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Name: John Lester S.

Balbido BSEE III

Subject: Gender and Society


1. Compare and contrast Masters and Johnson model and Kaplan model of the human
sexual response cycle.

It is generally understood that female sexual arousal follows a four-phase model,

according to Masters and Johnson. Excitement, Plateau phase, Orgasm phase, and
Resolution phase. However, a number of researchers (e.g., Kaplan, 1996) considers
these phases too linear and argues that female sexual arousal can be considered an
internal (cognitive) or external (physiological) process. Kaplan's model does not include
a resolution phase (considering it to be mainly social or cultural in nature) A few
researchers such as Morokoff (1980) don't see a plateau phase at all, instead noting that
women are fluid, moving constantly between excitement and resolution.

In conclusion, both models have strengths and weaknesses that need to be

discussed further but, in my opinion, Kaplan's model is the most complete one because
it takes into account not only physiological processes but also cognitive ones.

2. Differentiate stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. Provide 2 examples of each.

The difference between, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination are:

stereotyping involves making generalizations about an entire group on the basis of the
characteristics of a few members of that group; prejudice refers to the negative attitudes
people hold towards a certain group of people; discrimination refers to the act of treating
someone unfairly based on their gender/race/ethnicity. Give an example of each and
explain why you believe that they are different from one another. Stereotyping occurs
when you assume that all members of a group behave in a certain way. For example, if
you were to assume that all Asians are good at math because your sister got accepted
to a good college and got a full scholarship to study engineering there, you are
stereotyping Asians. Prejudice is the biased opinions you have towards a group of
individuals, based on generalizations you may make about them. For example, if you are
racist towards African Americans because you have heard that all of them are lazy
and/or stupid, you are prejudiced towards them. Discrimination is when you treat
someone unfairly because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity,
disability etc. For example, if you are working in a law firm and you refuse to hire any
women as lawyers because they are not as smart as the men you are working with, you
are discriminating against them.
3. Look for 1 research article discussing the experiences of LGBTQ+ in the Philippines.
Explain the consolidated review of the article, underscoring the method used and the key

Developing a Positive and Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Students by Mutya

RC, Doysabas MP, and et al. Is study on establishing an environment from the
viewpoints of pupils. They conducted qualitative research and used surveys to collect
data. In conclusion, the researchers determined that bullying and prejudice are still
prevalent issues among LGBTQ+ high school students. Students that identify as
LGBTQ+ are more ostracized and excluded. These kids expect their demands to be
fulfilled and understood as part of the curriculum. However, schools are not equipped to
meet this requirement and are scrambling to establish a good and inclusive atmosphere.

4. Differentiate Hegemonic, Protest, and Caring masculinity and provide the features,
characteristics, pros and cons, and their relevance.

Hegemonic masculinity is the prevailing masculine identity in society. It is a

dominant ideology that assigns men the task of being providers, protectors, and leaders
in the family and the community. Protest masculinity is a response to hegemonic
masculinity, men who engage in protest masculinity challenge traditional gender norms
and stereotypes and see reshape traditional male roles to be more equal and balanced.
Caring masculinity refers to an identity that is emotionally expressive and open to the
needs of others. It can be complementary to hegemonic or protest masculinity, but it is
not required either.

One of the pros of Hegemonic masculinity is that it emphasis on the traditional

roles of the provider, protector, and leader can benefit families by fostering strong
relationships within the family as well as within the community. However, it cons is it can
have a negative impact on women and children by limiting their access to financial
resources and education.

The pros of the Protest masculinity are that it helps both men and women by
challenging patriarchy and creating a new model for how men and women can interact
with each other, however it cons is that it encourages men to use violence to resolve
conflict and can be a source of conflict in itself if done improperly.
In Caring masculinity, the pros are that it is more compassionate and less
aggressive than the hegemonic and protest masculinity. Therefore, it promotes a better
image in the society as one who respects women and families. However, it is also posing
a threat to the traditional gender roles by blurring the line between male and female roles
and by encouraging men and women to work together in partnership rather than in
traditional family structures.

5. Search the internet for news regarding GBV. Analyze the news and identify the
institutions, the survivor and penetrator, and the rights violated.

Woman was seriously hurt in a near-fatal case intimate partner violence. The
women are now recovering at a hospital after sustaining serious injuries. The incident
happened in St-Dominique Street in the Montérégie city of Saint-Hyacinthe, about 45
minutes away from downtown Montreal. The woman is not being identified and his
partner. His partner violated the Republic Act 9262 or Violence Against Women and
Children (VAWC).

6. Give one source, example and impact of Power, Use of Force/Violence and Informed

An example of this is Marcos Senior's tenure in the Philippines, when he used his
position as president to impose martial law and entirely dominate the country's state.

Use of Force/Violence
One of the finest instances of this is bullying in school. When someone abuses another
individual and forces him to do something against his will.

Inform Consent

A married man and woman are the ideal illustration of this since they have made a vow
to each other to give their all-in times of joy and sorrow.
7. What knowledge obtained about Anti-VAWC Act or RA9262 will be useful to you, your
family, community, and society?

As a result of the passage of the Anti-VAWC RA 9262, many people are now
more aware about the problems and issues face by women and children in the
workplace. With this awareness comes the responsibility to create a working
environment free form sexual harassment and violence for all women not only in women
but also in children who is constantly abuse by their parents, relatives, or other
individuals. As a result, we can inform our family what is VAWC and explain it to them
and its significance, in community we can implement posters or program to make them
aware about VAWC, and of course in society we can make an advertisement in social
media or make a video about VAWC and upload it into social media.

8. Utilizing your knowledge now of the laws, programs, and rights of women, what can
you do to uplift women empowerment in the Philippines?

The Philippines is one of the top countries in the world that represents gender
equality, there are several laws that empower these quality especially for women,
example of this is the Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC) this law protects
women and children against violence, and another example is Magna Carta of Women
(MCW) is a law that empower the rights of women to have an equal status in position in
men, leave non-discrimination in employment, and achieve fifty-fifty gender balance in
government positions and many more. I believe that given how our government
implement these laws, the women are empowered enough in the Philippines.

9. What can you do to further the protection and protection of the members of the
LGBTQ+ at home, in school, and in your community?

In home I will inform my relatives about LGBTQ+, I will inform them about the
significance of this community, in school we will organize school advocacy or school
activities in order for the students to fully know about LGBTQ+. In community, again like
in school we will implement an advocacy in the community about the LGBTQ+.

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