NURS 406 Concept Map Hypoparathyroidism

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NURS 406 Concept Map (SLO #2 and 3)

Risk Factors: Priority nursing diagnoses:

S/S & Abnormal Assessment

Hypoparathyroidism is the lack of PTH circulating in the blood.

There is a lack of calcium levels due to a lack of PTH

Caused by accidental removal with thyroidectomy s/s due to hypocalcemia

Tetany, stiffness of extremities, painful Imbalance of electrolytes

spasms, cramps
Chronic pain

Pathophysiology: HOW have these comorbidities

caused or potentiated the problem?

Medical Diagnosis:
Dx by decreased PTH, decreased Ca, increased phosphorus

Nursing Interventions: How are you preventing

potential complications? What care are we
implementing related to nursing diagnoses?

Complications: List high priority,

potential complications. Treated with IV Ca. usually given in ICU setting and administered slowly. Watch pt’s
cardiac monitor administering

Give the pt Ca rich foods and educate them on weight-bearing exercises to increase
Ca bone reabsorption
Dysphagia and laryngospasms causing difficulty breathing

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