Yorker called Eugene Schieffelin. Schieffelin was not only interested in birds, hewas| ‘obsessed with Shakespeare. Hed made alist of all the songbirds ‘mentioned in Shakespeare’ plays and poetry and he wanted to introduce these birds to Central Parkin New York. This he di, but some birds such as thrushes and blackbirds foundit difficult to survive. Others, however, particularly the starlings, thrived, and by ‘the 1940s they had spread across America from California to Alaska. ‘They formed gigantic flocks of upto milion birds and many native species, such as bluebirds and woodpeckers, were driven ‘ut. Schieffelrs romantic gesture not only caused an air crash, but an ecological disaster, too. So, where does Shakespeare mention starlings? In all of his 37 plays and 154 poems thereis only one brief reference, and that's in Henry IV Part One.

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