Elbashir SUKD1702916 BME BUCKLING

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Name (as in SEGi ID): Elbashir Mohamed Elamin Elshikh Mohamed


SEGi ID: SUKD1702916

UCLan ID: _________________________________________

Group ID: A

Course Code: EME3421_________________________________

Course Name: Lab Investigation 3_________________________

Submission Date: 5/4/2021

1. Abstract
The stresses caused by safe loads will not overcome the material properties like the yield
strength or the ultimate strength and the deformations of safe loads will not be excessive.
The stability of structure refers to its ability to withstand a load without a sudden change in
configuration. Specifically for columns a compressive force can be so high that the column is
no longer only subjected to compression but to a bending moment that cause it to bend. This
sudden change in configuration due to bending is called Buckling.
Strut test is used to determine the Euler’s buckling load of the strut. Struts are long,
slender columns that fail by buckling some time before the yield stress in compression
is reached.

2. Objective(s)

Note that this is brief but clear and unambiguous. State the objective of the report clearly and
concisely, in one or two sentences.

3. Introduction/ Theoretical Background

The buckling occurs due to imperfections in the straightness of the strut, the applied
load is not along the axis of the strut, and one part of the material may yield in
compression more readily than others owing to some lack of uniformity in the
material properties throughout the strut.
The load for the column to lose its stability is called the Critical load (P cr). If P (the
applied load) is lower than Pcr the system is stable, otherwise it is unstable and the
column will buckle.
P < Pcr System stable
P ≥ Pcr System unstable
Figure 1: buckling cases adapted from Euler formula

The Critical load can be calculated using Euler’s formula, which is derived from the
case where the column is pin ended (Case 2). Beside Critical load a critical normal
stress can also be defined using Euler’s formula.
σ cr =
For a column that is pin connected at both ends a centric load P can be applied
to cause a compressive axial load. Then Critical load is calculated by the
following formula:
π EI
Pcr = 2
Where :
E is the model of elastisty
I second moment of area (use smallest value of calculated moments of inertia)
Lc length of the column.
Note that Lc differs in each case of connection as illustrated in figure 1.
4. Apparatus
Screw-lever apparatus
 Pin-Fix tool steel rod S6(20 mm x 4mm x 650mm)
 Pin-Pin tool steel rod S4(20 mm x 4mm x 650mm)

5. Experimental Method
 The rod and digital measuring gauge are aligned at center.
 Before start the measuring gauge was set to Zero.
 The rod specimen load slowly subjected using the load nut.
 The deflection force is recorded started from 100N and increased by 50 N up to 500
 The above steps are repeated for other specimen.

6. Results and Analysis

 Pin Fix steel rod s6 (20mm, 4mm, 650mm)
Force N Deflection mm
100 0
150 0.08
200 0.165
250 0.245
300 0.335
350 0.5
400 0.64
450 0.825
500 0.995

S6 - Force vs Deflection






0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2

 Pin Pin steel rod s4 (20mm, 4mm, 650mm)

Force N Deflection mm
100 0
150 0.15
200 0.275
250 0.41
300 0.64
350 0.975
400 1.345
450 2.24
500 4.445

S4 - Force vs Deflection






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Using the following formula to calculate theoretical force.

π 2 EI
Pcr = 2
We find :
After we find the I
Using following equation
b h3

Substitute in Euler’s formula we get

S4 critical load is 704.76 N
S6 critical load is 493.33 N
Calculating percentage error%
S4 = (704.76 – 500) / 704.76 = 29%
S6 % = (500 -493.33) / 493.33 = 1.35%

7. Discussion
We carry buckling test on materials to assure that the material will not fail. The member
should be able to withstand the load that is designed for without fracture or buckling.
Buckling will cause the member to bend causing instability in structure.
As we can see from the results that the percentage error is very large in case of pin-pin steel
rod and arguably small in fix-pin rod. This can be caused by fatigue in the specimen and/or in
case of s4 there were mechanical limitation in the rotation of the specimen. This can be
corrected by using a new specimen for each test, and make sure the testing device is suitable
for carrying the test without limitations.

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, we can say the experiment was carried successfully on both steel rods pin-pin
and fixed-pin. The experiment on pin-pin might not have given an accurate result, but
repeating the experiment with new specimen might fixed the issue.
In all cases the error percentage might be due to uneven distribution of load on the member
and the member might be overused and got fatigue. Comparing the results we find that using
fixed-pin steel rod is more safe than its counterpart and small error percentage of 1.35%.

9. References

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