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Name: Hinobiagon, Nichole M.

Section: BSHM 1-2CP

1. What customer profiling activities/concepts did you observe in the video? What are the benefits
having a customer profile in the tourism and hospitality industry?
- Customer profiling is a technique used by hotels to set themselves apart from the competition
in the competitive hotel sector. It involves understanding who your ideal client is and what
binds them together, looking at their psychographics, demographics, and behavior, and
discovering their location. Researching the requirements and desires of the visitors that
prompt them to make a reservation is done next. After gathering all of this data, interviews
or surveys are used to learn how and why people choose you as the answer to their issue.
Finally, customer profiles, or personas, are developed to provide a description of your visitors
and reveal their motivations. This allows hotels to focus their efforts more effectively and
save time.

2. Explain your perspective on the phrase: “Understanding your customer is key. “How can this
perspective impact your future career in the tourism and hospitality industry?
- For every company venture, understanding your consumer is essential. Successful company
owners are aware of what their consumers want and how best to provide their goods or services.
It's important to have a thorough understanding of the subjects; this goes beyond just knowing
their names, ages, and salaries. Knowing your customers' interests, likes, hobbies, and what they
watch, listen to, and read may provide you a competitive edge. Additionally crucial is
comprehending how your customers behave when making purchases. Knowing who is most likely
to need or desire the product or service you provide is important for company owners. These are
some of the most important enquiries that successful company entrepreneurs must pose to
themselves every day. Businesses that are aware of what their customers want and anticipate
from them may also try to tailor the customer experience to foster loyalty and repeat business.
Small-business owners and entrepreneurs who are more agile and responsive already have the
upper hand in gaining this competitive edge. Simply increasing the duration of your customer's
engagement will provide you a better chance to deliver a satisfying experience and establish
enduring bonds with them. Even if you sometimes need to refer your consumer to another source,
pay attention to their criticism and provide appropriate recommendations. As a company owner,
it's important to seize every opportunity to outwit your rival, and comprehending and enhancing
your knowledge of and connection with your customers will provide you an advantage.

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