Saad Bin Naeem SAP ID: 70134428 Bba 2 Years Section A 2 Semester Human Resource Management Assignment No. 02

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Saad Bin Naeem

SAP ID: 70134428


Section A

2nd Semester

Human Resource Management

Assignment No. 02
Recruitment is identifying and attracting potential candidates for job
openings within an organization. It is a critical function of human resource management that
involves a range of activities such as job analysis, sourcing, screening, and selection of
candidates. Effective recruitment strategies are essential to ensure that an organization has the
right people in the right positions to achieve its goals and objectives. Recruitment is an ongoing
process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the organization can attract
the best talent and achieve a competitive advantage.

Question No. 01
Find at least three employment ads; either on the internet or in a newspaper that suggest
that the company is a family friendly and should appeal to women; young people and older
people. Discuss what they are doing to be family friendly.

Here are three employment ads that suggest the company is family-friendly:

Ad No. 01
Job Title: Customer Service Representative
Company: JK Enterprises
Location: Valencia Town, Lahore, Pakistan
JK Enterprises is a family-friendly company that values work-life balance. We understand the
importance of spending time with loved ones and offer flexible scheduling options to our
employees. We believe in creating a positive work environment that promotes productivity and
happiness. If you’re looking for a company that supports your personal and professional goals,
JK Enterprises is the place for you.

What they are doing to be family-friendly:

JK Enterprises is offering flexible scheduling options to its employees, which allows them to
balance their work and family responsibilities. This can be particularly appealing to women who
may need to balance work and caregiving duties. Additionally, the company’s emphasis on
creating a positive work environment can also be attractive to older workers who value a
supportive workplace culture.
Ad No. 02
Job Title: Sales Associate
Company: Aerco Ltd
Location: UK
At Aerco Ltd , we understand that family comes first. We offer a generous employee discount
that can be used for you and your family, as well as a flexible schedule that can accommodate
your personal obligations. Our company values diversity and inclusivity, making Aerco Ltd a
great place to work for people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.

What they are doing to be family-friendly:

Aerco Ltd employee discount program is a clear indication that the company values its
employees’ well-being and recognizes the importance of family. Additionally, the flexible
scheduling option can be especially appealing to parents who need to balance their work with
their children’s school and extracurricular activities.

Ad No. 03
Job Title: Accountant
Company: AEGON N.V.
Location: UK
AEGON N.V. is a family-friendly company that recognizes the need for work-life balance. We
offer competitive pay and benefits, as well as a flexible work schedule that can be tailored to
your needs. Our company values diversity and inclusivity, making AEGON N.V. a great place to
work for people of all ages and backgrounds.

What they are doing to be family-friendly:

Similar to the other companies mentioned, AEGON N.V. is offering a flexible work schedule to
its employees. Additionally, the company’s emphasis on diversity and inclusivity can be
particularly attractive to young professionals who value workplace culture and inclusivity. The
competitive pay and benefits package can also be a draw for older workers who are looking for
stability and job security.
Question No. 02
Find two ads that emphasize environment friendly practices/Sustainability or SDGs. Discuss
how they are promoting these ecology approach.

Here are two ads that emphasize environmentally friendly practices/sustainability or SDGs:

Ad No. 01
Job Title: Sustainability Manager
Company: Advance Agro Public Co. Ltd.
Location: UK
Advance Agro Public Co. Ltd. is a leader in sustainable energy solutions, committed to helping
our customers reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their sustainability goals. As a
Sustainability Manager, you’ll play a key role in promoting environmentally friendly practices
throughout our organization and in the communities we serve. We’re looking for someone who
is passionate about sustainability and excited to help us drive positive change.

What they are doing to promote environmentally friendly practices:

Advance Agro Public Co. Ltd. is a company that is dedicated to sustainable energy solutions,
which is a clear indication of their commitment to the environment. The job title of
“Sustainability Manager” shows that the company has a specific focus on promoting
environmentally friendly practices. By hiring someone to take on this role, the company is
actively seeking to drive positive change and make a meaningful impact in the communities
they serve.

Ad No. 02
Job Title: Environmental Engineer
Company: EcoTech Solutions
Location: UK
EcoTech Solutions is a company that is committed to environmental sustainability and reducing
our impact on the planet. As an Environmental Engineer, you’ll play a key role in developing and
implementing solutions that promote sustainable practices and help us achieve our SDGs.
We’re looking for someone who is passionate about environmental sustainability and excited to
help us make a positive impact.

What they are doing to promote environmentally friendly practices:

EcoTech Solutions is emphasizing their commitment to environmental sustainability in their job
advertisement. By using the term “SDGs” (Sustainable Development Goals), they are indicating
that they are actively working to achieve specific sustainability goals. The job title of
“Environmental Engineer” also shows that the company is seeking to hire someone who is
specifically focused on promoting sustainable practices. This demonstrates the company’s
commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and reducing their ecological

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