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The debate over whether AI should continue to be studied more and advanced or if it

should be left alone is a huge fight. There are many good things that come with AI but people
also worry about possibilities that could come along with it. It’s a very controversial
conversation. I think that AI should be studied more and continue to be used.
One reason I think AI should be looked more into and possibly used in the future is
because it makes things easier in daily life. Cell phones are a huge part of almost everyone’s
modern lives, they do so much and are extremely helpful. In the article, “Three Ways Artificial
Intelligence is Good for our World” it says, “NCMEC can scan sites for suspicious content, store
massive volumes of data, run a variety of queries and share the data across the organization’s
applications. And AI helps automate and speed up the process.” This shows that it can be
helpful in keeping kids safe online. Another reason I think that AI should continue to be used
and advanced is because AI could help with cancer diagnoses. With AI helping, cancer can be
diagnosed and detected much faster which could be extremely helpful and even lifesaving in
some cases. The article, “Three Ways Artificial Intelligence is Good for our World” says, “Using
a high-performance computing system, oncologists will be able to employ AI to compare a
patient’s molecular test results with a vast database of previous cases. Once a match is found,
the physician can use this research to customize each patient’s treatment plan — all in one
day.” With fast results like that it could be extremely helpful.
Something else about AI that could be beneficial to us is that the processing would have
no mess ups or errors. In the article, “Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence” it says, “AI
processing will insure error-free processing of data, no matter how large the dataset.” meaning
that when processing data nothing will go wrong and there’s not a possibility of something being
wrong if the AI was programmed correctly. That would mean we would get fast and correct
results from data scans done by AI rather than long waits when done by humans. Another
reason that I agree with AI is that the boring tasks and boring jobs that no one wants to do, AI
could do without getting tired or bored of it. Meaning, tough jobs that no one likes could be given
to a robot that will never get tired of doing it. In the article, “Pros and Cons of Artificial
Intelligence” it says, “humans get bored, machines don't. Let them do the humdrum jobs. "A.I.
allows for more intricate process automation, which increases productivity of resources and
takes repetitive, boring labor off the shoulders of humans.” which proves that it would get rid of
the tiring labor which would be beneficial to some.
On the opposite side of my argument, many say that AI should be discontinued and it’s
not beneficial but instead harmful. If AI was made powerful enough it would probably take many
people's jobs, causing them to lose money. However, I think if that happens then more jobs and
more helpful jobs could be made.
In conclusion, it's a very controversial topic and many agree or disagree that AI is

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