Position Paper Commonwealth of Australia

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Country: Commonwealth of Australia

Committee: the Agriculture Committee
Topic: Devising Guidelines for Sustainable Meat Production and Deforestation

The world now faces multiple challenges, mostly in the environmental area, and we
all have to be aware of them. Our country finds it essential to protect the
environment at all costs and therefore recognizes the need to address the impacts of
unsustainable meat production, primarily deforestation.
Deforestation and meat production have an intertwined history. In Australia, most
land clearings occurred from the turn of the 19th century to the mid-20th century,
mainly from the rapid growth of the sheep industries. During the last two centuries,
deforestation started affecting our wildlife, climate, and future, which made our
country start multiple projects in this area.
Australia‘s biggest provider to the meat industry is Meat & Livestock Australia
(further as MLA). Their environmental sustainability research and development
investments improve the sustainability of the natural environment while supporting a
meat industry that meets community expectations. MLA has set core activities to
improve effective agricultural management. To summarize, Australia is developing
sound solutions that will enhance the sustainability of the red meat processing
sector. We also support new technologies which will help maintain the process.
According to MLA, the meat industry has already made major progress with
vegetation management, land use, and biodiversity. The industry also aims to protect
all natural resources and plays a lead role in reducing national greenhouse
emissions. The industry’s biggest goal is to be carbon neutral by 2030.
As for deforestation, Australia is unfortunately amid escalating deforestation and
land clearing crisis. The Wilderness Society is already planning to make big changes
to end deforestation. According to their newest publication, we have a high chance to
succeed in restoring the remaining forests and bushlands. This will build on natural
carbon stocks as well as create a new income stream for landholders.
Australia is actively trying to improve the sustainability of industries involved in the
mentioned parts of agriculture and highly advises other countries to do the same. We
are hoping to demonstrate a good example and we are committed to working with
other countries to find solutions that will help our shared crisis.

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