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Decarbonizing India:
Driving Climate Action
through Disclosure
CDP India Disclosure Report 2022
Written on behalf of 680 investors representing
US$130 trillion in assets

February 2023
CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 1


Decarbonizing India:
Driving Climate Action
through Disclosure
CDP India Disclosure Report 2022
Written on behalf of 680 investors representing
US$130 trillion in assets


Director’s Foreword 2
1. Related Ds – Disclosure And Decarbonization 4
Executive Summary 8
• Climate Change 8
• Water Security 15
• Cities, States And Regions 15
2. Climate Change Insights – Roadmap For Decarbonization 16
3. Decarbonization Strategies 40
• Science-Based Targets (SBTs) 42
• Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) 46
• Renewable Energy (RE) 54
• Indian Supply Chain Program 57
4. Financing Decarbonization 60
5. Water Security 64
6. Forests 80
• Biodiversity 83
• Addressing Deforestation Through Corporate Action 84
7. Decarbonizing Cities 86
Conclusion 93
Annexures 94
Abbreviations 119
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companies representing half of global market trend of overall disclosures, several other Against this backdrop, India must overcome

Director’s capitalization and more than 1,100 cities,

states and regions disclosed data through CDP
key trends identified have shown an upward
trend: increased target setting (and ambition),
major roadblocks to meet its own climate
goals. India is the world’s third largest energy

Forward on climate change, deforestation, and water

security. Representing a 233% increase since
growing board level oversight on environmental
related issues and overall climate transition
consuming country where more than 80%
of its demand is met through coal and oil.
the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, CDP plan disclosure, setting meaningful climate, In the latest Emissions Gap Report, the UN
saw the highest number of corporate disclosers forests, and water security targets. Six Indian Environment Programme (UNEP) acknowledged
since its inception over two decades ago. corporates are leading the way in environmental there is ‘no credible pathway to 1.5°C in
The report provides best practice and data transparency this year – Infosys, JSW Steel, place.’ Indeed, current policies point to a world
insights that can also help governments in their Hindustan Zinc, Mahindra Lifespace Developers where temperatures rise 2.8°C, and national
policymaking. Limited, Tech Mahindra and Wipro. commitments (even if fulfilled) would only
reduce this to 2.4–2.6°C. India ranks among the
The net-zero transition is under way across When it comes to translating climate top 7 emitters yet remains far below the world
the economy, but with only seven years left to commitments into quantifiable targets – average at 2.4 tCO2e. Home to 18% of global
halve emissions, all actors need to ensure they through the Science-Based Target initiative population, India’s emission reduction rate
are fully committed to their transition journey. – there has been an exponential growth of will play a major role in determining whether
Disclosure is the bedrock of action, but it is just 59% of Indian companies taking on new SBTi global emissions can reach net-zero by
the first step of this journey. All governments, commitments. This has also been reinforced by mid-century.
companies, cities, states, and regions should the increase of reporting on Scope 3 emissions,
set ambitious environmental targets and take without which industrial decarbonization would The transition to net-zero should therefore be
bold, transformative actions to achieve them. simply not be possible. driven by an interoperability of different drivers
and technologies. CDP’s analysis shows that
Prarthana Borah Given this overall macro context, this year’s I am therefore happy to announce that the benefits of a well-planned accelerated
Director, CDP India sustainability report presents a unique platform CDP India launched its Supply Chain (SC) transition led by the private sector and
to understand how Indian corporates view programme this year with three Indian supported by the government can overcome
the challenge of driving green growth while corporates joining us as our Supply Chain the downsides, given India’s climate ambition.
As 2022 drew to a
minimizing environmental impact, thereby members - Wipro, Adani Green Energy and In this regard, CDP is committed to facilitating
close, we ended our supporting the Government’s efforts to Adani Transmission, and participation from India’s transition to a sustainable future by
global environmental accelerate India’s decarbonization journey. 164 value chain companies. This reflects the engaging with Indian corporates and financial
reporting cycle to yet another Indian companies have once again beaten growing importance of environmental reporting sector driving climate action through a science-
encouraging year on climate previous year’s disclosure numbers; 250+ Indian in the value chain given the majority of the based disclosure process that is data driven
disclosure and action. This report companies disclosed their environmental data suppliers are SMEs. and provides them with insights on their
highlights CDP India’s engagement via CDP in India, the highest since CDP India’s environmental impact and setting ambitious
with investors, corporates, and inception. Sectors such as Chemicals, Biotech Zooming out, we look at the larger ecosystems targets within their business models.
& Pharma, as well as Financial Services, are in which industries operate such as cities,
stakeholders, providing insight into
leading the way with the highest number of states, and regions, which are crucial to tap into Finally, I express my gratitude for the immense
India’s decarbonization journey and
corporate disclosures. to accelerate India’s decarbonization journey. support we receive from all our associates,
the actions taken by the private investors, companies, cities, and national and
sector, financial institutions, and In 2022 alone, CDP in India has seen a 40% In this context, we are also celebrating the city regional governments throughout our journey.
subnational governments over the increase in environmental disclosures across of Mumbai, which through its systematic and We’re thrilled to have your support in building
course of 2022. CDP’s three themes – climate change, water strategic approach towards climate change a climate-safe world and we
security and forests by corporates in response planning has become the first South Asian city look forward to continued
Globally, 2022 has been a year of great to the request to do so from our investors. to make it to the A List, based on assessment of engagement in 2023.
significance for climate disclosure. It witnessed This is an impressive increase against the 28% climate data disclosed to CDP-ICLEI Track1.
record-breaking disclosures — 18,700+ growth reported in 2021. Apart from the upward
1 CDP-ICLEI Track is the world’s leading climate reporting platform and progress accountability mechanism for cities.Tracking over
1,100 cities’ climate action in 2021
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Related Ds –
Disclosure and

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Green growth and decarbonization Steering decarbonization As companies progress along this journey,
will mark the coming decade. Not Five nectar elements (Panchamrit) they work to become more prepared for the
of India’s climate action through disclosure
only does it refer to the reduction low-carbon economy. There has been an
of greenhouse gas emissions, but CDP in India is very aware of these
encouraging growth in companies disclosing
it also centres around the transition Reach 500GW Non-fossil energy to CDP in India. This has led to FIs gaining
capacity by 2030. developments and keeping in tune with
to low-carbon growth. Hence, these policies and initiatives taken by the
access to more transparent and environmental
we are looking at advancing and Indian government, we adapt and constantly
conscious data and looking at India as a
accelerating actions and measures 50% of its energy requirements from potential economy for investments. More so,
renewable energy by 2030. evolve our processes of disclosures. While
of governments, corporates, disclosure supports and drives companies,
FIs not only use our data on which to base
investors, states, and cities alike to financial institutions (FIs), cities, states, and
their lending decisions but also disclose to us
reach net-zero. Reduction of total projected carbon on their respective environmental performance.
emissions by one billion tonnes from regions to measure and manage their risks
now to 2030. and opportunities on climate change, water
India’s announcement at COP26 to strive Cities are also part of the decarbonization
security and deforestation, it simultaneously
to reach net-zero by 2070 was encouraging journey. CDP provides a platform for
Reduction of the carbon intensity of gives them the understanding of the topic
and showcased ambition to take the lead in measuring and tracking risks, hazards,
the economy by 45% by 2030, over of decarbonization. Reporting also informs
mitigating climate risk. Additionally, the ‘long- emissions, sector data (such as transport,
2005 levels. management and enables them to take
term strategy for low-carbon development’ water, and waste), finance and benefits/
strategic decisions integrating sustainability
(LT-LEDS)2 released at COP27 reiterates India’s opportunities (such as improved urban health,
Achieving the target of net-zero and decarbonization. Our data gives insights
commitment aligned with its decarbonization biodiversity and social equity). Science–based
emissions by 2070. that can be used not only to set examples but
targets. It does so by outlining a clear blueprint targets (SBTs) are one of the most important
also to influence policies.
for key industries such as electricity, industry, tools that companies can use to reduce
transport, and finance on how to reach net-zero. Source: emissions and a popular method for
Indian corporates are at different stages and
As a result, we see India moving into a decisive companies to achieve their science-based
levels of advancement, ranging from disclosure,
decade of measures, actions, and solutions targets is through Internal Carbon Pricing
to assessing their risk profile, to setting targets
which is why the decarbonization journey is (ICP) that can help them in advancing low
and finally achieving them across their direct
currently high on the agenda. carbon transition.
operations and supply chains.

Crucial here will be enabling policies that

would steer all stakeholders into the much-
needed direction. Key policy initiatives, like
New initiatives by CDP to enhance its disclosure programs
green hydrogen policy, offshore wind policy,
promotion of electric vehicles, introduction of a Inclusion of a new set Introduction of Launch of a new Announcement
green day-ahead market, and easing terms for of questions related new questions government to incorporate
open access to procure green energy, are some to plastic pollution in on biodiversity dashboard, the International
of the examples of the Indian Government’s order to provide more for the 2023 an interactive Sustainability Standards
determination towards decarbonization. detailed data that disclosure cycle. tool providing Board (ISSB)3 Climate-
can help in finding policymakers with related Disclosures
solutions to this direct access to Standard into its
problem. corporate and global environmental
subnational action. disclosure platform.

These new initiatives will not only improve the consistency of climate-related information,
but also reduce the disclosure burden on entities through an alignment of requirements.

2 India LT-LEDS ( 3 CDP to incorporate ISSB climate-related disclosure standard into global environmental disclosure platform - CDP
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Risks and opportunities

Executive Summary A total of 122 Indian companies responded to CDP’s Climate Change Questionnaire in 2022

104 have confirmed the influence of climate The The total

The following section contains the key
highlights and trends of the entire report.
Climate Change related risk and opportunities in at least one
of their key business areas.
The analysis in the report is based on the reported estimated by
Governance and strategy from Indian companies
disclosures from companies under the CDP
climate- reporting through
Investor request program. related CDP in 2022
In 2022, out of 122 companies reporting Operations
risk was is approx. INR
through CDP India, 97% have board level (86%)
estimated 31,000 Billion.
oversight of climate related issues (an
to be INR This represents a
increase of 35 companies as compared to 2,842 billion 10x increase as
This word is LiFE, 2021) and 80% have the inclusion of at least Products and services
by Indian compared to 2021
which means ‘Lifestyle for (81%)
one board member with competence on companies mainly because
Environment’. Today, there is a need climate-related issues. reponding of inclusion of
for all of us to come together and Investment in research to CDP. green hydrogen
take Lifestyle for Environment and development opportunity and
As many as 82% of the companies are
forward as a campaign. This can (74%) clean energy shift.
presenting a quarterly report to the board on
become a mass movement climate-related issues. Supply chain and/or
towards an environmentally value chain
conscious lifestyle. In 2022, 58% of the companies responding (71%)
to CDP India used a scenario analysis to
- Narendra Modi inform their strategy while 52% have a
Prime Minister of India transition plan aligned4 with a 1.5°C5 world.

4 Transition plans are a vital tool to demonstrate to investors

and stakeholders that an organization is committed to
achieving a 1.5-degree pathway, and that its business model
will remain relevant (i.e., profitable) in a net-zero carbon
5 Holding warming to within 1.5°C above preindustrial levels
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Emissions – trends and verification Targets and performance

Value chain engagement
Amongst the 122 companies that disclosed Key Trends
through CDP around 37% companies have
intensity-based emission reduction targets More Indian corporates are working on
followed with 34% having absolute targets climate issues with their value chain
and around 9% companies having both the partners compared to last year both in
23 companies reported a total targets. absolute and relative terms.
of 1 million ton of CO2e
biogenic emissions6 There is a 3x increase in committing to net- 109 in 2022 vis-à-vis 72 in 2021.
zero targets8 this year as compared to 12
companies in 2021 that indicated a long- 89% in 2022 vis-à-vis 85% in 2021.
term net-zero absolute/ intensity targets for
The share of reporting of them.
122 Indian
Scope 3 emissions amongst
the CDP disclosures have Dedicated energy efficiency budget,
increased from 15% in 2020 compliance with regulatory requirements/
reported total
to 41% in 2022, which is a
carbon equivalent standards and employee engagement,
testament that businesses are
emissions of about remain the top emission reduction levers9
now realizing the importance
1429 million tons CO2e for companies.
of value chain emissions7
(MtCO2e), an increase of 24%
and starting to report on the
compared to 2021.

6 The ultimate chemical composition of and fundamental combustion process for biomass fuels are similar to that of fossil fuels. 8 Setting corporate net-zero targets aligned with meeting societal climate goals means (1) achieving a scale of value chain emissions
However, the origin of the carbon in the two types of fuels is different. The carbon in biomass is of a biogenic origin—meaning reductions consistent with the depth of abatement at the point of reaching global net-zero in 1.5˚C pathways and (2) neutralizing the
that it was recently contained in living and breathing tissues—while the carbon in fossil fuels has been trapped in geologic impact of any residual emissions by permanently removing an equivalent volume of CO2 .
formations for millennia. Because of their biogenic origin, CO2 emissions from biomass fuels are treated differently from fossil fuel 9 Emission reduction levers signifies the initiatives or key areas which companies improve or act on to reduce their carbon emissions
combustion emissions. for example, replacing old parts with energy efficient devices or less carbon intensive devices or sources like renewable energy.
7 A company’s scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions as defined by the GHG Protocol accounting standard.
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Science Based Targets (SBT10) Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP)15

Among the 106 SBTi11 committed companies in India, around 50% The use of ICP is reported by 1418 companies globally in 2022
companies disclosed their environmental data through CDP in 2022.

An encouraging
growth of
Top 3 countries
where corporates are
implementing an ICP

in SBTi responding
companies from the Japan United Kingdom
previous year. (209) (93)

United States
About 35% companies of the 122
companies reported to CDP have the 1.5
degree aligned SBTi validated targets in
place and the rest have their targets in line
with the WB2DS12/2DS13 target ambition,
· In India specifically, 42 companies have from 2021). This brings the total number of
which needs a stronger action in order to
incorporated ICP (a 35% increase from companies that already use or plan to adopt
stay aligned with the urgent requirement for
2021), and 68 companies are planning to ICP in the next two years to 110, about a
aligning to Paris Agreement 2015 goals14.
adopt ICP in the next two years (up 25% 30% increase compared to 2021.

10 Emission reduction targets in line with the guidance & recommendations by SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative).
11 The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reduction targets in line
with the latest climate science.
12 The well below 2 degree scenario is a target for limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels,
as agreed upon by the international community at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015.
13 The 2 degree scenario, also known as the “2 degree target” or “2 degree goal,” refers to the internationally agreed-upon target to limit
global warming to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
14 The Paris Agreement is an international treaty signed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) that aims to combat climate change and its negative impacts. The goal of the Paris Agreement is to hold the increase in
the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the
temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. 15 Internal Carbon Pricing is defined as voluntarily setting up a monetary value associated with each ton of carbon emissions.
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Renewable Energy (RE) Water Security The overall financial risk reported by water
responding companies in 2022 is INR
A total of 122 companies responded to CDP’s climate change questionnaire in 2022 Current State: Measurement & Verification 504 billion while the cost of response to
risk stands at around INR 37 billion. The
On average, water discharge on a company cost of inaction is 13 times more than the
A total of 195 Terra Watt 42 companies 64 companies have level basis has steadily decreased from 2020- cost of addressing the risks indicating a
hours (TWh) electricity disclosed identified opportunities 22 which can be attributed to better recycling prompt action to leverage long-term water
consumption has been through CDP related to shifting energy practices and more efficient use of water resilience.
reported by these India about the usage toward low carbon resources.
companies. various types energy sources across the
of renewable value chain.
264,000 litres in 2020
Cities, States
targets they and Regions
are adopting 259,500 litres in 2021
voluntarily as The city of Mumbai became the first-ever Indian
These companies compared to 240,000 litres in 2022 and South Asian city (amongst the 122 cities
have consumed 25 in 2021.
globally) to be added to on CDP’s 2022 A-list for
about 18 TWh
Targets and monitoring climate action leadership.
Around 67% companies reported monitoring
These companies their water targets at corporate levels while
have estimated energy disclosing to CDP
This is an increase
to 9% of the related opportunities
total electricity like switching to Around 60% companies reported to CDP’s
consumption, cleaner fuel, imbibing water questionnaire reported reducing
comapared to energy efficiency environmental impact as the primary
5% in 2021. worth Rs. 93 billion.
motivation for taking water targets followed
with water stewardship.

Risks and opportunities

It is encouraging to note that 96% (43 out of
the 45 disclosing companies) responding
to CDP India water security questionnaire
undertake a water related internal risk
assessment from time to time in order to
rectify their water use and increase the
water security.

Majority of responding companies (80%)

reported physical risks such as floods,
droughts, and increased water stress,
followed by regulatory (15%), reputation
& markets (3%) and technology (2%).
This indicates that water risks and
extreme events due to climate change are
inextricably linked.
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Climate Change
Insights – Roadmap
for Decarbonization

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Embarking on the decarbonization Climate change leaders

journey requires stakeholders to
gain deeper insights on their impact Company Name Score
on climate change from their
emissions profile. What are the main Infosys A
sources, and what is the intensity JSW Steel A
of emissions? What ambitions and
Hindustan Zinc A
strategies do reporting companies
have in place? Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd A

Wipro A
In 2022, 122 Indian corporates disclosed their
environmental data via CDP on climate change ACC A-
as compared to 85 companies reported in 2021
Dr Reddy’s Laboratories A-
– an increase of 44%. 16 Indian companies
made it to the prestigious CDP climate change ITC Limited A-
leadership band list this year, with five leading JSW Energy A-
the way as Climate Change Champions.
Mindtree A-

Shree Cement A-
CDP & BRSR Alignement TATA Consultancy Services A-

TATA Steel A-
The Security and Exchange Board of
India (SEBI) has made ESG reporting Tech Mahindra A-
mandatory for the top 1000 listed
Ultratech Cement A-
entities (by market capitalization) from
2022-2023 onwards. CDP India has YES Bank A-
conducted a mapping exercice that
involved assessing the alignment of
SEBI’s Business Responsibility and Governance and strategy
Sustainability Report (BRSR) with the 3
CDP thematic questionnaires namely- CDP’s Governance and Strategy module in the
Climate Change, Water Security, and climate questionnaire is crucial as it reflects
Forests. Overall, 65 out of 140 BRSR how sustainability and decarbonization are
questions have some kind of overlap integrated at the management level. As per the
with the CDP questionnaire. Alignment data reported through CDP in 2022, disclosures,
of the CDP questionnaires reduces the climate-related risks and opportunities
reporting burden for companies already significantly influence different business areas
reporting to CDP India. 67 BSE 200-listed (as shown on the next page), reinforcing the
Indian companies reported to CDP in importance of bringing climate change into the
2020, 89 in 2021, increasing to 122 in boardrooms.
2022 and only an upward trajectory is
expected in the years to come.
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Strategic areas influenced by climate risks & opportunities Companies with Board level oversight on climate-related issues
Strategic Areas Influenced By Climate Risks & Opportunities
(% of respondents) (# of companies)
(% of respondents)

Supply chain and/or value chain 19% 70%


Products and services 11% 81%

Operations 7% 86%

Investment in R&D 10% 74% 2021 (N=85) 2022 (N=122)

Frequency of Reporting to Board on Climate related issues

Evaluation in progress
Evaluation in progrees Yes Yes Frequency of reporting to board on climate-related issues
(% of companies)
(% of companies)

A climate conscious business strategy not one board member with competence on
only ensures operational excellence, business climate-related issues. As many as 82% of the
4% 3%
growth, and meeting stakeholder demands, companies are reporting to the board on at least
but also facilitates tapping into national and a quarterly basis on climate-related issues. 11%
international schemes aimed at tackling
climate change, enhancing energy efficiency, Quarterly
and/or procuring a greater share of renewable “At ACC, the Sustainability Committee More
More frequently
frequently than
than quarterly
energy. In the otherwise business-as-usual consisting of six board members and Half-yearly
scenario, serious risks from regulations, chaired by an independent director is Annually
shifts in technology and changing consumer responsible for guiding in developing AsAs
important matters
important arise
matters arise
expectations are inevitable, and becoming more company-wide climate-related strategies
so day by day. and for overseeing the company’s
climate-related engagements. The
CDP in India’s data shows that many companies committee anchors ACC’s commitment
are steering their business with a low carbon to align with a 1.5°C business ambition.
navigation roadmap and are adopting corporate Further, the board has emphasized
climate governance measures such as additional focus required on areas like
having a board level oversight or a dedicated clinker factor improvement and earliest To accelerate the pace of addressing climate- Companies are also incentivizing climate-
management personnel for monitoring climate- installation of waste heat recovery related issues, companies are adopting the related activities as an encouraging approach
related issues. For instance, in 2022, out of systems on all integrated plants and practice of incentivizing the management of towards achieving India’s new climate
122 companies reporting through CDP India, aggressive approach on green energy.” climate-related issues via monetary benefits ambitions. Out of 122 companies, setting an
97% have board level oversight of climate (85%) and non-monetary benefits (12%). The emission reduction target was found to be the
related issues (an increase of 35 companies Head - Environment & Sustainability; ACC decision of who is entitled to receive incentives most widely adopted practice in 2022, followed
as compared to 2021) and 80% have at least is decided by the CEO (41%) followed by the by energy and emission reduction projects.
Environment/Sustainability Manager (25%),
the Chief Sustainability Officer (24%) and
finally the Environmental, Health, and Safety
Manager (10%).
22 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 23

Activities Incentivised
Activities incentivised Types
Typesofofsupplier engagement
supplier engagement
(% of compannies)
(% of companies) % of companies,
(N=122)N = 122

51% 27.80%



Emisson reduction Energy reduction Emissions reduction Company Behavior change Engagement & incentivization Information collection Innovation & collaboration
target project project performance against related indicator (changing supplier behavior) (understanding supplier behavior) (changing markets)
a climate-related
sustainability index

The top two methods of supplier engagement Engagement and incentivization – this
To understand the causality of future climate- create a need for capacity building wherever implemented by companies is: method also proved to be successful for a
related risk and opportunities, companies possible. Decarbonizing the supply chain is number of companies in helping to change
are adopting modelling applications such as crucial. Through information collection – companies the supplier’s behavior and patterns.
scenario analysis to explore alternatives that tried to understand and study the supplier’s
may significantly alter the basis for ‘business- According to CDP global supply chain report behavioral patterns and suggest an
as-usual’ assumptions. In 2022, 58% of the 2020, value chain emissions are 11.4 times alternative plan accordingly.
companies responding to CDP in India used a greater than a company’s direct carbon
scenario analysis to inform their strategy while footprint. Turning a blind eye to this part of a
Supplier engagement by % procurement spend
52% have a transition plan aligned with a 1.5°C company’s operations is therefore simply not
world. a viable option. As one of the fastest growing
economies in the world and the fifth largest 35.0%

Value chain engagement economy globally, India is well positioned

to emerge as the next global manufacturing
Over the years, CDP in India has observed hub16. Building supply chains resilient to climate
that while companies might have defined shocks is vital to ensure business continuity and
governance mechanisms as well as strategies growth in the country. 20.0%
to implement sustainable solutions to manage
climate change related issues, it is usually Based on CDP India’s analysis of this reporting 15.0%
limited to their direct operations. This reduces year, 109 companies were engaged across
10.0% 9.0%
the overall impact that should be achieved different levels of their value chain on climate 7.4%
through these policies. In order to attain issues. This represents about 89% of the
maximum positive impact and actually see the sample (122) compared to 85% in 2021. There
effect of these changes, companies need to appears to be a growing awareness and actions 0.0%
collaborate with their entire network, and also taken towards decarbonizing the supply chain. 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100%

About 21% of companies engage with suppliers with their value chain partners comprising
that account for half of their procurement between 50-100% of total procurement spend.
16 spend, while 38% of businesses collaborate
24 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 25

As discussed in the section on Strategy and

Climate change: Governance, of the 122 Indian companies
Risks and opportunities responding to CDP’s Climate Change
questionnaire in 2022, 104 have confirmed
A future-oriented identification, assessment the influence of climate-related risk and
& response mechanism to climate-related opportunities in at least one of their key
impacts is crucial to ensuring an organization’s business areas such as operations (86%),
competitiveness and long-term value creation. products and services (81%), investment
Climate change provides ample scope of in R&D (74%) and supply chain/value chain
realizing opportunities as the world transitions (71%). Also, 117 companies representing 96%
to a low carbon economy. Many global of the respondents have a process in place
climate disclosure frameworks therefore place for identifying, assessing, and responding
immense emphasis on assessing and reporting to climate-related risks and opportunities
on the actual and potential impacts of climate- which marks an increase of 35 companies as
related risks and opportunities. compared to 2021.

Companies having
Companies having a process
a process in place forinidentifying,
place for identifying,
assessing, assessing,
and responding
and responding to climate-related
to climate-related risks and opportunities
risks and opportunities
(# of companies, N=85, 122 resp.)
(# of companies, N=85, 122 resp.)





2021 2022

Risk of climate change There is a slight change in the reporting

behavior compared with 2021 when reputational
Case study Climate change impacts and risks are becoming and technological risks were the topmost
increasingly complex with each passing day, concerns. In 2022, companies in India reported
Tata Steel Limited procurement is governed by responsible supply chain policy (RSCP) focused such as rising sea levels, ocean acidification the maximum relevance of risk from current &
on sustainable business practices. We encourage supply chain partners on commitment to and other extreme weather events. The arctic emerging regulation. Also, a higher percentage
sustainable business practices. Tata Steel has established a process of doing sustainability bomb cyclone that hit the USA in late 2022 of companies reported legal risks while the
assessment of critical vendor partners. The implementation of the policies & procedures have is one such example of extreme weather overall percentage of companies reporting
also been focused upon in the assessment process through document verification and key conditions due to climate change. As these physical risks is lesser in 2022 as compared to
data points such as monitoring of GHG emissions, energy consumption, ambient air pollution extreme weather events increase in frequency 2021. It would be apt to deduce that corporate
etc. 450+ critical vendors have been identified using a decision matrix considering factors such and severity, companies that consider and agencies expect a stringent approach from
as Supplier Dependency, Spend Volume, Nature and Material Procured. mitigate material risk will be more attractive to regulatory authorities towards climate change
investors than companies that do not. affairs in times ahead.
26 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 27

Risks relevant to Indian companies The financial impact reported from climate- to the trend seen in 2021. However, the overall
Risk relevant to Indian Companies
(% of companies) related risk was estimated to be INR 2,842 reported risk is 15% less in 2022 due to low
(% of comapnies) billion by Indian companies responding to reporting by Industries such as metals &
CDP. The sectoral analysis of climate-related mining, oil & gas and financial services.
94% 93% 94% 93% impact lists the financial sector to lead; similar
92% 91%
91% 91% 90%
90% 90%
84% Financial impact of climate-related risks
79% 79% Financial Impact of Climate-related
(Billion INR) Risks
(Billion INR)

Current Reputation Emerging Technology Market Acute Legal Chronic

regulation regulation physical physical
567 542
2021 (N=85)
(N=85) 2022 (N=122)
2022 (N=122)

194 180
A breakdown of risks as per their identification escalated, indicating that a robust approach to 89
28 23 16 14 14 11 17
in the stage of value chain shows that climate- overcome the risks needs to be implemented.

Biotech & pharma

related risks affect the direct operations as A framework of climate resilient adaptive and

Metal smelting, refining &

Food & beverage processing

Renewable power generation
IT & software development

Thermal power generation

Transportation equipment

Intermodal transport &

Financial services

Cement & concrete

well as supply/value chains. It is noteworthy to mitigative strategies such as employing nature-

mention that the risk trend is similar to last year based solutions, shifting to cleaner energy

with market risks being the most relevant for sources and strengthening sustainable food
companies’ downstream operations. However, chains needs to be prioritized.
the number of risks identified have significantly

Risks identified in value chain

Identified in Value Chain
of companies)
(# of compannies) Climate change opportunities energy sources ie solar and wind energy. Of
the 122 Indian companies disclosing to the
Legal 6 1
Climate-related opportunities encompass the climate change questionnaire in 2022, 93%
Reputation 17 3 adaptive and mitigative approaches adopted have identified a potential financial or strategic
by businesses in their climate proofing journey. impact on business performance from climate
Current regulation 24 21
This brings to the fore several areas identified by opportunities. The highest financial impact
Technology 32 22 TCFD17 such as resource efficiency, low carbon of opportunities lies in direct operations,
transition, access to new markets and making particularly under Products and Services.
Chronic physical 32 1 8 the supply chains more resilient. Companies
Market 23 14 7
are increasingly transitioning towards clean

Emerging regulation 40 2 8

Acute physical 66 6 11

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

DirectDirect operations
operations Downstream
Downstream upstream
* Upstream and downstream risks are defined based on the location of operation in the value chain.
17 The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was created in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to
develop consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies, banks, and investors in providing information to
28 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 29

National Green Hydrogen Mission

Fueling the economy with clean power

In an effort to decarbonize major economic sectors, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
launched the National Green Hydrogen Mission on 15th of August, 2021. The main aim of this
mission is to make India energy independent while reducing the fossil fuels imports as well as
the yearly green house emissions.

The initial outlay for the Mission will be Rs.19,744 crore, including an outlay of Rs.17,490 crore
for the SIGHT programme, Rs.1,466 crore for pilot projects, Rs.400 crore for R&D, and Rs. 388
crore towards other Mission components.18

Following are some key features of this mission:

This initiative proposes the following outcomes to be achieved by the year 2030:

India to be promoted as a Global Hub of Green Hydrogen for purposes of its production,
utilization as well as the export of green hydrogen and its derivatives

Development of green hydrogen production capacity of at least 5 MMT (Million Metric

Tonne) per annum with an associated renewable energy capacity addition of about The mission also proposes to facilitate a public-private partnership framework for R&D
125 GW in the country (Strategic Hydrogen Innovation Partnership – SHIP). These R&D projects will be goal-
oriented, time bound, and suitably scaled up to develop globally competitive technologies.
Over Rs. Eight lakh crore in total investments
Development of an enabling policy framework to support establishment of Green
Creation of over Six lakh jobs Hydrogen ecosystem as well as a robust Standards and Regulations framework.

Cumulative reduction in fossil fuel imports over Rs. One lakh crore A coordinated skill development programme will also be undertaken under the Mission.

Abatement of nearly 50 MMT of annual greenhouse gas emissions

The mission plans to target domestic manufacturing of electrolysers and production

of Green Hydrogen as part of its Strategic Interventions for Green Hydrogen Transition
Programme (SIGHT).

Identifying the regional capabilities of areas that can support large scale production and/
or utilization of Hydrogen and support them to develop into Green Hydrogen Hubs.

Supporting pilot projects in emerging end-use sectors and production pathways.

18 Source :

30 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 31

Opportunities identified by Indian companies

(#identified by Indian companies
of opportunity) Type of opportunity Financial impact of opportunity (Billion INR)
(# of opportunity) The total estimated
value of opportunities Energy source 93
78 identified by Indian
76 76 Markets 909
companies reporting
65 64 through CDP in 2022 Products and services 28852
56 is approx. INR 31,000
Resilience 1147
billion. This represents
34 a 10x increase as Resource efficiency 128
27 compared to 2021
21 mainly because of
inclusion of green
Emissions trends There are both short and long-term influences
hydrogen opportunity
and shift towards and verification on GHG emissions. In the short term, we can
Markets Products and Resilience Energy source Resource think of abrupt geopolitical and economic
services efficiency cleaner energy.
The demand for corporate transparency has events that could lead to significant but
2021 2022
2022 led to an increasing number of companies temporary changes in annual emissions. In
measuring their GHG emissions generated the long term, structural shifts in technologies,
by their activities. Companies look at their production, and investment decisions, as well
own operations as well as the operations as economic and climate policies, can play an
Scope of opportunities and working of their value chain. Hence, important role in influencing GHG emissions.
information and monitoring of GHG emissions The only way to check this influence is to
Resource efficiency has expanded to cover Scope 1, Scope 2, and disclose the data for these emissions.
Opportunities related to improving resource efficiency across production and distribution Scope 3 emissions19.
processes, buildings, machinery/appliances, and transport/mobility.

Energy source Emission Gross

emission reported (inMtCO2e)
reported (in MtCO2e)
Opportunities related to shifting energy usage toward low emission energy sources. disclosures 1429

Products and services 1156

Opportunities related to innovation and development of new low-emission and climate
adaptation products and services. 830

Opportunities in new markets or types of assets that may help organizations to diversify
their activities and better position themselves for the transition to a lower-carbon
economy 69 88

Resilience 2020 2021 2022

Opportunities related to the development of adaptive capacity to respond to climate Gross
Gross Emissions
Emission (MtCO2e)
(MtCO e) Organization Reporting
Organization reporting
change. They may be especially relevant for organizations with long-lived fixed assets
or extensive supply or distribution networks; those that depend critically on utility and
infrastructure networks or natural resources in their value chain; and those that may
require longer-term financing and investment.
19 The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard classifies a company’s GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’. Scope 1 emissions are direct
emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy.
Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company,
including both upstream and downstream emissions.
32 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 33

In 2022, Indian companies responding to CDP of disclosing companies reveals important Scopewise emission trends
reported a total carbon equivalent (CO2e20) sectoral information, especially on how it is (% of total
emissions of about 1429 million tons CO2e distributed amongst different sectors.
(MtCO2e), an increase of 24% compared with 15%
2021 figures. This is primarily attributed to The highest emitting sectors are materials with 3%
80% 38% 41%
an increase in the number of companies 453.1 MtCO2e, fossil fuels with 381.1 MtCO2e
responding to CDP in 2022. More companies and power generation with 374.5 MtCO2e.
disclosing automatically leads to more GHG Also, the majority of emissions coming from 60% 3%
emissions data. Scope 1 carbon emissions the material and power generation sectors are 50%

increased by 16% to 794 MtCO2e in 2022, attributed to direct activities, while for fossil 40% 82%

while Scope 2 rose by 46% to 44 MtCO2e. fuels close to 91% emissions are concentrated 30% 59% 56%
Scope 3 increased significantly by 34% to 591 to indirect Scope 3 emissions. 20%
MtCO2e. Further analysis of the GHG emissions 10%

1 2021
2 2022
of reported
of reportedScope
Scope 1,1, 2 and
2 and 3 emissions
3 emissions
1 Scope 2Series3
Series2 Scope 3

Transportation services
(5.96 MtCO2e)
(5.96 MtCO2e)
If we look at the emissions across the three decarbonization. Only five companies reported
scopes (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3), the emissions from the category Investments out
(30.16 e)
largest share of emissions is still coming from of which only one is a financial Institute (Yes

Retail direct sources (Scope 1 and Scope 2) due Bank Ltd.). This is despite 11 Indian financial
(0.04 MtCO2e)e)
to the use of fuels in the direct operations. institutes responding to CDP India in 2022. This
Power generation Interestingly, the share of Scope 3 emissions indicates that for banks, asset managers and
(375.54 MtCO2e)e)
2 among companies disclosing to CDP has other financial institutions, Scope 3 calculations
Materials increased from 15% in 2020 to 41% in 2022. and reporting remains an uphill battle.
(453.10 MtCO2e) e)
2 This suggests that businesses are now realizing
Manufacturing the importance of value chain emissions and
(122.20 MtCO2e)
e) starting to report on the same.

(43.19 MtCO2e)
Companies engaging with
(0.23 MtCO2e)e)
their value chain (Scope 3)

fuels With 41% of total emissions coming from the
(381.07 MtCO2e)e)
2 value chain of the responding companies, it is
Food beverage&&agriculture
beverage agriculture interesting to see the distribution of companies
(5.66 MtCO2e)
(5.66 MtCO2e) reporting on different categories of Scope
Biotech, healthcare
heakth care&&pharma
pharma 3 emissions. From the emerging data, it is
MtCO2e) evident that categories like business travel
Apparel and employee commuting are by far the most
(1.37 MtCO2e)
e) reported categories pertaining to ease in
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
data collection and gathering. It is observed
that the maximum change has taken place in
Scope 1 Emissions
1 Emission (MtCO2)
(MtCO e) Scope 22 Emissions
Scope (MtCO2)e)
Emission (MtCO Scope 3 Emissions
Scope (MtCO2)
3 Emission (MtCO2e)
2 2 the purchased goods and services and fuel-
and-energy-related activities categories. This
20 It is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming
potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming
is a clear indicator of a larger engagement
potential. with suppliers on issues of emissions and
34 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 35

Scope 3 categories reported in 2022 & 2021 Emission verification important aspect of emissions reporting that
Chart Title
adds credibility to disclosures and enhances
Waste generated in operations 33
Companies are encouraged to verify the transparency. Of the 122 companies responding
reported GHG emissions data in their disclosure to CDP India in 2022, 71% (87 companies)
Use of sold products 11 through CDP’s scoring methodology, which have reported third party-verified Scope 1
Upstream transportation and distribution 40
incentivizes verified data disclosures. This emissions. Assurances by third party for
percentage varies according to the specific Scope 2 and Scope 3 categories stood at 71%
Upstream leased assets 22 questionnaire routes chosen. Alongside other (87 companies) and 58% (71 companies)
Purchased goods and services 38
requirements, the qualification criteria for respectively. More companies are opting for
featuring in the CDP A List companies includes the third-party verification of Scope 1 data as
Processing of sold products 7 achieving full leadership points on Scope 1 and reflected in a 32% increase compared to 2021.
Other (upstream) 3 2 verification questions. Several companies across different sectors
reported verified emissions data for all 3 scopes
Other (downstream) 3 Third party verification is carried out by an including relevant and/or reported Scope 3
Investments 3 independent external organization. This is an emissions categories.

Fuel-and-energy-related activities 34
% of companies with third party verification or assurance
Franchises 4 (N=122)
% of companies with third part verification or assurance in place
End of life treatment of sold products 6 (N= 122)
47 71% 71%
Employee commuting 67
30 58%
Downstream transportation and distribution 46

Downstream leased assets 5


Capital goods 12

Business travel 52

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Scope 1
Scope Scope 2 (location-based
Scope 2 or Scope 33
No. ofof companiesreporting
companies reportingin
2021 No.
companiesreporting in 2022
reporting in 2022 market-based)
(location-based or market-based)
36 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 37

Targets and performance targets in place. Among the 122 companies,

46 companies have intensity-based targets, Setting emissions reduction targets have various benefits, including:
Emission reduction targets are necessary for 43 companies have absolute targets and
urgent climate action because they provide nine companies reported that they have both Meeting regulatory requirements: Saving money:
a clear and measurable goal for reducing absolute and intensity targets in place across Many countries and regions have Reducing emissions can often lead to
greenhouse gas emissions. Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. This year, two established laws and regulations that require energy efficiency improvements and other
financial services have mentioned that they companies to reduce their greenhouse gas cost-saving measures, which can help
Emissions reduction targets can be set at the have both intensity/absolute and portfolio emissions. By setting emissions reduction companies to reduce their operating costs.
group level, plant/site level, and they can be targets in place. targets, companies can ensure they are in
based on various approaches, such as intensity compliance with these requirements. Contributing to global efforts to address
targets (eg reducing emissions per unit of Strategizing and implementing stringent 51 companies reported that they have climate change:
operation eg per mWh) or absolute targets (eg practices in line with the targets is critical for emissions reduction initiatives in compliance By reducing their own greenhouse gas
reducing total emissions by a certain amount). low carbon operations. Tracking them annually with regulatory requirements in 2022 emissions, companies can play a role in
through disclosures ensures accelerating the disclosures. addressing the global challenge of climate
Analysis found that approximately 80% of climatic action. change. 74 companies reported they have
disclosing companies have absolute or intensity Improving reputation: dedicated budgets for energy efficiency,
Companies that set and achieve emissions 43 companies have reported they have
reduction targets can enhance their employee engagement and 27 companies
Emission reduction targettype
reduction target type
reputation as environmentally responsible reported they have dedicated budgets for
(No. ofcompanies)
(# of companies)
and sustainable businesses. This can R&D of low carbon products as well.
46 help attract customers and investors who
40 prioritize sustainability.

18 19
Various emission reduction initiatives reported by companies
8 9
Various emission
Various emission reduction
initiatives taken
taken by
74 74
Intensity-based Absolute Absolute & Intensity No Targets

2021 20222022 51
2021 51 43
43 37
37 27 27 24
27 27 24

Dedicated budget for

Dedicated budget for

Internal price on carbon


Employee engagement

low- R&D

Dedicated budget for

energy efficiency

Compliance with



for energy



carbon product R&D

Internal incentives/

recognition programs

energy efficiency

















38 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 39

Highest COCO2e
Highest 2
e emission saving
emission saving across
across the topthe top 5 sectors
5 sectorwise
With respect to the companies reported It is interesting to note that 69 companies
this year, there has to be more action have reported that their product portfolio
Services 0.88 across the industries to stay in line with consists of low carbon products, which
the required emissions reduction goals for shows there is a growing market for low
Manufacturing 2.09 a thriving economy. carbon products. A shift in consumer
mindset acts as a goal for companies
Fossil Fuels 5.85 Projections show that there have been to shift towards less carbon intensive
fewer emissions savings disclosed, products.
which could be due to consumption and
Materials 11.55
productions peaking after recovering
from Covid-19 outbreak.
Power generation 20.49
in MTco2e
In MtCO2e

As per the analysis, renewable energy sources carbon energy-based sources during production
continue to be the most popular choice phase.
(69%) amongst disclosing companies in
the consumption phase. Power generation Companies have reported that the
companies reported the highest emission implementation of various initiatives like
reduction of 20.49 MtCO2e followed by energy efficiency in production process, energy
Materials as primary sector that includes efficiency in buildings, low carbon energy
companies from Chemical, cement, mining consumption, low carbon energy generation
etc. Most of the companies reported to have and reducing waste and material circularity are
continued to increase their reliance on low- some levers of emission reduction initiatives.

Comparision on estimated CO2e saving reported by disclosing companies

Comparision on estimated Co2e saving reported
(MtCO e) by disclosing companies



39.16 41.74


2020 2021 2022

MtCO e Companies
40 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 41


42 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 43

Science-Based The initiative is a collaboration

SBTi ininIndia

Targets (SBTs) between CDP, the United Nations 106

Global Compact (UNGC), World
The Science Based Targets initiative Resources Institute (WRI) and the
(SBTi) is a global body enabling World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

No. of Companies
businesses to set ambitious and is one of the ‘We Mean Business 64
emissions reduction targets in line Coalition’21 commitments. The
with the latest climate science. It is initiative champions science-based
focused on accelerating companies target setting as a powerful way of 38

and financial institutions across boosting companies’ and financial 28

the world to halve emissions before institutions’ competitive advantage
2030 and achieve net-zero emissions in the transition to a low-carbon
before 2050. economy.
2019 2020 2021 2022
SBTi commitment in India Indian SBTi companies with approved targets
SBTi commitment in India Indian SBTi Companies with Approved targets

India ranks amongst the top three developing These include:

economies having the highest number (40)
of net-zero commitments in spite of all its Increasing the minimum Scope 1 and 2
challenges (technological feasibility, policy ambition temperature classification from
etc.) and setbacks. Although this is a much- well below 2°C to 1.5°C.
appreciated step, India is yet to create a
nationwide roadmap for reaching net-zero Increasing the minimum Scope 3 ambition
by 2070. However, with the rise in SBTi temperature classification from 2°C to well
commitments by companies to around 62% below 2°C.
compared with 2021, it is positive to see that
Indian corporates are accepting the challenges The new strategy has been rolled out in
and trying to overcome them through a response to increasing urgency for climate
collaborative effort. action and the success of science-based targets
to date. 1.5°C-aligned targets are now the most
The SBTi released the new criteria & common choice for businesses representing
recommendations - version 5.0 for target 68% of all SBTi-approved targets in 2022
setting - at the end of 2021. This new criterion globally. Around 56% of the Indian companies
came into force from 15th July 2022. The SBTi with targets approved by the SBTi have their
made several changes to its criteria for near- Scope 1 & 2 targets aligned with a 1.5°C
term targets. scenario (1.5DS) which shows that science-
based targets are attainable. Aligning the Scope
3 value chain emissions in line with the 1.5DS22
is still a major challenge due to lack of data
availability, multi-stakeholder engagement,
22 The 1.5 degree scenario refers to the internationally agreed- and limited resources. Overall, more than
upon target to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-
industrial levels, as set out in the Paris Agreement under 1,000 companies from across the world have
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC). It accounts for roughly 4.2% reduction of
committed to the highest ambition of net-zero
21 A global non-profit coalition working with the world’s most influential businesses to take action on climate change. emissions year on year. through the SBTi’s Net-Zero Standard.
44 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 45

43 companies committed to SBTi also reported boosts investors’ confidence and re-aligns the
SBTi Incubator climate change data to CDP in 2022, a nearly behavioural choice of the customer.
40% increase from 2021. The most convincing
The Science Based Targets initiative Incubator is a unique project of factor for the SBTi committed companies to CDP in India’s analysis shows that the
CDP India that was launched in April 2020, to provide technical support disclose through CDP India, the world’s robust companies being transparent on their
with the main objective of handholding and catapulting organisations environmental platform is keeping track of their environmental footprint are moving ahead of
from commitment stage to target development stage of the Science progress which sends a strong message to all the curve with strong climatic commitment.
Based Targets Initiative. stakeholders - investors, employees, customers, For the year 2022, the SBTi-committed Indian
etc that companies are taking strong actions companies reporting to CDP have shown a
towards decarbonization and committing decrease in their Scope 1, Scope 2 & Scope 3
CDP India’s GHG Inventory Target Submission
to follow the best practices by tracking their emissions by 4%, 26% & 28% respectively based
Check: CDP will provide Support: After the
SBTi technical assistance in SBT development, emissions and taking positive action. This on the CDP analysis.
incubator understanding the next process
project has company’s for companies is
supported organizational to submit a target
Net Zerocommitments
Net-zero Commitments -- Top
Top 10
boundary and GHG emission profile, validation form
around 40+ (As(No.
on 7th December 2022)
categorization of direct and indirect to SBTi to get their targets approved. of companies)
companies in emissions (Scope 1 & 2) based on the As a part of the Incubator project, CDP
their science- emission source and evaluation of will provide support to companies in
based target other indirect GHG emissions, Scope 3 filling the Target Submission Form
categories. and making it ready for submission to 48
setting the SBTi. We will also aid companies 40
journey. SBTs in preparing replies for queries raised 32
Development: CDP by SBTi team during the validation
24 22
will provide technical process 20
assistance to 15 14 12
companies for Communications 10
developing their SBTs Support: After the
China India Taiwan Brazil Hong Pakistan South Chile Sri Lanka Malaysia
by selecting appropriate methodology target validation, CDP (Province Kong, Korea
for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, modelling will assist companies of China) China
their targets as per their inventory in preparing
and selecting categories under Scope communication
3 which are ambitious and can be material like blog posts and articles.
achieved (if relevant). India ranks 2nd in terms of net-zero The SBTi Net-Zero Standard defines corporate
commitments (40)23 among the developing net-zero as:
nations, showcasing a strong affinity for
switching to low carbon products and Reducing Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to
CDP responders committed to SBTi transitioning towards the low carbon economy. zero or to a residual level that is consistent
CDP responders committed to SBTi with reaching net-zero emissions at the
To contribute to societal net-zero goals, global or sector level in eligible 1.5°C-aligned
companies must consistently reduce emissions pathways.
43 and counterbalance the impact of any
31 emissions that remain. Neutralizing any residual emissions at the
net-zero target year and any GHG emissions
released into the atmosphere thereafter.

CDP Climate
Climate Change-
Change Responders
- Responders

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

2022 2021 23 SBTi Companies taking action
2022 2021
46 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 47

Internal Carbon Pricing the market conditions of the sector24. Owing A study on the participation of Indian companies Science-Based Targets initiative’s (SBTi)
(ICP) to the variation of carbon price across regions,
the total carbon pricing risk not only depends
‘Business Ambition for 1.5 C’ campaign reveals that more than 60 private enterprises in India
have either committed or set a target under the same. Currently of the 60 Indian companies
Another powerful decarbonization tool is on how much a company emits, but also where that are a part of SBTi, 27 have already set a target for reductions in their scope 1,2 and 3
setting up an Internal Carbon Price (ICP) these emissions occur. While hypothetical emissions by a specific target year. To understand the potential demand of emission offset
where companies (on a voluntary basis) place in nature, it is a strategic planning tool that instrument, project team estimated annual offset requirement of 5 group companies, those
a monetary value on each ton of carbon they helps companies assess the risks of carbon are part of PAT as well as SBTi (with committed targets upto 2030).
emit. The financial risk from carbon pricing is emissions on their business operations
a function of company’s carbon emissions, encouraging them to choose an energy Globally 5600 corporates have committed emission reduction on SBTi or CDP and expected
location of operations, business model, and efficient path. offset requirement from such companies is estimated to be 270 to 950 million tonnes of CO2
by 2030.

Source : Bureau of Energy Efficiency (Draft Blueprint on National Carbon Markets)

National Carbon Market

At present, India is looking at establishing a national carbon market as a way of promoting ICP
ICP adoption trends
adoption trends in India
in India
(# of respondents)
climate mitigation and putting the country on a an accelerated track to achieving its net-zero (# of respondents)
goals and becoming carbon neutral by the year 2070.
In order to facilitate achieving these targets, it is important that India comes up with a 60 54
robust plan to develop a domestic carbon market, thereby driving demand and creating 50
40 36
32 31 33 31
30 25 26 25
Such a carbon market would help create synergies across different policy measures for 20
climate change mitigation, by creating a common marketplace for emissions trading through 20 14 14
development of a metaregistry. The World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) 8
announced a US$ 8 million grant for India to prepare for and pilot the use of carbon pricing 0
instruments to help reduce to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

ICP users
ICP users Plans to
Plans to adopt
adopt ICP
ICP in
Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) scheme is a flagship programme of Bureau of Energy
Efficiency under the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE). NMEEE is one
of the eight national missions under the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) As the graph depicts, 42 Indian companies Objectives and type of ICP
launched by the Government of India in the year 2008. have incorporated ICP (a 35% increase from
2021), and 68 companies are planning to adopt There are several reasons why companies use
While the PAT scheme has been able to significantly reduce emissions in the Indian economy, ICP in the next two years (up 25% from 2021). the ICP (see objectives in graph below). While
there has been a surplus in the EScerts (Energy Saving Certificates) supply in the market. This brings the total number of companies that the majority of companies responding to CDP
The PAT scheme is based on the premise that price of ESCerts shall act as an incentive for already use or plan to adopt ICP in the next two India adopted at least two objectives, some
entities to invest towards energy efficiency profitably or where unable to buy ESCerts cost years to 110, about a 30% increase compared are using ICP only for a dedicated vertical. The
effectively. to 2021. graph below highlights that driving low-carbon
investment and energy efficiency, and changing
The growth in the number of companies internal behavior are the dominant outcomes
using or planning to use ICP in the next two favored by companies with the use of ICP.
years reflects the success of this tool in the As per the ring graph, shadow pricing which
decarbonization trajectory of Indian companies. is putting a price on the projected emissions
continues to be the most used form of ICP by
opportunity.pdf companies disclosing in 2022.
48 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 49

Objective of using ICP Under the TCFD’s recommendation on ‘Metrics sector - emissions intensive sectors such as
of companies,
of usingN=42)
ICP (% of companies, N=42) and Targets’25 ICP is listed as a key metric to metal smelting, refining & forming, cement and
90% measure and manage climate-related risks concrete and chemicals are pricing carbon
and opportunities. A sectoral analysis of CDP internally.
% of companies

62% 62%
India’s data shows that - apart from the IT

Sectoral distribution of ICP
Sectoral distribution of ICP
(% of companies, N=42)
(% of companies, N=42)
Drive energy
Drive low-carbon

Identify and seize

Navigate GHG
Change internal



Stress test



behavior Energy utility networks 3%
Biotech & pharma 5%
Transportation equipment 5%
Renewable power generation 5%
Thermal power generation 5%
Type of ICP used
Chemicals 10%
Types of(N=42)
ICP used (N=42)
Cement & concrete 15%
2% IT & software development 15%
Others 18%
7% Metal smelting, refining & forming 18%
Shadow price
Shadow price 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Implicit price
Implicit price
Implicit price;
Implicit Internal
price; feefee
Inernal ICP companies having SBTi targets
50% ICP Companies having SBTi targets
Implicit price;
price; Shadow
Shadow priceprice
Internal trading 14
Internal trading 13
29% Others

Committed Target Set

Type of ICP
Noteworthy here is the correlation between Uses and benefits
Shadow Pricing:
companies that have incorporated ICP and
A hypothetical cost on projected carbon emissions.
those that have set science-based targets. Carbon management has increasingly become
As per CDP India’s 2022 data, out of the 42 an area of importance for many businesses.
Internal Trading:
companies having an ICP, 14 of them have Corporations have been using ICP as a strategic
Allows business units within a company to trade their allocated carbon credits based on
committed to the SBTi and 13 companies planning tool that can promote decarbonization
respective emissions.
have their target set and approved by the SBTi; from fossil fuel usage and deliver powerful
an indicator of ICP being an effective tool for innovation incentives. The infographic26 on
Internal fee:
mitigating climate risks. the next page summarizes the principles for
A per-unit fee based on the amount of GHG the company emits (eg INR 700 per tCO2e).
employing ICP and its associated benefits.

Implicit Price: 25 It states “where relevant, organizations should provide their internal carbon prices as well as climate-related opportunity metrics
Helps quantify the capital investments required to meet climate-related targets. such as revenue from products and services designed for a lower-carbon economy”.
50 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 51

Internal Carbon Pricing as disclosed by Indian companies in 2022

Business Case
for ICP Price in USD
(using CDP
Company Price in INR rate) Type of ICP used
Demonstrate Climate Follow the FSB-TCFD Capitalize on the Low-
Leadership Recommendations Carbon Transition Implicit price; Shadow
ACC 3753 50.76

Adani Green Energy 800 10.82 Shadow price

APSEZ internally applies

Benefits of setting an internal carbon price
carbon price of USD 20/
Adani Ports & Special
Contribute a fair share Build resilience against Seize opportunities in a 1516 20.51 tCO2e on all Scope 1 and
Economic Zone
of effort to achieving the climate-related risks low carbon future Scope 2 emissions from
Paris Agreement all its operations.
Lower risk of carbon Discover new
Strengthen brand cost pass-through opportunities to Adani Transmission Ltd 800 10.82 Shadow price
value from suppliers reduce energy and AIA Engineering Ltd. Private Private Private
carbon cost through
Gain a competitive Anticipate the impacts collaboration within Ambuja Cements 2466.3 33.36 Implicit price
edge in a low carbon of shift in customer the company, with
economy preferences to low suppliers and with Arvind Ltd. 184.83 2.50 Shadow price
carbon products and customers
Benzo Chem Industries
Accelerate GHG services 1236 16.72 Implicit price
reductions Find new customer Private Limited
Enable scenario markets Creative Group of Industries Private Private Private
Reduce exposure analysis on the
to climate-related financial performance Enable R&D Dalmia Bharat Ltd 11 0.15 Shadow price
regulations of business using a of low-carbon
single uniform metric projects to become Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories 937 12.67 Implicit price
commercially viable
Godrej Agrovet 800 10.82 Shadow price

Godrej Consumer Products

GHG Scope identified by companies for ICP 800 10.82 Shadow price
CDP India’s 2022 GHG scope identified by companies for ICP Limited
data shows (% of respondents, N = 42)
(% of respondents, N=42) Godrej Industries 745 10.08 Shadow price
that companies
using ICP often HCL Technologies 246.26 3.33 Implicit price
include Scope
21% Hero Motocorp Ltd Private Private Private
3 activities.
However, for Hindalco Industries Private Private Private
Scope 1
the hard to Scope 1; Scope 2 Hindustan Zinc 1083.33 14.65 Shadow price
abate sector,
Scope 1; Scope 2; Scope 3
they primarily Scope 1; Scope 2 Indfrag Ltd (Group) 398.8 5.39 Internal fee
Scope 1
report on Scope
Indian Oil Corporation Private Private Private
1 and Scope 2 Scope 1; Scope 2; Scope 3
52 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 53

Price in USD
(using CDP
Company Price in INR rate) Type of ICP used

Infosys Limited 1053.5 14.25 Implicit price

JSW Cement Limited 1638 22.16 Shadow price

JSW Energy 855 11.56 Shadow price

JSW Steel Ltd. 1500 20.29 Shadow price

Jubilant Ingrevia Limited Private Private Private

Jubilant Pharmova Limited Private Private Private

Implicit price;
Mahindra & Mahindra 739 10.00
Internal fee

Mindtree Ltd Private Private Private

ReNew Energy Global PLC 1643 22.22 Shadow price

Sanyo Special Steel

752.02 10.17 Implicit price
Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd.

Shree Cement 1530 20.70 Shadow price Case study: Tata Steel
Tata Chemicals 1478.6 20.00 Shadow price
Tata Steel is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2045 and believes that corporates
Implicit price; taking early actions to reduce their carbon footprint are likely to get opportunities in
Tata Consultancy Services 1131 15.30
Shadow price the form of greater market access and lower carbon taxes. The company states that
ICP (Internal Carbon Pricing) is an important tool for achieving its decarbonization goal
Tata Metaliks Ltd 3200 43.28 Shadow price
and aligns project appraisal decision-making with emissions reduction objectives. The
Implicit price; company is using ICP as a strategic planning tool to prepare for the transition to a low-
Tata Power Co 1251 16.92
Internal fee carbon economy and manage climate-related business risks in the following processes:
Tata Steel 2720 36.79 Implicit price
Capital expenditure: ICP is being used to evaluate all capital projects. The carbon
Implicit price; adjusted Project IRR (CaIRR) of any project must be above a hurdle rate, which is
Tech Mahindra 1035 14
Internal fee determined by taking ICP into consideration.
Ultratech Cement 800 10.82 Shadow price
Operational decisions: Crucial business decisions, like buying raw materials, take ICP
Vedanta Ltd 15 0.20 Shadow price into consideration while determining the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of using the
Wipro 3704.7 50.11 Shadow price specific raw material compared with other available alternatives.

Yes Bank Limited 970 13.12 Implicit price The company states that setting an ICP is challenging in the Indian context in absence of
explicit relevant mandates. If the ICP is set too high, it can be detrimental to the financial
well-being of the company. On the other side, if it is set too low, then introduction of internal
carbon pricing will not have the desired effect on decision-making. Tata Steel has adopted
an evolutionary pricing strategy, which means that prices will typically rise over time.
54 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 55

Renewable Energy (RE) Renewable energy disclosures

Another key tool for decarbonization is the move Increased renewable electricity consumption:
RE100 is the global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large
from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. In 2022, the 122 companies headquartered
and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity. Led by the Climate
In response to this, India – with its updated in India have reported a total of 195 Terra
Group in partnership with CDP, RE100’s mission is to accelerate change towards zero carbon
nationally determined contributions (NDCs)27 – Watt hours (TWh) electricity consumption.
grids at scale.
has set ambitious renewable energy plans. The These companies have consumed about 18
most conspicuous target is 50% cumulative TWh renewable electricity which is 9% of the
Eight companies headquartered in India have committed to the RE100 initiative. These are:
electric power installed capacity from non-fossil total electricity consumption, compared to 5%
Chalet Hotels, Dalmia Bharat Ltd. Infosys Ltd., JSW Cement Limited, Mahindra Holidays &
fuel energy sources by 2030.28 A decarbonized reported in 2021. The observed growth in the
Resorts India Ltd., Mindspace Business Parks REIT, Tata Motors Ltd., and Ultratech Cement
power sector where renewable supply sources share of renewable electricity consumption is
Ltd. For more details about India’s initiatives, visit and follow #RE100 on Twitter.
are aligned to corporate demands as well as due to multiple factors such as the increasing
targets for renewable energy would be the number of:
ideal scenario. According to Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy, India appears to be voluntary corporate GHG emission reduction Setting targets When we look at leadership in renewable
on the right path since it is globally ranked targets; electricity sourcing, eight companies have
fourth for its overall installed renewable energy In 2022, 42 companies from India reported committed to sourcing 100% renewable
capacity, and this has increased 286% in the last renewable energy targets; and various types of renewable energy targets. electricity across their operations and
seven and a half years. Renewable energy has a The level of ambition, ie a share of renewable joined the RE100 initiative. Companies
share of 26.53% in the total installed generation compliance targets such as Renewable energy in the target year, for most of the usually take more than one renewable
capacity in the country. There has also been Energy Purchase Obligations (RPO)30. companies varies between 20-100%. energy target type.
a cost democratization of renewable energy
tariffs with solar tariff hitting the record low of CDP India works closely with industries to Renewable energy targets
Renewable Energy Targets
₹1.99/unit.29 generate dialogues and capacity building
trainings for companies to understand the
benefits of transitioning to renewable energy

No. of Targets
sources, while also guiding them on how they
Solar energy is going can do so.
to be a major source of energy needs 6 5
3 3 2021
not only today but in the 21st century, 1 1
because solar energy is Sure,
Renewable Electricity Renewable Electricity Renewable Electricity Renewable Energy
Pure and Secure. Consumption Production Capacity Financing Target
Types of Renewable Targets
- Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India
At the inauguration of Asia’s largest Opportunities companies have identified opportunities in the
750 MW solar power project direct operations, followed by 6 companies in
at Rewa in Madhya Pradesh Renewable energy plays an important role the upstream operations31 and 2 companies
in the corporate value chain due to its zero- in the downstream operations32 of the value
carbon intensity and ability to provide long- chain. These companies have estimated energy
27 Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are at the heart of the Paris Agreement and the achievement of its long-term goals. term energy security. 64 companies have related opportunities worth Rs 93 billion, mainly
NDCs embody efforts by each country to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The Paris identified opportunities related to shifting in direct operations. Half of these companies
Agreement (Article 4, paragraph 2) requires each party to prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined
contributions (NDCs) that it intends to achieve. Parties shall pursue domestic mitigation measures, with the aim of achieving the energy usage towards low carbon energy anticipate a time frame of five to seven years to
objectives of such contributions. sources across the value chain. Of these, 59 tap into these opportunities.
30 Under Section 86(1) (e) of the Electricity Act 2003 (“EA 2003”) and the National Tariff Policy 2006, Renewable purchase obligation 31 The upstream operations include all activities related to the organization’s suppliers: those parties that source raw material inputs to
(RPO), is a mechanism by which the obligated entities are obliged to purchase certain percentage of electricity from Renewable send to the manufacturer.
Energy sources, as a percentage of the total consumption of electricity. 32 The downstream operations refer to activities post-manufacturing, namely distributing the product to the final customer.
56 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 57

The leading sectors and fossil fuels (collectively grouped as hard- RE sourcing options preferred by responding companies in 2022
to-abate sectors). These hard-to-abate sectors (% of RE consumption)
Food & beverage, services and hospitality still rely on non-renewable sources for more
sectors are the leaders with a combined 11% than 95% of their energy consumption. This gap
of their total electricity coming from renewable needs to be reduced drastically if India hopes
sources, but it is also worth noting that the to achieve decarbonization for about 50% of
total electricity consumption of these sectors its cumulative electric power installed capacity
is relatively less when compared to sectors like from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources
power generation, materials, manufacturing, by 2030.
Energy Attributed
Certificate (EAC) - 15%
Electricity consumption across sectors in 2022
Electricity consumption across sectors

Transportation services

Services Green Electricity

Power Purchase Agreement (PPAs) - 49% Products - 28% Self Generation - 9%

Power generation (Note: Some companies have reported renewable electricity consumption total, instead of breakdown details as per the sourcing
method. Data for those companies is not included in the above chart.)


Infrastructure Indian Supply Program scope

Hospitality Chain Program The program provides tailored support to
Fossil Fuels corporate members across several facets,
Decarbonization of the corporate value chain right from evaluating and understanding
Food, beverage & agriculture
is critical if we are to achieve emissions supplier performance to identifying strategic
Biotech, health care & pharma reduction at a large scale and meet India’s partners and help them set KPIs for the next
Apparel ambitious climate commitments. CDP India reporting year. The data product deliverables
officially launched the Supply Chain Program offer in-depth analysis and insight into the
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
this year with three Indian corporates as its responding suppliers’ data across key climate
Non renewable electricity Consumption (% of total electricity consumption) members - Wipro, Adani Green Energy and
Non renewable electricity Consumption (% of total electricity consumption) metrics - emissions, targets, renewable energy,
Renewable electricity Consumption (% of total electricity consumption) Adani Transmission Ltd. The program saw the
Renewable electricity Consumption (% of total electricity consumption) governance etc.
participation of 164 value chain companies
thanks to the active engagement of the Supply In 2022, CDP India’s supplier services included
A detailed breakdown shows that the Power entering into long time agreements (10-15
Chain members. hosting capacity building training on emissions
Purchase Agreement (PPA) is the preferred years). However, the cost competitiveness of
sourcing option among companies for sourcing renewables in the energy markets has increased reporting, addressing disclosure related
The initiative involves the customer, ie the queries via live sessions and resource sharing
renewables, followed by the purchase of Green the scope to modify agreements by shortening
supply chain member requesting their suppliers such as guidance documents, recorded
Electricity Products and Energy Attribute the timeframes and encouraging companies to
to report their environmental information to webinars and technical notes.
Certificates (EACs). Recent times have commit to greener sourcing options.
CDP’s climate change questionnaire. The
shown that companies are shying away from
granularity of the suppliers’ disclosure enables
the customer to make informed procurement
decisions from a sustainability lens.
58 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 59

Key findings of CDP India 2022 disclosure:

By using the CDP platform, Adani Transmission Ltd and Adani Green Energy
are connecting with strategic suppliers on climate change. We want to see our
The supplier base of Indian corporate members was mostly comprised of SMEs.
suppliers matching our ambitions, setting emission reduction targets and report
progress towards achieving them. GHG emissions reduction can drive innovation
Share of suppliers allocating emissions to their customers was low (only around 23%).
and enable cost optimization resulting in win-win situation for all.

About 48% of value chain partners reported having emissions reduction initiatives in
- Adani Group

Two in five companies engage with their own supply chain on climate-related issues.

Wipro is happy to be a part of the CDP Supply Chain Program - one of the Total of 72 companies (44%) reported using electricity from renewable sources.
key programs contributing to our Net Zero strategy. It has helped us engage with our
major contributing suppliers in a short period of time. As more organizations engage Total emissions reduced by all suppliers was 15.3 million tonnes CO2eq which is almost
with their value chain partners on climate change through CDP, we hope that five times the reported emissions of the three customers (3.3 million tonnes CO2eq).
understanding and the quality of engagement will significantly improve.
More than two-thirds of responding supply chain companies have board-level oversight
- Wipro on climate issues.

Suppliers reported financial savings from emissions reduction initiatives worth INR 3126
Customer and supplier services

Communication Q&A
Templates sessions

Products Capacity
SUPPLIER Resources

Strategy &
60 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 61


62 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 63

CDP’s global disclosure system lend money to companies but also when they Financial institutions also disclose through CDP CDP India also undertook a rapid
equips capital markets with the invest in them. By using CDP’s data, capital on their own environmental performance. In assessment study of capacity building needs
market actors (investors/banks) are better able India, 11 financial institutions disclosed through for the financial sector ecosystem with
data needed to engage with
to mitigate risks associated with increasing us in 2022. CDP India is trying to increase these respect to climate and sustainable finance.
companies on their environmental
climatic uncertainty, including physical, numbers and is also trying to expand the use of As an outcome of this rapid assessment,
impact, empowering capital reputational and regulatory risks. our disclosure data within the financial sector. CDP India held a roundtable conference in
market actors to have foresight collaboration with the UNDP and presented
on the environmental impact of a In 2022, over 680 investors across the globe, In 2022, CDP India held consultations with the the key findings of the assessment. CDP
company before making business with assets of over US$130 trillion, requested representatives of its Financial Institutions India thereby initiated a dialogue around
decisions. 10,000+ companies to disclose to them through Working Group to gain perspective on a reinforcing capacities by equipping
the CDP platform. Indian financial institutions discussion paper from the Reserve Bank of professionals working across corporate and
Financial institutions have access to reliable, are driving the climate action locally, with 11 India* to address risks from climate change financial institutions on aspects of climate
comparable data related to the environment Indian FIs being signatories with CDP and use and mobilize sustainable finance. CDP India risk, the need for transparent disclosure and
and decarbonization and can base lending the environmental data collected by us as a submitted its collective response to the RBI and sustainable financing. The roundtable was
decisions on this data. Financial institutions base to inform their lending decisions. supports this significant directional change. chaired by UNDP’s Associate Administrator
use our data and scores not only when they and UN Under Secretary General, Ms. Usha

* For more information about this, visit CLIMATERISK46CEE62999A4424BB731066765009961.PDF (

64 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 65


66 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 67

The gap between global water supply and As governments move to protect water bodies, Current state
demand is projected to reach 40% by 203033. businesses identify a transition risk if they do
In many places, demand is already exceeding not address pollution and over-extraction of 2022 has witnessed a status quo when it comes
sustainable supply, and in others, water scarcity water within their own operations. to water resource management in the private
is hindering economic growth. Water-related sector. The responding companies are majorly
hazards continue to have serious implications In 2022, 45 Indian companies disclosed through from the cement (6), chemicals (5), metals and
on human life and the Indian economy, which CDP – an increase of 22% from 2021 when mining (4), food, beverages and tobacco (4),
requires an investment of $46.3 billion to fund 37 companies responded. Just two Indian electric utilities (4) and biotech, healthcare and
climate adaptation – 1.7% of India’s GDP34. companies made it to the prestigious A List this pharma (6) sectors.
year, demonstrating climate action ambition and
impressive environmental leadership. While the number of reporting companies
increased, the water consumption has also
increased almost two-fold from 1.6 to 3.2
Water security leaders million liters in the same period. This can largely
be attributed to the expansion in the scale of
operations and greater demand for companies’
Company Name Score
products and services.
Mahindra Lifespace Developers Ltd A
In terms of volume of water withdrawal, 23
Tech Mahindra A companies (51%) stated an increase from
Hindustan Zinc A- previous year; 16 corporates (36%) reported
lower withdrawals and only four enterprises
ITC Limited A- (9%) observed no change.
Mahindra & Mahindra A- Corporate Water Activity
Corporate water activity
(Megalitres, N=45)

India has made major strides in water security. Our water vision 12.9
towards 2047 will be a big contribution to Amrit Kaal. The nation is
working together to build 75 Amrit Sarovars in every district. 10.8
Till now 25,000 Amrit Sarovars have already been constructed.

- Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India
At the 1st All India Annual State Ministers Conference on
Water with the theme “Water Vision@2047” in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Total consumption Total discharge Total withdrawal

68 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 69

Water scarcity is a major issue in several

parts of India and climate change has further
worsened this problem. About 3 in 4 companies
(34 of 45) withdraw water from water-
stress areas35 however, almost 80% of these
companies have reported the same or lower
levels of withdrawal from stress areas as in
previous years.

Case study
Key trends
ITC measures and monitors water
On an average, discharge quantity with calibrated
water discharge on a water throughout meters on a daily
company level basis basis, at all manufacturing locations
has steadly decreased & hotels in line with relevant and
from 2020-22. applicable statutory norms. Data
is reported on a half-yearly basis
264,000 litres from all sites by relevant EHS
in 2020 personnel and after various levels
of verification, are consolidated
259,500 litres at the Business and Corporate
in 2021 levels. Businesses analyse
and assess their water-related
240,000 litres data and link them to relevant
in 2022 KPIs. This data is important
in progressing towards zero
effluent discharge and recycle/
reuse of treated effluent to reduce
freshwater intake. All ITC units met
their regulatory requirement related to
effluent discharge quantity in FY2021-22.
All Sites in High Water Stressed Areas are
to be certified as per the International Water
Stewardship Standard by AWS (Alliance for
Water Stewardship).

70 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 71

% Water withdrawn from stress areas

% Water withdrawn from stress areas 45 companies that disclosed on water targets, Companies that rely on natural resources,
reducing environmental impact (27) emerged such as timber and minerals, may be affected
8 8 as the most sought out-reason for setting by changes in water availability or quality that
water-related targets followed by water impact the productivity of these resources;
stewardship (14).
Changes in water availability and quality
For example: can also impact the cost and availability of
water for businesses, which can impact their
4 4 Water shortages can disrupt the operations profitability.
of businesses that rely heavily on water,
3 such as agriculture, manufacturing, and Climate change exacerbates water scarcity
energy production; and alters water cycles, leading to increased
frequency and severity of floods, droughts, and
Extreme weather events, such as floods and other extreme weather events. To tackle these
droughts, can damage infrastructure, disrupt challenges, conservation and management of
supply chains, and impact the availability of water resources are of utmost importance.There
1-10% 11-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-99% 99-100%
raw materials; is an urgent need to track water consumption,
set water targets and safeguard businesses with
A worrying sign is that 20 out of 34 companies prone.36 Floods are a recurrent phenomenon, Changes in water availability and quality advanced planning. Among the overall 45 Indian
withdraw between 50-100% of water from which cause huge loss of lives and damage can affect the health and productivity of companies that disclosed through CDP, almost
stress areas. Apart from the urgent need to livelihood systems, property, infrastructure workers, as well as the quality of products all have one or more water-related targets.
for corporates to diversify their sourcing and public utilities. The severity and frequency and services;
requirements from areas that can be of floods in India can vary from year to year,
replenished they should ultimately aim to depending on factors such as monsoon
Most frequently reported
Water water goals
Goals reported
reduce their water withdrawals. patterns, deforestation, and climate change.
Some regions in India, such as the northeastern
Water: Targets and performance states, are particularly susceptible to severe Water Positive 6
flooding, while other areas may experience
India is highly vulnerable to floods. Out of only occasional or moderate flooding. These Water Neutrality 5
the total geographical area of 329 million impacts can have significant consequences
hectares (mha), more than 40 mha is flood for businesses and corporations. Among the Providing access to safely managed Water,
Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in workplace

Primary motivation Primary motivation

for setting waterfor targets
setting water targets Indian corporates
amongst Engaging with local community 7
(No. of companies out of total 45)
Engagement with suppliers to help them improve
water stewardship

14 Engaging with customers to help them minimize

product impacts
9 8

Sustainable water management is key for The 45 companies that disclosed on water this
Reduced Water stewardship Increase freshwater Risk mitigation Climate change
society to adapt to climate change by building year reported that they are measuring their
environmental availability for adaptation and resilience, protecting health, and saving lives. It water-related goals and targets at the corporate
impact users/natural mitigation also helps to mitigate climate change itself by level as part of achieving these water-based
environment within strategiess
the basin protecting ecosystems. targets.

36 As per National Disaster Management Authority- GoI:

72 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 73

The water goals being monitored at corporate in workplaces and local communities and Water related assessment coverage
level included providing access to safely becoming water positive37 or water neutral38 (# related
Water of companies, N=43)
assessment coverage
managed water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) by 2030.

Other stages of the value chain 4 7

Water Related goals monitoring
Goals Monitoring Levellevel
(% of
(% of goals)
69% Supply Chain 19 4

Direct Operations 42 1
7% 8% 9% 5% 8% Full Full Partial
4% 4% 5% 3% 1%

Company wide Site/Facility Business Country level Basin level

20202020 (N=25)
(N=25) 2021
(N=31) 2022 (N=45)
2022 (N=45) Inherent water related risks with the potential to have
a substantive
Inherent financial
water-related or strategic
risks with impact
the potential to have a
(# of companies, N=45)
Water-related risks and substantive financial or strategic impact
opportunities 25

Percentage of Organization
No of Organization
20 50%
Water risk assessments provide a framework 40%
to gauge water-related risk exposure. It is 15
24% 30%
encouraging to note that 96% (43 out of 45) 22
companies responding to the CDP India water 20%
security questionnaire undertook a water-related 5
12 11
risk assessment. The fact that these included
coverage of impact across value chains shows 0 0%
Yes, both in direct Yes, only within our direct No
that companies carry out some level of risk operations and the rest of operations
assessment beyond direct operations and our value chain
supply chain. It is well agreed that a company’s
major impact lies beyond its direct operations.
Hence, a robust approach to risk management Risk assessment helps to figure out the inherent This illustrates the comprehensiveness of
needs to include risk assessment in the supply business risks that may act as hurdle to the the water risks assessed by businesses.
chain and beyond instead. As per the graph business growth and determine appropriate Water stewardship by corporations shows the
around 50% of the responding companies ways to control or minimize the effects of increasing priority of integrating water-related
attribute a financial or strategic impact risk. As part of risk assessments, various issues in overall ESG disclosures. Out of the
from water related risks for both their direct issues such as water availability and quality, total companies disclosing through CDP India
operations and rest of the value chain. regulatory frameworks, access to WASH water security questionnaire, more than 50%
services and more are measured across a wide represent sectors such as Chemicals, Metal
spectrum of stakeholders including investors, smelting, refining & forming, cement and
regulators, suppliers, and local communities. pharmaceuticals.
37 Being “water positive” generally refers to a company taking actions to conserve and protect water resources, and potentially even to
restore or enhance water resources beyond their current state.
38 Being “water neutral” generally refers to a company taking actions to offset its water usage, typically by investing in projects that
increase the availability of clean water in areas of need or by funding research on water-related issues. The goal of being water
neutral is to ensure that a company’s water usage does not have a negative impact on the environment or local communities
74 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 75

Contextual issues considered for assessing water-related risk Water–related risks

Contextual issues considered for assessing water-related risk
In terms of financial impact, the overall
Water availability at a basin/catchment The majority of responding companies (80%) risk reported by water-responding
(81%) reported physical risks such as floods, droughts, companies in 2022 is INR 504 billion,
90% and increased water stress followed by while the cost of response to risk stands
regulatory (15%), reputation and markets (3%) at around INR 37 billion. The cost of
Status of ecosystems and habitats 60% Water regulatory frameworks and technology (2%) risks. This further proves
(51%) (76%) Inaction is 13 times more than the
that water risks and extreme events caused by cost of addressing the risks indicating
30% climate change are inextricably linked. a prompt action to leverage long-term
water resilience.
0% By 2050, the number of people at risk of floods
Stakeholder conflicts concerning water will increase from its current level of 1.2 billion
Water quality at a basin/catchment level
resources at a basin/catchment level
(64%) to 1.6 billion. In the early to mid-2010s, 1.9
billion people, or 27% of the global population,
Water-related opportunities
lived in areas that will potentially become
Access to fully-functioning, safely managed Implications of water on your key severely water-scarce. By 2050, this number will
Companies are increasingly adopting best
WASH services for all employees commodities/raw materials increase to between 2.7 and 3.2 billion people
(60%) (64%) practices aimed at improving water efficiency
(United Nations, 2020)39.
in operations, water recovery from sewage
management, cost savings and increased
resilience to impacts of climate change
amongst others. 44 out of 45 water responding
Stakeholders considered for water risk assessment
companies in India have identified opportunities
Stakeholders considered for water risk assessment that may have a substantive financial or
Local communities strategic impact on their business.

NGOs 60% Regulators Water-related opportunities identified

(51%) (73%)
(% opportunity total opportunity)

Investors Suppliers 8%
(61%) (72%)

Products and
Water utilities at a local level Employees 50%
(64%) (70%)

76 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 77

Estimated financial impact

Opportunity Examples

Cost savings: Financial Impact of Opportunities

Type of Opportunity (Million INR)
Efficiency Reducing water use through water efficiency, recycling or re-use
of wastewater, may provide savings by reducing energy use, water Efficiency 2212.66
bills or the need for discharge permits.
Markets 3008.37
Climate change resilience:
Other 444.07

Investing in solving water-related challenges such as poor water Products and services 32036.42
Resilience infrastructure, implementing flood risk strategies or catchment
Resilience 156017.32
restoration for example, may have the dual purpose of sustaining
important operational inputs such as water supply or product
distribution as well as ensuring resilience against climate change.

Sales of new products and services:

Local water issues in certain markets e.g. poor water quality

Products and services
in China, may create greater demand for new products e.g.
domestic water filters. Designing new products or services in
response to increasing water challenges.

Stronger competitive advantage:

Markets By investing in solving water-related challenges or water-related

innovation, may put some businesses ahead of their competitors
or help capture greater market share.

Carbon management:

Other Greater investment in water efficiency can contribute to a

reduction in carbon emissions and help achieve emission
reduction targets especially in industries that are water-intensive.
78 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 79

Internal water price water security questionnaire, around 31% are

using an internal price on water while another
One of the ways to factor in the materiality 36% are exploring water valuation practices.
of water risk is setting an internal price on This scenario fares better than the global figure
water. It is defined as a metric reflecting the of 327 companies (9%) using an internal water
economic value of water to an organization in price out of the 3903 companies responding to
monetary terms. As the graph indicates, out CDP worldwide in 2022.
of 45 companies responding to the CDP India

Companies using Internal internal price on water

Companies using internal
% ofprice on water
companies (N=45)
(% of companies, N=45)




Case study: Water related risks and opportunities

at Tech Mahindra
Tech Mahindra has a comprehensive framework for risk management with in-built
mechanisms for identification, classification, mitigation and management of financial as
No, but we are currently exploring water valuation practices Yes No No response
well as non-financial risks. The company has a designated Risk Management Committee No, but we are currently exploring water valuation practices Yes No No response
(RMC) of the Board, which periodically reviews the risk management framework &
identifies critical risks along with their mitigation plans. The Chief Risk Officer (CRO)
coordinates with the risk officers of each business unit to identify the risks. An internal water price may be used in strategic, Indian markets have a wide range of exposure
operational, or financial planning such as levels to water-related risks due to sectoral and
The company is reported to have recycled more than 235.40 M liters of water through assessing water risks, better decision making geographical differences, setting a single price
their STPs installed at various facilities in Noida, Chandigarh, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, on water-related investments, and seizing on water is challenging. However, as a general
Chennai, Vizag, Bhubaneswar and Nagpur, recharged 1.34 Mn+ litres groundwater through water-related opportunities. Companies also rule, an effective water price is one that is above
rainwater harvesting plants, installed water sensors and restrictors to conserve water, thus reported utilizing the fund from water pricing the regulatory cost paid to water utilities or
preventing freshwater withdrawal and saving operational costs. for uncertain/disaster management events. As other direct costs of supply.

The company has also made investments to upgrade STPs with MBR Technology to
increase efficiency and phased deployment of water sensors and restrictors across
locations helps save 25% of the water wastage.

The company is using emerging technologies like AI, BI, IoT, Blockchain etc. to develop
tools to detect emergency events, water contamination issues, water stress and reduce
repair and maintenance time thus reducing operational expenses.
80 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 81


82 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 83

The forest sector in India has a huge Biodiversity actions and 66% of companies (81 companies)
potential to mitigate climate change CDP’s theory of change implies that reported taking actions such as land or water
by achieving an additional three you cannot manage what you do The majority of Indian companies disclosing management, education and awareness, and
billion tons of carbon sequestration not measure. Hence data collection through CDP in 2022 are taking ownership to land or water protection.
by 203040. India’s commitment to its – including its improvements and address the biodiversity challenge, however
2070 net-zero targets entails that innovations – will be key in addressing very few are engaging their value chain partners Disclosure is an immediate and important way
biodiversity challenges. CDP India has on it. in which businesses can showcase and track
it must explore all potential nature-
therefore included a specific module their progress addressing the environmental
based interventions and leverage Of the 122 Indian companies responding to dimensions. CDP India works closely with
on biodiversity in the Climate Change
them to their fullest – in order to questionnaire in 2022. CDP’s Climate Change questionnaire, nearly industries to help them understand how greater
deal with the multiple global crises all (89%; 109 companies) chose to respond transparency about the environmental risks that
of climate change, biodiversity loss CDP’s forests program aims to to the biodiversity module. Out of this, 66% companies face and the environmental impacts
and land degradation. decouple deforestation from forest (80) companies are considering biodiversity that they have can aide in setting baselines to
risk commodity production, working in their strategies, making commitments, and fuel and track future progress.
to remove commodity-driven putting governance mechanisms in place. Most
deforestation from corporate value companies, (60%; 73 companies), have made However, the data also suggests that nearly
chains, effectively contributing to a 1.5 public commitments and/or endorsed initiatives three quarters (84 reporting companies) do
degree aligned and water secure world related to biodiversity and another 20% (24 not assess the impact of their value chain on
companies) intended to do so in the next two biodiversity, indicating the results are even
years. If these companies follow through, by the starker when we look at it from a sectoral
end of 2024 around 80% companies (of the total lens. Sectors that are known to have the
122 companies that responded to CDP India in most damaging impact on biodiversity like
2022) will have voluntarily made commitments manufacturing, have no company assessing the
and/or endorsed initiatives related to impact of their value chain on biodiversity. Risks
biodiversity. While commitments are important, from biodiversity loss cannot be fully addressed
11667910909887.html they must also be translated into tangible without including the whole value chain.

84 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 85

Addressing Godrej Agrovet is committed to engaging with

smallholders to implement sustainable farm
Hindustan Zinc (HZL)
Deforestation Through management practices and ensure 100% Hindustan Zinc conducts screening
traceability of fresh fruit until plantation level.
Corporate Action assessments before the initiation of any project
to identify ecologically sensitive areas and
Godrej Consumer Products conduct risk assessments at the company level
Britannia Industries
Limited (GPCL) to evaluate their biodiversity-related impacts.
HZL is working towards a minimum of No Net
Britannia Industries is increasing the share Loss (NNL)44 of biodiversity and Net Positive
GCPL is a signatory of the Indian Sustainable
of palm oil sourced from the Roundtable on Gain (NPG)45 of biodiversity across all their
Palm Oil Coalition (I-SPOC)42 and is working with
Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO41) members. operations. They have joined the Taskforce on
the coalition to assess upcoming regulations
Currently 73% of palm oil suppliers are certified Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)46,
for a deforestation-free threshold. Their 2025
by RSPO and Britannia is aiming to reaching which is committed to facilitating action and
vision is to achieve 50% procurement of palm
100% certified suppliers. There are restrictions reporting on evolving nature-related risks. HZL
oil from sustainable sources. Their short term
on the sourcing of forest-risk commodities to is also engaged with the International Union
strategic goals include promoting sustainable
avoid any adverse impact on ecosystems and for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)47 to enhance
consumption at the consumer level and
wildlife habitats. Their manufacturing units are the company’s performance in biodiversity
strengthening their traceability system.
also in government-designated industrial zones conservation and management.
to protect ecologically-sensitive areas.
Godrej Industries
Vedanta Ltd
Dabur India
Godrej Industries is a member of Action for
Sustainable Derivatives (ASD)43, a collaborative Vedanta has set incremental targets in its
Protecting biodiversity, particularly endangered biodiversity policy to further strengthen forest
initiative that brings together companies
plant species, is an integral part of Dabur’s management. The company is currently
in the cosmetics, home and personal care,
commitment to sustainable development. The conducting assessments to evaluate their
and oleochemicals industries to collectively
organization has set aside funds in its financial operational sites on ecological parameters
tackle supply chain issues around palm oil
planning exercise for various conservation and and identify gaps in current biodiversity
and palm kernel oil derivatives. Recognizing
environmental sustainability programs. Dabur management practices. Based on the findings,
that one of the biggest hurdles to ensuring
sources palm oil only from suppliers who are they will implement sustainable solutions to
the sustainability of palm oil is the lack
RSPO members. offset any adverse impacts on biodiversity
of transparency in the value chain, Godrej
Industries is working towards strengthening and ecosystems. Vedanta’s Biodiversity
Godrej Agrovet their supply chain network by increasing the Management Plan sets out the organizational
proportion of sustainably sourced material and process to eliminate, minimize, mitigate
Godrej Agrovet is committed to zero traceability in their value chain. and manage impact across all biodiversity
deforestation and restricts cultivation on attributes.
peatland. They encourage their supply chain
to adhere to sustainable cultivation of palm
oil, and have taken up several initiatives
in partnership with the National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
to promote sustainable and equitable
agriculture and rural development. In addition,
41 47
86 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 87


88 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 89

India is witnessing rapid can thus play a vital role in the Indian cities disclosing through CDP
urbanization, with approximately decarbonization journey of India Indian cities disclosing through CDP
31% of its population living in and globally. 25
cities (2020).48 India’s population 22
is projected to hit 1.52 billion by 2022 cities disclosure 20

Number of cities disclosed

2036, with a 70% increase in urban 17
areas.49 Close to half (44%) of India’s Climate disclosures amongst Indian cities 15 14
rapidly growing carbon emissions in 2022 have also shown significant growth, 12
have urban origins, emanating equivalent to a 57% increase since 2021. A 10
from transport, industry, buildings, total of 2251 cities have reported their climate
and waste. Within urban areas, data and environmental information through 5 4 4
megacities, metro cities and Class I CDP-ICLEI Track (formerly known as the CDP- 1
cities generate 59% of the country’s ICLEI Unified Reporting System). Sixteen cities, 0
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.50 including all large metropolitan cities – Delhi, 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
At the same time, cities are also Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai and Kolkata - have
at the core of potential solutions, continued reporting, while six new cities have
as sustainable urban development voluntary opted to track their climate journey
can be harnessed to minimize Climate threat
through transparent disclosure.
GHG emissions from cities. Cities Mumbai has become the first
According to Germanwatch Global Climate Risk
Indian city to receive CDP’s A-score
Index 2021, India ranked as the 7th most affected
(Leadership level) for its leadership in
country by the impact of extreme weather
environmental action and transparency
events between 2000 and 2019. Indian cities
in 2022. A total of 122 cities across
are becoming extremely vulnerable to climate
the globe were named on CDP’s A-list
change which imposes a huge risk of increased
in 2022.Mumbai recently released its
water stress, air pollution, the heat island
first-ever Climate Action Plan in 2022,
effect, and increased frequency and severity of
‘Towards a Climate Resilient Mumbai’.
extreme weather events such as urban floods
It outlines the city’s aims to reach
and droughts. Amongst disclosing cities, the
net-zero carbon neutrality by 2050 –
most common climate hazards are identified as
the most significant step taken in its
extreme heat and urban flooding, followed by
climate journey thus far.
water stress, as shown in table below.
The Climate Action Plan has laid down
a 30-year roadmap for the city to tackle Top 5 reported climate hazards by Indian
the challenges of climate change, cities
by adopting inclusive and robust
mitigation and adaptation strategies.
Number of cities (out
The action plan sets short, medium,
Climate hazard of 22 Reporting cities)
and long-term climate goals aimed
at achieving zero emission of GHGs Extreme heat 7
or a net-zero target for 2050 - which
means it will incorporate just transition Urban flooding 7
48 methodologies (towards net zero Water stress 6
SbAEoQFnoECAkQAQ& pathways); sizeable investments; and
2520Report%25202011-2036%2520-%2520upload_compressed_0.pdf&usg=AOvVaw25NHHNb-_wcU_23_5TOfHg coordinated and robust governance. Air pollution 4
51 Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhavnagar, City of Delhi, City of Mumbai, Chennai, Coimbatore, Gwalior, Hinginghat, Kolkata, Nagpur, Panaji, Drought 4
Patna, Pune, Rajkot, Shimla, Siliguri, Surat, Tiruchirappalli, Tirunelveli, Udaipur ad Vadodara.
90 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 91

To tackle these climate hazards, 14 cities (64%) fundamental first step towards resilient climate In terms of activities and sectors affected Emissions reduction targets
reported that they have conducted a climate action and planning. by climate hazards, 16 cities (73%) reported
risk and vulnerability assessment which is the that accommodation and food services, As cities account for the largest contributions
conservation and water supply are the most to global emissions and are on the frontline of
Has a climate risk and vulnerability assessment affected sectors, followed by 13 cities (68%) the climate crisis, they have a vital role to play
been undertaken for your jurisdiction? that reported human health and social work in building a zero-emissions and resilient planet.
activities, and sewerage, waste management Cities must take urgent actions to reduce GHG
5% and remediation activities as primary priorities. emissions and achieve net-zero by 2050, in
order to limit global warming to 1.5 °C above
More than half of cities (55%) identified a pre-industrial levels. In a similar vein, 11 cities
predicted increase in intensity of climate (52%) reported that they have set an emissions
hazards, while another third (32%) did not know reduction target while another eight cities (18%)
the expected future intensity or did not provide reported that they are planning to introduce one
a response. More than half of cities (54%) within the next two years. This still leaves almost
60% expected hazards to increase in frequency half of reporting cities with no current or planned
while more than a third (35%) did not know target. Only one city (Mumbai) has reported a
or did not provide a response. This indicates valid science-based target (SBT), and four cities
a need for more complete climate risk and have reported having targets as ambitious as
vulnerability assessments to enable cities to India’s Nationally Determined Contributions
Yes, awith
Cities climate risk and vulnerability assessment has been undertaken
CRVA plan for the future. (NDC). For Mumbai, the targets are conditional
No, butwith no CRVA
we are butundertaking
currently currently undertaking
one and it willand target toincomplete
be complete by next year
the next year based on the decarbonization of the electricity
Cities with no CRVA and not intended to undertake due to financial and technical expertise grid and reduction in emissions from air travel.

Climate impacts Emission reduction target set by Indian Cities

settlements over floodplains and critical
Cities and their residents have been impacted areas, and a lack of access to climate-resilient
by climate change directly and indirectly. Out of infrastructure. Women and girls (45%) and the No current targets set 3
22 responding cities, 13 reported low-income elderly (45%) have been identified as the second
households (59%) as being the most vulnerable and third most significant vulnerable groups Cities planning to introduce a target in the next
two years
group in society mainly due to their informal impacted by climate hazards.

Cities set emission reduction targets 11

Vulnerable group affected by climate hazards
Number of cities

Low-income households 59%

The most common sectoral target set by cities GHG gas to significantly decrease is stark.
Elderly 45%
is related to renewable energy or electricity The United Nations Environment Programme
Women and girls 45% generation and/or consumption with 13 cities (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report 2022 finds cities
Children and youth 41%
(60%) reporting related targets. are falling far short of the Paris Goals, with no
credible pathways to 1.5°C in place. Urgent and
Outdoor workers 32%
Decarbonization actions bold system-wide sectoral transformations are
Marginalized/minority communities 32% required to bend the emissions trajectory by
in cities 2030 and achieve zero emissions in the longer
Vulnerable health groups 27%
Indigenous population 23% As growing climate change impacts are
Frontline workers 18% experienced across the globe, the need for
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
92 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 93

City climate action plans are crucial to building the next year, and one city planning to complete
on the information gathered from climate one in the next two years. In 2022, Mumbai

risk and vulnerability assessments and from launched India’s first climate action plan to set
baseline GHG emission inventories to identify net-zero targets for 2050. The plan is committed
the priority actions that would help cities adapt to a net-zero and climate-resilient Mumbai
to climate change impacts, while significantly by 2050, which means it will incorporate just
reducing GHG emissions from cities’ activities. transitions methodologies (towards net-zero
12 cities (55%) reported that they have a pathways); significant financial investments;
climate action plan, while seven cities (31%) are and coordinated and robust governance. The CDP India Disclosures of 2022 saw encouraging results as 40% more
currently undertaking one to be completed in companies disclosed in areas related to climate change, water security and
forests compared to 2021.
Status of climate action plans in Indian cities This year’s disclosures also saw more On the one hand, it is heartening to see Indian
companies taking efforts to set targets industries making a conscious effort to mitigate
for mitigating climate change, take more climate change. But on the other hand, one
5% accountability by increasing board level cannot ignore the fact that the if we are to
oversight as well as paying attention to achieve a net-zero target by 2050, the pace needs
adopting significant climate and water security to be picked up, as is the number of companies
targets. We also saw a positive increase in the taking accountability and reporting to CDP.
number of companies dedicating themselves to
55% the SBTi’s in order to be able to measure their The financial sector is a major stakeholder in
climate change impact. addressing risks arising from climate change.
In 2022, CDP India took steps to support
One of the key achievements for CDP India in mobilization of sustainable finance and
2022 has been the launch of the Supply Chain undertook numerous discussions with the
Program, whose main focus is to encourage representatives of its Financial Institutions
Yes, our jurisdiction has a climate action plan or strategy
Yes, our jurisdiction has a climate action plan or strategy companies to request their suppliers to disclose Working Group in order to submit their response
No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year through the CDP climate change questionnaire, to the RBI about their new discussion paper.
No, but we are currently undertaking one and it will be complete in the next year
weweareare intendingtotoundertake
intending undertakeone
in the
the next
next two
two year
which in turn helps the customer to make an CDP India also held a roundtable conference
informed and most sustainable procurement in collaboration with UNDP to present its key
not intending
not intendingtotoundertake
due to
to lack of
of expertise/technical
decision. CDP India helps companies to identify findings of the rapid assessment study of
strategic partners and further facilitates the capacity building needs for the financial sector
All cities reporting through CDP-ICLEI Track health benefits. Enhanced resilience to shocks process of assisting them in setting up their ecosystem. Apart from these, CDP India is
have disclosed their mitigation actions and and disasters, job creation, improved air quality, KPI’s for the next reporting years. The program constantly engaging with the industry through
targets expected to last for the short term better preparedness for health service delivery also includes hosting capacity building training, workshops, capacity building training programs,
(2022 to 2050) or long term (2050 or later) and increased energy security are the most addressing disclosure related queries and online platform support and sharing of CDP
target years. The top three mitigation actions commonly reported co-benefits. resource sharing such as guidance documents, resources.
are in stationary energy (almost 50% of recorded webinars and technical notes. The
actions), which includes actions such as Likewise, cities have also reported their program already witnessed 164 value chain 2022 disclosures have yielded promising results
smart meters, smart lighting, building codes adaptation actions and goals. The top three companies engage actively as a response to the and we hope that with our continued support, the
and standards; action to advance net-zero adaptation actions which cities are undertaking active engagement of supply chain members in future disclosures will be even more robust and
carbon municipal buildings and more, followed include - ecosystem-based actions, engineered its year of inception. encouraging.
by an equal number of actions reported for and built environment actions, and educational/
transportation and waste management. informational actions to make cities more
These actions are also co-benefits in terms of robust and climate resilient.
economic, social, environmental, and public
94 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 95

Appendix I:

Annexures Table of emissions, scores, and sector by company

Scope 2
Scope 1 + Market Scope 3
2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of
Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3
Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories
sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported

Bars, hotels & Indian Hotels

D- Public 205958 Not reported Not reported Not reported
restaurants Co. Ltd.

Aragen Life
Sciences C Public 11158.39 36875.39 246.67 1
Private Limited

C Public 359387 543983 Not reported Not reported

Biocon C Public 61508 76254 4517834.11 4

Cipla Private Private Private Private Private

Dr. Reddy’s
A- Public 302466 166246.6 470262.39 8

Pharmaceuti- C Private Private Private Private Private
Biotech &
Granules India
Private Private Private Private Private Private

IOL Chemicals
Private Private Private Private Private Private

Pharmova B Private Private Private Private Private

Lupin C Private Private Private Private Private

Piramal Pharma
C Public 66459 91801 Not reported Not reported
96 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 97

Total Total
Scope 2 Scope 2
Emissions Emissions
(Location (Location
Scope 1 + Market Scope 3 Scope 1 + Market Scope 3
2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of 2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of
Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3 Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3
Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories
sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported

Stelis Galaxy
B- Public 18937 38693.25 134069.275 7
Biopharma Private Public 14393.158 11826.618 2021 1 Surfactants Ltd.
Biotech & Godrej
pharma Sun Consumer
B Public 35879 50671 Not reported Not reported
Pharmaceuti- Products
Private Private Private Private Private Private
cal Industries Limited
B Public 38994 41831 426274.432 8
ACC A- Public 15612067 674939 2449077 6 Industries

Ambuja Jubilant Ingrevia

B Public 16180247 601907 1941999 6 B Private Private Private Private Private
Cements Chemicals Limited

Dalmia Bharat Mamta

B Public 12548160 445378 1253889.41 5 D Public 71.704 526.032 33.75 1
Ltd Polycoats

Grasim Oriental
Cement & C Public 4564194 1393024 4814882 8 B Private Private Private Private Private
Industries Aromatics Ltd.
JK Cement Ltd B Public 7784307 238321 1365156 6 Oriental Carbon
C Private Private Private Private Private
& Chemicals Ltd
JSW Cement
B Public 1776102.3 745673.1 680490 6
Limited SRF Ltd. D Private Private Private Private Private

Shree Cement A- Public 15735202 330477 264367 7 Tata Chemicals B Public 4466547 55029.23 138943.5 5

Ultratech Commercial
A- Public 61453953 1049149 4547816.11 7
Cement & consumer Quess Corp Ltd C Private Private Private Private Private
Aarav Frances &
Flavors Private D Public Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported VA Tech Wabag
Construction D Private Private Private Private Private
Limited Ltd

Aarti Industries Discretionary

B Public 599557 104577 1556241.06 9 Trent Ltd. Private Private Private Private Private Private
Ltd retail
Chemicals Asian Paints Private Public 12407 32739 Not reported Not reported Dixon
Electrical & Technologies D Private Private Private Private Private
Atul Ltd. Private Public 856434 83179 Not reported Not reported
electronic India
Dabur India D Public 15427 49758 Not reported Not reported equipment Graphite India
Private Public 131136 345449 Not reported Not reported
Deepak Nitrite Not Ltd
Private Private Private Private Private
Limited Scored
98 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 99

Total Total
Scope 2 Scope 2
Emissions Emissions
(Location (Location
Scope 1 + Market Scope 3 Scope 1 + Market Scope 3
2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of 2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of
Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3 Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3
Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories
sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported

Samsung Induslnd Bank B Public 9017.02 58896.99 13423.44 3

Display Noida Private Private Private Private Private Private
Kotak Mahindra
Private Limited C Public 7820.33 76064.28 55496.21 7
Electrical & Bank
electronic Sterlite
L&T Finance
equipment Technologies C Public 15235 211171 11187 6
Holdings B Public 87.32 4370.81 7295.43 3
Tata Power Co. B Public 27334113 285388 16580690 6
Mahindra &
Adani Gas Ltd Private Private Private Private Private Private Financial Mahindra
B Public 2518.41 14957.33 1809.81 3
services Financial
Transmission D Public 2691062 557775 4089557.08 8
Energy utility Ltd Not
networks Mindspace REIT Public 1162 56603 Not reported Not reported
GAIL C Public 4401466 434135 24008444 2
State Bank of
KEC Not B Public 547 1144641 200390 5
Private Private Private Private Private India
International Ltd Scored
YES Bank
Mahindra A- Public 3217.14 44284.5 1986669.72 5
Entertainment Not Limited
Holidays and Private Private Private Private Private
facilities Scored
Resorts Britannia
Private Public 77309.04 47096.07 Not reported Not reported
Axis Bank C Public 13849.31 163552.16 44763.24 4
Foods and Inns
Embassy Office C Public 1398.86 6903.9 4325.47 2
B Public 8827 104959 901 1 Limited
Parks REIT Food &
beverage Godrej Agrovet B Public 41167 78440 2636911 5
D Public 218.67 10460.27 1180.431 3 processing
Solutions Marico B Public 621.9 10309 561192 9
Financial HDFC Bank Ltd C Public 20877 287667 42697 3 Tata
services Consumer B Public 11145 43201.76 160371 7
Products Ltd
B Public 3115.381 11700.078 7002.05 6
Finance Adani
B Private Private Private Private Private
Corporation Intermodal Enterprises

ICICI Bank transport & Adani Ports &

C Private Private Private Private Private logistics
Limited Special B Public 129437.6 193061.7 471648 8
Economic Zone
100 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 101

Total Total
Scope 2 Scope 2
Emissions Emissions
(Location (Location
Scope 1 + Market Scope 3 Scope 1 + Market Scope 3
2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of 2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of
Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3 Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3
Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories
sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported

HCL Bharti Airtel B Private Private Private Private Private

B Public 19857 138953 202921 8
Media, Reliance Jio
IT & software
Infosys Limited A Public 8965.18 51717.08 183596 6 telecommu- Infocomm B Public 494731 6731568 4552329 7
nications Limited
Larsen & Toubro
B Public 176.52 9760.5 3147.27 2 & data center
Infotech Ltd Tata
Communica- B Public 4744 88308 97393 8
Mindtree Ltd A- Private Private Private Private Private
MphasiS D Public 83 18697 Not reported Not reported
B- Private Private Private Private Private
Persistent Engineering Ltd.
D Private Private Private Private Private
Systems Ltd
Metal ARGL
Private Private Private Private Private Private
Sonata products Limited
IT & software Software North B Public 40.91 1105.58 864.66 4 manufacturing
development America Inc
Fasteners C Public 1300 2054.2 Not reported Not reported
Tata Limited
Consultancy A- Public 16683 357261 358453 7
Services B- Public 70304 168568 Not reported Not reported
Forge Ltd.
Tech Mahindra A- Public 8995.81 57851.87 22212.98 6
C Private Private Private Private Private
Wipro A Public 9571 72973 410203.05 7 Industries
Godrej smelting, Hindustan Zinc A Public 4320182 491403 4012094.366 9
Properties B Public 447.97 2966.22 1332074.56 9 refining &
Land & JSW Steel Ltd. A Public 41643138 2568176 4827912.205 6
Limited forming
property Sanyo Special
ownership & Mahindra
development Lifespace B Public 40187 230608 125713 8
A Public 302.59 2719.38 595998.57 8 Manufacturing
India Pvt. Ltd.
Tata Metaliks
Leisure & Metal B Public 1153433 3282 216331 5
Welspun India Ltd
home C Private Private Private Private Private smelting,
manufacturing refining & Tata Steel A- Public 75665682 8504561 13535951 14
Apollo Tyres Ltd B Public 354921.45 385615.26 148012.16 3 Vedanta Ltd B Public 59486747 3342745 34526656 9
manufacturing JK Tyres & C Public 293333.34 166075.08 72384.6 6
102 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 103

Total Total
Scope 2 Scope 2
Emissions Emissions
(Location (Location
Scope 1 + Market Scope 3 Scope 1 + Market Scope 3
2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of 2022 Emissions Based) Emissions Number of
Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3 Response (metric (metric (metric Scope 3
Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories Primary Final Permission tonnes tonnes tonnes categories
sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported sector Organization Score Status CO2e) CO2e) CO2e) reported

Bharat Arvind Ltd B Public 363942 283654 418568.89 7

Petroleum B- Public 5049760 405850 1004250 2 Textiles &
fabric goods Indo Count
Corporation B Public 91509 60972 149093.82 9
Industries Ltd
Adani Power Ltd B Public 47528068.41 15288 3156795.394 2
Oil & gas Petroleum D Private Private Private Private Private Thermal
processing Corporation power JSW Energy A- Public 15086661.31 33292.43 1219298.83 8
Indian Oil NTPC Ltd D Public 304146024.1 16400.34 1101885.06 3
C Private Private Private Private Private
Tobacco ITC Limited A- Public 1257786 389703 328194 6
Reliance Not
Public 999999 Not reported Not reported Not reported Hero
Industries Scored D Private Private Private Private Private
Motocorp Ltd
PGP Glass Pri- Transportation
B- Private Private Private Private Private Mahindra &
vate Limited equipment B Public 55451.024 500577.372 65829032.37 11
Other Mahindra
materials Suven
Not Tata Motors B Public 54793 302511 7353430 9
Pharmaceuticals Private Private Private Private Private
Ltd Web &
IndiaMart Not
marketing Public 5.108 310.718 Not reported Not reported
Apar industries Not InterMesh Ltd Scored
Powered Public 17774 72716 Not reported Not reported services
Limited Scored
Escorts Ltd C Public 12796.24 37960 14022.19 1

Adani Green
C Public 1272 30535 1349731 4

Renewable Azure Power D Public 1464 182 25500 3

power Not
generation Greenko Group Private Private Private Private Private

ReNew Energy
B Public 627.94 35333 432300.23 7
Global PLC

professional Larsen & Toubro D Public 615035 274028 4976910 4
104 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 105

Appendix II: CDP Activity group Company name Response status

List of companies invited to respond to CDP ACC Submitted

Ambuja Cements Submitted

Climate change – investor requested companies
Dalmia Bharat Ltd Submitted

CDP Activity group Company name Response status Grasim Industries Submitted

InterGlobe Aviation Ltd Not submitted India Cements Not submitted

Air transport
Jet Airways (India) Ltd. Not submitted Chemicals JK Cement Ltd Submitted

Jubilant Foodworks Ltd Not submitted Lucky Cement Not submitted

Bars, Hotels & Restaurants
Indian Hotels Co. Ltd. Submitted Orient Cement Limited Not submitted

Ajanta Pharma Ltd. Not submitted Shree Cement Submitted

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Limited Not submitted The Ramco Cements Ltd Not submitted

Alkem Laboratories Ltd Not submitted Ultratech Cement Submitted

Aurobindo Pharma Submitted Aarav Frances & Flavors Private Limited Submitted

Biocon Submitted Aarti Industries Ltd Submitted

Cadila Healthcare Not submitted Alkyl Amines Chemicals Not submitted

Cipla Submitted Asian Paints Submitted

Divi’s Laboratories Not submitted Atul Ltd. Submitted

Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Submitted BASF India Ltd Not submitted

GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Not submitted Berger Paints India Ltd Not submitted

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Submitted Castrol India Not submitted

Biotech & Pharma
Granules India Limited Submitted Chambal Fertilizers & Chem Not submitted

Ipca Laboratories Ltd Not submitted Deepak Nitrite Limited Submitted

J.B. Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Not submitted Chemicals EnGro Corporation Limited Not submitted

Jubilant Pharmova Limited Submitted Fine Organics Industries (India) Not submitted

Laurus Labs Ltd Not submitted Galaxy Surfactants Ltd. Submitted

Lupin Submitted GHCL Limited Not submitted

Natco Pharma Ltd Not submitted Godrej Industries Submitted

Piramal Pharma Limited Submitted Gujarat Fluorochemicals Not submitted

Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Submitted Jubilant Ingrevia Limited Submitted

Torrent Pharmaceuticals Not submitted Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited Not submitted

Wockhardt Not submitted Linde India Ltd Not submitted

Mamta Polycoats Submitted

Navin Fluorine International Ltd Not submitted

106 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 107

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

PI Industries Ltd Not submitted Adani Transmission Ltd Submitted

Pidilite Industries Ltd Not submitted CESC Ltd Not submitted

SRF Ltd. Submitted Indian Energy Exchange Ltd Not submitted

Tata Chemicals Submitted KEC International Ltd Submitted

Chemicals UPL Limited Not submitted K-Electric Ltd Not submitted

Vinati Organics Ltd Not submitted Power Grid Corpn. of India Not submitted

Dabur India Submitted Energy Utility Networks Reliance Infrastructure Not submitted

Emami Ltd. Not submitted Torrent Power Not submitted

Godrej Consumer Products Limited Submitted Adani Gas Ltd Submitted

Clothing & textile GAIL Submitted

Arvind Ltd Submitted
Gujarat State Petronet Not submitted
Coal India Not submitted
Indraprastha Gas Ltd Not submitted
Coal mining Gujarat Mineral Devp. Corpn. Not submitted
Mahanagar Gas Ltd Not submitted
NLC India Ltd Not submitted
Aavas Financiers Ltd Not submitted
Commercial & consumer
Quess Corp Ltd Submitted Aditya Birla Capital Not submitted
AU Small Finance Bank Ltd Not submitted
Bharti Infratel Limited Not submitted
Axis Bank Submitted
Construction Voltas Not submitted
Bajaj Finance Limited Not submitted
GVK Power & Infrastructure Not submitted
Bajaj Finserv Not submitted
Convenience retail Avenue Supermarts Ltd Not submitted
Bandhan Bank Not submitted
Coromandel International Not submitted
Crop farming Bank of Baroda Not submitted
Venky's India Ltd Not submitted
Bank of India Not submitted
Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd Not submitted
Financial services Canara Bank Not submitted
Discretionary retail Trent Ltd. Submitted
Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Company
Vaibhav Global Ltd Not submitted Not submitted
Amara Raja Batteries Ltd Not submitted
City Union Bank Ltd. Not submitted
Bharat Electronics Not submitted
CreditAccess Grameen Ltd Not submitted
Havells India Not submitted
Federal Bank Not submitted
Electrical & electronic V-Guard Industries Ltd Not submitted
Firstsource Solutions Submitted
equipment Tata Power Co Submitted
General Insurance Corporation of India Not submitted
Bajaj Electricals Ltd Not submitted
Habib Bank Ltd Not submitted
Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd Not submitted
Hdfc Asset Management Not submitted
Dixon Technologies India Submitted
108 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 109

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

HDFC Bank Ltd Submitted Wadia Group (Bombay Burmah, Britannia Industries) Not submitted

HDFC Life Insurance Company Ltd Not submitted YES BANK Limited Submitted
Financial services
Housing Development Finance Corporation Submitted Embassy Office Parks REIT Submitted

ICICI Bank Limited Submitted Mindspace REIT Submitted

ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd Not submitted Fish & animal farming Suguna Foods Not submitted

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd Not submitted Britannia Industries Submitted

ICICI Securities Ltd Not submitted Marico Submitted

Food processing
IDBI Bank Ltd Not submitted United Breweries Not submitted

IDFC First Bank Ltd Not submitted United Spirits Not submitted

Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd Not submitted Foods and Inns Limited Submitted

Indian Overseas Bank Not submitted Godrej Agrovet Submitted

Induslnd Bank Submitted Food & beverage processing Tata Consumer Products Ltd Submitted

Kotak Mahindra Bank Submitted Varun Beverages Ltd Not submitted

L&T Finance Holdings Limited Submitted Zydus Wellnes Ltd Not submitted

LIC Housing Finance Not submitted Fortis Healthcare Ltd. Not submitted
Health care provision
Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Submitted Max Healthcare Institute Ltd Not submitted
Financial services
Manappuram General Finance & Leasing Not submitted Industrial support services GMR Infrastructure Limited Not submitted

Max Financial Services Not submitted Intermodal transport & logistics Adani enterprises Submitted

Mcb Bank Limited Not submitted Birlasoft Inc Not submitted

Muthoot Finance Limited Not submitted Coforge Ltd Not submitted

PNB Housing Finance Ltd Not submitted HCL Technologies Submitted

Power Finance Corporation Not submitted Infosys Limited Submitted

Punjab National Bank Not submitted Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd Submitted

REC Ltd Not submitted Mindtree Ltd Submitted

Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Ltd Not submitted IT & software development MphasiS Submitted

SBI Cards and Payment Services Limited Not submitted Persistent Systems Ltd Submitted

SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd Not submitted Sonata Software North America Inc Submitted

State Bank of India Submitted Tanla Platforms Ltd Not submitted

Sundaram Finance Limited Not submitted Tata Consultancy Services Submitted

The New India Assurance Company Ltd Not submitted Tata Elxsi Ltd Not submitted

Union Bank of India Not submitted Tech Mahindra Submitted

United Bank Ltd Not submitted

110 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 111

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

Wipro Submitted Bharat Forge Ltd. Submitted

WNS Holdings ADR Not submitted Hindalco Industries Submitted

DLF Not submitted Hindustan Zinc Submitted

Land & property ownership &
Oberoi Realty Not submitted National Aluminium Co. Not submitted
Prestige Estate Not submitted Vedanta Ltd Submitted

Rajesh Exports Ltd Not submitted Essar Steel Limited Not submitted
Metal smelting, refining &
Titan Company Limited Not submitted Jindal Stainless Ltd Not submitted
Leisure & home manufacturing forming
TTK Prestige Ltd Not submitted Jindal Steel & Power Not submitted

Welspun India Ltd Submitted JSW Steel Ltd. Submitted

Apollo Tyres Ltd Submitted Sanyo Special Steel Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. Submitted

Balkrishna Industries Ltd Not submitted Steel Authority of India Not submitted

Light manufacturing Ceat Ltd Not submitted Tata Metaliks Ltd Submitted

JK Tyres & Industries Submitted Tata Steel Submitted

MRF Ltd Not submitted Metallic mineral mining NMDC Not submitted

Bharti Airtel Submitted Gujarat Gas Company Limited Not submitted

Vodafone Idea Ltd Not submitted Oil & Gas Development Not submitted
Oil & gas extraction &
Media, telecommunications & Reliance Communications Not submitted Oil India Ltd. Not submitted
data center services Sun TV Network Not submitted Pakistan Oilfields Limited Not submitted

Tata Communications Submitted Pakistan Petroleum Limited Not submitted

Zee Entertainment Enterprises Not submitted Attock Refinery Ltd Not submitted

3M India Ltd Not submitted Bharat Petroleum Corporation Submitted

AIA Engineering Ltd. Submitted Chennai Petroleum Corporation Not submitted

APL Apollo Tubes Ltd Not submitted Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Submitted

Endurance Technologies Ltd Not submitted Indian Oil Corporation Submitted

Oil & gas processing
Gillette India Not submitted Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Not submitted
Metal products manufacturing
Minda Industries Ltd Not submitted Nayara Energy Limited Not submitted

Motherson Sumi Systems Not submitted Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Not submitted

Polycab India Ltd Not submitted Reliance Not submitted

Schaeffler India Ltd Not submitted Reliance Industries Submitted

Sundram Fasteners Limited Submitted National Refinery Limited Not submitted

Oil & gas retailing
Pakistan State Oil Co Ltd Not submitted
112 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 113

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

Oil & gas storage & Aegis Logistics Ltd Not submitted Specialized professional Paytm Not submitted
transportation Petronet LNG Not submitted services Vakrangee Limited Not submitted

Kajaria Ceramics Ltd Not submitted KPR Mill Ltd Not submitted
Other materials
PGP Glass Private Limited Submitted Textiles & fabric goods Page Industries Ltd Not submitted

Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Not submitted Relaxo Footwears Ltd Not submitted

Dr Lal PathLabs Ltd Not submitted Adani Power Ltd Submitted

Gland Pharma Ltd Not submitted Hub Power Company Ltd Not submitted
Other services
Metropolis Healthcare Ltd Not submitted JSW Energy Submitted

Suven Pharmaceuticals Ltd Submitted Kot Addu Power Co Ltd Not submitted
Thermal power generation
The Phoenix Mills Ltd Not submitted KSK Energy Ventures Limited Not submitted

Astral Limited Not submitted National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd (NHPC) Not submitted

Plastic product manufacturing Finolex Industries Ltd Not submitted NTPC Ltd Submitted

Supreme Industries Ltd Not submitted Reliance Power Not submitted

Bharat Heavy Electricals Not submitted Tobacco ITC Limited Submitted

Powered machinery Escorts Ltd Submitted Bombay Burmah Trading Co Not submitted
Trading, wholesale, distribution,
Thermax Not submitted Redington India Limited Not submitted
rental & leasing
Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd Not submitted Shriram Transport Finance Co. Not submitted
Rail transport
Indian Railway Finance Corp Ltd Not submitted Ashok Leyland Not submitted

Real estate owners & Bajaj Auto Not submitted

Godrej Properties Limited Submitted
Eicher Motors Ltd Not submitted
Renewable energy equipment Exide Industries Not submitted
Hero Motocorp Ltd Submitted
Adani Green Energy Submitted
Transportation Equipment Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd Not submitted
Azure Power Submitted
Renewable power generation Mahindra & Mahindra Submitted
ReNew Energy Global PLC Submitted
Maruti Suzuki India Not submitted
SJVN Ltd Not submitted
Tata Motors Submitted
Bajaj Holdings & Invst. (BHIL) Not submitted
TVS Motor Company Ltd Not submitted
Cholamandalam Financial Holdings Ltd Not submitted
Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Submitted
CRISIL LTD Not submitted Transportation services
Specialized professional Container Corporation of India Not submitted
services L&T Technology Services Ltd Not submitted
IndiaMart InterMesh Ltd Submitted
Larsen & Toubro Submitted
Web & marketing services Info Edge (India) Ltd. Not submitted
Murugappa Group Not submitted

Wood building materials Carborundum Universal Ltd Not submitted

114 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 115

Climate change – self selected companies Water security – investor requested companies

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

Bars, Hotels & Restaurants Chalet Hotels Not submitted Bars, Hotels & Restaurants Indian Hotels Co. Ltd. Not submitted

Aragen Life Sciences Private Limited Submitted Ajanta Pharma Ltd. Not submitted

Biotech & pharma IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Limited Submitted Alkem Laboratories Ltd Not submitted

Stelis Biopharma Limited Submitted Aurobindo Pharma Submitted

Cement & concrete JSW Cement Limited Submitted Biocon Submitted

Oriental Aromatics Ltd. Submitted Cadila Healthcare Not submitted

Oriental Carbon & Chemicals Ltd Submitted Cipla Not submitted

Clothing & Textile Divi’s Laboratories Not submitted

Indo Count Industries Ltd Submitted
Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Submitted
Construction VA Tech Wabag Ltd Submitted
GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Not submitted
Graphite India Ltd Submitted Biotech & Pharma
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Not submitted
Electrical & electronic
Samsung Display Noida Private Limited Submitted
equipment Ipca Laboratories Ltd Not submitted
Sterlite Technologies Limited Submitted
Jubilant Pharmova Limited Submitted
Entertainment facilities Mahindra Holidays and Resorts Submitted
Lupin Not submitted
Media, telecommunications &
Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited Submitted Natco Pharma Ltd Not submitted
data center services
Piramal Pharma Limited Submitted
Metal products manufacturing ARGL Limited Submitted
Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Not submitted
Powered machinery Apar industries Limited Submitted
Torrent Pharmaceuticals Not submitted
Real estate owners &
Mahindra Lifespace Developer Limited Submitted ZCL Chemicals Not submitted

Renewable power generation Greenko Group Submitted ACC Submitted

Textiles & fabric goods Sapphire Textile Mills Limited Submitted Ambuja Cements Submitted

Dalmia Bharat Ltd Submitted

Grasim Industries Not submitted

India Cements Not submitted

Cement & concrete JK Cement Ltd Submitted

Lucky Cement Not submitted

Orient Cement Limited Not submitted

Shree Cement Submitted

The Ramco Cements Ltd Not submitted

Ultratech Cement Submitted

Clothing & Textile

Arvind Ltd Submitted

Aarav Frances & Flavors Private Limited Submitted

Aarti Industries Ltd Not submitted
116 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 117

CDP Activity group Company name Response status CDP Activity group Company name Response status

Asian Paints Not submitted Apollo Tyres Ltd Not submitted

Atul Ltd. Not submitted Light manufacturing JK Tyres & Industries Submitted

Berger Paints India Ltd Not submitted MRF Ltd Not submitted

Castrol India Not submitted Media, telecommunications &

Tata Communications Not submitted
data center services
Dabur India Submitted
Bharat Forge Ltd. Submitted
Emami Ltd. Not submitted
Essar Steel Limited Not submitted
EnGro Corporation Limited Not submitted
Hindalco Industries Submitted
GHCL LIMITED Not submitted
Hindustan Zinc Submitted
Godrej Consumer Products Limited Submitted
Chemicals Jindal Steel & Power Not submitted
Godrej Industries Submitted
Metal smelting, refining &
JSW Steel Ltd. Submitted
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Not submitted forming
National Aluminium Co. Not submitted
Jubilant Ingrevia Limited Submitted
Sanyo Special Steel Manufacturing India Pvt. Ltd. Not submitted
Kansai Nerolac Paints Limited Not submitted
Steel Authority of India Not submitted
PI Industries Ltd Submitted
Tata Steel Submitted
Pidilite Industries Ltd Not submitted
Vedanta Ltd Submitted
SRF Ltd. Not submitted
Metallic mineral mining NMDC Not submitted
Tata Chemicals Submitted
Other materials PGP Glass Private Limited Submitted
UPL Limited Not submitted
Gujarat Gas Company Limited Not submitted
Coal mining Coal India Not submitted
Oil & Gas Development Not submitted
Allanasons Pvt. Ltd. Not submitted
Oil & gas extraction &
Oil India Ltd. Not submitted
Crop farming Coromandel International Not submitted production
Pakistan Oilfields Limited Not submitted
Gokul Agro Resources Ltd Not submitted
Pakistan Petroleum Limited Not submitted
Discretionary retail Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Ltd Not submitted
Attock Refinery Ltd Not submitted
Electrical & electronic Havells India Not submitted
equipment Bharat Petroleum Corporation Not submitted
Tata Power Co Submitted
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Not submitted
GAIL Not submitted
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Not submitted
Energy Utility Networks Gujarat State Petronet Not submitted
Oil & gas processing Indian Oil Corporation Not submitted
Power Grid Corpn. of India Not submitted
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Not submitted
Godrej Agrovet Submitted
Food & beverage processing Nayara Energy Limited Not submitted
Tata Consumer Products Ltd Submitted
Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Not submitted
Food Processing Marico Submitted
Reliance Industries Not submitted
Intermodal transport & logistics Adani Enterprises Not submitted
Oil & gas storage &
Tech Mahindra Submitted Petronet LNG Not submitted
IT & software development transportation
Wipro Submitted
Plastic product manufacturing Supreme Industries Ltd Not submitted
Leisure & home manufacturing Welspun India Ltd Submitted
118 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 119

CDP Activity group Company name Response status

Powered Machinery
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited

Escorts Ltd
Not submitted

Jain Irrigation Systems Not submitted

Renewable energy equipment Exide Industries Not submitted

Specialized professional
Larsen & Toubro Not submitted

Page Industries Ltd Not submitted

Textiles & fabric goods
Relaxo Footwears Ltd Not submitted

Adani Power Ltd Submitted

Thermal power generation JSW Energy Submitted

NTPC Ltd Submitted

Tobacco ITC Limited Submitted

Ashok Leyland Not submitted

Bajaj Auto Not submitted

Hero Motocorp Ltd Submitted

Transportation Equipment
Mahindra & Mahindra Submitted ASD Action for Sustainable Derivates NNL No Net Loss
CGWA Central Ground Water Authority NPG Net Positive Gain
Maruti Suzuki India Not submitted
CO2 Carbon dioxide PPA Power Purchase Agreement
Tata Motors Not submitted CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent RBI Reserve Bank of India
Transportation services Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Submitted EACs Energy Attribute Certificates RE Renewable Energy
FI Financial Institution RPO Renewable Energy Purchase
GHG Greenhouse Gas Obligations
ICP Internal Carbon Pricing RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable
Water security – self selected companies IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Palm Oil
Climate Change SBTi Science Based Target initiative
CDP Activity group Company name Response status IRENA International Renewable Energy SBT Science Based Target
Agency SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises
Biotech & Pharma Aragen Life Sciences Private Limited Submitted ISPO Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil TCFD Task Force on Climate-related
Chemicals Oriental Aromatics Ltd. Not submitted I-SPOC Indian Sustainable Palm Oil Financial Disclosures
Coalition tCO2 Total Carbon dioxide
Construction VA Tech Wabag Ltd Submitted
IUCN International Union for TNFD Taskforce on Nature related
Real estate owners & Conservation of Nature Financial Disclosures
Mahindra Lifespace Developer Limited Submitted
developers LT LEDS Long-Term Low Emission TWh Terra Watt hours
Development Strategy UNEP United Nation Environment
MSPO Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Programme
MtCO2e Million tonnes CO2 equivalent UNFCCC United Nations Climate Change
NABARD National Bank for Agriculture & Conference
Rural Development UNGC United Nations Global Compact
NbS Nature - based Solutions WRI World Resource Institute
NDC Nationally determined WWF World Wildlife Fund for Nature
120 | CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 CDP India Disclosure Report 2022 | 121

About CDP

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs

the global disclosure system for investors,
companies, cities, states and regions to manage
their environmental impacts by running a global
environmental disclosure system. Each year
CDP supports thousands of companies, cities,
states and regions to measure and manage
their risks and opportunities on climate change,
water security and deforestation. We do so at
the request of their investors, purchasers and
city stakeholders. Over the last two decades
we have created a system that has resulted
in unparalleled engagement on environmental
issues worldwide. More than 680 investors with
over US$130 trillion in assets, and 280+ large
purchasers with US$6.4 trillion in buying power
requested thousands of companies to disclose
through CDP in 2022. This resulted in a record-
breaking 18,700+ corporate disclosures, a 233%
increase since 2015 when the Paris Agreement
was signed.

CDP India
Active since 2012, CDP India has evolved to
become one of the most effective disclosure
platforms. It serves as a source of knowledge
for hundreds of Indian corporations, from those
that are just beginning on the road to corporate
environmental disclosure to those looking to
improve sustainability and make commitments
to reduce environmental impact. Every year
the number of Indian stakeholders disclosing
has steadily increased. CDP India helps
stakeholders in the decarbonization journey
through Supply Chain Engagement, Science-
Based Targets (SBT) and Internal Carbon Pricing
(ICP). It is the only NGO to be named in India’s
INDC submission to the UNFCCC owing to its
corporate environmental data repository and
tracking of emissions and mitigation data from
the Indian Industry. Recently, CDP India also
contributed towards driving climate action
during COP27.



Prarthana Borah Ranjana Chandra (
Emily Peddle
Faham Khan
Gautam Aggarwal COMMENTS & INPUTS:
Huma Saif Qazi Erica de Souza
Jyoti Yadav Farheen Altaf
Nancy D’Cruz George Bush
Pratik Sanadhya James Chamberlayne
Shijin Shah Laurent Babikian
Shweta Kaushik Patricia Calderon
Usman Khan
Nancy D’Cruz
Shweta Kaushik Prarthana Borah
Director CDP India
Suhasini Taneja
Emma Thomas
Thomas Winward


The contents of this report may be used by anyone providing acknowledgment is given to CDP Worldwide (CDP). This
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presented in this report. If you intend to repackage or resell any of the contents of this report, you need to obtain express
permission from CDP before doing so.

CDP India has prepared the data and analysis in this report based on responses to the CDP 2021 information request.
No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given by CDP India as to the accuracy or completeness of the
information and opinions contained in this report. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication
without obtaining specific professional advice. To the extent permitted by law, CDP India do not accept or assume any
liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance
on the information contained in this report or for any decision based on it. All information and views expressed herein by
CDP India is based on their judgment at the time of this report and are subject to change without notice due to economic,
political, industry and firm-specific factors. Guest commentaries included in this report, reflect the views of their
respective authors; their inclusion is not an endorsement of them.

CDP India, their affiliated member firms or companies, or their respective shareholders, members, partners, principals,
directors, officers and/or employees, may have a position in the securities of the companies discussed herein. The
securities of the companies mentioned in this document may not be eligible for sale in some states or countries, nor
suitable for all types of investors; their value and the income they produce may fluctuate and/or be adversely affected by
exchange rates.

CDP India is a company limited by guarantee having CIN no. U74140DL2012NPL234683

© 2022 CDP India. All rights reserved

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