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Sid Gilman, MD, FRCP
William J. Herdman Distinguished University Professor of Neurology
University of Michigan

Contemporary Neurology Series


Fourth Edition Second Edition
R. John Leigh, MD, FRCP, and Sara E. Mole, PhD, Ruth D. Williams, MD,
David S. Zee, MD and Hans H Goebel, MD, Editors
OF STUPOR AND COMA Robert B. Darnell, MD, PhD, and
Fourth Edition Jerome B. Posner, MD
Clifford B. Saper, MD, PhD, OF THE EPILEPSIES
Nicholas D. Schiff, MD, and Fred Plum, MD Jeffrey L. Noebels, MD, PhD,
IN NEUROLOGY Michael A. Rogawski, MD, PhD,
Second Edition Richard W. Olsen, PhD, and
Michael V. Johnston, MD, and Antonio V. Delgado-Escueta, MD
Robert A. Gross, MD, PhD, Editors 81 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS AND
OF CANCER Second Edition
Second Edition Andrew G. Engel, MD
Lisa M. DeAngelis, MD, and 82 MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY
Eelco F.M. Wijdicks, MD, PhD, FACP Second Edition
Jasper R. Daube, MD, and Moses Rodriguez, MD,
Devon I Rubin, MD, Editors Orhun H. Kantarci, MD,
Steven Herskovitz, MD, Bruce L. Miller, MD
and Herbert H. Schaumburg, MD Eduardo E. Benarroch, MD
Fourth Edition Second Edition
Robert W. Baloh, MD, FAAN, and Emma Ciafaloni, MD, Patrick F. Chinnery,
Kevin A. Kerber, MD and Robert C. Griggs, MD, Editors
Edited By

Mark B. Bromberg, MD, PhD

Professor of Neurology
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Motor neuron disease in adults / edited by Mark Bromberg.
  p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978–0–19–978311–3 (alk. paper)
I. Bromberg, M. B. (Mark B.), editor.
[DNLM:  1.  Motor Neuron Disease.  2.  Adult. WE 550]

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Preface   xxi
Contributors   xxiii
Introduction to “Motor Neuron Disease”   xxv

Abbreviations   xxvii


Mark B. Bromberg
Bell  •  Aran  •  Duchenne and Cruveilhier  •  Charcot  •  Erb  •  Dejerine  •  Gowers  •  Brain



Mark B. Bromberg
PMA   9
PLS   10


Mark B. Bromberg
UMNs  •  LMNs

vi Contents

ALS  •  PLS  •  PMA


ALS  •  PLS  •  Frontotemporal Lobe


Mark B. Bromberg
Dysarthria  •  Dysphagia




Lauren Elman and Zachary Simmons
Cognitive Instruments  •  Behavioral Instruments  •  Combined Cognitive and
Behavioral Instruments

  Contents vii




Mark B. Bromberg
Cervical and Lumbosacral Muscles  •  Cranial Muscles  •  Diaphragm  •  Thoracic and Rectus
Abdominis Muscles

Serum Creatine Kinase  •  Cerebrospinal Fluid


MRI  •  Ultrasound



Shafeeq Ladha, Christina Chrisman, and Robert Bowser
MUNE  •  MUNE in ALS Studies  •  EIM  •  TMS

Conventional MRI  •  MRS  •  DTI  •  Voxel-based Morphometry  •  fMRI


viii Contents


Martin R. Turner
Voxel- and Surface-based Morphometry  •  DTI  •  Spectroscopy


Radionuclide Imaging  •  VBM  •  DTI  •  Spectroscopy  •  fMRI

Loss of Cortical Inhibitory Influence  •  Neuroinflammation  •  Serotonergic Involvement

Imaging in Animal Models  •  Spinal Cord  •  Presymptomatic Pathology  •  Network-based



Mark B. Bromberg
ALS  95
El Escorial Criteria  •  Airlie House Criteria  •  Awaji Criteria  •  Pending El Escorial Review


PLS   98
PMA   100


Mark B. Bromberg
  Contents ix




Mark B. Bromberg
ALS  •  PBP  •  PMA  •  PLS


Composite Scales  •  Motor Unit Number Estimation  •  Motor Unit Number Index  •  CMAP
Scan  •  Neurophysiologic Index  •  Electrical Impedance Myography  •  Muscle
Ultrasound  •  MRI  •  ALSFRS




Adriano Chiò and Giancarlo Logroscino
Methodologic Considerations  •  Incidence  •  Prevalence  •  Mortality


x Contents


Janel O. Johnson and Bryan J. Traynor
ALS   134
FTD   135
Ends of the Spectrum  •  SOD1 in ALS  •  MAPT in FTLD


PGRN Mutations  •  TDP-43 Mutations  •  FUS Mutations  •  CHMP2B Mutations  •  OPTN  • 
VCP  •  SQSTM1  •  UBQLN2  •  C9orf72  •  hnRNPAB1/2



John E. Landers and Nicola Ticozzi


Andrew King and Safa Al-Sarraj
ALS/Motor Neuron Disease  •  FTLD  •  FTLD-MND/ALS


Ubiquitin  •  p62  •  TDP-43  •  FUS


Spinal Cord  •  Brainstem  •  Motor Cortex  •  Extramotor Structures  •  Muscle
  Contents xi


SOD1  •  C9ORF72  •  FUS  •  CHMP2B, TARDP, p62, UBQLN2  •  ALS-Parkinson Dementia
Complex  •  Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy


ALS  171
Type A  •  Type B  •  Type C  •  Type D

FTLD-FUS   172


Lucie I. Bruijn and John Ravits
Hypotheses of Propagation  •  Parallels to FTD

Prime Observations  •  Motor Neuron Resistance and Vulnerability in ALS  •  ALS as a Systemic
Disease  •  The Cellular Neighborhood Matters: Nonautonomous Cell Death  •  RNA Processing and
RNA Toxicity  •  Disruption of Protein Homeostasis  •  Prion-like Propagation  •  Corticospinal Motor
Neuron Development, Degeneration, and Subcerebral Projections  •  Disruption of Axonal Dynamics



Tamara S. Greene, Ericka P. Simpson, and Stanley H. Appel
IN ALS   193
xii Contents




Tracie A. Caller, Elijah W. Stommel, Patricia L. Henegan, and Sandra Anne Banack
Mechanisms of BMAA Toxicity




Kerstin E. Braunstein, Liam L. Chen, and Philip C. Wong
Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans Models  •  SOD1  •  Dynactin
p150Glued  •  TDP-43  •  FUS  •  C9ORF72


Zebrafish  •  Rodent Models



Mark B. Bromberg
Delivering the Diagnosis  •  Providing Hope  •  Managing Key Time Points  •  Addressing End
of Life  •  Bereavement
  Contents xiii




Mark B. Bromberg
Physical and Occupational Therapists  •  Respiratory Therapists

CLERGY   232
Possible Harmful Effects of Exercise

FALLS   235


Mark B. Bromberg
xiv Contents


Methods of Testing  •  Respiratory Survey Questionnaires and Instruments

NIV  240
Bilevel Ventilation


Survival and Quality of Life  •  Sleep


Phrenic Nerve Stimulation  •  Diaphragm Pacing


Air or Breath Stacking  •  Insufflation and Exsufflation Devices




Mark B. Bromberg
  Contents xv


Nutritional Supplements  •  Gastric Feeding Tubes


Mark B. Bromberg


Mark B. Bromberg


Mark B. Bromberg
xvi Contents

CRAMPS   265
PAIN   266


Mark B. Bromberg

28.  QUALITY OF LIFE   274

Mark B. Bromberg
  Contents xvii


Patient Quality of Life  •  Hopelessness and Suicidal Ideation  •  Response Shift  •  Caregiver Quality
of Life




Mark B. Bromberg

30.  END-OF-LIFE CARE   283

Mark B. Bromberg
xviii Contents


Mark B. Bromberg
Riluzole  •  Nuedexta


Noninvasive Ventilation  •  Invasive Ventilation  •  Gastric Feeding Tubes  •  Diaphragm Pacing




Dan H. Moore and Mark B. Bromberg
Randomized Trials  •  Multiarm Trials  •  Lead-in Trials  •  Cross-over Trials  •  Sequential
Trials  •  Bayesian Trials


  Contents xix



Stacey A. Sakowski, J. Simon Lunn, and Eva L. Feldman
Stem Cell Classifications and Properties


In Vitro Mechanistic Rationale  •  In Vivo Support for Clinical Translation


MSC Trials  •  Neural Stem Cell Trials


Index   329

My ability to write and edit this book came from my 25-year involvement with motor neuron
disease (MND), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in particular. It started with an invitation
to participate in a clinical drug trial, and evolved into starting an MND clinic. Since then, I have
participated in many trials, conducted numerous clinical research studies, and started a second
clinic in a second institution. Thus, ALS/MND has been my main clinical and research interest.
Although the disorder is monumental for patients and family members, it is also challenging for
providers who can only give compassionate care due to the lack of a clinically effective treatment.
The reward in this endeavor, however, is observing how innate human nature allows patients to
manage progression with grace and caregivers to give selfless assistance.
This book would not have been possible without help over the 25 years. My clinical expertise
grew as the clinics expanded, and I am appreciative of the roles played by the ALS/MND nurses
I have worked with: Dallas Forshew, Barbara Miano, Bernadette Tallon, and Mary Jensen. My best
instructors have been the patients and caregivers as I try to answer their questions.
I started my career in basic science, and I acknowledge the mentorship of Sid Gilman in making
the transition to clinical neurology and for putting my name forward to Oxford University Press for
editorship of this book. One attraction to ALS/MND was the electrophysiologic aspects in the diag-
nosis and progression, and in particular the technique of motor unit number estimation. I received
help along this path from William Brown, Alan McComas, and Erik Stålberg.
I thank Lucie Bruijn for her chapter and help in suggesting contributors. Much of this book is
based on the expertise of the contributors and I greatly appreciate their chapters. Craig Panner,
the CNS Series editor, gave valuable advice, and most important he was patient with me in com-
pleting the book. I also appreciate the final support of the Richard K. and Shirley S. Hemingway
Finally, I want to thank my wife, Diane, for her support. We met through the challenges of caring
for her mother who had ALS.
Mark B. Bromberg


Stanley H. Appel, MD Christina Chrisman, MD

Department of Neurology Gregory W. Fulton ALS and Neuromuscular
Houston Methodist Neurological Institute Disease Center
Houston, TX Divisions of Neurology and Neurobiology
Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s
Sandra Anne Banack, PhD Hospital and Medical Center
Senior Scientist Phoenix, AZ
Institute of Ethnomedicine
Jackson, WY Lauren Elman, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurology
Robert Bowser, PhD University of Pennsylvania Medical Center
Gregory W. Fulton ALS and Neuromuscular Philadelphia, PA
Disease Center
Divisions of Neurology and Neurobiology Eva L. Feldman, MD, PhD
Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research
Hospital and Medical Center Institute
Phoenix, AZ University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Kerstin E. Braunstein, PhD and
Department of Pathology Department of Neurology
Division of Neuropathology University of Michigan
The Johns Hopkins University School of Ann Arbor, MI
Baltimore, MD Tamara S. Greene, MD
Department of Neurology
Lucie I. Bruijn, PhD Houston Methodist Neurological Institute
Chief Scientist Houston, TX
ALS Association
Washington, DC Patricia L. Henegan, MS
Department of Neurology
Tracie A. Caller, MD Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Department of Neurology Lebanon, NH
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH Janel O. Johnson, MSc
Neuromuscular Diseases Research Unit
Liam L. Chen, MD, PhD Laboratory of Neurogenetics
Department of Pathology National Institute of Aging
Division of Neuropathology National Institutes of Health
The Johns Hopkins University School of Bethesda, MD
Baltimore, MD Andrew King, BSc(Hons), MBChB,
Adriano Chiò, MD Department of Clinical Neuropathology
ALS Center, “Rita Levi Montalcini” King’s College Hospital
Department of Neuroscience London and MRC London
University of Turin, and Neuroscience Neurodegenerative Diseases Brain Bank
Institute of Torino (NIT) Institute of Psychiatry
Turin, Italy King’s College, London
xxiv Contributors

Shafeeq Ladha, MD Ericka P. Simpson, MD

Gregory W. Fulton ALS and Neuromuscular Department of Neurology
Disease Center Houston Methodist Neurological Institute
Divisions of Neurology and Neurobiology Houston, TX
Barrow Neurological Institute and St. Joseph’s
Hospital and Medical Center Elijah W. Stommel, MD, PhD
Phoenix, AZ Department of Neurology
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
John E. Landers, PhD Lebanon, NH
Department of Neurology
University of Massachusetts Medical School Nicola Ticozzi, MD
Worcester, MA Department of Neurology and Laboratory of
Giancarlo Logroscino, MD, PhD IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, and
Neurodegenerative Diseases Unit Department of Pathophysiology and
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Transplantation
Neurosciences and Sense Organs, and University of Milan
Department of Clinical and Research Milan, Italy
Neurology “Pia Fondazione Cardinal
G. Panico” Hospital, Tricase (LE)
University A. Moro Bryan J. Traynor, MD, PhD
Bari, Italy Neuromuscular Diseases Research Unit
Laboratory of Neurogenetics
J. Simon Lunn, PhD National Institute of Aging
Department of Neurology National Institutes of Health
University of Michigan Bethesda, MD
Ann Arbor, MI

Dan H. Moore, PhD Martin R. Turner, MA, MBBS, PhD,

Forbes Norris ALS Research Center FRCP
San Francisco, CA Oxford University Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences &
John Ravits, MD Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic
Department of Neurosciences Resonance Imaging of the Brain
University of California, San Diego Oxford, UK
San Diego, CA

Stacey A. Sakowski, PhD Philip C. Wong, PhD

A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Department of Pathology
Institute Division of Neuroscience and
University of Michigan Neuropathology
Ann Arbor, MI The Johns Hopkins University School of
Safa Al-Sarraj, MSc, MBChB, FRCPath Baltimore, MD
Kings College London
London, United Kingdom

Zachary Simmons, MD
Professor of Neurology and Humanities
Director, Neuromuscular Program & ALS
Penn State Hershey Medical Center
Hershey, PA
Introduction to “Motor
Neuron Disease”

Motor neuron disease (MND) represents a rare group of disorders recognized in the early 19th
century that remain a challenge to the understanding of their pathophysiology, and most impor-
tantly, their management and ultimate treatment. There have been several extensive reviews of
MND, and in particular, the initial volume “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” in the Contemporary
Neurology Series published in 1998. In the ensuing 15 years there have been noteworthy advances
in the knowledge base, in particular genetic implications, disease propagation, and the association
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with frontotemporal lobe syndromes and dementia.
This book focuses on adult forms of MND, particularly ALS, progressive muscular atrophy, and
primary lateral sclerosis. It is an update of the field since the initial volume in the Contemporary
Neurology Series. Advances since 1998 have led to more than 11,000 articles cited in PubMed
using search titles “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” or” motor neuron disease” (Figure FM-1). Given
the explosion of articles, some report subtle findings, and only those that represent significant
contributions for clinical features, diagnosis, pathophysiology, clinical trials, and patient manage-
ment are presented. The MND community of researchers and clinicians is small, and I apologize
in advance if I have left out a colleague’s work.
The book is intended to be “clinically useful.” A single-author book is challenging to write given
the breadth of topics, and authors with expertise in the scientific areas have been asked to contrib-
ute chapters. Writing styles may thus vary among chapters.










Figure FM–1.  Histogram of the number of articles cited in PubMed using search terms “amyotrophic lateral sclerosis” or
“motor neuron disease” from 1970 through 2013. The demarcation at 1998 separates the number of publications between
the previous edition and the current edition.

xxvi Introduction to “Motor Neuron Disease”

The book focuses on evidence-based information, and in some areas relatively little new infor-
mation has been published since 1998. Thus, chapter length varies. Each chapter includes a para-
graph on the background and new points as an aid to linking the current edition with the previous
For the neurologist, ALS is perhaps the most emotionally difficult disease to diagnose due to its
inexorable and fatal course. For me, the writing and editing of this book reinforces my resolve as a
clinician to provide the best care I can until we have more to offer.
Mark B. Bromberg, MD, PhD

AAN American Academy of Neurology HSSC human spinal stem cell

AD Alzheimer disease
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis IGF insulin-like growth factor
ALSbi amyotrophic lateral sclerosis behavioral IL interleukin
impairment iPSC induced pluripotent stem cell
ALSci amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cognitive IQR interquartile range
ALSFRS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis LMN lower motor neuron
Functional Rating Scale LOD log of odds ratio
LOH loss of heterozygosity
BMI body mass index LTMV long-term mechanical ventilation
BMMA beta-N-methylamino-l-alanine
BOLD blood oxygenation level–dependent MEP motor evoked potential
MND motor neuron disease
CAG cytosine-adenosine-guanosine MRI magnetic resonance imaging
CC corpus callosum MRS magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Cho choline MSC mesenchymal stem cell
CMAP compound muscle action potential MT motor threshold
CMCT central motor conduction time MUNE motor unit number estimation
CN cranial nerve
CNS central nervous system NAA N-acetylaspartate
Cr creatine NIV noninvasive ventilation
CSF cerebrospinal fluid NLS nuclear localization signal
CSMN corticospinal motor neuron NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
CST corticospinal tract NO nitric oxide
NPC neural progenitor cell
DTI diffusion tensor imaging
PBP progressive bulbar palsy
EFNS European Federation of Neurological PDC parkinsonism dementia complex
Societies PEG percutaneous endoscopic gastroscopy
EIM electrical impedance myography PLIC posterior limb of the internal capsule
EMG electromyogram PLS primary lateral sclerosis
ESC embryonic stem cell PMA progressive muscular atrophy
PMC primary motor cortex
FA fractional anisotrophy PNFA progressive nonfluent aphasia
FALS familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
FDA Food and Drug Administration RIG radiologic inserted gastrostomy
fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging ROS reactive oxygen species
FTD frontotemporal dementia
FTLD frontotemporal lobe dementia SALS sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
FUS fused in sarcoma SD semantic dementia
FVC forced vital capacity SMA spinal muscular atrophy
SNP single-nucleotide polymorphism
GABA γ-aminobutyric acid SOD superoxide dismutase
GDNF glial cell–derived neutrophic factor SPECT single-photon emission tomography
GWAS genome-wide association studies STA spike-triggered averaging

xxviii Abbreviations

TDEE total daily energy expenditure VBM voxel-based morphometry

TDP43 Tar DNA Binding Protein VCP valosin-containing protein
TMS transcranial magnetic stimulation VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor
TNF tumor necrosis factor
TQNE Tufts Quantitative Neuromuscular WFN World Federation of Neurology
Treg regulatory T cell

UBC umbilical cord blood stem cell

UMN upper motor neuron
Chapter 1

History of the Recognition of Motor

Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg


Bell Gowers
Aran Brain
Duchenne and Cruveilhier

BACKGROUND AND was combined with pathologic examination.

NEW POINTS Early efforts to categorize diseases were fre-
quently based on small numbers of patients
The history of the recognition of motor neu- and pathologic observations on few postmor-
ron diseases (MND) has been well described. tem samples using simple methods of histo-
However, it is worth briefly repeating because it logic preparation. Furthermore, the level of
is striking how clear and thorough the observa- understanding of anatomy, physiology, and
tions were in the mid-1800s. Furthermore, the pathology was undergoing rapid changes,
question posed at that time, as to whether the with major advances on a yearly basis. These
different forms of MND represent separate dis- changes were incorporated into the setting
orders or a continuum, remains relevant today. of different schools of neurologic pedagogy
Efforts by the World Federation of (often with a dominant figure who could be
Neurology to codify the diagnostic criteria for authoritarian and intolerant of competing
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) continue views), a fluid and evolving vocabulary com-
to evolve to make the diagnosis at an earlier plicated by descriptions and terminology in
stage. However, cognitive features have not different languages, and frequent oral pre-
been incorporated, nor have criteria for other sentations of data and opinions without writ-
forms of MND (progressive muscular atrophy ten documentation. It is not surprising that
[PMA] and primary lateral sclerosis [PLS]) there were differing views of similar clinical
been developed. and pathologic data, and an evolution of word
usage to describe findings. It is arguable who
first described or wrote about the various
forms of MND as recognized today. However,
HISTORICAL SETTING it is remarkable that a reasonable number of
patients with progressive motor system disor-
The recognition of neurologic diseases evolved ders presented to the small number of major
during the 19th century as clinical observation neurologic centers in the United Kingdom and
2 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Europe and that those clinicians were able to Duchenne and Cruveilhier
recognize and categorize within the spectrum
of MND. Furthermore, their observations Guillaume Duchenne and Jean Cruveilhier,
were remarkably accurate and complete, and in 1853, described a patient with muscle atro-
their interpretations of pathologic involvement phy and weakness and fibrillary contractions.
astute for the level of anatomic and pathologic They used the term progressive bulbar palsy.
knowledge at that time. Cruveilhier concluded that the ventral root
atrophy was primary and muscle atrophy sec-
ondary, and that the ventral cord is the origin
HISTORICAL RECOGNITION of ventral root atrophy. It is to be noted that
OF MND early there was disagreement as to the site
of primary pathology and Duchenne empha-
The chronology of observations and the inter- sized the muscle. The tremors and difficulty
changes have been reviewed (Goldblatt, 1969; walking have been interpreted as reflecting
Goetz, 2000). Several terms used in the 1800s upper motor neuron (UMN) loss (Veltema,
have different contemporary meanings: “fibril- 1975).
lary contractions” now indicate fascicular
contractions; “limb contracture” now means
spasticity. It should be recalled that tendon Charcot
reflexes were recognized in 1875 by Westphal
and Erb, and that the significance of the Jean Martin Charcot, between 1865 and 1874,
plantar response was described by Babinski stands out as a prominent figure in medicine
in 1896. in general and neurology in particular, and
specifically with respect to his observations
on MND. Somewhat in contrast to chance
Bell clinical observations of patients with PMA
in the early 1800s, Charcot was in a position
Charles Bell, in 1830, described a patient with to methodically observe clinical features and
progressive weakness of limbs and tongue who pathologic findings at death of patients he
had pathologic changes in the anterior portion followed in the Salpêtrière hospital in Paris
of the spinal cord. (Fig. 1–1). Charcot, in 1865, presented a case
of a young woman who developed progressive
weakness with increased muscle tone with
Aran contractures and no sensory abnormalities,
and at autopsy had brownish grey sclerotic
François Amilcar Aran, in 1850, described changes in the lateral areas of the cervical
a condition with wasting and weakness of spinal cord but did not include the anterior
muscles, including intrinsic hand muscles, horns (Goetz, 2000). Observations on infan-
rounded-shoulder posture, head drop, foot tile paralysis noted spinal lesions limited to
drop, dyspnea, and stiffness that he termed anterior horns with motor nerve cell degen-
PMA. He mentioned observing “fibrillary eration (Goetz, 2000). The concept that lat-
movements” of muscle, representing an early eral sclerosis was associated with spasticity
recognition of fasciculations. Among the and contractures and anterior horn pathol-
patients described was one who had a sister and ogy was related to atrophic muscle weakness
two maternal uncles similarly affected, likely evolved with further clinical examples. These
representing familial MND. Aran acknowl- concepts came together in the French term
edged communications with Duchenne and “sclérose latérale amyotrophique” offered by
study of clinical material he had collected. Charcot in two lectures in 1874. Other con-
Duchenne asserted after Aran’s 1850 paper tributory work on the anatomic correlates of
that he had described a similar condition a year glosso-labial-laryngeal paralysis and the func-
earlier. Thus, it is not clear who has the honor tional anatomy of the brainstem were incorpo-
of the first recognition of MND. rated (Goetz, 2000).
1  History of MND 3

Figure 1–1.  Drawing of the Salpêtrière Hospital in the late 1800s where Charcot was able to observe patients during life
and study their pathology at death. Retrieved from: www.anti

Erb secondary lesion. There was ensuing debate in

the literature, and Gowers believed that the
Wilhelm Erb, in 1875, described a patient degenerative processes occurred simultane-
with  spastic paraparesis who developed mus- ously (Deng et al., 2011).
cle atrophy over time, and thus can be consid- Another debate concerned the designations
ered to represent recognition of transition of of PBP and PMA and the relation to ALS.
PLS to ALS. Titles of papers by Charcot and Duchenne
included the term progressive muscular atro-
phy. However, there were other cases described
Dejerine of progressive palsy without atrophy. Charcot
described labio-glosso-laryngeal paralysis with
Joseph Dejerine, in 1883, integrated progres- atrophy of medullary motor neurons. Ernst
sive bulbar palsy (PBP) and ALS as a single Viktor von Leyden noted sclerosis of cortico-
entity. spinal tracts in the medulla in several cases
of PBP. Duchenne seems to have linked PMA
with ALS based on pathologic findings of ante-
Gowers rior horn cell loss and sclerosis of the lateral
William Gowers, in 1892, postulated that During this time primary spastic condi-
PMA, PBP, and ALS were part of a spectrum tions were being recognized. Charcot, in
of motor system degeneration. 1865, described a patient with contractures
Although the clinical and pathologic descrip- of limbs who had sclerosis of the lateral col-
tions by Charcot and students were clear, there umns and atrophy of ventral roots but ante-
was debate as to primary versus secondary rior horn cells were unremarkable. The term
mechanisms of nerve degeneration. The word “primary lateral sclerosis” was applied by Erb
order in the term “sclérose latérale amyotro- in 1875, but debate continued based on vary-
phique” in French places lateral sclerosis as ing clinical and pathologic features of indi-
the primary lesion and amyotrophy as the vidual cases.
4 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

With the help of other clinicians, Charcot autosomal dominance. In 1880, William Osler
had described most of the clinical and gross described a family in Vermont with 13 indi-
anatomicopathologic features of ALS, PMA, viduals in two generations affected by PMA,
and PLS based on 20 cases and five autop- and a superoxide dismutase 1 mutation was
sies from the Salpêtrière hospital. From these subsequently identified in this family. Since
observations the eponym of “Charcot’s dis- the superoxide dismutase 1 mutation was dis-
ease” is deserved. Thus, in the 62  years from covered in 1993 a growing number of genes
1830 to 1892, the clinical features and pathol- have been linked to ALS and frontotemporal
ogy of the forms of MND were established. lobe syndromes.
It has remained a challenge over the ensuing
100 years to understand the pathophysiology.
Brain Deng HX, Chen W, Hong ST, Boycott KM, Gorrie GH,
Siddique N, et al. Mutations in UBQLN2 cause domi-
nant X-linked juvenile and adult-onset ALS and ALS/
Walter Russell Brain, in 1933, introduced the dementia. Nature. 2011;477(7363):211–5.
term “motor neuron disease” as a unifying Goetz C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  early contri-
term. butions of Jean-Martin Charcot. Muscle Nerve.
Goldblatt D. Motor neuron disease:  historical introduc-
tion. In:  Norris FJ, Kurland LT, eds. Motor Neuron
Diseases: Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
FAMILIAL MND and Related Disorders. New York and London: Grune
& Stratton; 1969:3–11.
A familial pattern of MND was described by Veltema AN. The case of the saltimbanque Prosper
Lecomte. A contribution to the study of the history of
Aran in 1873 in a case of PMA that included progressive muscular atrophy (Aran-Duchenne) and
one of three sisters and two maternal uncles amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Charcot). Clin Neurol
dying from a similar disease, supporting an Neurosurg. 1975;78(3):204–9.
Chapter 2

Nomenclature and Classification of

Motor Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND linkage of the gene mutation to ALS increases

NEW POINTS the number of names. Finally, aggregated cel-
lular proteins, identified by immunohistologic
Accurate naming of diseases is essential, but techniques at postmortem examination, have
is dependent upon a clear understanding of their own nomenclature.
underlying pathophysiology. For the various
forms of motor neuron disease (MND), the
pathologic and genetic features are incom- INTRODUCTION
pletely known and the names amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis (ALS), primary lateral sclero- Clear and precise nomenclature is important,
sis (PLS), and progressive muscular atrophy and for clinical topics nomenclature is usu-
(PMA) are recognized from general clinical ally intertwined with early descriptions and
features. later clarifications with better information on
The World Federation of Neurology (WFN) clinical and pathologic features. Furthermore,
put forth diagnostic criteria for ALS, with peri- inclusion and exclusion features vary over time
odic revisions. The criteria have not incorpo- with more experience and new information.
rated elements of frontotemporal dementia or The term “motor neuron disease” is a general
pseudobulbar affect commonly found in ALS, term for a number of interrelated diseases, or
which are helpful diagnostically because they a continuum of diseases, that predominantly
are not present in mimicking disorders. The affect motor nerves involved in the direct
criteria do not include PMA and PLS, and execution of voluntary movements. The term
diagnosis remains based on loosely defined motor neuron disease seems to have been used
criteria. The spectrum of frontotemporal dys- by Russell Brain in his textbook in 1933 as a
function seen in ALS, and recognition of fami- synonym for ALS (Brain, 1933). From com-
lies with frontotemporal dementia or ALS or mon usage, MND in the United Kingdom
both, enlarges nomenclature. The concept of indicates ALS, but is also considered a general
familial ALS has expanded with the discovery term to include all forms (ALS, PLS, and PMA)
of new gene mutations, and the hyphenated as it is used in this book. Professor Rowland

6 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

summarized difficulties with terminology in and premature death contributed to by

1982 (Rowland, 1982, p. 1): “We have a serious respiratory failure.
problem of terminology. . . It has to do with the 3. Onset in adulthood, rarely earlier than
confusion between the singular, ‘motor neuron 21 years of age. A wide range of motor sys-
disease,’ and the plural, ‘motor neuron dis- tem disorders have onset in infancy and
eases’.” Despite a 30-year interval, challenges childhood, such as spinal muscular atrophy
remain in MND terminology. (SMA), but there appears to be little overlap
MND refers to a group of clinical motor clinically and pathophysiologically between
disorders that can be more easily recognized adult and childhood degenerative motor
clinically than by formal definitions. MND is diseases.
characterized by the following features: 4. More commonly a sporadic disease,
but in 5–10% of patients with MND
1. Degeneration, to varying degrees, of mainly there is a familial pattern that is mostly
two types of nerve cells, lower motor neurons autosomal-dominant, and clinically indis-
(LMNs) and upper motor neurons (UMNs; tinguishable from sporadic disease. The
Fig. 2–1A). It is recognized that other sets of underlying genetic aspects of ALS have
nerve cells are frequently affected, including expanded (Fig. 2–1B). New gene mutations
clinically those in the frontal and temporal have been found to genotype patients with
cortex, and subclinically in other portions of a family history; gene mutations with vari-
motor and sensory systems. able penetration have been identified in
2. Focal site of onset and inexorable progres- patients with unsuspected familial ALS;
sion of nerve degeneration. Rates of pro- spontaneous mutations have been docu-
gression vary markedly, but progression mented, and patients have been found who
leads to predictable loss of motor function have multiple ALS gene mutations whose

(A) (D) No
Neuropsychiatric Psychiatric
UMN loss LMN Loss Disease

FTD & FTLS Normal

PLS PMA Cognition

(B) Spontaneous (E) FTLD FTLS Normal Cognition

Single Gene Mutation Sporadic

Multiple Epigenetics (F)

Normal Cognition
Single Gene Psychiatric
(C) FTLD FTLS Normal Cognition
UMN Loss LMN Loss



Figure  2–1.  Representation of continuum lines for different aspects of MND. (A)  Continuum of pure upper motor
neuron (UMN) involvement as primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) and pure lower motor neuron (LMN) involvement as pro-
gressive muscle atrophy (PMA), with varying combinations as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). (B) Continuum of single
disease-causing gene (or combinations of genes), possible spontaneous causative or associative mutations, sporadic with no
genetic cause, and epigenetics as factors. (C) Continuum of frontotemporal lobe involvement from dementia (FTLD) to a
lesser syndrome (FTLS) to normal cognition. (D) Continuum between neuropsychiatric disease with or without FTLD/
FTLS and no psychiatric involvement. (E) Continuum of immunohistochemical pattern of protein aggregates determined
at postmortem examination (dashed line). (F) Possible combination of continuum lines for a given patient.
2  Nomenclature and Classification of MND 7

combination is thought necessary for clini- Look at these grand men. Which of you
cal ALS. wouldn’t considered it the highlight of his
5. Loss of neurons in the frontal lobes. This career just to associate with them for even
results in frontotemporal lobe dementia and one day? Sure, I’am lucky. Who wouldn’t
frontotemporal lobe syndrome (Fig. 2–1C), consider it an honor to have known Jacob
and psychiatric conditions psychosis, Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball’s
schizophrenia, suicide; Fig. 2–1D; (Byrne greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have
et al., 2013). spend six years with that wonderful little
fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent
New features have been added based on finding the next nine years with that outstanding
protein aggregates in neurons at postmortem leader, that smart student of psychology,
examination (Fig. 2–1E). Thus, the nomencla- the best manager in baseball today, Joe
ture has markedly expanded, and MND for a Mcarthy? Sure, I’m lucky.
given patient can be viewed as the intersection When the New York Giants, a team
of several continual lines (Fig. 2–1F). you would give your right arm to beat,
Excluded from the current book are acquired an vice versa, sends you a gift—that’s
diseases that include motor dysfunction caused by something. When everybody down on the
viruses and other infectious agents, toxins, medi- groundskeepers and those boys in white
cations, radiation, and electrical trauma. Also coats remember you with trophies—that’s
excluded are hereditary disorders in adults that something. When you have a wonderful
include limited degrees of LMN loss, adult-onset mother-in-law who takes sides with you in
SMA, and spinal bulbar muscular atrophy squabbles with her own daughter—that’s
(SBMA) (Kennedy disease; de Jong, 1991). something. When you have a father and
a mother who work all their lives so that
you can have an education and build your
body—that’s a blessing. When you have a
LOU GEHRIG wife who has been a tower of strength ands
shown more courage than you dreamed
In the United States, ALS is synonymous with existed—that’s the finest I known.
Lou Gehrig disease. Lou Gehrig was a baseball So, I close in saying that I might have a
player with the New York Yankees who played bad break, but I have an awful lot to live
2,130 consecutive games between 1923 and for. Thank you.
1938, and excelled as a first baseman and at
bat. Thus, it was a shock that his prowess dete-
riorated and he left the game in 1939 because
of ALS, which was diagnosed that year. He WFN RESEARCH
died in 1941 at the age of 41 years. His symp- CLASSIFICATION
tom onset has been analyzed from his batting
average, which began to deteriorate in 1938 The WFN recognized a need for precise diag-
(Fig. 2–2; Kasarskis & Winslow, 1989). He car- nostic criteria for ALS to “provide an algorithm
ried on a thoughtful correspondence with his which will enhance clinical studies, therapeu-
doctors and tried several therapies (Brennan, tic trials and molecular generic research stud-
2012). Gehrig displayed a graceful and strong ies” (World Federation of Neurology Research
personality as a baseball player that continued Group on Neuromuscular Diseases, 1994,
with his illness, and is exemplified by his fare- p. 96). A meeting, held in El Escorial, Spain (Fig.
well address at Yankee Stadium on July 4, 1939 2–2) in 1990, led to the “El Escorial Criteria”
(Fig. 2–3) (Brennan, 2012, p. 513): for ALS, and was published in 1994 (World
Federation of Neurology Research Group on
Fans, for the past two weeks you have been Neuromuscular Diseases, 1994). After exclusion
reading about the bad break I got. Yet of alternate diagnoses, three key clinical fea-
today I consider myself the luckiest man on tures were emphasized for the diagnosis of ALS:
the face of the earth. I have been ballparks
for 17 years and have never received 1. Signs of LMN degeneration in one or
anything but kindness and encouragement more of four regions by clinical or elec-
from you fans. trophysiologic examination. The four
8 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

CUSUMS (Batting Avg)

–0.1 1936
–0.2 1937

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Figure 2–2.  Weekly batting averages for Lou Gehrig using CUSUM statistics showing consistent performance at the
start of the season and improvement over the season for years 1936 and 1937, but reduced performance and deterioration
for the 1938 season. He retired mid-season 1939. (From Kasarskis & Winslow, 1989, with permission.)

regions are bulbar, cervical, thoracic, and suspected ALS was dropped in a later revision.
lumbosacral. There is no designation for PLS. The levels of
2. Signs of UMN degeneration in one or more certainty relate to regions of involvement at the
regions by clinical examination. time of evaluation, and levels of certainty can
3. Progression within a region and to other increase over time with disease progression.
regions. The WFN research classification has been
successful at defining patients with classic ALS
Electrophysiologic examination for definite for clinical trials. In a study of 388 patients
LMN degeneration includes active denervation subjected to the El Escorial Criteria, at time
(fibrillation potentials) and chronic denerva- of diagnosis 33% had definite ALS, 22% prob-
tion (reduced recruitment and large motor unit able ALS, 35% possible ALS, and 7% had
potentials). Four levels of diagnostic certainty suspected ALS (Traynor et  al., 2000). After a
result (Table 2–1): (1) definite ALS, (2) probable median follow-up period of 15  months (0.4–
ALS, (3) possible ALS, and (4) suspected ALS. 68.9 months) 85% fulfilled criteria for definite
Suspected ALS defines patients with signs of or probable ALS, whereas 14% remained pos-
only LMN loss, and is consistent with PMA, but sible of suspected ALS. Only 40% of patients

Figure 2–3.  Watercolor titled “Pride of the Yankees” painted by William Ross, who has ALS and painted the picture
with a brush held in his mouth due to limb weakness. (From the MDA art collection, with permission.)
2  Nomenclature and Classification of MND 9

Table 2–1  World Federation of Neurology El Escorial Criteria for the Clinical

Diagnosis of ALS*
Definite ALS UMN: bulbar region + ≥2 spinal regions UMN: 3 regions

+ or +

LMN: bulbar + ≥2 spinal LMN: 3 regions

Probable ALS UMN: ≥2 regions (1 region above LMN region)

LMN: ≥2 regions
Possible ALS UMN: 1 region

+ or UMN: ≥2 regions

LMN: 1 region or LMN: rostral UMN region

Suspected ALS LMN: ≥2 regions
*  In addition to the bulbar region, the three spinal regions are cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral.
Modified from World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuromuscular Diseases (1994).

with familial ALS fulfilled criteria for defi- from other LMN disorders (Table 2–2). First,
nite ALS at time of diagnosis. It is noteworthy several patients who present with only LMN
that Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the four findings progress to include UMN findings and
classes of ALS by the El Escorial Criteria had reach criteria for ALS, usually within 4 years
similar mortality rates (p  =  .51) with median (Traynor et al., 2000; Visser et al., 2007; Van
survival of 27  months for definite or prob- den Berg-Vos et al., 2009). Second, rating ten-
able ALS, 30  months for possible ALS, and don reflexes as hyperactive is subjective and
40  months for suspected ALS (Traynor et  al., is dependent upon several variables, which
2000). Thus, suspected ALS, equivalent to include positioning of the patient (relative
PMA, has a similar progressive degenerative stretch of the muscle being tested) and over-
course as ALS. all clinical interpretation with possible bias
(in either direction) by the examiner. There
is a concept born out by clinical experience
PMA that an intact reflex in a weak and fasciculat-
ing muscle is supportive of UMN pathology
PMA has not received WFN codification (probable UMN signs; Younger et  al., 1990).
efforts, other than the possible ALS cate- Third, some patients with no clinical signs
gory included in the El Escorial criteria but of UMN involvement are found to have loss
dropped in the Airlie House revision. There of corticospinal motor neurons upon patho-
are diagnostic challenges separating PMA logic examination (Ince et al., 2003). Finally,

Table 2–2  Adult-Onset Lower Motor Neuron Phenotypes

Name Clinical Features Progression
PMA Asymmetric weakness May develop UMN signs: ALS
Rare bulbar onset Rapid progression: similar to ALS
SMA: slow progression Asymmetric weakness Slowly progressive
SMA: distal Symmetric, arms and legs Slowly progressive
SMA: segmental distal Hirayama disease Usually slowly progressive
May be widespread
May have brisk reflexes
SMA: proximal Bi-brachial distribution Usually slowly progressive
SMA, spinal muscular atrophy. Adapted from van den Berg-Vos et al. (2003) and Visser et al. (2007).
10 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

patients can exhibit relatively symmetric distal pathologic entity but is at one end of a spec-
or proximal weakness due to LMN loss and trum of degrees of UMN and LMN loss (Le
have very slow rates of progression, with little Forestier et  al., 2001). Independent of how
change over 4  years. Accordingly, patients PLS is viewed in the spectrum of MND, a
with clinical features of only LMN involve- patient with marked UMN signs and no or few
ment have been divided into two groups based LMN signs after observation for 4  years has
on distribution of atrophic weakness and rate a prolonged survival over those with greater
of progression: PMA, with diffuse and asym- LMN signs.
metric involvement and progression similar
to ALS; and adult-onset SMA with symmet-
ric distal or proximal segmental involvement
and very slow progression (van den Berg-Vos ALS BY PHENOTYPES
et al., 2003; Visser et al., 2007).
Several clinical phenotypes are recognized that
differ from classic ALS, but pathophysiologic
differences have not been demonstrated (Table
PLS 2–3). Patients may initially appear to have one
such phenotype, but with time, progress away
PLS has not received WFN codification from the distinguishing features and change to
efforts, and notably is a rare disorder (Table the classic ALS phenotype:
2–3). A high percentage of patients with only
UMN findings at initial evaluation develop •  Classic ALS:  Regional onset with progres-
LMN findings over 3–4  years and fulfill El sion to other regions; clinically, LMN greater
Escorial Criteria for definite or probable than UMN findings.
ALS (Gordon et  al., 2006). Another group •  Bulbar onset ALS: Bulbar onset with UMN
of patients with only UMN findings at initial findings and limb LMN findings after
evaluation develop limited degrees of LMN 6–12  months:  rarely remain purely bul-
loss detected by serial needle electromyo- bar UMN involvement (Karam, Scelsa, &
gram abnormalities in the form of fibrillation Macgowan, 2010).
and fasciculation potentials, but continue •  Flail arm: Bilateral upper limb weakness in a
to progress more slowly than patients with predominant proximal distribution and vary-
ALS but more rapidly than those with pure ing UMN signs with progression to other
PLS (Le Forestier et al., 2001; Gordon et al., regions after 12 months (DeJesus-Hernandez
2006). et al., 2011).
This, in part, is the basis for the con- •  Flail leg: Bilateral lower limb weakness in a
cept that PLS is not a discrete clinical and predominant distal distribution with varying
UMN signs (Renton et al., 2011).
•  UMN predominant ALS:  UMN much
Table 2–3  Relative Frequencies of ALS greater than LMN findings (difficulty sepa-
Phenotypes, Based on Several Studies rating from PLS plus pattern).
•  Mills variant:  Slowly progressive hemiple-
Phenotype Percentage gia, usually beginning in a leg and ascend-
ing to the arm; recent evaluations indicate
Classic ALS 30.3–55.1
that it is primarily an UMN disorder with
Bulbar 26.9–36.8
Flail arm 5.1–11.4 bilateral pathologic reflexes (Turner et al.,
Flail leg 3.0–13.0 2005).
UMN predominant 9.1 •  Respiratory predominant:  Marked respira-
Mills variant Rare tory weakness at onset with UMN signs and
Respiratory 1.1 minor spinal involvements.
PMA 2.9–4.3 •  Pure UMN: PLS.
PLS 4.0 •  Pure LMN: PMA.
PLS plus <1 •  PLS plus:  PLS with electrodiagnostic evi-
Modified from Wijesekera et al. (2009) and Chio et al. dence for minor LMN loss (Gordon et  al.,
(2011). 2006).
2  Nomenclature and Classification of MND 11

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chromosome 9p21-linked ALS-FTD. Neuron.
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Classification of Spinal Muscular Atrophies and Other
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Karam C, Scelsa SN, Macgowan DJ. The clinical course
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Kasarskis EJ, Winslow M. When did Lou Gehrig’s per-
sis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Sci.
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J, Rollinson S, Gibbs JR, et  al. A hexanucleotide
Chapter 3

Clinical Anatomy, Physiology, and

Pathology of Motor Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg


PATHOLOGY Frontotemporal Lobe


Motor symptoms of MND can be divided
Motor neuron disease (MND) involves primar- reasonably well on clinical grounds into ALS,
ily death of upper motor neurons (UMNs) and PLS, and PMA. As an aid during the clinical
lower motor neurons (LMNs), and the clinical diagnoses, it is useful to have in mind the basic
features of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the
primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), and progres- motor system. Information on the motor sys-
sive muscular atrophy (PMA) are based on the tem and deficits comes from several sources.
consequences. Much of the basic anatomic and Dissecting the functional organization of the
pathologic information was well established in upper motor system has been aided by lesion
the 19th century from postmortem examina- experiments. In animals, information has been
tion, whereas most of the basic physiology of gained from precise ablations (motor cortex,
the motor system was determined from animal medullary pyramidal tract) aided by detailed
studies. histopathologic examination, and animals can
There is new information in MND on be sacrificed at timed intervals. In humans,
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction from immu- information comes mostly from strokes but
nohistochemical stains on postmortem exam- with minimal histopathologic examination
ination and on the physiology of corticospinal because research-level postmortem examina-
connections from noninvasive electrodiag- tions are rarely performed. Death from stroke
nostic studies. The diagnostic process is aided occurs at variable intervals, but patients living
by having in mind anatomic and pathologic with lesions allows for detailed clinical obser-
features. vation. With both animal and human models

3  Clinical Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of MND 13

of ablations or stroke, the degree of UMN loss Schieber, 2007). Fibers from these neurons
is sudden and extensive, whereas in MND also contribute to the corpus callosum.
neuron loss is progressive and the degree of The primary motor outputs are the corti-
loss at any stage is not known. New techniques cospinal and corticobulbar tracts, which are
using magnetic resonance imaging provide grouped in the posterior limb of the internal
information from living subjects with ALS and capsule, descend caudally in the basis pontis,
can be performed serially. New electrophysi- make up the pyramids, and descend to form
ologic techniques using transcranial magnetic the lateral and anterior corticospinal tracts
stimulation provides physiologic informa- (Fig. 3–2). The lateral corticospinal tracts are
tion on motor connectivity in living subjects. largely crossed, whereas the anterior cortico-
In addition to the motor system, it is useful spinal tracts are largely uncrossed.
to have in mind sites of pathology related to Corticospinal axons terminate primarily in
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction and pseudo- the cervical and lumbosacral enlargements.
bulbar affect. There are corticospinal axons that terminate
This chapter focuses on the most clinically in the lumbosacral cord that have collateral
apparent deficits. branches that first terminate in the cervical
cord (Schieber, 2007). Within the cord, axons
terminate in the base of the dorsal horn (inter-
ANATOMY mediate zone) in spinal gray matter (Rexed
laminae V and VI). There is evidence from
UMNs comparative animal studies for a large num-
ber of axons terminating in laminae IX, where
UMN refers to neurons originating mainly in LMN cell bodies are located (Fig. 3–3).
the primary motor cerebral cortex (Brodmann UMNs also project to other motor systems,
area 4), which send fibers caudally to the brain- including the basal ganglia; nuclei giving rise to
stem and spinal cord. UMNs include the large the rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, reticulospinal
Betz cells in layer V, but they represent only projections; and the cerebellum. UMN lesions,
3% of the 1,100,000 axons of the corticospi- therefore, can secondarily affect movements
nal tract, and the majority of fibers are from through these systems.
smaller pyramidal-shaped cortical neurons
(Fig. 3–1). Other cortical areas contributing
axons to the corticospinal tract are the supple- LMNs
mentary motor cortex (area 6), the primary
somatosensory cortex (areas 3, 1, and 2)  and LMN refers to alpha motor neurons originating
the secondary somatosensory cortex (area 5; in brainstem motor nuclei and anterior horn of

4 3
6 1
8 25



37 19

Figure 3–1.  Brodmann areas based on cytoarchitecture. The illustration has been simplified to include cortical regions
giving rise to corticospinal progressions: the primary motor cortex (area 4), the supplementary motor cortex (area 6), the
primary sensory cortex (areas 3, 2, and 1), and supplementary sensory cortex (area 5). (Modified from Brodmann’s areas ©
Nicholas Wade; source, with permission.)
14 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Figure 3–2.  Spinal cord cross-section from patient with ALS showing pallor of lateral (c = crossed fibers) and anterior
(u = largely uncrossed fibers) corticospinal tracts (Luxol fast blue stain). (From Department of Pathology, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, with permission.)

the spinal cord. Cranial motor nerves are primar- the primary motor cortex, but also cell loss in
ily cranial nerve (CN) XII and also CN X and XI, the supplemental motor cortex, and to a lesser
and late in the course can include CN VII and extent primary and secondary somatosensory
those that move the eyes (CN III, IV, VI). Motor cortex. There is also degeneration and cell loss
axons exit the cord as ventral roots and distribute in the temporal lobes and corpus callosum.
to skeletal muscles. The nucleus of Onuf (named Loss of UMNs leads to pallor in posterior limb
after Bronislaw Onufrowicz) is in Rexed laminae of the internal capsule, basis pontis, pyramids,
IX and represents a small cluster of motor neu- and lateral and anterior corticospinal tracts
rons in S1 to S3 roots that innervate skeletal mus- (Fig. 3–2).
cle of the external rectal and urethral sphincters. The large alpha motor neurons in Rexed
laminae IX are depleted to varying degrees and
ventral roots show thinning to varying degrees
(Fig. 3–4). Motor neurons are also depleted in
PATHOLOGY brainstem motor nuclei, primarily CN XII. It
is difficult to match the degree of LMN loss
ALS in muscle with that in the spinal cord: a post-
mortem example of early ALS, occasioned by
In ALS there is variable loss and shrinkage an untimely death, showed fiber-type grouping
of large and medium-sized pyramidal cells in in muscle but no alpha motor loss in the spi-
nal cord (Fischer et al., 2004). This raises the
question of a dying-back pathologic process to
account for the greater pathologic changes in

Neuren Anterior Normal
Figure 3–3.  Termination of corticospinal tract fibers in Disease Horns
the intermedial horn and anterior horn: distribution based
on phylogenetic studies showing in the Chimpanzee mon- Figure  3–4. Drawing from pathologic studies on
key a high degree of corticospinal fiber terminating in patients with ALS showing severe loss of alpha motor neu-
these areas, and presumably greater numbers in humans. rons. (From Atlas of Clinical Medicine, Neuromuscular
(Drawing modified from Kuypers.) Home Page,, with permission.)
3  Clinical Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of MND 15

muscle. Clinically there is relative preservation series of 10 patients with pure clinical LMN
of sphincter strength, and this is matched by signs (Ince et al., 2003).
neuron loss in the nucleus of Onuf to a lesser
degree than alpha neurons innervating limb
muscles of the same myotomes (Carvalho,
Schwartz, & Swash, 1995). PHYSIOLOGY AND
Muscle fiber denervation is evident by scat- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
tered atrophic and angular fibers (Fig. 3–5).
With greater degrees of denervation and rein- ALS
nervation, the normal checkerboard pattern of
fiber types is replaced by groups of similar fiber Fibers from the corticospinal tract are
types (fiber-type grouping). believed to facilitate fine motor control.
Anatomic evidence comes from comparative
animal lesion studies showing progressively
PLS greater numbers of fibers terminating on
alpha motor neurons in monkeys compared
PLS is characterized clinically as having essen- with cats and rats (Fig. 3–6), and the arrange-
tially only UMN loss. Postmortem studies show ment in humans of greater corticospinal-to-
gross shrinkage of the precentral gyrus, and alpha motor neuron connections is argued
microscopically loss of large pyramidal cells, from these phylogenetic trends (Schieber,
similar to ALS, but more striking (Hudson 2007). The distribution of corticospinal tract
et  al., 1993). There may also be pallor in the synapses within a spinal cord motor pool is
fasciculus gracilis, and limited gliosis in the not uniform, and is higher to alpha motor
anterior horn. neurons innervating intrinsic hand and fin-
ger extensor muscles than proximal muscles.
Physiologic evidence comes from intracellu-
PMA lar recordings from alpha motor neurons in
monkeys comparing the strength of synaptic
PMA is characterized clinically as having only input (excitatory postsynaptic potentials) with
LMN loss and no evidence for UMN loss. stimulating the motor cortex. The ultimate
Anterior horn cells are depleted to varying efficacy of cortical synaptic input to alpha
degrees, leading to fiber-type grouping in mus- motor neurons is complex and includes posi-
cle. Of note, there is evidence on postmortem tion of the synapses along alpha motor neuron
examination for UMN loss in about half of one dendrites (those closer to the soma have larger

Figure 3–5.  Muscle cross-section from a patient with ALS showing marked fiber-type grouping (ATPase pH 9.4 stain).
(From Neuromuscular Home Page,, with permission.)
16 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

excitatory postsynaptic potentials), effects of The motor threshold (magnetic field inten-
excitatory and inhibitory inputs (from other sity to reliability elicit a small muscle response)
descending tracts and from spinal cord neu- reflects the density of corticomotor connections,
rons), and discharge frequency of descending and is lowest for activation of intrinsic hand mus-
inputs (leading to facilitation of the effects of cles. Changes of the motor threshold in patients
the input). with ALS over time are variable and may reflect
Information on the anatomic and patho- heterogeneity of MND phenotype or stage of
logic connections in humans is supplemented the disease. However, early in the clinical course
by electrophysiologic studies using transcra- the threshold is low and rises to inexcitability to
nial magnetic stimulation. Transcranial mag- stimulation. The motor evoked potential (ampli-
netic stimulation is a noninvasive method tude of the evoked motor response recorded
for activating cortical neurons by magnetic from muscle) reflects a graded muscle potential
fields, and a variety of stimulation paradigms to increasing magnetic stimulation intensities,
can be applied to explore cortical motor excit- and also reflects the density of corticomotor
ability, conduction time down the spinal cord, connections. Increases in evoked amplitude are
relative excitability of alpha motor neurons, seen early in ALS, and are unique to UMN loss
and the effects of cortical inhibition (Vucic, because increases are not observed in disorders
Ziemann, Eisen, Hallett, & Kiernan, 2013). in the differential diagnosis of ALS (spinal and

x=0 x = –34 z = –34 z = 44


x=0 x = –36 y = 44 L z = 44


x = –16 y = –21 L x = –46


x = –18 y = –15 L x = 22


Figure 3–6.  Cortical imaging changes in patients with ALS compared with ALS + behavioral variant frontotemporal dys-
function. (A) Grey matter atrophy: A1 ALS + behavioral variant frontotemporal dysfunction compared with control subjects;
A2 ALS compared with control subjects. (B) White matter changes: B1 ALS + behavioral variant frontotemporal dysfunction
compared with control subjects; B2 ALS compared with control subjects. (Modified from Lillo et al., 2012.)
3  Clinical Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology of MND 17

bulbar progressive muscular atrophy [Kennedy motor cortices, anterior insula, temporal poles,
disease], multifocal motor neuropathy with thalamus, and striatum, similar to but some-
conduction block; Vucic, Cheah, Yiannikas, & what less than in patients with frontotemporal
Kiernan, 2011). Central motor conduction time lobe dementia but without ALS.
(transit time from the motor cortex to the spi-
nal cord) is modestly increased in ALS, thought
to reflect loss of corticospinal fibers and desyn-
chronization of descending activity. REFERENCES
Carvalho M, Schwartz MS, Swash M. Involvement of the
external anal sphincter in amyotrophic lateral sclero-
PLS sis. Muscle Nerve. 1995;18(8):848–53.
Cruz Martinez A, Trejo JM. Transcranial magnetic stimu-
Most transcranial stimulation data are from lation in amyotrophic and primary lateral sclerosis.
Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1999;39(5):285–8.
ALS, but in PLS (one subject) responses are Fischer LR, Culver DG, Tennant P, Davis AA, Wang M,
found to be reduced in the arm muscles and Castellano-Sanchez A, et al. Amyotrophic lateral scle-
absent in leg muscles, consistent with clini- rosis is a distal axonopathy: evidence in mice and man.
cal features of greater leg dysfunction (Cruz Exp Neurol. 2004;185(2):232–40.
Hudson AJ, Kiernan JA, Munoz DG, Pringle CE, Brown
Martinez & Trejo, 1999). WF, Ebers GC. Clinicopathological features of pri-
mary lateral sclerosis are different from amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis. Brain Res Bull. 1993;30(3–4):359–64.
Frontotemporal Lobe Ince PG, Evans J, Knopp M, Forster G, Hamdalla HH,
Wharton SB, et  al. Corticospinal tract degeneration
There is clinical recognition of neuronal dys- in the progressive muscular atrophy variant of ALS.
Neurology. 2003;60(8):1252–8.
function in ALS beyond the motor system, and Lillo P, Mioshi E, Burrell JR, Kiernan MC, Hodges JR,
involves temporal lobe neurons. The construct Hornberger M. Grey and white matter changes across
of frontotemporal lobe cell and fiber loss is less the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-frontotemporal
well organized than for the motor system. dementia continuum. PLoS One. 2012;7(8):e43993.
Schieber MH. Comparative anatomy and physiology
A variety of techniques are available to of the corticospinal system. Handb Clin Neurol.
document neuron and fiber loss, including his- 2007;82:15–37.
topathology and imaging studies (Lillo et  al., Vucic S, Cheah BC, Yiannikas C, Kiernan MC. Cortical
2012). Imaging studies in patients with ALS excitability distinguishes ALS from mimic disorders.
with behavioral variant frontotemporal lobe Clin Neurophysiol. 2011;122(9):1860–6.
Vucic S, Ziemann U, Eisen A, Hallett M, Kiernan MC.
dysfunction, in contrast to patients with ALS Transcranial magnetic stimulation and amyotrophic
without behavioral dysfunction, show gray lateral sclerosis: pathophysiological insights. J Neurol
matter atrophy frontal gyrus, premotor and Neurosurg Psychiatr. 2013;84(10):1161–70.
Chapter 4

Clinical Features of Motor

Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND The constellation of features is unique for ALS

NEW POINTS and progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), and
their recognition is key to making an accurate
The clinical features of the various forms of diagnosis. The features of primary lateral scle-
motor neuron disease (MND) are important to rosis (PLS) are less specific, and overlap with
recognize in the diagnostic process. Major fea- other disorders. Clinical features are consid-
tures were well described in the 1800s. ered by region of involvement (Table 4–1).
Up to 50% of patients with amyotrophic lat-
eral sclerosis (ALS) have elements of fronto-
temporal lobe dementia (FTLD), and patients COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION
who present with FTLD can be found to have
unsuspected ALS. Furthermore, this type
of dementia can occur alone in other family PATIENTS WITH MND
members as part of a dementia-ALS hereditary
pattern. Recognition of elements of frontotem- Subtle changes in cognition can be recognized
poral lobe syndrome is important because they in patients with ALS before becoming clini-
have an impact on patient care. cally obvious. Changes documented by neu-
ropsychologic tests cover a range of functional
domains: language, immediate verbal memory,
delayed verbal memory, visual memory, flu-
INTRODUCTION ency, executive functioning, attention, verbal
intelligence, psychomotor speed, visuopercep-
Charcot and contemporaries recognized the tual functions, and visuoconstructive skills. No
clinical features of MND in the 19th century. single study includes all functional domains,

4  Clinical Features of MND 19

Table 4–1  Symptoms and Signs by Region of Involvement

Region/Function Symptoms Signs
Frontotemporal lobes: Ease of crying or laughing Emotional lability
behavior, semantics, Increased/wider yawning Increased yawning
executive function Poverty of words Word-finding difficulties
Social withdrawal Quiet demeanor
Decision-making difficulties Indecision
Impatience Impatience
Open-eyed appearance
Brainstem: Excess saliva, frequent throat clearing Sialorrhea
bulbar functions Slurred speech Dysarthria
Deliberate/forced swallowing Exaggerated swallow
Choking on liquids Choking
Change in diet for swallowing comfort Dysphagia
Weight loss
Spinal cord: Limb weakness Atrophic muscle weakness
limb functions Falls Fasciculations
Ease of muscle cramping Slow development of strength
Muscle twitching Spastic catch
Loss of muscle mass Pathologic reflexes
Slowness of movement Spastic gait
Need to concentrate to move
Generalized fatigue
Rostral spinal cord: Shortness of breath with speech Short sentences
respiratory function Shortness of breath with activity Weak cough
Weak cough Accessory respiratory muscle use
Use of additional pillows
Shortness of breath lying supine
Frequent a.m. headaches
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Need for naps

and a meta-analysis focused on 16 studies that PLS has been found to include cognitive
included ALS patients with definite, probable, changes on a par with those found in patients
and possible ALS by El Escorial Criteria and with ALS (Grace et  al., 2011). Overall scores
who were not demented (Raaphorst, de Visser, on a comprehensive battery of neuropsycho-
Linssen, de Haan, & Schmand, 2010). The logic tests were within normal limits, but 39%
pooled weighted effect indicated medium level of 18 patients with PLS had abnormal scores
severity losses for intermediate verbal memory, on tests of executive function and behavioral
visual memory, fluency, psychomotor speed, symptoms. None were severe and in the range
language, and executive functioning among of dementia. The pattern of abnormal tests was
patients with ALS. similar to 13 patients with ALS tested in a simi-
PMA does not involve clinical manifesta- lar manner.
tions of upper motor neuron (UMN) motor
loss, but evidence for cognitive changes has
been found. In comparisons among 23 patients
with clinical PMA, 30 patients with ALS, and FRONTOTEMPORAL LOBE
normal control subjects, 17% of patients with DYSFUNCTION AND
PMA performed worse on three or more tests, DEMENTIA
most commonly digit span backward (atten-
tion/working memory) and category fluency Identification of frontotemporal lobe dys-
(naming words/unit time) compared with con- function is important diagnostically because
trol subjects, but no differences compared with it places lesion sites at a supratentorial level.
patients with ALS (Raaphorst et al., 2011). Symptoms attributed to frontotemporal lobe
20 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

dysfunction differ from those in Alzheimer dis- be apparent only after querying the caregiver
ease, with the former showing a spectrum of (Irwin, Lippa, & Swearer, 2007).
changes in behavior, verbal fluency, and execu- In a study of 16 consecutive patients assessed
tive function, but a relative preservation of for frontotemporal lobe dysfunction (14 with
memory (Strong, 2008). The features vary from Airlie House Criteria of definite or probable
very mild (frontotemporal lobe dysfunction) ALS and two with possible ALS) almost 88%
to a full complement sufficient to meet formal had some change in affect or social behavior
research criteria for FTLD (Neary et al., 2000; with two patients fulfilling criteria for FTLD
Rascovsky et al., 2011; Kreider & Walsh, 1997). (Gibbons, Richardson, Neary, & Snowden,
Frontotemporal lobe dysfunction has been 2008). The two patients who fulfilled criteria
divided into three areas based on clinical and for suspected ALS exhibited some frontotem-
pathologic experience:  (1)  behavioral vari- poral signs.
ant, (2)  progressive nonfluent aphasia variant, Progressive aphasia is characterized by non-
and (3) semantic dementia variant (Table 4–2; fluency with hesitancy with words, effortful
Neary et al., 2000). However, it is recognized word production, and reduced word output.
that many patients with MND can exhibit Reduced verbal fluency is most common and
subtle behavioral and social features not suf- usually manifest by reduced speech output and
ficient to meet formal FTLD criteria, but that few-word answers to questions. Fluency can
can be recognized as a frontotemporal lobe be easily assessed in the clinic by word gen-
syndrome (Strong, 2008; Strong et  al., 2009). eration tests that include the number of “D”
Examples of behavioral changes include break- words or animal names recited within 60 sec-
down of social and personal conduct and emo- onds. Interestingly, patients with MND with
tional blunting. Social conduct changes include aphasia generate more than 75% of words in
disinhibition, emotional blunting, and social the first 15 seconds compared with normal
withdrawal. Executive dysfunction can be the subjects who give words throughout the 60
hardest to detect and is more apparent on neu- seconds. Among 100 El Escorial Criteria defi-
ropsychometric testing, but clinical examples nite of probable patients with ALS screened as
include difficulty attending to details (planning above, 31% had reduced word generation and
and abstraction) required to make decisions, 6 of 27 patients who had normal word genera-
and the inability to make decisions, which may tion scores had behavioral changes meeting
FTLD research criteria (Lomen-Hoerth et al.,
2003). Conversely, among 36 patients who were
Table 4–2  Features of Frontotemporal initially evaluated for symptoms of FTLD
Lobe Dysfunction in MND With and who met research criteria 14% were also
Percentages From a Study of 16 found to meet El Escorial Criteria for definite
Patients With ALS ALS and an additional 36% with possible ALS
(Lomen-Hoerth, Anderson, & Miller, 2002).
Term Characteristics Several of the remaining patients with FTLD
MNDbi (bv: Deficits in one or more areas: had fasciculations or bulbar dysfunction and
behavioral self-centeredness (69%) one progressed to meet criteria for definite
variant) irritability (63%) ALS within a year. In general, progressive
apathy (38%) aphasia is more common than semantic apha-
blunted emotional response sia in the setting of MND. Semantic aphasia is
(25%) characterized by effortless speech without hes-
reduced personal hygiene
itancies but little information is conveyed and
social disinhibition (13%) there is increased use of broad generic terms
increased aggression (13%) (i.e., “thing” for an item).
social disinhibition (19%) Other symptoms of frontal lobe dysfunc-
excess sociality (13%) tion may be subtle or occur late. There may
aggression (13%) be impatience to a request for help from the
caregiver when the caregiver cannot comply
Note 14 patients had insufficient characteristics to meet
Neary criteria for frontotemporal lobe dementia, whereas
immediately, and may include overall irritabil-
two did. Modified from Gibbons et al. (2008) and Strong ity. A patient with dysarthria may give up with
(2008). oral communication out of frustration and not
4  Clinical Features of MND 21

try other forms of communication even when patients have facial expression of wide-open
available. A relatively late symptom is a strong eyes or surprise, which has been observed and
wish not to be left alone when the caregiver discussed most with progressive supranucular
must leave the room, even briefly for house- palsy (Batla, Nehru, & Vijay, 2010). The lesion
hold tasks. Rarely, patients want to be driven in site is believed to be loss of anterior descending
an automobile around their neighborhood. An motor systems. Pseudobulbar affect is observed
open question is whether a patient’s inability in PLS (Le Forestier et al., 2001).
to make a decision regarding an intervention Frequent and forced (wide) yawning is com-
when the need and benefit seems clear, such mon in ALS, and it may have a number of
as use of an item of durable equipment, repre- pathologic substrates. It can be considered a
sents a problem in executive decision making. UMN release sign (Williams, 2000).
A question arises of whether site of ALS onset
(bulbar or limbs) is more associated with devel-
opment of frontotemporal syndrome or FTLD.
A  prospective study of 355 patients with the BULBAR DYSFUNCTION
diagnosis of definite or probable ALS showed
no association with site of onset (Sterling et al., The earliest symptom of bulbar dysfunction is
2010). Another study of 130 patients with frequently a change in voice quality (dyspho-
ALS compared their level of daily function nia) followed by a change in speech production
by the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised (dysarthria). Concurrently, there is usually dif-
(ALSFRS-R) scores with their level of behav- ficulty swallowing, frequently heralded by sial-
ioral impairment on the Frontotemporal orrhea. Both speech and swallowing require
Dementia Rating Scale and found no correla- very fine motor control, and symptoms of dys-
tion (Hsieh, Lillo, Kiernan, Hodges, & Mioshi, function can be caused by either loss of UMN
2013). This indicates that patients with ALS at or lower motor neurons (LMNs) or a combina-
any stage of their disease may also have behav- tion, and it is difficult to distinguish the rela-
ioral symptoms. tive pathologic contributions in a given patient.
Bulbar symptoms may appear as the first symp-
tom of MND or any time later in the course,
but about 20% of patients experience no sig-
PSEUDOBULBAR AFFECT nificant bulbar dysfunction.
Recognition of pseudobulbar affect, in com- Dysarthria
bination with other motor symptoms, is
also important diagnostically because it The earliest symptoms of dysphonia may be
places a lesion in a supratentorial location. recognized only by the patient, and described
Pseudobulbar affect represents an inability as a voice that is hoarse or weak or excessively
to manage emotional expression and results breathy, and symptoms may vary within a day
in outbursts of poorly controlled laughing, due to fatigue and from day to day (Robert,
crying, or both (Rosen & Cummings, 2007). Pouget, Giovanni, Azulay, & Triglia, 1999).
Alternative terms include pathologic laughing/ Dysphonia is localized to disordered vocal
crying, emotional lability, and emotional incon- fold (chord) contractions during exhalation.
tinence, but pseudobulbar affect is preferred. Impaired function affects the vibratory func-
Pseudobulbar affect must be distinguished tion of the folds and changes voice sounds.
from depression, and the key features pres- Dysarthria implies paralysis or inability to
ent in pseudobulbar affect but not depression coordinate muscles involved in speech, and
are (1)  an inappropriateness to the situation, can include impairment of planning speech.
(2) precipitation by nonspecific stimuli, (3) lack In the context of bulbar motor involvement
of a close relationship between the emotional dysarthria represents UMN or LMN dysfunc-
expression and how the patient is feeling, tion, whereas in the overall context of MND
(4) stereotypy of the episodes, and (5) no mood it may include a degree of aphasia from fron-
change corresponding to the episodes (sense totemporal lobe dysfunction. Early symptoms
of relief from expressing the emotion). Some recognized by the patient, before recognition
22 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

by listeners, are the need to mentally work with the blade. Weakness of lip function can
harder to form words and sentences. There be frequently elicited when a patient acknowl-
may also be a factor of listener politeness that edges that they can no longer purse their lips
delays identification of the onset of dysar- to whistle with the same control as at an earlier
thria. Motor and mental fatigue contributing time or by an inability to seal their lips around
to transient speech deterioration is common. a straw. Contraction fasciculations can occa-
Speaking on the telephone is frequently more sionally be observed in the mentalis muscle as
problematic than face-to-face speech, likely a sign of LMN loss.
because there is an element of reading facial Acoustic analysis of patients with ALS (El
expressions and lip movement with the latter. Escorial Criteria definite or probable) shows
Patients may describe good days when their difficulties in pronouncing specific syllables
speech is closer to normal followed by bad days for those with clinical dysarthria (bulbar onset)
when it is harder to understand, but the overall and also those with no clinical dysarthria (limb
pattern over time is progression of difficulties. onset) compared with control subjects (Tomik
Breath support due to respiratory compromise et  al., 1999). The time between consonant
can affect speech and may lead to low volume and vowel sounds was significantly longer, in
or shortened sentences to allow for a breath. descending order, for the bulbar onset group
Poor breath support is a sign of early respira- (B > O > I > W > T) and the limb onset group
tory insufficiency. (B > I > T > W > O).
Quantitative measurements of speech can The degree of dysarthria can progress to
separate ALS (El Escorial Criteria definite) no intelligible sounds. Short of this stage,
from control subjects based on vocal instability listeners accustomed to the speech pattern,
(Robert et  al., 1999). Quantitative assessment such as family members, can understand a
was more sensitive than qualitative measures. sufficient amount for basic communications.
Furthermore, several quantitative abnor- There is frequently impatience on the part
malities were observed in patients with ALS of the patient and frustration on the part of
whether they were or were not symptomatic the listeners. Despite the ability of a patient
for bulbar dysfunction. Both LMN and UMN to write messages, written communication
lesion sites underlie the quantitative changes is used less by the patient than might be
noted, and thus dysarthria is complex. expected. Likewise, simple communication
Dysarthria is usually obvious during the devices, alphabet boards, or computer-based
clinical interview. Dysarthria results from a devices are uncommonly adopted, and cog-
combination of UMN and LMN neuron loss. nitive issues maybe a factor (see later in the
UMN contribution to dysarthria is apparent by chapter).
spastic speech with a strained and strangled
pattern. Primary UMN involvement is further
supported by relative preservation of tongue Dysphagia
bulk. LMN contribution is apparent with flac-
cid qualities, supported by loss of tongue bulk Dysphagia usually follows dysarthria in dis-
and spontaneous or contraction fasciculations ease progression. Patients are the first to be
noted (true spontaneous fasciculations are aware of difficulty swallowing. The first sign
when the tongue is at rest in the mouth, and may be the need to clear the throat more
contraction fasciculations are when the tongue often to manage secretions. Sialorrhea, in the
is activated). The proportion of UMN and form of wetness of the mouth when inspect-
LMN involvement changes over time. UMN ing the tongue, is frequently observed.
and LMN loss results in slowed rapid side-side Salivary glands produce 1–1.5 quarts of saliva
tongue movements and weakness. Tongue per day, and when swallowing slows, saliva is
strength is measured most reliably by asking not cleared and accumulates. There may be
the patient to stick their tongue out to one side deliberate swallowing prior to speaking to
and have them press it against a tongue blade clear pooled saliva.
while the tongue blade is moved to the mid- More specific signs are the need to think
line: normally tongue strength is such that the about the act of swallowing; to swallow
tongue blade cannot be moved and the blade multiple times to clear secretions or liquids
bends; when weak it is easy to move the tongue or a bolus of food; or the need to begin to
4  Clinical Features of MND 23

eliminate certain foods, such as lettuce and Swallowing can become markedly impaired
bread. With progression, liquids become and lead to a reduction in dietary intake and
harder than solids to swallow. Pills, especially weight loss. However, some patients man-
small tablets, may be particularly challenging, age to swallow in the setting of no visible
because they cannot flow along with the rapid tongue movement. A gastric feeding tube can
transit of the liquid bolus and become caught. eliminate the need to swallow liquids and
Tongue weakness during the chewing process food, but the need to swallow saliva remains.
becomes apparent with difficulty sweeping Aspiration pneumonia occurs relatively infre-
food between cheek and teeth and moving it quently despite marked swallowing difficul-
to the posterior portion of the mouth in prep- ties, but an occasional patient experiences
aration for swallowing. Although muscles of recurrent bouts (Sorenson, Crum, & Stevens,
mastication rarely become weak to the point 2007).
that chewing is impaired, jaw opening may Masseter muscle strength has been mea-
become reduced. sured quantitatively in patients with ALS
Swallowing is a complex process with with bulbar symptoms (Ohnuki, Takizawa, &
voluntary and reflex initiation and several Shinohara, 2002). Occlusal forces were not
defined motor stages. In a study using elec- different from control subjects, indicating that
tromyographic markers of muscle activation the masseter muscle is not particular vulner-
in patients fulfilling El Escorial criteria and able in ALS. However, in patients with bulbar
with both UMN and LMN involvement of involvement subclinical denervation changes
bulbar function to varying degrees the fol- by various quantitative electromyographic
lowing defects were noted (Ertekin et  al., techniques can be detected (Finsterer,
2000). (1)  There is slowed triggering of the Erdorf, Mamoli, & Fuglsang-Frederiksen,
swallowing reflex, more marked in the setting 1998).
of voluntary swallowing, attributed primar-
ily to loss of UMNs. (2) The crycopharyngeal
sphincter muscle in ALS dysphagia relaxes
abnormally due to alterations in timing of UPPER EXTREMITY
relaxation and increased and inappropriate DYSFUNCTION
activity. This, in turn, is attributed to a lack
of coordination with other muscles and due Upper extremity dysfunction occurs in most
to disinhibition from loss of UMN control. patients in all forms of MND. For ALS and
There is progressive loss of voluntary swal- PMA, upper extremity weakness is mostly
lowing attributed to loss of UMN to initiate caused by LMN loss, but in ALS there are
the swallow, but with preservation of reflexive varying degrees of dysfunction related to UMN
swallowing. However, reflexive swallowing is loss, primarily manifest by slowness of move-
impaired by loss of UMN control. In a study of ments and the need to exert greater mental
11 patients with bulbar involvement, includ- effort for a movement. In PLS, all dysfunction
ing tongue fasciculations, patients underwent is associated with UMN loss and movements
fiberoptic examination during swallowing of are slow.
paste, liquid, and solid foods (D’Ottaviano, Certain muscles and muscle groups seem to
Linhares Filho, Andrade, Alves, & Rocha, be vulnerable to LMN loss early in the course
2013). Eight reported symptoms of dyspha- of ALS and PMA, and can be considered to be
gia but all had swallowing dysfunction. The “index” muscles during the diagnostic process.
oral preparatory phase was altered in seven Intrinsic hand muscles have received the most
patients, whereas oral transit and pharyn- attention, in particular those in the lateral hand
geal phase dysfunction was observed in all (anatomic position:  first dorsal interosseous
of them. These difficulties were attributed to and thenar group muscles) with atrophy and
LMN impairment, which in turn is attributed weakness affecting fine motor control, such as
to tongue weakness. There is also evidence manipulating buttons. Although the pattern of
that up to 50% of patients with ALS have a a dissociated or split hand is also seen in other
deficit in laryngeal sensation that may con- disorders (normal aging, spinal muscular atro-
tribute to dysphagia (Amin, Harris, Cassel, phy, spinocerebellar ataxia type 3; Schelhaas,
Grimes, & Heiman-Patterson, 2006). van de Warrenburg, Kremer, & Zwarts, 2003),
24 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

in the appropriate clinical context, atrophy and The anterior tibialis muscle is an index
weakness of these muscles are strongly support- muscle involved early in the course of ALS
ive of ALS and PMA (Voermans, Schelhaas, and PMA, presenting as a mild foot drop lead-
Munneke, & Zwarts, 2006; Kuwabara et  al., ing to an ease of tripping. Mild weakness of
2008). Other index muscles are the third volar ankle dorsiflexion can be verified by asking the
interosseous muscle with weakness of fifth patient to stand on their heels. Occasionally, a
digit adduction when the fingers are in an patient may fall for unclear reasons causing a
extended position. Digital extension is charac- lower extremity fracture that leads to neuro-
teristically affected causing flexor tendon con- logic assessment and diagnosis of MND due to
tractions (curled hand posture). Patients may lack of improvement with rehabilitation after
describe ease of muscle cramping with routine healing of the fracture. Proximal muscle weak-
activities. Prominent contraction fasciculations ness is noted when patients have a difficult time
are indicators of LMN loss and subsequent col- rising from a low sitting position, and rising
lateral reinnervation. Muscle strength may not from the toilet is a good example of a low seat.
be weak in a muscle with fasciculations, likely The leg may give away at the knee as an indi-
due to the fact that a large number of LMNs cation of quadriceps muscle weakness. Patients
must be lost before reinnervation cannot keep frequently describe, after a fall to the ground,
up with denervation. Asymmetry of weakness, difficulty getting up without using their arms
especially early in the course, is a very common on a solid support.
feature. Fasciculations are a prominent feature of
Clinical signs of UMN loss, demonstrable in ALS and are considered an electrophysiologic
some patients with ALS and in all patients with hallmark. The question of benign fasciculations
PLS, are spastic catches. In the upper extremi- arises in the setting of exercise. A study using
ties, a catch to rapid extension of the forearm muscle ultrasound to detect fasciculations was
at the elbow or pronation of the forearm may conducted in 58 healthy subjects across an age
be demonstrated, and in the legs, slowed and range of 20–93  years (Fermont et  al., 2010).
reduced swinging when the leg is passively When assessed at rest, 43% had fasciculations,
extended at the knee with the patient seated on and the most common muscle was the abduc-
an examination table. Pathologically brisk ten- tor halluces, and rare fasciculations were found
don reflexes are the most common sign of UMN in muscles above the knee. Among 10 subjects
loss. The term “pathologically brisk reflexes” ages 20–40 years tested 30 minutes after stren-
represents clinical judgment. Perhaps the term uous exercise four of five males but no females
“incongruously brisk” is more descriptive of a had fasciculations in the gastrocnemius mus-
tendon reflex that is brisker than expected for a cles, which resolved within 24 hours.
weak muscle (Younger et al., 1990). The finding Gait instability leading to falls, in the setting
of asymmetry of reflexes, whether or not they of good strength, reflects leg spasticity from
are clearly pathologic, is supportive of UMN UMN loss. Spasticity in the lower extremi-
pathology when other causes of asymmetric ties can be demonstrated by an increased
reflexes are excluded. Spread of reflex muscle resistance to passive movement or a catch
activation to surrounding muscles is unequiv- with rapid bending movements at the knee.
ocal evidence for UMN loss. Hoffmann Movements that cause postural instability,
responses, especially in asymmetric distribu- such as turning, leaning to reach, and crouch-
tion, are also indicative. ing, are problematic and lead to frequent falls.
Spasticity of gait may be marked and is usu-
ally asymmetric. Patients frequently describe
more stiffness with the first few steps after sit-
LOWER EXTREMITY ting for some time that lessens after walking
DYSFUNCTION several steps. Pathologic tendon reflexes can be
identified with the same attention to incongru-
Leg dysfunction occurs eventually in all ous briskness, asymmetry, and spread. Clonus
patients with MND. Gait spasticity is promi- can be frequently elicited at the ankle joint.
nent in PLS and occurs frequently in ALS. Interestingly, extensor plantar responses are
Muscle weakness in ALS and PMA is due to less frequently encountered than expected for
LMN loss. the degree of other signs of UMN.
4  Clinical Features of MND 25

RESPIRATORY movements reveal early involvement (Sharma

DYSFUNCTION et  al., 2011). Pursuit abnormalities, slowed
saccades (mainly vertical saccades), and sac-
It is rare for a patient to present with symptoms cadic intrusions are noted mostly in association
of respiratory failure that leads to the diagno- with frontotemporal lobe dysfunction and are
sis of MND, but in this context the history and ascribed to supranucular neuron loss.
examination usually reveal an unsuspected or
unreported degree of diffuse muscle atrophy
and weakness. REFERENCES
Patients may describe transient shortness
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setting of relatively good levels of pulmo- Heiman-Patterson T. Sensory testing in the assess-
nary function, and because these episodes ment of laryngeal sensation in patients with amyo-
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are relieved by taking several deep breaths, 2006;115(7):528–34.
they likely reflect a brief episode of anxiety. Batla A, Nehru R, Vijay T. Vertical wrinkling of the fore-
However, the pathophysiologic trigger for head or procerus sign in progressive supranuclear
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mention a transient feeling that they have D’Ottaviano FG, Linhares Filho TA, Andrade HM, Alves
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breath, even in the setting of relatively poor rosis. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;79(3):349–53.
levels of pulmonary function, is a late phe- Ertekin C, Aydogdu I, Yuceyar N, Kiylioglu N, Tarlaci S,
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respiratory demands because limb muscles are Fermont J, Arts IM, Overeem S, Kleine BU, Schelhaas
very weak and muscle metabolism is overall HJ, Zwarts MJ. Prevalence and distribution of fas-
low. Orthopnea is also a late phenomenon. The ciculations in healthy adults:  effect of age, caffeine
activities of bathing and dressing are strenu- consumption and exercise. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
ous and patients frequently describe shortness Finsterer J, Erdorf M, Mamoli B, Fuglsang-Frederiksen
of breath and the need to lie down before con- A. Needle electromyography of bulbar muscles
tinuing on. This likely reflects fatigue more in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  evi-
than respiratory insufficiency. dence of subclinical involvement. Neurology.
Clinical assessments of respiratory insuf- Gibbons ZC, Richardson A, Neary D, Snowden JS.
ficiency are a shortening of spoken sentences Behaviour in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph
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in PLS:  a comparison with ALS. Can J Neurol Sci.
Other sign of insufficiency is an ineffective 2011;38(1):88–97.
cough, identified in the clinic as a “huff” rather Hsieh S, Lillo P, Kiernan MC, Hodges JR, Mioshi E.
than a “bark.” Similarly, patients may describe When more is needed: the utility of the frontotempo-
their sneeze effort as less forceful than in ral dementia scale in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler
Frontotemporal Degener. 2013;14(3):169–71.
the past. Irwin D, Lippa CF, Swearer JM. Cognition and amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Am J Alzheimers Dis
Other Demen. 2007;22(4):300–12.
Kreider C, Walsh BA. Benchmarking for a competi-
EYE MOVEMENT tive edge. MLO Med Lab Obs. 1997;(suppl):26-9;
Kuwabara S, Sonoo M, Komori T, Shimizu T, Hirashima
F, Inaba A, et  al. Dissociated small hand muscle
Eye movement abnormalities are generally atrophy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  fre-
observed clinically only late in the progression quency, extent, and specificity. Muscle Nerve.
of ALS, mainly in patients who are supported 2008;37(4):426–30.
by invasive ventilation and are beyond the nor- Le Forestier N, Maisonobe T, Piquard A, Rivaud S,
Crevier-Buchman L, Salachas F, et  al. Does pri-
mal life span of ALS. However, the overlap of mary lateral sclerosis exist? A  study of 20 patients
ALS and FTLD broadens the range of central and a review of the literature. Brain. 2001;124(pt
neuron involvement and detailed studies of eye 10):1989–99.
26 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Lomen-Hoerth C, Anderson T, Miller B. The overlap Sharma R, Hicks S, Berna CM, Kennard C, Talbot K,
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal Turner MR. Oculomotor dysfunction in amyotrophic
dementia. Neurology. 2002;59(7):1077–9. lateral sclerosis:  a comprehensive review. Arch
Lomen-Hoerth C, Murphy J, Langmore S, Kramer Neurol. 2011;68(7):857–61.
JH, Olney RK, Miller B. Are amyotrophic lateral Sorenson EJ, Crum B, Stevens JC. Incidence of aspira-
sclerosis patients cognitively normal? Neurology. tion pneumonia in ALS in Olmsted County, MN.
2003;60(7):1094–7. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2007;8(2):87–9.
Neary D, Snowden JS, Mann DM. Cognitive change in Sterling LE, Jawaid A, Salamone AR, Murthy SB,
motor neurone disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Mosnik DM, McDowell E, et  al. Association
(MND/ALS). J Neurol Sci. 2000;180(1-2):15–20. between dysarthria and cognitive impairment in
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Shinkeigaku. 2002;42(6):501–3. Strong MJ. The syndromes of frontotemporal dysfunction
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der Kooi AJ, de Haan RJ, et al. Cognitive dysfunction nitive and behavioural syndromes in amyo-
in lower motor neuron disease: executive and memory trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
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Chapter 5

Frontotemporal Dysfunction and

Dementia in Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis
Lauren Elman and Zachary Simmons


Behavioral Instruments OF FTD
Combined Cognitive and Behavioral PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT OF
Instruments ALS-FTD

BACKGROUND AND lack the sensitivity, specificity, and availability

NEW POINTS to be used as routine clinical tools. Pathologic,
genetic, and biomarker studies are leading to
Although cognitive changes were noticed early a better understanding of biology and patho-
on, they were not widely recognized or char- genesis. FTD shortens lifespan in patients, and
acterized. Recently, cognitive or behavioral increases caregiver strain, distress, and burden.
impairment has been found to occur in up to half Education of, and support for, the caregiver are
of individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis essential because pharmacologic interventions
(ALS), and is severe enough in approximately for the patient are limited.
10% to meet criteria for frontotemporal demen-
tia (FTD). The most common presentation is INTRODUCTION
the behavioral variant (bvFTD), characterized
by personality changes. Definitive diagnosis Classically, ALS has been considered to be a
requires detailed neuropsychological testing, motor neuron disease. It is now known that a
but brief examination instruments are avail- more appropriate conceptualization of ALS is
able for clinical use. Imaging techniques to date that of a broader neurodegenerative disease

28 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

of the central nervous system. Of particular (Geser et  al., 2009)  may also manifest cogni-
importance among the extramotor abnor- tive and behavioral abnormalities.
malities of ALS are cognitive and behavioral
dysfunction, which if sufficiently severe may
manifest as FTD. Cases of ALS associated
with dementia have been reported sporadi- CLINICAL FEATURES
cally since the late 1800s but until recently this
was  considered a relatively rare occurrence. FTD may present either primarily as a behav-
Since the mid-1990s the association between ioral dysexecutive disorder or as a language
ALS and FTD has been increasingly recog- disorder, both in the setting of relatively
nized and reported (Neary, Snowden, & Mann, preserved memory function. Consensus
2000; Lomen-Hoerth et  al., 2003; Ringholz diagnostic criteria (Neary criteria) for FTD
et al., 2005). were published in 1998 and address the sub-
types of the disorder (Neary et  al., 1998).
The term FTD is used to refer to the global
clinical syndrome that encompasses both the
EPIDEMIOLOGY behavioral/executive and language variants;
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD)
Reports of the prevalence of cognitive and is the pathologic correlate of most cases of
behavioral impairment in ALS vary, depending FTD. The original Neary criteria refer to the
upon the definitions and instruments used. It is behavioral/executive form of FTD as FTD.
important to keep in mind that not all patients Subsequently, to avoid confusion, this sub-
with cognitive or behavioral impairment dem- type of FTD has often been termed bvFTD
onstrate deficits that are severe enough to meet (Strong et al., 2009). bvFTD is a disorder of
criteria for FTD. Thus, approximately 5–15% social comportment characterized by person-
of patients with ALS meet the formal criteria ality change, impaired interpersonal relation-
(Neary et al., 1998) for the diagnosis of FTD, ships, apathy, emotional blunting, poor insight,
whereas an additional 33–51% of patients and lack of empathy. Patients may exhibit a
have some degree of cognitive or behavioral change in eating habits with new-onset car-
impairment (Raaphorst, de Visser, Linssen, bohydrate craving and impulsive eating that
de Haan, & Schmand, 2010; Phukan et  al., often leads to weight gain; there is often a
2012). Conversely, when patients who present decline in personal hygiene and grooming.
clinically with FTD are screened for motor The language variants of FTD can be sub-
neuron dysfunction, 12–15% meet criteria for sumed under the term primary progressive
the diagnosis of ALS, and some additional aphasia and can present as progressive non-
patients are found to have otherwise unex- fluent aphasia (PNFA), semantic dementia
plained signs of motor dysfunction by exami- (SD), or logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA).
nation or electrophysiology (Lomen-Hoerth, In PNFA, speech is effortful and agrammatic
Anderson, & Miller, 2002; Burrell, Kiernan, with prominent paraphasic errors; this syn-
Vucic, & Hodges, 2011). Attempts to determine drome may progress to muteness. Speech in
if there are specific subsets of patients with SD is fluent and empty with impaired con-
ALS that are likely to present with or develop frontational naming and object knowledge;
dementia have led to mixed results. For word and object comprehension are similarly
example, bulbar-onset disease is more likely affected. LPA, which was not included in the
to be associated with cognitive or behavioral Neary diagnostic criteria, is characterized by
changes in most series (Lomen-Hoerth et  al., difficulty with word retrieval and repetition;
2003; Raaphorst, Beeldman, De Visser, De the pathology in this disorder may be that of
Haan, & Schmand, 2012a; Chio et  al., 2010; FTLD or Alzheimer disease (Mesulam et al.,
Zimmerman, Eslinger, Simmons, & Barrett, 2008; Grossman et  al., 2008). There may be
2007)  but not all (Ringholz et  al., 2005). considerable overlap among these syndromes.
Patients with clinically isolated upper motor For example, supportive features of the diag-
neuron disease (Kobayashi et al., 2010; Grace nosis of bvFTD include changes in speech
et  al., 2011)  or lower motor neuron disease output that may lead to mutism. Both PNFA
5  FTD and Dementia in ALS 29

and SD may be associated with behavioral and impersistence, hyperorality, stereotyped

changes later in the course of disease. behavior, utilization behavior, loss of insight,
disinhibition, restlessness, distractibility,
reduced empathy, impulsiveness, social with-
drawal, reduced verbal output, persevera-
DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA tion, poor self-care, and sexual hyperactivity.
AND CATEGORIZATION These behaviors should not be explained by
any other conditions, including Axis I  and
The cognitive and behavioral abnormalities Axis II psychiatric disorders and pseudo-
seen in patients with ALS do not always eas- bulbar affect. ALS-cognitive impairment
ily map onto the diagnostic criteria for FTD (ALSci) is appropriately diagnosed when the
and may extend beyond the usual deficits seen patient scores below the fifth percentile on
in FTD to include memory (Raaphorst et  al., a minimum of two tests of executive func-
2010, 2012a). Patients with ALS may have a tion. Again, exclusionary criteria include pre-
frontal dysexecutive syndrome with prominent morbid and comorbid conditions that better
impaired mental flexibility without the severe explain the abnormalities.
behavioral abnormalities required for the diag-
nosis of bvFTD; the Neary criteria does not
allow for a diagnosis in this subset of patients.
In fact, the most common pattern of frontal ASSESSMENT OF
lobe impairment seen in the ALS population COGNITIVE AND
is likely a combination of mild cognitive and BEHAVIORAL DEFICITS
behavioral deficits (Murphy JM et  al., 2007).
Deficits in verbal fluency, as measured by word Correct assignment of patients into these
generation tasks, are the most commonly docu- diagnostic categories is a somewhat tricky
mented cognitive abnormality in patients with process that requires standardized evalu-
ALS; this dysexecutive feature may be seen in ation. Patients may meet criteria for both
patients who meet clinical criteria for demen- ALSbi and ALSci. The evaluation of behav-
tia and in those who do not (Murphy J, Henry, ior and cognition in ALS is complicated by
& Lomen-Hoerth, 2007). The key concept for the need for completeness while limiting
clinicians to grasp is that not all patients with the motor component for tasks and speech
ALS who have frontotemporal dysfunction to minimize their influence on scoring, and
necessarily have FTD. Some have cognitive limiting the length of the evaluation to avoid
or behavioral impairments that place them patient fatigue. Adjustments for timed verbal
outside of the normal range, but are not suf- responses are required for patients with dys-
ficiently severe to fulfill “dementia” criteria. arthria or for those who communicate by other
The need to recognize the continuum of means. Agrammatism and aphasia should not
cognitive and behavioral presentations led to be overdiagnosed in patients who write, type,
the development of consensus criteria and the or use eye-gaze systems, because a change in
creation of clinically relevant diagnostic terms language patterns may simply reflect energy
by a group of experts in ALS and FTD that conservation. Importantly, pseudobulbar
included both neurologists and neuropsychol- affect should not be interpreted as a manifes-
ogists (Strong et al., 2009). Patients who meet tation of behavioral pathology. The bare min-
the Neary criteria for full blown dementia are imum requirements for a screen, as defined at
termed ALS-FTD. This group can be subdi- the consensus, include a word generation task
vided by FTD subtype into bvFTD, PNFA, to assess executive function and a caregiver
or SD. In contrast, the term ALSbi is used interview to assess emotional and behavioral
to describe those with ALS and behavioral function (Strong et al., 2009). A screen alone
impairment who do not meet  all criteria for should not be used to diagnose ALS-FTD,
FTD but who fulfill at least two supportive ALSbi, or ALSci. Formal neuropsychologi-
diagnostic features from the Neary criteria or cal evaluation is the gold standard to make
Hodges criteria (Gregory, Serra-Mestres, & these diagnoses; however, such assessments
Hodges, 1999), such as a decline in personal take several hours, and routine clinical use
hygiene, mental inflexibility, distractibility requires a shorter assessment.
30 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

The most sensitive test to detect executive but cannot always be completed by those with
dysfunction in this population is a verbal fluency physical impairment and there are no controls
task, which can be given in oral or written for- for those with dysarthria or motor weakness
mat. Verbal fluency tests can be administered as (Osborne, Sekhon, Johnston, & Kalra, 2013).
phonemic or category exercises. Phonemic tests The Frontal Assessment Battery has been
involve production of words that fill certain let- used in some preliminary studies of cogni-
ter criteria (e.g., words that begin with the letter tion in ALS (Ahn et al., 2011; Raaphorst et al.,
“S” or four letter words beginning with the let- 2013), but seems to have limited use in patients
ter “C”), whereas category tasks require produc- with ALS who are unable to perform some of
tion of words within a category (e.g., “animals” the required motor tasks (Raaphorst et  al.,
or “colors”). The most accurate normal values 2013). Similarly, Addenbrooke’s Cognitive
for these tests are derived from control groups Examination (Mioshi et al., 2006) has no con-
of similar age and education level (Abrahams trols for motor weakness or dysarthria. The
et al., 2000). Spoken and written verbal fluency Mini Mental State Exam is not sensitive for the
tests can be adapted for individuals with motor cognitive and social deficits in FTD and has
impairments affecting their ability to speak or limited utility in this evaluation (Hodges et al.,
write, through use of a fluency index (Abrahams 2004; Hutchinson & Mathias, 2007).
et al., 2000). There is not a validated analogous
single item screen for behavioral impairment,
and assessment should involve observation of Behavioral Instruments
the patient and discussion with the family.
A number of brief assessment batteries have Batteries that evaluate behavioral function
been proposed for use in the ALS population. are administered to the caregiver and usually
Ideally such a battery would take 5–20 minutes take around 10 minutes. The most common
and minimize motor requirements, or provide reported behavioral abnormalities in patients
adjustments where necessary. These are best with ALS are perseveration, apathy, and disin-
categorized by whether they evaluate cogni- hibition (Raaphorst et  al., 2012a). Commonly
tion, behavior, or both. used tools include the Frontal Behavioral
Inventory (Blair et  al., 2007; Kertesz,
Davidson, & Fox, 1997) the Neuropsychiatric
Cognitive Instruments Inventory (Blair et al., 2007; Cummings et al.,
1994), and the Frontal Systems Behavior
The Abrahams Written Verbal Fluency Test is Scale (Grossman, Woolley-Levine, Bradley,
sensitive to cognitive impairment, specifically & Miller, 2007). Each of these tests has been
executive dysfunction. It is a well-validated used in ALS populations, but not specifically
test that can be scored so as to compensate validated for them (Ahn et al., 2011; Grossman
for deficits in speaking and/or writing speed, et  al., 2007; Gordon et  al., 2007; Raaphorst
and has been used in patients with ALS who et  al., 2012b; Tsujimoto et  al., 2011). The
have motor impairments and dysarthria Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Frontotemporal
(Abrahams et al., 2000, 2005). The Penn State Dementia-Questionnaire is a caregiver inter-
Screen of Frontal and Temporal Dysfunction view developed from neurobehavioral changes
Syndromes is a 20-minue brief examination documented in the ALS population (Raaphorst
that focuses on verbal fluency, abstract rea- et al., 2012a) and constructed with questions to
soning, and judgment, and was designed spe- minimize the relevance of motor and speech
cifically for assessing executive function in impairments (Raaphorst et  al., 2012b); this
patients with ALS (Flaherty-Craig, Eslinger, instrument has been partially validated in an
Stephens, & Simmons, 2006; Flaherty-Craig, ALS population.
Brothers, Dearman, Eslinger, & Simmons,
2009). Other published batteries that evalu-
ate executive function may have utility in Combined Cognitive and
ALS, but their use for this patient popula- Behavioral Instruments
tion is still being explored. The Montreal
Cognitive Assessment (Nasreddine et  al., The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Cognitive
2005)  has been studied in patients with ALS, Behavioral Screen is a 5-minute instrument,
5  FTD and Dementia in ALS 31

that assesses frontal executive and behavioral more subtle and identification may require the
functions and has been validated against the use of advanced techniques (Lillo et al., 2012).
gold standard of formal neuropsychological Such advanced techniques have successfully
testing in an ALS population (Woolley et  al., demonstrated abnormalities in patients with
2010). The executive portion of the Amyotrophic ALS who do not meet criteria for FTD, and
Lateral Sclerosis Cognitive Behavioral Screen who may not have clinically significant cogni-
includes items for the evaluation of attention, tive impairment, but who may have measurable
concentration, mental tracking and monitor- executive dysfunction by neuropsychological
ing, and word initiation and retrieval; the testing. In one study, functional MRI para-
behavioral component is a 19-item caregiver digms demonstrated cognitive deficits dur-
questionnaire. The Edinburgh Cognitive and ing word-retrieval processes (verbal fluency
Behavioural ALS Screen is a combined battery and confrontation naming) in patients with
to assess behavioral, executive, and language ALS who were not demented, but who dem-
function with minimal motor requirements onstrated deficits in letter fluency, a sensitive
(Abrahams, Newton, Niven, Foley, & Bak, test of executive function. Specifically, during a
2014). Cognitive tasks are included for the eval- letter fluency task, nondemented patients with
uation of language, verbal fluency, executive ALS were found to have areas of reduced acti-
function, memory, and visuospatial function. vation in middle and inferior frontal gyri and
A caregiver questionnaire addresses the behav- anterior cingulate gyrus along with the parietal
ioral domains of disinhibition; apathy or iner- and temporal lobes. Also demonstrated was
tia; loss of sympathy or empathy; perseverative, reduced activation in the inferior frontal gyrus
stereotyped compulsive or ritualistic behavior; along with areas of temporal, parietal, and
hyperorality and altered food preferences; and occipital lobes with a confrontation naming
psychosis. This instrument attempts to correct task (Abrahams et al., 2004). Similarly, positron
the exclusion of formal language tests from emission tomography studies using flumazenil
prior batteries, because language dysfunction as a marker of neuronal dysfunction have shown
can occur in the absence of executive dysfunc- a relationship between cognitive deficits in
tion and may be as common (Phukan et  al., nondemented patients with ALS, as measured
2012; Taylor et al., 2013). by abnormal word retrieval on verbal fluency
The cognitive and behavioral assessment and confrontation naming, and reduced bind-
instruments are summarized in Table 5–1. It ing in several cortical areas, including the right
is important to bear in mind that these brief inferior frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus,
examinations are not definitive assessments. If and anterior insula that correlated with per-
one of them is suggestive of a diagnosis of cog- formance on a verbal fluency task and reduced
nitive or behavioral dysfunction in ALS, then binding in the left middle frontal gyrus and left
formal neuropsychological assessment is rec- cuneus (Wicks et  al., 2008). Functional MRI
ommended if possible. has also shown abnormal patterns of activa-
tion in nondemented patients with ALS dur-
ing tasks that require the executive function
of cognitive inhibition (Goldstein et al., 2011).
IMAGING Although this latter group did not undergo
detailed neuropsychological testing, they had
The clinical overlap of ALS and FTD has led no clinical evidence of cognitive dysfunction,
to a search for other commonalities between thus supporting the role of advanced imaging
the two disorders, including imaging charac- techniques in detecting subclinical cognitive
teristics, pathologic findings, genetic causes, deficits in patients with ALS. Diffusion tensor
and biomarkers. Traditionally, standard mag- imaging has largely been used to demonstrate
netic resonance imaging (MRI) has not aided changes in white matter tracts associated with
in the diagnosis of ALS, whereas frontotempo- the motor system and motor deficits in patients
ral atrophy is often seen during the diagnos- with ALS. Diffusion tensor imaging also shows
tic phase in FTD (Borroni et al., 2007; Chow changes in the corpus callosum, corticospinal
et  al., 2008). Patients with ALS-FTD may tract, and white matter association tracts that
demonstrate atrophy on routine MRI but for correlate with performance in tests of execu-
most patients with ALS, imaging findings are tive function and attention (Sarro et al., 2011).
32 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Table 5–1  Brief Assessment Instruments Commonly Used for Cognitive and

Behavioral Testing in ALS
Instrument Cognition Behavior Comments
Abrahams Written Verbal x Scoring can compensate for motor
Fluency impairment and dysarthria
Penn State Screen of Frontal x Designed specifically for ALS; not all parts
and Temporal Dysfunction available in public domain
Montreal Cognitive x No compensation for motor impairment or
Assessment dysarthria
Frontal Assessment Battery x No compensation for motor impairment or
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive x Not used in ALS; no compensation for
Examination motor impairment or dysarthria
Mini Mental State x Not sensitive for FTD
Frontal Behavioral Inventory x
Neuropsychiatric Inventory x
ALS FTD Questionnaire x Designed to minimize effects of motor and
speech impairments
ALS Cognitive Behavioral x x Validated against formal neuropsychological
Screen testing
Edinburgh Cognitive and x x Includes evaluation of language
Behavioural ALS Screen

Additionally, changes in diffusion tensor imag- temporal regions. Longitudinal cortical atro-
ing metrics in the right frontal gyrus (Tsujimoto phy in the motor and premotor cortex and pari-
et  al., 2011)  and specifically the anterior cin- etal lobes has been demonstrated in one small
gulum (Woolley, Zhang, Schuff, Weiner, & series of patients with ALS-FTD (Avants,
Katz, 2011)  are correlated with the presence Khan, McCluskey, Elman, & Grossman, 2009).
of apathy in patients with ALS. Apathy is also In summary, with the use of advanced neu-
correlated with atrophy in the orbitofrontal roimaging techniques, and particularly when
and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices as mea- patients with ALS are divided into groups
sured by voxel-based morphometry (Tsujimoto based on their cognitive status, it is possible to
et al., 2011). Magnetic resonance spectroscopy identify areas of abnormality. The applicabil-
has shown a correlation between performance ity of these techniques for clinical use and for
on the Wisconsin Card Sorting test and neu- use as a surrogate marker of disease has not yet
ronal integrity of the frontal lobe (Abe et  al., been demonstrated.
2001) and similarly between F-word generation
and neuronal integrity in the dorsolateral pre-
frontal lobe (Quinn et  al., 2012). Voxel-based
morphometry demonstrates somewhat wide- GENETICS AND PATHOLOGY
spread gray matter atrophy that is similar in
patients with ALS and ALS-FTD with the Mutations in the genes encoding copper/
exception that the frontal regions are signifi- zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1), TAR
cantly more atrophic in the ALS-FTD group DNA-binding protein (TDP-43), and fused
(Fig. 5–1; Chang et al., 2005). Dividing patients in sarcoma (FUS) account for approximately
into groups of cognitively normal, ALS-Plus 30% of familial ALS (Al-Chalabi et al., 2012).
(ALSci and ALSbi), and ALS-FTD yielded a Importantly, a hexanucleotide repeat expan-
continuum for cortical atrophy as measured by sion in the C9ORF72 gene is the commonest
voxel-based morphometry (Mioshi, Lillo, et al., cause of familial ALS and is also associated
2013), with ALS showing atrophy only in the with approximately 6–10% of apparently spo-
brainstem, ALS-Plus showing atrophy in the radic ALS (DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2011l
motor and somatosensory areas, and ALS-FTD Renton et al., 2011; Dobson-Stone et al., 2012;
showing additional atrophy in the frontal and Snowden et al., 2012; Sha et al., 2012; Majounie
5  FTD and Dementia in ALS 33

(A) pathologic feature of ALS. The first pathologic

link between ALS and FTD was reported in
2006 with the identification of the 43 kDa
TAR-DNA binding protein (TDP-43) as the
major protein component of ubiquitinated
inclusions in most cases of ALS and FTLD-U
(B) (Neumann et  al., 2006). Subsequently, muta-
tions in the gene encoding the protein TDP-43
were identified in cases of familial ALS (Van
Deerlin et al., 2008). Since then knowledge of
the links between the genetics and pathology
of ALS and FTD, and of the overlap between
(C) the two, has rapidly expanded. TDP-43 posi-
tive inclusions are found in extramotor cortical
areas in patients with ALS; similarly, TDP-43
pathology is not limited to the frontal and
temporal regions in patients with FTD. The
distribution of TDP-43 pathology within the
(D) central nervous system in patients with ALS,
ALS-FTD, and FTD is reflective of the clinical
phenotype (Fig. 5–2; Geser et al., 2009).
Mutations in C9ORF72 account for approxi-
mately 35–40% of familial ALS and at least 10%
of familial FTD; families may have members
with ALS, FTD, or ALS-FTD (Dobson-Stone
et  al., 2012; Snowden et  al., 2012; Sha et  al.,
Figure 5–1.  Grey matter density derived from T1-weigh
ted magnetic resonance imaging. (A) Regions of atrophy
2012; Majounie et  al., 2012; Mahoney et  al.,
in ALS with normal cognition relative to elderly control 2012). The most common pattern of cogni-
subjects. (B)  Regions of atrophy in ALS with mild cog- tive impairment seen is a behavioral vari-
nitive impairment relative to elderly control subjects. ant presenting as apathy and loss of initiative
(C)  Regions of atrophy in ALS-FTD relative to elderly (Mahoney et al., 2012). Other reported presen-
control subjects. (D)  Regions of atrophy in ALS-FTD
relative to ALS with normal cognition. (Courtesy of Penn tations include language abnormalities, anxiety
Frontotemporal Degeneration Center.) and agitation, memory impairment, and psy-
chotic symptoms (Dobson-Stone et  al., 2012;
Snowden et  al., 2012; Mahoney et  al., 2012;
Boeve & Graff-Radford, 2012). The pathol-
et  al., 2012). There are other, less common, ogy of C9ORF72 expansion-related disease is
causes of familial ALS and mutations that are emerging as distinct from that of other forms
known to be associated with sporadic disease. of TDP-43–positive ALS. In addition to the
A  brief discussion of the genetics and pathol- typical TDP-43–positive inclusions in frontal
ogy of a few of these genes is illustrative of the and temporal cortex, hippocampus, and motor
relationship between ALS and FTD. system, there is an excess of TDP-43–nega-
The pathology of FTLD is divided into two tive inclusions that are ubiquitin-positive and
large groups. FTLD-tau is characterized by p62-positive distributed throughout the neocor-
abnormal tau pathology in neurons and glia tex, hippocampus, and cerebellum (Mahoney
and may be sporadic or associated with muta- et  al., 2012; Mackenzie, Frick, & Neumann,
tions in the MAPT gene. Progressive supranu- 2013). Additionally, imaging in patients with
clear palsy may be seen with FTLD-tau, but C9ORF72-associated FTD is more symmetric
associated motor neuron disease has not been and shows less temporal lobe involvement than
reported. FTLD-U is an alternative patho- in FTD related to either a mutation in progran-
logic form characterized by tau-negative and ulin or microtubule-associated tau (Mahoney
α-synuclein–negative ubiquitinated intraneu- et al., 2012).
ronal inclusions. Likewise, ubiquitinated intra- Although most ALS cases are characterized
neuronal and intraglial inclusions is a common by the presence of TDP-43 pathology, there are
34 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

some exceptions. A search for TDP-43 homo- or FUS; ALS with dementia; familial ALS
logs in the region on chromosome 16 identified with SOD1 mutation; and familial ALS with
by linkage studies in ALS-FTD families led TDP-43 mutation. Dementia may be present
to the identification of causative mutations in in patients with UBQLN2 mutations and ALS
FUS (Kwiatkowski et al., 2009). The pathology in the form of FTD with eventual progression
of FUS-mediated ALS shows FUS-positive to more global dementia. Patients with this
cytoplasmic inclusions in spinal cord motor mutation and dementia without motor neuron
neurons and dystrophic neurites, and is nega- disease have not been described. Ubiquilin-2
tive for TDP-43 (Kwiatkowski et  al., 2009; pathology was identified in the hippocampi of
Vance et al., 2009). The clinical phenotypes of patients with ALS/dementia with and without
FUS-mediated ALS include ALS, ALS-FTD, UBQLN2 mutations; these inclusions were
and FTD. negative for FUS and only variably positive for
Mutations in the SOD1 gene were the TDP-43. Ubiquilin-2 pathology in the hippo-
first described genetic cause of ALS in campus was absent in nondemented patients
1993 (Rosen et  al., 1993). SOD1-mediated with ALS. This suggests that an interaction
ALS demonstrates ubiquitinated inclusions between TDP-43 and ubiquilin-2 may increase
containing SOD1 but these inclusions are the likelihood of protein aggregation and may
TDP-43–negative (Mackenzie et  al., 2007). be involved in the pathogenesis of cell death
Dementia is not commonly found in patients (Deng et al., 2011).
with SOD1-mediated ALS (Wicks et  al.,
The identification of mutations in the BIOMARKERS
gene UBQLN2, which encodes the protein
ubiquilin-2, as causative for X-linked–domi- Identifying biomarkers to aid in diagnosis and
nant ALS and ALS/dementia led to description to act as surrogate markers for disease sever-
of a potentially unifying pathologic pattern ity and progression has proved extremely
among different genetically mediated and difficult in the field of neurodegenerative dis-
pathologically distinct forms of ALS (Deng eases, but important progress is being made.
et  al., 2011). The ubiquitinated inclusions in A  reduced cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) ratio of
UBQLN2-associated ALS contain ubiquilin-2 Tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (pTau)
and are also immunoreactive to TDP-43, FUS, to total Tau (tTau) differentiates patients with
and optineurin (mutations that are associated FTLD-TDP from patients with FTLD-tau,
with sporadic ALS), but not SOD1. Ubiquilin-2 Alzheimer disease, and healthy seniors (Hu
immunoreactivity is also found within the et al., 2013). Similarly, reduced CSF pTau:tTau
inclusions in cases of sporadic ALS; famil- differentiates patients with ALS from patients
ial ALS without mutation in SOD1, TDP-43, with tauopathies (Grossman et  al., 2014). In

(A) (B) (C)

Figure 5–2.  Whole-brain heat map of TDP-43 pathology in the central nervous system. The color scale represents quan-
tity of TDP-43 pathology from green (zero) to red (highest). Blue areas were not examined. The clinical phenotypes are
(A) FTD, (B) FTD-ALS, (C) ALS. (Adapted from Geser et al., 2009, Copyright © 2009 American Medical Association.
All rights reserved.)
5  FTD and Dementia in ALS 35

addition, CSF pTau:tTau in ALS is correlated executive or behavioral dysfunction in patients

with clinical measures including the Mini with ALS, including those whose impairments
Mental State Exam and the ALS Functional are not severe enough to meet criteria for FTD,
Rating Scale-Revised, and with imaging find- is associated with significantly shorter survival
ings in the corticospinal tract and prefrontal than that seen in patients who are cognitively
cortex; this may be a reflection of the relation- and behaviorally normal (Olney et  al., 2005;
ship between a biomarker (CSF pTau:tTau) and Elamin et  al., 2011). This is particularly true
disease burden. The importance of biomarkers in those patients in whom cognitive and motor
cannot be overstated because drug develop- symptoms begin simultaneously, or in whom
ment aimed at protein-specific underlying motor symptoms precede cognitive symp-
mechanisms of disease requires in vivo knowl- toms (Hu et  al., 2009). However, in a poten-
edge of the underlying pathology to appropri- tially large subset of patients in whom subtle
ately direct trials and eventual therapy. neurobehavioral deficits precede the onset of
motor symptoms and do not meet criteria for
FTD, the presence of these symptoms does
not carry with it a worsened prognosis (Mioshi
The clinical relevance of identifying the pres-
ence of cognitive and behavioral dysfunc-
tion in patients with motor neuron disease is IMPLICATIONS OF FTD FOR
two-fold. First, education about the clinical THE CAREGIVER
features of FTD is helpful and often validat-
ing for baffled caregivers, particularly in light Most of the effects of cognitive and behav-
of the many statements in the lay press and ioral dysfunction on caregivers have been
on the internet that patients with ALS remain studied and reported in patients without ALS,
cognitively unimpaired. Second, the presence but the information is instructive and impor-
of cognitive impairment may inform the dis- tant for guiding clinical care for patients with
cussion of advance directives with respect to ALS-FTD. Caregivers of patients with FTD
when the topic is approached, the interventions had a higher burden than caregivers of patients
offered, and the degree of involvement of the with Alzheimer disease. Equally important,
patient and caregiver in these decisions. This caregivers of those who were demented for
is particularly relevant in that patients with shorter periods of time had lower health-related
ALS-FTD have shorter survival than that seen quality of life, a finding that is particularly rel-
in isolated ALS or FTD (Hu et al., 2009; Olney evant for those with ALS and FTD, who often
et al., 2005); this may be related to noncompli- have faster rates of progression than patients
ance with recommended medical interventions with FTD alone (Nunnemann, Kurz, Leucht,
in the setting of dementia (Olney et al., 2005). & Diehl-Schmid, 2012; Riedijk et  al., 2006).
Those caring for patients with bvFTD (the
most common in ALS) experience a higher
burden than those caring for patients with
EFFECT OF FTD ON COURSE PNFA and SD (Mioshi, Foxe, et al., 2013). They
AND PROGNOSIS demonstrate greater strain and distress, more
depressive symptoms, and a lower perception
Cognitive and behavioral dysfunction in of control (Wong et  al., 2012). For patients
patients with ALS has direct implications for with FTD, apathy correlated with caregiver
patients with regard to clinical course and emotional distress (Merrilees et al., 2013). This
interventions. Noncompliance with recom- does not mitigate over time. On the contrary,
mendations for noninvasive ventilation and caregiver burden increases with disease pro-
feeding tubes was much higher in patients gression (Mioshi, Foxe, et  al., 2013). Studies
with ALS who had executive or behavioral dys- specific to caregivers of patients with ALS and
function than in those who were cognitively FTD are rare but confirmatory of the overall
and behaviorally unimpaired (Olney et  al., picture in FTD. In patients with ALS, neu-
2005). Perhaps (or perhaps not) related to this, robehavioral symptoms as measured by the
36 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Frontal Systems Behavior Scale were related to with increased caregiver burden and decreased
lower caregiver quality of life, higher caregiver caregiver quality of life, there is also a need for
depression, and higher caregiver burden (Chio identifying and teaching coping strategies to
et al., 2010). these caregivers (Riedijk et al., 2006).

Nonpharmacologic management of the patient To date, there are no medications approved
must occur through the caregiver, and should by the Food and Drug Administration for the
begin with caregiver education about FTD treatment of the underlying disease process
in general and about its relationship to ALS. of FTD. Treatment strategies in FTD have
There is a poor understanding overall of cogni- centered on neurotransmitter augmentation.
tive and behavioral change in ALS among care- Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used with
givers. A few years ago, more than half of ALS success in Alzheimer disease, although there
caregiver respondents to an online ALS forum is no evidence of deficiencies in the choliner-
reported not knowing that a form of demen- gic system in FTD that are likely to respond
tia can sometimes occur with the disease to this therapy. The only placebo-controlled
(Boutoleau-Bretonniere, Vercelletto, Volteau, trial of an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor in
Renou, & Lamy, 2008). Patients and caregivers FTD was conducted using galantamine and
alike have indicated a preference to have more was negative (Kertesz et al., 2008), and all cur-
information from their healthcare providers rent recommendations are to avoid these drugs
regarding cognitive symptoms associated with because there is some risk of worsening behav-
ALS (Wicks & Frost, 2008). ior (Mendez, Shapira, McMurtray, & Licht,
There are no randomized trials of nonphar- 2007). A consensus statement from the British
macologic interventions. Such interventions Association for Psychopharmacology cites type
have included structured caregiver sup- I  evidence that cholinesterase inhibitors are
port groups, respite care, daycare programs, not recommended for the treatment of FTD
and advance-practice nursing involvement (O’Brien & Burns, 2011). From a symptom
(Nunnemann et al., 2012). Management strate- management perspective, additional saliva that
gies have been discussed in a descriptive man- would likely result from acetylcholinesterase
ner, and provide a broad framework for helping inhibitors is not a side effect that would be well
these patients and their caregivers. Education tolerated by a patient with bulbar dysfunc-
about FTD, as discussed previously, is critical. tion from motor neuron disease. Memantine,
Safety concerns should be addressed. Verbal an N-methyl-D-asparate receptor antagonist,
interactions with the patient should be guided has commonly been used off-label in the FTD
by knowledge of their limitations in judgment. population but there has been a recent nega-
Financial interactions must be supervised or tive phase 3 trial of memantine in FTD (Boxer
co-opted by the caregiver. Guidance in making et al., 2013), so this will likely fall out of favor.
end-of-life decisions is crucial. General guide- Similarly, there are no treatments approved
lines are summarized in Box 5.1 (Houseman by the Food and Drug Administration for
et  al., 2013; Merrilees et  al., 2010). A  struc- the behavioral symptoms in FTD. In large
tured group program for caregivers of people part, clinicians have used psychoactive drugs
with FTD has been piloted and shows prom- off-label to treat these symptoms. There is
ise (McKinnon, O’Connor, Savage, Hodges, some evidence that the serotonergic system
& Mioshi, 2013). There is a need for ongoing is involved in the pathophysiology of FTD.
emotional support by the ALS team to the Serotonergic agents have been used with some
caregiver. A  recommendation has been made success to treat the symptoms of disinhibition,
that those caring for patients with FTD be depression, carbohydrate craving, and ritu-
offered more support than those caring for alistic behaviors (Pasquier et  al., 2003; Chow
individuals with Alzheimer disease. Because & Mendez, 2002; Moretti, Torre, Antonello,
passive coping strategies have been associated Cazzato, & Bava, 2003a; Wang, Shen, & Chen,
5  FTD and Dementia in ALS 37

Box 5.1  Guidelines to Assist Caregivers of Individuals with

•  Medication management
• Assist initially, control if needed

•  Driving
• Assess whether patient is driving safety
• Remove driving privileges or schedule formal driving evaluation

•  Financial
• Oversee the patient’s financial transactions
• If money is not being managed properly, take action: close credit card
accounts, take over the management of savings and checking accounts
• Obtain power of attorney for financial decisions when appropriate

•  Safety
• Monitor or prohibit use of power tools, stoves, ovens
• Lock up firearms
• Prevent access to some foods
• Supervise meals to avoid choking due to food stuffing

•  Alter verbal interactions

• Use simple language
• Provide direction rather than asking questions (e.g., “we are going to get
dressed” rather than “would you like to get dressed?” or “you are going to
be eating this food for lunch, and we will be giving some of your calories
through your feeding tube” rather than “what would you like for lunch?”)
• Avoid arguing and trying to reason: change the subject or distract

•  Assist with decision-making

• Priorities include invasive treatment decisions and end-of-life issues: feeding
tube, tracheostomy, and ventilation
• Help with developing advance directives, such as a living will and durable
power of attorney for health care
• Address critical issues as early in the disease as possible, before cognitive and
behavioral impairment prevent meaningful discussions
Adapted from Wicks & Frost (2008) and Houseman et al. (2013).

2013; Huey, Putnam, Grafman, 2006; Swartz, Antipsychotics may improve behavioral
Miller, Lesser, & Darby, 1997; Mendez, 2009). symptoms and irritability (Mendez, 2009;
One study, however, has shown some nega- Fellgiebel, Muller, Hiemke, Bartenstein, &
tive effects of paroxetine on cognition (Deakin Schreckenberger, 2007; Moretti et al., 2003b).
et  al., 2004). Trazadone seems to be benefi- Quetiapine was effective in reducing agitation
cial in improving behavioral symptoms, such (Chow & Mendez, 2002). Although atypical
as irritability, agitation, depressive symptoms, antipsychotics are often used in this popula-
and eating abnormalities (Lebert, Stekke, tion, somnolence and extrapyramidal signs
Hasenbroekx, Pasquier, & Lebert, 2004). limit their use. It is also important to remember
38 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

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Chapter 6

Laboratory Tests for Motor

Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg


UMN LOSS Cerebrospinal Fluid
Cervical and Lumbosacral Muscles
Cranial Muscles
Thoracic and Rectus Abdominis Muscles

BACKGROUND AND and other changes supportive of LMN loss.

NEW POINTS Blood tests help exclude other diagnoses, but
most tests listed are not pertinent to identifying
Efforts to find biomarkers to confirm the diag- a true mimic disorder. Cognitive and behavioral
nosis of the forms of motor neuron disease abnormalities are common and several screen-
(MND) have not been successful to date, and ing and brief tests are available. The number of
the diagnosis remains clinical. A list of labora- genes associated with amyotrophic lateral scle-
tory tests to detect an alternative diagnosis was rosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dysfunction
included in the El Escorial Criteria. has grown. The role of genetic testing is more
The most important laboratory test is the important because a family history of dementia
electromyogram (EMG) to confirm lower may be linked to ALS, and the penetrance for
motor neuron (LMN) loss as the cause of some genes is less than 100%.
weakness in clinically affected muscles and
demonstrate subclinical LMN loss in a wide
distribution. The Awaji Criteria raised the INTRODUCTION
presence of fasciculation potentials on EMG
examination as the earliest and most sensitive There are no distinct laboratory features or
sign of LMN loss and can serve to document biomarkers for the various forms of MND.
a muscle’s involvement. Ultrasound imaging of Electrodiagnostic testing, consisting of nerve
muscle is sensitive for fasciculation potentials conduction studies and needle EMG, are the

6  Laboratory Tests for MND 43

most important laboratory tests to demonstrate NERVE CONDUCTION TESTS

LMN degeneration in addition to assessing for FOR UMN LOSS
alternative diagnoses. All laboratory studies,
and electrodiagnostic studies in particular, are Efforts to assess change in LMN excitability
extensions of the neurologic evaluation, and as a measure of UMN loss show that F-waves
test results are to be interpreted in the clini- (persistence) and H-waves (H/M ratio) vary
cal context and do not stand alone. Laboratory between patients with predominantly UMN
tests for upper motor neuron (UMN) degen- or LMN loss, but there is marked overlap with
eration are not sensitive or specific. normal subjects, and it is not diagnostically
discriminative (Drory, Kovach, & Groozman,
Sensory nerve studies are generally within
normal limits (de Carvalho & Swash, 2000). The most important laboratory test to assess
However, reduced sensory nerve amplitudes for LMN degeneration is the needle EMG
are found in 27%, and morphologic evidence study (Daube, 2000). Criteria for electrodiag-
for axonal loss in 91%, but some of the abnor- nostic studies supportive of progressive and
malities were subclinical and not associated diffuse LMN degeneration were formalized by
with symptoms of a neuropathy (Hammad, Lambert in 1957 and 1969 (Lambert & Mulder
Silva, Glass, Sladky, & Benatar, 2007). Motor 1957; Lambert 1969) (Box 6.1) as active dener-
nerve studies are normal in strong muscles vation (positive waves and fibrillation poten-
but show reduced compound muscle action tials) and chronic denervation (enlarged motor
potential (CMAP) amplitude proportional units with increased duration with decreased
to strength in weak muscles. Nerves with recruitment) denervation and were later incor-
reduced CMAP potentials are associated with porated into the El Escorial Criteria. However,
mildly slowed conduction metrics (prolonged operational issues with the Lambert and El
distal latency, slowed conduction velocity, Escorial Criteria as applied to ALS have been
prolonged F-wave latency) attributed to axo- critiqued:
nal loss (de Carvalho & Swash, 2000; Daube,
2000). 1. Rapid motor unit discharge rates (reduced
A length-dependent small fiber sensory recruitment) is the electrodiagnostic hall-
neuropathy has been demonstrated in ALS. mark of neurogenic denervation, but this
Twenty-eight patients with ALS were stud- pattern may not be apparent in the set-
ied by skin biopsy an average of 34  months ting of prominent UMN degeneration, and
after disease onset (Weis et  al., 2011). There lower discharge rates may be observed in
was a significant loss of intraepidermal nerve the setting of ALS (Wilbourn, 1998).
fibers compared with control subjects, and 2. There is a major effort to identify subclini-
corresponding sensory symptoms were noted cal denervation to aid in the early diagnosis
in seven patients and most had normal sural of ALS (Krarup, 2011). Abnormal sponta-
nerve responses. neous activity in the form of positive waves
A defect in neuromuscular junction trans- and fibrillation potentials is a reliably rec-
mission can be demonstrated by a decrement ognized sign of active denervation (Daube,
of CMAP amplitude to low-frequency repeti- 2000). However, positive waves and fibril-
tive nerve stimulation (4–9 shocks at 2–3 Hz), lation potentials may not be present in the
most often in muscles that are weak and have setting of LMN loss as manifest by enlarged
low CMAP amplitudes. The pathophysiologic motor units with increased duration and
mechanism is thought to be a reduction in reduced recruitment. Accordingly, there is
readily available quantal stores of acetylcholine a focus on the diagnostic role of fascicula-
in the presynaptic terminal leading to failure tion potentials as a very early (earliest) sign
at neuromuscular junctions (Henderson & of subclinical denervation, and fasciculation
Daube, 2004). potentials have been incorporated into the
44 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Box 6.1  Review of Lambert Criteria for Findings in ALS

(Lambert & Mulder, 1957; Lambert, 1969)
•  Normal sensory nerve conduction studies
•  Normal motor nerve conduction velocities when recording from relatively
unaffected muscles and ≥70% of age-matched normal values when recording
from severely affected muscles
•  Fibrillation and fasciculation potentials
•  Motor unit potentials reduced in number and increased in duration and
•  Distribution of fibrillation and fasciculation potentials in limb and head

Awaji Criteria (de Carvalho et  al., 2008). Criteria, receiver operating characteristic
Although there is controversy over the ori- curve analysis was used to determine the
gin of fasciculation potentials (representing sensitivity and specificity of the number
UMN or LMN pathology) there is agree- of abnormal muscles identified (Makki &
ment that they are common, diffusely dis- Benatar, 2007). Analysis indicated that the
tributed, and occur early in ALS, and may best combination of sensitivity and specific-
have complex waveforms (Wilbourn, 1998; ity was achieved by requiring EMG changes
de Carvalho et al., 2008; Shiga et al., 2000; in two muscles in cervical and lumbosacral
Krarup, 2011). regions and in one muscle in cranial and
thoracic regions.
The frequency of fasciculation potentials (i.e.,
time period of observation) has been investi-
gated (Mills, 2011). From 19 patients with a
diagnosis of definite ALS the number of fas-
ciculation potentials and the time to occur was EMG ABNORMALITIES IN
recorded from 53 muscles. The first dorsal INDIVIDUAL MUSCLES
interosseous, biceps brachii and anterior tibia-
lis muscles showed the most potentials (~4 per One goal of the EMG study is to confirm LMN
min), and the longest observation time for one loss in both clinically atrophic and weak mus-
fasciculation to occur is about 90 seconds and cles but also subclinical denervation in strong
for two potentials about 120 seconds. muscles. The likelihood of finding evidence of
denervation in MND in individual muscles at
3. Documentation of widespread LMN loss as initial diagnostic evaluation has been studied.
set forth in the El Escorial Criteria (in at
least two muscles of different root or spinal
nerve and different cranial or peripheral Cervical and Lumbosacral
nerve innervation in two or more of the four Muscles
regions) is somewhat arbitrary (Wilbourn,
1998). The distribution of LMN loss in The selection of muscles to study depends upon
limb muscles at time of diagnosis varies the clinical presentation (distribution of weak-
among patients. In a retrospective study of ness) and the electromyographer’s preferences.
73 patients who ultimately met El Escorial In one study in the cervical region, the frequency
6  Laboratory Tests for MND 45

of muscles studied was deltoid, first dorsal inter- waves and fibrillation potentials were found
osseous, biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis, and in 44% of patients, 93% who met El Escorial
triceps; in the lumbosacral region the frequency Criteria for definite or probable ALS (Makki
of study was anterior tibialis, vastus lateralis, and & Benatar, 2007). Another study compared 38
medial gastrocnemius. However, the sensitivity patients with El Escorial Criteria definite and
for finding denervation of each muscle is not probable ALS with 28 patients evaluated for
indicated (Makki & Benatar, 2007). other disorders and found fasciculation poten-
tials in 44.7% and positive waves and fibrilla-
tion potentials in 21.1% of patients with ALS
Cranial Muscles and none in control patients (de Carvalho,
Pinto, & Swash, 2009).
Demonstration of denervation in muscles The rectus abdominis muscle has also been
innervated by cranial nerves is strong evidence considered when relaxation of thoracic para-
for extensive distribution of LMN loss. The spinal muscles is difficult. Sixty-seven patients
El Escorial Criteria requires demonstration with definite ALS were compared with 110
of denervation in a single cranial muscle. The healthy control subjects, and abnormal spon-
tongue is an obvious muscle to assess for dener- taneous activity was found in the rectus muscle
vation but it can be difficult to identify abnor- in 75% of patients with ALS and none in con-
mal spontaneous activity due to poor relaxation. trol subjects. Furthermore, motor unit poten-
A study of 17 patients demonstrated spontane- tials were of higher amplitude, longer duration,
ous activity in 82% of patients with and with- and greater waveform complexity (polyphasia)
out bulbar symptoms (Tankisi, Otto, Pugdahl, (Xu et al., 2007).
& Fuglsang-Frederiksen, 2013). A  study of
nine patients without clinical evidence of LMN
degeneration in cranial muscles documented
six who had positive fibrillation or fasciculation MUSCLE BIOPSY
potentials in frontalis, masseter, or sternocleido-
mastoid muscles (Finsterer, Erdorf, Mamoli, & Muscle biopsies can be used to document neuro-
Fuglsang-Frederiksen, 1998). The sternocleido- genic denervation and exclude alternative diag-
mastoid muscle has been shown to be involved as noses, usually myopathies. Histologic changes
often as the tongue in ALS, and is easier to evalu- supportive of neurogenic denervation are angu-
ate (Li, Petajan, Smith, & Bromberg, 2002). The lar atrophic fibers of fiber types 1 and 2, and
upper trapezius muscle has been shown to have fiber-type grouping with individual groups con-
positive waves and fibrillation potentials more taining the same fiber types, whereas associated
often (45%) than the sternocleidomastoid (13%) findings are scattered hypertrophic fibers and
and tongue (8%; Sonoo et al., 2009). necrotic fibers (Baloh, Rakowicz, Gardner, &
Pestronk, 2007). These features can be present
in a muscle prior to changes observed on EMG
Diaphragm (Blijham, Schelhaas, Ter Laak, van Engelen,
& Zwarts, 2007). The disadvantage of muscle
Denervation of the diaphragm muscle is biopsies is that it is invasive and thus limited,
unique to ALS (and progressive muscular atro- usually to observations in a single muscle.
phy), and in a study of 52 patients with the El
Escorial Criteria diagnosis of definite ALS,
44% had abnormal spontaneous activity (posi- SEROLOGIC AND SPINAL
tive waves, fibrillation potentials, or fascicula-
tion potentials) at time of diagnosis (Stewart, FLUID LABORATORY
Eisen, Road, Mezei, & Weber, 2001). STUDIES
A large number of blood and spinal fluid tests
Thoracic and Rectus have been proposed for the evaluation of MND,
Abdominis Muscles primarily looking for alternative causes. A review
of the literature indicates that most tests have
Thoracic paraspinal muscles have been only class  IV supportive evidence (anecdotal
assessed for denervation in ALS and positive evidence) (Andersen et al., 2005), Despite this
46 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

lack of supportive data a large number of basic showing bilateral increased signal intensity
tests of homeostatic function, and not directly from the centrum semiovale down into the
related to MND, are frequently recommended brainstem (Agosta et al., 2010). In a research
(full metabolic panel, complete blood type, MRI setting studying patients with ALS early
serum electrophoresis, and creatine kinase). in the course of their disease, sensitivity was
17.1% for corticospinal tract hyperinten-
sity, but rose to 63.4% for patients with ALS
Serum Creatine Kinase diagnosed with El Escorial Criteria definite
of probable ALS. Among patients with the
Elevated creatine kinase levels are primarily diagnosis of primary lateral sclerosis sensitiv-
associated with myopathic disorders, but can ity was 71.9% (Charil et al., 2009). In routine
also be elevated in ALS. Creatine kinase levels radiologic practice, the sequences used, level
are elevated in 23–43% of patients with ALS, of scrutiny, and experience vary, and the sen-
with values up to 7 times the upper limit of nor- sitivity is likely much lower. Furthermore,
mal at time of diagnosis (Chahin & Sorenson, patients without neurologic disease can have
2009; Ilzecka & Stelmasiak, 2003). Values tend such signal changes. There are many possi-
to be higher in male patients with ALS and those ble sequences available for research-focused
with limb onset. There is no correlation between MRI studies and sensitivity is likely higher
creatine kinase levels and degree of denerva- with diffusion-weighted imaging and other
tion on EMG study (fibrillation and fascicula- sequences
tion potentials), overall degree of weakness and
dysfunction, or survival (Felice & North, 1998).
Serial levels do not significantly change over
time (Lima, Evangelista, & de Carvalho, 2003). MUSCLE IMAGING
The underlying pathologic reason in ALS is not
known. Imaging muscle with MRI or ultrasound has
not been routinely used diagnostically. Neither
MRI or ultrasound findings are specific for
Cerebrospinal Fluid LMN loss. MRI required a separate visit but
ultrasound could be incorporated with an elec-
A neuroinflammatory factor has been pro- trodiagnostic study.
posed as part of ALS pathology, and analysis
of cerebrospinal fluid for evidence of break-
down of the blood-brain barrier (elevated MRI
protein) or intrathecal synthesis of immuno-
globulins has been performed (Ticozzi et al., Reports of MRI of skeletal limb muscle in ALS
2013). Among 246 patients, oligoclonal bands are sparse. A distinct pattern in ALS (two sub-
were noted in 3.5% (other fluid values were jects) compared with Kennedy disease (three
normal), and one-third had ALS-associated subjects) has been reported with T1-weighted
gene mutations. images showing more generalized atrophy of
leg muscles in ALS and more fatty replace-
ment in Kennedy disease (Hamano et  al.,
CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 2004). Another study of 11 patients with ALS
IMAGING showed in half a “moth-eaten” fatty infiltra-
tion pattern that was either symmetric or
Conventional magnetic resonance imaging asymmetric in the anterior tibialis muscle and
(MRI) of the brain is usually unrevealing for some degree (but not significant) of atrophy
evidence for UMN degeneration and is most compared with control muscles (Bryan et al.,
commonly used to exclude other conditions 1998).
that might account for hyperactive reflexes. A report of a routine brain MRI scan on
With conventional MRI, using T1, T2, and a patient with symptoms and signs of ALS,
FLAIR sequences, hyperintensity (defined including bulbar dysfunction, shows atrophy
as signal changes observed over several sec- and T1 hyperintensity of the tongue consistent
tions) can best be sought on coronal scans with fatty infiltration (Fox & Cohen, 2012).
6  Laboratory Tests for MND 47

Box 6.2  Hierarchical Cognitive and Behavioral Tests to Assess

Frontotemporal Lobe Function, and Elements to
Query Family Members About
Screening Tests
Verbal (written or oral) fluency measures
Brief Tests
Penn State Rapid Screening Battery (Flaherty-Craig et al., 2006)
ALS Cognitive Behavioral Screen (Woolley et al., 2010)
UCSF Brief Screening Battery (unpublished)
Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (Mioshi et al., 2006)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Nasreddine et al., 2005)
Frontal Behavioral Inventory (Blair et al., 2007)
Frontal System Behavioral Scale (Stout et al., 2003)
Edinburgh Cognitive & Behavioral ALS Screen (Abrahams et al., 2014)
Observed Cognitive and Behavioral Abnormalities
Decline in personal hygiene and grooming
Mental rigidity and inflexibility
Distractibility and impersistence
Hyperorality and dietary changes
Perseverative and stereotyped behavior
Loss of insight, disinhibition
Restlessness, distractibility
Reduced empathy or unconcern for others
Lack of foresight or planning
Apathy or loss of spontaneity
Reduced verbal output
Sexual hyperactivity
Modified from Strong et al. (2009).

Ultrasound Using the presence of fasciculation potentials in

the setting of the Awaji Criteria the diagnostic
Ultrasound has been used to demonstrate fascic- certainty increased to 79%.
ulation potentials and changes in muscle volume Ultrasound has also been shown to be use-
and echo intensity, and all three features are com- ful as a diagnostic tool to distinguish patients
mon in multiple muscles in the clinical setting of with ALS from those with other neuromus-
ALS (Arts et  al., 2008), although it is not pos- cular diseases (Arts et  al., 2012). Based on
sible to distinguish among neuropathic disorders detecting fasciculation potentials and changes
(Maurits et al., 2003). A study of 81 patients, with in echogenicity (Arts et al., 2008), in a study of
48% meeting definite of probable by Airlie House 27 patients with ALS (including those with El
Criteria, compared ultrasound with needle EMG Escorial Criteria definite, probable, possible,
to detect fasciculation potentials (Misawa et al., laboratory supported, and progressive muscu-
2011). Ultrasound was much more sensitive, par- lar atrophy) compared with 32 patients with
ticularly in the tongue, but also in limb muscles. other diseases (including benign fasciculation
48 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

potentials and cramps, polyneuropathy, mul- REFERENCES

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Chapter 7

Biomarkers for Motor Neuron Disease

Shafeeq Ladha, Christina Chrisman, and Robert Bowser


METABOLIC BIOMARKERS Voxel-based Morphometry
MUNE in ALS Studies

BACKGROUND AND The search for biomarkers of ALS has seen

NEW POINTS considerable advances during the past 15 years.
Biomarkers are defined as any genetic, physio-
Biomarkers are important tools for diagno- logic, protein, or biochemical measure that can
sis, prognosis, monitoring progression, and as be accurately quantified and related to disease
aids in understanding pathophysiology. Early onset, progression, or therapeutic response of a
efforts were limited and based on relatively drug treatment (Zerhouni, 2003; Group, 2001).
simple observations. The discovery of ALS biomarkers has pro-
Recent biomarker efforts have been gressed as technology advancements created
enhanced by technological advances in genet- new opportunities to quantify nucleic acid and
ics, proteomics, electrophysiologic techniques, protein alterations, as well as improvements in
and imaging. Candidate markers require imaging techniques. The failure of many ALS
extensive testing for verification across labora- clinical trials may in part be caused by initiation
tories and clinical forms of amyotrophic lateral of the treatment relatively late in the disease
sclerosis (ALS) and longitudinally. course, because the average diagnostic delay
is 1 year (Mitchell et al., 2010). Although ALS
is currently diagnosed by clinical opinion of
an experienced neurologist to rule out mimic
INTRODUCTION disorders, clinical symptoms may occur much
later than initial pathologic changes because
There is a great need to establish biomark- of primary cellular events. Earlier diagnosis
ers that can be used to aid diagnosis, provide would permit introduction of therapies much
prognostic indications, and assist in evaluating closer to these primary disease events and
treatment effects in clinical trials (Table 7–1). potentially impact treatment-induced disease

7  Biomarkers for MND 51

Table 7–1  Types of Biomarkers, Potential use in ALS, and Current Gold Standards
Biomarker Type Potential Use Current Gold Standard
Diagnostic Rule out ALS; initiate therapy earlier Neurologic history and examination
Electromyography (revised El Escorial/Awaji
criteria; Douglass et al., 2010)
Prognostic Identify patterns of disease Diagnostic latency
progression Neurologic evaluation (e.g., clinical
Estimate survival time phenotypes)
Patient stratification for clinical trials Cox modeling of clinical variables
Timely intervention and optimize (Haverkamp et al., 1995; Turner et al.,
care for gastrostomy, noninvasive 2002)
ventilation, cognitive support
Surrogate Determine effectiveness of drugs in Revised ALS Functional Rating Score
trials (electrical impedance myography

modifications. Biomarkers that can monitor SOD1 mutations. Recent studies have dem-
disease progression and provide prognostic onstrated that delivery of SOD1 antisense oli-
indications are needed to facilitate drug devel- gonucleotides into the central nervous system
opment efforts. Pharmacodynamic biomarkers reduces SOD1 protein levels and in a mutant
are necessary to demonstrate the ability of a SOD1 transgenic mouse model and retards
drug to “hit” its target, and are used in drug disease onset and extends survival (Miller et al.,
development and clinical trials. Ultimately, 2005; Ralph et  al., 2005; Raoul et  al., 2005).
biology-based biomarkers may provide surro- For studies involving SOD1 antisense treat-
gate markers in clinical trials to provide faster ment, monitoring SOD1 protein levels within
and improved decision making during clinical the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) has been used as
trials. This chapter reviews genetic, protein, a pharmacodynamic biomarker for drug treat-
biochemical, imaging, and physiologic bio- ment (Winer et al., 2013). Current clinical tri-
markers of ALS, focusing on human-based als testing antisense technologies to eliminate
studies, and how these biomarkers may ulti- expression of SOD1 may prove effective as a
mately be used in clinical practice. treatment for patients harboring SOD1 muta-
tions and could potentially be initiated prior to
onset of clinical symptoms. This would require
GENETIC BIOMARKERS genetic testing of those with a family history
of ALS to identify families harboring SOD1
Approximately 10% of patients with ALS mutations, with subsequent antisense oligonu-
exhibit a family history of the disease cleotide treatment and monitoring reduction
(Majoor-Krakauer, Willems, & Hofman, 2003), of mutant SOD1 protein levels in the CSF.
although a recent meta-analysis of prior studies As DNA sequencing technologies improved
suggests the figure is closer to 5% (Byrne et al., and polymorphisms were identified through-
2011). Although we do not discuss all the genes out the genome many additional genetic
that have been linked to ALS, we highlight a causes and risk factors of ALS were identified
few specific gene/nucleic acid biomarkers for by linkage analysis, candidate gene approaches,
ALS. Mutations in the superoxide dismutase-1 exome sequencing, and high-density mapping
(SOD1) gene were identified in 1993 by DNA techniques using DNA microarrays (Table
sequencing techniques as causative in approxi- 7–2). These findings highlight various path-
mately 10% of familial ALS (FALS; 1–2% ways altered in ALS, including axonal trans-
of patients with ALS; Rosen et  al., 1993). port, RNA metabolism, protein stability, and
Although present in all cells, SOD1 is not an environmental stress/inflammation, underscor-
essential gene product, suggesting that inhibi- ing the importance of these pathways in the
tion of mutant SOD1 gene expression may be pathogenesis of ALS. The discovery of a repeat
an effective treatment for patients that harbor expansion in an intron of the C9ORF72 gene in
52 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Table 7–2  Genetic Markers for ALS and Molecular Pathways

Implicated Molecular Pathway
Axonal Protein Environmental Stress/
DNA/RNA Transport/ Aggregation/ Toxin Susceptibility/
Processing Trafficking Degradation Infection/Inflammation
SOD1 √ √ √
TDP-43 √ √
FUS √ √
C9orf72 √
TAF15 √
Senataxin √
Ataxin-2 √ √
Matrin 3 √
Angiogenin √
Ubiquilin-2 √
Optineurin √ √ √
Dynactin √
VAPB √ √
Alsin √
D-amino acid oxidase √ √
Peripherin √ √
PON1-3 √
Sigma-R1 √
SQSTM1/p62 √
ELP √ √
UNC13A √
List of genes linked to ALS (genetic mutations, expansions, or risk factors) and biologic pathways in which they function.

2011 opened up new areas of research and iden- cells has ushered in a new era of nucleic acid–
tified the most common genetic cause of ALS, based biomarkers for health and disease (Rao,
present in approximately 40% of FALS cases Benito, & Fischer, 2013). Recent studies have
and 4–7% of apparently sporadic ALS (SALS; identified altered levels of microRNAs (miR-
DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011; Renton et al., NAs) in microglia from transgenic mouse
2011). The repeat expansion of C9ORF72 rep- models of ALS (Parisi et al., 2013), and global
resents the best genetic biomarker for ALS. miRNA malfunction causes a motor neuron
Many questions remain regarding the normal disease phenotype (Haramati et  al., 2010).
function of the C9ORF72 gene product and Circulating blood monocytes were found to
how the repeat expansion causes loss of motor have a distinct miRNA signature that was simi-
neurons. A family history of ALS or other neu- lar in both the mutant G93A SOD1 mice and
rodegenerative diseases warrants sequenc- human patients with ALS (Butovsky et  al.,
ing of at least the SOD1, TDP-43, FUS, and 2012). The miRNA profile included miR-27a,
C9ORF72 genes to determine if the patient miR-155, miR146a, and miR-532-3p and was
harbors any of these most common genetic similar in both the humans and transgenic
alterations associated with ALS. mice expressing mutant SOD1. miR-27a was
The discovery of extracellular RNA released highly expressed in patients with ALS but
from cells that can signal neighboring or distal not in healthy control subjects or patients
7  Biomarkers for MND 53

with multiple sclerosis. These findings must successful, the peripheral immune signature
be repeated in a much larger number of could then be used to select patients to receive
patients and additional disease controls to these specific immunomodulation therapies
further validate and explore the use of these and serve as a model for using biomarker sig-
monocyte-derived miRNAs, or potentially natures from peripheral monocytes to guide
miRNAs identified from other cells or in bio- drug development and patient recruitment
fluids, as biomarkers for ALS. Another recent into clinical trials.
study used tissue-based microarrays to discover
biomarkers common between the spinal cord
of transgenic mouse models of patients with
ALS and SALS (Kudo et al., 2010). Continued PROTEIN BIOMARKERS
use of miRNA- and microarray-based studies
will provide additional genetic biomarkers that The search for protein biomarkers of ALS has
originate from circulating cells or cells within also significantly advanced in the past decade.
the tissues affected by disease. The starting material used to discover bio-
Butovsky and colleagues (2012) also identi- markers is extremely important to the ultimate
fied a gene profile from CD14+CD16− periph- success of subsequent experimental studies
eral monocytes in patients with ALS. This study (Table 7–3). Standard operating procedures
implicated specific inflammatory pathways in have been established for the collection, pro-
ALS and the ability of peripheral monocytes cessing, and storage of biofluids and tissue
as a source of biomarkers for ALS. Modulation for ALS biomarker investigations (Otto et  al.,
of the specific peripheral immune miRNA and 2012). Blood and CSF have been the most
gene signature detected in ALS may provide common biofluids used for protein biomarker
a more effective treatment strategy for ALS, research, although muscle and spinal cord tis-
using these candidate biomarkers to evaluate sue have also been used to discover protein
immunomodulators in clinical trials. Although biomarkers. Although blood offers minimum
general anti-inflammatory and immunosup- invasiveness and is a well-studied proteome,
pressive drugs have failed in ALS clinical tri- it contains a complex mixture of proteins in a
als (Cudkowicz et al., 2006; Smith et al., 1994), huge dynamic range that typically dilutes the
specific modulation of the inflammatory sig- release of any tissue-specific biomarkers. CSF
nature detected in patients with ALS provides is near the tissue containing the degenerating
a more selective immune-based therapy that motor neurons but is more challenging to col-
may be effective in patients. Stratification of lect and limits the sampling volume. Saliva and
the patient population based on activation of urine are noninvasively collected but very little
peripheral monocytes by aggregated SOD1 has been performed with these biofluids in
protein is also the premise for clinical trials ALS research. Postmortem and biopsy tissues
of the humanized monoclonal antibody tocili- are critically valuable because they contain the
zumab (Acterma) to modulate interkeukin-6 cell type and area affected by the disease but
receptor signaling in the nervous system there are few tissue banks with high-quality
(Mizwicki et  al., 2012). If these studies prove postmortem ALS samples. Skin biopsies are

Table 7–3  Sources of Biomarkers

Biopsy or
Tissue CSF Urine Saliva Blood Imaging
Specificity +++ +++ + + ++ +++
Clinical relevance +++ +++ + + +++ ++
Availability + ++ +++ +++ +++ +
Invasiveness +++ ++ + + + +
The location of each biomarker source with respect to disease pathology (specificity), clinical relevance, degree of
availability, and invasiveness of procedure. + = low; ++ = moderate; +++ = high.
54 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

becoming a valuable resource for the genera- Cystatin C levels have been shown to be
tion of fibroblast cell lines that can be used to reduced in the CSF and increased in the
generate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) plasma of patients with ALS, with reduced
and offer new opportunities in ALS biomarker functional activity in the CSF (Tsuji-Akimoto
research. et al., 2009; Wilson, Boumaza, & Bowser, 2010;
Most of the proteomic studies to date have Wilson & Bowser, 2013). ApoE plasma lev-
focused on distinguishing ALS from either els measured in 400 patients with ALS were
healthy controls or other neurologic diseases. shown to correlate to rate of disease progres-
These studies therefore are aimed toward sion and a risk factor for decreased survival
diagnostic biomarkers, although many have time (Lacomblez et  al., 2002). Others noted
also tried to determine if these same pro- that a ratio of two proteins can help increase
teins can provide any prognostic indications the sensitivity and specificity for distinguishing
for rate of disease progression or patient sur- ALS from various control groups or correlate
vival. Antibody-based methods remain the to patient survival (Ganesalingam et al., 2011;
most common approach for protein biomarker Sussmuth et al., 2010). Tetsuka and colleagues
discovery efforts, although mass spectrom- (2013) reported that a ratio of creatinine to cys-
etry has been used by some groups to per- tatin C in the blood was a biomarker for resid-
form large, unbiased proteomic screens for ual muscle mass and assessed disease severity
biomarkers or to sequence proteins eluted and progression in patients with ALS. Studies
from two-dimensional gel electrophoresis with muscle biopsies identified increased levels
experiments (Brettschneider et  al., 2008; of Nogo-A in ALS muscle (Pradat et al., 2007).
Ranganathan et al., 2005; Nardo et al., 2011). Nogo-A functions to impede neurite outgrowth
Many individual proteins or protein panels and therefore increased levels may influence
have been proposed as candidate ALS bio- the ability of neurite outgrowth and regen-
markers (Table 7–4). Later we further discuss eration during ALS. Although it was expected
the recent advancements in proteomic bio- that Nogo-A levels would also increase in the
markers for ALS and the strengths and limita- blood because of muscle wasting during dis-
tions of these studies. ease, this was not observed (Harel et al., 2009).
Many proteomic studies have focused on Therefore, Nogo-A is not a blood-based bio-
select, targeted proteins to study based on marker candidate. Several other growth fac-
the known pathogenic mechanisms of disease. tors, inflammatory proteins, and extracellular
Simple immunoblot or enzyme-linked immu- proteins have been shown to be altered in
nosorbent assays have been used to compare the CSF or blood of patients with ALS (Table
individual protein levels in the blood, CSF, or 7–4). Please note examples in Table 7–4 where
tissue between ALS and control subjects (Table results for individual proteins differ between
7–4). The most well-established single protein publications. This may be due to the fact that
biomarkers for ALS are the neurofilament antibodies used to detect and measure each
proteins, a marker of axonal degeneration and protein often differ between laboratories, and
injury when released into CSF or blood. Both differences in how patient samples are col-
phosphorylated neurofilament heavy chain and lected, processed, and stored, highlighting a
light chain have been shown to be elevated in challenge for properly interpreting the data. It
the CSF and blood of patients with ALS by sev- is important to remember that follow-up stud-
eral laboratories located throughout the world ies must be conducted to verify any biomarker
(Boylan et al., 2009; Brettschneider et al., 2006; candidate and the assay used to quantify the
Ganesalingam et al., 2012; Kuhle et al., 2010; protein must go through a stringent validation
Reijn et al., 2009). The ratio of phosphorylated process before evaluating the clinical use for
neurofilament heavy chain to complement c3 any of the biomarkers.
in the CSF was shown to increase the speci- More recent methodologic developments
ficity of predicting ALS (Ganesalingam et  al., permit the simultaneous measurement of
2011). A  recent paper suggests that patients many proteins within one sample (multi-
with ALS have circulating antibodies to neu- plex). Two general approaches are used for
rofilament proteins that could be used to pre- these multiplex immunoassays:  planar arrays
dict and monitor disease progression (Puentes that have several capture antibodies to differ-
et al., 2014). ent proteins attached at defined spots on the
Table 7–4  Protein Biomarkers for ALS
Individual Proteins CSF Blood Tissue References
Angiogenin ↑ Cronin et al., 2006
Aβ42 ↓ Sjogren et al., 2002
APOE ↓ Lacomblez et al., 2002
sCD14 ↑ Sussmuth et al., 2010
Creatine kinase ↑ Sussmuth et al., 2003;
Ilzecka & Stelmasiak
Cystatin C ↓ ↑ ↓ Tsuji-Akimoto et al.,
2009; Wilson et al.,
2010, 2013; Mori et al.,
Erythropoietin ↓ ↓ Janik et al., 2010;
Brettschneider et al.,
FGF-2 ↑ ↑ Johansson et al., 2003
Fibronectin ↓ Ono et al., 2000
GH ↓ – Bilic et al., 2006
GDNF ↑ Grundstrom et al., 2000
HGF ↑ ↑ Kern et al., 2001;
Nomura et al., 2012
Insulin ↓ ↓ Bilic et al., 2006
IGF-1 ↓ ↑ Bilic et al., 2006;
Hosback et al., 2007
IL-6 ↑ ↑ ↑ Ono et al., 2001; Moreau
et al., 2005
MCP-1 ↑ ↑ Wilms et al., 2003;
Nagata et al., 2007
MMP-2 ↑ ↑ Niebroj-Dobosz et al.,
MMP-9 ↑ ↑ Niebroj-Dobosz et al.,
2010; Beuche et al.,
pNfH ↑ ↑ Brettschneider et al.,
2006; Ganesalingam
et al., 2012
pNfL ↑ ↑ Norgren et al., 2003;
Zetterberg et al., 2007;
Tortelli et al., 2012
Nogo-A – ↑ Pradat et al., 2007; Harel
et al., 2009
PEDF ↑ Kuncl et al., 2002
RANTES ↑ ↑ Rentzos et al., 2007
S100β ↑ ↑ Sussmuth et al., 2003,
2010; Migheli et al.,
SOD1 ↑ Winer et al., 2013
Tau ↑/– ↑/– Brettschneider et al.,
2006; Sussmuth et al.,
2010; Paladino et al.,
TGFβ1 ↑ ↑ Ilzecka et al., 2003; Houi
et al., 2002
TIMP-1 ↑ ↑ Niebroj-Dobosz et al.,
2010; Lorenzl et al.,
56 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Table 7–4  (Cont.)

Individual Proteins CSF Blood Tissue References
TNF-α ↑ Moreau et al., 2005;
Poloni et al., 2000;
Cereda et al., 2008
TNF-RI ↑ Poloni et al., 2000;
Cereda et al., 2008
TNF-RII ↑ Poloni et al., 2000;
Cereda et al., 2008
VEGF ↓/– ↑/– – Devos et al., 2004;
Moreau et al., 2006;
Gupta et al., 2011
Biofluid or Cells—Proteomic
Protein Panels Method Used in Study Reference
Transthyretin, cystatin C, 7B2 CSF—SELDI-TOF MS Ranganathan et al., 2005
VGF, cystatin C, 6.7-kDa mass peak CSF—SELDI-TOF MS Pasinetti et al., 2006
Ceruloplasmin, transferrin, α1-antitrypsin, CSF—Two-dimensional gels and MS Brettschneider et al.,
α2-glycoprotein, β2-microglobulin 2008
IL-2, IL-6, IL-10, IL-15, GM-CSF CSF—Multiplex bead assay Mitchell et al., 2009
Cystatin C, transthyretin, CRP, and 38 CSF—SELDI-TOF MS Ryberg et al., 2010
other spectral mass peaks
Heat shock protein 1, α1-antitrypsin, CSF—Two-dimensional gels and MS Brettschneider et al.,
fetuin-A, transferrin, transthyretin, 2010
nebulin-related anchoring protein
Cystatin C, α1-antitrypsin, VGF, CSF—MALDI-TOF MS von Neuhoff et al., 2012
chromogranin A, secreted
phosphoprotein 1
MCP-1, GM-CSF, L-ferritin, transferrin Blood plasma—Multiplex bead assay Mitchell et al., 2010
MCP-1 and IL-8 in CSF; eotaxin Blood serum and CSF—Multiplex Kuhle et al., 2009
in serum planar assay
Calreticulin, peroxiredoxin-2, GSTO1, Peripheral monocytes— Nardo et al., 2011
CLIC1, HSC70, CypA, PDI, ERp57, Two-dimensional gels and MS
PA28a, IRAK4, FUBP1, ROA2, actin,
Complement c3, integrin α-IIb, zyxin, Blood plasma—MALDI-TOF MS Conraux et al., 2013
thymosin β4, and three peptides of
platelet factor 4
IP-10, IL-5, L-ferritin in plasma, IL-8 Blood plasma and CSF—Multiplex Su et al., 2013
and MCP-1 in CSF, and a ratio of bead assay
IFN-ɣ (plasma/CSF)
Individual proteins are listed with corresponding levels measured in the CSF, blood (serum or plasma), or tissue of
patients with ALS when compared with control subjects. ↑ = increased in ALS relative to control subjects; ↓ = decreased
in ALS relative to control subjects; – = no change in ALS relative to control subjects; ↑/– = differences between results
reported in the publications. Results for protein panels include a list of the biofluid and methodology used in the study.
MALDI-TOF MS = matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry; SELDI-TOF
MS = surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

array, and the luminex technology that con- technical difficulties with respect to potential
tains capture antibodies attached to the surface antibody interference when many microbeads
of microbeads and are distinguished by their containing different antibodies are used in the
fluorescence emission by flow cytometry. The experiment, and lot-to-lot variability of the
ability to multiplex within a single sample has antibody-labeled microbeads that would influ-
enabled scientists to generate panels of protein ence reproducibility of the results.
biomarkers that are altered in patients with Using this microbead-based multiplex
ALS compared with control subjects (Table approach to examine multiple cytokine and
7–4). However, the microbead approach has inflammatory proteins, Mitchell and colleagues
7  Biomarkers for MND 57

reported a CSF signature for ALS containing across different proteomic platforms represent
five cytokines (Mitchell et al., 2009). In subse- the most robust biomarkers and efforts should
quent studies from the same laboratory, a dis- be made to further validate and develop these
tinct inflammatory signature was detected in biomarkers for clinical use. To date, most stud-
the blood (Mitchell et al., 2010). By combining ies to identify prognostic biomarkers used a
CSF and blood inflammatory profiles generated single biofluid sample with longitudinal clinical
using a planar multiplex assay, a group of cyto- information as a measure of disease progres-
kines was discovered for ALS in both biofluids sion. Future studies must include longitudi-
(Kuhle et  al., 2009). Finally, Connor and col- nal biofluid samples collected from individual
leagues used a combination of plasma and CSF patients to demonstrate the ability of these
cytokine profiles, HFE genotyping, L-ferritin protein biomarkers to monitor disease progres-
measures, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent sion within patients.
measures for transferrin and β2-microglobulin
to generate a signature of ALS progression and
prognosis in approximately 30 patients when
correlated to follow-up clinical information for METABOLIC BIOMARKERS
each patient (Su et al., 2013). Overall, altered
levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 Metabolomics is a more recently developed
and interleukin-8 in the CSF or blood were methodology that typically uses mass spectrom-
identified in multiple studies, indicating these etry or nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
proteins may represent a more robust signature spectroscopy to explore the thousands of small
that can be further validated in future studies. molecules generated by metabolism within
The mass spectrometry–based methods to cells, tissues, or biofluids (Kaddurah-Daouk,
identify panels of proteins that could distin- Kristal, & Weinshilboum, 2008). The use of
guish ALS from various control groups were metabolomics can help generate new biomark-
first reported in 2005 (Ranganathan et  al., ers of disease and enhance the understanding
2005), with subsequent verification and vali- of disease pathogenesis and drug effects.
dation studies performed by separate labora- NMR spectroscopy of blood samples con-
tories using the same surface-enhanced laser firmed prior findings that particular amino
desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spec- acids are altered in the blood of patients with
trometry technology (Pasinetti et  al., 2006; ALS, including increased glutamate, hydroxy-
Ryberg et al., 2010). More recent studies using butyrate, acetone, and acetate, and decreased
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization levels of glutamine, histidine, and N-acetyl
time-of-flight mass spectrometry to identify derivatives (Kumar et al., 2010).
biomarkers in CSF or blood from a small num- Mass spectrometry–based metabolomics has
ber of ALS and control subjects or other neu- advantages over NMR spectroscopy of detect-
rologic disease control subjects confirmed the ing metabolites at lower concentrations and
surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization the ability to resolve more small metabolites,
time-of-flight results in the CSF for cystatin C although these remain complementary tech-
and VGF (Table 7–4). In addition, novel bio- niques to explore the metabolic signatures of
marker candidates discovered in the CSF sug- disease or drug response. The first metabolo-
gest that vesicle secretion pathways are altered mics study comparing ALS and control sub-
in ALS and biomarker candidates in the blood jects was performed by Rozen et al. (2005) and
suggest that coagulation factors are altered and examined 300 metabolites in the plasma of 28
may contribute to the disease process. These ALS and 30 healthy control subjects. Over 100
findings must be further validated in large sub- metabolites appeared altered, although the
ject cohorts in future studies. identity of these metabolites was not known.
As noted previously, many of the mass In a subsequent study using gas chromatog-
spectrometry–based proteomic studies iden- raphy/mass spectrometry and liquid chroma-
tified the same proteins within the CSF or tography tandem mass spectrometry, Lawton
blood-based signatures for ALS, and many and colleagues (2012) performed two separate
of these proteins were also identified in prior substudies and identified additional metabolic
studies using targeted proteomic methods changes in the plasma of patients with ALS.
(Table 7–4). Candidate biomarkers identified Twenty-three identified metabolites were
58 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

altered in the plasma of patients with ALS, have been a mainstay of ALS clinical care for
including biochemical pathways associated the last 50  years but have not been used as
with hypermetabolism, oxidative damage, lipid biomarkers until relatively recently. The last
metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction. 20 years have seen a renewed interest in clini-
Among the most significant individual metabo- cal biomarkers, including motor unit number
lites exhibiting alterations in ALS were creatine estimation (MUNE), electrical impedance
(increased in ALS) and creatinine (decreased myography (EIM), and transcranal magnetic
in ALS). stimulation (TMS).
Wuolikainen and colleagues (2011) also
reported significant metabolic differences
between the CSF of control subjects and MUNE
patients with ALS, but they also detected dif-
ferences between FALS, SALS, and patients The pathophysiologic cascade in ALS, regard-
with FALS carrying a mutation in the SOD1 less of genetic or phenotypic subtype, inevita-
gene. This suggests that mechanisms under- bly ends in the final common pathway of motor
lying the disease differ within subpopulations neuron death. As such, the ability to ascertain
of patients with ALS. A  total of 120 metabo- the number of motor units for a given muscle
lites were detected and used in their analysis, is of great interest as a clinical biomarker. The
with known identity of 40 metabolites. Among ability to track this information is extremely
the known metabolites exhibiting differences useful as a surrogate marker of disease progres-
between the groups were creatinine (decreased sion, as a prognostic biomarker, and potentially
in all ALS compared with control subjects and as a biomarker for monitoring therapy.
lower in FALS compared with SALS). Another For many years, the only available tech-
study using CSF-based metabolomics used nique that could estimate motor unit numbers
66 ALS and 120 control subjects to identify a was histopathology. Muscle biopsies revealed
group of four metabolites that could predict denervation atrophy that could be semiquan-
ALS with 80% accuracy (Blasco et  al., 2013). tified and pathologic alterations at autopsy
Overall, these studies reveal that a metabolic demonstrated loss of anterior horn cells.
signature can be identified in patients with Unfortunately, this kind of postmortem infor-
ALS, and possibly could be used to stratify mation is of little benefit in clinical studies. The
patient populations. However, many of the development of neurophysiologic techniques
metabolites detected in these studies remain has allowed for in vivo quantification of motor
unknown and additional metabolomics studies neurons and has been instrumental in ALS
using a large number of patient samples are biomarker research. In 1971, McComas and
required to verify and ultimately prospectively coworkers (1971) described a simple, elegant
determine the ability of metabolomics to pro- method that could be used to estimate motor
vide diagnostic or prognostic use for ALS. unit numbers (MUNE). Since that time, sev-
eral different methods have been investigated
but the fundamental concept of all methods
is the same (Fig. 7–1). A  compound muscle
NEUROPHYSIOLOGIC action potential (CMAP) is recorded from a
BIOMARKERS muscle after supramaximal stimulation of the
nerve supplying it. This response is assumed
Although serologic or biofluid biomarkers to represent the summation of all motor units
are undeniably powerful and aid greatly in in the muscle. Next, a series of submaximal
research and clinical trials, clinical biomarkers stimulations are performed and used to calcu-
are also robust and have the advantage of being late the average size of individual motor units.
readily available to the neurologist via easily This average is divided into the supramaximal
accessed resources. Most clinical biomarkers in response to arrive at an estimated number of
clinical trials have been nonbiologic surrogate motor units.
markers, such as ALS Functional Rating Scale; Conceptually, MUNE is a powerful way to
manual muscle testing; handheld dynamome- track in vivo disease progression as a biomarker
try; and respiratory parameters, such as forced in ALS. It is more attractive than other clini-
vital capacity. Neurophysiologic techniques cal measures of disease for several reasons. In
7  Biomarkers for MND 59

(A) this motor unit loss. Another attractive feature

of MUNE is that it demonstrates more rapid
change than other clinical measures (Felice,
1997; Dantes & McComas, 1991; Mitsumoto
et al., 2007). Measures that change rapidly with
disease progression are coveted as biomarkers
5 mV because they allow for trials to be performed
2 ms
more quickly and can provide increased sensi-
tivity in detecting a treatment effect. Another
useful feature of MUNE is that it is able to
detect motor unit loss earlier than other clinical
measures. Studies of mutant SOD1 ALS mice
have shown detectable loss of motor units even
(B) in a presymptomatic state (Shefner et al., 1999;
Hegedus, Putman, & Gordon, 2009). More
recently, studies of presymptomatic famil-
ial patients with ALS showed that although
baseline motor unit numbers were normal, an
abrupt drop in motor unit numbers was seen
several months before symptom onset in some
patients (Aggarwal & Nicholson, 2001, 2002).
These studies indicate that MUNE is poised
100 µV to be an ideal biomarker early in the disease
2 ms course, which is when experimental agents
may be the most efficacious. Finally, MUNE is
Figure  7–1. This example of the incremental MUNE attractive because most methods are relatively
technique illustrates the concept underlying MUNE. simple to learn and can be performed on stan-
(A)  Supramaximal compound muscle action potential is
obtained, here in the median nerve. (B)  Stimulation is
dard electromyography machines. This makes
then begun at low levels and slowly increased until all-or- it a feasible biomarker for multicenter studies
nothing step-wise responses are obtained. Here five incre- (Shefner et al., 2011).
ments are seen. Each increment is assumed to result from Unfortunately, MUNE techniques also have
the addition of a single motor unit. The amplitude of the some characteristics that have led to criticism
largest one is divided by the number of increments to give
the average size of a motor unit in this sample. The average of their validity (Shefner, 2001). The first is
size is then divided into the amplitude of the waveform in the fact that the normal anatomic numbers of
(A) to give the motor unit number estimate. motor units in specific muscles of controls is
not known. This limited MUNE techniques
to studies that looked at disease progression,
contrast to other neurophysiologic techniques, which only require data on the relative change
such as motor unit recruitment or interference in motor neurons, rather than disease severity,
pattern analysis, MUNE is much less suscep- which would compare the absolute number of
tible to the dynamic effects of reinnervation motor neurons in a diseased patient with nor-
and is more amenable to quantitative measure- mative data. Some studies have attempted to
ments rather than qualitative or semiquantita- anatomically determine the number of motor
tive measurements (Shefner, 2001; Carleton & neurons in fetal and newborn tissues based on
Brown, 1979). It is also superior to force-based animal data showing that approximately half
measures, such as forced vital capacity or man- the large, myelinated axons in a motor nerve
ual muscle testing, because it is less affected by are sensory axons (Feinstein et al., 1955; Eisen
the phenomenon of reinnervation (Bromberg et  al., 1974). However, these studies had suf-
et al., 1993a; Felice, 1997). Comparison stud- ficiently statistically discordant results that
ies of MUNE and these clinical measures have the normative data were not widely accepted.
shown that motor unit loss in the clinical mea- Another criticism of MUNE is that the esti-
sures is masked early in the disease because mates become less reliable with greater
reinnervation is able to compensate and pre- numbers of motor neurons, a scenario that is
serve force. MUNE, however, is able to detect often encountered early in a disease when a
60 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

biomarker is most needed. Next, assumptions well tolerated, and is simple to perform on any
that all motor units have similar stimulation electromyogram machine (Shefner et al., 2011;
thresholds and that the motor units sampled Felice, 1995). Nonetheless, the technique is
to calculate the average motor unit size are still hampered by potential bias in that only
all single motor units are to a certain extent motor units of relatively low threshold are sam-
untrue and probably result in overestimation of pled. This technique is best suited to Phase II
motor unit numbers (Milner-Brown & Brown, ALS therapeutic trials where rapid assessment
1976; Brown & Milner-Brown, 1976; Feasby & of a drug effect on motor neuron loss is desired
Brown, 1974). Finally, there is some variability (Shefner, 2001).
of motor unit numbers estimated between dif- STA technique is the only MUNE tech-
ferent MUNE techniques leaving uncertainty nique that uses voluntary motor units rather
as to which should be used as the gold stan- than stimulated ones (Strong et  al., 1988;
dard. Since McComas’ description there have Brown, Strong, & Snow, 1988). A needle elec-
been several methods used for MUNE. They trode records single voluntary motor units.
include the McComas incremental technique Meanwhile, surface electrodes concurrently
(McComas et al., 1971), multiple point stimula- record the motor units. The electromyogram
tion (Kadrie et al., 1976; Hansen & Ballantyne, motor unit acts as a trigger to time lock the sur-
1977), the F-wave method (Stashuk et  al., face recorded motor units. After 10–15 motor
1994; Felice, 1998), spike-triggered averag- unit samples are captured, the average motor
ing (STA; Strong et  al., 1988), and the statis- unit size is calculated and divided into the
tical method (Daube, 1995; Henderson et al., supramaximal CMAP of the muscle.
2007). Each method has characteristics that This technique was developed for two spe-
are advantageous and disadvantageous for use cific reasons. First it has the advantage that
in ALS studies that have been reviewed previ- it can be performed on proximal muscles.
ously. Modifications to some of these methods Whereas other MUNE techniques require
have been made to alleviate some of the disad- stimulation of relatively inaccessible proximal
vantages. Over the last 15 years, ALS research- nerves, the use of volitional motor unit activity
ers have focused on several techniques that are in STA obviates this need. Second, the tech-
most suited to ALS studies. nique was developed to presumably provide a
Multiple point stimulation technique was more representative sample of motor units for
developed to address one of the major draw- use in calculating the average motor unit size.
backs to the incremental method; namely, Because it does not use electrical stimulation,
the ambiguity of whether the all-or-nothing it is free from the bias introduced by the phe-
quantal response with incremental stimu- nomenon of similar motor unit sizes requiring
lus increases contains one or more than one similar stimulation levels. Unfortunately, the
motor unit, a phenomenon known as alterna- technique is subject to a different kind of bias
tion (Kadrie et al., 1976). Similar to the incre- in that physiologic recruitment recruits smaller
mental technique, it involves stimulation of motor units first and artificially raises the
nerve at submaximal stimulation to record the MUNE. It is also time consuming and requires
amplitude of individual motor units. Unlike the patient tolerance and cooperation.
incremental technique, it uses various points A modified technique called decomposi-
along the nerve course to allow for a more var- tion enhanced STA (DE-STA) was developed
ied sample of motor units. Multiple point stim- to address these problems with STA (Boe,
ulation has been extensively studied (Kadrie Stashuk, & Doherty, 2004; Doherty & Stashuk,
et  al., 1976; Doherty & Brown, 1993; Felice, 2003). As a potential biomarker, DE-STA
1995; Wang et  al., 2002; Wang & Delwaide, seems to have high test-retest reproducibility
1995, 1998). More recently, the technique has and good intrarater reliability (Ives & Doherty,
been modified to involve a combination of the 2014; Boe et al., 2009; Calder et al., 2008; Boe,
incremental method and the multiple point Stashuk, & Doherty, 2006).
method in the hopes that bias from the alter- Statistical technique was developed to
nation of motor units with similar thresholds address the problems of sampling bias that
could be reduced (Wang & Delwaide, 1995). plagued other methods (Daube, 1988, 1995).
It seems to be a highly reproducible measure Namely, the technique uses computerized soft-
in control subjects and patients with ALS, is ware to sample motor units at different levels
7  Biomarkers for MND 61

of stimulation and uses Poisson statistics to & Doherty, 2012, 2014; Bromberg, 1993b).
calculate an average motor unit size. Thus, the The reliability is slightly lower in healthy con-
sample is not composed of motor units of the trol subjects perhaps because of the fact that
same stimulation threshold as in other MUNE there is a higher chance of sampling the same
methods. Unfortunately, the method is still motor unit more than once in patients with
subject to artificially low motor unit number ALS (Felice, 1995; Bromberg, 1993b). Finally,
estimates because of the effect of unstable, MUNE has been successfully used as an
varying motor units (Shefner, 2009). It also exploratory outcome measure in a clinical trial
seems to provide significantly lower motor demonstrating that it is simple enough to per-
unit number estimates than other methods, at form to be appropriate for multicenter clinical
least in healthy subjects (Shefner, 2001). More trials (Shefner et al., 2011).
recently, a new statistical MUNE method was MUNE has the potential to be a power-
developed that uses Bayesian statistics instead ful biomarker that can be used to track dis-
of Poisson statistics to try to account for some ease progression or therapeutic effects of an
of the biologic variables that negatively affect investigational agent, as a stratification tool
traditional statistical MUNE (Henderson, for patients with ALS in clinical trials, and as
et al., 2007; Ridall et al., 2006). a marker of early disease when therapeutic
agents may have the most promise. No MUNE
technique has been shown as clearly superior
MUNE in ALS Studies to others and the needs of each future study or
trial will determine which method of MUNE is
As an ALS biomarker, MUNE has shown best suited as a biomarker. Before MUNE can
great promise. First, it has shown the abil- be used reliably in clinical trials, further study,
ity to detect lower motor neuron loss in ALS and perhaps new techniques, is necessary.
compared with healthy control subjects. The
initial incremental MUNE studies by Carleton
and Brown (1979) and Hansen and Ballantyne EIM
(1978) found that motor unit numbers in
patients with ALS were reduced by 80% EIM is an emerging technique that has the
and 62% in the upper and lower extremities, potential to be a powerful biomarker in ALS
respectively. Subsequently, studies with various research. Unlike other neurophysiologic bio-
other methods have consistently demonstrated markers, EIM does not require muscle con-
this as well (Shefner et al., 2011; Felice, 1995; traction or inherent electrical activity from
Wang & Delwaide, 1995, 1998; Boe, Stashuk, the muscle or nerve. It is based on the field
& Doherty, 2007; Bromberg, 1993b). Next, of bioelectrical impedance analysis, which has
MUNE is able to demonstrate a rate of decline long been used in studies to assess lean body
of motor units over time. This can be useful for mass (Lukaski, 1987). The earliest EIM stud-
stratifying patients for clinical trials based on ies demonstrated that the longitudinal orien-
rate of disease progression and expected prog- tation of muscle tissue and myocytes resulted
nosis. Early studies demonstrated the nonlin- in anisotropic (direction-oriented) imped-
ear rate of motor neuron loss in patients with ance that could be measured via surface elec-
ALS (Dantes & McComas, 1991). During the trodes when an electrical current was applied
first year, motor neuron numbers dropped by to the skin (Aaron, Huang, & Shiffman, 1997;
70% and then seemed to decline more slowly Shiffman & Aaron, 2000). Conceptually, the
after that (Arasaki & Tamaki, 1998). Later, anisotropy of the muscle results in distortion of
studies of serial MUNE in patients with ALS the characteristics of the applied current that
demonstrated that the rate of loss was closely can be measured by the voltage-sensing elec-
correlated with prognosis (Olney, Yuen, & trodes. Changes in muscle morphology, such as
Engstrom, 1999; Armon et al., 2000; Liu et al., fibrosis, denervation, or edema that develops in
2008). Next, MUNE techniques have been diseased states, influence the muscles imped-
shown to have good test-retest reliability in ance characteristics and thus result in altered
patients with ALS with test-retest variability EIM measurements (Fig. 7–2). Unfortunately,
generally less than 20% (Shefner et  al., 2011; skin and subcutaneous fat can also contribute to
Felice, 1995; Boe et al., 2004, 2006, 2009; Ives this and alter the measurements (Tarulli et al.,
62 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

(A) distance of 2.5 cm (Fig. 7–3). Early studies of

Applied current Measured voltage this technique, termed linear-EIM, used a sin-
gle current frequency of 50 kHz and recorded
several impedance variables (Rutkove et  al.,
2002, 2005a, 2005b, 2006). Using an array of
current-injecting electrodes at distant sites
(e.g., both hands), referred to as a “far-current
electrode” montage (Fig. 7–4), the recorded
Extracellular resistance
impedance data were found to be mostly free
(B) of the potentially confounding influence of
skin and subcutaneous fat (Tarulli et al., 2007).
A “near-current electrode” montage (Fig. 7–5)
was eventually studied given the desire to have
the current-injecting and voltage-sensing elec-
Intracellular resistance
trodes in the same region (Ogunnika et  al.,
Membrane capacitance 2008). This montage was appealing because
Figure  7–2. Effect of muscle anisotropy. The applied
it made possible a compact, handheld device
current traverses muscle tissue and is sensed by voltage containing all the electrodes for an efficient and
recording electrodes. Note the changes in amplitude and standardized application of EIM (Ogunnika
frequency. These changes are analyzed in electrical imped- et al., 2008). More recently, studies have inves-
ance myography. (Adapted Rutkove SB. Electrical imped- tigated the use of multifrequency current
ance myography:  background, current state, and future
directions. Muscle Nerve. 2009;40(6):938. Copyright 2009 instead of constant 50-kHz current to gather
Wiley Periodicals. Reprinted with permission.) more robust data on diseased muscle (Esper
et  al., 2006; Shiffman & Rutkove, 2013). In
addition, varying the angle of the EIM appa-
2007). This understanding of tissue anisotropy ratus has also been investigated to assess for
was soon applied to the study of human disease the optimal parameters of data collection (Chin
(Rutkove, Aaron, & Shiffman, 2002; Tarulli et  al., 2008; Ogunnika et  al., 2010). Of the
et al., 2005; Rutkove et al., 2005a). In this appli- major impedance measurements (reactance X,
cation, a painless, low-intensity, high-frequency resistance R, and phase θ), phase seems to have
current is applied to the limbs via surface elec- emerged as a leading candidate biomarker.
trodes. Typically, four or more voltage-sensing EIM is an attractive candidate biomarker
surface electrodes are positioned over the for ALS studies for a variety of reasons. First,
muscle to be studied with an interelectrode it is painless, rapid, noninvasive, and simple

C2 Electrode

Voltage Electrodes

C1 Electrode

Figure  7–3. “Far-electrode” montage. C1 and C2 represent the current-injecting electrodes over contralateral distal
extremities. The voltage-sensing electrode array is arranged over the biceps muscle of the patient and provides imped-
ance data. (From Rutkove SB. Electrode position and size in electrical impedance myography. Clin Neurophysiol.
2005;116(2):291. Copyright 2005 Elsevier. Reprinted with permission.)
7  Biomarkers for MND 63

Figure 7–4.  “Near-electrode” montage to study the extensor digitorum communis muscle. In this montage, the far right
and far left electrodes are the current-injecting electrodes. The center electrodes are the voltage-sensing electrodes.
(Adapted from Rutkove SB. Electrical impedance myography: background, current state, and future directions. Muscle
Nerve. 2009;40(6):937. Copyright 2009 Wiley Periodicals. Reprinted with permission.)

to administer. This has made gathering data but declines more rapidly (Ahad & Rutkove,
in disease and healthy control subjects fairly 2010; Rutkove et  al., 2007, 2012, 2013).
easy and has facilitated studies that have shown Rutkove et al. (2007), using a linear EIM mea-
EIM’s ability to differentiate patients with ALS sure called the θz-max megascore, showed that
from healthy patients (Rutkove et  al., 2002, this measure declined in patients with ALS by
2008; Esper et  al., 2006; Chin et  al., 2008; 21% during the study, whereas manual muscle
Tarulli et  al., 2009). It also makes feasible a testing declined by only 9.75%. In another
multicenter trial using multiple investigators. study, Rutkove and colleagues (2012) showed
Next, EIM is able to clearly document disease that the rate of decline in 50 patients with ALS
progression (Tarulli et al., 2009). It correlates over 6 months (Fig. 7–5) was similar between
well with other accepted outcome measures ALS Functional Rating Scale, handheld

1.2 1.2
Steepest Slope EIM

Mean Slope EIM

1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Days Days

1.2 1.2
1 1
Mean HHD

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Days Days

Figure  7–5.  Comparison of steepest slope electrical impedance myography (EIM), mean slope EIM, ALS Functional
Rating Scale (ALSFRS), and handheld dynamometry (HHD) outcome measures over 6 months in 50 patients demonstrat-
ing the fastest rate of change in the steepest slope EIM variable. (From Rutkove et al., 2012.)
64 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

dynamometry, and an EIM parameter called more upstream pathophysiology are not eas-
steepest slope EIM. Another desirable fea- ily accounted for by EIM. It also does not
ture of EIM is that it correlates with prognosis address the effect of upper motor neuron
making it potentially useful in clinical trials to dysfunction in ALS or how it may affect mus-
stratify patients so that treatment arms are bal- cle anisotropy through phenomena, such as
anced with regard to patients with more or less spasticity or immobility. The great promise of
aggressive disease (Rutkove et al., 2012; Wang EIM warrants further study that is currently
LL, et al., 2011). One study looked at MUNE underway.
and EIM in SOD1 G93A rats and found that
EIM was highly correlated with survival and
correlated well with MUNE (Wang LL, 2011). TMS
Studies in human patients have confirmed this.
Clinical trial simulations with these data have TMS is a noninvasive method of assessing the
shown that EIM has significant power as a functional integrity of the motor cortex and its
measure of disease progression to significantly projections. In the study of ALS, the technique
reduce the number of patients required in a allows for the study of the upper motor neu-
clinical trial compared with other traditional rons. Most other physiologic biomarkers only
outcome measures (Rutkove et  al., 2007). focus on the lower motor neuron so TMS is of
Finally, EIM has very high test-retest reliabil- great interest. It involves using electromagnetic
ity with only 4.2% variability between tests and induction to induce weak electric currents in
good intraclass correlation coefficients as high the brain and therefore excite a network of
as 0.971 (Felice, 1998; Rutkove et al., 2006). neurons in the motor cortex. A variety of mea-
Despite these desirable characteristics, surements can be elucidated downstream
there are still many questions about EIM from this stimulus to assess the integrity of
that must be answered before it can be reli- the motor system from cortex to muscle (Vusic
ably used in ALS studies. It is still not clear et al., 2013). TMS has the potential to reflect
what measure is ideal. Although θ50 has been an upper motor neuron dysfunction in patients
favored most recently, it may be that other with ALS that is not yet clinically detectable, a
variables or combinations of variables may desirable trait for a biomarker.
be more suited as ALS outcome measures. The motor threshold (MT) is a term for the
θz-max, θavg, and steepest slope EIM have all minimum stimulus intensity required to elicit a
been shown to have useful functions as ALS small motor evoked potential (MEP) in a target
biomarkers. Whether the near-current or muscle. MT is a marker for the density of cor-
far-current montage is superior for clinical tri- ticomotoneuronal projections onto the spinal
als is also uncertain. Although the far-current motor neuron. Longitudinal studies have docu-
approach is less apt to be influenced by excess mented a reduction of MTs early in the disease
subcutaneous tissue, it is much less conve- course of patients with ALS, increasing to the
nient and more difficult to standardize than point of cortical inexcitability with disease pro-
the near-current approach. The near-current gression (Mills & Nithi, 1997).
approach has become favored more recently MEP amplitude reflects the density of cor-
because it allows for a compact handheld ticomotoneuronal projections onto motor neu-
EIM device. Another question is whether rons, and when expressed as a percentage of
the linear single-frequency EIM is superior the maximum CMAP on electrical peripheral
to the multifrequency EIM. It is likely that nerve stimulation, it provides insight into the
the latter has superior potential but the num- percentage of the motor neuron pool activated
ber of variables, from electrode placement in the MEP. Increases in MEP amplitude have
to angle of orientation to frequency range, been reported in ALS, most prominently early
requires much more study. A  final criticism in the course of the disease (Vucic & Kieman,
of EIM is that, intuitively, it does not address 2006, 2007; Vucic, Nicholson, & Kieman,
ALS pathophysiology. It may correlate with 2008), a feature that makes this measurement
the most terminal effect of the disease (i.e., a potential candidate for a biomarker.
atrophy, muscle fibrosis, and muscle fiber Central motor conduction time (CMCT) is
loss), but the effect of reinnervation, vari- another TMS parameter that represents the
able progression in different muscles, and time from stimulation of the motor cortex to
7  Biomarkers for MND 65

the arrival of the signal at the spinal motor and its various subtypes before TMS can serve
neuron (Kobayashi & Pascual-Leone, 2003). as a legitimate biomarker in ALS studies.
It is calculated by first magnetically stimulat-
ing the motor cortex and recording the latency
to the MEP. Then the cervical root is magneti-
cally stimulated and the latency of its motor IMAGING BIOMARKERS
evoked response is recorded. Subtracting the
latter from the former yields the CMCT. An Because of its widespread availability and
alternative method uses the F-wave response noninvasive nature, magnetic resonance
instead of the cervical root magnetic stimula- imaging (MRI) has the potential to become
tion to indirectly measure the peripheral con- a valuable tool for biomarker discovery in
duction time. CMCT is typically prolonged in ALS. The various magnetic resonance tech-
ALS, thought to represent axonal degeneration niques that have been studied in ALS include
of the fastest conducting corticomotoneuro- conventional MRI, magnetic resonance spec-
nal fibers and increased desynchronization of troscopy (MRS), diffusion tensor imaging
their signals secondary to axon loss (Kohara, (DTI), assessment of regional atrophy with
Kaji, & Kojima, 1996; Eisen, Entezari-Taher, voxel-based morphometry, and functional
& Stewart, 1996; Komissarow, Rollnik, & MRI (fMRI).
Bogdanova, 2004). However, because of a vari-
ety of technical, physiologic, and pathologic
factors, normative data range widely, limiting Conventional MRI
the use of this measurement (Mills, 2004).
Cortical silent period refers to the inter- Overall, conventional MRI has shown lit-
ruption of voluntary electromyography activ- tle promise in ALS biomarker research but
ity in a target muscle induced by TMS of the deserves mention because of its role in stim-
contralateral motor cortex. The cortical silent ulating further investigation into the role of
period duration is measured from the onset imaging in ALS. Conventional MRI studies
of the MEP response to resumption of volun- have revealed that T2 hyperintensity in the
tary electromyography activity and increases corticospinal tract can be pronounced in ALS.
with stimulus intensity. Reduction of cortical However, this finding has rather low sensitivity
silent period duration is not seen in other neu- (<40%) and limited specificity (<70%; Iwasaki
romuscular disorders and may be specific for et al., 1991). It is seen more often in patients
ALS (Vusic & Kiernan, 2008; Vusic, Cheah, & with ALS that are younger and have rapid dis-
Yiannikas, 2010a, 2011; Vusic, Nicholson, & ease progression. T2 hyperintensity of the cor-
Kiernan, 2010b). ticospinal tract has not proved to be a sensitive
TMS studies have demonstrated corti- or specific enough measure to be a useful bio-
cal and corticospinal dysfunction in ALS. marker for ALS.
Furthermore, these studies have shown that Regional brain atrophy has also been
cortical hyperexcitability is an early feature of investigated. One study reported that 50%
the disease in patients with SALS and it pre- of the patients with ALS studied had supe-
cedes clinical onset of disease in patients with rior parietal atrophy (Peretti-Viton et  al.,
FALS (Vusic et al., 2013). Whereas some lon- 1999). However, cerebral atrophy has not
gitudinal studies have reported a significant been shown to be consistently detectable
reduction in MEP amplitude, MT, and CMCT on standard sequence MRI of patients with
(Floyd et al., 2009), others have failed to dem- typical ALS.
onstrate this (Mills, 2003). Use of TMS as a
biomarker is marred somewhat by these incon-
sistent data in documenting significant longi- MRS
tudinal changes in TMS parameters, arguing
against the ability of TMS to act as a biomarker MRS is a useful, noninvasive strategy for in
of disease progression in ALS. Further study is vivo measurement of proton-based tissue
needed to standardize TMS approaches, iden- metabolites and thus has the potential to reveal
tify the ideal parameter to monitor, and delin- information about the metabolites with specific
eate the change in these parameters in ALS relevance to the pathogenesis of ALS (Turner
66 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

et al., 2011). Metabolites, such as myoinositol, for these studies is limited (Bowser, Turner, &
glutamate, and γ-aminobutyric acid, all have Shefner, 2011).
particular relevance but have not been thor-
oughly investigated because of their relatively
low concentrations. Most MRS studies to date DTI
have used the ratio of N-acetylaspartate (NAA)
to choline (Cho) or creatine (Cr) as a nonspe- DTI is a method of mapping neuronal path-
cific marker of neuronal damage. ways by detection of the movement of water
MRS studies have shown that patients with molecules. Water movement within intact
ALS exhibit decreased ratios of NAA/Cr and white matter tracts tends to be highly direc-
NAA/Cho in the primary motor cortex (Pioro tional and is termed anisotropic. Therefore,
et al., 1994; Pohl et al., 2001). These changes the findings of reduced fractional anisotropy
have also been observed in the brainstem of (FA) and increased mean diffusivity are poten-
patients with prominent upper motor neuron tial biomarkers for loss of neuronal integrity.
or bulbar signs (Pioro et  al., 1999). From a Decreased FA and increased mean diffusivity
diagnostic standpoint, MRS is able to distin- in the corticospinal tract of patients with ALS
guish ALS from disease mimics, such as spi- was reported by Ellis and coworkers (1999).
nal muscular atrophy or progressive muscular They found, more specifically, that decreases
atrophy. in FA might be an early indicator of disease,
MRS may be a useful biomarker in clinical tri- whereas mean diffusivity changes tended to be
als. NAA/Cr and NAA/Cho ratios have been cor- a measure of neuronal loss and therefore dis-
related with disability and disease progression. ease chronicity.
Using whole-brain analysis, Stagg and cowork- Tractography, a technique of mapping inter-
ers recently identified decreased levels of NAA connectivity among neuronal pathways, was
in patients with ALS compared with control used in one study to segment the corticobulbar
subjects throughout the cerebral corticospinal tract. By using DTI with this technique, inves-
tract. Furthermore, there was a relationship tigators were able to distinguish those patients
between corticospinal tract NAA levels and with ALS with bulbar-onset disease from those
degree of clinical disability (Stagg, Knight, & with limb-onset disease (Aoki et al., 2005). DTI
Talbot, 2013). In a longitudinal study, Pohl et al. has also been used to distinguish patients with
(2001) found that the NAA/Cho ratio in patients upper motor neuron–predominant disease
with ALS dropped by 9.1% per month. Three from those with lower motor neuron disease
patients in their study demonstrated a change in (Roccatagliata et  al., 2009). In addition, DTI
NAA/Cho only at the follow-up study. This cor- has been shown to be a useful technique for
related well with the lack of clinical upper motor monitoring disease progression in ALS because
neuron signs at the first visit and development of investigators found that decreased FA in the
them by the follow up visit. Wang et al. showed white matter of the right precentral gyrus
that NAA/Cr correlated with disease duration in was associated with progression of the disease
patients with ALS (Wang S, et al., 2006). Finally, (Ciccarelli et al., 2006).
a small study showed increased NAA/Cr in the DTI was used to study patients with a highly
motor cortex of patients with ALS after only a penetrant dominant mutation in the SOD1
short course of treatment with riluzole (Kalra gene. Presymptomatic individuals who were
et al., 1998, 2006). known to have this mutation had decreased FA
The ideal MRS marker has yet to be defined. in the posterior limb of the internal capsule,
NAA/Cr, NAA/Cho, and Cr/Cho have been use suggesting this finding may be one of the earli-
primarily because of the high concentrations est detectable changes in those at risk for ALS
of the constituent metabolites but more spe- (Ng et al., 2008).
cific markers need to be studied and will likely DTI is noninvasive and able to detect
be more suited to biomarker research in the changes early in the course of the ALS. The
future. In addition, practical considerations of degree of these changes correlates with dis-
MRS technology also limit its use in ALS bio- ease progression, making it highly attractive
marker research or in multicenter clinical trials. for use as a biomarker in ALS. However, fur-
It is currently highly operator-dependent and ther longitudinal studies are needed at this
the number of centers that have the expertise point.
7  Biomarkers for MND 67

Voxel-based Morphometry of these measures will make it difficult to iden-

tify optimal imaging biomarkers. Practical chal-
The technique of voxel-based morphometry lenges to MRI in patients with ALS arise due
uses standard sequence MRI and involves to the fact that these patients often have dif-
software quantification of gray and white mat- ficulty in lying flat, usually because of bulbar or
ter volumes to study regional differences. This respiratory dysfunction. In addition, the bulk
technique has been demonstrated as effec- of MRI studies in ALS have focused on MRI
tive in detecting the extramotor, largely fron- of the brain, emphasizing the upper motor
totemporal cerebral changes that are seen in neuron component of the disease pathology.
some patients with ALS with memory deficits MRI will become even more useful in ALS
or frontotemporal dementia (Abrahams et al., with the development of high-resolution spinal
2005; Chang et  al., 2005; Grosskreutz et  al., cord imaging. Comparisons between proposed
2006). However, the use of voxel-based mor- imaging markers, correlation with traditional
phometry as a more robust biomarker remains clinical markers, and longitudinal studies need
uncertain because of its inconsistent findings of to be performed for this promising modality to
motor cortical atrophy in ALS, lack of longitu- become a mainstream biomarker.
dinal natural history data in patients with ALS,
and its apparent lack of changes in patients
with ALS without cognitive involvement. CONCLUSIONS AND
fMRI There have been tremendous advances in the
discovery of biomarkers for ALS in the past
fMRI is an imaging technique that measures decade. Biologic (genetic, protein, metabo-
regional changes in the blood–oxygenation lites), imaging, and physiologic markers have
level dependent responses in brain tissues. been shown to identify ALS and track disease
fMRI testing on patients with ALS has revealed progression. However, none of these biomark-
expanded areas of cortical activation dur- ers have been validated for clinical use. Future
ing motor tasks (Lule, Ludolph, & Kassubek, studies that combine these technologies will
2009) suggesting that there is a compensatory likely generate a signature for ALS with the
response to upper motor neuron loss. One highest level of sensitivity and specificity
study showed that this juxtacortical activation and facilitate a more personalized medicine
increased in patients with ALS over time (Lule approach toward therapy. Future use of motor
et  al., 2007). In addition, resting state fMRI neurons derived from patient-derived iPS cells
studies in patients with ALS suggests that offers a new source to discover biomarkers for
reduced interhemispheric functional connec- ALS, because proteins or metabolites could
tivity between motor cortices is an early feature be examined in motor neurons derived from
of the clinical disease (Jelsone-Swain et  al., sporadic or familial patients and these com-
2010). This finding is consistent with corpus pared with motor neurons derived from iPS
callosum involvement, a finding also corrobo- cells collected from other neurologic diseases
rated with DTI (Filippini et al., 2010). Recently, or healthy control subjects. In the near future,
using fMRI, Cosottini et  al. (2012) identified studies regarding the epigenetics of ALS will
increased functional activation in frontopa- also provide new key information regarding
rietal circuits in patients with ALS, despite susceptibility and prognosis within individuals.
associated frontoparietal atrophy, suggesting Regardless of the approach used to discover
an overrecruitment of existing sensory-motor candidate biomarkers for ALS, there are a
networks, perhaps rendered hyperexcitable by large number of hurdles remaining before any
the loss of inhibitory interneurons. of these biomarkers demonstrate clinical use
All of the MRI techniques described here (Bowser & Lacomis, 2009). Most of the pro-
are accessible, noninvasive, and free of radia- posed ALS biomarkers require further verifica-
tion, making them highly practical potential tion studies performed by multiple laboratories
biomarkers. Conceptually, the sheer number of on separate patient cohorts. The actual assay
possible imaging measures and combinations or method used to detect the biomarker must
68 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

be validated and standard operating proce- Aggarwal A, Nicholson G. Normal complement of motor
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Chapter 8

Imaging in Motor Neuron Disease

Martin R. Turner


Loss of Cortical Inhibitory Influence
Serotonergic Involvement
Voxel- and Surface-based Morphometry FUTURE DIRECTIONS
DTI Imaging in Animal Models
Spectroscopy Spinal Cord
Presymptomatic Pathology
Network Approach
Radionuclide Imaging

BACKGROUND AND paradigms; activation and ligand-based posi-

NEW POINTS tron emission tomography (PET), are all tech-
niques applicable to detecting altered patterns
Neuroimaging studies retain pivotal impor- of neuronal activity. Given the noninvasive
tance in the differential diagnosis of motor nature of MR scanning and the clear extension
neuron disease (MND), in particular the iden- of MND pathology to multiple areas of the
tification of cervical or lumbar spinal lesions cerebral cortex, it offers leading potential as a
that might account for the signs detected on biomarker source for MND.
clinical examination. Among the range of imag-
ing modalities, magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) has been the most used in this regard. INTRODUCTION
MRI signal processing has advanced greatly
however, with a focus on detecting tissue alter- The ability to visualize the structure of the
ations within the corticospinal tracts (CST), brain without the need for craniotomy has
but also their wider structural and functional transformed the understanding of cerebral
cerebral connections in MND. Quantitation of neuroscience and practice of clinical neurology
structural imaging abnormalities is one goal. more than any other technologic development
Functional changes, including tissue meta- of the last 50 years. Prior to this, morbid anat-
bolic imaging with MR spectroscopy (MRS); omy was the only window into the structural
blood-oxygen dependent functional MRI pathology associated with neurologic diseases.
(fMRI) during motor, cognitive and task-free For MND this meant that only the end-stage
76 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

of the neurodegenerative process was observ- peripherally and either travel within the blood,
able for over a century, although these were acting as surrogates for cerebral blood flow
nonetheless key observations. Neuroimaging and neuronal activity (activation PET), or bind
has been able to validate and explore these transiently to specific receptors (ligand PET).
processes further, functionally and structurally The latter usually requires the provision of a
and now, crucially, throughout the symptom- local cyclotron (and radiochemistry expertise)
atic evolution of the disease. to produce the specific radioligands, which
Although the visible manifestation of most often have a very short half-life.
cases of MND is the muscle wasting arising as MRI generates contrast between tissues
a result of the degeneration of peripheral lower according to their differing nuclear (typically
motor neurons (LMNs), the early pioneers rec- proton) resonance and response to radiofre-
ognized MND as a disease involving cerebral and quency stimulation. The magnetic field of
spinal pathology. Reports from the turn of the the main bore of the scanner is continuously
20th century noted extension of the degenerated applied, and aligns the magnetic “spin” of the
lateral CSTs to the motor cortex (Mott, 1895), body’s protons. Brief radiofrequency pulses, of
and in the decades soon after also recognized variable form, alter the axis of this spin (preces-
the presence of dementia in some cases. There sion), which generates current within a receiv-
is now an acknowledged clinical (Phukan et al., ing coil around the head. The variable decay
2012), histopathologic (Neumann et  al., 2006), of this excited precession back to the steady
and genetic (DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2011; state is involved in generating different con-
Renton et al., 2011) overlap between MND and trasts between tissues. Magnetic field gradients
a large proportion of cases of frontotemporal applied in orthogonal planes around the tissue
dementia (FTD), so that the study of the brain in of interest alter the spin properties of nuclei dif-
MND has become a core part of research. With ferentially according to their location, allowing
the extension of advanced MRI techniques to the spatial reconstruction of a three-dimensional
the spinal cord, neuroimaging is now unique in image from multiple two-dimensional slices.
its potential to explore the entirety of the degen- In its most common application the MRI
erative process in MND i.e., at the systems-level signal broadly reflects the variable water con-
(reviewed in Turner et al., 2012). tent of tissues. T1- and T2-weighted sequences
refer to different measurements of the relax-
ation of tissue protons after radiofrequency
pulses have been applied. T1-weighting gener-
TYPES OF NEUROIMAGING ates excellent grey and white matter contrast,
whereas T2-weighting is most sensitive to tis-
“Computed tomography” is a generic term sue water content. Although the appearance of
referring to the concept of acquiring data the image to the naked eye forms the core of
from tissues in planes (slices), which can clinical neuroradiology, advanced MRI tech-
then be reconstructed to form a recognizable niques in the research setting are based on
three-dimensional structure. It is the method additional complex mathematical and statisti-
of generating contrast between different tis- cal processing of the numerical data contained
sues and pathology that varies between the dif- within the individual “cubes” of tissue (typi-
ferent types of imaging (Table 8–1). cally 1–2  mm3), termed voxels. Examples of
In classical CT scanning, contrast is generated such applications are those sensitive to tissue
by the variable absorption of X-rays by tissues volume and density (voxel-based morphometry
or injected contrast medium. Single-photon [VBM]), to the movement of water within tis-
emission tomography (SPECT) and PET sues (diffusion tensor imaging [DTI], and its
involve the detection of gamma radiation emit- extension, diffusion tensor tractography), and
ted from injected radiotracers, using a detector to individual tissue metabolites (MRS).
array mounted around the head. PET detects The differing paramagnetic properties of
time-coincident gamma rays with exactly 180 deoxygenated and oxygenated blood can be
degrees of separation, which occur as a result exploited to generate contrast according to
of a positron (emitted from the tracer) anni- cerebral blood flow, and termed fMRI. This
hilating with an electron, and ensures signifi- blood oxygenation level–dependent (BOLD)
cantly higher spatial resolution compared with contrast can be measured in response to a
SPECT (Fig. 8–1). Radiotracers are injected specific activity of the subject in the scanner
8  Imaging in MND 77

Table 8–1  Types of Neuroimaging, Nature of the Tissue Contrast, and Generic

Advantages and Disadvantages
Modality Subtype Contrast Substrate Advantage Disadvantage
CT Structural X-ray absorption of Ubiquitous Limited spatial
tissues resolution; ionizing
Vascular, X-ray absorption of Ubiquitous; Invasive; ionizing
perfusion injected contrast three-dimensional radiation
medium vascular reconstruction
SPECT Gamma radiation Ubiquitous Limited spatial
emitted by tracer resolution; invasive;
isotope ionizing radiation
PET Activation 180-degree coincident High spatial resolution; Invasive; ionizing
gamma radiation from long half-life of radiation
the annihilation of 18
Ligand emitted positrons High spatial resolution; Few centers with
with electrons specific receptor local cyclotron and
targeting expertise; limited
ligands; invasive;
ionizing radiation
MRI Structural Nuclear magnetic Ubiquitous; high spatial Lack of more limited
resonance (typically resolution availability (for
proton) reflecting research) and limited
tissue water content, standardization of
or movement within advanced techniques
white matter tracts such as DTI
Functional Paramagnetic properties Noninvasive; high spatial Limited temporal
of deoxygenated resolution resolution; lack of
versus oxygenated harmonization across
blood (BOLD) institutions
Metabolic Nuclear magnetic Tissue metabolite Limited metabolite
(MRS) resonance (typically measurement resolution; lack of
proton) of tissue standardized analysis;
metabolites typically single region-
of-interest based,
with whole-brain
techniques still in
CT = computed tomography; SPECT = single-photon emission tomography; PET = positron emission tomography;
MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; DTI = diffusion tensor imaging; BOLD = blood oxygenation level-dependent;
MRS = magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

(task-based), or analysis of the regional coher- high field strengths bring additional challenges,
ence of spontaneous BOLD fluctuations in the in particular magnetic field inhomogeneity.
so-called resting-state can be undertaken.
Many centers now routinely use high-field
3-T MRI in the clinical and research setting,
but it is possible to acquire some high-quality NEUROIMAGING FOR
advanced MRI scans at 1.5 T. The ultra high-field DIAGNOSTIC EXCLUSION
7 T (or higher) systems offer particular benefit
to fMRI, through increased signal-to-noise, and MND is still fundamentally a clinical diagnosis
also MRS through the improved separation of and the primary role of routine neuroimaging
tissue metabolite peaks. Bigger is not always is in the exclusion of mimic disorders (Filippi
better in a simplistic sense, however, and very et  al., 2010). The sine qua non of MND is
78 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Detector array



Data processing and
slice reconstruction

Figure 8–1.  Steps in the acquisition of a positron emission tomography scan of the brain. A ring of detectors around the
head detects coincident gamma rays with 180-degree separation caused by positron annihilation, which may then be local-
ized and reconstructed as a 3D image that can be overlaid on a standard MRI scan.

progressive motor weakness. In its commonest (Fig. 8–2), lumbar radiculopathy, and the very
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) manifesta- rare entities of syringomyelia and syringobulbia.
tion (>85% of cases), there is a clinically detect- Initial studies of MRI in ALS noted
able combination of loss of LMNs of the spinal T2-weighted hyperintensity of the CSTs
cord anterior horns and brainstem nuclei, with (Goodin, Rowley, & Olney, 1988). It was
loss of UMNs of the CST and primary motor quickly realized that this appearance, although
cortex (PMC). The individual with mixed signs appealing in its localization, lacked sensitiv-
and progressive weakness presents little diag- ity and specificity for ALS (Fig. 8–3). Other
nostic difficulty, but when there is a plausible inconsistent observations in MND cases from
mimic MRI has a unique role in its exclusion. routinely acquired sequences have included
Examples include cervical myeloradiculopathy T1-hyperintensities in the PMC and upper CST

Figure 8–2.  MRI has an important role in the detection of pathology that may mimic MND. Sagittal (left) and transverse
(right) views through the cervical cord of a patient who presented clinically with a “flail arm”-like MND syndrome. In fact
this was caused by anterior compression of the cord by a dural fluid expansion, with signal change visible as “snake eyes” in
the anterior horns. (With kind permission of Professor Kevin Talbot, University of Oxford, UK.)
8  Imaging in MND 79

Figure 8–3.  Hyperintensity of the corticospinal tracts in MND was one of the first observations made on MRI, but it is
neither sensitive nor specific enough to be a biomarker. This coronal MRI (tracts marked with arrows) was undertaken in
an apparently healthy individual.

(Waragai, 1997), and atrophy of the corpus cal- the UMN-only variant of primary lateral scle-
losum (CC; Yamauchi et al., 1995). Frank atro- rosis (PLS) (Fig. 8–4; Pringle et al., 1992). The
phy of the PMC in ALS is surprisingly unusual application of quantitative techniques, origi-
even in advanced cases postmortem, but is a nally developed for more sophisticated analysis
more common finding in established cases of of volumetric changes, to standard clinical MRI

Figure 8–4.  Visible atrophy of the pre-central gyri (arrows) on a 3D-rendered MRI scan of a PLS patient shown from
above. This level of macroscopic atrophy is often absent in cases of typical ALS-type MND, but though it may be detected
using voxel- and surface-based morphometry in such cases.
80 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

sequences offers renewed hope for biomark- of ALS crucially relies on the demonstration
ers that could be acquired from the routine of simultaneous UMN and LMN features.
work-up of patients with MND. So-called “pro- Electromyography is currently only 60% sen-
ton density” MRI signal increase in the PMC, sitive, and its core value is in demonstrating
CC, and CSTs showed some promise in this LMN signs in clinically unaffected areas. MRI
regard (Ding et al., 2011). is uniquely able to study both the UMN lesion,
which can be clinically silent in ALS (Swash,
2012), and also the inherent extramotor cere-
bral pathology functionally and structurally. For
NEUROIMAGING AS A a ubiquitous, noninvasive technology that does
BIOMARKER not involve ionizing radiation, this makes MRI
very appealing for MND biomarker discovery
By the time a case of typical ALS reaches a (reviewed in Turner et  al., 2012)  and under-
specialist, the diagnosis often takes minutes to standing pathogenesis more widely (Table 8–2).
make clinically. The lack of an objective bio- The major challenge is that the neuroimaging
marker for MND is only one reason for the biomarker candidates to date have been derived
consistent average diagnostic delay from first from group-level analysis, whereas electromy-
symptom of 1 year (Mitchell et al., 2010), with ography, for all its limitations, can be applied to
postponement in seeking medical attention, the single patient (Fig. 8–5).
and inappropriate specialist referral from pri-
mary care likely to be other important sources
of delay. Fundamentally, with 90% of MND
cases apparently sporadic, it is the lack of CORE CEREBRAL MOTOR
understanding of the at-risk population that is PATHOLOGY
the major obstacle to early intervention.
The clinical heterogeneity of MND (e.g., Neuroimaging has identified a “core” cere-
UMN versus LMN-predominant, limb- ver- bral motor pathology across a range of MND
sus bulbar-onset, and variable rates of progres- clinical subtypes, albeit at group-level analy-
sion) may be an important contributing factor sis at present. The findings closely mirror
in the failure of all but one therapeutic trial those of historic postmortem analysis (Smith,
(namely Riluzole). Biomarkers allowing prog- 1960; Brownell, Oppenheimer, & Hughes,
nostic stratification of patients would have clear 1970), and represent a new era of in vivo neu-
value. Furthermore, those sensitive to disease ropathology. The common motor pathology
progression might allow faster “no-go” deci- involves the PMCs, their interhemispheric
sions in clinical trials, which currently rely on CC fibers (Fig. 8–6), the rostral and descend-
death or tracheostomy as end-points (Turner, ing CSTs, particularly the region of the poste-
Kiernan, Leigh, & Talbot, 2009). The diagnosis rior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC).

Table 8–2  Contribution To Date of Different Types of Neuroimaging to the

Understanding of MND Pathology and the Mechanisms of Pathogenesis
Neuroimaging Extramotor
Modality Subtype Motor Pathology Pathology Mechanisms
PET Activation + ++ +
Ligand + ++ +++
VBM + ++ +
DTI +++ ++ ++
fMRI Task-based + ++ ++
Resting-state + ++ ++
MRS ++ + +
SPECT = single-photon emission tomography; PET = positron emission tomography; VBM = voxel-based morphometry;
DTI = diffusion tensor imaging; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; MRS = magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
8  Imaging in MND 81

EMG MRI gyrus) as the common region of change (Chen

& Ma, 2010). The apparent dominance of the
LMN lesion right hemisphere PMC remains unclear, and
has been a feature of other white matter stud-
UMN lesion ies (Ciccarelli et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2011),
without obvious clinical correlates. The natural
Extra-motor lesion asymmetry of the human CST might have rel-
evance (Nathan, Smith, & Deacon, 1990).
Single subject analysis Surface-based morphometry is a related
technique that is able to consider the seg-
Low cost mented grey matter as a continuous surface
whose thickness and sulcal geometric mor-
Routine applicability phology can be assessed. In the studies in ALS,
involvement of the PMC in the form of corti-
Standardization of methods cal thinning has been confirmed (Roccatagliata,
Bonzano, Mancardi, Canepa, & Caponnetto,
2009; Verstraete et al., 2012). The link between
Figure  8–5. Schematics showing the relative strengths VBM, surface-based morphometry, and clinical
of electromyography versus MRI in the future measures has been disappointingly inconsistent,
biomarker-driven diagnostic work-up of MND patients.
and currently the sensitivity of both techniques
in cross-sectional and longitudinal study (Agosta
et al., 2009; Senda et al., 2011) is limited.
Voxel- and Surface-based
VBM refers to the automated technique of seg-
menting grey and white matter tissues within Postmortem study of the brain recognized wide-
individual scans and, across groups of patients, spread involvement of the white matter tracts
comparing morphology at the voxel level, typi- in ALS (Smith, 1960). Even among the 10–15%
cally with those from healthy age-matched of patients with clinically LMN-only forms of
control subjects. Meta-analysis of the numer- MND (progressive muscular atrophy), there is
ous grey matter studies carried out in patients detectable involvement of the CST postmor-
with MND confirmed the PMC (precentral tem (Ince et al., 2003). A “dying back” process

Figure 8–6.  The core MRI white matter signature of MND. Areas of increased radial diffusivity in MND patients com-
pared to healthy controls, superimposed on generic MRI images (sagittal and transverse). The core signature involves
the white matter in the region of the primary motor cortices and interhemispheric motor fibres of the body of the corpus
82 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

beginning at the neuromuscular junction is still Graaff, et al., 2011). Although CC involvement
proffered. Conversely, the very small minor- is not specific, a predilection for involvement
ity with clinically UMN-only and very slowly of the interhemispheric motor cortical fibers
progressive syndrome of PLS have minimal (middle-posterior in sagittal view) in MND
loss of spinal anterior horn cells histologically, has been noted (Muller, Unrath, Huppertz,
but much more marked atrophy of the PMC, Ludolph, & Kassubek, 2002), supported by
supporting an alternative top-down, “dying for- the observation of a loss of fMRI connectivity
ward” process that is also more aligned to the across this pathway (Jelsone-Swain et al., 2010).
clear links between MND and FTD. There has been inconsistency in the cor-
DTI is an advanced MRI application whereby relation between cerebral CST involvement
the random movement of water within neuro- and clinical disability (e.g., the ALS Functional
nal tracts can be assessed. Water in structurally Rating Score), although a strikingly tight rela-
intact neuronal tracts has a high level of direc- tionship was reported within the upper cervical
tionality, which is correspondingly reduced in spinal cord (Valsasina et al., 2007). DTI has also
areas of damage. DTI assigns values for three been surprisingly variable in its ability to detect
orthogonal vectors within in each voxel, allow- change longitudinally (Zhang et  al., 2011; Sage
ing the calculation of two principal compos- et  al., 2007; van der Graaff et  al., 2011; Blain
ite measures, the fractional anisotropy ([FA] et al., 2007). This may represent a “floor effect”
reduced in damaged tracts) and mean diffusiv- of advanced pathology by the time symptoms
ity (increased in damaged tracts). Analysis of emerge and individuals become available for
individual directional diffusivities can provide scanning. Two cross-sectional studies have addi-
information on the underlying mechanisms of tionally reported that patients with the longest
white matter damage. Myelin breakdown is disease duration appeared, paradoxically, to have
thought to be associated with increased perpen- higher FA values (Filippini et  al., 2010; Iwata
dicular diffusivity (radial diffusivity), and axonal
damage perhaps reflected in diffusivity changes
parallel (axial diffusivity) to the principle tract
orientation. Tractography is the technique
whereby the principle direction of diffusion
within a voxel can be used to reconstruct the
path of neuronal tract visually and explore con-
nectivity in a quantitative manner.
The earliest applications of DTI demon-
strated clear involvement of the CSTs (Ellis
et  al., 1999). Some studies reported the most
significant changes subcortically (Ciccarelli
et al., 2009; Sage et al., 2007), but meta-analysis
highlighted the PLIC as a consistent area of
change (Li et al., 2012), perhaps reflecting its
content of descending fibers from motor and
premotor regions forming most of the CST
(Zarei et  al., 2007). FA values in this PLIC
region have been shown to have potential
value in predicting progression rate (Fig. 8–7;
Menke et al., 2012).
Perhaps as a result of the more widespread
use of high-field 3-T magnets, the CC has
emerged as a consistently involved tract across
a range of ALS cases (Filippini et  al., 2010),
most strikingly in those with PLS (Ciccarelli
et al., 2009; Iwata et al., 2011). DTI has dem- Figure 8–7.  The posterior limbs of the internal capsules are
a very consistent signal of diffusion tensor imaging in MND
onstrated that those with progressive muscular patients compared to healthy controls. They are marked
atrophy also have evidence of cerebral white on the generic white matter skeleton (transverse view) and
matter involvement, including the CC (van der abnormal diffusion measures may have prognostic value.
8  Imaging in MND 83

et al., 2011), suggesting a possible resistance to localized primarily in neurons so that its con-
damage or a higher baseline integrity. FA in the centration in the brain as measured by MRS is
CST has been shown to have independent prog- related to neuronal density, metabolism, and
nostic value (Agosta et al., 2010b). A particularly functional status. The creatine (Cr) peak consists
interesting finding in relation to phenotype has of Cr and phosphocreatine, and indicates the
been the relative sparing (in DTI terms) of CST status of cellular energetics. The choline (Cho)
involvement in a group of consistently slowly peak has combined contributions from cell
progressive familial ALS patients homozygous membrane components glycerophosphocholine
for the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) “D90A” and phosphocholine, and free Cho. It provides
mutation, compared with sporadic ALS patients information on the membrane structural integ-
matched for disability and clinical UMN involve- rity, synthesis, and degradation (Fig. 8–9).
ment (Stanton et al., 2009; Blain et al., 2011). Until recently, MRS has been limited to
Finally, high levels of physical disability relatively small manually placed “voxels-of-
and orthopnea frequently preclude MRI in interest,” rather than a whole-brain assessment.
the later stages of ALS. The continued, albeit In MND, reduced NAA (typically expressed as
slow, diffusion of water molecules within neu- a ratio with Cr) is a consistent finding within
ronal tracts after death, offers the possibility of the PMC, but only in patients with clinical
applying DTI to the postmortem brain (Miller UMN signs (Pioro, Antel, Cashman, & Arnold,
et al., 2011), allowing visualization of pathology 1994). MRS changes have also been reported
at end-stage, and comparison with traditional in the brainstem (Cwik, Hanstock, Allen, &
histologic analysis to improve in vivo MRI Martin, 1998). Importantly, progressive reduc-
applications such as DTI (Fig. 8–8). tion was seen in the PMC in longitudinal study
(Pohl et  al., 2001), and in one study even
small increases in response to riluzole therapy
Spectroscopy (Kalra, Tai, Genge, & Arnold, 2006).
The excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate
MRS is an application whereby tissue metabo- (Glgu, or Glx in combination with glutamine) has
lites can be quantified. Traditionally, this is sen- obvious appeal for the study of MND, linking
sitive to those proton-containing molecules with directly with excitotoxicity as a pathogenic mech-
easily identified peaks in the resulting spectro- anism (Rothstein, 2009). Increases in Glu:Cr
graph. N-Acetylaspartate (NAA) is the exemplar, and Glx:Cr have been demonstrated within the

Figure 8–8.  Postmortem diffusion tensor MRI. The descending corticospinal tracts and corpus callosum are arrowed in
coronal section. These data have the potential to be directly compared with histological samples in order to understand the
tissue correlates for MRI changes. (With kind permission of Dr Karla Miller, University of Oxford, UK.)
84 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

In vivo

Spectra of constituent metabolites


Figure 8–9.  Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a method of quantifying metabolites within brain tissue. A spectrum
can be derived from a voxel of tissue placed prior to the acquisition of data (wire box shown on MRI images). Three robust
peaks can be identified corresponding to N-acetylasparate, Creatine and Choline whichin varying ratios act as surrogates for
different types of pathology. (Adapted with kind permission of Dr Govind Varan, University of Miami, USA.)

PMC and PLIC regions (Han & Ma, 2010). (Gallassi et al., 1985). A pathologic and genetic
Reductions in levels of the inhibitory neurotrans- overlap between ALS and some forms of FTD
mitter γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) in the PMC is now an established concept, and a dichotomy
(Foerster et al., 2012) may indicate a more impor- of phenotype is recognized within members of
tant role for loss of inhibitory cortical influence in the same pedigree carrying pathological hexa-
MND pathogenesis (discussed later). nucleotide expansions in C9orf72 (Majounie
So far, MRS has not capitalized on its clear et al., 2012). The MND-related cerebral patho-
sensitivity to motor pathology in MND. This logic network extends widely, but concentrated
probably reflects a lack of automation and stan- within the premotor and dorsolateral prefrontal
dardization, over and above the more generic cortices, extending into the frontal and tempo-
limitation of group-level-only analysis. The ral lobes (Douaud, Filippini, Knight, Talbot, &
emergence of whole-brain NAA measurement, Turner, 2011).
and confirmation of reduction along the entire
length of the cerebral CST (Stagg et al., 2013),
offers renewed hope for MRS as a biomarker Radionuclide Imaging
source in MND (Fig. 8–10).
Radionuclide studies of blood flow, as a sur-
rogate for regional cerebral metabolism, were
pivotal in cementing the view of MND as a
EXTRAMOTOR CEREBRAL widespread multisystem cerebral disorder.
PATHOLOGY SPECT studies demonstrated loss of fronto-
temporal tracer uptake in cases with demen-
Case reports of MND involving cognitive tia (Neary et  al., 1990; Talbot et  al., 1995).
impairment are found in the earliest 20th cen- PET studies using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
tury scientific literature. Even when postmor- confirmed widespread and progressive reduc-
tem studies confirmed widespread cerebral tions linked to neuropsychological deficits of a
white matter tract involvement, it was generally frontal lobe nature in patients, particularly ver-
accepted that MND characteristically spared bal fluency (Ludolph et al., 1992). Alternative
the higher cognitive as well as oculomotor and tracers used to measure reductions in regional
sphincter functions. More detailed neuropsycho- cerebral blood flow were linked to abnormali-
logical assessment began to identify a common ties of verbal fluency, even in those patients
theme of frontal lobe dysexecutive impairments without overt dementia (Kew et al., 1993a).
8  Imaging in MND 85

Figure  8–10.  Whole-brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy. This emerging application allows assessment of tissue
metabolites across the whole brain, without the need to place a voxel-of-interest a priori. The transverse and sagittal images
show areas of reduced N-acetylaspartate in the region of the corticospinal tracts in MND patients versus healthy controls.

VBM the emerging technique of surface-based mor-

phometry, between temporal lobe cortical thin-
Comparative VBM studies in patients with ning and rapid disease progression (Verstraete
ALS and ALS-FTD clearly demonstrated the et al., 2012). Both reflect the clinical observa-
involvement of premotor, frontal, and temporal tion that early cognitive impairment is a poor
cortex in relation to cognitive impairment (Fig. prognostic factor (Elamin et al., 2011).
8–11; Chang et al., 2005; Abrahams et al., 2005;
Grossman et al., 2008; Tsujimoto et al., 2011).
Involvement of frontal regions was found in DTI
a grey matter study comparing rapid- versus
slow-progressing patients (Agosta et al., 2009), DTI studies have demonstrated changes
and separately a significant correlation, using (decreased FA or increased mean diffusivity)

Figure 8–11.  The overlap of FTD and MND. Early SPECT studies showed reduced frontotemporal uptake of radio-
tracer in MND patients with cognitive impairment (left image, adapted with permission from Neary et al., 1990), and areas
of reduced grey matter could be shown in similar patients using voxel-based morphometry (adapted with permission from
Chang et al., 2005).
86 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

in extramotor regions in MND, and with seem- resolution. BOLD analysis assumes that altera-
ingly greater sensitivity than VBM (Canu, tion in neuronal activity leads to a reduction
2011). Regions include prefrontal and tempo- in local blood oxygenation, and in turn to an
ral lobes (Ciccarelli et  al., 2009; Canu, 2011; increase in cerebral blood flow. A  change in
Sage et al., 2007, 2009). Using diffusion tensor the proportion of oxygenated blood forms the
tractography, decreased FA (Sato, 2010)  and image contrast, due to differences in the para-
increased axial diffusivity (Agosta et al., 2010a) magnetic properties of oxygenated and deoxy-
were demonstrated in the uncinate fasciculus. genated blood. Studies in patients with MND
Performance in cognitive tasks, particularly during cognitive tasks have revealed wide-
those assessing attention and executive func- spread, particularly frontotemporal activation
tions, has been correlated with DTI changes changes related to word retrieval (Abrahams
in multiple extramotor regions (Sarro et  al., et al., 2004) and other tests of executive func-
2011). tion (Goldstein et al., 2011).

Decreased NAA:Cho in the thalamus and basal
ganglia (Sharma, Saigal, Maudsley, & Govind, In addition to simply mapping regional motor
2011), midcingulate cortex (Sudharshan, and extramotor pathology in vivo, PET and
2011), and the frontal and parietal lobes (Rule MRI are capable of revealing important clues
et al., 2004) have been noted in MRS studies in to pathologic mechanisms in MND (Fig. 8–12).
ALS, but have been limited by the need for a
priori placement of regions-of-interest.
Loss of Cortical Inhibitory
A “boundary shift” in 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
fMRI is unique in its ability to study cere- PET activation involving the adjacent “face
bral activity noninvasively with high spatial region” of the motor cortex in response to an

(A) (B)


Figure 8–12.  Ligand PET studies can reveal mechanisms in MND. Areas of reduced binding of flumazenil over the motor
and association cortices (shown on generic 3D brain from above, A) support neurophysiological evidence of increased corti-
cal excitability in ALS. Focal uptake of the microglial ligand PK11195 (shown on axial MRI image, B) was seen in the left
motor cortex (arrow) of an MND patient with right hemiparesis. Markedly reduced frontotemporal binding of the 5-HT1A
receptor ligand WAY100635 was noted in non-depressed MND patients (shown on generic 3D brain seen from left).
8  Imaging in MND 87

upper-limb joystick task was postulated to rep- (Agosta et  al., 2011), and with higher rates of
resent a loss of inhibitory local circuits (Kew functional connectivity in those with faster dis-
et al., 1993b). Such studies have been repro- ease progression (Verstraete et al., 2010).
duced using BOLD fMRI, carefully gated Using a tractography-defined ALS-specific
to active motor tasks. Across several studies cortical network, increased functional con-
(Konrad et al., 2002; Tessitore et al., 2006; Han nectivity was found over a large area, signifi-
& Ma, 2006; Stanton et al., 2007), patients with cantly overlapping areas of structural damage,
MND demonstrated a widened recruitment of and those regions with reduced flumazenil
premotor and other cortical regions linked to (GABAergic) receptor binding seen in a sepa-
higher motor processing (reviewed in Turner rate study (Douaud et al., 2011). Those with
et al., 2012). Increased activity in the contra- the highest rates of disease progression were
lateral sensorimotor cortex was observed with found to have the greatest functional connec-
greater physical impairment (Mohammadi, tivity. This challenges the view that increased
Kollewe, Samii, Dengler, & Munte, 2011). cerebral activation boundaries are simply sec-
The interpretation of these changes remains ondary to structural damage, but might instead
an issue of debate. An altered boundary of acti- reflect a pathogenic loss of local inhibitory cir-
vation has been noted in response to stroke cuits, with implications for future therapeutic
(Weiller, Chollet, Friston, Wise, & Frackowiak, development.
1992), lending strong support to the intuitive
notion that this is a compensatory response to
neuronal loss. The response in MND is pre- Neuroinflammation
sumably futile, compared with stroke, due to
an overwhelming cascade of degeneration. A non–cell-autonomous pathologic cascade of
However, a wider range of evidence, includ- motor neuronal cell death is a long-established
ing histopathology and neurophysiology, dem- concept, and multiple neuroinflammatory
onstrates a potential role for loss of cortical mechanisms have been implicated (Philips &
(and spinal) inhibitory interneuronal influ- Robberecht, 2011). Whether such activity is
ences in the pathogenesis of MND (Turner a primary or secondary pathologic response,
& Kiernan, 2012), which might also underlie or indeed beneficial (e.g., in limiting spread),
these functional activation changes. PET stud- is debated. Much of the evidence has come
ies with the GABA-A receptor ligand flumaze- from transgenic mouse models of ALS. Studies
nil demonstrated widespread cortical loss of with the PET ligand PK11195, which binds to
binding in ALS (Lloyd, Richardson, Brooks, receptors only expressed by activated microg-
Al Chalabi, & Leigh, 2000). Flumazenil bind- lia, provided the first in vivo human evidence
ing in a group of homozygous “D90A” SOD1 for widespread cerebral neuroinflammatory
familial ALS patients of uniformly slow pro- activity in ALS (Turner et al., 2004). Changes
gression, appeared notably preserved in motor were seen in the PMC and descending CSTs
and premotor regions compared with sporadic including the pons, and also the dorsolateral
ALS patients (Turner et al., 2005a). GABA lev- prefrontal cortices and thalamus, the latter pos-
els have also been shown to be reduced in the sibly reflecting its wider cortical connectivity.
PMC using MRS (Foerster et al., 2012).
Resting-state fMRI detects regional correla-
tion between the low-frequency spontaneous Serotonergic Involvement
fluctuations across the resting brain. These form
functionally distinct networks (Smith et  al., Studies with the serotonin 5-HT1A recep-
2009), and the technique has emerging bio- tor PET ligand WAY100635 in nondepressed
marker potential across a range of cerebral dis- patients with ALS revealed large reductions in
orders. Initial studies in MND reported reduced binding (Turner et al., 2005b). The frontotem-
activity in the somatosensory and default-mode poral localization was strikingly similar to those
networks (Mohammadi et  al., 2009), and seen in FTD (Lanctot et al., 2007; Bowen et al.,
interhemispherically between the PMCs 2008). Serotonergic pathways interact in sev-
(Jelsone-Swain et  al., 2010). Subsequently, eral ways with potentially pathogenic pathways
regions of increased functional connectivity in ALS (Sandyk, 2006), but the full significance
were identified, including somatosensory areas of these findings is yet to emerge.
88 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

FUTURE DIRECTIONS effects. This is complicated by physiologic

motion distortions and magnetic field inho-
Aspirations in research include a fuller under- mogeneities posterior to the vertebral bod-
standing of regional spread of symptoms, the ies. Nonetheless, advanced MRI is becoming
very earliest changes in pathogenesis, and the applicable to the spinal cord lesion in MND,
applicability of neuroimaging to animal models with the potential to capture LMN and UMN
of ALS. pathology in relation to the spread of symp-
toms (Bede et al., 2012).

Imaging in Animal Models

Presymptomatic Pathology
Ultra high-field MRI has been applied
to the study of animal models of ALS. The timing of the first pathologic changes
T2-hyperintensities within the brainstem in MND is not certain. Data in those at high
nuclei (Fig. 8–13), MRS alterations in NAA, genetic risk of Alzheimer disease, and the iden-
glutamate and GABA levels, and DTI changes tification of premotor symptoms, such as anos-
have all been demonstrated in studies of trans- mia and rapid eye movement sleep behavior
genic rodent models (Evans, Modo, Talbot, disorder in Parkinson disease, suggest changes
Sibson, & Turner, 2012). An emerging applica- occur long before the onset of symptoms.
tion is the use of MRI-visible injectable mag- Only 5–10% of patients report a family his-
netic particles of iron oxide to which can be tory of MND or the related condition FTD. Of
bound antibodies to specific targets of interest, these, approximately 60% are either carriers
including vascular endothelium (Evans et  al., of dominant pathogenic mutations of SOD1,
2014). or the intronic hexanucleotide repeat expan-
sion associated with C9orf72. Both seem to
be highly penetrant. Presymptomatic carri-
Spinal Cord ers offer a unique possibility to study the very
earliest changes in cortical function in MND.
Quantitative spinal cord imaging is challeng- Such changes might then be useful in charac-
ing. The small dimensions make tissue seg- terizing the much larger population at risk for
mentation highly susceptible to partial volume apparently sporadic disease, and help to reduce


Nc V




Figure 8–13.  MRI hyperintensity in the superoxide dismutase mouse model of MND. These are seen in the brainstem
nuclei V, VII and XII, and are detectable pre-symptomatically, with potential as a biomarker of therapeutic intervention.
(With kind permission of Dr Matthew Evans, University of Oxford.)
8  Imaging in MND 89

the diagnostic delay in those developing initial normal motor pathways in MND, supporting
symptoms, in turn allowing earlier administra- the hypothesis of propagation of disease along
tion of future candidate drugs. structural connections (Fig. 8–14; Verstraete
A DTI study in presymptomatic SOD1 et al., 2011). This type of network-based anal-
mutations carriers revealed reductions in FA ysis offers potential to understand MND as a
detectable in the PLIC regions (Ng et  al., systems-level degeneration, possibly to stage
2008), and an MRS study demonstrated a the disease process, and to understand clini-
metabolite profile in presymptomatic indi- cal subtypes (e.g., for cognitive impairment,
viduals that was more similar to that seen regional spread, and prognosis).
in affected patients rather than healthy
control subjects (Carew et  al., 2011). Both
results support the view that changes may CONCLUSION
be detectable long before symptoms emerge,
and offer the first hope for eventual primary Neuroimaging has established itself as a rela-
prevention. tively easily applicable technique in MND
research, at a time when the extent of the
overlap with FTD is fully emerging. It has
Network-based Approaches demonstrated its potential to reveal important
mechanisms of pathogenesis, generate much
The human brain can be modelled as a network needed biomarkers, and moved permanently
in which regions are interlinked by white mat- beyond its clinical role in excluding structural
ter connections according to functions (Sporns, mimic disorders. The biomarker aspiration is
2011). Network-based analyses suggest that likely to involve a multimodal approach, inte-
the brain has a mathematical “small-world” grating structural and functional candidates
topology (van den Heuvel, Stam, Boersma, & from both brain and spinal cord to create a “sig-
Hulshoff Pol, 2008). Highly connected brain nature” applicable to the range of phenotypes,
hubs seem to have a strong tendency to be and which might be used to more sensitively
interconnected, with a central “premier” col- monitor efficacy of future therapeutic agents.
lection of hubs perhaps having the greatest A major shift in the understanding of neurode-
impact on brain functioning (van den Heuvel generative disorders at the systems-level looks
& Sporns, 2011). Whole-brain DTI study with set to be led by involve novel applications of
network analysis demonstrated a subnetwork MRI in conjunction with sophisticated math-
of impaired connectivity overlapping the ematical network modelling.

>77 83 88 94 100%

Figure 8–14.  The prominent frontotemporal structural connections of the primary motor cortices in relation to the rest
of the brain (shown on 3D generic brain hemispheres from the right and left sides). This supports models of degeneration
defined by neuronal connections. (Adapted with permission from Verstraete et al., 2011.)
90 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

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Chapter 9

Diagnostic Criteria for Motor

Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg


INTRODUCTION Pending El Escorial Review
El Escorial Criteria
Airlie House Criteria


The diagnosis of the various forms of MND is
The diagnosis of the various forms of motor based on clinical features, because there are no
neuron disease (MND) rests on clinical fea- biomarkers at this time. Formulation of the El
tures because there are no specific tests or Escorial Criteria was a major step in standard-
biomarkers to make an unequivocal diag- izing the diagnosis of ALS. Although intended
nosis. Formal diagnostic criteria for amyo- for research purposes, they are generally used
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) were put in the clinic as a basis for making the diagnosis
forward in 1994 as the El Escorial Criteria (Bromberg, Schenkenberg, & Brownell, 2011).
under the auspices of the World Federation Criteria for PMA and PLS were not included
of Neurology. These criteria were for in the El Escorial Criteria, and their diagno-
research purposes, but are also used in the sis is more challenging because of a broad dif-
clinic for diagnosis. Primary lateral sclero- ferential diagnosis for PMA and the need for
sis (PLS) and progressive muscular atrophy the passage of several years to ensure that PLS
(PMA) were not included. does not advance to ALS.
The El Escorial Criteria have been revis-
ited and revisions published in 2000 and
2009, and another review is scheduled for TIME TO DIAGNOSIS
2014. Criteria for PLS have been reviewed
several times based on experience from clini- The time from symptom onset to diagnosis
cal series resulting in general guidelines. for ALS is 12–19  months, which represents a
Clinical descriptions for PMA have been significant proportion of the duration of the
reviewed but formal criteria have not been disease (median, 2–4 years). The time to diag-
considered. nosis of PLS is longer, with a 4-year minimum

9  Diagnostic Criteria for MND 95

to ensure that progression to ALS has not The role of electrophysiologic studies, in
occurred (Gordon et  al., 2006). Efforts to addition to excluding alternative pathology
reduce the time have been made and are chal- and diagnoses, is to confirm LMN degenera-
lenging. Data from 640 patients diagnosed in tion in clinically affected regions and docu-
one ALS/MND clinic in the United Kingdom ment subclinical evidence of involvement in
over 20 years showed a median time to diagno- clinically normal regions. Electrophysiologic
sis of 0.95 years with little change over 20 years evidence for LMN degeneration has the same
(Mitchell et  al., 2010). This represented a significance as clinical evidence for degenera-
diagnosis at 50% of disease duration. Factors tion and can elevate diagnostic certainty from
include rate of progression, with earlier diag- one level to a higher level. Electrophysiologic
nosis among patients with rapid progression, data are most secure when abnormalities
and initial referral to nonneurology provid- are found in two muscles of different nerve
ers. A  study of 202 patients with ALS from or root innervations in two or more regions.
Japan found an increase in the mean time from Electrophysiologic data are in three catego-
symptom onset to diagnosis among patients ries: (1) required, (2) supportive-probable, and
with limb onset (15.2 months) compared with (3)  supportive-possible. Electrophysiologic
bulbar onset (9.2 months), but noted possible support is based on attempts to document both
referral differences between countries (Kano active and chronic denervation.
et al., 2013).

Airlie House Criteria

The El Escorial Criteria were reviewed in 1998
The World Federation of Neurology felt the at the Airlie House in Warrington, Virginia
need to formalize diagnostic criteria for ALS to and a revised set was published in 2000 as
aid in uniform enrollment of patients with ALS the El Escorial-Revised or the Airlie House
in clinical trials. Criteria (Brooks, Miller, Swash, & Munsat,
2000). The requirements for levels of cer-
tainty for definite ALS and probable ALS
El Escorial Criteria remain unchanged, but the word “clinical”

The El Escorial Criteria were set forth at a

meeting held in El Escorial, Spain in 1990 and 1.00
the initial set of criteria was published in 1994
(World Federation of Neurology Research
Group on Neuromuscular Diseases, 1994). 0.80
Probability of Survival

The diagnosis is based on assessment of clinical 0.70

signs of upper motor neuron (UMN) degen- 0.60
eration (pathologic spread of reflexes, clonus,
pathologic reflexes, spasticity, and pseudobul- 0.50
bar findings) and lower motor neuron (LMN) 0.40
degeneration (weakness, atrophy, and fascicu- 0.30
lation potentials), which can be aided by elec- 0.20
trodiagnostic signs, and progression of signs
within a region or to other regions. Regions 0.10
of the neuroaxis are bulbar, cervical, thoracic, 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and lumbosacral, and no distinction is made
Survival (years)
as to involvement of sides of the body within a
region or need for bilateral involvement within Figure 9–1.  Kaplan-Meir survival curves for El Escorial
a region. Alternative causes of degeneration Criteria definite ALS (solid line) compared with suspected
are to be excluded. This leads to four levels ALS (dashed line) based on the initial diagnosis. Median
survival not statistically significantly different for definite
of diagnostic certainty (Fig. 9–1):  (1)  definite ALS 27 months and for suspected ALS 40 months. (Data
ALS, (2) probable ALS, (3) possible ALS, and estimated, simplified, and redrawn from Traynor et  al.,
(4) suspected ALS. 2000.)
96 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

was added to distinguish additional features and a revision was published in 2007 as the
that were added. An added level, clinically Awaji Criteria (de Carvalho et  al., 2008). The
probable ALS–laboratory-supported, allows goal was to identify patients with ALS earlier
signs of LMN degeneration to be defined by in their course to enhance their management,
electrophysiologic (electromyogram [EMG]) because data from an Irish study indicate that
criteria (Table 9–1). This addition was based up to 10% of patients die before reaching the
in part on experience with a large number of level of probable ALS (Traynor et  al., 2000).
patients with ALS who were believed to have It was pointed out that in the El Escorial
an accurate diagnosis ALS based on less reli- Criteria clinical electrophysiologic evidence
ance on clinical evidence for LMN degenera- for LMN degeneration could not be combined
tion and more reliance on EMG findings (Ross in a similar limb (however, this may represent
et  al., 1998). Clinical signs of LMN involve- a restricted interpretation of the El Escorial
ment (atrophy and fasciculation potentials) Criteria [discussed later]). Furthermore, it was
were not used because they were believed to pointed out that definite electrophysiologic cri-
be subjective: in their place are electrophysio- teria require evidence for both active denerva-
logic findings of fibrillation potentials. The new tion (positive waves and fibrillation potentials)
laboratory-supported criterion requires evi- and chronic denervation (motor units with
dence for LMN involvement in two limbs and reduced recruitment, and high amplitude and
UMN involvement in one region. In the Airlie long duration). Revisions to the El Escorial
House Criteria the level of “clinically suspected Criteria and Airlie House Criteria incorpo-
ALS” was deleted because it was believed to be rated in the Awaji Criteria include allowing
of insufficient diagnostic certainty for inclusion clinical and electrophysiologic evidence for
of subjects in research protocols. LMN degeneration to be combined within a
limb (but electrophysiologic confirmation of
LMN degeneration in clinically weak muscles
Awaji Criteria was believed to be important); and allowing
fasciculation potentials (preferably of complex
A third review of the El Escorial Criteria was morphology) in a muscle to serve as evidence
undertaken in 2006 on Awaji Island, Japan for active LMN degeneration when positive

Table 9–1  World Federation of Neurology Criteria for the Clinical Diagnosis of

ALS: El Escorial Criteria and Subsequent Airlie House Criteria (El Escorial–Revised)
El Escorial Criteria
Definite ALS UMN: bulbar region + ≥2 spinal regions or UMN: 3 regions
+ +
LMN: bulbar + ≥2 spinal LMN: 3 regions
Probable ALS UMN: ≥2 regions (1 region above LMN
LMN: ≥2 regions
Possible ALS UMN: 1 region or UMN: ≥2 regions
+ or LMN: rostral UMN
LMN: 1 region region
Suspected ALS LMN: ≥2 regions
Airlie House Criteria (El Escorial Criteria–Revised)
Clinically Probable– UMN: ≥1 region or UMN: ≥1 region
Laboratory Supported + +
LMN: ≥1 region LMN-EMG: 2 regions
In addition to the bulbar region, there are three spinal regions: cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral.
Modified from World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuromuscular Diseases (1994) and Brooks et al.
9  Diagnostic Criteria for MND 97

waves and fibrillation potentials are absent and and lumbosacral regions and in one muscle in
signs of chronic denervation are present. cranial and thoracic regions. Of note, a uniform
muscle sampling protocol was not followed and
it is not clear which muscles in a region were
Pending El Escorial Review most sensitive to denervation in ALS, except
for cranial innervated muscles where evidence
In keeping with the need to update criteria of denervation was highly specific.
with new information, a review and revision is Comparisons among the three electrophysi-
planned for 2014 with the plan to include fea- ologic criteria (El Escorial Criteria, Airlie
tures of frontotemporal lobe dysfunction. House Criteria, Awaji Criteria) for the level
of ALS certainty have been made. The vari-
ous comparisons are complicated to interpret
because most represent retrospective reviews
WORLD FEDERATION OF of patient data, and for electrophysiologic data,
NEUROLOGY CRITERIA comparisons frequently involve investigation of
PERFORMANCE REVIEWS different numbers of muscles among patients
and among centers. Furthermore, the compar-
The goal of the World Federation of Neurology isons showing elevation of diagnostic certainty
is to define patients for enrollment in clinic tri- between the criteria are viewed from different
als and other research. The success or utility of perspectives. Overall, with each set of revisions
the criteria and their revisions can be reviewed there are more patients classified at the higher
in terms of the percentage of patients fulfill- levels of certainty, about a 10% increase with
ing the levels of diagnostic certainty at time the Awaji Criteria. A  number of comparisons
of diagnosis and the time period from symp- focus on the Awaji Criteria showing an increase
tom onset to the diagnosis. However, there is in sensitivity (more patients reaching definite
a degree of circularity to the efforts to include ALS) with little loss of specificity (alterna-
more patients with a high likelihood of truly tive diagnoses) (Carvalho & Swash, 2009;
having ALS by refining (lowering) the diagnos- Douglass, Kandler, Shaw, & McDermott, 2010;
tic criteria. The circularity is that the disease Boekestein, Kleine, Hageman, Schelhaas, &
“exists,” but because it has individual variability Zwarts, 2010; Chen et al., 2010). Some of the
in presentation and rate of progression it can- underlying issues in these comparisons have
not be easily defined at onset. Comparisons of been critically commented upon (Benatar &
numbers of diagnoses of definite and probable Tandan, 2011).
ALS among the various criteria revisions are Of note, one comparison of 388 patients by
from retrospective reviews of patient data, and El Escorial Criteria and Airlie House Criteria
lowering or liberalizing one or more individual showed similar Kaplan-Meier survival curves
criterion always results in inclusion of more between the four El Escorial criteria levels of
patients. In turn, this raises the possibility of diagnostic certainty (Table 9–1), suggesting
including patients without ALS. that all levels of diagnostic certainty are assess-
The requirement of finding abnormalities in ing the same disease process (Fig. 9–1; Traynor
two muscles of different nerve or root innerva- et al., 2000).
tion in two or more regions has been investi- Another aspect in the diagnostic process is
gated using receiver operating characteristics accuracy of interpretation of the same clini-
(Makki & Benatar, 2007). Based on applying the cal data by different clinicians and the resul-
electrophysiologic category of definite LMN tant level of assigned diagnostic certainty.
degeneration (Table 9–2) to 35 consecutive Diagnostic reproducibility based on review
patients evaluated for and given the diagnosis of clinical records of 65 consecutive patients
of ALS (20 definite, 12 probable, 3 possible) suspected of having MND between two expe-
the best combination of sensitivity and speci- rienced neurologists for both the El Escorial
ficity for ALS and not an alternative diagnosis Criteria and Airlie House Criteria has been
(radiculopathy, PLS, neuropathy, benign fas- investigated. Congruency was generally high,
ciculation potentials) was achieved by requiring but it is noted that fewer patients were diag-
definite abnormalities in two regions based on nosed with definite ALS by the Airlie House
finding abnormalities in two muscles in cervical Criteria (Forbes, Colville, & Swingler, 2001).
98 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Table 9–2  Electrodiagnostic Criteria for LMN Involvement With Evolution of

Changes With Revisions to the El Escorial Criteria (Airlie House and Awaji Criteria)
El Escorial Criteria: Definite LMN-EMG Degeneration
•  Reduced recruitment (firing rates >10 Hz)
•  Large amplitude, long-duration motor units
•  Fibrillation potentials
El Escorial Criteria: Probable LMN-EMG Degeneration (≥1 features)
•  Reduced recruitment or large motor units, fibrillation potentials, unstable motor units
•  Reduced motor unit estimates and increased macroEMG potentials
El Escorial Criteria: Possible LMN Degeneration (≥1 features)
•  Reduced recruitment, large motor units, fibrillation potentials or unstable motor units
•  Polyphasic motor units or increased fiber density
•  Low amplitude motor unit potentials if disease progression >5 years or muscle atrophy
Airlie House Criteria: Definite LMN Degeneration
•  Fibrillation and positive wave potentials
•  Large motor units, with increased duration, with polyphasia
•  Unstable motor units
•  Fasciculation potentials (particularly if long duration and polyphasic) helpful
Awaji Criteria:
•  Large amplitude, increased duration, usually with polyphasia
•  Reduced recruitment with firing rates >10 Hz (rates may be <10 Hz if prominent UMN degeneration)
•  Unstable motor units observed with a 500 Hz low frequency filter
•  Fasciculation potentials (preferably with complex morphology) = fibrillation or positive wave potentials
Modified from World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neuromuscular Diseases (1994) and Brooks et al. (2000).

PLS these patients had a progression of LMN signs

fulfilling criteria for ALS over 60–137 months
The question of PLS as a clinical entity distinct from onset (Gordon et  al., 2006). As a con-
from ALS has been challenged from the ear- sequence, a 4-year follow-up period was rec-
liest descriptions. Most efforts to define the ommended as a practical duration to exclude
clinical features of PLS are based on reviews most, but not all, patients who will develop
of relatively small numbers of patients (8–35), ALS (Singer, Statland, Wolfe, & Barohn,
and the primary concerns are an UMN onset of 2007).
ALS and differentiation from spastic parapare- Several tests that may not be routinely used
sis (Rowland, 2005). The first modern attempt or available have been assessed as aids in the
at a set of diagnostic criteria was by Pringle diagnosis of PLS, but they cannot differenti-
et al in 1992 (Box 9.1; Pringle et al., 1992). The ate PLS from ALS (Le Forestier et al., 2001).
features emphasized the continued absence Muscle biopsies to look for evidence of dener-
of denervation by EMG studies 3  years from vation (angular fibers and fiber-type grouping)
symptom onset (although increased insertional provide similar information as EMG studies.
activity and occasional fibrillation potentials In one study of nine patients with predomi-
were not considered sufficient to change the nant UMN features needle EMG showed
diagnosis). chronic denervation (large and unstable motor
From a review of 24 patients with an initial units) but not active denervation changes
diagnosis of PLS followed for greater than (positive waves and fibrillation potentials),
4  years from symptom onset, 54% eventually but did show scattered angular fibers and
showed signs of denervation, leading to the mild fiber-type grouping (Soraru et al., 2008).
concept of UMN-dominant ALS. Some of Transcranial magnetic stimulation shows at
9  Diagnostic Criteria for MND 99

Box 9.1  Clinical Features Supportive of the Diagnosis of PLS

Pringle Criteria

•  Insidious onset of spastic paresis, usually beginning in the legs but occasion-
ally in bulbar of arms
•  Adult onset, usually fifth decade or later
•  Absence of family history
•  Gradually progressive course (not step-like)
•  Duration greater than 3 years
•  Clinical findings limited to corticospinal dysfunction
•  Symmetric distribution, ultimately leading to severe spastic spinobulbar paresis

Singer Criteria

•  Presence of UMN findings: spasticity, pathologic reflexes, weakness in corti-

cospinal distribution
•  Adult onset: second decade or later
•  Duration greater than 4 years
•  Involvement of legs, legs and arms, limbs and bulbar regions
•  Progressive course
•  Bladder urgency due to UMN dysfunction may be present
Modified from Pringle et al. (1992) and Singer et al. (2005).

least some abnormalities of central conduc- Rouleau, 2007). A  more common heredi-
tion in essentially all patients with PLS, rang- tary (genetic) issue in the diagnosis of PLS is
ing from increased central motor conduction confusion with hereditary spastic paraparesis,
time in the legs (may be asymmetric in degree) which may present in a familial or sporadic
to absent responses (Le Forestier et al., 2001; pattern. Experience from a large Dutch cohort
Zhai, Pagan, Statland, Butman, & Floeter, of patients with adult-onset sporadic UMN
2003). Magnetic resonance imaging, espe- involvement found marked overlap in clinical
cially diffusion tensor tractography, and mag- presentation and distribution between PLS
netic resonance spectroscopy can detect UMN and hereditary spastic paraparesis with the
involvement, but cannot differentiate between exception that patients with rostral extension
ALS and PLS (Evans et al., 1993). to arm and bulbar spasticity and asymmetric
The Pringle criteria excluded familial forms. limb spasticity were more likely to have PLS,
However, several families have been described and genetic testing is necessary to separate the
with PLS (Dupre, Valdmanis, Bouchard, & two disorders (Brugman et al., 2009).
100 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

PMA criteria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclero-

sis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2000;1:293–9.
Brugman F, Veldink JH, Franssen H, de Visser M, de Jong
PMA as a clinical entity distinct from ALS has JM, Faber CG, et  al. Differentiation of hereditary
also been questioned from the earliest descrip- spastic paraparesis from primary lateral sclerosis in
tions (Visser, de Jong, & de Visser, 2008). sporadic adult-onset upper motor neuron syndromes.
PMA is defined as sporadic adult-onset LMN Arch Neurol. 2009;66(4):509–14.
Carvalho MD, Swash M. Awaji diagnostic algo-
degeneration evident from strength testing rithm increases sensitivity of El Escorial crite-
or needle EMG, but no formal criteria have ria for ALS diagnosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
been offered. In the El Escorial Criteria, sus- 2009;10(1):53–7.
pected ALS included PMA, but this category Chen A, Weimer L, Brannagan T III, Colin M, Andrews J,
Mitsumoto H, et al. Experience with the Awaji Island
was removed in the Airlie House Criteria. In modifications to the ALS diagnostic criteria. Muscle
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10–20% of patients with PMA develop clinical de Carvalho M, Dengler R, Eisen A, England JD, Kaji R,
signs of UMN degeneration and the diagnosis Kimura J, et al. Electrodiagnostic criteria for diagnosis
is changed to ALS (Van den Berg-Vos et  al., of ALS. Clin Neurophysiol. 2008;119(3):497–503.
Douglass CP, Kandler RH, Shaw PJ, McDermott CJ. An
2009; Kim et al., 2009). At postmortem exami- evaluation of neurophysiological criteria used in the
nation, however, about 50% of patients with diagnosis of motor neuron disease. J Neurol Neurosurg
PMA (without clinical UMN signs) have patho- Psychiatry. 2010;81(6):646–9.
logic loss of UMNs (Ince et al., 2003). Patients Dupre N, Valdmanis PN, Bouchard JP, Rouleau GA.
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before the horse? Muscle Nerve. 2011;43(4):461–3. mary lateral sclerosis exist? A  study of 20 patients
Boekestein WA, Kleine BU, Hageman G, Schelhaas HJ, and a review of the literature. Brain. 2001;124(pt
Zwarts MJ. Sensitivity and specificity of the “Awaji” 10):1989–99.
electrodiagnostic criteria for amyotrophic lateral Makki AA, Benatar M. The electromyographic diagnosis
sclerosis:  retrospective comparison of the Awaji and of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  does the evidence
revised El Escorial criteria for ALS. Amyotroph support the El Escorial criteria? Muscle Nerve.
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Bromberg MB, Schenkenberg T, Brownell AA. A survey of Mitchell JD, Callagher P, Gardham J, Mitchell C, Dixon
stress among amyotrophic lateral sclerosis care provid- M, Addison-Jones R, et al. Timelines in the diagnostic
ers. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2011;12(3):162–7. evaluation of people with suspected amyotrophic lat-
Brooks B, Miller R, Swash M, Munsat T, for the World eral sclerosis (ALS)/motor neuron disease (MND)—a
Federation of Neurology Research Group on Motor 20-year review: can we do better? Amyotroph Lateral
Neuron Diseases. El Escorial revisited:  revised Scler. 2010;11(6):537–41.
9  Diagnostic Criteria for MND 101

Phukan J, Elamin M, Bede P, Jordan N, Gallagher L, Byrne motor neuron-dominant amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Chapter 10

Differential Diagnosis of Motor

Neuron Disease
Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND other disorder truly mimics them. In the set-

NEW POINTS ting of a fatal disease there is concern for a
false-positive diagnosis and consideration of
The diagnosis of all forms of motor neuron dis- an alternative disease, especially one that is
ease (MND) is based on clinical features with treatable. There are disorders that have some
no biomarker to confirm the diagnosis. Given overlapping clinical features, especially early
the poor prognosis of MND, amyotrophic lat- in the clinical course, but careful consideration
eral sclerosis (ALS) and progressive muscular of the features is usually sufficient to exclude
atrophy (PMA) in particular, there is concern them (Table 10–1; Turner & Talbot, 2013). The
for disorders that mimic these and that might opposite concern, a false-negative diagnosis of
be treatable. an alternative disease, is less common, because
Serum tests commonly considered to detect with the passage of time the forms of MND
a mimic disorder include a large number of declare themselves.
basic metabolic tests that are not linked to an
alternative diagnosis. The number of disorders
with similar clinical features is very small, and
even fewer are treatable disorders. KENNEDY DISEASE
Kennedy disease, or spinal bulbar muscular atro-
phy, is an X-linked neurodegenerative disorder
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS of both motor and sensory nerves associated with
OF ALS an expansion of cytosine-adenosine-guanosine
(CAG) repeat in the androgen receptor gene
It can be argued that the symptoms and (Finsterer, 2010). Similarities with ALS include
signs of ALS and PMA are unique, and no age range of symptom onset from 30–60 years,
10  Differential Diagnosis of MND 103

Table 10–1  Features That if Present Help Support ALS and PMA From Other
Supportive Feature Clinical Findings
Supratentorial localization Emotional lability
Features of frontotemporal lobe dysfunction
Corticospinal tract localization Pathologic or asymmetric tendon reflexes
Extensor plantar responses
Snout response
Diffuse distribution of LMN involvement Diffuse spontaneous and contraction fasciculation potentials
with large amplitude twitches
Diffuse fasciculations; active and chronic denervation on EMG
Progression of weakness Focal site of onset
Steady progression
Respiratory involvement
EMG, electromyogram; LMN, lower motor neuron.

bulbar weakness (dysarthria and dysphagia), affect or frontotemporal lobe syndrome symp-
limb weakness that may present asymmetri- toms. Electrodiagnostic features that differ
cally, muscle cramps, diffuse denervation on from ALS are reduced or absent sensory nerve
needle electromyography (EMG) study, and responses. A genetic test for an expanded CAG
elevated serum creatine kinase values. repeat number is diagnostic in equivocal cases.
Features that distinguish Kennedy disease
from ALS are sensory disturbance with numb-
ness in 50%, reduced or absent tendon reflexes, MULTIFOCAL MOTOR
prominent lip weakness (Fig. 10–1), perioral NEUROPATHY
muscle contraction fasciculation potentials,
very slow progression (decades) with rare death Multifocal motor neuropathy is a mononeuropa-
from respiratory failure, gynecomastia in a thy multiplex that affects motor nerves with focal
large portion (Fig. 10–2), and no pseudobulbar conduction block at discrete sites away from

(A) (B)

Figure 10–1.  Cranial nerve features of Kennedy disease. (A) Asymmetric lip weakness. (B) Marked tongue atrophy. (With
permission from patient.)
104 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Figure 10–2.  Gynecomastia in patient with Kennedy disease. (With permission from patient.)

common sites of entrapment (Renton et  al., reflexes are occasionally observed), the absence
2011). This disorder is treatable with intrave- of bulbar involvement, and no pseudobulbar
nous immune globulin (Slee, Selvan & Donaghy, affect or frontotemporal lobe syndrome symp-
2007). Similarities with ALS include age range toms. The prototypic electrodiagnostic feature
from 20–70 years with mean age 40 years, asym- of multifocal motor neuropathy is focal conduc-
metric and predominantly distal weakness, mus- tion block (Fig. 10–4), but block cannot always
cle atrophy, and progression of weakness. be demonstrated either because it is at proximal
Clinical features that distinguish multifocal sites not easily tested or there exist forms of the
motor neuropathy from ALS are predominance clinical disease without conduction block. The
and early weakness of finger and wrist exten- degree of EMG findings is mild and the distri-
sion (Fig. 10–3), muscle atrophy that is mild bution restricted compared with ALS.
in proportion to the degree of weakness of ALS clinics report varying percentages of
the affected muscle group, reduced or absent patients referred for ALS who ultimately have
tendon reflexes (although pathologically brisk the diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy



Figure 10–3.  Drawing of characteristic distribution of asymmetric finger (A) and wrist extensor weakness (B) in multifocal
motor neuropathy with conduction block.
10  Differential Diagnosis of MND 105

CMAP SNAP bodies with rimmed vacuoles (Fig. 10–6).

A  review from one ALS center revealed that
Wrist among 70 patients with a pathologic diagnosis
of inclusion body myositis 13% had an original
diagnosis of MND, and most had some degree
Distal Forearm of finger flexion weakness (Dabby et al., 2001).
Two cases initially diagnosed as ALS eventually
Proximal Forearm progressed to have clinical and pathologic fea-
tures of inclusion body myositis upon follow-up
Elbow examination (Schellenberg, Johnston, Kalra,
Resch, & Johnson, 2010).

Figure 10–4.  Characteristic nerve conduction waveforms

showing focal motor conduction block away from common SPONDYLOTIC
sites of entrapment (between distal and proximal forearm) RADICULOPATHY AND
with marked loss of compound muscle action potential
(CMAP) amplitude and area, but with preservation of sen- MYELORADICULOPATHY
sory potentials (SNAP).
Cervical disk disease is reported in more than
50% of middle-aged people, but only 10–15%
with conduction block. A review of 89 patients has symptoms for which surgery is a consid-
from one center with the initial diagnosis of PMA eration, and most of these present with limb
(thus excluding ALS) indicates that 8% had mul- pain. In the setting of possible ALS, cervical and
tifocal motor neuropathy, but diagnostic support thoracic myelopathy could account for upper
in the form of a response to treatment was not motor neuron (UMN) and lower motor neu-
presented (DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011). ron (LMN) symptoms and signs, whereas with
possible ALS or PMA, cervical and lumbosa-
cral spondylotic radiculopathies could account
Inclusion body myositis is a degenerative disor-
der of muscle that has elements of inflamma-
tion on muscle biopsy but does not respond to
immune-modulating drugs (Hilton-Jones et al.,
2010). There is a prototypic clinical pattern of
muscle atrophy and weakness that is usually
distinct from ALS, but similarities include age
range from 45–80  years, asymmetric muscle
atrophy, and frequent elevation of serum cre-
atine kinase.
Differences from ALS are characteristic pat-
tern of atrophy and weakness of forearm flexor
muscles (weakness of distal digital flexion) and
quadriceps muscles, normal tendon reflexes,
and insidious onset of weakness and very slow
progression (Fig. 10–5). Despite being a myop-
athy, needle EMG includes high-amplitude
complex motor unit potentials with reduced
recruitment, but upon careful observation also
includes low-amplitude, complex, and rapidly
Figure  10–5. Drawing of prototypic pattern of muscle
recruited potentials. The pathologic diagno- atrophy with inclusion body myositis. Forearm flexor mus-
sis from muscle biopsy is a myopathic pattern cle atrophy in asymmetric pattern preventing adequate
of variation in muscle fiber size and inclusion grip due to weak finger flexion.
106 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Figure 10–6.  Muscle biopsy in cross-section showing variation in fiber diameter and inclusions (trichrome stain).

for LMN symptoms and signs. Imaging stud- surgical release (Kollewe et  al., 2011). Ulnar
ies in one group of 63 patients raised the ques- nerve decompression or transposition was less
tion of a cervical myeloradiculopathy in 48%, frequent. The 2% incidence of median neu-
lumbar spondylosis in 13%, and other imaging ropathy at the wrist/carpal tunnel syndrome
abnormalities in 12.6% (Yamada, Furukawa, & among patients with ALS was similar to that in
Hirohata, 2003). In one center’s review of 1,131 the general population. The issue of a peroneal
patients with ALS, 47 (4.2%) had one spinal (fibular) mononeuropathy to explain a progres-
decompression surgical procedure and 8 had a sive foot drop is rarely raised.
second procedure before the diagnosis of ALS
was firmly established (Yoshor, Klugh III, Appel,
& Haverkamp, 2005). Among the 47 patients,
29% had a myelopathy and 56% had cervical MYASTHENIA GRAVIS
surgery and 4% thoracic surgery, whereas 21%
had a unilateral foot drop and 42% had lumbosa- Bulbar myasthenia gravis frequently causes
cral surgery. For 86% there was no improvement flaccid-type dysarthria and dysphagia with some
from the surgery, for 9% there was equivocal similarities to bulbar-onset ALS. However,
improvement, and for 4% there was objective bulbar myasthenia gravis remains localized, or
improvement. However, for all patients there includes ocular symptoms, and is not associated
was overall progression and survival statistics with atrophic limb weakness or signs of neuro-
were no different between the 1,084 who did not genic denervation on EMG study. In one study
have surgery and the 47 who did have surgery. of 49 patients with bulbar-onset ALS, 22% had
acetylcholine receptor antibody testing prior to
referral to an ALS center (Turner et al., 2010).
Furthermore, 43% were initially referred to an
MONONEUROPATHIES otolaryngology clinic and 42% to a stroke clinic.
Elevated acetylcholine receptor antibody titers
Atrophy and weakness of muscles in the lateral are occasionally reported in patients with ALS
hand occurs early in the course of ALS, and and no signs of myasthenia gravis (Mehanna,
is called the splint hand syndrome (Menon, Patton Jr., Phan, & Harati, 2012).
Kiernan, Yiannikas, Stroud, & Vucic, 2013).
This includes median innervated thenar emi-
nence muscles, and an initial diagnosis of a
median nerve mononeuropathy, with or with HEREDITARY SPASTIC
out symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, is fre- PARESIS
quently considered. In a study of 554 patients
with ALS 10 (2%) were initially diagnosed with Clinical features of hereditary spastic pare-
a median neuropathy at the wrist and had a sis and primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) overlap,
10  Differential Diagnosis of MND 107

especially when there is no apparent family his- reported in individuals with human immunode-
tory of spastic paresis (Fink, 2001). A review of ficiency virus (Verma & Berger, 2006). In most
patients genotyped for one of several forms of examples the clinical features are consistent
hereditary spastic paresis (SPG4 or SPG7) per- with El Escorial Criteria probable or possible
mitted comparisons between patients with PLS ALS. However, the age of onset of MND-like
or with predominant UMN findings (Brugman symptoms was younger (mean ~35  years vs.
et al., 2009). Features previously thought associ- ~55  years) and the rate of progression fre-
ated with PLS and not hereditary spastic paresis, quently much more rapid than for classic ALS.
such as older age of onset, bulbar involvement, Some individuals responded to antiretroviral
minor needle EMG changes, urinary urgency, therapy, and the age of onset among those that
and mild dorsal column involvement, were also did not respond to treatment was in the sixth
observed in hereditary spastic paresis. The only decade raising the possibility of coincidence of
feature unique to hereditary spastic paresis was two unrelated disorders.
cerebellar signs (signs not described). It was Human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II
concluded that genetic testing for hereditary are associated with a myelopathy/tropical spas-
spastic paresis is the only reliable method to dis- tic paraparesis but there have been several case
tinguish between the two disorders. reports of an ALS-like syndrome (Silva et  al.,
2005). The course has been slower and patho-
logic findings different than classic ALS.
Chronic infection with Borrelia burgdorferi HEAVY METAL TOXICITY
(Lyme disease) has been raised as mimicking
symptoms and signs of ALS. A  chart review Lead, mercury, and selenium have been
of 414 patients with ALS indicated four with questionably linked to ALS, and early cases
positive Western blot testing, a prevalence described by Aran in 1850 included two
of 0.97% compared with 5.8% who had only patients who were exposed to lead. A review of
serologic evidence for past exposure (Qureshi, 10 case-controlled studies investigating a pos-
Bedlack, & Cudkowicz, 2009). The prevalence sible relationship between lead exposure and
rate was comparable with the occurrence of ALS found no consistent evidence among the
Lyme disease in the endemic area. Two of the studies for a relationship (Callaghan, Feldman,
four patients had antibiotic treatment with no Gruis, & Feldman, 2011). It is possible that
effect on their ALS symptoms. genetic susceptibility to lead binding may be
a factor (Kamel et al., 2003). Of interest, one
study found a longer 5-year survival among
patients with ALS with an exposure to lead
VIRAL DISEASES (Kamel et al., 2008). No evidence for mercury
or selenium exposure was found (Callaghan
Poliomyelitis and West Nile viruses are the most et al., 2011).
common viral-mediated LMN disorders (Leis
& Stokic, 2012). Flaccid weakness for both has
acute onset, distinguishing it from PMA or ALS
at onset. The possibility of viral persistence and CANCER AND
recrudescence has been raised for polio as a PARANEOPLASTIC
predisposing factor for the later development of SYNDROMES
ALS or PMA Distinguishing between post-polio
progressive muscular atrophy is occasionally The linkage between ALS and cancer has
raised (Shimada, Lange & Hays, 1999). been studied epidemiologically using National
Cancer Institute data that included 2,700,000
incident cancer cases (Freedman et al., 2013).
RETROVIRAL DISEASES The risk of death due to ALS among cancer sur-
vivors was not increased overall, but there were
A viral factor has been considered in the etiol- positive associations between ALS death and
ogy of ALS. An MND-like syndrome has been melanoma. A register-based study from Sweden
108 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

did not confirm an association of ALS with mel- in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Environ Health
anoma or another form of cancer (Fang et al., Perspect. 2008;116(7):943–7.
Kollewe K, Koerner S, Ilsemann J, Mohammadi B,
2013). Paraneoplastic antibodies have not been Krampfl K, Dengler R, et  al. Nerve compres-
linked to classic ALS (Sharp & Vernino, 2012). sion syndromes in ALS:  a retrospective analy-
sis in 554 patients. Amyotrophic Lateral Scler.
Leis AA, Stokic DC. Neuromuscular manifestations of
west nile virus infection. Front Neurol. 2012;3:37.
REFERENCES Mehanna R, Patton EL, Jr., Phan CL, Harati Y. Amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis with positive anti-acetylcholine recep-
Brugman F, Veldink JH, Franssen H, de Visser M, de Jong tor antibodies. Case report and review of the litera-
JM, Faber CG, et  al. Differentiation of hereditary ture. J Clin Neuromuscul Dis. 2012;14(2):82–5.
spastic paraparesis from primary lateral sclerosis in Menon P, Kiernan MC, Yiannikas C, Stroud J, Vucic
sporadic adult-onset upper motor neuron syndromes. S. Split-hand index for the diagnosis of amyo-
Arch Neurol. 2009;66(4):509–14. trophic lateral sclerosis. Clin Neurophysiol.
Callaghan B, Feldman D, Gruis K, Feldman E. The asso- 2013;124(2):410–6.
ciation of exposure to lead, mercury, and selenium Qureshi M, Bedlack RS, Cudkowicz ME. Lyme disease
and the development of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis serology in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Muscle
and the epigenetic implications. Neurodegener Dis. Nerve. 2009;40(4):626–8.
2011;8(1-2):1–8. Renton AE, Majounie E, Waite A, Simon-Sanchez
Dabby R, Lange DJ, Trojaborg W, Hays AP, Lovelace J, Rollinson S, Gibbs JR, et  al. A hexanucleo-
RE, Brannagan TH, et  al. Inclusion body myosi- tide repeat expansion in C9ORF72 is the cause
tis mimicking motor neuron disease. Arch Neurol. of chromosome 9p21-linked ALS-FTD. Neuron.
2001;58(8):1253–6. 2011;72(2):257–68.
DeJesus-Hernandez M, Mackenzie IR, Boeve BF, Boxer Schellenberg KL, Johnston WS, Kalra S, Resch L,
AL, Baker M, Rutherford NJ, et  al. Expanded Johnson ES. Inclusion body myositis masquerading
GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat in noncoding region as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Can J Neurol Sci.
of C9ORF72 causes chromosome 9p-linked FTD and 2010;37(5):687–91.
ALS. Neuron. 2011;72(2):245–56. Sharp L, Vernino S. Paraneoplastic neuromuscular disor-
Fang F, Al-Chalabi A, Ronnevi LO, Turner MR, ders. Muscle Nerve. 2012;46(6):841–50.
Wirdefeldt K, Kamel F, et  al. Amyotrophic lateral Shimada A, Lange DJ, Hays AP. Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis and cancer: a register-based study in Sweden. sclerosis in an adult following acute paralytic poli-
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. iomyelitis in early childhood. Acta Neuropathol.
2013;14(5-6):362–8. 1999;97(3):317–21.
Fink JK. Progressive spastic paraparesis:  heredi- Silva MT, Leite AC, Alamy AH, Chimelli L, Andrada-Serpa
tary spastic paraplegia and its relation to primary MJ, Araujo AQ. ALS syndrome in HTLV-I infection.
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Semin Neurol. Neurology. 2005;65(8):1332–3.
2001;21(2):199–207. Slee M, Selvan A, Donaghy M. Multifocal motor neuropa-
Finsterer J. Perspectives of Kennedy’s disease. J Neurol thy:  the diagnostic spectrum and response to treat-
Sci. 2010;298(1-2):1–10. ment. Neurology. 2007;69(17):1680–7.
Freedman DM, Curtis RE, Daugherty SE, Goedert JJ, Turner MR, Scaber J, Goodfellow JA, Lord ME, Marsden
Kuncl RW, Tucker MA. The association between can- R, Talbot K. The diagnostic pathway and prognosis in
cer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Cancer Causes bulbar-onset amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol
Control. 2013;24(1):55–60. Sci. 2010;294(1-2):81–5.
Hilton-Jones D, Miller A, Parton M, Holton J, Sewry C, Turner MR, Talbot K. Mimics and chameleons in motor
Hanna MG. Inclusion body myositis: MRC Centre for neurone disease. Pract Neurol. 2013;13(3):153–64.
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June 2008. Neuromuscul Disord. 2010;20(2):142–7. infection. J Neurol Sci. 2006;240(1-2):59–64.
Kamel F, Umbach DM, Lehman TA, Park LP, Munsat Yamada M, Furukawa Y, Hirohata M. Amyotrophic lateral
TL, Shefner JM, et  al. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, sclerosis: frequent complications by cervical spondylo-
lead, and genetic susceptibility:  polymorphisms in sis. J Orthop Sci. 2003;8(6):878–81.
the delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and vita- Yoshor D, Klugh A  III, Appel SH, Haverkamp LJ.
min D receptor genes. Environ Health Perspect. Incidence and characteristics of spinal decompression
2003;111(10):1335–9. surgery after the onset of symptoms of amyotrophic
Kamel F, Umbach DM, Stallone L, Richards M, Hu H, lateral sclerosis. Neurosurgery. 2005;57(5):984–9; dis-
Sandler DP. Association of lead exposure with survival cussion -9.
Chapter 11

Motor Neuron Disease Progression

Mark B. Bromberg


INTRODUCTION Neurophysiologic Index
CLINICAL PROGRESSION Electrical Impedance Myography
ALS Muscle Ultrasound
Motor Unit Number Estimation SURVIVAL
Motor Unit Number Index

BACKGROUND AND brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for

NEW POINTS upper motor neuron (UMN) loss and muscle
imaging for LMN loss, ultrasound imaging of
All forms of motor neuron disease (MND) muscles, and electrical impedance myography
are progressive, and amyotrophic lateral scle- for LMN loss. Clinical staging schemes for
rosis (ALS) and progressive muscular atrophy ALS progression have been introduced.
(PMA) are more rapid than primary lateral scle-
rosis (PLS). Measurements of progression are
important as endpoint measures for drug and INTRODUCTION
intervention trials in ALS, and also for patient
prognosis for all forms of MND. Primary end- An invariant feature of all forms of MND is
point measures for ALS trials initially focused inexorable progression. Clinical progression
on survival, and later on functional scales that can be assessed from a number of perspec-
incorporate the heterogeneous patterns of tives: (1) time from symptom onset to diagno-
involvement and progression among patients. sis; (2)  time and pattern of progression from
Recent efforts to chart progression include the initial site of weakness to other regions;
prognosis based on region of onset, El Escorial (3) time to progress from one type of MND to
Criteria at time of diagnosis, and type of MND. another (from progressive bulbar palsy [PBP]
Clinimetric scales have generally evolved away to ALS, from PMA to ALS, from PLS to ALS,
from strength measures and toward global and within the El Escorial Criteria from one
functional scales or electrophysiologic tests that degree of certainty to another); (4)  global
assess lower motor neuron (LMN) loss. New rate of progression (functional scales); and
techniques have been introduced that include (5)  time from symptom onset to death. Most

110 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

measures are used for research, and in particu- median time was 8.0  months (range, 1.0–
lar, for clinical trials, and although scales are 79.7  months). A  study of 1,359 US veterans
frequently used to monitor progression in the (greater than 97% male) revealed that the
clinic they are uncommonly used for prognos- mean time to diagnosis (including evaluations
tication. Efforts are being made for scales that within and outside of Veterans Affairs Medical
stage ALS. Centers) was 11  months (first quartile  =  6;
third quartile = 20; Khishchenko et al., 2010).
Of note, the Veterans study included records
from 1957 and showed a trend over time for a
CLINICAL PROGRESSION shortening of the diagnostic process. General
factors influencing the interval to diagnosis are
ALS the time to see a consultant (60% see a general
practitioner first) and delay in seeing a neu-
Symptoms in ALS start focally, and combin- rologist. However, when a neurologist was the
ing three studies, 19–35% of patients expe- first consultant the median time remained long
rience symptoms beginning in the bulbar at 17.3  months (Chio, 2000). Patient-specific
region, 58–74% in the limbs, and 7% dif- factors are site of initial symptoms, and those
fusely (Traynor et al., 2000; Chio et al., 2002; with bulbar symptoms were diagnosed in
Zoccolella et al., 2006). Among patients with 14 months, whereas those with leg onset were
bulbar onset, 75–88% starts with dysarthria. diagnosed in 20.8 months. It is noteworthy that
Among those with limb onset, 39–58% starts patients who experienced fasciculation poten-
in the legs, 30–42% in the arms, and the tials were diagnosed a mean of 16.9  months
remainder starts in both. Asymmetry in limb compared with those without fasciculation
onset is common, and among 153 patients potentials at 19  months. Older patients expe-
diagnosed with definite or probable ALS by rienced a longer delay. Patients not meeting
El Escorial Criteria, 80% experienced asym- El Escorial Criteria, presumable mostly with
metry with onset in the arms and 76% with PMA, also experienced a longer delay (Chio,
onset in the legs (Korner et  al., 2011). ALS 2000; Traynor et al., 2000).
progression and comparisons of regions of Mortality data combining seven
involvement from diagnosis to last follow-up population-based studies (1,740 patients) indi-
indicate a 19% increase in involvement of the cate a median survival of ~29 months, with very
bulbar region, 16% increase in the cervical little variability among studies (Traynor et al.,
region, 22% increase in the thoracic region, 2000). When survival is plotted by El Escorial
and a 15% increase in the lumbosacral region. classification at time of diagnosis, survival
At death, most patients had involvement of all among the groups is similar. Data from two
regions. studies show survival time of 23–27  months
Degree of involvement and progression has for those with definite ALS, 27–34  months
been examined in terms of the El Escorial with probable ALS, 30–35 months for possible,
Criteria. In a study of 383 patients, at time of and 40–58 months for suspected ALS (Traynor
diagnosis, 34% met criteria for definite ALS, et al., 2000; Chio et al., 2002; Fig. 11–1).
23% for probable, 36% for possible, and 8% Clinical prognostic risk factors in ALS vary
for suspected ALS (Traynor et  al., 2000). At among studies, likely in part due to different
last follow-up (median, 15.0  months; range, types of databases and sample sizes (Chio et al.,
0.4–68.9 months) 67% met criteria for definite 2009). Patient age at time of diagnosis is a fac-
ALS, 19% for probable, 12% for possible, and tor, with shorter survival (median, 1.7  years)
2% for suspected ALS. Of note, the greatest after age 80 years (Forbes, Colville, & Swingler,
changes were from the possible ALS category 2004). Gender does not have an affect on
upward and in the definite category. survival (Chio et  al., 2009). Bulbar onset is a
Time from symptom onset to diagnosis has negative factor at any age (Chio et  al., 2002).
also been examined. In a study that included Patients with language-dominant frontotempo-
201 patients from six countries, the median ral features have a shorter median survival than
time from symptom onset to diagnosis was those with behavior-dominant features (Coon,
14 months (range, 12–17 months; Chio, 2000). Sorenson, Whitwell, Knopman, & Josephs,
In a study of 383 patients from Ireland, the 2011).
11  Progression of MND 111

1.00 Among 15 patients with PBP, defined as iso-

0.90 lated dysarthria, dysphagia, or both, with
or without UMN signs, and no signs of limb
muscle denervation upon needle electromy-
Probability of Survival

0.70 ography at initial evaluation, 13 progressed to

0.60 El Escorial definite ALS with a median time
0.50 course of 12 months (range, 6–27 months). Of
the two patients who did not progress, one died
due to other medical conditions and the other
0.30 died due to aspiration pneumonia. The median
0.20 survival for the 15 patients was 35  months
0.10 (range, 24–116 months).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Survival (years) PMA
Figure 11–1.  Kaplan-Meir survival curves for El Escorial The initial diagnosis of PMA represents ~7%
Criteria definite ALS (solid line) compared with suspected
ALS (dashed line) based on the initial diagnosis. Median of patients with MND. In a study of 91 patients
survival not statistically significantly different for definite with PMA compared with 871 patients with
ALS 27  months and for suspected ALS 40  months. (Data ALS, those with PMA were older and more
estimated, simplified, and redrawn from Traynor et  al., likely to be male. PMA seems to cause diagnos-
tic uncertainly because the time from symp-
tom onset to diagnosis was longer for PMA,
There are several clinically unique MND with a mean of 20.8  months, compared with
phenotypes that have longer survival; those 17.7 months for ALS.
with marked UMN involvement and those Progression from PMA to ALS (development
with marked LMN involvement affecting pri- of UMN signs) occurred in 22% of patients with
marily the arms or the legs (flail arm or leg PMA over a median time of 8.5 months (range,
syndrome). In a study of 749 patients who ful- 0.5–61.3  months), and most developed UMN
filled El Escorial Criteria for definite, prob- signs within 24  months (Kim et  al., 2009). In
able, or laboratory-supported probable ALS, another study of 37 patients with PMA, 35%
163 (22%) had a predominance of UMN developed UMN signs, including two who
symptoms and signs (UMN-dominant), and developed pseudobulbar affect as the only sign
as a group had significantly longer survival of UMN involvement (Visser et al., 2007). The
than patients with classic ALS (56 months vs. development of UMN signs and change to ALS
33 months; Sabatelli et al., 2011). In another did not affect survival compared with those
study of 1,620 patients fulfilling Airlie House who remained with the diagnosis of PMA. In
Criteria for definite, probable, and possible a comparison with 871 patients with ALS, 91
ALS, 16.5% had flail arms and 6.3% had flail patients with PMA experienced longer sur-
legs associated with significantly longer sur- vival, up to 80  months, after which the rates
vival (61–71  months) compared with clas- were the same for both diseases (Kim et  al.,
sic ALS (31–35  months; Wijesekera et  al., 2009). Among 10 patients with PMA who did
2009). However, when patients present with not display UMN signs and were followed for
predominant UMN or focal LMN involve- 12 months, all showed progression of LMN loss
ment a high percentage follow a more typical but to varying rates, and the pattern of changes
ALS-type pattern of involvement and rate of was similar to patients with ALS (de Carvalho,
progression. Scotto, & Swash, 2007).

Most patients presenting with PBP progress PLS is rare, at less than 3% of patients with
to ALS (Karam, Scelsa, & Macgowan, 2010). MND (Singer, Statland, Wolfe, & Barohn,
112 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

2007). Onset is between 45 and 54  years of levels of functions of daily activities), func-
age with initial spasticity of legs or less com- tional scales, and electrophysiologic metrics
mon bulbar dysfunction. Progression is slow (Table 11–1).
and there are periods of stability. Survival sta- One characteristic of MND is heteroge-
tistics are better than those with ALS, but dif- neous site of initial weakness or dysfunction
ficult to quantify due to the longer survival and with progression to other sites. Accordingly,
fewer deaths: mean duration from nine studies most clinimetric scales cover the spectrum
is 10.2 years (range, 3–53 years; Singer et al., of likely involvement leading to a total score,
2007). It is significant that signs of LMN loss acknowledging normal values for some regions
on electromyography or muscle biopsy develop or functions early on that might have mild or
in 40–70% of patients with an initial diagno- subclinical involvement. Subscores from spe-
sis of PLS, and development of LMN signs cific regions of involvement can be analyzed
occurs ~3 years into the course, but as long as separately. Respiratory function and electrodi-
10  years from symptom onset (Le Forestier agnostic metrics have been used as single-item
et al., 2001; Singer et al., 2005; Gordon et al., assessments.
2006; D’Amico, Pasmantier, Lee, Weimer, &
Mitsumoto, 2013).
Based on the concept that PLS represents Composite Scales
a spectrum from pure UMN loss to vary-
ing degrees of LMN loss, a clinical entity of The Norris scale was introduced in 1974 and
UMN-dominant ALS has been put forward, includes combined assessments of activities of
and such patients seem to have a clinical course daily living, physical activities involving basic
between patients with pure PLS and ALS degrees of strength, tendon reflexes, plantar
(Gordon et al., 2006). responses, labile affect, spasticity, and fatigue.
Scores range from 100 (normal) to 0 (lowest).
The Appel scale was devised in 1987 and
includes combined assessments of bulbar func-
CLINIMETRIC SCALES tion, forced vital capacity, qualitative measure-
ments of arm and leg strength, quantitative
Progression can be quantified with clinimet- measurements of grip and pinch strength,
ric scales that numerically rate progression. and physical activities of arm and leg function
Clinimetric scales can be indexes, rating scales, (Appel, Stewart, Smith, & Appel, 1987). The
and other metrics that measure symptoms, range in scores is 30 for a normal individual and
physical signs, laboratory signs, or other dis- 164 for someone who is maximally disabled.
tinct clinical phenomena. Clinimetric scales The Tufts Quantitative Neuromuscular
developed for ALS include measurements of Examination (TQNE) was developed in 1988
strength, composite scales that are combina- with 28 items that include measurements of
tions of strength and function (which assess pulmonary function, oropharyngeal function

Table 11–1  List of Scales Used to Estimate the Rate of Progression of ALS

Clinimetric Scales Assessed Modalities
Norris Multiple modes
Appel Multiple modes
TQNE Multiple modes
MMT Summed manual muscle strength
ALSFRS-R Summed functions
Electrophysiologic Scales Assessed Modalities
MUNE Estimate of surviving motor units
MUNIX Estimate of surviving motor units
Neurophysiologic index Combination of multiple electrophysiologic measures
TQNE, Tufts Quantitative Neuromuscular Examination; MMT, manual muscle testing; ALSFRS-R, ALS Functional
Rating Scale-Revised; MUNE, motor unit number estimation; MUNIX, motor unit index.
11  Progression of MND 113

(pronunciation and timed activities), timed Motor Unit Number Index

activities (hand function and walking), and
measurements of maximal voluntary isometric Motor unit number index represents a math-
contraction strength from a large number of ematic modeling of the interference pattern
muscles with conversion of scores to “mega- with respect to the power of the CMAP, and is
scores.” Megascores are normalized to scores sensitive to change over time among patients
expected in normal individuals based on age with ALS (Neuwirth, Nandedkar, Stalberg, &
and gender and expressed as z scores. TQNE Weber, 2010). It is simple to perform and mul-
testing required physical therapy expertise tiple muscles can be assessed and summed into
and expensive equipment stationed in a desig- a combined score that includes heterogeneous
nated area. Recently, a portable system based rates of LMN loss within a patient (Bromberg,
on TQNE has been developed (Andres et al., 2013).
Summed isometric manual muscle testing,
either qualitatively based on Medical Research CMAP Scan
Counsel ratings or quantitatively using hand-
held dynamometry, has been used as a tech- The amplitude or area of the CMAP is a mea-
nically simpler and less expensive alternative sure of the number of motor axons innervat-
method to TQNE (Great Lakes ALS Study ing a muscle, but not a quantitative measure
Group, 2003). in ALS. In health individuals, plots of CMAP
response with increasing electrical activation
of a motor nerve results in a smooth sigmoid
Motor Unit Number curve, but in patients with ALS the curve is
Estimation lower in amplitude and interrupted by steps
due to the enlarge motor units. Estimates of
Motor unit number estimation (MUNE) is motor neuron loss can be made with this tech-
an electrophysiologic method to estimate the nique (Maathuis, Drenthen, van Doorn, Visser,
number of motor neurons innervating a muscle & Blok, 2013).
or group of muscles, most commonly applied
to hand muscles innervated by the median
or ulnar nerves (Bromberg, 2007). MUNE is Neurophysiologic Index
unique because it is unaffected by collateral
reinnervation, which has the effect of blunting The neurophysiologic index is a compos-
the fall in the compound muscle action poten- ite scale of several neurophysiologic metrics
tial (CMAP) with progressive axonal loss. Thus, that includes the maximal CMAP amplitude
MUNE can provide estimates of the number divided by the distal latency multiplied by the
of surviving LMNs. There are several MUNE F-wave frequency to 20 shocks (Swash & de
techniques, most of which yield roughly equiv- Carvalho, 2004). The neurophysiologic index is
alent values, but there are operational issues straightforward to apply and shows change in
that make direct comparisons between normal ALS over time (de Carvalho, Scotto, Lopes, &
subjects and subjects with ALS difficult and Swash, 2005).
rarely performed (Shefner, 2001; Bromberg,
MUNE in ALS has been used mostly as a Electrical Impedance
secondary endpoint in drug trials (Shefner, Myography
Cudkowicz, Zhang, Schoenfeld, & Jillapalli,
2004). There are issues with the statisti- Electrical impedance of muscle is a nonin-
cal technique (Shefner, Cudkowicz, Zhang, vasive technique that assesses the changes in
Schoenfeld, & Jillapalli, 2007). A MUNE mod- composition and architecture, including atro-
ification combining two techniques, the incre- phy and reinnervation, edema, and changes in
mental and multipoint techniques, has been endomysial connective tissue and fat (Rutkove,
proposed for clinical trials but has not yet been 2009). The changes are not specific for an
used (Shefner et al., 2011). underlying process, but impedance values
114 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

are different in ALS muscle compared with MRI has been used to chart changes due
control muscle. In a multicenter trial of 60 to muscle atrophy over time. A small study of
patients with ALS followed for 1 year, imped- normal subjects and four patients with ALS
ance values changed and the rate of change were imaged five times (tongue, first dorsal
in the most rapidly progressive muscles was interosseous, thenar, anterior tibialis muscles)
faster than other clinical measures (Rutkove at 3-month intervals (Jenkins et  al., 2013).
et al., 2012). Muscle volume did not change in normal sub-
jects, but did change among ALS subjects,
with differences in volume among ALS sub-
Muscle Ultrasound jects. Over time, there were trends for volume
loss, but not significant for some muscles (the-
Ultrasound is a noninvasive means to assess nar, anterior tibialis), and no change for other
echogenic properties and thickness of indi- muscles (first dorsal interosseous, tongue).
vidual muscles and detect the presence of fas- Thus, the technique was not sensitive to sub-
ciculation potentials. A  6-month longitudinal clinical changes.
study of six muscle groups in 31 patients with
ALS showed changes in echogenic properties
and thickness, but the changes varied among ALSFRS
patients (Arts, Overeem, Pillen, Schelhaas, &
Zwarts, 2011). Changes in ultrasound values The ALSFRS (Cedarbaum & Stambler, 1997),
over time were not correlated with clinical and recently a revised version (ALSFRS-R;
measures of strength and the ALS Functional Cedarbaum et  al., 1999), is the most com-
Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) scores. monly used measures of ALS progression.
The ALSFRS-R was derived from the older
ALS Severity Scale, but with a reduced list
MRI of possible functional ratings for five domains
of function:  (1)  bulbar, (2)  upper extremity,
Muscle MRI is a noninvasive means to assess fine motor control, (3)  lower extremity, gross
brain and muscle, and a variety of analysis motor control, (4)  gait, and (5)  respiration
techniques are being developed and applied to (expanded upon in the revised scale). For each
determine onset of corticospinal tract changes domain, there is a 4 (normal function) to 0
in the brain and loss of muscle thickness. (no function) scale leading to a maximal score
Diffuse tensor imaging (DTI) is one technique (normal function) of 44. An advantage of the
and fractional anisotrophy (FA) is a quantita- ALSFRS-R scale is that it is based on assess-
tive metric (Turner et  al., 2011). Efforts are ments of functions that can be made by the
underway to use MRI as a biomarker of UMN patient (the original intent) or by a caregiver or
loss to aid in the diagnosis, but general clini- nurse (Miano, Stoddard, Davis, & Bromberg,
cal usefulness has not been achieved. Another 2004), and can be administered over the tele-
imaging technique under exploration is func- phone (Kaufmann et  al., 2007)  or retrospec-
tional MRI to assess interhemispheric connec- tively from clinic notes (Lechtzin et al., 2009).
tions that are lost with the disease process. Interestingly, a small number of patients with
Given the variety of techniques used, results ALS who are profoundly weak, but alive, have
with DTI and FA, and variations among indi- a score 0 on the ALSFRS-R scale. An extended
vidual patients with ALS, there is variabil- scale (ALSFRS-EX) has three additional items
ity among MRI studies. A  meta-analysis has that focus on ability to (1) manipulate devices
been conducted yielding 11 suitable studies with fingers, (2) communicate by facial expres-
that include comparisons between patients sion, and (3)  get around inside the house
with ALS and control subjects (Foerster et al., (Wicks, Massagli, Wolf, & Heywood, 2009).
2013). The analysis concluded that at this time A clinically meaningful change in ALSFRS-R
DTI with FA has relatively low diagnostic accu- score has been determined by a survey of ALS
racy as an independent marker of corticospi- care providers (Castrillo-Viguera, Grasso,
nal tract loss compared with healthy control Simpson, Shefner, & Cudkowicz, 2010). The
subjects. consensus was that a 20–25% change in the
11  Progression of MND 115

slope of the ALSFRS-R over time would be For most strength- and function-based scales
clinically meaningful. (Appel, TQNE, ALSFRS-R), rates of pro-
Efforts have been made to remove confound- gression for an individual are linear but there
ing factors from the ALSFRS-R, such as the pos- is a 20- to 30-fold difference in rates among
itive effects of interventions (reducing sialorrhea patients. Because the ALSFRS-R scale is the
by medications) and patient refusal for certain most commonly used scale, it has received the
interventions, and this has resulted in an abbre- most attention. The Appel and ALSFRS scales
viated scale retaining six questions, ALSFRS-6 are highly correlated, but there may be differ-
(Box 11.1; Kasarkis, Kryscio, Mendiondo, ences between scales within portions of the
Manamley, & Moore, 2012). The ALSFRS-6 was time course (early, mid, and late portions) with
correlated with the full scale and conveyed the the notion that the Appel scale with its greater
same prognostic significance for survival. number of measures detects subtle changes
The ALSFRS-R scale has been questioned (Voustianiouk et  al., 2008). Rates of progres-
for a single score to accurately reflect different sion are generally linear, although a degree of
dimensions or functions (bulbar, motor, and nonlinearity occurs early and late (Gordon et al.,
respiratory; Franchignoni, Mora, Giordano, 2010).
Volanti, & Chio, 2013). There are different Neurophysiologic scales have been used as
clinical meanings to metrics from the three a measure of LMN loss, and all show changes
dimensions, and possible different linguistic, over time. A recurring question is which scale
cultural, or technical meanings, and thus the is most sensitive for change:  most compari-
ALSFRS-R should be considered as a profile sons of individual neurophysiologic scales are
of scores from the three domains and not as a with the ALSFRS-R but few are comparisons
single or global score. among neurophysiologic scales.
MUNE and the neurophysiologic index
show rates of change that are more sensi-
tive than strength- and function-based scales.
QUANTITATING MUNE has been applied to determine the
PROGRESSION rate of LMN loss, and when the statistical
technique has been applied to a large num-
ALS is an inexorably progressive disease and ber of subjects (100–163) followed in clinical
all scales of function or strength fall with time. drug trials over 6–12 months, estimate values
Of note, there are no specific scales for PLS from intrinsic hand muscles show a steady
and PMA, but the ALSFRS-R is suitable for decline over time (Shefner et al., 2004, 2007).
PMA (de Carvalho et  al., 2007). Most quan- Motor unit number index also shows changes
titative scales are used in research, and the in ALS over time and more rapidly than the
major issues relate to ease and expense, repro- ALSFRS-R scale (Neuwirth et al., 2010). The
ducibility, and correlations among scales. The neurophysiologic index is also sensitive to
ALSFRS-R is frequently used in clinical care. change over time (de Carvalho et  al., 2005).

Box 11.1  ALSFRS-6 Subset From the ALSFRS-R

Question 1: Speech
Question 4: Handwriting
Question 6: Dressing and hygiene
Question 7: Turning in bed
Question 8: Walking
Question 10 Dyspnea
From Kasarkis et al. (2012).
116 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Electrical impedance myography changes PREDICTION OF PROGRESSION

more rapidly than handheld dynamometry AND SURVIVAL
measures of strength or the ALSFRS-R scale
(Rutkove et al., 2012). Efforts have been made to predict patient sur-
vival based on data on rates of change from
clinical and clinimetric studies. For example,
ALS STAGING from a study of 150 patients with estimates
based on site of disease onset and rate of
Efforts have been made to establish stages of spread to other regions, there are lower sur-
ALS as a measure of progression and for analy- vival rates for (1)  patients with early bulbar
sis of changes related to time from one stage involvement, (2)  when two regions are simul-
to another and to disabilities and associated taneously affected, and (3)  when the second
costs at each stage. One effort is based on pro- region is affected within 3 months of the first
gressive impairment in new body regions: first, (Fujimura-Kiyono et al., 2011). Another study
second, and third body regions and need for based on retrospective data from 713 patients
nutritional and respiratory interventions (Table with ALS in an ALS registry used multivariate
11–2; Roche et al., 2012). Another is based on analysis to identify predictive variables eas-
sequential loss of independence in functional ily gathered at the time of diagnosis (Scotton
regions: loss of ambulation, loss of speech, loss et  al., 2012). The prognostic categories were
of swallowing, marked respiratory impairment “good,” “moderate,” “average,” and “poor” sur-
(Table 11–2; Chio, Hammond, Mora, Bonito, vival, and based on 95% confidence limits. The
& Filippini, 2013). predictive variables were age at symptom onset

Table 11–2  Two Staging Outlines for ALS

Percent of Disease
A: Stage Clinical Milestone Course
Stage 1 Involvement of first region = symptom onset 0%
Stage 2A Diagnosis 33%
Stage 2B Involvement of second region 38%
Stage 3 Involvement of third region 61%
Stage 4A Need for gastrostomy 77%
Stage 4B Need for respiratory support = noninvasive ventilation 80%

B: Stage Clinical Milestone Percent of Disease

Stage 0 Functional involvement but no loss independence any domain 0%
Stage 1 Ambulation: 33%
⇓ Normal to impaired = 0 38%
⇓ Loss or no purposeful leg movement = 1 61%
Stage 2 Swallowing: 77%
⇓ Normal to impaired = 0 80%
⇓ Needs supplemental tube feeding = 1
Stage 3 Communication:
⇓ Normal to impaired = 0
⇓ Speech combined with nonvocal communication and unable to
write = 1
Stage 4 Dyspnea:
⇓ None to mild = 0
⇓ At rest or continuous noninvasive ventilation at night = 1
Stage 5 Death
A: Based on progression of dysfunction from one body region to another, with average percent time spent in each stage
based on 100% equals total survival time. Modified from Roche et al. (2012). B: Based on loss function (score increasing
from 0 to 1) of clinical milestones derived from portions of the ALSFRS-R scale. Modified from Chio et al. (2013).
11  Progression of MND 117

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Chapter 12

Epidemiology of Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis
Adriano Chiò and Giancarlo Logroscino


Methodologic Considerations POPULATION-BASED STUDIES

BACKGROUND AND medical and nonmedical costs and loss of

NEW POINTS income, more than any other neuromuscular
disease (Gustavsson et  al., 2011; Larkindale
The epidemiology of amyotrophic lateral scle- et al., 2013), However, its social, psychological,
rosis (ALS) has provided insight into many and personal costs largely extend over financial
aspects of the disease, including geographic costs, including the life of the patients’ family
distributions, possible causative features, costs, members (Chiò, 2010). Understanding the epi-
and social factors. Epidemiology can also demiology of a disease such as ALS is there-
describe prognostic factors. Recent epidemio- fore relevant for several reasons. First, it helps
logic efforts are directed to prognostic factors, to define the magnitude of the phenomenon,
frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and the dis- making it possible for policy makers to allocate
tribution of genetic forms. resources for health care and social services.
Second, it allows health professionals to wisely
plan patients’ care over the different phases of
the disease. Third, it helps patients and their
INTRODUCTION families to plan their future life. Finally, it
represent an invaluable resource for designing
ALS is a relatively rare disease, but with a future research, including meaningful clinical
strong impact on the life of patients, their trials.
families, and the society as a whole. It has This chapter focuses on the descriptive epide-
been estimated that its annual cost is more miology and prognostic factors of ALS. Besides
than $1 billion in the United States and more classic epidemiology, two emerging issues are
than €2 billion in Europe, including direct particularly considered:  the epidemiology of

120 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

the ALS-FTD spectrum, which has seen a retrospective epidemiologic series and referral
major growth of interest after the identification series. The drawbacks of epidemiologic regis-
of cognitive changes in 20–50% of patients with tries are the costs of a prospective follow-up and
ALS (Phukan et al., 2012); and genetic epidemi- the complexity in organization and coordination.
ology, which is rapidly developing after the dis-
covery of several genes related to ALS and its
oligogenic nature (van Blitterswijk et al., 2012; Incidence
Renton, Chiò, & Traynor, 2014).
ALS incidence has been extensively studied in
the last decades in developed countries, but few
data are available on other countries (Cronin,
DESCRIPTIVE Hardiman, & Traynor, 2007; Chiò et al., 2013).
EPIDEMIOLOGY Most published studies refer to European pop-
ulations. Overall, the median crude incidence
The last decade has seen an extraordinary of ALS in Europe was estimated to be 2.08
increase in methodologically well conducted (interquartile range [IQR], 1.47–2.43), with a
studies on the descriptive epidemiology of ALS. wide range, from 0.5 per 100,000 population
in Belgrade, Serbia (Alcaz et  al., 1996)  to 3.6
per 100,000 in Faroe Islands (Joensen, 2012).
Methodologic Considerations European studies based on prospective ALS
registers, which use a similar methodology of
Epidemiologic studies can be classified into two case ascertainment and the same diagnostic cri-
broad categories: retrospective studies, based on teria for ALS, report higher and more homog-
the identification of ALS cases from referral (ter- enous incidence rates (Logroscino et al., 2010).
tiary) centers and current dataset (e.g., hospital The relatively few data available on North
discharge archives and certificates of death); and America indicate a median crude incidence
prospective studies, based on an active search of rate of 1.75 per 100,000 population (IQR,
cases over time, using all available concurring 1.73–1.78), similar to the estimated incidence in
sources and a direct validation of diagnoses. The Japan (1.97; IQR, 1.70–2.23; Kihira et al., 2005;
retrospective design has several pitfalls: (1) it is Chiò et al., 2013). Overall, it can be estimated
less accurate with regard to certainty of disease that every year ~18,000 subjects develop ALS
diagnosis, because it is usually based on the in Europe and 6,000 in the United States and
retrospective revision of clinical data; (2) there Canada (Table 12–1). Studies directly com-
is a risk of missing specific subsets of patients paring the incidence of nonwhite and white
not captured by the study design; and (3) it does populations in the United States indicate a
not allow collection of demographic and clinical lower incidence among African-American and
information using a standardized methodology. Hispanic populations than whites (McGuire,
Prospective population-based registers using Longstreth Jr, Koepsell, & van Belle, 1996),
multiple sources of information to ensure with the exception of the survey on Harris
complete case ascertainment within a defined County, Texas, where crude incidence rates
geographic area have been published. These were similar in whites, African-Americans, and
studies represent an advancement of the clas- Hispanics but only in men (Annegers, Appel,
sical epidemiologic studies and are considered Lee, & Perkins, 1991). There are virtually no
the best available methodologic design for the epidemiologic papers from other ethnic groups
study of rare disorders. They have the advan- (Cronin et al., 2007; Marin et al., 2012). Clinical
tage of allowing the application of uniform papers on African or African-American popu-
and definite diagnostic criteria and permit the lations indicate that the age at onset is lower
assessment of patients in a standardized man- and that there is possibly an increase of women
ner. Most importantly, the completeness of case in early onset ALS (<45 years) compared with
ascertainment permits the analysis of the full whites (Kazamel et al., 2013).
clinical spectrum of the ALS population, in par- Interestingly, besides methodologic consid-
ticular the old or very old cases, as demonstrated eration, ALS incidence rates seem to be signifi-
by the older mean age of onset observed in the cantly correlated to the median age (Chiò et al.,
registry cohorts compared with that of both 2013)  or the life expectancy (Byrne, Jordan,
12  Epidemiology of ALS 121

Table 12–1  ALS Case Estimates for Incidence and Prevalence in the Total
Population Using Descriptive Statistics From Included Studies by Geographic
Incidence (I; per 100,000) Prevalence (P; per 100,000)
IQ-25 Median IQ-75 IQ-25 Median IQ-75
Statistics based on search results
  All European studies (n = 24-I/13-P) 1.47 2.08 2.43 4.06 5.40 7.89
  Prospective (n = 12-I/7-P) 2.15 2.39 2.68 6.25 7.89 7.98
  Retrospective (n = 12-I/6-P) 1.22 1.52 2.04 3.92 4.04 4.70
Estimated cases in Europe, n
  All European studies (n = 24-I/13-P) 10,852 15,355 17,938 29,971 39,863 58,244
  Prospective (n = 12-I/7-P) 15,871 17,643 19,784 46,137 58,244 58,908
  Retrospective (n = 12-I/6-P) 9,006 11,221 15,059 28,937 29,823 34,695
Total European population (2010): 738,199,000*

North America
Statistics based on search results
  All North American studies (n = 1.75 1.80 2.02
  US studies (n = 2-I/2-P) 1.73 1.75 1.78 3.15 3.40 3.65
  Canadian study (n = 1-I/0-P) 2.24
Estimated cases in North America, n
  All North American studies (n = 6,027 6,199 6,957
  US studies (n = 2-I/2-P) 5,370 5,432 5,525 9,777 10,553 11,329
  Canadian study (n = 1-I/0-P)  762
Total US and Canada population (2010): 344,401,000; US population (2010): 310,384,000; Canada
population (2010): 34,017,000*

China and Japan

Statistics based on search results
  All Asian studies (n = 5-I/4-P) 0.40 0.60 1.43 1.44 2.34 5.13
  Chinese studies (n = 2-I/2-P) 0.38 0.46 0.53 1.48 2.01 2.54
  Japanese studies (n = 2-I/1-P) 1.70 1.97 2.23 11.3
Estimated cases in Asia, n
  All Asian studies (n = 5-I/4-P) 6,167 9,251 22,048 22,203 36,079 79,097
  Chinese studies (n = 2-I/2-P) 5,097 6,170 7,109 19,852 26,961 34,070
  Japanese studies (n = 2-I/1-P) 2,151 2,493 2,822 14,299
Total China, Japan, and Iran population (2010): 1,541,845,000; China population (2010): 1,341,335,000;
Japan population (2010): 126,536,000; Iran population (2010): 73,974,000*
From Chiò et al. (2013).

Elamin, & Hardiman, 2013)  of the underlying ages). All studies but one (Rochester) (Yoshida
population. This indicates that with the increas- et al., 1988) agree on this concept (Logroscino
ing of the median age of a population, an increase et al., 2010). The implication of this concept is
of the incidence of ALS can be expected. that ALS pathogenetic process is not related to
It is now generally accepted that ALS is an the “aging” process (the old concept of “abiot-
age-related disease (i.e., its incidence shows a rophy”), as possibly in Alzheimer disease (AD),
peak in the eight decade of life in males and but rather to pathogenetic noxae acting at cer-
females with a subsequent decrease in older tain ages. Some of these noxae are now clear,
122 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

in particular the genetic ones, whereas others of death (Stickler, Royer, & Hardin, 2012).
are still under scrutiny (i.e., the environmental Overall, false-negative rates range between
ones). 10% and 20% (Yeo, Lynch, & Hardiman, 2010;
Stickler et al., 2012), and there are virtually no
data about false-positive rates of death certifi-
Prevalence cates (i.e., the erroneous reporting of the code
corresponding to ALS in patients who died
Prevalence of a disease is a relevant measure from other disorders). In the United States,
of the burden of the disease in a given popula- positive predictive value has been estimated to
tion, and therefore it is particularly valuable for be as low as 65% (Stickler et al., 2012). A paper
healthcare providers, government agencies, and assessing 29 studies reporting ALS mortality
insurers to establish the cost of a disease and rates found that only three compiled criteria
allocation of resources. Despite its importance, for a high-quality methodology and showed
prevalence rate has been more rarely estimated good accuracy with regard to incidence rate
that incidence, and, more importantly, most (Marin, Couratier et al., 2011).
estimations are biased by the short period of Most studies on ALS mortality, differently
observation of cases, with a risk of underesti- from those on ALS incidence, indicate an
mation of the real figures. On the basis of the increase of mortality rates over time, likely
European prospective studies, the crude point reflecting an improvement of the accuracy of
prevalence rate of ALS has been estimated to death certificates. However, a recent study on
be 7.9 per 100,000 population (IQR, 6.3–8.0), ALS mortality in the United States from 1999
giving an estimated number of patients with to 2009 showed a steady rate of the disease,
ALS of ~60,000 (Chiò et al., 2013; Table 12–1). with a possible increase in those aged 20–49
According to North American studies, the and a decrease for persons 65 years of age and
prevalence rate is 3.4 per 100,000 (IQR, 3.2– older (Mehal, Holman, Schonberger, & Sejvar,
3.7) with an estimated number of 10,000 ALS 2013). Another paper assessing ALS mortality
cases. Prevalence rate may change over time in the 1995–2004 period in Japan found that
if more effective disease-modifying therapies mortality rates did not modify, while reporting
become available, but also with the improve- a decrease for those older than 70  years (Doi
ment and diffusion of the use of supportive et al., 2010).
therapies (i.e., enteral nutrition, noninvasive Two studies using long-term mortality data
ventilation, invasive ventilation), which could assessed with an age-period cohort model in
increase the survival of patients with ALS. France and Denmark indicate a substantial
increase of mortality rates in succeeding birth
cohorts from 1880 to 1920 with a subsequent
Mortality plateau (Gordon et  al., 2011; Seals, Hansen,
Gredal, & Weisskopf, 2013). However, these
Because ALS is a fatal disorder, ALS mortality findings were not confirmed in a study on
rate estimated using death certificates should the Switzerland population (Ajdacic-Gross,
be similar with incidence rates. Schmid, Tschopp, & Gutzwiller, 2012). If true,
Death certificates could be a valuable source this finding may be interpreted as the effect of
of information of ALS trends over time across an environmental cause of ALS that became
different countries, because they are almost more common in the early decades of the 20th
universally coded using the International century and later decreased.
Classification of Diseases of the World Health
Organization. However, the coding changes
over time (the last being the adoption of the
10th Revision), and there are no studies assess- ALS TIME TRENDS
ing the effect of the change of codes on the
accuracy of single disease reports. Moreover, Disease time trends are important for two
the accuracy of death certificates for ALS var- reasons:  to improve health resource plan-
ies among countries, and possibly also over ning, especially in countries with a national
time, partly because of the variable indication health system; and to generate hypotheses on
of ALS as the underlying or contributing cause disease etiology. The identification of time
12  Epidemiology of ALS 123

trends and the presence of different trends from the Epidemiological Rochester Project
in different groups of subjects may help to in Minnesota where a stable but much lower
identify areas for intervention for subjects incidence (1.7 per 100,000) was found over a
in categories with higher risk of disease, or period of almost 80  years between 1925 and
identification of prevention and modifiable 1998 (Chiò et al., 2013).
risk factors. Mortality studies compared with registries
Recent data have shown a change in trends and other types of prospective incident stud-
in neurodegenerative diseases the last few ies have the advantage to investigate longer
decades and how change in risk factors may be periods of time and are therefore well suited
responsible for these findings. A recent exam- to investigate time trends. The main disadvan-
ple comes from dementia studies. A  recent tages are the lack of control of the quality of
community survey in three states conducted diagnosis and the absence of clinical informa-
at the Mayo Clinic showed a decline of AD tion about individual subjects.
incidence in the last 20  years (Rocca et  al., In a study conducted in Norway death cer-
2011). Similarly, in the Rotterdam Study the tificates in the period 1961–1994 for ALS were
incidence of dementia in 2005 was lower com- collected from the office of Central Statistics
pared with the incidence in 1990. A  better (Seljeseth, Vollset, & Tysnes, 2000). The annual
control for vascular risk factors and vascular mortality of ALS almost doubled during the
diseases has been hypothesized as responsible study period, going from 1.4 to 2.5 per 100,000
for the decline in AD incidence (Schrijvers inhabitants at the end of the study. The
et al., 2012). increased mortality was present in the popula-
Time trends in rare diseases as ALS are tion older than 60 years of age, with a peak in
more difficult to study compared with common mortality in the age group 80–84 years. Another
disease as AD because of the lack of data col- mortality study conducted in the United States
lected in the same source population for a suf- showed an increase in overall mortality rates
ficient time period (at least one decade). from 1.2 to 1.8 per 100,000, representing an
ALS prevalence and incidence is gener- almost 50% increase during the 30-year period
ally higher in more recent studies compared (Noonan, White, Thurman, & Wong, 2005).
with studies conducted before the 1990s. In a In both studies most of the increase is among
recent meta-analysis a clear trend between rate women (between 40 and 60%). Based on the
of prevalence and incidence and year of study results of the mortality studies the increase
publication has been shown. In particular, the in ALS mortality is mainly age related. The
incidence and prevalence rates were higher for increase of death among the population older
studies conducted after the publication of the than 70 in the Norwegian study is about 275%
El Escorial criteria in 1994 (Chiò et al., 2013). but the increase of that elderly segment of the
Definition of diagnostic criteria and improve- population is about 70%. Therefore, other fac-
ment of case-search strategy are the main con- tors beyond the demographic changes may play
tributors of this apparent rise in ALS frequency a role:  an increase in resources and ability in
in more recent studies. identifying ALS cases with a more significant
There are, however, only a few studies con- diagnostic improvement among the elderly.
ducted in the same population with the same In conclusion, population-based stud-
methodology over a long time period and all ies show a stable frequency of incident ALS
are population-based studies conducted in (Fig. 12–1), whereas mortality studies show an
Europe: Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta ALS reg- increase of cases mainly attributable to aging
ister shows a stable incidence around 2.9 per and an increase of subjects at risk among the
100,000 in a 10-year period from 1995 through elderly.
2004, using capture-recapture method (Chiò,
Mora et  al., 2009). The Irish registry show
a stable incidence between 1995 and 2004
around 2 per 100,000 (O’Toole et  al., 2008), GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY
whereas the Scottish registry shows around
2.4 per 100,000 between 1989 and 1998 The rapid discovery of novel genes related
(Forbes, Colville, Parratt, & Swingler, 2007). to ALS in the last few years has largely modi-
The only data available outside Europe are fied the clinical approach to patients but also
124 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults


IR/100000 person-year
1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011
Chiò - Crude IR Hardiman - Crude IR
Forbes - Crude IR Logroscino - Crude IR
Chiò - Standardized IR Hardiman - Standardized IR
Forbes - Standardized IR Logroscino - Standardized IR

Figure 12–1.  Variation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence over time in population-based study (time trend).

influenced the perception of ALS epidemiology. Genetic isolates with peculiar gene fre-
Information is accumulating concerning the eth- quency are also emerging. A large series from
nic and national differences in the distribution of Finland demonstrated that about two-thirds
major ALS genes mutations and of minor genes of patients with ALS are characterized by two
influencing ALS age at onset and clinical course. single genetic mutations, homozygote p.D90A
However, only a few papers have systemati- SOD1 and C9ORF72 (Laakssovirta et  al.,
cally assessed ALS genetics in population-based 2011). Similarly, in Sardinia, about two-thirds
series. In the first of such papers, based on the of familial ALS and 15% of sporadic ALS
Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta ALS register in carry either the p.A383T missense mutation
Italy, patients diagnosed between 2007 and of the TARDBP gene or the GGGGCC hexa-
2011 were included. A  total of 51 out of 475 nucleotide repeat expansion in the first intron
patients carried a genetic mutation, C9ORF72 of C9ORF72 gene (Chiò et  al., 2010; Chiò,
being the most frequent mutation. Besides, in Borghero et  al., 2012; Sabatelli et  al., 2012);
one-third of patients with a positive family his- patients with the p.A382T mutation carry
tory for ALS or FTD, no genetic mutation was a common haplotype, indicating a common
found. Subsequently, other population-based founder (Chiò et  al., 2010). This population,
series have been published from Ireland different from patients with different ancestry
and the Netherlands (Kenna et  al., 2013; carrying the same mutation, is also character-
van Blitterswijk et  al., 2011; Table 12–2). ized by a high frequency of comorbid FTD.
Interestingly, genetic findings were rather dif- Some genetic mutations are characterized
ferent: for example, no cases with SOD1 muta- by a particular elevated frequency in restricted
tions were identified in Ireland, whereas SOD1 geographic areas. For example, VAPB muta-
mutations are quite rare in the Netherlands. tions are exceptionally frequent in Brazil and

Table 12–2  Genetic Epidemiology of ALS: Summary of Published Studies

# of Cases Other
Ireland 444 0 0.5% 0.5% 8.8% 4.4%a
Italy 475 2.1% 1.5% 0.2% 6.7% 0.2%b
Netherlands 1,289 0.2% 1.0% 0.7% 9.5% 0.6%c
Sardiniad 372 0.9% 23.6% 0 12.8% 0
fALS = familial ALS; sALS = sporadic ALS.
SETX, 2.5%; ALS2, 1.6%; OPTN, 0.2%; VCP, 0.2%. bOPTN, 0.2%; no cases with ANG mutations were detected.
ANG, 0.6%. dUnpublished data.
12  Epidemiology of ALS 125

very rarely described elsewhere, while reces- Goulding, 1988). Patients were classified using
sively inherited mutations of the Alsin gene modified cognitive impairment classification
(ALS2) are mostly found in populations with criteria (Strong et  al., 2009). About 21% pre-
Arab/Maghreb ancestry (Renton et al., 2014). sented executive dysfunction (40% of patients
Genetic epidemiology in ALS is still in its who had no evidence of dementia) and another
beginnings. Future research is needed to bet- 14% presented nonexecutive cognitive impair-
ter understand the population-specific genetic ment (mainly language but also memory).
characteristics of ALS and to improve genetic Interestingly, about 15% presented multido-
counselling. main executive impairment.
In the same population-based study both
FTD dementia and executive dysfunction were
COGNITIVE CHANGES negative prognostic indicators for survivorship
(Elamin et al., 2011). Only a portion of patients
AND MOTOR NEURON with ALS present cognitive impairment and
DEGENERATION IN 40% of patients with ALS are cognitively
POPULATION-BASED intact. Therefore, cognitive impairment in ALS
STUDIES is not a universal feature, and its manifesta-
tions are mainly executive. However, cognitive
One of the most recent challenges in the study of impairment may be more heterogeneous than
neurodegenerative diseases is the identification previously recognized, including more poste-
of transition phenotypes that include nontypical rior involvement. Further studies need to be
clinical features of the disease. A good example conducted examining visuospatial abilities.
is Parkinson disease; in the last 10 years a large Comorbid FTD is a known negative prog-
part of the research has been developed in the nostic indicator in ALS. From the Irish
area of nonmotor symptoms. Recently, new population-based studies, a new piece of infor-
research diagnostic criteria have been proposed mation is added for prognosis. In patients with
to include nonmotor symptoms in the identifi- ALS without dementia, executive dysfunction,
cation of Parkinson disease cases (Berg et  al., but not impairment in other cognitive domains,
2013). Nonmotor symptoms that may precede is an additional negative prognostic indicator.
motor signs by many decades include cognitive The recent discovery of C9ORF76 gene
and behavioral changes, and gastrointestinal, (Renton et al., 2011; DeJesus-Hernandez et al.,
autonomic, and sleep disorders. Similarly, ALS 2011)  has determined a new risk factor to be
has classically been described as a pure motor assessed when examining cognition in patients
neuron disease. In the last decade several stud- with ALS, considering the role of C9ORF76
ies have shown that in ALS a set of nonmotor in FTD. Patients with ALS carrying the
symptoms, especially in the area of cognition C9orf72 repeat expansion have different cog-
and behavior, are present. Although there are nitive decline compared with subjects without
several studies on cognitive decline in patients C9orf72 repeat expansion (Byrne et al., 2012).
with ALS in tertiary centers (Ringholz et  al., Subjects enrolled in the Irish registry with
2005; Gibbons, Richardson, Neary, & Snowden, complete assessment of cognitive and behav-
2008) there are only a few studies conducted in ioral function, without SOD1, TARDP, or FUS
population-based settings, all from the Ireland pathogenic variant, were searched for C9orf
registry, a registry operating since 1995 and repeat expansion and 21 (11%) showed the
part of the EURALS collaboration. In a pro- expansion with 86% % showing a family history
spective population-based study of cognitive for ALS or FTD. Comorbid FTD was more
function, 160 incident Irish patients with ALS prevalent in subjects carrying the repeat (50%
and 110 matched control subjects were visited vs. 12%) Of the 21 patients only two did not
at home and underwent an extensive neuro- have either behavioral or cognitive impairment.
psychological testing (Phukan et al., 2012). All According to the results from the Irish registry
subjects were incident cases and tested within there are two main groups of ALS:  patients
1  year from diagnosis. About 50% of patients without cognitive impairment and no family
with ALS presented cognitive impairment; 15% history of ALS and FTD (true sporadic); and
were classified as demented according to the patients with predominant executive functions
Neary criteria (Neary, Snowden, Northen, & and behavioral changes. A large proportion of
126 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

the second group carries the repeat expansion. of neurologic and psychiatric expertise in
This has important implications for prognosis the community (Knopman & Roberts, 2011).
and therefore for the stratification of subjects Within the last decade prevalence and inci-
enrolled in clinical trials. dence data have been collected from several
population studies.
All the prevalence studies but one were con-
ducted in Europe or North America, select-
FTD: NEW END OF THE ALS ing samples of people that are mostly white.
SPECTRUM? These studies used mainly administrative data
with medical record linkage and coding; few
The recent identification of C9ORF72 as a relied on disease registries or FTD case find-
gene responsible for a large number of sporadic ing (Gilberti et  al., 2012; Garre-Olmo et  al.,
and familial cases of FTD and ALS has under- 2010; Borroni et al., 2010; Bernardi et al., 2012;
lined FTD is the most common of a group of Feldman et  al., 2003). Prevalence estimates
clinical syndromes associated with degenera- of FTD varies in a wide range from 2.7 per
tion localized to the prefrontal and anterior 100,000 in Zuid-Holland (with a peak of 9.4 per
temporal lobes and non-AD type pathology, 100,000 in the 60- to 69-year age group; Rosso
which has been called frontotemporal lobar et al., 2003) to 31 per 100,000 in Vallecamonica
degeneration (Neary et al., 2005; Rabinovici & (Gilberti et al., 2012). This wide variation can be
Miller, 2010). The behavioral variant (bvFTD) likely explained by possible differences in the
seems to account for nearly 60% of cases of age distribution of phenotypes of FTD in dif-
FTD, whereas 40% of cases are language vari- ferent regions, differences in sampling or ascer-
ants (Johnson et  al., 2005). In most clinical tainment methods, and also by the presence of
and epidemiologic studies the disease typi- different regional distributions of genetic risk
cally presents in the sixth decade, although the factors for FTD (Ratnavalli et  al., 2002). The
age of onset can vary widely from the third to study conducted in the Cambridgeshire area
the ninth decade (Neary et al., 2005; Johnson (Ratnavalli et  al., 2002), reported prevalence
et  al., 2005). Although FTD is generally con- estimates of 15.1 per 100,000 inhabitants in
sidered a presenile dementia, more recent the age range 45–64  years for FTD and AD;
studies show that individuals older than age almost one-third of patients with FTD (29%)
65  years account for a large number of cases had a positive family history, a figure similar
(20–25% of all cases) and probably this seg- to that reported (38%) in a nationwide survey
ment is more numerous (Neary et  al., 2005). of familiar FTD conducted in the Netherlands
Gislason and colleagues (2003) found a surpris- (Stevens et  al., 1998). The Italian studies
ingly high (3%) prevalence of frontal lobar syn- reported the highest prevalence estimates. In
drome mainly bvFTD after using a screening an isolated community in the Calabria region
method based on behavioral symptoms in sub- in Southern Italy, Bernardi et  al. (2012) sam-
jects 85 years and older. A recent clinicopatho- pled a relatively isolated community of subjects
logic study found similar results, showing that older than 50 and found that 60% of subjects
elderly (>65  years) patients with FTD repre- with dementia were FTD. The unusually high
sented 3.2% of all elderly patients with demen- FTD prevalence in this community with an
tia referred for autopsy (Baborie et al., 2012). extraordinary low prevalence of AD among
The challenges of descriptive epidemiologic the elderly may be explained by the clustering
studies for FTD are similar to epidemiologic of FTD genes in this isolated community. The
studies of other rare conditions. Because fre- Brescia County study (Borroni et  al., 2010),
quency of the disease is low and the number analyzed data from 8  years of surveillance
of persons at risk in the reference population based on a consolidate network among par-
is large, performing a classic door-to-door ticipant centers, reporting a cumulative preva-
survey of FTD directly in the general popu- lence of 17.6 cases out of 100,000 inhabitants
lation would be very difficult, expensive, and that significantly increases at the ages 66–75
inefficient. Several research groups in the (78 per 100,000) and older than 75  years (54
United States, Europe, and Japan have used per 100,000). The Vallecamonica Study also
surveillance methods to estimate prevalence reported a high 10-year cumulative preva-
or incidence of FTD, based on the availability lence (Gilberti et  al., 2012). Knopman and
12  Epidemiology of ALS 127

Ratnavaelli et al., 2002

Feldman et al., 2003
Harvey et al., 2003
Rosso et al., 2003
Ikejima et al., 2009 Prevalance
Borroni et al., 2010 Incidence
Berandi et al., 2012
Gilberti et al., 2012
Knopman et al., 2014
Mercy et al., 2008
Game-Olmo et al., 2010 (Age class 30–64)
Game-Olmo et al., 2010 (Age class 65+)
Game-Olmo et al., 2010 (Age class 45–64)

0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00

Figure 12–2.  Incidence and prevalence of frontotemporal dementia in population-based studies (n per 100,000).

Roberts (2011), based on large neurophatologic The data on ALS and FTD (Fig. 12–2) show
(Rascovsky et  al., 2011; Brunnstrom et  al., that both are rare conditions according to
2009) and clinical series (Knopman & Roberts, the definition of National Institutes of Health
2011), estimated that the true point preva- (NIH) (prevalence) but patients with symp-
lence of frontotemporal lobar degeneration toms and signs of both motor and cognitive
is 15–22 per 100,000. It is possible that some signs are probably underestimated. Selective
of the very high estimates of some prevalence assessment of cognitive functions in FTD and
study do not reflect neuropathologic FTD and memory clinics and motor signs in motor neu-
therefore represent at least partially an over- ron clinics are inadequate for the identification
diagnosis of the disease (Knopman & Roberts, of mixed phenotypes, and future epidemiologic
2011). There are sparse data on the incidence data should focus on these mixed phenotypes.
of FTD. Nevertheless, the incidence estimates
for FTD were clustered in a tight range from
2.7 per 100,000 inhabitants (45–64  years) in
the Girona Study (Garre-Olmo et  al., 2010), ALS PROGNOSTIC FACTORS
3.5 per 100,000 inhabitants (45–64  years)
in the Cambridgeshire Study (Mercy et  al., ALS prognosis has been extensively studied in
2008), to 4.1 per 100,000 (40–69 years) in the the last decade, with the detection of several
Rochester Study (Knopman, Petersen, Edland, prognostic factors. In a review published in
Cha, & Rocca, 2004). Gender distribution in 2009 (Chiò, Logroscino et  al., 2009), median
FTD seems to vary by clinical syndrome, with survival time of patients with ALS has been
most studies reporting a male preponderance found to be between 20 and 48  months from
in bvFTD, and several studies describing a onset of motor symptoms, with slightly lower
male predominance in semantic dementia and values from population-based studies.
a female predominance in primary progressive Contrasting data have been published con-
aphasia (Neary et al., 2005). cerning the modification of ALS outcome in
Autopsy studies based on consecutive, the last decade. According to clinic-based
unselected cases have demonstrated that FTD studies, ALS significantly increased over
accounts for roughly 5% of all pathologic diag- the last decades (Testa, Lovati, Ferrarini,
noses in patients with dementia. The epidemio- Salmoiraghi, & Filippini, 2004). Conversely,
logic data suggest that FTD is a common cause two population-based studies published so far
of early onset (age <65 years) dementia and is found an unexpected decline of survival. In a
likely to be an underestimated cause of demen- Scottish study a 2.4-month decline was found
tia in older individuals. In this age group many in patients diagnosed in 1989–1993 compared
cases of FTD are labeled as AD. with those diagnosed in 1994–1998 (Forbes,
128 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Colville, Cran, & Swingler, 2004), whereas 2011). However, it has been found that the rela-
in a study from the Wakayama Prefecture in tionship between body mass index and ALS
Japan assessing the period 1966–2005, patients survival is not linear, with the best prognosis in
diagnosed after 1990 had a significantly shorter subjects with body mass index range between
survival than those diagnosed before that date 30 and 35 (Paganoni, Deng, Jaffa, Cudkowicz,
(Kihira et  al., 2008). However, this apparent & Wills, 2011), and that the rate of reduction
decline in survival could be a statistical arte- of body mass index or weight is related to ALS
fact due to confounding variables, such as prognosis more than the body mass index at
the increase of the median age of ALS cases diagnosis (Jawaid et al., 2010; Marin, Desport
over time. et al., 2011; Shimizu et al., 2012).
Generally, recognized prognostic factors are ALS prognosis is also influenced by specific
age and bulbar onset. Also, the progression genetic mutations. Patients carrying FUS muta-
rate of symptoms, calculated using the ALS tions have a shorter survival, associated with a
Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R; younger age at onset than any other gene muta-
Kimura et  al., 2006; Kolleve et  al., 2008), as tion (Millecamps et al., 2012; Chiò, Borghero,
well as the involvement of respiratory function et al., 2012). Among SOD1 mutations, p.A4V is
(Chiò et  al., 2002; Czaplinsli, Yen, & Appel, generally related to a poor prognosis, whereas
2006)  are strong and independent predictors p.D90A in heterozygosis is associated with
of the future course of the disease. Data are a very slow clinical course, often associated
emerging that ALS clinical phenotype at diag- with atypical symptoms (Andersen, 2006).
nosis, classified as classic, bulbar, flail arm, flail In apparently sporadic patients with ALS, a
leg, and prevalent upper motor neuron (Chiò genetic locus has been related to a better ALS
et  al., 2011) and spreading patterns of symp- prognosis (UNC13A) in two independent stud-
toms (Fujimura-Kiyono et  al., 2011)  are also ies (Diekstra et  al., 2012; Chiò et  al., 2013),
predictive of ALS outcome. whereas all other identified loci or genes have
Besides these classically recognized prog- not been confirmed (Chen, Sayana, Zhang,
nostic factors, some other factors are emerging. & Le, 2013). Patients carrying pathogenetic
First, cognitive status strongly influences the mutations of the FUS gene have a younger age
course of the disease, not only in the presence at onset and a worse prognosis, compared with
of full-blown FTD (Olney et al., 2005; Phukan nonmutated patients or patients carrying other
et al., 2012), but also when involvement of exec- genetic mutations (Millecamps et  al., 2010).
utive and nonexecutive functions not meeting Also, patients with C9ORF72 mutations have
the criteria for FTD is present (Phukan et al., worse prognosis than nonmutated patients
2012). It is not clear how cognitive impair- (Chiò, Borghero et  al., 2012; Sabatelli et  al.,
ment influence prognosis in ALS. It has been 2012; Millecamps et al., 2012).
found that both FTD and a dysexecutive syn- Prognosis is also modified by the use of non-
drome negatively influence the use of nonin- invasive ventilation and invasive ventilation via
vasive ventilation and enteral nutrition and are tracheostomy (Bourke et  al., 2006; Marchese,
independent prognostic factors for ALS (Chiò, Lo Coco, & Lo Coco, 2008). Conversely, there
Ilardi et  al., 2012). Also, behavioral changes are no clear data that enteral nutrition modi-
have a negative impact on ALS survival (Hu fies the course of the disease in term of sur-
et  al., 2013). The timing of onset of cognitive vival. According to some studies, patients who
and motor impairment influence the following undergo percutaneous enteral gastrostomy
course of ALS:  in a study comparing patients have a better survival than those who did
who developed both ALS and FTD, those who not receive or refuse it (Mazzini et  al., 1995;
had cognitive symptoms before motor symp- Spataro, Ficano, Piccoli, & La Bella, 2011).
toms had a more prolonged survival than those However, a recent paper that used marginal
who had motor symptoms before or simulta- structural models where the mortality hazards
neously with cognitive impairment (Hu et al., and ALSFRS-R slopes between percutaneous
2009). enteral gastrostomy treated and nontreated
Second, an impaired nutritional status patients, after adjusting by indication, reported
reduces survival. Body mass index has been a significantly increased slope of ALSFRS-R
proposed has a strong predictor of ALS progno- score and an increased mortality hazard in
sis (Desport et al., 1999; Marin, Desport et al., those who received percutaneous enteral
12  Epidemiology of ALS 129

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Chapter 13

Genetics of Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis and Frontotemporal
Janel O. Johnson and Bryan J. Traynor


ALS CHMP2B Mutations
Ends of the Spectrum SQSTM1
MAPT in FTLD C9orf72

BACKGROUND AND expanded as other disorders, such as fronto-

NEW POINTS temporal lobe dementia (FTLD) and psychi-
atric disease, are associated in families with
Familial forms of motor neuron disease ALS, and new genes have been found unique
(MND) were recognized in the 1800s, but to these combinations. Some mutated genes
the first gene, superoxide dismutase (SOD1), seem to have roles in RNA processing, sug-
was not identified until 1993. However, SOD1 gesting a common mechanism for them, but no
mutations accounted for only 12–15% of famil- mechanism has been firmly determined for any
ial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The mutation.
mechanism of cell death from SOD1 mutations
remains unknown.
The search for other genes has yielded an INTRODUCTION
additional 20 associated with ALS, but this
number does not account for all families with The first clinical description of ALS by
ALS. The concept of hereditary ALS has Charcot in 1869 has served firmly as the basis

134 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

for diagnosis of the disease. Charcot discussed ALS

the motor symptoms of ALS and described
lesions of the motor neurons and spinal cord, ALS has an incidence of 2 in 100,000 per year
but did not link additional symptoms in the in Western countries (Logroscino et al., 2010).
progression of the disease. For more than a Below the age of 65, ALS seems to be more
century, neurology teachings defined ALS as a common in males than in females (incidence
disease of purely motor neuron degeneration, of approximately 2:1); however, the gender
even though additional features have since ratio seems to approach equality thereafter
been noticed. In fact, cognitive impairment (Wijesekera & Leigh, 2009). A  family history
in ALS was described as early as 1892 (Zago, is reported in 5–10% of patients with ALS, and
Poletti, Morelli, Doretti, & Silani, 2011). The this is referred to as familial ALS (FALS). The
El Escorial classification system—the most remaining patients who do not report a family
used diagnostic system in place for ALS to history are classified as sporadic (SALS).
date, requires (1)  evidence of upper motor The reason for such a broad range of herita-
neuron involvement, (2)  evidence of lower bility is that factors conspire to confound the
motor neuron involvement, and (3)  notably ascertainment of the familial component of
progressive symptoms. It also requires addi- ALS. First, FALS and SALS appear essentially
tional testing to rule out mimic syndromes. clinically indistinguishable, except that the
This is typically done using electrophysiology, reported mean age of onset in FALS is 56 years
neuroimaging, and neuropathologic examina- while SALS is 63 years, so patient examination
tion (Brooks, 1994; Brooks, Miller, Swash, & is not sufficient to draw any clear boundary.
Munsat, 2000). Second, ALS is typically a late-onset, rapidly
The level of cognitive impairment in ALS progressive disease; small family size and/or
was not truly appreciated until close to the early death of obligate carriers likely prohibits
early 1990s. Reports have since indicated that transmission and detection of mutations in mul-
up to 50% of patients with ALS exhibit some tiple family members. It has repeatedly been
degree of cognitive and behavioral impair- demonstrated that the large effect variants
ment. This percentage may be higher, but the inherited in mendelian fashion are also mutated
symptoms of ALS likely undermine accurate in many sporadic cases, further supporting this
diagnostic testing for these changes. These possibility. Nonpaternity and incomplete pene-
impairments are shared with those of what had trance of variants also likely masks the presence
previously been regarded as a completely sepa- of additional mutation carriers.
rate disease, frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Finally, recent studies have shown clini-
FTD is a disease characterized by selective cal manifestations of ALS are variable even
atrophy of the frontal and/or temporal corti- within families. Because a formal diagnosis of
ces of the brain. Patients with FTD experience ALS does not include variable symptoms, mis-
progressive changes in behavior, personality, diagnosis may also play a role. A more expan-
and/or language (Kertesz, McMonagle, Blair, sive and accurate knowledge of family history
Davidson, & Munoz, 2005; Ringholz et  al., and diagnostic features might reclassify many
2005). apparently sporadic cases as familial. The El
It has now become widely accepted that Escorial diagnostic criteria for ALS (Brooks,
ALS and FTD form a clinical continuum with 1994) and its revision (Brooks et al., 2000) do
a range from ALS alone, to ALS with FTD not address this issue. Novel criteria have been
(ALS-FTD), to FTD alone. The link between proposed for this purpose, with the hope of
the two diseases was bolstered with the identi- standardization of epidemiologic and genetic
fication of Tar DNA Binding Protein (TDP43) studies and also to strengthen predictive mod-
as the major component of ubiquitylated inclu- els for genetic counseling (Byrne et al., 2011).
sions in both diseases (Neumann et al., 2006). Although the distinction between FALS
ALS and FTD are genetically heterogeneous, and SALS is not clear, it is routinely quoted
because more than 20 ALS genes and 5 FTD that FALS comprises roughly 10% of all
genes have been identified. Some of these ALS cases (Valdmanis, Daoud, Dion, &
genes contribute to both ends of the disease Rouleau, 2009). Most cases are inherited in an
continuum suggesting that they share common autosomal-dominant fashion, whereas those
pathways to neurodegeneration. that are recessive seem to be rare (Albagha
13  Genetics of ALS and FTD 135

et  al., 2011; Andersen et  al., 1995; Sugihara, 65. Neuropsychiatrist Arnold Pick released the
Maruyama, Kamada, Morino, & Kawakami, first report of this disease in 1892. The clinical
2011). However, given the blurred distinction syndromes of FTD include a behavioral vari-
between FALS and SALS, and that homozygous ant (bvFTD) and two language variants, which
regions identical by descent commonly occur in include semantic dementia (SD) and progres-
outbred populations, it is possible that homozy- sive nonfluent aphasia. In bvFTD patients
gous recessive mutations in genes occur in what exhibit profound changes in personality and
is typically viewed as sporadic disease. This is social behavior caused by involvement of the
supported by a recent study in which the number orbital and mesial frontal lobes. In SD, patients
and segment lengths of regions of homozygosity exhibit loss of conceptual knowledge including
are greater in ALS cases than control subjects in lack of memory for words, objects, and/or faces
European populations (Mok et al., 2013). caused by involvement of anterior and inferior
Family studies have been critical to identify- temporal lobes. In progressive nonfluent apha-
ing the genetic causes underlying most neuro- sia, patients exhibit loss of expressive language,
degenerative diseases. Despite the uncertainty such as the phonologic and grammatical aspects
of the magnitude of the familial component of of language production because of atrophy of
ALS, and the difficulty of genome-wide associa- the insular and inferior frontal regions of the
tion studies to provide independent replication brain (Lillo & Hodges, 2009; McKhann et al.,
of some associated loci, the utility of these stud- 2001; Neary, Snowden, & Mann et  al., 2005;
ies in the disease is clear. Linkage analysis and Neary et al., 1998).
homozygosity mapping in the rare large families FTD typically has an age at onset in the 60s
with large effect variants have led to the dis- and it is a common cause of dementia with a
covery of several genes that contain mutations prevalence that ranges across populations
causing ALS, many of which cause both familial from 2.7 to 15.1 per 100,000, and incidence of
and apparently sporadic disease. The first genet- approximately 3.5 in 100,000 per year. Gender
ics milestone was reached in 1993 when linkage ratios vary by clinical syndrome because males
analysis was used to identify mutations in SOD1 tend to be more commonly affected with
(chromosome 21q22.11; Rosen, 1993) and since bvFTD and SD, whereas females are more
then, using this technique and more novel ones, commonly affected with progressive nonfluent
more than 20 genes containing mutations have aphasia. Average survival for FTD ranges from
been reported as causative of ALS. 6 to 11 years from symptom onset (Rabinovici
As in several other neurodegenerative dis- & Miller, 2010), although survival varies by
eases, protein aggregates are a pathologic hall- clinical syndrome with bvFTD having the
mark of ALS. In nearly all ALS cases there are shortest and SD the longest survival.
ubiquitylated inclusions in lower motor neurons As in ALS, family studies in FTD are use-
of the spinal cord and brainstem. In 80–100% ful to aid in the identification of novel genetic
of SALS cases, small eosinophilic inclusions causes of disease. About one-third to one-half
called Bunina bodies are found in the cell bod- of FTD is familial. Six FTD genes with men-
ies of spinal motor neurons. Knowledge of the delian inheritance have been identified using
composition of the proteins in inclusions can these studies. Transmission in these fami-
provided clues as to the underlying genetic lies occurs in an autosomal-dominant fash-
causes, because the components conjugated ion, and the mutations are highly penetrant
to ubiquitin are often proteins encoded by the (≥95% lifetime risk). More than 80% of the
mutant genes themselves. One such example is autosomal-dominant cases can be explained
TDP-43, which was determined to be an ALS by mutations in three of the known FTD
gene in this fashion (Robberecht, 2000; Talbot genes. Mendelian forms of FTD have largely
& Ansorge, 2006; Sreedharan et al., 2008). been explained genetically, but individuals
from families with mendelian inheritance only
account for approximately 10–30% of all of
FTD Remaining FTD cases are thought to be
multifactorial in etiology, meaning that mul-
FTD is a leading cause of dementia (after tiple small effect genetic risk variants and/or
Alzheimer disease) in patients younger than environmental risk factors combine to cause
136 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

disease in most cases. Dementia is a com- there are other proteins deposited. These are
mon disease, complicating the ability of the referred to in the literature as FTLD-TAU,
practicing neurologist to distinguish men- FTLD-TDP, FTLD-FUS, or FTLD-Other,
delian disease from complex disease. This respectively (Mackenzie, Foti, Woulfe, &
is important to do from a genetic counseling Hurwitz, 2008).
perspective because lifetime risk of dementia
in the general population, those with a posi-
tive family history, and mutation carriers with
mendelian disease variants have estimated FTLD AND ALS OVERLAP
lifetime risks of 10%, 20%, and 95%, respec-
tively. Individuals with at least three affected At the extremes of the continuum, patients
family members in two generations and early with pure ALS only present with symptoms
onset disease are more likely to be carriers of of motor neuron degeneration, whereas those
high-effect variants (Loy, Schofield, Turner, with pure FTD experience dementia charac-
& Kwok, 2013). terized by changes in behavior, language, and
The genetic mutations in FTLD genes personality caused by cortical degeneration
lead to differentially distributed neuropatho- absent of motor neuron involvement. However,
logic protein aggregates. These have been it is more common to have both ALS and FTD
important to classify so that new treatments symptoms; this can occur within one family or
target and ultimately modulate the proteins even in one individual. The elucidation of the
involved. Early neuropathologic classifica- genetic changes underlying the development
tion characterized FTLD into groups based of ALS and FTD has begun to explain mecha-
on markers detected by way of immuno- nisms that are both common and unique to the
histochemistry (Dickson, Kouri, Murray, two disorders. These are important to under-
& Josephs, 2011; Wider & Wszolek, 2008). stand because it is has become clear that one
In 1998, the first genetic cause identified treatment is not feasible for all manifestations
as underlying FTLD were mutations in of disease. A model with complex multisystem
microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT), involvement is favored and provides clues as
and these were identified using positional to what therapeutic targets are desired over
cloning (Hutton et  al., 1998). These muta- others.
tions lead to aggregate formation caused
by impaired function of tau in microtubule
assembly. Tau aggregates were seen in many Ends of the Spectrum
cases of FTLD; however, there were several
cases lacking mutations in tau. These instead SOD1 and MAPT in ALS and FTD, respec-
showed ubiquitin immunoreactivity. Cases tively, represent extremes of the continuum
were separated into two groups:  individuals that do not seem to overlap clinically or
with deposition of microtubule-associated neuropathologically. SOD1 clinically fea-
protein tau (FTLD-TAU), and individuals tures purely upper and lower motor neu-
with ubiquitin-positive cytoplasmic inclu- ron signs, whereas MAPT clinically features
sions lacking tau (FTLD-U; Dickson et  al., predominant behavioral variant dementia
2011; Wider & Wszolek, 2008). and parkinsonism in the absence of MND.
Most in the second group, FTLD-U, were Neuropathologically, patients with SOD1
later found to be immunoreactive for TDP-43 have ubiquitylated inclusions in anterior horn
(Neumann et  al., 2006). A  small number of neurons positive for p62 and SOD1, and neg-
FTLD-U cases lacked TDP-43 immunore- ative for TDP-43. Patients with MAPT have
activity, and the major protein conjugated to aggregation of hyperphosphorylated tau pro-
ubiquitin in these instances was later deter- teins in neurons and glia.
mined as fused in sarcoma (FUS; Neumann,
Rademakers, Roeber, Baker, & Kretzschmar,
2009). The most recent system now classi- SOD1 in ALS
fies according to the predominant deposition
of (1)  microtubule-associated protein tau, SOD1 is one of the few ALS gene that, when
(2) TDP-43, or (3) FUS. (4) In rare occasions mutated, causes pure ALS. SOD1 mutations
13  Genetics of ALS and FTD 137

have been estimated to account for variable with predominantly lower motor neuron signs
proportions of cases in different research stud- and suffer rapid disease progression (Aggarwal
ies. The only population-based study of SOD1 & Nicholson, 2005; Juneja, Pericak-Vance,
mutation frequency suggests that they account Laing, Dave, & Siddique, 1997).
for 12–15% of familial cases and 0.7% of spo- Native SOD1 protein has intrinsic struc-
radic cases (Chio et  al., 2008). From 1993 to tural factors that contribute to its stability. The
2011, SOD1 was known as the most common pathogenic variants promote oxidation and
cause of ALS. Therefore functional and neu- misfolding of the protein (Valentine & Hart,
ropathologic studies related to SOD1 have 2003) decrease its stability (Lindberg, Tibell, &
predominated. As of the present, 174 patho- Oliveberg, 2002), alter the net charge (Shaw &
genic SOD1 mutations have been identified, Valentine, 2007), and increase the aggregation
and these are spread out across the gene. Most propensity of the molecule (Stathopulos et al.,
of these mutations are missense, but frame- 2003). Insoluble aggregates containing SOD1
shift mutations have also been described. The protein are found in the postmortem tissues
pathogenic nature of many of the SOD1 vari- of patients with ALS (Shibata et al., 1996) and
ants described has not been confirmed (http://​ animal models (Gurney et al., 1994) positive for, so it is possible that the fre- SOD1 mutations.
quencies of mutations that have been reported
are overestimates(Andersen, 2006).
SOD1 contains five exons and spans 11.6 MAPT in FTLD
kb across chromosome 21q22.11. It produces
a 981-nucleotide transcript in which the lon- The first FTLD linkages were of 13 families
gest open reading frame is 464 nucleotides, with autosomal-dominant FTD and parkinson-
encoding Cu/Zn SOD, a protein of 153 amino ism to a 2-cM region on chromosome 17q21.11
acids. Cu/Zn SOD is a predominantly cytosolic (FTDP-17). Many of the linked cases showed
enzyme that functions as a 32 kDa homodimer immunoreactivity against insoluble hyperphos-
as it specifically catalyzes the reduction of the phorylated microtubule associated protein tau
superoxide anion (O2 –) to hydrogen peroxide filaments in neuronal and/or glial inclusions.
(H2O2) and oxygen (O2). The stability and activ- Because the gene for this protein, MAPT, is
ity of the enzyme is dependent on the metals within the chromosome 17 interval, Hutton
Zn2+ and Cu2+. Zn2+ regulates proper folding and coworkers sequenced MAPT in FTDP-17
and keeps the protein stable. Cu2+ binds to its and subsequently identified missense muta-
native site on the enzyme and regulates the tions in MAPT mutations that underlie this dis-
activity of the enzyme by way of redox reac- ease (Hutton et al., 1998).
tions at the active site (Fukai & Ushio-Fukai, Since 1998, 44 MAPT mutations resulting in
2011). FTD have been described (http://www.molgen.​
Mutations in SOD1 lead to dominantly It has been estimated that muta-
inherited disease with one exception. The tions in MAPT cause between 10% and 43%
D90A mutation results in recessively inher- of dominant FTD and 5% and 20% of all FTD
ited disease specifically in the Scandinavian cases (Poorkaj et al., 2001; Rizzu et al., 1999;
population. In Finland and Northern Sweden, Rosso et al., 2003).
D90A is the most common SOD1 mutation. MAPT contains 15 exons and spans 167 kb
Up to 3% of people in these areas carry the across chromosome 17q21.1. It produces a
D90A mutation in the heterozygous state, and 6,816-nucleotide transcript in which the lon-
carriers seem to be neurologically normal. gest open reading frame is 2,330 nucleotides,
Scandinavian patients with homozygous D90A encoding microtubule-associated protein tau
have clinically distinguishable symptoms from (tau), a protein of 352–441 amino acids (www.
those carrying other gene mutations includ- The reason for this
ing painful muscle spasms, paresthesia in the variability is that tau contains a variable 31
legs, and longer disease course (Andersen amino acid repeat region near the C-terminus
et  al., 1996). The most frequent SOD1 muta- and it is alternatively spliced into six isoforms.
tion in the United States is the A4V muta- The repeat region is the microtubule binding
tion. This is carried by approximately 50% of domain and depending on splicing, isoforms
SOD1-positive patients. A4V patients present either has three or four tandem repeats. These
138 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

repeat isoforms exist within defined ratios in Cruts et  al., 2006; van der Zee et  al., 2006).
specific tissues and are developmentally regu- Only rarely do patients with PGRN mutations
lated to execute the functions of balances of present with MND. A  recent study estimates
these isoforms. The main function of tau is concomitant MND in 5% of patients with
to regulate microtubule dynamics through its PGRN mutations (Chen-Plotkin et al., 2011).
association with microtubules. It regulates the PGRN contains 13 exons and spans 10 kb
assembly and disassembly, and spatial organi- across chromosome 17q21.32. It produces a
zation of microtubules in axons. Tau function 2,323-nucleotide transcript in which the lon-
is modulated by phosphorylation and dephos- gest open reading frame is 1,781 nucleotides,
phorylation. Mutations in MAPT are missense, encoding progranulin, a protein of 593 amino
deletions, or splice mutations that differentially acids ( Wild-type
alter functional properties of tau. Missense and progranulin is a 68 kDa glycoprotein that is
deletion mutations are mostly located in or close expressed in peripheral tissues, neurons, and
to exon 10, which is in its microtubule-binding microglia. The functions of progranulin have
domain. Almost all of these mutations reduce not been fully elucidated but it has roles in
the ability of tau to bind microtubules and can- mediating regulation of cell growth, progres-
not promote assembly. This promotes tau fila- sion of the cell cycle, and wound healing and
ment formation. Splicing mutations alter the inflammation (He & Bateman, 2003; He, Ong,
ratio of four-repeat to three-repeat tau leading Halper, & Bateman, 2003). It has been esti-
to more tau produced than can bind to micro- mated that mutations in PGRN cause between
tubules and subsequent aggregation (Goode, 3.4% and 25.6% of dominant FTD and 1%
Chau, Denis, & Feinstein, 2000; Hong, et al., and 11.7% of all FTD cases (Gass, Prudencio,
1998; Spillantini, Van Swieten, & Goedert, Stetler, & Petrucelli, 2012). As of the present
2000). 69 pathogenic mutations in PGRN have been
described and they are spread across the entire
gene ( Known patho-
GENES WITH POSSIBLE ALS genic mutations in PGRN include nonsense,
frameshift, and splice mutations that lead to
AND FTLD OVERLAP truncated protein and a loss of function mecha-
nism. Missense, silent, and intronic mutations
PGRN Mutations occur in PGRN but the pathogenicity of these
is less clear.
Many of the FTLD families linked to the chro- Clinical phenotype, neuropsychological pro-
mosome 17 region both lacked tau pathology files, and histopathologic profiles are variable
and mutations in MAPT. In fact, most cases of with PGRN mutations, even though they all
FTLD lack tau pathology. About 60% of domi- cause null alleles. Age of onset of disease and
nant FTD was not explained by tau mutations. disease duration are also variable within and
The remaining FTDP-17 families, instead, between families suggesting there is incomplete
had ubiquitin pathology (FTLD-U) and intra- or age-related penetrance of mutations and
nuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusions in the other influences on disease course (Gass et al.,
frontal and temporal cortex and in the den- 2006; Le Ber et al., 2008). In fact, genome-wide
tate fascia of the hippocampus, or they had association studies of PGRN mutation carriers
“dementia lacking distinctive histopathology” have shown that single-nucleotide polymor-
(FTLD-Other). In 2006, this was clarified by phisms specifically in the TMEM106B region
the finding that the remaining FTLP-17 fami- affects age of onset and severity of disease
lies carried mutations in another gene, PGRN, (Finch et al., 2011; Nicholson et al., 2013; Van
which is coincidentally near the MAPT linked Deerlin et al., 2010).
locus. In these early studies, individuals carry- There are, at present, no effective targeted
ing the PGRN mutations met the clinical crite- therapies for FTD caused by PGRN mutations.
ria for FTD without MND (FTLD-U and more The phenotype with PGRN mutations is vari-
specifically FTLD-MND-type) and shared able, so genetic testing for mutations in PGRN
the neuropathology of neuronal intranuclear is mainly useful for ruling out other neurode-
inclusions. These inclusions do not contain the generative diseases that might otherwise have
protein encoded by PGRN (Baker et al., 2006; viable treatments. It may not be very useful to
13  Genetics of ALS and FTD 139

perform predictive genetic testing for PGRN pathogenic mutations have been identified in
mutations for several reasons: (1) most PGRN TDP-43. All mutations except one (D169G)
tests do not fully detect all possible genetic cluster in exon 6, which encodes the C-terminal
rearrangements, (2) there are many variants of glycine-rich domain. This is the region involved
unknown significance in which pathogenicity is in protein-protein interactions. TDP-43 muta-
unclear, and (3) mutations are not fully pene- tions are especially frequent in patients of
trant (Gijselinck, Broeckhoven, & Cruts, 2008). southern European origin. The most com-
mon mutation overall is A382T. Microsatellite
and single-mucleotide polymorphism analysis
TDP-43 Mutations in Italian patients show that this is usually a
founder mutation. It is also probably sometimes
Shortly after the discovery of mutations a spontaneous mutation hotspot because a differ-
in PGRN as causative of tau-negative, ent missense mutation (A382P) has been identi-
ubiquitin-positive FTLD, researchers identi- fied at the same position (Fiesel & Kahle, 2011;
fied TDP-43 as the major component of these; Chio, Borghero, et  al.,
types of inclusions. This was in the neuronal 2011; Corrado et al., 2009; Daoud et al., 2009).
cytoplasm in both ALS and FTLD as round With the exception of southern Europe, TDP-43
Lewy-body like and skein-like inclusions. mutations are not common. Mutation frequency
TDP-43 in inclusions is hyperphosphory- dramatically varies throughout the world, but in
lated and there is loss of the protein from the the United States it ranges from 0.72% to 3.3%
nucleus. Much of the accumulated TDP-43 of familial and sporadic ALS cases combined
exists as ~25 kDa C-terminal fragments. This (Brown et al., 2012).
was an important breakthrough because it Most patients with TDP-43 mutations have
provided the first pathologic link between a pure ALS phenotype, but some patients have
FTD-MND-type, FTD-MND, and ALS (Arai been described with FTLD-MND, and even
et  al., 2006; Neumann et  al., 2006), motivat- pure FTD, further strengthening the view of
ing the screening of TDP-43 for genetic muta- ALS and FTD as a continuum (Benajiba et al.,
tions in ALS. In 2008, missense mutations in 2009; Chio et al., 2010).
TDP-43 in both familial and sporadic ALS It is not yet certain how TDP-43 mutations
were identified (Sreedharan et al., 2008). cause disease, but a likely mechanism is that
TDP43 contains six exons and spans 16.1 mutations cause mislocalization of protein to
kb across chromosome 1p36.22. It produces a the cytoplasm, leading to depletion of critical
4,236-nucleotide transcript in which the lon- protein in the nucleus, misregulation of RNA
gest open reading frame is 1,244 nucleotides, processing, and subsequent neuronal degen-
encoding transactive response (TAR) DNA eration. Protein mislocalized to the cytoplasm
binding protein 43, a protein of 414 amino acids might also cause cell death by way of gain of
( TDP-43 is toxic function (Neumann, Kwong, Sampathu,
a nuclear RNA and DNA binding protein; it has Trojanowski, & Lee, 2007). When TDP-43
two RNA binding domains that allow it to form was first identified as the major protein compo-
complexes with RNAs and interacting proteins. nent of tau-negative, ubiquitin-positive cases of
By way of these complexes, it has roles in pro- FTLD and ALS, it was thought that TDP-43
cessing mRNA and producing microRNAs. was present in all of these cases. It was later
It contains both a nuclear localization signal shown, however, that 10–20% of FTLD-U
(NLS) and nuclear export signal, allowing it to cases is actually TDP-43 inclusion-negative.
shuttle between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. This form of disease was then referred to as
The discovery of TDP-43 in inclusions pro- “atypical FTLD-U” (aFTLD-U; Mackenzie
vided the first evidence for the involvement of et al., 2008; Roeber, Mackenzie, Kretzschmar,
RNA metabolism to the pathogenesis of ALS & Neumann, 2008).
and FTLD and this has become a recurring and
important theme in understanding the disease
continuum. TDP-43 maintains normal expres- FUS Mutations
sion levels and splicing patterns of other mRNAs,
and it also regulates its own expression level In early 2009, two groups concurrently iden-
through negative feedback. To date, 32 known tified mutations in a new gene causing FALS.
140 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Kwiatkowski et al. (2009) described an ALS 5,119-nucleotide transcript in which the lon-
family of Cape Verdean descent where the gest open reading frame is 1,580 nucleotides,
proband’s unaffected maternal grandpar- encoding fused in sarcoma, a protein of 526
ents were first cousins. Because this suggests amino acids (​
autosomal-recessive inheritance, loss-of-het gene). FUS has an N-terminal transactivating
erozygosity mapping was performed and a major domain, and a glycine rich region followed by
loss-of-heterozygosity cluster was identified an RNA recognition motif. It then has a zinc
that overlapped a previously described FALS finger domain and the C-terminus contains
locus on chromosome 16. Sequencing genes a NLS. The common exon 15 mutations are
at that locus led to identification of a homo- within the NLS. Like TDP-43, FUS is an RNA
zygous missense mutation in FUS that segre- and DNA binding protein that plays roles in
gated with disease. Follow-up sequencing of a regulation gene expression, splicing, and tran-
total of 17 families (including families linked to scription (Lanson & Pandey, 2012).
the chromosome 16 locus and a cohort of pro- Patients with FUS mutations have differ-
bands) revealed 13 different FUS mutations. ent neuropathologic features than those with
These families showed autosomal-dominant classical ALS. Inclusions in the cytoplasm of
inheritance. Most of these mutations occurred anterior horn cells rarely and diffusely contain
in exon 15, most commonly affecting residue ubiquitin, and neurons and glial cells do not
521 (Gitcho et al., 2008; Yokoseki et al., 2008). contain TDP-43. They do, however, contain
Vance and coworkers discovered FUS muta- cytoplasmic inclusions of FUS protein in spinal
tions as a cause of ALS by prioritizing sequenc- cord motor neurons and dystrophic neurites.
ing in a large British ALS family at the linked It is not clear how mutations in FUS lead to
chromosome 16 region according to structural disease. However, like TD43, FUS has been
similarities to TDP-43. R521C was the cause shown to be mislocalized to the cytoplasm
of disease in this family, and this group also of cells where it forms aggregates. Nuclear
found mutation at residue 521 to be most com- depletion possibly causes motor neuron death,
mon pathogenic change in FUS (Kwiatkowski whereas there is a toxic gain of function in
et al., 2009; Vance et al., 2009). There are sev- the cytoplasm (Blair et al., 2010; Kwiatkowski
eral different FUS mutations at position 521, et al., 2009; Vance et al., 2009).
suggesting that it is a mutations hotspot (Blair As described previously, TDP-43 and FUS
et  al., 2010). Recent reports show de novo share several similarities:
mutations at this position (Chio, Calvo, et al.,
2011; DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2010; Zou 1. High degree of functional homology (the
et al., 2013). presence of RNA binding domains, nuclear
To date, 23 distinct pathogenic mutations in export signal, and NLS)
FUS have been described. Like TDP-43, the 2. Involvement in similar biologic processes
frequencies of mutations in FUS vary dramati- 3. Indistinguishable clinical phenotypes that
cally around the world. In the United States, present as classical ALS
FUS mutations account for approximately 4. Formation of pathologic inclusions contain-
1.9–5% of familial and sporadic ALS cases ing the protein upon mutation
combined. Mutations in FUS are extremely
rare in sporadic ALS (Brown et al., 2012; Lai This significant level of overlap between the
et al., 2011). Also like TDP-43, FUS mutation two proteins led to speculation that FUS, like
carriers usually have a pure ALS phenotype, TDP-43, might be the major pathologic pro-
although there are rare instances in which tein in cases of tau-negative, TDP-43-negative
disease can present as ALS-FTD. FUS muta- disease. Neumann and coworkers confirmed
tions often result in earlier onset disease than FUS pathology was indeed in aFTLD-U, with
what is typical of ALS and the disease course a higher ratio of insoluble versus soluble FUS
can be particularly severe and rapid, and FUS than in control subjects. They also excluded
patients have a shortened lifespan. Cognitive FUS pathology in cases where TDP-43 inclu-
impairment is not common with FUS mutation sions were present (Neumann et  al., 2009).
(Millecamps et al., 2010). Understanding the key mechanisms of TDP-43
FUS contains 15 exons and spans 18.4 kb and FUS (how they overlap and how they dif-
across chromosome 16p11.2. It produces a fer) is necessary. The roles of these proteins
13  Genetics of ALS and FTD 141

and how they converge on disease-relevant Age of onset is highly variable (from the second
target RNAs and in RNA metabolism in gen- to seventh decade), and familial and sporadic
eral should elucidate the spectrum of ALS and forms are clinically indistinguishable. No clini-
FTLD (Fiesel & Kahle, 2011). cal overlap with primary open-angle glaucoma
is evident (Del Bo et  al., 2011; Maruyama
& Kawakami, 2013; Solski, Williams, Yang,
CHMP2B Mutations Nicholson, & Blair, 2012).
OPTN encodes optineuron, a 67-kDa pro-
Mutations in CHMP2B were first identified in tein that functions as an autophagy receptor
an autosomal-dominant Danish FTLD fam- that binds ubiquitin. Mutations in OPTN lead
ily in 2005 (Skibinski et  al., 2005). CHMP2B to dysfunctions in autophagy (Wild et al., 2011).
mutations are a rare cause of disease because Neuropathologic data show that optineuron is
only four confirmed pathogenic variants have sometimes, albeit rarely, present in ubiquity-
been described to date (http://www.molgen.​ lated inclusions, and in SOD1-, TDP-43-, and CHMP2B encodes a 213 amino acid FUS-positive inclusions in patients with ALS
charged multivesicular body protein 2B, a without OPTN mutations (Hortobagyi et  al.,
component of the endosomal sorting complex 2011). It is also distributed in inclusions in
required for transport. CHMP2B protein is a several other neurodegenerative diseases and
structural protein of the endosome that fuses even inclusion body myositis (Yamashita et al.,
with the lysosome to degrade endocytosed pro- 2013). Although there is neuropathologic over-
teins. Mutations disrupt fusion of endosomes lap, OPTN mutations are not found in patients
leading to dysfunction in autophagy. It is pos- with ALS-FTD or frank FTD (Del Bo et  al.,
sible that proper function of multivesicular 2011; Maruyama & Kawakami, 2013; Solski
bodies is required for degradation of proteins et al., 2012; Ying & Yue, 2012). OPTN was also
and TDP-43. Cytoplasmic inclusions in the identified in a genome-wide association study
frontal and temporal cortices of patients with as a susceptibility locus for Paget disease of
CHMP2B mutations, however, are negative bone (Albagha et al., 2011), which brings us to
for TDP-43. They are also negative for FUS, mutations in VCP.
and positive for ubiquitin. Thus, they are clas-
sified as FTLD-Other. CHMP2B mutations
have been found in patients with ALS and VCP
FTLD but because functional work and neu-
ropathology does not match that found for the VCP mutations were first identified as
Danish family, the pathogenicity of these vari- causative of autosomal-dominant inclu-
ants is unclear (Fiesel & Kahle, 2011; Isaacs, sion body myopathy with Paget disease of
Johannsen, Holm, & Nielsen, 2011; Skibinski bone and FTD (IBMFTD). IBMFTD is an
et al., 2005). autosomal-dominant, progressive disorder
characterized clinically by adult-onset muscle
weakness and early onset FTD, and neuro-
OPTN pathologically by TDP-43 inclusions in muscle
and frontal cortex (Watts et al., 2004). In 2010,
Mutations in OPTN were first described exome sequencing revealed VCP mutations as
in Japanese ALS families in 2010 in a cause of FALS (Johnson et  al., 2010). This
autosomal-recessive cases and in a spo- is yet another finding that supports ALS and
radic case (Maruyama & Kawakami, 2013). FTLD as a continuum. Not only do ALS and
OPTN mutations more commonly cause pri- IBMFTD share TDP-43 as a hallmark, but
mary open-angle glaucoma (Fuse, 2010). ALS, FTD, and Paget disease manifested
Heterozygous OPTN mutations causing distinctly or together even within the same
ALS have since been identified in additional family.
Japanese and European FALS and SALS cases, VCP encodes valosin-containing protein,
but these mutations are rare. OPTN-positive a ubiquitously expressed AAA+ protein that
patients show onset with lower-limb involve- functions in multiple cellular processes of
ment with slow progression (>10 years) to pre- which the most well-characterized is to regu-
dominantly upper motor neuron involvement. late degradation of misfolded proteins, and has
142 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

more recently been shown to play a role in reg- extremely variable in patients with ALS with
ulating protein degradation at the outer mito- SQSTM1 mutations, but in general patients
chondrial membrane (Bartolome et  al., 2013; have late ages of onset (>60  years). Clinical
Johnson et  al., 2010; Meyer, Bug, & Bremer, features are also highly variable (Chen et  al.,
2012). 2014; Fecto et  al., 2011; Teyssou et  al., 2013).
Mutations in VCP account for 1–2% of FALS SQSTM1 mutations have also been described
and less than 1% of SALS in the absence of in families with FTLD and ALS-FTLD.
FTLD (Abramzon et  al., 2012), and less than Intrafamilial clinical variability of these condi-
1% of familial FTLD. To date, 18 pathogenic tions and Paget disease occurs as in VCP. Like
mutations have been described in VCP (http://​ ALS, age of onset for FTD is late (≥70  years) Patients with VCP in several cases of SQSTM1 mutation. Disease
mutations typically experience disease onset manifests as bvFTD. SQSTM1 mutation carri-
in the third to fifth decade, and several of the ers have aggregates of TDP-43 and p62 in and
mutations are not fully penetrant. It is possible atrophy of neurons of the spinal cord and fron-
that mutations in VCP disrupt its normal func- tal cortex (Le Ber et al., 2008).
tion and lead to the accumulation of ubiquiti-
nated inclusions within cells. Most pathogenic
variants lie between the D1 and N domains UBQLN2
of the protein, and possibly interfere with the
relative movement of the domains as it coordi- In late 2011, UBQLN2 mutations were iden-
nates its interactions. Patients with VCP muta- tified in an X-linked dominant ALS and
tions have prominent neuronal intranuclear, ALS-FTLD family. As might be expected
neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions, and dystro- in X-linked disease, there was reduced pen-
phic neuritis that are TDP-43-positive. Some etrance in female mutation carriers with no
of these inclusions also contain VCP protein (Ju male-to-male transmission. Linkage analysis
et al., 2009). and sequencing revealed a missense mutation
of a proline residue at position 497. Sequencing
of UBQLN2 in additional families with ALS
SQSTM1 and ALS/dementia revealed additional muta-
tions. Notably these mutations occurred
SQSTM1 is a gene on chromosome 5q35 that only at proline residues with a unique repeat
encodes p62. This protein has been found in region (Deng et  al., 2011). Since this find-
inclusions in several neurodegenerative dis- ing, 20 different mutations in UBQLN2 have
eases including ALS and, for this reason, was been described, with variable pathogenicity.
selected as a candidate gene for ALS. Several Most of mutations involve proline changes,
mutations were indeed identified for both although other pathogenic missense mutations
FALS and SALS (Fecto et al., 2011). SQSTM1 are described (Daoud et al., 2012; Deng et al.,
mutations are now estimated to account for 2011; Gellera et  al., 2013; Millecamps et  al.,
approximately 1–5% of FALS and 2–4% of 2012; Synofzik et  al., 2012; van Doormaal
SALS (Chen et al., 2014), although this is likely et al., 2012; Williams et al., 2012).
to be an overestimate. P62 has multiple func- UBQLN2 encodes Ubiquilin 2, a 624
tions but its most well-characterized function amino acid protein that is a member of the
is as a scaffolding protein that binds ubiquitin ubiquitin-like protein family. Like p62, it
to shuttle proteins to the proteasome for deg- functions to deliver ubiquinated proteins to
radation. Mutations probably cause disease by the proteasome to be degraded. Ubiquilin
impairing the ability of p62 to bind ubiquitin 2 binds at its N-terminus to polyubiquitin
(Fecto et  al., 2011; Seibenhener et  al., 2004). chains conjugated to protein to be degraded.
Like VCP, SQSTM1 mutations were previously It also has a PXX tandem repeat region; this
identified as causative of both familial and spo- is the region most commonly mutated. The
radic Paget disease of bone, and some of the frequencies of UBQLN2 mutations vary
same mutations cause both diseases. according to population studied, but in gen-
To date, 24 mutations have been described eral mutations are very rare. Ubiquilin 2 is
in patients with ALS and these are distrib- a component of ubiquinated inclusions in
uted across the entire protein. Age of onset is UBQNL2-positive patients, in SALS and
13  Genetics of ALS and FTD 143

FALS with SOD1 or TDP-43, and also in cohorts of other backgrounds, possibly high-
FALS with unknown cause (Deng et  al., lighting the need for larger sample sizes from
2011; Williams et al., 2012). groups other than what is more commonly
The disease haplotype, which seems to have
originated from a common founder in Finland
C9orf72 about 1,500 years ago, as it is the same for all
expansion carriers (Majounie et al., 2012; Mok
The search for the gene harbored by the et al., 2012). Expansion mutations show incom-
chromosome 9p locus began in 2006, when plete penetrance that varies with age. Disease
there were reports of linkage in families does not occur before age 35 and is fully pen-
with pure ALS, ALS-FTD, and pure FTD etrant by age 80. The issue of whether or not
(Morita et al., 2006; Vance et al., 2006). The to perform genetic testing for C9Orf72 repeat
genetic lesion managed to elude discovery for expansions for patients with sporadic ALS is a
years because of limitations on conventional matter of debate in the literature at the pres-
genetic methods, but in 2011 this search ent and revised guidelines have been proposed
came to an end when two groups simultane- (Chio, Hammond, Mora, Bonito, & Filippini,
ously published a breakthrough finding in the 2013).
journal Neuron that a large intronic hexa- Even though repeat expansion mecha-
nucleotide repeat expansion within intron 1 nisms have been described in neurodegenera-
of C9orf72 is a common cause of both ALS tive disease before (e.g., myotonic dystrophy,
and FTLD (DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011; Huntington disease, spinocerebellar ataxia),
Renton et  al., 2011). Patients with chromo- the C9Orf72 expansion discovery has been a
some 9p disease carry between 700 and 1,600 game changer in ALS/FTD study. Inclusions
copies of the repetitive GGGGCC sequence, containing RNA binding proteins TDP-43 and
whereas control individuals carry a maximum FUS provided the first pathologic link that bol-
of 23 copies. Intrafamilial manifestations stered the continuum hypothesis, but the high
of the ALS and FTD spectrum often occur frequency of C9ORF72 mutation, its involve-
(DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011). ment of both familial and sporadic disease, and
Patients with ALS with C9orf72 expan- its broad influence on other forms of neurode-
sions have classical symptoms with earlier generation have provided an undeniably strong
onset, more rapid progression, and greater molecular link between ALS and FTD (van
frequency of bulbar onset than patients with Swieten & Grossman, 2012).
mutations in other genes (Chio et  al., 2012; The function of the 481 amino acid
Cooper-Knock et al., 2012). Assessment of fre- C9Orf72 protein is largely unknown, because
quencies of mutations in ALS or FTD genes the domains are largely unannotated,
can be difficult, mainly because frequen- although a recent report based on bioinfor-
cies are population-specific. Data are largely matics analysis suggested the presence of
unavailable for individuals not descended from DENN domains (Levine, Daniels, Gatta,
Europe. The most comprehensive study of Wong, & Hayes, 2013). Loss of function of
global frequency of C9orf72 repeat expansions C9Orf72, or gain of function by toxic RNA or
is by Majounie et al. (2012). Here it is estimated protein may both play large roles (La Spada
that for sporadic ALS, C9orf72 repeat expan- & Taylor, 2010), and these continue to be
sions account for 7% of white individuals from investigated. Both are possible as evidenced
the United States, Europe, and Australia, ~4% by loss of one alternatively spliced transcript,
of black individuals from the United States, and the production of RNA foci in the nucleus
and ~8% of Hispanic individuals from the (DeJesus-Hernandez et al., 2011).
United States. For FALS, expansions account
for ~40% of white individuals from Europe and
the United States. For sporadic FTD, C9orf72 hnRNPAB1/2
expansions account for 6% of white individu-
als from Europe. For familial FTD, expansions The most recent genetic discovery in the
account for ~25% of white individuals from ALS-FTLD disease spectrum highlights
Europe. No expansions were found in smaller the idea that each genetic discovery unravels
144 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

pathways and provides strong clues guiding have no affected first-degree relatives, it may
the discoveries of novel ones. The finding that be tempting for specialists to ensure these
VCP mutations can cause multisystem pro- patients that there is low risk that their chil-
teinopathy demonstrates that these diseases dren will inherit these disorders. The prob-
provide opportunities to isolate molecular lem is that it is likely that apparently sporadic
defects causing spectrum diseases like ALS, disease has a significant genetic contribution
FTLD, and Paget disease. In late 2013, muta- from common variants that contribute small
tions in hnRNPA2B1 and hnRNPA1 were effects that collectively lead to disease. It has
determined as causative of a multisystem pro- also been demonstrated multiple times that
teinopathy, providing a clue that these might, mutations in genes causing familial disease
like VCP, be defective in cases of ALS. This led have been found in patients with no reported
to the discovery of a pathogenic mutation in family history, suggesting that rare variants
hnRNPA1 (c.784/940G>A; p.D262/314N) and can act as low-penetrance dominant alleles.
a potentially pathogenic mutation in hnRNPA1 A  concrete distinction between familial and
(c.800/956A>G, p.N267/319S). Further study sporadic disease is difficult, but recent genetic
of the proteins encoded by these two genes is discoveries are now providing clues about the
needed; however, they are excellent candidates earliest pathologic steps in these diseases and
for disease because they interact with TDP-43 also provide opportunities for presymptomatic
directly to function in RNA metabolism. They study. With this information, it is hoped that
have also been implicated as suppressors of longitudinal biomarker studies will ultimately
VCP-mediated degeneration, and are seques- result in therapies (Talbot, 2011).
tered in another neurodegenerative disorder
(Kim et al., 2013).

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Chapter 14

Genome-Wide Approaches to
Identify Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis-Associated Genes
John E. Landers and Nicola Ticozzi



BACKGROUND AND environmental factors. Diseases with a

NEW POINTS strong genetic factor can usually be identified
through familial clustering or segregation, as
Genetic factors have long been recognized in is the case for FALS, and may be the result of
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and their a single gene mutation. In contrast, diseases
identification is essential toward understanding with a stronger environmental influence may
the mechanisms of pathogenesis. Over time, new present as sporadic in origin, such as in SALS.
technologies have emerged for genome-wide Here, the contributing genetic factors may be
screening for of factors contributing to ALS. As represented by several genes each resulting
a result, the discovery of new genes now account in an increased or decreased risk. The identi-
for ~65% of familial ALS (FALS). Unfortunately, fication of genetic factors in FALS and SALS
these advancements can only account for ~5% can contribute tremendously to the under-
of sporadic ALS (SALS) despite its high herita- standing of disease pathogenesis. Over the
bility. Future efforts will be devoted toward to years, a wide variety of genetic techniques
the identification of these missing heritability have been used to identify ALS-associated
factors. This will likely rely on the development genes, both in sporadic and familial cases.
of novel models for the disease, advancements Furthermore, technologic advances in
in high-throughput technologies, and innovative genome-wide single-nucleotide polymor-
approaches to data analysis. phism (SNP) genotyping and next-generation
sequencing has expanded the capabilities
towards this goal. This chapter describes sev-
INTRODUCTION eral of these genetic techniques and how they
were successfully applied to the identification
The origin of human disease is often the of ALS-associated genes (Fig.  14–1, Table
result of a combination of genetic and 14–1). Also discussed is the future of genetics


YES multigenerational


Suspected NO
recessive inheritance?

YES Small NO

Multiple unrelated
FALS samples



Genotype polymorphic markers Genotype polymorphic markers Perform exon capture Select candidate genes according
spanning the genome spanning the genome and next generation sequencing to pathogenic htypothesis

Perform Sanger sequencing

Determine the LOD score Map homozygous regions Identify variants in each
of candidate genes in a FALS
for each marker of the genome sequenced sample

Sequence genes in the Overlap homozygosity maps Filter variants by eliminating

region with significant from different samples to SNPs:
LOD score restrict candidate regions Annotated in public

Synonymous and
Sequence genes in non-coding
homozygous regions
Falling outside
linkage peaks

Not shared by
sequenced samples
Not segregating with the
disease in the family


Validation of candidate

Screening of healthy controls to exclude

the presence of candidate mutations

Screening of unrelated FALS samples

to identify additional mutations

Demonstration of segregation
of mutations with the disease in
additional FALS pedigrees

Determination of the pathogenic

role of mutations through
functional experiments


Figure 14–1.  Flowchart describing approaches toward the identification of novel ALS associated genes.
Table 14–1  Identified Genes and Loci Linked to ALS
Year of
ALS Type Onset Inheritance Locus Gene Protein Discovery Identification Approaches
ALS1 Adult AD (AR) 21q22.1 SOD1 Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase 1993 Linkage analysis
ALS2 Juvenile AR 2q33-35 ALS2 Alsin 2001 Linkage analysis
ALS3 Adult AD 18q21 Unknown —
ALS4 Juvenile AD 9q34 SETX Senataxin 2004 Linkage analysis
ALS5 Juvenile AR 15q15-21 SPG11 Spatacsin 2010 Candidate gene screening
ALS(FTD)6 Adult AD (AR) 16p11.2 FUS Fused in sarcoma 2009 Linkage analysis, homozygosity
ALS7 Adult AD 20p13 Unknown —
ALS8 Adult AD 20q13.33 VAPB VAMP-associated protein B 2004 Linkage analysis
ALS9 Adult AD 14q11 ANG Angiogenin 2006 Candidate gene screening
ALS(FTD)10 Adult AD 1q36 TARDBP TAR DNA-binding protein 2008 Candidate gene screening, linkage
ALS11 Adult AD 6q21 FIG4 PI(3,5)P(2)5-phosphatase 2009 Candidate gene screening
ALS12 Adult AR (AD) 10p15-p14 OPTN Optineurin 2010 Homozygosity mapping
ALS13 Adult Susceptibility 12q24.12 ATXN2 Ataxin-2 2010 Candidate gene screening
ALS(FTD)14 Adult AD 9p13.3 VCP Valosin-Containing Protein 2010 Exome sequencing, candidate gene
ALS(FTD)15 Adult AD Xp11.23-p11.1 UBQLN2 Ubiquilin-2 2011 Linkage analysis
ALS(FTD)17 Adult AD 3p11.2 CHMP2B Charged Multivescicular Body 2005 Linkage analysis
Protein 2B
ALS-FTD1 Adult AD 9p21.2 C9ORF72 C9ORF72 2011 Linkage analysis, GWAS
ALS18 Adult AD 17p13.2 PFN1 Profilin 1 2012 Exome sequencing, linkage analysis
AD = autosomal-dominant; AR = autosomal-recessive; GWAS = genome-wide association studies.
14  Genome-Wide Approaches to Identify ALS–Associated Genes 153

in ALS research and the goals researchers what is known as the log of odds ratio (LOD)
hope to obtain. score for that genetic marker. The higher the
LOD score, the greater is the probability that
the DNA marker is located near the causative
mutation. As expected, the larger the affected
LINKAGE ANALYSIS family, the greater is the LOD score that can
be achieved. It is established in the scientific
Linkage analysis represents one of the earliest field that a LOD score of 3 (1000:1 odds) is
approaches to identify diseases resulting from highly suggestive of linkage. Linkage analysis
mutations in a single gene, otherwise known typically narrows the region of interest to about
as Mendelian diseases. The overall concept is a 2- to 20-Mb region.
based on the fact that all affected members in Although a fairly straightforward meth-
a given family are the result of the same genetic odology, linkage analysis has proved to be a
mutation that is passed on from generation to difficult task when applied to ALS genetics
generation. As such, if we establish how each because it requires large multigenerational
chromosomal segment in the genome is passed pedigrees with multiple affected individuals,
on to the progeny, we can determine the region which are hard to find in a disease of adult
that segregates in an identical manner as the life and with a rapid lethal course. For this
disease phenotype. This region should define reason, many initial attempts at identifying
the portion of the genome that harbors the ALS-associated genes through linkage analysis
causative mutation. We can then focus on this were carried on in multiple unrelated families,
region to identify the causative change. with the hope of increasing the resulting LOD
To determine the segregation of each region score. In 1991, by studying 23 pedigrees with
of the genome, polymorphic DNA markers are autosomal-dominant ALS, a positive LOD
used. In the past, DNA markers would typically score of 2.89, which was suggestive, but not
be microsatellite containing dinucleotide, tri- conclusive for linkage, was obtained for a single
nucleotide, or tetranucleotide repeat elements. marker on chromosome 21. Multipoint analy-
The number of repeats is variable throughout sis to examine linkage of FALS to a set of four
the population due to the instability of the adjacent chromosome markers boosted the
repeat elements. The markers are amplified LOD score to 5.03 for a region 10 cM telomeric
by polymerase chain reaction using primers on to the marker D21S58, with the highest LOD
either side of the repeat element and the prod- score for a single family being 2.58 (Siddique
ucts are separated on a polyacrylamide gel. et  al., 1991). Interestingly, not every pedigree
By doing so, the size of the polymerase chain examined by the researchers displayed a link-
reaction product reflects the number of the age with chromosome 21, suggesting the exis-
repeat elements and thus the genotype at each tence of genetic heterogeneity in FALS. In the
location. Because the markers are multiallelic, following years, positional cloning was used to
individuals are often heterozygous, which sim- narrow the candidate region in order to iden-
plifies the tracking of DNA segments through tify the putative FALS-causing gene. In 1993,
a multigenerational family. Typically, 400 mic- linkage with a marker located near the SOD1
rosatellite markers would yield sufficient cov- gene was eventually found, and the subsequent
erage of the entire genome. The segregation screening of SOD1 revealed the presence of
of each DNA fragment is then established for several missense mutations in FALS pedigrees
each marker and compared with the segrega- linked to markers on chromosome 21 (Rosen
tion of the disease phenotype through the fam- et al., 1993). In the following years, many stud-
ily. Due to the number and complexity of the ies on ALS cohorts of different geographic ori-
calculations, these comparisons are often per- gins confirmed that mutations in SOD1 were
formed by software packages, such as Allegro a major genetic cause of ALS, being detected
(Gudbjartsson et  al., 2005)  or LINKAGE in ~20% of all familial cases (Robberecht &
(Lathrop et  al., 1984). The level of linkage of Philips, 2013).
each genetic marker to the causative muta- As mentioned, linkage analysis can restrict
tion is scored based on the odds of observing the region of interest where a gene is located
the segregation versus observing the pattern to approximately 2–20 Mb depending on the
by chance. The log10 of this value represents size of the analyzed family. Analyzing multiple
154 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

families with the same linkage peak could help through functional experiments. To show how
to minimize this region further, as with the successful this approach has been in identify-
discovery of SOD1, but often this was not pos- ing ALS-associated genes, two examples are
sible. Unfortunately, prior to the sequencing of provided.
the human genome, relatively few genes had In 2003, by performing linkage analy-
been discovered and their genomic location sis using polymorphic microsatellite mark-
characterized. This often left researchers at an ers on a multigenerational North American
impasse because they did not know what genes pedigree with 13 members affected by
or how many genes were in a given region. autosomal-dominant typical ALS, Sapp and
Within 2–20 Mb, it was not unusual to have coworkers identified a novel putative locus
more than 100 genes with only a small number on chr16p12.1-q21 (ALS6) spanning 37.8 Mb
identified. As a result, researchers were forced from markers D16S764 to D16S3053 with a
to screen their region of interest for previously multipoint LOD score of 3.29. The association
unidentified genes. The methodologies to iden- was confirmed in a second North American
tify novel genes in a region were tedious, time pedigree (Sapp et  al., 2003). Unfortunately,
consuming, and technically challenging. As a more than 200 genes mapped to the ALS6
result, several linkage projects were unsuccess- locus, making the screening for the caus-
ful in identifying the causative gene for long ative mutation an almost impossible task.
periods of time. In some respects, the identifi- In 2009, however, by performing a loss-of-
cation of SOD1 was facilitated by the fact that heterozygosity (LOH) analysis (discussed in
this gene was one of the few that had already detail later), Kwiatkowski and coworkers iden-
been discovered and confidently mapped to tified a major LOH cluster within the ALS6
chr21q22.1 (Wulfsberg et  al., 1983; Huret locus in a Cape Verdean inbred family, thus
et  al., 1987), whereas most neighboring genes narrowing the candidate region to 4.4 Mb on
were still unknown. As such, it is not surpris- chr16p11.2 consisting of 56 genes. By screen-
ing that more than 10  years and the comple- ing these genes, missense mutations in the
tion of the Human Genome Project had to nuclear localization signal of the FUS gene
happen before the identification of a second were found in all the previously identified
causative gene in FALS. The human genome ALS6 pedigrees (Kwiatkowski et  al., 2009;
sequence helped researchers to overcome this Vance et  al., 2009). Interestingly, although
obstacle and led to a boom to the identification most FUS mutations display a dominant trans-
of novel Mendelian genes. Researchers can mission pattern, the H517Q variant found in
now, through the Internet, quickly visualize the Cape Verdean pedigree is inherited in a
their region of interest, identify all candidate recessive fashion. The identified mutations
genes in the region, and even develop primers were shown to be absent in healthy control
to screen these genes for mutations. These pro- subjects and to segregate with the disease in
cesses could literally replace years of work in unrelated ALS families. Following the origi-
just a matter of minutes. nal reports, several other groups identified
The field of ALS genetics benefited greatly additional variants in ALS cohorts of differ-
from the Human Genome Project, as shown ent ethnicities, proposing an overall muta-
by the number of causative genes identified tional frequency of ~4% in FALS and ~1%
in the last decade. To find novel ALS genes, in SALS (Robberecht & Philips, 2013). To
researchers mostly adopted the same multistep date, more than 30 pathogenic variants have
approach, which can be summarily broken into been described, most of which are missense
six subsequent procedures:  (1)  identification substitutions and the rest are frameshift or
of candidate loci through linkage analysis on nonsense mutations. Functional data strongly
large ALS families, (2)  screening by Sanger supported the pathogenic role of mutations in
sequencing of the genes mapping to the region, the FUS gene, because postmortem analysis of
(3)  screening of healthy control subjects to patients showed FUS-immunoreactive inclu-
exclude the presence of candidate mutations, sions within the cytoplasm of motor neurons,
(4)  validation of mutations on unrelated ALS and in vitro experiments suggested that muta-
families, (5) demonstration of segregation with tions induce a nucleocytoplasmic redistribu-
the disease in additional families, and (6) deter- tion of the protein with formation of insoluble
mination of the pathogenic role of mutations aggregates (Kwiatkowski et al., 2009).
14  Genome-Wide Approaches to Identify ALS–Associated Genes 155

A similar approach has led in 2011 to the mutations, because it encodes for the protein
discovery of pathogenic mutations in the TDP-43, which has been conclusively shown
UBQLN2 gene in a large multigenerational to be the major proteinaceous component of
ALS family with 19 affected individuals dis- cytoplasmic ubiquitinated inclusions in motor
playing an X-linked dominant mode of inheri- neurons of patients with ALS (Neumann et al.,
tance (Deng et  al., 2011). Linkage analysis 2006). In fact, learning the lesson from other
using chromosome X microsatellite markers neurodegenerative diseases, pathogenic muta-
identified a candidate region spanning 21.3 Mb tions have been consistently found in genes
between markers rs6417786 and DXS1275 on encoding for proteins forming neuronal inclu-
chrXp11.23-q13.1. The genes mapping to this sions, such as PRNP in prion diseases (Owen
region were then filtered based on their expres- et al., 1989), APP in Alzheimer disease (Goate
sion profile, function, structure, and potential et  al., 1991), HTT in Huntington disease
relevance to ALS pathogenesis, thus leaving (Group  1993), SNCA in Parkinson disease
41 candidates. The screening of these genes (Polymeropoulos et  al., 1997), and MAPT in
by Sanger sequencing revealed the presence of frontotemporal dementia (FTD; Hutton et al.,
a missense substitution in the PXX domain of 1998). The screening of the TARDBP gene in
the UBQLN2 gene. Similarly to what has been several ALS cohorts of different geographic
described for FUS, UBQLN2 mutations have origin revealed the presence of missense
been shown to segregate with ALS in unrelated mutations mostly clustered in exon 6, which
families, and to be absent in healthy control encodes for the C-terminal domain of TDP-43.
subjects. Additionally, ubiquilin2 pathology has Similarly to FUS, TARDBP mutations lead to
been described in motor neurons of mutated a nucleocytoplasmic redistribution of the pro-
patients, and UBQLN2 mutations have been tein with formation of TDP-43 immunoreac-
shown to lead to an ubiquitin-mediated impair- tive inclusions within the cytoplasm of motor
ment of protein degradation. neurons of mutated patients. However, to
underscore how tenuous is the candidate gene
approach, the authors of the original report felt
CANDIDATE GENE confident that TARDBP was indeed a causative
APPROACH ALS gene only after demonstrating linkage to
chr1p36, which contains the TARDBP locus
An alternative method that has been taken to (Sreedharan et  al., 2008). In summary, few
identify causative genes for ALS is the candi- ALS genes have been discovered through the
date gene approach. Here, scientists test for candidate approach, which remains the least
mutations based on some specific characteris- reliable and most prone to false-positive hits
tic of the gene, such as decreased expression in among all methods used for identification of
patients with ALS or functional relationships novel genes so far.
to pathways altered in ALS. This approach can
be dangerous and result in false-positives. As
shown by recent studies, most variants in the
genome are actually rare, and each individual GENOME-WIDE
carries several hundreds of novel variants. In ASSOCIATION STUDIES
fact, over 80% of coding variants have allele
frequencies less than 0.5% (Tennessen et  al., Linkage analysis is ideal for the identification
2012). In addition, many genes demonstrate of a single gene trait with a high penetrance
an increased rate of variation, possibly due to a and low environmental component. However,
lack of selective pressure. Based on this knowl- in the case of complex disorders, this approach
edge, identifying variants in single cases that is not always the best choice. Complex diseases
are not seen in control cases is possible, if not are often characterized by the contribution of
probable. This possibility increases with the multiple genes contributing to an increased
number of cases sequenced. risk and a higher environmental influence.
To date, only a single major ALS gene has Initial attempts to determine whether variants
been convincingly identified through this in a gene predisposed to susceptibility to com-
approach, namely TARDBP. The gene was a plex diseases were modeled on case-control
natural candidate to hunt for disease-associated association studies. In brief, association studies
156 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

would measure the allele frequencies of vari- at a reasonable cost allowing genome-wide
ants present within a candidate gene in a case association studies (GWAS) to be performed.
(affected) and control (unaffected) population. First, because all genes are tested simulta-
A  significantly increased allele frequency is neously, there is no bias of gene selection.
indicative that a variant in a gene is associated Furthermore, all tests are performed simul-
to disease susceptibility. It should be clari- taneously permitting a comparison of every P
fied that the variant displaying the increased value with all others and applying multiple test
frequency may not necessarily be the variant corrections can also minimize false-positives.
functionally contributing to the increased risk. Additionally, the large number of genotyped
Rather, the genotyped variant may solely rep- SNPs allows a comparison of the ethnic back-
resent a surrogate marker for the functional ground of the case and control group such that
variant on the same genetic background (hap- outliers can be thrown out and positive hits can
lotype) that is the actual contributor to the be further tested to ensure they are not due to
increased risk. population stratification.
Association testing was very prevalent due to In the past 5  years, several large
its simplicity and the relatively low cost of geno- case-control GWAS have been performed
typing. In fact, prior to 2005, there were more with the hope of identifying common genetic
than 9,000 published gene association studies. variants associated to SALS susceptibility
These studies were focused on a single or small and/or phenotypic traits. Unfortunately, these
number of candidate genes. The reason for this massive, costly efforts led by multinational
is that the cost of genotyping enough SNPs to teams have mostly met with disappointing
cover all genes in the genome (several hundred results. Several candidate SNPs have been
thousands) was cost-prohibitive. Unfortunately, identified in nongenic regions of the genome,
despite the large number of publications, thus making their association with SALS
nearly all association studies (>95%) cannot susceptibility difficult to demonstrate. Also,
be consistently replicated and likely repre- odds ratios associated to candidate SNPs
sent false-positives (Hirschhorn et  al., 2002). were often negligible. Even more disturbing,
Several reasons contribute to this lack of rep- with few notable exceptions, most variants
lication. First, association studies are subject that reached statistical significance after cor-
to publication bias. That is, positive results for rection for multiple testing could not be repli-
association studies can be more easily pub- cated throughout different GWAS. The major
lished compared with negative association. conceptual flaw responsible for this outcome
As such, if numerous researchers are testing is in all likelihood the fact that GWAS are
for association to the same candidate gene, it designed to identify common risk variants,
is quite likely that one study will show a sig- on the assumption that complex disorders
nificant association by chance alone. This study are influenced by common, weakly associated
will likely be published, whereas the others will alleles (common disease-common variant
not. Second, due to the ease and relatively low hypothesis), whereas recent evidence points
cost of association studies, researchers can test out that rare genetic variants may be respon-
numerous genes for association. However, often sible for a large part of ALS heritability.
a multiple testing correction is not applied. As a Two notable exceptions that stand out from
result, association results that are again based the otherwise unsatisfactory GWAS in ALS are
on type I errors are published. Finally, associa- represented by the identification of an associa-
tion studies are highly dependent on homoge- tion with two loci on chr19p13.3 and chr9p21.
neity of the genetic background of cases and In 2009, a GWAS conducted on 2,323 patients
control subjects, because differences in allele with SALS and 9,013 control subjects, followed
frequencies of variants are routinely observed by replication in a second independent cohort
in differing ethnic populations. Controlling of 2,532 cases and 5,940 control subjects,
this factor is extremely difficult because tests revealed genome-wide significance for the SNP
for population stratification require genotyping rs12608932 on chr19p13.3, with p = 1.30 × 10 -9
a large numbers of variants. (van Es et al., 2009). Interestingly, rs12608932
Many of these issues were alleviated in the lies within the UNC13A gene that encodes for
late 1990s with the introduction of products a protein regulating the release of neurotrans-
that genotyped hundreds of thousands of SNPs mitters at neuromuscular synapses. After the
14  Genome-Wide Approaches to Identify ALS–Associated Genes 157

original report, the association with UNC13A HOMOZYGOZITY MAPPING

has been confirmed by another GWAS
(Shatunov et  al., 2010), and rs12608932 has To date, most causative mutations identified
also been proposed as a modifier of survival in for FALS display a dominant mode of inheri-
two independent ALS cohorts (Diekstra et al., tance. In other words, a single mutant allele
2012; Chio et al., 2013). is sufficient to produce the disease. Often,
However, the major contribution of GWAS these mutations are due to a toxic gain of
was surprisingly not toward the identifica- function or a dominant negative effect on
tion of risk factors associated to SALS sus- the protein produced from the normal allele.
ceptibility, rather than to the discovery of a In some cases, dominant diseases are due
novel FALS gene. Starting from 2006, several to a haploinsufficiency of the wild-type pro-
research groups identified through linkage tein. Alternatively, there are many diseases
analysis a major disease locus spanning 3.7 that display a recessive mode of inheritance.
Mb on chr9p21 in multiple ALS, FTD, and These diseases require mutations in both
ALS-FTD families of different geographic ori- maternal and paternal alleles. Cystic fibrosis
gin (Boxer et al., 2011; Gijselinck et al., 2010; is a classic example of a recessive disorder.
Le Ber et al., 2009; Luty et al., 2008; Morita Linkage analysis can be used for the identifi-
et  al., 2006; Pearson et  al., 2011; Valdmanis cation of recessive causative genes. However,
et  al., 2007; Vance et  al., 2006). At the same because both parents are required to harbor
time, several GWAS on both ALS and FTD a mutant allele, and assuming the mutant
pointed to the chr9p21 locus, further restrict- allele is rare in the population, the disease is
ing the candidate region to 232 kb (van Es typically not passed down through multiple
et al., 2009; Shatunov et al., 2010; Van Deerlin generations. As a result, linkage analysis for
et al., 2010; Laaksovirta et al., 2010; Mok et al., recessive disorders can be more difficult.
2012). Although the region was small enough Furthermore, due the late-onset of ALS, and
to be studied by Sanger sequencing, the caus- that often individuals that harbor a mutation
ative mutation eluded identification for quite do not always develop the disease (incom-
some time. plete penetrance) the analysis is even more
Eventually, two groups independently complicated.
reported that a large hexanucleotide Due to these difficulties, many research-
GGGGCC repeat within the first intron ers have taken an alternative approach to
of the C9orf72 gene was responsible for identify recessive disease-causing genes. This
ALS and/or FTD cases previously linked to approach, homozygozity mapping, is focused
the chr9p21 locus. Observing that patients on using consanguineous families afflicted with
within chr9p21-linked families seemed to a recessive disorder, which occur more com-
be homozygous for the C9orf72 locus, and monly in a context of consanguinity. Typically,
that the affected progeny seemed not to a person with a recessive disorder would
inherit an allele from the affected parent, require both parents to harbor a rare mutant
DeJesus-Hernandez and coworkers hypoth- allele. Because these alleles are rare, the like-
esized that the apparent lack of segregation lihood of two such individuals mating is low.
could be due to the presence of an unam- However, if an ancestor of a consanguineous
plifiable repeat expansion on one allele marriage harbors a mutant allele, the chance
(DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2011). Renton of the progeny receiving a homozygous mutant
and coworkers reached the same conclusion allele is greatly increased. This is due to the
by performing a targeted resequencing of the fact that in consanguineous matings, the par-
chr9p21 region, and noticing a misalignment ents share a significant amount of DNA from
of sequencing reads within the first intron of the same ancestral background. The amount
C9orf72 (Renton et al., 2011). Since the origi- of shared material is dependent on how dis-
nal reports, the hexanucleotide repeat expan- tantly related are the parents. For instance,
sion in the C9orf72 gene has been found to siblings share 50% of their genetic material
be the major genetic cause of ALS in many and first cousins share 12.5%. Geneticists
populations, with a mutational frequency of are able to take advantage of consanguineous
20-40% in familial cases and 5% in sporadic matings to identify the location of a recessive
ones (Robberecht & Philips, 2013). disease gene. Homozygozity mapping is based
158 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

on the premise that the homozygous mutation EXOME SEQUENCING

in progeny is present within a large segment
of the genome that is ancestrally shared and It is estimated that the Human Genome Project
thus homozygous. Similar to traditional link- cost nearly $3 billion and more than 10 years to
age analysis, polymorphic DNA markers are complete. Although this accomplishment had a
genotyped throughout the genome to map strong impact on scientific research, it was eco-
the homozygous regions within the prog- nomically unfeasible for individual researchers
eny’s genome likely harboring the recessive to perform whole-genome sequencing on any
genetic mutation. If multiple affected siblings population or sample of interest. However,
are observed, the overlapping homozygous major technological developments over the
regions from each individual can help further past several years have dramatically reduced
narrowing the region of interest. Additionally, the cost, time, and labor required to sequence
if multiple consanguineous families that are the human genome. Although methodologies
thought to originate from a common ancestral vary, these approaches are focused on obtain-
mutation (such as a confined geographic area) ing small amounts of sequence information
are available, the overlapping region from the on millions of fragments simultaneously (mas-
different families may be used to narrow the sively parallel short-read sequencing). As a
region harboring the gene mutation even fur- result, the cost of whole-genome sequencing in
ther. Once the region of interest is established, 2013 has been reduced to less than $10,000 per
the genes within can then be screened for sample. The dramatic price reduction caused
homozygous mutations. by next-generation sequencing methodologies
The application of homozygosity mapping to has had a profound effect on scientific research.
the field of ALS genetics has been already men- Although the cost of whole-genome sequenc-
tioned while discussing the discovery of the ing has dropped dramatically, it is still prohibi-
FUS gene, where this approach was crucial in tive for many scientific projects. Furthermore,
restricting the candidate region obtained from the understanding of alterations outside of the
linkage analysis, thus allowing the research- coding/untranslated region of genes is still in
ers to sequence the genes mapping to it. More its infancy. Due to these limitations, several
recently, by performing a genome-wide scan products have been developed that are able to
followed by selecting runs of homozygous restrict the process of next-generation sequenc-
SNPs in Japanese patients from consanguin- ing to the protein coding regions of the genome.
eous pedigrees, Maruyama and coworkers Given that these regions represent only ~2% of
were able to identify a 2.5-Mb LOH region on the entire genome, this approach cuts sequenc-
chr10p13 shared by four individuals belong- ing costs dramatically, thus permitting projects
ing to three apparently unrelated families that were otherwise prohibitive. These exome
(Maruyama et  al., 2010). In two consanguin- capture products function in a very similar
eous siblings, the sequencing of the 17 genes manner. In essence, sequences representing the
mapping to the region revealed the presence coding or exonic region of the genome (exome)
of a homozygous 1.8-kb deletion encompass- are attached to a solid surface (e.g., beads). The
ing exon 5 of the OPTN gene. Two additional genomic DNA of interest is then sheared and
unrelated patients were found harboring a hybridized to the beads. The beads are then
homozygous Q398X nonsense mutation in washed and the remaining DNA is eluted. The
exon 12, leading to premature truncation of resultant DNA is enriched for the exome region
the mature protein. These individuals shared a and can then be subject to next-generation
0.9-Mb haplotype containing the OPTN gene, sequencing. Exome sequencing results in tens
strongly suggesting that Q398X derives from of millions of short reads of raw DNA sequenc-
a common ancestor. Lastly, a missense het- ing. The sequences must then be aligned to the
erozygous mutation was also identified in two genome and further analyzed to establish the
other families. OPTN mutations are believed location of DNA variants and their annotations
to disrupt the nuclear factor-kB signaling path- (gene location, effect of variants, and so forth).
way and, similarly to other ALS-causing genes, As a result, the identification of novel causative
OPTN-immunoreactive cytoplasmic inclusions genes using exome sequencing has a much
have been found in motor neurons of mutated stronger bioinformatics component compared
patients. with previous methodologies.
14  Genome-Wide Approaches to Identify ALS–Associated Genes 159

One advantage of exome sequencing is that the pedigree under study contains multiple
it can be combined with linkage analysis to fur- affected individuals, the variants not segregat-
ther increase the speed of identifying mendelian ing with the disease and those falling outside
genes. As described previously, linkage analysis linkage peaks are also eliminated. Through
often restricts the region of interest to about this filtering process, hundreds of thousands of
2–20 Mb. Previously this required research- SNPs identified through exome sequencing can
ers to then sequence each individual gene in be reduced to a handful of candidate variants
the region to identify the causative mutation. that can be further validated.
Furthermore, if a candidate causative mutation Applying this approach to a multigenera-
was identified, it required researchers to geno- tional Italian ALS-FTD pedigree, Johnson and
type or sequence that gene in a large control coworkers identified six heterozygous variants
population. Through exome sequencing, this of interest, one of which was contained in the
approach is simplified because it can sequence VCP gene (Johnson et  al., 2010). VCP was an
~80–90% of all genes in a single experiment. obvious candidate, because missense muta-
Additionally, several large-scale sequencing tions in the gene had already been proved to be
projects have led to the development of pub- causative for inclusion body myopathy, Paget
lic databases containing variants observed in disease of bone, and FTD, a disease that shares
general population. These databases can easily significant phenotypic overlap with ALS-FTD.
be surveyed to establish whether a candidate Thus, several methods can be applied to the
mutation is present in the general population identification of novel ALS genes, in this case
and thus likely to be benign. Two such exam- exome sequencing and the candidate gene
ples are the National Heart, Lung, and Blood approach, to maximize the chances of suc-
Institute’s Exome Sequencing Project and the cess. Since the original report, VCP mutations
1000 Genomes Project (1000 Genomes Project have been described in less than 1% of patients
Consortium et  al., 2010; Tennessen et  al., with FALS with or without associated FTD
2012). The Exome Sequencing Project cur- (Robberecht & Philips, 2013).
rently consists of exome sequencing data from The first ALS gene identified through a
more than 6,300 individuals that can easily be “pure” exome sequencing approach was PFN1.
queried through an easy-to-use World Wide By performing exome sequencing on affected
Web interface. Similarly, the 1000 Genome individuals from two large Caucasian and
project currently has data on 1,092 individu- Sephardic Jewish autosomal-dominant FALS
als; however, this information is a combina- pedigrees, and applying the filtering proce-
tion of whole-genome data, exome data, and dures aforementioned, Wu and coworkers dis-
low-coverage sequencing data. It should be covered that the two families harbored two
noted that screening of these databases should different missense mutations within a single
not be the sole source of variant testing of con- common gene, PFN1, which encodes for the
trol subjects. The lack of a variant in a database actin-binding protein profilin1 (Wu et al., 2012).
may be the result of several factors including The screening of a large cohort of FALS index
poor capture, low quality control, or difficul- cases further revealed additional families har-
ties in the alignment of the sequencing reads boring mutations in the PFN1 gene, and cose-
due to homologous gene family members. It gregation with the disease was proven in two
is essential to confirm any result through the of them. With the exception of a single E117G
direct analysis of control samples. variant, which was found in healthy control
A well-established analytical pipeline subjects, albeit with a reduced frequency com-
has been adopted by most exome sequenc- pared with FALS, PFN1 mutations were not
ing studies to identify causative mutations in present in the normal population. Functional
Mendelian diseases. In general, the two most experiments confirmed the pathogenic role of
distantly related affected individuals of a fam- mutations, by demonstrating that, similarly to
ily are sequenced to reduce the background other ALS-causing genes, PFN1 mutants form
of noncausal variants. Variants are then fil- insoluble aggregates in the cytoplasm of trans-
tered through several steps, by eliminating fected cells, which in many cases often contain
those already annotated in public databases, TDP-43. Additionally, in primary motor neu-
synonymous and noncoding SNPs, and those rons, mutant PFN1 displays decreased bound
not shared by both individuals sequenced. If actin levels, inhibits axon outgrowth, and
160 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

leads to smaller growth cones with a reduced event because all cases were observed on the
F/G-actin ratio. These observations helped to same haplotypic background (Smith et  al.,
document that cytoskeletal pathway alterations 2013). As a result, identifying indirect associa-
contribute to ALS pathogenesis. tion with a common allele on the expanded
repeat haplotype background was indeed
In the future, whole-genome sequencing
FUTURE DIRECTIONS efforts will alleviate some of the issues of
indirect association studies. Scientists will
The future identification of additional be able to conduct direct association test-
ALS-associated genes will undoubtedly be ing for risk alleles thus eliminating the need
based on large-scale genome-wide sequencing for linkage disequilibrium with a common
efforts. We have already seen the beginnings genotyped allele. Furthermore, it is antici-
of this contribution through the identification pated that testing of multiple alleles within
of two ALS genes by exome sequencing. Over a given gene region will increase the power
time, the price of whole-genome sequenc- of these studies. However, several new tech-
ing efforts will continue to drop and permit nical and statistical challenges will also need
gene-identification efforts that were previously to be overcome. The analysis of genome-wide
cost-prohibitive. One major area where these variants, which will be several million per
advances in sequencing will contribute is in the individual, will require very powerful com-
understanding of SALS. Currently, few genetic puter resources. Additionally, analyzing indi-
components of SALS are known. Repeat vidual SNPs will likely increase the number
expansions within C9orf72 are observed in of false-positives per study. Current GWAS
~5–10% and mutations in SOD1 account for studies attempt to address this problem by
~2% of SALS cases. Given that SALS reflects incorporating a Bonferroni multiple-test cor-
90% of all ALS cases, it is imperative to iden- rection. This is typically based on ~500,000
tify additional genetic defects contributing to tests (the number of genotyped SNPs for the
it. Twin studies have found a high heritabil- study) thus requiring a p value less than 10 -7
ity for SALS (h = 0.38–0.85), thus suggesting for significance. With genome-wide sequenc-
that genetic factors have a significant role in ing, the number of variants, and thus the
determining the susceptibility to the disease number of tests, will expand exponentially. As
(Graham, Macdonald, & Hawkes, 1997). It a result, it is possible that many more samples
is likely that numerous genetic factors may will be needed to identify risk factors using
impart an increased (or decreased) risk for genome-wide sequencing approaches.
ALS. However, detecting these risk factors will In addition to SALS, it is anticipated that
not be simple. This has been illustrated by the increased effort will be devoted toward iden-
GWAS in SALS that ultimately required many tifying modifying genes for ALS. In fact,
thousands of samples to be analyzed before patients with ALS can be grouped into several
an association with UNC13A and the C9orf72 subphenotypes according to age of onset, site
region could be observed. of onset, survival, distribution of signs of upper
As indicated previously, GWAS studies are and lower motor neuron dysfunction, and pres-
indirect association tests that are dependent on ence of cognitive impairment. Identifying the
linkage disequilibrium between the actual risk genetic factors contributing to these subphe-
factor and the genotyped allele. They also rely, notypes can help us understand the progres-
in part, on the presence of a single risk allele sion and pathogenesis of the disease itself.
of significant higher abundance than the gen- In conclusion, the different techniques
eral population. However, if an ALS-associated described in this chapter allowed for the
gene contains numerous different variants of identification of the pathogenic mutations
lower allele frequencies, derived from different responsible for ~65% of FALS and ~5% of
ancestral events (and thus on differing haplo- SALS cases. Undoubtedly, a clever combina-
type backgrounds), it will be more difficult to tion of these approaches on a case-by-case
discover through GWAS study. For example, basis will still be instrumental in the future
the repeat expansion within chromosome 9 to the discovery of novel ALS-related genes,
seems to have occurred in a single ancestral as demonstrated by the identification of FUS,
14  Genome-Wide Approaches to Identify ALS–Associated Genes 161

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Chapter 15

Pathology of Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis and Frontotemporal
Lobar Degeneration
Andrew King and Safa Al-Sarraj


ALS/Motor Neuron Disease FUS
FTLD-MND/ALS ALS-Parkinson Dementia Complex
Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy
FUS Type A
Type B
Spinal Cord Type D
Motor Cortex FTLD-FUS

BACKGROUND AND The new staining techniques have led

NEW POINTS to discoveries of specific abnormal protein
aggregations associated not only with ALS
Basic microscopic findings in amyotrophic but also with frontotemporal lobar degenera-
lateral sclerosis (ALS) were noted long ago, tion (FTLD), and combinations of the two in
but were supplemented with the discovery specific patients have defined ALS as a pro-
of ubiquitinated inclusions in neurons using teinopathy. Some of the protein inclusions are
modern immunohistochemical staining associated with mutations in associated genes.
techniques. At this time, the role aggregated proteins play
in the pathogenesis of ALS remains unclear.
164 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

INTRODUCTION (median survival about 3 years). By convention,

excluded are forms of MND that have clear
Marked advances in describing the patho- genetic causes, such as bulbospinal muscular
logic features of ALS have occurred over the atrophy (Kennedy disease) and spinal muscu-
past 5–10  years. Although the first pathologic lar atrophy (Werdnig-Hoffmann disease and
descriptions of the disease date back to Charcot Kugelberg-Welander syndrome).
and colleagues in the 19th century, advances
lagged behind other neurodegenerative dis-
eases because of difficulty finding specific FTLD
protein abnormalities associated with the dis-
ease. Leigh et al. (1988) and Lowe et al. (1988) FTLD is a pathologic description of a neurode-
described ubiquitinated inclusions in anterior generative process where there is preferential
horn neurons in 1988, but whereas tau pro- atrophy of the frontal and/or temporal ele-
tein was described in Alzheimer disease and ments of the cerebral hemispheres. The patho-
α-synuclein in Lewy body disease, the protein logic term “frontotemporal lobar degeneration”
abnormality associated with ALS remained elu- is not synonymous with the clinical term fron-
sive: a “proteinopathy without a protein.” This totemporal dementia (FTD).
all changed in 2006 when two groups inde- Cortical atrophy in FTLD can be symmetri-
pendently described the ubiquitinated form cal or asymmetrical, and the pathology is usu-
of a protein called TAR DNA-binding protein ally visualized microscopically in the form of
43 (TDP-43) in the central nervous system of neuronal loss in affected lobes. The cases are
patients with ALS and in some cases of FTLD usually associated with accumulation of an
(Neumann et al., 2006; Arai et al., 2006). This abnormal protein (e.g., TDP-43 or tau), and
not only allowed ALS research to advance at a are referred to as FTLD-TDP or FTLD-tau.
more rapid pace, it also provided further evi- When considering the relationship with ALS
dence for the existence of a clinicopathologic it is FTLD-TDP (or FTLD-MND/ALS), or
spectrum incorporating both ALS and FTLD. occasionally FTLD-FUS that one is concerned
with, and not FTLD-tau.
Clinically FTLD usually presents as one of
three syndromes (although there may some-
DEFINITIONS times be overlap):
Before one can attempt to understand some of 1. FTD (sometimes called behavioral type
the pathologic features of ALS and FTLD one [bv-FTD]). A key symptom is loss of social
must first understand the various definitions. inhibition.
These are presented in this chapter and include 2. Progressive nonfluent aphasia. There is a
the concept that there is very probably a clini- severe language disturbance, but some-
copathologic spectrum that exists between the times with relative preservation of memory.
conditions. 3. Semantic dementia. Semantic memory is
particularly affected but with relative pres-
ervation of episodic memory.
ALS/Motor Neuron Disease
ALS, or motor neuron disease (MND), is a FTLD-MND/ALS
progressive neurodegenerative disorder char-
acterized by degeneration of motor neurons of It was reported many years ago by Jackson,
the motor cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord. Lennox, and Lowe (1996) and others that some
Clinically and pathologically there is usually patients with ALS develop a frontotemporal
evidence of both upper and lower motor neu- type dementia, and some patients with FTD
ron degeneration, and sometimes with degen- (usually bv-FTD) later develop symptoms of
eration of brainstem motor nuclei. There is ALS. This led to the suggestion of a clinicopath-
associated atrophy of skeletal muscles, includ- ologic spectrum:  when these processes occur
ing respiratory muscles, leading to respira- together it is described as FTLD-MND/ALS,
tory failure, usually in a relatively short time or sometimes as FTLD-MND or FTLD-ALS.
15  Pathology of ALS and FTLD 165

There is some disagreement as to what actually 26S proteasome where it is degraded (Lehman,
constitutes this combined process because many 2009). As such, ubiquitin is therefore not a spe-
patients with ALS have some degree of cogni- cific marker in ALS or FTLD, because it is seen
tive decline. It is probably best to confine the also in neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer dis-
entity of FTLD-MND/ALS to those with clini- ease and in Lewy bodies.
cal evidence of FTD (or language disturbance
or semantic dementia) with clinical evidence of
ALS and pathologic evidence of FTLD (usually p62
TDP-43 positive inclusions in frontal/temporal
p62 (also known as sequestosome 1)  is an
lobes) with pathologic evidence of ALS (usually
ubiquitin-binding protein that may aid in pro-
TDP-43–positive inclusions in motor neurons of
tein destruction by the proteasome system. It
cord, brainstem, and motor cortex; Table 15–1).
has a similar immunohistochemical staining
pattern to ubiquitin, and is also not a specific
marker. It is often assessed because it gives a
PROTEIN INCLUSIONS “cleaner” picture on stains than does ubiquitin.
Four major protein inclusions (excluding tau,
which is not associated with ALS) are found in TDP-43
neurons in cases of ALS and FTLD. They are
detected by an immunohistochemical staining TDP-43 is a nuclear protein that can bind with
technique where an antibody previously raised DNA and RNA and is believed to have a role
against a particular protein is used to expose in transcription and translation. In ALS and
that protein in tissue sections. FTLD, however, abnormal forms of the protein
can be detected in the cytoplasm. Its presence
is a (relatively) specific marker for most cases
Ubiquitin of ALS, FTLD-MND/ALS, and FTLD-TDP.

Ubiquitin is an important protein that the cell FUS

uses to rid itself of toxic or unwanted proteins.
In the process known as “ubiquitination” the Fused in sarcoma (FUS) protein is another
small protein ubiquitin becomes attached to nuclear protein that can bind DNA and RNA,
the target protein, which therefore becomes and may have roles in translation/transcription
“ubiquitinated.” Subsequently, this target pro- and nuclear transport. In a small proportion of
tein is shuttled to a protease complex called the ALS and FTLD cases, abnormal forms of the

Table 15–1  Proposed Clinicopathologic Spectrum of ALS, FTLD-MND/ALS, and

Clinical Features
Muscle weakness/wasting Loss of inhibition Loss of inhibition
Bulbar symptoms Cognitive decline Cognitive decline
Upper motor symptoms Muscle weakness/wasting
Bulbar symptoms
Upper motor symptoms

Pathologic Features
Loss of motor neurons in cord, Loss of neurons: frontal, temporal lobes Loss of neurons frontal,
brainstem, motor cortex Inclusions (usually TDP-43) in frontal/temporal temporal lobes
Inclusions (usually TDP-43) in cortex and limbic regions Inclusions (usually
motor neurons. Sometimes Loss of motor neurons in spinal cord, brainstem, TDP-43) in frontal/
limbic regions motor cortex temporal cortex and
Inclusions (usually TDP-43) in motor neurons limbic regions
166 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

protein are found in the cytoplasm, and there-

fore it is a marker for occasional cases of famil-
Motor cortex
ial ALS (FALS) and occasional cases of FTLD Loss of Betz motor neurones
(FTLD-FUS). Inclusions

Mid brain
Although most cases of ALS are sporadic, Upper
approximately 10% of cases have some family Motor
history. This distinction has been further com- Neurone
plicated by the recent discovery of mutations
in the C9ORF72 gene, which is also found in
occasional cases of sporadic ALS.
The pathologic features in ALS include neu- Loss of myelin Decussation
in lateral corticospinal of pyramids
ronal loss in the anterior horn neurons of the in medulla
spinal cord, the motor cortex, and the brain-
stem. The anatomic sites of the pathology are
illustrated in Figure 15–1. Loss of anterior cord
horn neurones
Spinal Cord
Lower Motor
Fibre atropy
Macroscopically there may be thinning and Neurone
a greyish appearance of anterior nerve roots.
There may also be discoloration in the region
of the lateral corticospinal tracts on the cut
surface of the spinal cord. Figure 15–1.  Diagram showing the areas where patho-
logic features are usually seen in cases of ALS.
Microscopically the regions most affected
are the cervical and lumbar regions because
they innervate muscles in the upper and lower (threadlike) (Fig. 15–4a), but can be more globu-
limbs, respectively. There is usually evidence of lar in form (Fig. 15–4b). The different shapes are
loss of anterior horn neurons, and is often asso- considered to reflect different stages in the for-
ciated with reactive changes, such as reactive mation and processing of the abnormal protein.
astrocytosis and microglial activation. Surviving This protein can in many cases also be seen in
neurons are often shrunken (Fig.  15–2) and the glial cells of the cord (Fig. 15–4 inset).
show chromatolysis (pink appearance on con- Occasionally, in advanced cases of ALS, the
ventional hematoxylin and eosin stains). There situation develops where the neuronal loss is so
may be evidence of neuronophagia (neurons advanced that no neuronal inclusions can be
being attacked by cells, such as macrophages) detected. In such cases TDP-43–positive glial
and the presence of small intraneuronal pink inclusions can often still be seen.
bodies called Bunina bodies.
A myelin stain (Luxol fast blue/Nissl) usually
reveals focal loss of myelin, especially in the Brainstem
lateral corticospinal tracts, which in turn indi-
cates loss of neurons in the motor cortex (upper Macroscopically usually no abnormalities are
motor neuron damage) (Fig. 15–3). evident.
In the surviving neurons of the anterior horns Microscopically the most affected region
there are inclusions that are not visible on hema- is the XIIth nerve nucleus (pure motor nerve
toxylin and eosin stains but are detected on innervating the tongue) in the medulla (the floor
antibodies to ubiquitin, p62, and TDP-43 (Fig. of IVth ventricle). There may be evidence of
15–4). Classically they are in the form of skeins neuronal loss, and gliosis. In surviving neurons
(A) (B)

Figure  15–2.  Spinal cord (anterior horn) motor neurons from (A)  control case, and (B)  sporadic ALS. Note atrophic
neurons in the ALS case (arrows).

Figure 15–3.  A section through spinal cord and stained for myelin (Luxol fast blue/Nissl). The arrows indicate loss of
myelin over the regions of the lateral (crossed) corticospinal tracts, indicating upper motor neuron damage and antero-
grade loss of axons and myelin.

(A) (B)

Figure 15–4.  (A) TDP-43–positive skein and (B) TDP-43–positive globular inclusion within anterior horn neurons of
the spinal cord in cases of sporadic ALS. The inset shows a TDP-43–positive glial cytoplasmic inclusion (arrow) in the cord
in a case of sporadic ALS (antibody to TDP-43).
168 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

there are often ubiquitin-, p62-, and TDP-43– inclusions usually in the hippocampus (den-
positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions. There tate fascia and pyramidal layer) and amygdala
also may be TDP-43–positive glial cytoplasmic with no significant associated neuronal loss
inclusions similar to those seen in the cord. and also not affecting the cerebral cortex.
The significance of these features is uncer-
tain, but may provide a pathologic link with
Motor Cortex FTLD-MND/ALS (see Table 15–1) or it may
just be incidental. Interestingly, occasional
Macroscopically usually no abnormalities are cases of Alzheimer disease also show similar
evident. Although textbooks sometimes sug- TDP-43–positive inclusions in the amygdala
gest that there is thinning of the precentral and/or hippocampus. The significance of this
gyrus (the motor strip), in our experience this is also uncertain.
is rare.
Microscopically there is usually evidence of
loss of the large motor neurons (Betz cells) in Muscle
the motor cortex. Some experience is needed
seeing them in normal motor strips before Affected skeletal muscle in ALS usually shows
one can confidently assess whether they are evidence of denervation with small angulated
reduced in numbers in pathologic cases. Often fibers, small fiber group atrophy (Fig. 15–5a),
the neuronal loss is accompanied by activation and “target” fibers (on special NADH-TR
of microglial cells, which can be demonstrated stains; Fig. 15–5b). If the process is relatively
immunohistochemically. Ubiquitin-, p62-, and longer term there may be evidence of fiber-type
TDP-43–positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclu- grouping (grouping together of similar fiber
sions and glial inclusions are sometimes seen, types) indicating extensive reinnervation of the
but are often more difficult to detect than in muscle.
the spinal cord and brainstem.
There are occasional cases of so-called pri-
mary lateral sclerosis where only upper motor
neuron pathology is observed, and also cases of
severe progressive muscular atrophy with only PATHOLOGY OF FAMILIAL ALS
lower motor neuron pathology evident. (FALS)
The nature of pathologic findings depends upon
Extramotor Structures the mutation, and some changes are identical
to sporadic cases of ALS, whereas others have
Occasional cases show extramotor inclu- additional or totally different pathologic fea-
sions, TDP-43–positive neuronal cytoplasmic tures (Ince et al., 2011; Al-Chalabi et al., 2012).

(A) (B)

Figure 15–5.  (A) Skeletal muscle showing neurogenic atrophy of fibers with group atrophy present, and (B) NADH-TR
stain revealing target fibers (in the darker staining fibers) an indication of neurogenic change.
15  Pathology of ALS and FTLD 169

SOD1 inclusions. Furthermore, there are numerous

p62- and ubiquitin-positive, TDP-43–nega-
Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1; chromosome tive, inclusions in the cerebellum (especially
21) was the first gene abnormality described for the granule cell layer) and the CA4 region of
ALS, and mutations are widely used as animal the hippocampus (Murray et al., 2011; Al-Sarraj
models. Clinically, it presents as pure ALS with no et al., 2011; Figs. 15–6 and 15–7). The cerebel-
dementia. Pathologically, there are skeins in the lar inclusions have also been seen to be labelled
spinal cord and inclusions in the cerebral motor with RNA-binding proteins (Mori et al., 2013),
cortex. These are ubiquitin- and p62-positive but and antibodies to dipeptide repeat proteins.
they are TDP-43–negative and, therefore it is
fundamentally different from sporadic ALS.
C9ORF72 FUS (chromosome 16) mutations are a relatively
rare cause of FALS (Vance et al., 2009). The inclu-
Relatively recently expansions in a hexanucleo- sions seen in the cord tend to be less skein-like
tide repeat (GGGGCC) in the C9ORF72 gene and more globular (Fig. 15–8) and although the
(chromosome 9 open reading frame 72) were dis- inclusions are immunopositive to ubiquitin, p62,
covered to be associated with familial FTLD and/ and FUS they are TDP-43–negative.
or ALS (Vance et al., 2006; Dejesus-Hernandez
et al., 2011; Renton et al., 2011). It is now believed
to be the most common cause of FALS, and also CHMP2B, TARDP, p62,
involved in some sporadic cases. It often pres- UBQLN2
ents with an FTLD-MND/ALS picture, but can
present as either ALS or FTD. CHMP2B (chromosome 3), Optineurin (chro-
Pathologically, TDP-43–positive neuronal mosome 10), TARDP (chromosome 1 [the
cytoplasmic inclusions are seen in the spinal cord gene coding for TDP-43]), and p62/sequesto-
in the form of skeins. In the brain, there is very some 1 (chromosome 5)  are genes that show
often extensive TDP-43 neuronal positivity not mutations in rare cases of FALS. The cases
only in the brainstem and limbic areas but also have TDP-43–positive inclusions similar to
the neocortex. Most significantly, in addition to the sporadic disease. Cases with Ubiquilin
TDP-43 pathology there is also excess ubiquitin 2 (UBQLN2–X chromosome) mutations also
and particularly p62 immunopositivity, which have TDP-43–positive inclusions but occasion-
seems to be out of proportion to the TDP-43 ally the inclusions are also positive for FUS.

Figure 15–6.  FTLD-MND/ALS patient with C9ORF72 repeat expansion. The main picture reveals p62-positive neu-
ronal inclusions within the cerebellar granule cell layer. These inclusions are negative for TDP-43. The inset reveals a
p62-positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusion within a Purkinje cell within the cerebellum (antibody to p62).
170 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Figure 15–7.  FTLD-MND/ALS patient with C9ORF72 repeat expansion. The pyramidal cells within the CA4 region of
the hippocampus have unusual p62-positive cytoplasmic inclusions described as “starburst” (arrows). These are TDP-43–
negative (antibody to p62).

ALS-Parkinson Dementia Complex the androgen receptor gene and does not show
TDP-43 positivity.
This condition is probably not genetic. The
pathology in ALS-Parkinson dementia com-
plex of Guam reveals TDP-43–positive inclu- PATHOLOGY OF FTLD
sions similar to sporadic ALS. Elsewhere in
the brain there is abnormality of tau, which is Macroscopically the picture of the brain can be
thought to be responsible for the parkinsonian variable ranging from a relatively normal appear-
and dementia features. ance, to cases with severe atrophy of the frontal
and/or temporal lobe (Fig. 15–9). The atrophy
can be symmetrical or markedly asymmetrical.
Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy Microscopically there is neuronal loss in the
temporal and/or frontal cortices. FTLD is sub-
Spinal bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy dis- divided into different types according to the
ease, X linked) is associated with mutations in associated protein accumulation:  FTLD-TDP

Figure 15–8.  FUS-positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions within an anterior horn neuron of the spinal cord in a case
of familial ALS with a FUS mutation (antibody to FUS).
15  Pathology of ALS and FTLD 171

It is to be noted that not all FTLD cases are

associated with ALS (e.g., FTLD-tau is not
usually associated). Those that are associated
tend to have TDP-43 (or FUS) neuronal cyto-
plasmic inclusions not only in the hippocampus
and/or amygdala but also the frontal and tem-
poral neocortex.
either be sporadic or familial.

To make matters more complex, once a
case has been pathologically established as
the TDP-43 pathology in the cerebrum can
be further subcategorized. This is not just an
academic exercise because there seems to be
some correlation with clinical features and
Figure  15–9. Coronal slices from a brain in a case of
FTLD-TDP. There is marked cerebral atrophy. In this genetic abnormalities. The subtypes are now
case the middle and inferior temporal gyri are severely designated as A, B, C, and D (Mackenzie et al.,
atrophic (arrows) but with some preservation of the supe- 2011; Fig. 15–10).
rior temporal gyri.

(and FTLD-MND/ALS), where there is abnor- Type A

mal TDP-43 accumulation; FTLD-tau when
there is abnormal tau accumulation (FTLD-tau This subtype is often associated with progran-
was sometimes called Pick disease when spo- ulin (GRN) mutations on chromosome 17.
radic); and FTLD-FUS. Usually, it presents as pure FTLD (bvFTD or


(B) (C)

Figure  15–10.  Different pathologic patterns seen in cases of FTLD-TDP and FTLD-MND/ALS. (A)  TDP-43–posi-
tive neuronal intranuclear inclusion characteristic of subtype A, which is often associated with progranulin mutations.
(B) TDP-43–positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (arrows) within the neocortex. This is characteristic of the subtype
B. These inclusions may be transcortical, and are not usually associated with prominent neurites or neuronal intranuclear
inclusions. This pattern is most often associated with FTLD-MND/ALS, especially cases with a C9ORF72 repeat expan-
sion. (C) Prominent thick TDP-43–positive neurites (arrows) in the superficial temporal cortex of a case of FTLD-TDP.
Few neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions are seen. This is subtype C, often correlating with semantic dementia clinically and
not usually associated with pathologic or clinical features of ALS (antibody to TDP-43 in A–C).
172 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

occasionally progressive nonfluent aphasia clin- PATHOLOGY OF FAMILIAL

ically) with no ALS features. Intracytoplasmic FTLD
and intranuclear TDP-43–positive neuronal
inclusions are relatively numerous in the cere- Familial cases include progranulin mutations,
bral cortex, sometimes associated with small cases with the C9ORF72 repeat expansion,
neurites in the superficial cortex. and VCP mutations. There is another group
that is associated with microtubular-associated
protein tau mutations on chromosome 17 (but
Type B at a different locus to the progranulin gene).
Clinically they have a dementia and/or atypi-
This subtype is often associated with
cal parkinsonian features, but very rarely have
FTLD-MND/ALS, especially those with
ALS features. They generally have extensive
the C9ORF72 repeat expansion. The neuro-
tau pathology (e.g., FTLD-tau).
nal cytoplasmic TDP-43–positive inclusions
are transcortical and not usually associated
with intranuclear inclusions or numerous
neurites. HEAD TRAUMA AND TDP-43
It has been appreciated that head trauma may
Type C be a risk factor for the development of ALS in
later life. Similarities have been found between
This subtype is often associated with seman- the neuropathologic changes seen in Alzheimer
tic dementia. It is very rarely seen in asso- disease and the features seen in boxers who
ciation with ALS. Pathologically, there are had later developed the neurodegenerative
numerous superficial thick neurites positive process called dementia pugilistica (now called
for TDP-43. chronic traumatic encephalopathy). Recent
work has shown that exposure to long-term
repetitive head injury, which includes not just
Type D boxers but also American football players and
wrestlers, is associated with not only accumu-
This subtype is rare and reserved for mutations
lations of abnormal tau, common to Alzheimer
in valosin-containing protein (VCP, chromo-
disease, but also TDP-43 (McKee et al., 2009,
some 9), which itself is associated with FTLD
2010; King et al., 2010). The brains and spinal
(occasionally ALS), inclusion body myopa-
cords of some of these sportsmen have patho-
thy in muscle, and Paget disease of bone.
logic similarities to cases of FTLD-TDP and/
Pathologically there are numerous neuronal
or ALS. This does not prove that trauma causes
intranuclear inclusions, which are TDP-43–
FTLD-TDP or ALS any more than trauma
and VCP-positive.
causes Alzheimer disease. It does suggest that
the abnormal proteins generated in these dis-
FTLD-FUS eases may have some common pathologic path-
ways in their development and processing. This
Unlike ALS cases associated with FUS the is now well set to become a particularly fruitful
entity FTLD-FUS is only very rarely asso- area of research in the next few years.
ciated with mutations. Clinically, it occurs
in the age range of younger to middle-age
(Lashley et  al., 2011). Usually there is a REFERENCES
bvFTD clinical picture. Pathologically
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and there is overlap pathologically with baso- of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol.
philic inclusion body disease and neurofila- Al-Sarraj S, King A, Troakes C, Smith B, Maekawa
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15  Pathology of ALS and FTLD 173

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Chapter 16

Convergence and Divergence in

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Genetics, Molecular Pathways, and
Molecular Mechanisms
Lucie I. Bruijn and John Ravits


INTRODUCTION The Cellular Neighborhood Matters:
HOMOGENEITY AND UNDERLYING Disruption of Protein Homeostasis
MECHANISMS Prion-like Propagation
Hypotheses of Propagation Corticospinal Motor Neuron Development,
Parallels to FTD Degeneration, and Subcerebral
PATHOGENESIS Disruption of Axonal Dynamics
Prime Observations
Motor Neuron Resistance and Vulnerability CONCLUDING REMARKS
in ALS

BACKGROUND AND aggregates in neurons, and the discovery new

NEW POINTS genes linked to ALS. There is new information
on how degeneration might spread across sus-
The pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral ceptible neurons.
sclerosis (ALS) has been challenging. Initial
clues were investigated with transgenic super-
oxide dismutase mouse models.
The pathology of motor neuron disease has INTRODUCTION
expanded with the appreciation that fronto-
temporal degeneration occurs in patients with The chief characteristic that defines ALS is
ALS and families, the identification of protein progressive weakness from neurodegeneration

16  Convergence and Divergence in ALS Syndrome 175

of the upper motor neuron (UMN) and lower numbers increase to as high as 15–20% when
motor neuron (LMN). Clinically, this is defined known genes are tested in patients who were
by a history establishing weakness over time thought to have sporadic disease. Approximately
and space, and by an examination showing 60–70% of the genes have now been identified,
signs of both UMN and LMN dysfunction in the main ones being SOD1, TARDBP, FUS, and
one or more body regions. Neuropathologically, C9ORF72 (reviewed in Anderson & Al-Chalabi,
ALS is defined by loss of motor neurons in 2011). Clinical phenotype heterogeneity is
brain, brainstem, and spinal cord and now characteristic of FALS, the range of clinical
increasingly by a sophisticated repertoire of phenotypes is as vast in FALS as SALS, and
neuropathologic markers. Clinical phenotypes no features definitely distinguish FALS from
are determined by the anatomic location of SALS. Remarkably, marked clinical phenotype
neuropathology, and during life, this anatomic heterogeneity is even seen in the same mutation
pathology can be imputed clinically. in the same gene in the same kinship, imply-
Heterogeneity of clinical phenotypes is char- ing phenotype is determined by other factors.
acteristic—there are vastly different degrees of But some trends exist. Mutations in SOD1 and
involvement of UMN and LMN, body regions FUS tend to cause predominantly LMN syn-
that are affected, degrees of involvement of dromes. Mutations in TARDBP tend to begin
other systems especially cognition and behav- in the upper extremity and to progress slower
ior, and progression rates. Although there are than average (Corcia et al., 2012). Mutations in
highly distinctive molecular neuropathologic SOD1, TARDBP, and FUS cause mostly motor
subtypes of ALS (patterns), in fact most of the syndromes and are only rarely associated with
known neuropathology seems more homoge- frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Mutations in
neous than heterogeneous and does not clearly FUS cause a juvenile and adult motor neuron
correlate with the various clinical phenotypes. disease syndrome. Mutations in C9ORF72 are
This is the main mystery: is it one disease with as likely to cause FTD as ALS, often with psy-
shared fundamental biologic mechanisms or is chosis. The “A4V” mutation in SOD1 ALS is
it many diseases with different fundamental rapid, whereas the (unusually) recessive “D90A”
mechanisms and if so, how do they relate? is slow and indolent.
Genetics is giving us clues—clinical phe- Over the last decade there has been an
notype both masks and unmasks essential exponential growth of the identification of
elements and there must be both single mech- gene mutations linked to FALS and some cases
anisms and multiple mechanisms! Sporadic of SALS. The known functions of these gene
ALS (SALS), which is 90% of cases, and famil- products have provided insight into potential
ial ALS (FALS), which is 10% (up to 18–20% disease mechanisms and can be grouped into
when seemingly sporadic cases are tested distinct areas:  genes that are involved in pro-
for the known genetic mutations), are indis- tein regulation and stability, those involved in
tinguishable from each other by phenotype. RNA biology, and those that are involved in
The fact that many different gene mutations cytoskeletal functions (Table 16–1). A  clearer
have identical or at least highly similar clini- understanding of disease mechanisms, disease
cal phenotypes tells us there must be multiple onset and variability, and differential cell vul-
mechanisms that cause ALS. But the fact that nerability will provide insight into therapies.
one single genotype (the same mutation in the In 1988, Leigh et  al. and Lowe et  al. inde-
same gene in the same family) causes many pendently identified depositions of ubiquitin
different phenotypes tell us that there must be in the cytoplasm of ALS motor neurons using
single common mechanisms that lead to mul- immunohistochemistry. The morphologies of
tiple phenotypes. Thus, there must be both the deposits were either skein-like or dense
convergence and divergence of mechanisms. and round. Ubiquitin is a housekeeping protein
involved in protein homeostasis and the finding
suggested an unknown pathologic protein was
being tagged for removal by the cell. Similar
MOLECULAR NEUROPATHOLOGY changes of ubiquitinated aggregates were
soon identified in about 50% of brains from
Five to 10% of ALS is genetically transmitted patients with FTD known as frontotemporal
by way of dominant gene mutations and these lobar dementia (FTLD) with ubiquitinated
Table 16–1  ALS and FTLD Proteinopathies: Main Molecular Neuropathologic Features
Main Molecular Features
Spinal Anterior Axonal
Horn or Brainstem Miscellaneous Pathways
Motor Cortex Motor Nuclei Frontotemporal (cerebellum, (e.g., lateral
Proteinopathy Phenotypes Genes (UMN) (LMN) Regions hippocampus) columns)
FUS •  Juvenile ALS •  FUS-TLS •  Basophilic •  Basophilic •  Rare or none •  Rare basophilic •  Degeneration
•  Rare adult ALS inclusions inclusions basophilic inclusions and sclerosis
(usually with especially juvenile especially juvenile inclusions •  FUS+ TDP-43-
atypical sxs, such cases cases •  Rare or NCIs and GCIs
as oculomotility, •  FUS+, TDP-43- •  FUS+, TDP-43- none FUS+, in other regions
autonomic, NCIs especially NCIs all cases TDP-43- NCIs including
cerebellar, juvenile cases •  FUS+, TDP-43- •  FUS+, TDP-43- substantia nigra,
or cognitive •  FUS+, TDP-43- GCIs especially GCIs in adult nuclei raphe,
dysfunction) GCIs especially adult cases cases inferior olives,
•  FTD adult cases and dentate
nucleus in adult
SOD1* •  ALS, usually •  SOD1 •  Infrequent •  Weakly, ubiquitin+, •  Few reports, •  Changes also •  Distal axonal
LMN abnormalities TDP-43-, SOD1-, presumptively in Clarke degeneration
predominant as seen in spinal neurofilament+ same as motor nucleus, dorsal •  Also,
features anterior horns intracytoplasmic cortex horn, nucleus degeneration in
•  Very rare FTD hyaline ambiguous, and dorsal columns
conglomerates Onuf nucleus
TDP-43 •  ALS •  Most non– •  Ubiquitin+, •  Ubiquitin+, •  Ubiquitin+, •  No significant •  Degeneration
(non-C9ORF72 •  ALS-FTD SOD1-associated TDP-43+ NCIs, TDP-43+ NCIs, TDP-43+ NCIs, p62+ or and sclerosis
related) •  FTD FALS, including and GCIs and GCIs and GCIs UBQLN+ NCIs
•  All SALS cerebellum and
TDP-43 •  ALS •  C9ORF72 •  Ubiquitin+, •  Ubiquitin+, •  Ubiquitin+, •  p62+, UBQLN+, •  Degeneration
(C9ORF72 •  ALS-FTD TDP-43+ NCI, TDP-43+ NCI, and TDP-43+ NCI, TDP-43- NCIs, and sclerosis
variant) •  FTD and GCI GCI and GCI and GCIs in
•  Dipeptide repeat •  Dipeptide repeat •  Dipeptide repeat cerebellum and
proteins proteins (probably) proteins hippocampus;
•  RNA nuclear •  RNA nuclear •  RNA nuclear TDP+ pathology
inclusions mainly inclusions mainly in inclusions mainly is present
in neurons but neurons but rarely in neurons but but separable
rarely in glia in glia rarely in glia from p62 and
•  Dipeptide repeat
•  RNA nuclear
inclusions mainly
in neurons but
rarely in glia
Tau (included for •  FTD •  MAPT •  Signature tau+, •  Few reports, •  Signature tau+, •  Pick bodies = 3R •  Presumptively
comparison)† •  Progressive ubiquitin- presumptively ubiquitin-, tau+ globular or negative
supranuclear TDP-43- NCIs, negative (see 3) TDP-43-, NCIs spherical NCIs
palsy and GCIs and GCIs in the granule
•  Corticobasal cells of dentate
syndrome gyrus
•  Multiple system
GCI = glial cytoplasmic inclusions; NCI = nuclear cytoplasmic inclusions.
*  No primary FTD phenotypes have been defined by SOD1 pathology.

No primary ALS phenotypes have been defined by tau+ neuropathology.
178 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

pathology (FTLD-U). In 2006, the identity the proteosomal pathway and in autophagy,
of the ubiquitinated protein in ALS and in and this has relevance to the growing interest
FTLD-U was found to be TDP-43, a nuclear in these pathways in neurodegeneration. A sig-
protein that is involved in DNA and RNA pro- nature feature of the subset of repeat expan-
cessing and that in ALS translocates to the sion diseases characterized by RNA-mediated
cytoplasm where it is also found to be cleaved, toxicity is RNA foci in the nucleus of neurons
hyperphosphorylated, and insoluble (Neumann and rarely of glia and this has also been identi-
et  al., 2006; Arai et  al., 2006). The current fied (DeJesus et al., 2011) and recently charac-
molecular neuropathologic classification is terized neuropathologically (Lagier-Tourenne
likely to be continually modified: it now seems et al., 2013; Zu et al., 2013).
that the other proteins beside TDP-43 may be The third main molecular neuropathologic
ubiquitinated in ALS and FTD; newer mark- signature of ALS applies to mutations in SOD1,
ers are being identified; and abnormal TDP-43 which represents up to 20% of FALS and
may be seen in other neurodegenerations. But 1–2% of SALS. Most of the SOD1-associated
overall, all SALS and nearly all FALS, except neuropathology was reported prior to 2006
SOD1-associated ALS, regardless of clinical before TDP-43 and the C9ORF72 expanded
phenotype, seems to have as its hallmark neuro- hexanucleotide repeat were identified and
pathologic pattern deposition of ubiquitinated sorely needs to be updated (discussed by
TDP-43 in the cytoplasm of central nervous Ince et  al., 2011). In general, it is character-
system (CNS) cells. This feature is increas- ized by deposition in the cytoplasm of some-
ingly regarded as TDP-43 proteinopathy. Heat times large amorphous conglomerates of
maps of the distribution of TDP-43 pathology ubiquitinated SOD1 protein that are negative
show that abnormalities are widely present in for TDP-43 (Mackenzie et  al., 2007). There
the brain, and not just in motor regions (Geser seems to be a greater burden on the LMN
et al., 2008; Brettschneider et al., 2013). than UMN (Cudkowicz, McKenna-Yasek,
Whereas gene mutations do not directly cor- Chen, Hedley-Whyte, & Brown, 1998)  and
relate with clinical phenotype, they better cor- the degree of axon loss seems to be greater
relate with molecular neuropathology, which than neuronal loss, leading to the concept of
seems to be distinctive among various genes it being a distal axonopathy (Ince et al., 1998).
(Table 16–2). The first and main molecular neu- Misfolded SOD1 is present in SOD1-associated
ropathologic subtype is TDP-43 proteinopathy FALS but whether or not this is present in the
as defined above. This applies to all SALS and SALS remains disputed, although emerging
most non-SOD1 FALS. It is defined by ubiq- evidence suggests that, if it is present at all, it
uitin+/TDP-43+ skeins and dense round inclu- is not prominent.
sions deposited in the cytoplasm in the spinal The fourth main molecular neuropathologic
motor neurons and the cortex, where they are signature of ALS is FUS proteinopathy, which
primarily localized in motor areas (Mackenzie represents up to 3% of FALS and less than
et al., 2007). The inclusions are also seen glial 1% of SALS. This neuropathologic subtype is
cells. characterized by basophilic inclusions in the
The second and newest defined neuropatho- cytoplasm of neurons of the motor cortex and
logic subtype of ALS is a variation on TDP-43 of spinal anterior horns, and by FUS-positive,
proteinopathy related to an intronic hexanu- TDP-43-negative immunoreactive inclu-
cleotide repeat expansion in C9orf72, which sions in the cytoplasm of neurons and glia in
represents 33–40% of FALS and up to 7% of the motor cortex, spinal anterior horns, and
SALS. C9ORF72-associated cases have all the various nonmotor regions (Blair et  al., 2010;
hallmark features of TDP-43 proteinopathy, Mackenzie et al., 2011). There seem to be dif-
and, in addition, there are also abundant depos- ferent signatures in juvenile and adult forms
its of p62 and dipeptide repeat proteins in the of disease (Baumer et  al., 2010; Mackenzie
cytoplasm in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and et al., 2011). One recent report indicated FUS
hippocampus, features that are not seen or min- proteinopathy may be more prominent in
imally present in non–C9ORF72-associated TDP-43-proteinopathies if optimal technical
cases (Al-Sarraj et  al., 2011; Ash et  al., 2013; protocols are used for detection, but so far this
Troakes et al., 2011; Gendron et al., 2013; Mori has not been verified by other groups (Deng
et al., 2013). p62 is a protein involved in both et al., 2010).
16  Convergence and Divergence in ALS Syndrome 179

Table 16–2  Genetic Causes of FALS

Mutant Molecule Gene Locus Inheritance Estimate % of FALS
Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) 21q22.1 Dominant except for 20%
RNA processing and RNA toxicity
TAR DNA-binding protein-43 (TDP-43) 1p36.2 Dominant 1–5%
FUS 16p11.2 Dominant 1–5%
Senataxin (SETX) 9q34 Dominant Unknown
TATA-binding protein associated factor 17q11.1-q11.2 Unknown Unknown
15 (TAF15)
Repeat expansions
Chromsome 9 open reading frame 72 9p21.3-p13.3 Dominant 40–50%
Ataxin 2 (ATXN2) 12q24 Dominant <1%
Protein homeostasis
Ubiquilin 2 (UBQLN2) Xp11 Dominant <1%
Optineurin (OPTN) 10p15-p14 Dominant <1%
Valosin-containing protein (VCP) 9p13 Dominant <1%
Disruption of axonal dynamics
Vesicle-associated membrane 20q13.3 Dominant <1%
protein-associated protein B and C
Dynactin 1 (DCTN1) 2p13 Dominant Unknown
Profilin 1 (PFN1) 17p13.2 Dominant Unknown

For comparison to FTLD, it is worth not- One hypothesis posits neuroanatomic propaga-
ing that there are three main neuropathologic tion (Ravits & La Spada, 2009). ALS usually
molecular subtypes of FTLD:  FTLD-U or begins in discrete body regions and for these
TDP-43 (about 50% of FTLD), FTLD-FUS regions, the degree to which UMNs and LMNs
(about 3–5% of FTLD), and FTLD-tau (about are affected (the distribution of disease bur-
40–50% of FTLD). The former two overlap den) is variably distributed (Ravits, Paul, &
significantly with ALS, suggesting they belong Jorg, 2007). Once triggered, disease propagates
in a clinical pathologic spectrum. But, the to proximate neuroanatomic regions indepen-
overlap does not seem to include FTLD-tau, dently at the two levels and progressive motor
except in one recent report, suggesting a com- neuron loss summates and then saturates neu-
plex correlation (Yang & Strong, 2012). ropathologically (Ravits, Laurie, Fan, & Moore,
2007). The rate of disease progression reflects
both the kinetics of propagation and the dis-
tribution of the disease burden between UMN
CLINICAL AND and LMN. In this light, primary lateral sclero-
PATHOLOGIC sis and progressive muscular atrophy differ pri-
HOMOGENEITY AND marily in distribution of the pathologic burden
between UMN and LMN levels, limb variants
UNDERLYING MECHANISMS differ by neuroanatomic location of pathology,
and FTD and ALS differ in the cerebral dis-
Hypotheses of Propagation tribution of pathology. A  dramatic example is
repeat-expanded C9ORF72-associated ALS/
The correlations between clinical phenotype, FTD, where a single disease mechanism leads
molecular neuropathology, and genetics are to either ALS or FTD phenotype, each with its
not understood and pathobiology is undoubt- own heterogeneity. Different from neuroana-
edly complex. But propagation of pathology is tomic propagation is a hypothesis of propaga-
one theme that is emerging as a possible key. tion within neuronal networks. According to
180 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

this hypothesis, the vast functional and struc- within neuronal networks seems clear. In addi-
tural networks in the CNS create a connectome tion, because the clinical phenotypes can be
(Brooks, 1991; van den Heuvel, Mandl, Kahn, as defined by the focal neuroanatomic site of
& Hulshoff Pol, 2009). Neuronal networks may onset (left or right, frontal or temporal) as by
have selective vulnerabilities through natural the molecular nature of the pathologic process
anatomic patterns that underlie different neu- (tau, TDP-43, or FUS) FTD, like ALS, seems
rodegenerative syndromes (Seeley, Crawford, to be a focally beginning and neuroanatomi-
Zhou, Miller, & Greicius, 2009), possibly cally propagating disease and thus neuroana-
through preferential spread (Zhou, Gennatas, tomic propagation also seems to be a principle
Kramer, Miller, & Seeley, 2012). In support of component of its biology.
this, advanced magnetic resonance imaging
data demonstrating ALS-specific neurodegen-
eration within motor and extramotor networks
is emerging (Douaud, Filippini, Knight, Talbot, PATHOGENESIS
& Turner, 2011; Mohammadi, Kollewe Samii,
Dengler, & Munte, 2011; Verstraete, Veldink, Prime Observations
Mandl, van den Berg, & van den Heuvel, 2011).
Although propagation patterns have now Because, on the one hand, multiple gene
been defined by many groups (Turner et  al., defects lead to any of the ALS clinical pheno-
2010; Körner et al., 2011; Chiò, Calvo, Moglia, types and, on the other hand, each gene defect
Mazzini, & Mora, 2011; Fujimura-Kiyono can lead to multiple clinical phenotypes, there
et al., 2011; Gargiulo-Monachelli et al., 2012), must be both convergence and divergence of
other contributions to phenotype heterogene- pathogenic mechanisms. It is reasonable to
ity are also emerging. One recent study identi- divide these mechanisms into three separable
fied that up to 14% of second regions involved components:  (1)  triggers, (2)  progression (or
in disease progression were not contiguous propagation), and (3) neuronal death. The sep-
(Gargiulo-Monachelli et  al., 2012). Bifocal or arable importance of disease trigger is high-
multifocal onset has been proposed (Kanouchi, lighted by the observation that onset is highly
Ohkubo, & Yokota, 2012). Two recent stud- variable in site and in distribution between
ies using different approaches, one traditional UMN and LMN, in penetrance, and in age of
groupings and one unbiased cluster analysis, onset (even within the same gene mutation in
identified a variety of demographic factors that the same kinship). The separable importance
were significant determinants of phenotype, of disease progression is highlighted by the
(Chiò et al., 2011; Ganesalingam et al., 2009). highly variable patterns and rates of progres-
Genetic syndromes, which are often focal in sion, which suggest variable kinetics of propa-
onset, also have important biologic determi- gation both in space and time. The separable
nants other than propagation. importance of cell death is highlighted by the
observation that select motor neuron degen-
eration is the ultimate result neuropathologi-
Parallels to FTD cally and that this summates over time. Many
themes about molecular mechanisms of neu-
As noted, FTD and ALS overlap clinically, rodegeneration have emerged over the past
genetically, and neuropathologically. FTD two decades and these are highlighted next
has three main clinical phenotypes (primary and schematically represented in Fig. 16–1.
progressive aphasia, semantic dementia, and Whether these molecular mechanisms are
behavioral variant) and FTLD has three a gain of a novel function or a loss of normal
main neuropathologic subtypes (FTLD tau, protein function, or both, remains unclear
FTLD ubiquitin or TDP-43, and FTLD FUS). in some cases of ALS. For SOD1 mutations
Extensive studies over the last several years linked to ALS this is clearer: disease is due to
have sought correlations between FTD clini- a gain of a novel function rather than a loss of
cal phenotypes with FTLD neuropathologic function. For the more recent mutations, how-
subtypes, and although trends have been iden- ever, of TDP-43, FUS, and C9orf72 this is less
tified, there are no clear predictors and the cor- defined and disease is likely due to both a gain
relations are complex. Selective involvement and a loss of function.
16  Convergence and Divergence in ALS Syndrome 181

Astrocytes Axonal transport dysfunction

Microglial cells



Mutant SOD1 Heat dysfunction Postsynaptic
Mutant UBQLN2 shock receptors
Mutant OPTN response
Mutant VCP               Aggregate
formation Axonal
Autophagosome ER stress
composed proteins Denervation

Mutant TDP43
Mutant FUS Toxic RNA species Profilin 1
NFH Synaptic
Sequestration failure
C9ORF72 of cellular
mutations constituents Cytoskeletal disarrangement
RNA processing



Figure 16–1.  Overview of events in the pathogenesis of ALS. Interference with normal proteasomal or autophagic pro-
tein degradation is caused by mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), valosin-containing protein (VCP), ubiquilin 2
(UBQLN2), charged multivesicular body protein 2b (CHMP2B), optineurin (OPTN), and, potentially, TAR DNA-binding
protein 43 (TDP-43) and FUS (ALS as a proteinopathy; shaded yellow). Disturbance of normal RNA processing, which
yields erroneously assembled proteins and toxic RNA species, is caused by mutations in chromosome 9 open reading
frame 72 (C9ORF72) and potentially TARDBP, which encodes TDP-43, and FUS (ALS as an RNopathy; shaded purple).
Through both gain- and loss-of-function mechanisms, these primary pathogenic changes result in progressive cellular
failure (shaded light red) that is characterized by protein clumping, aggregate formation, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
stress, and Golgi and mitochondrial failure. Axonal architecture (cytoskeleton) and function (transport) fail, and axonal
retraction results in denervation of neurons (such as the lower motor neuron) or muscle. Nonneuronal cells modify this
process through the loss of their normal effect on the neuron and/or the gain of a toxic effect. Vulnerability factors,
such as stress response capacity (e.g., by the capability to activate heat shock proteins) and susceptibility to excitotoxicity
(e.g., through the permeability characteristics of the glutamate receptor) determine (or codetermine) which neurons are
(mostly) susceptible to these processes. Some ALS-causing mutant proteins may act more downstream in this model (e.g.,
profilin 1 and neurofilament heavy chain [NFH] through a direct effect on the cytoskeleton and D-amino-acid oxidase on
excitotoxicity). Axonal attraction systems (e.g., semaphorin and vascular endothelial growth factor) and repellent systems
(e.g., NOGO and ephrins) seem to modify the processes of axonal retraction and denervation. (Courtesy of W. Robberecht
and T. Philips, 2013.)

Motor Neuron Resistance and and FTD in some patients raises the possibil-
Vulnerability in ALS ity that a shared cellular or molecular feature
is present in cortical motor neurons and sub-
In ALS, the most vulnerable UMNs are layer V specialized layer V neurons of other cortical
projection neurons in the primary motor cor- regions, which defines the sensitivity to degen-
tex, and spinal motor neurons of the ventral eration in ALS-FTD. The prominent layer V
horn. The most vulnerable regions and neurons degeneration in TDP-43 transgenic models
in FTD are less clearly defined, but anterior suggests the determinants of this shared vul-
cingulate and frontoinsular regions show early nerability of layer V neurons may be present in
involvement, and these regions contain unique rodents and be accessible to study. Improving
layer V projection neurons (von Economo neu- the understanding of whether subspecialized
rons and fork cells). The coincidence of ALS layer V cells really are selectively vulnerable
182 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

in ALS and FTD, and why, could provide a is becoming defined in patients with ALS may
unique angle for understanding pathogenesis be caused by abnormal mitochondrial energy
of these diseases. production in skeletal muscle (Desport, Torny,
Among different LMN populations, the Lacoste, Preux, & Couratier, 2005), generat-
motor neurons subserving eye movements ing a large amount of radical oxygen species
and pelvic sphincters are highly resistant (Muller et  al., 2007)  that could interact with
compared with typical spinal motor neurons. those from inside the CNS (Bogdanov et  al.,
Although often considered as a group, spinal 2000). Lipid peroxidase products are highly
motor neurons are highly diverse in terms biologically active, causing cellular damage
of their morphology, connectivity, and func- via apoptosis or nucleophilic action and these
tional properties and differ significantly in could be connected to ALS by way of APOE
their response to disease. Recent studies of isoforms and/or paraoxonase I (PON1) or other
motor neuron diversity have clarified devel- pathways.
opmental mechanisms and provided novel
insights into their neurodegeneration. Motor
neurons of different classes and subtypes (fast/ The Cellular Neighborhood
slow, alpha/gamma) are grouped together into Matters: Nonautonomous Cell Death
motor pools, each of which innervates a single
skeletal muscle. Distinct mechanisms regu- It is now clear that ALS associated with
late their development. In multiple contexts SOD1 mutations are non–cell autonomous,
including ALS, spinal muscular atrophy, and that is damage of the population of affected
aging, fast-fatigable motor units degenerate neurons depends upon complex interactions
early compared with motor neurons innervat- between them and their surrounding cells
ing slow muscles. Mechanisms for this could (Clement et al., 2003; Yamanaka et al., 2008).
also relate to those conferring resistance to From analysis of mice that are mixtures of
of those subserving eye movement and pelvic mutant-expressing SOD1 and normal cells,
sphincter control. If we could understand why gene inactivation in selected cell types, and
populations and subpopulations of motor neu- cell grafting to replace mutant-expressing
rons are resistant or vulnerable, we would have cells with normal ones, it seems mutant dam-
a strong rationale approach for intervention. age within motor neurons determines the
One approach is through functional genomics timing of disease onset, and mutant damage
using laser capturing and new genomic tech- within astrocytes and microglia drives dis-
nologies. Extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms ease progression. Thus, the cellular neighbor-
that confer resistance represent promising hood matters. The exact roles of the different
therapeutic targets in these currently incur- cell types are complex. Astrocytes expressing
able diseases. ALS-related SOD1 mutations can kill neigh-
boring spinal motor neurons and are crucial to
drive disease progression. This mechanism is
ALS as a Systemic Disease unknown but the preponderance of evidence
from SALS and FALS and rodent models sug-
As previously stated, there is a growing body gests a common loss of function of glutamate
of knowledge about the systemic changes that handling, through decreased expression and
are occurring in ALS. These include ultra- function of glutamate transporters (Rothstein,
structural abnormalities in hepatic cells, skin Martin, & Kuncl, 1992; Rothstein et al., 1994;
cells, muscle mitochondria, systemic glutamate Howland et  al., 2002), which is neurotoxic.
metabolism, inflammatory cytokine produc- Another could be mediated by soluble toxic fac-
tion, immunologic changes, glucose metabo- tors that are protein in nature, thermo-labile,
lism, and lipid metabolism. Skeletal muscle and negatively charged, but no in vivo evi-
is the single largest organ by mass, constitut- dence has emerged for this gain-of-toxicity
ing 40–45% of the entire body mass and is mechanism. The identity of these toxic factors,
the end-organ of the motor neurons. Skeletal the molecular pathways engaged, and protec-
muscles generate target-derived neurotrophic tive small molecules have not yet identified
factors that can substantially affect motor neu- exactly how this occurs. Microglia, the resident
ron survival. Part of the hypermetabolism that innate immune sentinels of the CNS, become
16  Convergence and Divergence in ALS Syndrome 183

activated, and evidence from both in vivo and length polyglutamine expansions in ataxin-2,
in vitro models suggests that they can be either another RNA binding protein, as a risk factor
neuroprotective or cytotoxic, probably through for ALS (Elden et  al., 2010). At present, it is
the release of neurotrophic factors and cyto- unresolved as to whether neurodegeneration is
kines (Beers et  al., 2006, 2011). Activated caused by a loss of TDP-43 or FUS function,
microglia may switch from anti-inflammatory a gain of toxicity, or a combination of the two.
and neuroprotective to proinflammatory and The nuclear clearance of TDP-43 and to less
neurotoxic, and a greater understanding of the extent FUS in neurons containing cytoplas-
numerous pathways involved could provide mic aggregates is consistent with pathogenesis
opportunities for novel therapeutic interven- driven, at least in part, by a loss of TDP-43
tion. Oligodendroglia in the grey matter has or FUS nuclear function. An alternative (not
recently been found to have a significant role mutually exclusive) hypothesis, however, is
in ALS. They are derived from NG2 cells, that the accumulated proteins acquire a toxic
which are adult stem cells located through- function in the cytoplasm of affected neurons.
out the neural axis. Oligodendrocytes provide This acquired toxic function may also rely on
trophic and possibly metabolic support to neu- the RNA-binding properties of these proteins,
rons and axons. They are massively proliferat- as suggested by recent works in yeast, fruit fly,
ing in ALS, both mouse models and human and chick showing that the toxicity of TDP-43
disease, either because of some unknown aggregates is abolished when the RNA-binding
signal or oligodendrocyte injury. Their exact property of the protein was removed (Elden
role in ALS neurodegeneration and how this et al., 2010).
discovery may impact therapy remains to be In October 2011, an expanded hexanucle-
determined. otide repeat in C9ORF72 was identified in
chromosome 9-linked ALS, FTD, and their
overlap, thus identifying the single most
RNA Processing and common genetic mechanism in ALS-FTD
RNA Toxicity (DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2011; Renton
et  al., 2011). This identification has three
Views on pathogenesis are undergoing a immediate implications. First, the same
sea-change from the recognition of the impor- genetic defect can cause either ALS or FTD
tance of the two RNA/DNA-binding proteins phenotype, thus re-enforcing that clinical
TDP-43 and FUS. Both are widely expressed, phenotype does not directly reflect underly-
predominantly nuclear, have similar domains ing molecular mechanism. Second, ALS-FTD
and prion-like properties, and have ALS muta- now joins the group of expansion repeat dis-
tions localized in the C-terminal region. They orders, a group of more than 22 inherited
are both structurally close to the family of neurodegenerative diseases characterized
heterogeneous ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) by expanded nucleotide repeat sequences
and have been involved in multiple levels of (microsatellites) in the genome. Third, three
RNA metabolism including transcription, mechanisms seem most reasonable:  gain-of-
RNA splicing, RNA transport, translation, and function caused by production of toxic RNA
microRNA processing (reviewed in Buratti & (Donnelly et al., 2013; Lagier-Tourenne et al.,
Baralle, 2008; Lagier-Tourenne & Cleveland, 2013; Sareen et  al., 2013); or loss of gene
2009; Lagier-Tourenne, Polymenidou, & function, although no known functions of
Cleveland, 2010). Importantly, splicing altera- the C9ORF72 protein are currently known.
tions (Lin et al., 1998; Rabin et al., 2010) and Several groups have shown that mRNA levels
mRNA-editing errors (Aizawa et  al., 2010; of certain C9orf772 variants are decreased
Kawahara et  al., 2004)  have been reported in c9FTD-ALS (Belzil et  al., 2013). A  third
in sporadic patients with ALS, albeit a role of possibility is that the protein acquires a toxic
TDP-43 or FUS in these modifications has not function. Investigators have identified the
been defined. The emerging TDP-43 and FUS presence of aggregation-prone proteins by
stories have led to the proposal that defects in repeat-associated non-ATG (RAN) transla-
RNA processing play a central role in neurode- tion. (GGGGCC) exp RNA foci are observed
generation and this was further underscored in c9FTD-ALS (Ash et al., 2013; Mori et al.,
by the recent recognition of intermediate 2013; Gendron et al., 2013).
184 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Disruption of Protein infectious. To date, there is no evidence that

Homeostasis any other neurodegenerative disease besides
prion diseases can be acquired by infec-
The identification of mutations in SOD1 paved tion in humans (reviewed in Polymenidou &
the way for the hypothesis that protein homeo- Cleveland, 2011; see Fig. 16–2). Nevertheless,
stasis is disrupted. Mutant SOD1 misfolds; disease progression within the same individual
does not get appropriately degraded through from a focal site of initiating damage through-
the ubiquitin pathway; and disrupts two out the CNS has been described for many
important components of the cells degradation neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS.
machinery, namely the proteosomal pathway Although the molecular basis of these obser-
and autophagy (Chen et al., 2012). This is fur- vations is not well understood, the propagation
ther supported by an increase in the number of pathologic conformation of disease-related
of autophagosomes in motor neurons in the proteins (pathologic templating) could under-
spinal cord of both animal models and patients lie this phenomenon. Indeed, misfolded SOD1
with ALS (Sasaki 2011; Morimoto et al., 2007). and TDP-43 were recently shown to induce
Further evidence for impaired protein degra- a pathologic conformation on their natively
dation in ALS comes from more recent muta- folded counterparts when introduced on
tions in ubiquilin 2 (UBQLN2) linked to ALS cells in culture (reviewed in Polymenidou &
and FTD (Deng et al., 2011). UBQLN2 delivers Cleveland, 2011). This behavior is reminiscent
ubiquitinylated proteins to the proteasome for of the pathologic prion protein and has now
degradation. Mutations in the gene encoding been demonstrated for several proteins that
valosin-containing protein are also linked to misfold and accumulate in neurodegenera-
ALS (Johnson et al., 2010). Valosin-containing tion, including SOD1 and TDP-43 and A-beta,
protein is a multifunctional ubiquitin-sensitive tau, and alpha synuclein (Furukawa, Kaneko,
chaperone that unfolds proteins and disassem- Watanabe, Yamanaka, & Nukina, 2011; Grad
bles complexes and also plays a role in autoph- et  al., 2011; Münch, O’Brien, & Bertolotti,
agy. In addition, p62 is a protein involved in 2011). Preformed fibrils generated from recom-
both the proteosomal pathway and in autoph- binant alpha-synuclein, for example, when
agy. Abundant deposits of p62 are found in the dripped onto primary cultures of wild-type
cytoplasm and nucleus of neurons in the cer- neurons induce alpha-synuclein Lewy neurite
ebellum, basal ganglia, and hippocampus of pathology in processes, and this gets trans-
C9ORF72-associated cases of ALS (Al-Sarraj ported retrogradely back to the cell body where
et al., 2011; Troakes et al., 2011). Disruption of Lewy bodies are formed (Volpicelli-Daley
protein homeostasis is likely to be multifacto- et  al., 2011). Physical application to the cell
rial in origin involving both gain of function bodies results in its transportation in the oppo-
and loss of function mechanisms. site direction, and there seems to be transmis-
sion throughout other parts of the brain. Not
every neuron is affected in the neuroanatomic
Prion-like Propagation pathways that connect one part of the brain to
the other, but many are. Glial cells also can be
ALS and the linkage of ALS to FTLD could induced to form alpha-synuclein pathology, at
be explained on the basis of disease proteins, least in transgenic mice.
such as SOD1 and TDP-43, propagating patho-
logically from cell to cell. This theme is emerg-
ing in a variety of different neurodegenerative Corticospinal Motor Neuron
diseases, such as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson Development, Degeneration,
disease, and FTD and ALS, as it emerges that a and Subcerebral Projections
number of proteins including alpha-synuclein,
tau, abeta, and mutant SOD1 may propagate Interesting suggestions have been put forth
within the CNS. Transmission or propagation that common molecular origins during the
is not the same as infectivity and the terms development of corticospinal motor neurons
being used for these properties are “prion-like” (CSMN), related subsets of cortical nonmo-
or “prionoids” (Aguzzi, 2009), to distin- tor neurons, and cognitive association projec-
guish them from bona fide prions, which are tion neurons might share a fatal vulnerability
16  Convergence and Divergence in ALS Syndrome 185

(A) Aggregation Initiation

Cytoplasm Nucles
RNA-binding Prion-like domain
domains unfolded
Normal SOD1 Mutant SOD1
stably folded dimer misfolded monomer
Normal TDP-43 Normal FUS/TLS

Cellular stress Cellular stress

Prion-like domain
Stress granule Cellular stress

RNA as scaffold
Stress granule
for aggregation?

(B) Seeded Aggregation

Persistant stressors
a me RNA?
mbra RNA?

(C) Cell-to-Cell Spreading

Extracellular release?

Further seeded
Neighboring cell

Figure 16–2.  Schematic representation of prion-like phenomena in ALS. (A) Mutant, misfolded SOD1 was shown to induce
the misfolding of its native counterpart, in a template-directed reaction, thereby forming a seed of aggregated protein.
TDP-43 and FUS/TLS are both incorporated in stress granules, which form through the ordered aggregation of several
RNA-binding proteins complexed with RNA molecules. This physiologic reaction to cellular stress may be the initial trigger
for pathogenic inclusion formation because the increased local protein concentration and RNA scaffolding molecules may
facilitate ordered aggregation of TDP-43 and/or FUS/TLS. Mutations in the prion-like domain of TDP-43 (and maybe also
FUS/TLS) enhance its aggregation propensity, whereas mutations in the nuclear localization domain (NLS) of FUS/TLS
increase its cytoplasmic localization. (B) Misfolded SOD1 follows a self-perpetuating seeding reaction in cell culture. Upon
chronic cellular stress and defects in stress granule disassembly occurring with aging, the functional prion-like conforma-
tional changes of TDP-43 and FUS/TLS associated with their physiologic roles in stress granule formation may transform into
pathogenic self-perpetuating, irreversible aggregation. It is unknown whether cellular RNA is occasionally trapped within
the cytoplasmic FUS/TLS and/or TDP-43 inclusions, thereby depleting the cell of essential RNA components. (C) SOD1
aggregates transfer from cell-to-cell to initiate misfolding and aggregation of native SOD1 in neighboring cells (shown in cell
culture). It is currently not known whether TDP-43 and/or FUS/TLS can spread from cell to cell by a similar mechanism.
Filled blue boxes on TDP-43 and FUS/TLS molecules indicate RNA-recognition motifs and the striped blue box on FUS/
TLS refers to the zinc finger domain that can also bind RNA. (Courtesy of M. Polymenidou and D.W. Cleveland, 2011.)

caused by errors introduced during neuro- survival to create enormous complexity of

development that could explain at least some CNS neuronal subtypes and their connec-
of the aspects of ALS (Ozdinler et  al., 2011). tions. Results over the past several years iden-
Complex molecular controls regulate speci- tify that the development and maintenance
fication, differentiation, connectivity, and of CSMNs and other neocortical projection
186 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

neuron populations are controlled by a set of NOGO-A, an axonal outgrowth inhibitor, is

complexly interacting developmental molecu- up-regulated in muscle of patients with ALS
lar regulators, largely transcription factors, (Dupuis et al., 2002). Finally, a genome-wide
and coregulators (MacDonald et  al., 2011). association study identified kinesin-associated
A specific subtype of progenitors generates the protein 3 (KIFAP3), a protein that forms a
entire set of CSMN, related subcerebrals, and complex with motor proteins KIF3A and
corticothalamic projection neurons, all “corti- KIF3B, associated with increased survival
cofugal projection neurons.” This supports the (Landers et  al., 2009). Together, these data
ideas that CSMN and nonmotor, cognitive, and suggest that factors involved in cytoskeletal
sensory subcerebrals are built on a “common structure and cellular transport are involved
chassis,” and common molecular abnormali- in the pathogenesis of ALS.
ties can predispose this broader population, or
many narrower and more specific populations,
to selective disease vulnerability (e.g., UMN
disease with more or less nonmotor involve- CONCLUDING REMARKS
ment). Many developmental genes have now
been identified as being associated with clas- Clinical phenotypes of ALS are vastly hetero-
sical ALS. Thus, during initial development, geneous. Yet their correlations with molecular
errors might be introduced that lead to selec- pathology have not been defined. Genetics, by
tive vulnerability and later degeneration. contrast, is not distinguishable by phenotype
but is by molecular pathology. The fact that
many different gene mutations cause identical
Disruption of Axonal clinical phenotypes means that multiple mech-
Dynamics anisms exist and ALS is a syndrome. But the fact
that one single gene mutation (even the same
Several studies in rodent models and in humans mutation in the same gene in the same family)
have demonstrated that axonal retraction causes many different ALS phenotypes means
from the muscle target occurs early in the dis- that there must be single common mechanisms
ease process (Fischer et al., 2004). Disruption that lead to multiple phenotypes. Propagation
of axonal transport is thought to contribute of pathology is emerging as a principle com-
to axon failure in ALS. Several genes linked ponent in pathobiology. Thus, it is reasonable
with axonal dynamics have been found asso- to divide pathobiology:  triggers, progression
ciated with ALS. Mutations in the neurofila- (or propagation), and neuronal death. The holy
ment heavy chain and in peripherin have been grail of ALS is rationally designed therapy that
found in a small number of patients with ALS effectively stops ALS neurodegeneration in its
(Figlewicz et  al., 1994). Most recently muta- advance. With the transforming understand-
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to ALS (Wu et  al., 2012). PFN1 is essential molecular ALS over the last 5 years, this quest
for the polymerization of actin. Mutations has become a realistic hope.
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Chapter 17

Immunologic Aspects of Amyotrophic

Lateral Sclerosis
Tamara S. Greene, Ericka P. Simpson, and Stanley H. Appel



BACKGROUND AND pathogenesis of ALS, the most common of

NEW POINTS the motor neuron diseases. In ALS, upper
and lower motor neuron injury is associated
The immune system can have a causative or with inflammatory changes characterized by
consequential role in amyotrophic lateral scle- microglia, the innate immune cells of the cen-
rosis (ALS). Data support active participation tral nervous system (CNS), and infiltrating T
for both protection and toxicity. Investigations, lymphocytes, the adaptive immune cells. A key
aided by the transgenic superoxide dismutase question is whether this inflammatory process
(mSOD1) mouse model of ALS, show early of activated microglia and T lymphocytes is
neuroprotective microglia and T regulatory the cause or the consequence of motor neuron
lymphocytes and late neurotoxic microglia, injury in ALS. Can it initiate neurodegenera-
astrocytes, and T effector lymphocytes. In tion or is it a secondary response to neuronal
mice, transplantation of T regulatory (Treg) injury?
cells prolongs survival; in human ALS increased Much of the work directed at answering
Tregs is also associated with slower progression. these questions is derived from a transgenic
Therapies that could up-regulate neuroprotec- mouse model that overexpresses human
tive microglia and Tregs and down-regulate mutant Cu 2+/Zn 2+ superoxide dismutase
neurotoxic microglia and T effector cells may (mSOD1). Mutations in SOD1 were one of the
be effective. earliest discoveries proven to cause familial
ALS and led to the development of several dif-
ferent mSOD1 transgenic mouse models and
an exponential increase in the understanding
INTRODUCTION of disease pathogenesis. The mouse model is
characterized by progressive weakness and
This chapter focuses on the role of neuroin- death secondary to motor neuron degenera-
flammation and immunomodulation in the tion. Information gleaned from both animal

17  Immunologic Aspects of ALS 191

models and human ALS tissues has suggested ROLE OF MICROGLIA IN ALS
that multiple pathways contribute to the
pathogenesis of neurodegeneration, including Microglia are the resident innate immune
mitochondrial dysfunction, increased reactive cells of the CNS that continuously monitor the
oxygen species (ROS), misfolded and aggre- environment and are activated in response to
gated proteins, dysfunction of the ubiquitin changes in the extracellular milieu. Upon acti-
proteosome/lysosomal pathways, and neuro- vation, microglia undergo changes in shape,
inflammation. However, in the last decade, expression of surface receptors, and secre-
deciphering the role of neuroinflammation tion of anti-inflammatory or proinflammatory
in ALS as modulator of disease has become molecules. These CNS innate immune cells
a prominent area of research investigation are similar to macrophages and are capable
and has expanded the understanding of the of exhibiting a spectrum of responses ranging
specific cells and signals that impact clinical from the classically activated proinflammatory
outcomes. M1 phenotype with the secretion of tumor
In ALS spinal cord tissue, microglial activa- necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-
tion and T-cell and dendritic cell infiltration 1β, and ROS including nitric oxide (NO) and
are significant pathologic hallmarks at sites superoxide (O2• −), and an anti-inflammatory
of neuronal injury. In the mSOD1 transgenic alternatively activated M2 phenotype with the
mouse, immune/inflammatory responses are secretion of neurotrophic factors, such as insu-
present early in the disease prior to any evi- linlike growth factor-1 and anti-inflammatory
dence of motor dysfunction, suggesting that cytokines, such as IL-10 (Fig. 17–1).
the inflammatory responses could contribute Under normal physiologic conditions,
to the pathogenesis of motor neuron injury. microglia serve to protect the neuronal
Yet such neuroinflammation has been con- milieu by secreting anti-inflammatory fac-
sidered the consequence and not the cause tors. However, in pathologic conditions, such
of neuronal injury. The present review chal- as ALS, a growing body of evidence suggests
lenges this dogma and suggests that both that microglia exert toxic effects through the
innate and adaptive immune systems respond increased expression of proinflammatory gene
to and contribute to the pathology and tissue products leading to the release of inflam-
destruction. matory mediators. Postmortem studies have
The involvement of nonneuronal cells in demonstrated a significant number of acti-
the pathogenesis of ALS was established with vated microglia in the brains and spinal cords
experiments that documented that expression of patients with ALS compared with con-
of mSOD1 solely in motor neurons or in astro- trol subjects (Henkel et  al., 2004; McGeer &
cytes did not cause motor neuron disease, nor McGeer, 2002).
did expression of mSOD1 in microglia alone In mSOD1 transgenic mice wild-type
cause motor neuron disease (Clement et  al., microglia or microglia expressing less mSOD1
2003; Gong et  al., 2000; Beers et  al., 2006). promoted neuroprotection and extended sur-
Instead mSOD1 had to be expressed in motor vival (Beers et  al., 2006). During the early,
neurons and glia. These experiments provided slowly progressing stage of disease in mSOD1
compelling evidence that neurons do not die mice, microglia are predominantly M2 that
alone, but depend on the active participation mediate neuroprotection, whereas in the
of nonneuronal cells, such as microglia, astro- later, rapidly progressing stage microglia are
cytes, and T cells. Thus, although the disease predominantly neurotoxic M1 (Liao, Zhao,
process is initiated by mutant SOD1 in the Beers, Henkel, & Appel, 2012). What trig-
mouse model, compromise of the motor neu- gers the neurotoxic microglial phenotype in
ron is necessary, albeit not sufficient per se, to mSOD1 transgenic mice has not been defini-
cause neurodegeneration. Microglia, T lym- tively established. Misfolded and aggregated
phocytes, and dendritic cells actively contrib- mSOD1 has been demonstrated to activate
ute to neurodegeneration, and at the very least microglia and mediate motor neuron injury in
amplify and exacerbate an ongoing inflamma- vitro. Furthermore, misfolded mSOD1 accu-
tory process, triggering extensive neuronal mulates as aggregates in motor neurons in vivo
injury and cell death. enhanced by mitochondrial dysfunction and
192 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Early Stable Phase Later Rapid Progression Phase

IL10 Treg CD8
TGFβ Th1
IL10 ? IL4 Perforin IFNy
NO, O2-
Ym1 mSOD1
Motobeuron IL6
Neuroprotective Response Neurotoxic Response

Figure 17–1.  Microglia and T cells in the early and late phases of ALS. IFN, interferon; TGF, transforming growth fac-
tor. (Adapted from Beers DR, Henkel JS, Zhao W, Wang J, Huang A, Wen S, Liao B, Appel SH. Endogenous regulatory
T lymphocytes ameliorate amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in mice and correlate with disease progression in patients with
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain. 2011;134(pt 5):1293-314.)

endoplasmic reticulum stress. These misfolded glutathione dipeptide precursor CysGly,

proteins themselves or related signals released which is secreted by astrocytes, taken up
from motor neurons could activate microglia by neurons, and converted into glutathione,
shifting them from an anti-inflammatory neu- which serves an important antioxidant func-
roprotective M2 phenotype associated with tion. Astrocytes also mediate neuroprotec-
the release of cytokines that suppress inflam- tion by removing excess glutamate through
mation toward a proinflammatory neurotoxic the EAAT2 transporter (Kim et  al., 2011).
M1 phenotype. The neurotoxic M1 microglia In the injured brain, however, astrocytes
in turn release ROS and proinflammatory cyto- become reactive and respond to proinflam-
kines, further increasing motor neuron stress matory cytokines with morphologic changes
and cell injury, and initiate a self-propagating and increased proliferation. Although astro-
cycle of motor neuron injury and cell death cytes are not classically professional immune
(Appel, Zhao, Beers, & Henkel, 2011). cells, upon activation they can contribute
to the local innate immune response. When
activated, astrocytes can produce several
ASTROCYTES AND ALS toxic molecules, including a variety of ROS
and NO. ROS can promote excitotoxicity to
Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cells neighboring neurons, through damage to the
in the CNS. They perform many functions, glutamate uptake molecule EAAT2, which
including support of endothelial cells that is present on astrocytes (Trotti, Danbolt, &
form the blood-brain barrier, provide nutri- Volterra, 1998). In vitro, it has been shown
ents to the nervous tissue, and aid in the that activated mSOD1 astrocytes are capable
repair process of the brain and spinal cord. of killing even previously healthy neighboring
Under normal conditions, astrocytes provide motor neurons (Di Giorgio et al., 2007; Nagai
neurons with structural, metabolic, and tro- et  al., 2007). In ALS, areas of neuroinflam-
phic support. A  prominent example is the mation contain an abundance of activated
17  Immunologic Aspects of ALS 193

astrocytes and microglia. Collectively, data or propagation of inflammation. Microglia are

from previous studies have suggested that the only CNS cells that express the chemo-
mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes, at kine receptor to fractalkine (CX3CR1). In the
baseline, may be intrinsically not quiescent absence of the CX3CR1 fractalkine receptor,
and more prone to enter an activated neu- M1 neurotoxic microglial activation is signifi-
roinflammatory state compared with their cantly increased and associated with extensive
wild-type counterparts (Papadimitriou et al., neuronal loss in the mutant SOD transgenic
2010). Thus, even though astrocytes may not mouse (Cardona et al., 2006). CCL2 is another
initiate the disease, there is evidence that in potent chemoattractant and activating peptide
the mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS, the that is expressed mostly in astrocytes but also
expression of mutant SOD1 in astrocytes may in neurons, microglia, and macrophages fol-
amplify motor neuron injury, adding to the lowing diverse injury. CCL2 attracts myeloid
neurotoxicity promoted by activated microglia dendritic cells, monocyte/macrophage/microg-
(Clement et al., 2003). lia, and activated T cells through expression of
cell surface chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 2
(CCR2), a dominant chemotaxis receptor that
CYTOKINES, CHEMOKINES, mediates chemotactic movement of monocytes
AND OTHER MARKERS OF in response to CCL2. Thus, the recruitment of
INFLAMMATION IN ALS immune/inflammatory cells into the CNS, par-
ticularly of dendritic cells and monocytes, is
Levels of numerous proinflammatory and dependent on CCL2. Higher levels of the che-
anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines mokine CCL2 are present in ALS spinal cord
are increased in patients with ALS and ALS tissue and in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients
mouse models. The proinflammatory moieties with ALS compared with patients with non-
include IL-6, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-12, IL-17, inflammatory neurologic disease (Kuhle et al.,
IL-23, interferon-γ; the anti-inflammatory 2009). Patients with ALS with higher CCL2
cytokines include IL-4, IL-10, and transform- values trended toward a shorter diagnostic
ing growth factor-β, most of which derive from delay and a shorter survival. The association of
activated glia, monocytes/macrophages, T higher CCL2 with faster disease progression
cells, or dendritic cells. IL-17 and IL-23 were suggests that enhanced trafficking of activated
found to be elevated in serum and cerebro- monocytes/macrophages might contribute to
spinal fluid of patients with ALS (Fiala et al., the pathogenesis of disease. It has also been
2010; Rentzos et al., 2010), and it has been sug- reported that the CCL2 receptor, CCR2, was
gested that these elevations are a reflection of reduced on circulating monocytes in ALS
Th17 cell activation. (Zhang et  al., 2006)  and associated with a
None of these cytokines are specific for ALS slower rate of disease progression. Thus, the
or ALS models and several, such as TNF-α and loss of CCR2 expression might be an essen-
transforming growth factor-β, can contribute tial protective reaction of the host immune
to either protection or toxicity. Furthermore, response to macrophage-mediated CNS dam-
the multiplicity of such cytokines and pathways age in ALS.
suggests that no single factor per se mediates Other markers of inflammation noted in
either protection or toxicity; deletion or inhibi- ALS include those of the classical comple-
tion of no single factor can dramatically change ment pathway. Levels of mRNA and proteins
the course of disease. Yet collectively their of C1q and C4, and the downstream comple-
presence supports the involvement of immune/ ment components C3 and C5b-9, were found
inflammatory processes in the pathogenesis of to be elevated in ALS samples in comparison
disease. with controls (Sta et  al., 2011). There is also
Chemokines are critical signals for the evidence of low level systemic inflammation
recruitment of immune cells to areas of tissue with increased levels of C-reactive protein
injury and promote differentiation of recruited and erythrocyte sedimentation rate in subjects
cells. Chemokines, such as fractalkine (CX3C1) with ALS compared with control subjects, with
and monocyte chemotatic protein-1 (CCL2), the levels correlating with levels of disability as
also have a role in modulating neuroinflam- measured by the ALS functional rating scale
mation in ALS that promotes neuroprotection (Keizman et al., 2009).
194 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

T CELLS IN ALS et al., 2008). Removing CD4 T cells accelerated

motor neuron disease in these transgenic mice.
Perivascular and intraparenchymal infiltrates Thus, T cells are neuroprotective in mSOD1
of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells have been dem- mice, and the lack of functional CD4+ T cells
onstrated in autopsy specimens of ALS spi- results in accelerated disease accompanied by
nal cords. Expression of the T-cell receptor spinal cord markers of increased mRNA lev-
(TCR-BV2) was also significantly increased in els for proinflammatory cytokines and NOX2,
spinal cord specimens (Panzara et  al., 1999). and decreased levels of trophic factors and glial
However, the presence of such cells does not glutamate transporters. Reconstitution of the
define their function, and CD4+ T cells have transgenic mice with T cells, especially CD4+
varying roles in the immune system depend- Treg cells, prolonged survival, suppressed cyto-
ing on the subtype. CD4+ Th1 and Th17 T cells toxicity, and restored the M2 neuroprotective
promote cytotoxicity and contribute to neuro- phenotype. These results suggest that CD4+
inflammation through molecules, such as IL-1, Treg and Th2 cells are neuroprotective possibly
IL- 6, IL-17, TNF-α, and interferon-γ, that by enhancing the neuroprotective functions of
enhance microglia-mediated neurotoxicity fol- glia (Beers et al., 2008).
lowing the release of ROS and NO. By contrast, In the peripheral blood, patients with ALS
Th2 and Tregs produce the anti-inflammatory with faster progressing disease had decreased
cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, which enhance numbers of Treg lymphocytes and Th2 cells,
microglia-mediated neuroprotection (Xin and decreased RNA expression of FoxP3 and
et  al., 2011; Zhao, Beers, Liao, Henkel, & Gata3, aTh2 transcription factor. In fact, both
Appel, 2012). numbers of Treg and their FoxP3 expression
CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Tregs contribute to as well as Th2 cells and Gata3 expression
suppression of immune cell activation and inversely correlated with progression rates
maintenance of immunologic tolerance. (Henkel et al., 2013). These data suggest that
They also contribute to neuroprotection in in patients with ALS as in mSOD1 transgenic
ALS by promoting microglial secretion of mice, CD4+ T lymphocytes actively contrib-
anti-inflammatory cytokines and neurotrophic ute to disease progression. However, it is the
factors, and/or by promoting a shift from pro- subpopulation of CD4+ T lymphocytes that is
inflammatory Th1 to anti-inflammatory Th2 most important; decreased levels of Treg/Th2
cells (Kipnis et  al., 2004). Most relevant is lymphocytes relative to Th1/Th17 lympho-
the ratio of Treg/Th2 cells to Th1/Th17 cells, cytes were associated with significantly faster
which can mediate the balance of neuroprotec- disease progression. Thus, the therapeutic
tion versus neurotoxicity. The greater the num- goal would be to increase Treg/Th2 cell popu-
ber and function of Treg/Th2 cells the greater lations and decrease the Th1/Th17 cell popu-
the neuroprotection; the greater the number lations (Beers et al., 2011).
and function of Th1/Th17 cells the greater the
neurotoxicity. Experiments with mSOD1 trans-
genic mice have provided significant insights. DENDRITIC CELLS
CD4+ T cells have been observed in the spinal
cord during all phases of mSOD1 transgenic Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting
mouse disease, including disease onset and cells that regulate the innate and adaptive
during the early slowly progressing stage of dis- immune systems. Dendritic cells can present
ease, whereas CD8+ T cells were present only antigen and stimulate naive adaptive immune
in terminal stages. In the early slowly progress- T cells. There are two main subclasses of den-
ing stages, CD4+ Tregs were increased along dritic cells: myeloid dendritic cells and plasma-
with M2 microglia. When the disease began cytoid dendritic cells. Myeloid dendritic cells
to accelerate, Treg and Th2 cells were signifi- are particularly sensitive to CCL2, through
cantly decreased, and Th1 and M1 microglia their expression of CCR2 on their cell sur-
were more prominent (Beers et al., 2011). face. Both immature and activated dendritic
To determine whether the T cells were pro- cell transcripts were significantly elevated in
tective or toxic, mSOD1 mice were bred with sporadic and familial ALS spinal cord tissues,
mice lacking functional CD4+ T cells (Beers but the specific antigens being present are
17  Immunologic Aspects of ALS 195

not presently defined (Henkel et  al., 2004). tolerability of NP001 at four different dose
Furthermore, increased expression of den- levels in patients with ALS. A  phase II trial
dritic cell transcripts, but not monocytic/mac- has been completed and despite the small size
rophage/microglial, cytokine, or chemokine of the trial, there is a suggestion of efficacy,
transcripts, seemed to correlate with more warranting a more extensive evaluation.
rapidly progressing disease, thus suggesting Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has
that dendritic cells may exacerbate motor neu- been associated with suppression of neuro-
ron injury in ALS. Increased dendritic cells inflammation in various diseases, and is cur-
were also seen in the spinal cord tissue of rently being researched in ALS. Mesenchymal
mSOD1 mouse model (Henkel, Beers, Siklos, stem cells possess immunomodulatory effects,
& Appel, 2006). specifically by secreting neurotrophic and
anti-inflammatory factors. Several studies
have demonstrated successful transplantation
of stem cells in mouse models of ALS, and
TREATMENT TARGETING prevention of the degeneration of motor neu-
IMMUNE MECHANISMS AND rons and improved motor function in mouse
NEUROINFLAMMATION models (Lepore et  al., 2008; Suzuki et  al.,
2007; Pastor et  al., 2011). However, to date,
Several older therapeutic trials used immuno- stem cell transplantation studies in patients
suppressant agents as potential treatments of with ALS have failed to demonstrate any evi-
ALS, including cyclophosphamide, intravenous dence of improved strength or prolonged sur-
immunoglobulin, prednisone, cyclosporine, vival (Appel et al., 2008; Karussis et al., 2010;
plasmapheresis, thalidomide, and total-body Mazzini et al., 2011). In a study to determine
irradiation. In a recent study, glatiramer ace- whether allogeneic human hematopoietic stem
tate, a well-known immunomodulating agent cells could engraft at sites of injury within the
used in multiple sclerosis, failed to show any spinal cord and improve clinical outcomes
impact on disease progression in a double-blind, in ALS (Appel et  al., 2008), six patients with
randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter definite ALS received peripheral blood hema-
trial (Meininger et al., 2009). Thus, no studies topoietic stem cell transplantation infusion
have supported the efficacy of immunosup- from identically matched sibling donors. The
pression, and as a result the immune system study demonstrated that donor hematopoi-
has been rejected as contributing significantly etic stem cells can enter the human CNS and
to the pathogenesis of ALS. However, recent engraft as immunomodulatory cells. However,
data suggest that the immune system does play no clinical benefit was seen. Currently, a phase
a role, but why conventional immunosuppres- I  study is underway examining the safety of
sion has been ineffective is not clear. Certainly surgical implantation of fetal-derived neu-
the heterogeneity of ALS could contribute and ral stem cells in patients with ALS. In addi-
the immune system might make a significant tion to safety concerns, multiple questions
contribution only in a subpopulation of patients still need to be addressed including how long
with ALS. Furthermore, it is now clear that such implanted cells survive in the ALS spi-
immune cells can be neurotoxic and neuropro- nal cord, whether such cells mediate neuro-
tective, and simultaneously suppressing both protection, and whether the implants promote
arms might not change the relative balance of anti-inflammatory or neurotrophic repair
neurotoxicity and neuroprotection. mechanisms.
Given that macrophage activation is
believed to be a primary contributor to the
pathology underlying ALS and other neu-
rodegenerative diseases, medications are CONCLUSION
being developed that target this mechanism.
NP001 is a pharmaceutical that can trans- It is clear that the immune system plays an
form macrophages from a neurotoxic state important role in the pathogenesis of ALS.
to a neuroprotective state. A double-blinded, The role of inflammation in the initiation of
placebo-controlled, phase 1, single ascend- disease, if any, remains unclear. However,
ing dose study demonstrated safety and research has supported that activated
196 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

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Chapter 18

Cyanobacteria, Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis, and the BMAA Hypothesis
Tracie A. Caller, Elijah W. Stommel, Patricia L. Henegan, and Sandra Anne Banack


Mechanisms of BMAA Toxicity


Considering that a genetic cause for ALS
The high incidence of amyotrophic lateral scle- has not been identified in most patients, it is
rosis (ALS) and parkinsonism dementia com- highly likely that one or more environmental
plex (PDC) in the Marianas Islands, which toxins contribute to the etiology of sporadic
later declined with cultural changes of the ALS, most likely interacting with underlying
indigenous population, raised the strong pos- genetic susceptibility factors. A  neurotoxin
sibility of an environmental factor underlying produced by cyanobacteria has been impli-
the onset of these neurodegenerative diseases. cated as a potential environmental risk fac-
Initial investigations led to consideration of tor for ALS (Cox, Banack, & Murch, 2003;
β-N-methylamino-l-alanine (BMAA) from Bradley & Mash, 2009; Banack, Caller, &
cycad seeds, but investigations failed to docu- Stommel, 2010). Cyanobacteria are ubiq-
ment sufficient intake. uitous throughout all ecosystems, most
The concept of biomagnification of BMAA commonly in marine and freshwater envi-
by indigenous people eating bats, who in turn ronments (Carmichael, 2008). They pose
consume cycad seeds, renewed the issue of an a health risk when large concentrations of
environmental factor (Banack & Cox, 2003a). cyanobacteria form “blooms” on the surface
Further investigations raised the possibility of water bodies as a result of both natural
that BMAA could be an environmental fac- and human-related eutrophication (Stewart,
tor for ALS worldwide. BMAA is produced by Webb, Schluter, & Shaw, 2006; Carmichael,
cyanobacteria (Cox, Banack, & Murch, 2003; 2008). Cyanobacteria are well-known to
Cox et  al., 2005), which is ubiquitous, and produce toxins that have human health
possible epidemiologic clusters of ALS have implications, including microcystins, cylin-
been noted around bodies of water which can drospermopsins, lyngbyatoxins, anatoxins,
have high concentrations of cyanobacterium lipopolysaccharide endotoxins, and a neu-
(Caller, Chipman, Field, & Stommel, 2013; rotoxin of interest (BMAA) (Fig. 18–1) (Cox
Torbick, Hesssion, Stommel, & Caller, 2014). et al., 2005; Funari & Testai, 2008).

18  Cyanobacteria, ALS, and the BMAA Hypothesis 199

O Cheng & Banack, 2009). BMAA was shown to

biomagnify through the food chain, leading to
potentially large doses being consumed by the
Chamorros (Banack & Cox, 2003a; Murch, Cox,
OH & Banack, 2004). Accumulation of BMAA in
the brains of Chamorro patients with ALS/PDC
H further supported this hypothesis (Murch, Cox,
Banack, Steele, & Sacks, 2004). Demonstrating
generalizability of this finding to other ALS
HN populations, BMAA was tested for and identified
in the brains of patients with ALS in the United
States; it was not generally found in brain tissue
Figure 18–1.  BMAA structure. of nonneurologic control subjects or in patients
with Huntington disease, a genetic neurode-
generative disease, suggesting that BMAA does
THE GUAM HYPOTHESIS not occur as a by-product of neurodegeneration
(Pablo et al., 2009). The decrease of both cycad
Following World War II, an extremely high inci- seeds and flying foxes in the Chamorro diet cor-
dence of ALS and ALS-like conditions (ALS/ related with the previously mentioned decline in
PDC) was observed in the Marianas Islands, par- the prevalence of neurodegenerative disease on
ticularly in Guam, where it was estimated to be Guam (Cox & Sacks, 2002; Monson, Banack, &
50–100 times higher than industrialized nations, Cox, 2003; Plato et al., 2003; Bradley, Banack, &
and later declined with cultural changes of the Cox, 2009).
indigenous population. (Zimmerman, 1945; Of interest is the lag time noted between
Arnold, Edgren, & Palladino, 1953; Kurland & exposure and disease onset. Emigrants from
Mulder, 1954; Reed, Plato, Elizan, & Kurland, Guam, who lived on Guam during their child-
1966). The decline in ALS incidence over the hood and adolescence for at least 18  years,
subsequent five decades to levels similar to the developed ALS 1–34  years after leaving the
rest of the world suggested that the cause of the island, suggesting a possible latency period
disease was environmental and perhaps related of more than 30  years (Torres, Iriarte, &
to the rapid westernization of Guam (Garruto, Kurland, 1957; Eldridge, Ryan, Rosario, &
Yanagihara, & Gajdusek, 1985; Plato et al., 2003). Brody, 1969; Garruto, Gajdusek, & Chen,
Initial research suggested that cycad seeds, a 1980). Likewise, Filipino residents in Guam
dietary staple used by the indigenous Chamorro developed ALS 1–29  years after migrating to
people to make flour, might be the environmen- the island (Garruto, Gajdusek, & Chen, 1981).
tal exposure of interest (Whiting, 1963, 1964; These latency periods are consistent with the
Dastur, 1964; Spencer, Nunn, Hugon, Ludolph, time-dependent latency of deployed Gulf War
& Roy, 1986). A  neurotoxic nonprotein amino veterans from the 1990–1991 Persian Gulf war
acid, BMAA, was discovered in cycad seeds who had higher incidence rates of ALS in the
(Vega & Bell, 1967; Kisby, Ellison, & Spencer, 10-year period following the war (Horner et al.,
1992), which is derived from cyanobacteria 2008). Those deployed to the Gulf had ALS
existing symbiotically in the coralloid roots of incidence rates two-fold higher than veterans
Cycas micronesica (Cox, Banack, & Murch, who were trained at the same time but were
2003; Banack & Cox, 2003b). Initial studies of not deployed (Haley, 2003; Horner et al., 2003;
BMAA concentration in cycad flour determined Coffman, Horner, Grambow, & Lindquist,
that concentrations were too low to cause human 2005). These observations have implications for
disease (Duncan, Kopin, Garruto, Lavine, & the development of an animal model related to
Markey, 1988). Further investigation demon- chronic exposure to the neurotoxin.
strated that BMAA is mainly concentrated in
proteins and was consumed by the Chamorros
through multiple dietary sources, including Mechanisms of BMAA Toxicity
cycad flour, flying foxes (a type of fruit bat), and
other animals that fed on cycad seeds (Banack, BMAA is considered a nonprotein amino
Murch, & Cox, 2006; Banack & Murch, 2009; acid (Fig. 18–1) as it is not one of the coded
200 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

amino acids that make up normal proteins. of amino acid analogues into proteins has been
The evidence that BMAA could produce neu- previously demonstrated and could lead to
rodegeneration, as seen in ALS, is intrigu- cell dysfunction (Rosenthal 1977; Rubenstein
ing. BMAA has the capability of crossing the 2000; Hendrickson, De Crécy-Lagard, &
blood-brain barrier through an active trans- Schimmel, 2004; Rodgers, Hume, Dunlop,
port mechanism and seems to have a predi- & Dean, 2004; Rubensten, 2008; Rogers &
lection for central nervous system tissue, as Shiozawa, 2008; Rodgers, 2014).
shown in rodent models (Duncan et al., 1991; Several studies have evaluated the neuro-
Xie, Basile, & Mash, 2013). In vitro work has toxicity of BMAA in mice, rats, and primate
shown that the acute neurotoxicity of BMAA animal models. In these studies, BMAA was
has multiple modes of action including bind- typically administered at high doses and over
ing to N-methyl-d-aspartate, AMPA/kainite, a short period of time (days to weeks) with
and metabotropic receptors; affecting the cys- mixed results: initial primate studies suggested
tine/glutamate antiporter system (system xc-); BMAA could cause neurologic degeneration,
induction of oxidative stress and mitochondrial but later rodent experiments showed no neuro-
dysfunction; disregulation of cellular protein toxicity with oral dosing of BMAA (Karamyan
homeostasis; endoplasmic reticulum stress; & Speth, 2008). Overall, in vivo studies to date
and gliotoxicity (Weiss, Koh, & Choi, 1989; demonstrate that BMAA can be acutely neuro-
Manzoni, Prezeau, & Bockaert, 1991; Rao, toxic at very high doses (Spencer et al., 1987),
Banack, Cox, & Weiss, 2006; Lobner, Piana, can affect memory and learning with demon-
Salous, & Peoples, 2007; Liu, Rush, Zapata, stratable immunohistochemical, microscopic,
& Lobner, 2009; Okle, Stemmer, Deschl, & and proteomic changes consistent with neuro-
Dietrich, 2012; Chiu et al., 2013; Muñoz-Saez degeneration changes when exposure is during
et al., 2013). Glutamate receptor activity has developmental stages (Karlsson, Roman, Berg,
been implicated previously in the pathophys- & Brittebo, 2011; Karlsson et  al., 2014), can
iology of ALS, and the only Food and Drug increase tau hyperphosprylation (Arif, Kazim,
Administration approved medication for ALS Grundke-Iqbal, Garruto, & Iqbal, 2014), and
in the United States, riluzole, acts on gluta- can induce specific phenotypes consistent with
mate receptors (Zoing, Burke, Pamphlett, sporadic ALS (de Munck et al., 2013). BMAA
& Kiernan, 2006; le Verche, Ikiz, Jacquier, was also shown in mice to be transferred
Przedborski, & Re, 2011). In vivo research has through milk to suckling offspring (Andersson,
confirmed that BMAA acts as a glutamate ago- Karlsson, Bergstrom, Brittebo, & Brandt,
nist causing N-methyl-d-aspartate channels 2013).
to remain open for prolonged periods; alters Although few studies have investigated the
protein expression; changes energy metabo- effects of low concentrations of BMAA, the in
lism and amino acid metabolism; and induces vitro research of one team suggests that at low
oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage, and concentrations BMAA can cause endoplasmic
endoplasmic reticulum fragmentation (Goto, reticulum stress and disrupt protein homeosta-
Koenig, & Ikeda, 2012; de Munck, et al., 2013; sis (Okle, Stemmer, Deschl, & Dietrich, 2012).
Engskog, et  al., 2013; Karlsson et al., 2013). To date, there is no animal model that has stud-
A  large portion of BMAA remains protein ied chronic ingestion of BMAA, and the effect
bound (Murch, Cox, & Banack, 2004), and of chronic BMAA exposure remains unclear.
BMAA may also lead to neurodegeneration There are several caveats to animal model
through protein misfolding, which might pro- studies (Karamyan & Speth, 2008). Causality
vide a mechanism for neurotoxicity through is likely multifactorial, and animal models may
chronic exposure. Elegant work by Rogers not account for other disease susceptibility
et al. has shown that BMAA can be misincor- factors, such as malnutrition. Because BMAA
porated into proteins during protein synthesis can substitute for l-serine in protein synthe-
by being erroneously substituted for l-serine, sis (Dunlop, Cox, Banack, & Rodgers, 2013),
which triggers protein misfolding, accumula- preexisting malnutrition and protein deficiency
tion of protein aggregates, and apoptosis, all could result in the misincorporation of BMAA
of which are hallmarks of neurodegeneration at a higher frequency. A similar mechanism of
(Lee et al., 2006; Rogers, 2011; Dunlop, Cox, toxicity was described in the neurologic dis-
Banack, & Rodgers, 2013). The incorporation ease lathyrism, where a similar nonprotein
18  Cyanobacteria, ALS, and the BMAA Hypothesis 201

amino acid acquired in the diet through eating be acquired through a number of mechanisms
a drought-resistant legume (Lathyrus sativus) (Fig. 18–2).
becomes neurotoxic, particularly in the setting Dietary exposure continues to be the most
of malnutrition (Haimanot et al., 1993; Spencer, probable mechanism of exposure. Consumption
1994; Getahun, Lambein, Vanhoorne, & Van of cyanobacteria has occurred in certain eth-
der Stuyft, 2003). Animal models have also not nic populations for hundreds of years; many
accounted for the potential of multiple envi- of these cyanobacteria food sources have been
ronmental toxins acting synergistically, such demonstrated to contain BMAA (Johnson
as occurs between BMAA and methylmer- et al., 2008; Roney et al., 2009). Cyanobacteria
cury (Rush, Liu, & Lobner, 2012), or genetic or “blue-green algae” supplements have been
susceptibilities that might make certain indi- produced commercially since the 1970s in the
viduals more sensitive to BMAA neurotoxicity. United States and could be a possible source
Finally, it is unclear what particular popula- of exposure. Arthrospira (Spirulina) spp. and
tions of humans might be more susceptible to Aphanizomenon flos–aquae are the cyanoba-
BMAA than others. There is no way to account caterial species most frequently cultivated for
for underlying genetic susceptibilities to the health food supplements (Dietrich, Fischer,
toxin, such as a genetic alteration that might Michel, & Hoeger, 2008). Although Arthrospira
increase the rate of transport of BMAA across (Spirulina) is generally considered nontoxic,
the blood-brain barrier, increase the amount of A. flos-aquae is known to produce anatoxin-a,
BMAA misincorporated into protein, or alter saxitoxins, and BMAA (Cox et  al., 2005;
other cellular mechanisms. Dietrich et al., 2008). Most importantly, a vari-
ety of toxins have been documented in these
health food supplements including microcystin
that may be the consequence of additional cya-
BEYOND GUAM nobacterial genera cohabitating collection sites
(Dietrich et al., 2008). Concerns about possible
If there is the possibility that BMAA expo- synergistic effects between BMAA and other
sure can lead to neurodegeneration and ALS, cyanotoxins have been noted but have not yet
how might this toxin be implicated outside of been sufficiently tested.
Guam? As is the case with other environmen- Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous in water
tal toxins, one must consider that BMAA could bodies, and multiple species of cyanobacteria


The extent to which BMAA is found in Desert conditions allow for rapid growth of
dietary supplements is currently unknown. cyanobacteria during rainy seasons; wind can
spread the bacteria and toxin with the dust.
DIETARY INGESTION Plowing of fields irrigated with contaminated
water could create airborne cells or toxin.
Cyanobacteria are consumed by aquatic Wave cap formation on water bodies with
species and BMAA could be biomagnified blooms, contaminated ventilation systems, or
up the food chain to humans. spray irrigation may aerosolize

While swimming in bloom contaminated DRINKING WATER

water, trace amounts of toxin may be
swallowed. Untreated water may contain cyanobacteria
or BMAA.
Irrigation using contaminated water could
directly contaminate food sources. Animal studies suggest BMAA crosses the
placenta and can be transferred through
maternal milk.

Figure 18–2.  Potential routes of human exposure to BMAA.

202 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

are capable of BMAA production in aquatic 2001)  including agricultural plants such as
environments (Cox et  al., 2005; Banack, wheat, Triticum aestivum (Contardo-Jara,
Johnson, Cheng, & Cox, 2007; Esterhuizen Schwanemann, & Pflugmacher, 2014). Since
& Downing, 2008; Metcalf et al., 2008). The BMAA is produced by an array of cyanobac-
examination of other ecosystems has dem- teria, irrigation of agricultural plants by cyano-
onstrated the presence of BMAA in fish, bacterially contaminated water is a potential
sharks, and crustaceans in the United States, source of human exposure.
France, and Sweden (Brand, Pablo, Compton, There is also potential for persons living
Hammerschlag, & Mash, 2010; Jonasson near cyanobacterial blooms to be exposed to
et al., 2010; Mondo et al., 2012; Field et al., BMAA and other cyanotoxins through aero-
2013; Masseret et  al., 2013; Salomonsson, solization of cyanobacteria (Stommel, Field, &
Hansson, & Bondesson, 2013). Epidemiologic Caller, 2013). Laboratory studies have shown
studies of areas of high incidence of ALS have that cyanotoxins in water can be transferred
supported the possibility of BMAA being to air via a bubble-bursting process suggesting
acquired through the consumption of seafood the possibility of exposure to lung, gastroin-
and freshwater aquatic animals. Investigation testinal tract, and nasopharyngeal mucosa by
of the high incidence of ALS patients in Two wave action on water-bodies containing cyano-
Rivers, WI found that ALS patients ate fish bacterial blooms; recreational activities, such
from nearby Lake Michigan (a lake known to as water skiing; or through saunas and show-
have cyanobacterial blooms) more frequently ers using cyanobacteria-contaminated water
than control subjects (Sienko, Davis, Taylor, (Cheng, Zhou, Irvin, Kirkpatrick, & Backer,
& Brooks, 1990). An increased incidence of 2007; Sharma & Singh, 2010). There are many
ALS in the southern Finish Lakelands was examples of toxin aerosolization leading to
identified in close proximity to the Baltic human illness, including brevetoxins (produced
Sea, which suffers extensive cyanobacterial by dinoflagellates), which cause an asthma-like
blooms (Sabel, Gatrell, Loytonen, Maasilta, syndrome, and the marine organism Pfiesteria
& Jokelainen, 2000, Sabel et  al., 2003). piscicida, which can produce delirium if
Bottom-dwelling crustaceans in the Baltic inhaled (Morris & Pfiesteria, 1999; Fleming
Sea have detectable concentrations of BMAA et  al., 2007, 2009). Similarly, desert surfaces
and are a human food source (Fig. 18–2). are stabilized by cyanobacteria-dominated
Another region of increased ALS incidence cryptogamic crust, which has the potential to
has been noted in the south of France, and pose a human health risk through the inhala-
BMAA has been identified in shellfish from tion of airborne toxins in desert dust (Powell,
Southern France’s Thau Lagoon, a shallow Chatziefthimiou, Banack, Cox, & Metcalf,
coastal lagoon off the Mediterranean Sea 2014; Richer, Banack, Metcalf, & Cox, 2014). It
that is frequently subject to cyanobacterial has been hypothesized that cyanobacterial tox-
blooms (Corcia et al., 2003; Masseret et  al., ins in airborne desert dust could be responsible
2013). Epidemiologic studies can suggest for the high rates of ALS among US veterans
associations but do not prove causation; fur- deployed in the 1990–1991 Persian Gulf War
ther studies are needed to determine whether (Cox et al., 2009).
the exposure to BMAA is sufficient to cause
neurodegeneration (Bradley et al., 2013).
Direct consumption of BMAA through
agricultural plants irrigated by water contami- CONCLUSION
nated by cyanotoxins is also possible. Several
studies suggest that terrestrial plants can both There is fairly convincing evidence to impli-
bioaccumulate cyanotoxins and present toxins cate BMAA as a causative agent of ALS/PDC
to humans from surface exposure following on Guam for many reasons:  the strength of
irrigation with water containing cyanobacte- association through identification of the toxin
ria (Codd, Metcalf, & Beattie, 1999; Corbel, within the food chain in an environment with
Mougin, & Bouaϊcha, 2014). It has also been extremely high disease incidence, the iden-
directly demonstrated that some plants exposed tification of that toxin within brain tissue of
to BMAA contaminated water quickly uptake patients who died from ALS/PDC, the tem-
BMAA (Esterhuizen Plugmacher, & Downing, poral relationship between disappearance of
18  Cyanobacteria, ALS, and the BMAA Hypothesis 203

dietary BMAA and decrease in disease inci- Brand LE, Pablo J, Compton A, Hammerschlag N, Mash
dence, and the biologic possibility of BMAA DC. Cyanobacterial blooms and the occurrence of the
neurotoxin, beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA),
to produce chronic neurodegeneration. Recent in South Florida aquatic food webs. Harmful Algae.
investigations into BMAA exposure routes out- 2010;9(6):620–35.
side Guam suggest multiple sources of poten- Caller TA, Chipman JW, Field NC, Stommel EW. Spatial
tial exposure including toxins found in dietary analysis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Northern
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lation of toxins through aerosolization or air- Carmichael W. A world overview—one-hundred-twenty-
borne particles. There are also limitations of seven years of research on toxic cyanobacteria—
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Chapter 19

Animal Models of Adult Motor

Neuron Disease
Kerstin E. Braunstein, Liam L. Chen, and Philip C. Wong


Drosophila and Caenorhabditis
elegans Models
Rodent Models
Dynactin p150Glued CONCLUSION

BACKGROUND AND providing further opportunity to generate ani-

NEW POINTS mal models linked to these ALS genes. This
chapter summarizes findings from invertebrate
Animal models are useful tools to investigate and vertebrate animal models and points out
underlying pathology and validate therapeu- the relevance of outcomes to human motor
tic strategies. Transgenic mouse models were neuron disease. Although many ALS genes
based on superoxide dismutase (SOD1) muta- have been uncovered, the focus here is on ani-
tions and reproduced many features of ALS, mal models of SOD1, p150Glued, TDP-43, fused
and were also used to screen candidate drugs. in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/
The field of modeling has markedly expanded TLS), and C9orf72. Select models from each of
with the construct of invertebrate models and these are listed in Table 19–1.
rat models. Each new gene mutation associ- Animal models are essential tools to clarify
ated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) disease mechanism and to identify and vali-
has led to new models. Although models allow date therapeutic strategies. A variety of model
for intricate genetic manipulations, elucida- organisms are available, each with advantages
tion of pathologic mechanisms in ALS remains and limitations. Vertebrate models include
elusive. nonhuman primates, rodents (mice and rats),
and zebrafish and are critical for modeling
human disease because of the extent of func-
INTRODUCTION tional cross-species conservation. In addition,
vertebrate models are required for evalua-
Since the discovery of SOD1 mutations tion of new treatment regiments as a prelude
linked to ALS two decades ago (Rosen et  al., to clinical trials. However, in the context
1993), additional genes have been discovered of high-throughput screenings to identify
Table 19–1  Select Models From SOD1, DCTN1, TDP-43, FUS, and C9orf72
SOD1 DCTN1 TDP43 FUS C9orf72
lof gof lof gof lof gof lof gof lof gof
Drosophila Watson et al., Lloyd et al., Wang et al., 2009 Lu et al., 2009 Wang et al., Lanson et al., Xu et al.,
2008 2012 Feiguin et al., Li et al., 2010 2011 2011 2013
2009 Hanson et al., 2010 Chen et al.,
Fiesel et al., 2010 Elden et al., 2010 2011
Lu et al., 2009 Estes et al., 2011
Caenorhabditis Wang et al., 2009 Zhang et al., 2011 Ash et al., 2010 Murakami Therrien
elegans Watson et al., Zhang et al., 2012 Liachko et al., 2010 et al., 2012 et al.,
2008 Zhang et al., 2011 2013
Zebrafish Lemmens et al., Schmid, 2013 Kabashi et al., 2010 Kabashi Kabashi Ciura Lee
2007 Hewamadduma et al., et al., et al., et al.,
Ramesh et al., et al., 2013 2011b 2011a 2013 2013
2010 Armstrong et al., Armstrong
2013b et al.,
Mouse Gurney et al., Lai et al., 2007 Kraemer et al., Wegorzewska et al., Hicks et al., Verbeeck
1994 Laird et al., 2008 2010 2009 2000 et al., 2012
Wong et al., 1995 Chevalier-Larsen Chiang et al., Stallings et al., 2010 Verbeeck Mitchell
Bruijn et al., 1998 et al., 2008 2010 Xu et al., 2010, 2011 et al., et al., 2013
Jaarsma et al., Wu et al., 2012 Wils et al., 2010 2012
2008 Iguchi et al., 2013 Shan et al., 2010
Gong et al., 2000 Tsai et al., 2010
Igaz et al., 2011
Cannon et al., 2012
Swarup et al., 2011
Rat Howland et al., Huang et al.,
2002 2011
Nagai et al., 2001 Mitchell
et al., 2013
Note: gof = gain of function; lof = loss of function.
19  Animal Models of Adult MND 209

genetic interactions or pharmacologic thera- a lesser extent. Correspondingly, only mutant

pies, murine or primate models are costly and proteins form aggregates, including soluble
time-consuming; hence, simple invertebrate oligomers that have been linked to toxicity.
models, including fruit fly (Drosophila mela- The defects in movement seem to result from
nogaster) and roundworm (Caenorhabditis diminished numbers of synapses, presynaptic
elegans), are attractive alternatives. vesicles, and deficient cholinergic transmission.
Nevertheless, similar to the Drosophila model,
the transgenic worm model does not experi-
ence motor neuron loss or reduced life span.
INVERTEBRATE MODELS Expression of G93A mutant SOD1 selectively
in GABAergic motor neurons leads to simi-
Drosophila and Caenorhabditis lar age-dependent paralysis associated with
elegans Models protein aggregation (Li, Huang, & Le, 2013).
Notably, the SOD1-induced motor neuron
Despite marked anatomic divergence, the basic dysfunction can be significantly ameliorated
molecular and cellular cascades mediating by upregulating autophagy levels in the motor
complex behaviors are remarkably conserved neurons, which suggests that impaired autoph-
between invertebrates and mammals. In addi- agic flux may contribute to the ALS process.
tion to rapid generation time, short life span,
and low costs in growing and maintaining large
colonies, both C. elegans and Drosophila have Dynactin p150Glued
a compact genome size and limited genetic
redundancy. Transgenic animals are relatively The missense mutation G59S located in the
easy to produce in both systems. Tissue-specific microtubule-binding domain of dynactin
and inducible promoters are widely available, p150Glued subunit is linked to human late-onset
allowing tissue and developmentally specific motor neuron disease (Puls et  al., 2003). The
effects to be targeted. dynein/dynactin complex is highly conserved
in Drosophila, and the p150 subunit, encoded
by the Glued (Gl) gene, genetically interacts
SOD1 with dynein. A disease-associated mutation was
introduced into the Gl locus using homologous
Since the discovery of mutations in the Cu/Zn recombination, and flies carrying this partial
SOD1 gene (Rosen et  al., 1993), occurring in loss-of-function allele (GlG38S) develop neuro-
~5–10% of autosomal-dominant cases of famil- muscular junction terminal bouton swellings
ial ALS (FALS), intensive research using ani- and adult-onset locomotor dysfunction (Lloyd
mal models has been performed. et al., 2012).
Expression of wild-type or disease-linked
mutants of human SOD1 (A4V, G85R) selec-
tively in motor neurons induces progressive TDP-43
climbing deficits, accompanied by defective
neural circuit electrophysiology, accumula- The identification of mutations in TARDBP, a
tion of human SOD1 protein, and a stress gene encoding TDP-43, which is a DNA/RNA
response in surrounding glia (Watson, Lagow, binding protein linked to sporadic and FALS
Xu, Zhang, & Bonini, 2008). However, a major (Neumann et  al., 2006; Kabashi et  al., 2008;
limitation of the Drosophila SOD1 model is Sreedharan et  al., 2008), stimulated research
that motor neuron survival and life span are on how mutations in this gene cause motor
unaffected. neuron degeneration.
In C.  elegans, panneuronal expression of Two complimentary approaches have
human G85R mutant SOD1, but not wild-type, been used for the genetic characterization of
causes severe locomotor defects (Wang et  al., TDP-43 proteinopathy:  target disruption of
2009). Animals expressing human SOD1H46R/H48Q, the Drosophila TDP-43 ortholog (TBPH),
a SOD1 double mutant that blocks copper bind- and overexpression of TDP-43 mutants found
ing, also display locomotor defects, although to in patients with ALS. All loss-of-function
210 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

models generated so far (Feiguin et al., 2009; TDP-43 might exert a subtly different pathol-
Fiesel et al., 2010; Lu, Ferris, & Gao, 2009) are ogy between the motor and sensory neurons in
strongly in agreement that depletion of TBPH Drosophila. Overexpression of disease-related
is deleterious to animal development. Two TDP-43 mutants displayed variable levels of
chromosomal deletions of portions of TBPH toxicity, probably depending on the exact level
coding and regulatory regions that abolish of overexpression with respect to wild-type
TBPH protein expression result in a high per- protein (Elden et al., 2010; Estes et al., 2011).
cent of pupae failing to eclose (Feiguin et al., Most importantly, observations from these
2009). Animals that manage to reach adult- transgenic flies indicate that although TDP-43
hood display dramatic locomotive defects with mislocalization is not required for pathoge-
spastic, uncoordinated, movements; incapacity nicity in these models, retaining the ability to
to fly or walk normally; and reduced life span. bind RNA targets is crucial for TDP-43 toxicity
The analysis of presynaptic terminals at neu- (Voigt et al., 2010).
romuscular junctions highlights a reduction of Knock-out of the ortholog of TARDBP
axonal branches and synaptic boutons present in C.  elegans, tdp-1, does not cause obvious
inside the muscles. In a further TBPH null line defects (Ash et  al., 2012; Liachko, Guthrie,
in which the entire TBPH coding sequence is & Kraemer, 2010), suggesting a divergent role
deleted, homozygous TBPH null flies die at the between TDP-43 and TDP-1 in development.
second instar larvae stage (Fiesel et al., 2010). Transgenic studies in C.  elegans, however,
Another study introduces a premature stop point toward a greater conservation in neuro-
codon at residue 367 (Q367X; Lu et al., 2009). nal function. Expression of human wild-type
Homozygosity of the null allele is semilethal, and mutant TDP-43 panneuronally causes
with a small percent of pupal flies surviving defects in motor function as indicated by an
to adulthood. Null animals show significantly uncoordinated movement (Ash et  al., 2010;
decreased dendritic branching in sensory Liachko et al., 2010).
neurons, similar to the reduction of axonal
branches at neuromuscular junctions. The
semilethality of homozygosity for TBPH dele- FUS
tion is confirmed by a ubiquitous TBPH-RNAi
knockdown (Lu et  al., 2009). Importantly, ALS-causative mutations were found in the
overexpression of human TDP-43 could effi- FUS gene (Kwiatkowski et  al., 2009; Vance
ciently rescue the phenotype caused by TBPH et al., 2009), which, like TDP-43, is a member
deficiency (Feigun et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2009), of RNA-binding protein family.
demonstrating that the functions of the human Drosophila has a single FUS homolog
TDP-43 are evolutionary conserved. with 53% amino acid identity to human FUS
Tissue-specific overexpression of either encoded by the cabeza (caz) gene. Drosophila
Drosophila orthologue or human TDP-43 in mutants in which caz is disrupted exhibit aber-
Drosophila has had varied outcomes; however, rant development, defective adult locomo-
a consistent observation in different reports is tion, and reduced life span. These phenotypes
that the ectopic TDP-43 expression leads to can be rescued equivalently by transgenic
age-dependent toxicity (Li et al., 2010; Hanson, wild-type Drosophila Caz or human FUS, but
Kim, Wassarman, & Tibbetts, 2010; Elden not FALS-associated FUS proteins (Wang,
et  al., 2010). Expression of wild-type TDP-43 Brent, Tomlinson, Shneider, & McCabe, 2011).
in the eyes, mushroom bodies, or motor neu- Interestingly, targeted expression of mutant
rons causes retinal degeneration, axonal loss human FUS in the fly brain during develop-
and aggregate formation, and axon swell- ment causes pupal lethality and larval locomo-
ing and motor neuron death, respectively. In tor defects. Conditional expression of mutant
particular, motor neuron TDP-43 expression FUS in adult fly drastically reduces the life
reduces locomotor activity of the third instar span and adult climbing abilities. Mutant FUS
larvae, axonal branching, and synaptic boutons localized to both the cytoplasm and nucleus,
at neuromuscular junctions (Li et  al., 2010). whereas wild-type FUS localized only to the
This latter observation differs from that seen nucleus (Lanson et  al., 2011). Furthermore,
by Lu et al. (2009), where increased dendritic deletion of the nuclear export signal strongly
branching is noted in sensory neurons. Thus, suppressed toxicity, suggesting that cytoplasmic
19  Animal Models of Adult MND 211

localization is necessary for neurodegeneration neuron degeneration in ALS, investigators

(Lanson et  al., 2011). When the expression is generated a C.  elegans C9ORF72 orthologue
restricted in subpopulations of neurons like (alfa-1) knock-out model. Null mutants dis-
photoreceptors, mushroom bodies, or motor played age-dependent motility defects, degen-
neurons, transgenic flies show progressive neu- eration of GABAergic motor neurons, and
ral damages, including retinal degeneration, paralysis (Therrien, Rouleau, Dion, & Parker,
axonal loss in mushroom bodies, morphologic 2013). These results suggested the possibility
changes, and functional impairment in motor that loss of C9ORF72 function contributes to
neurons (Chen et al., 2011). motor neuron dysfunction in ALS. In contrast,
Besides the Drosophila models there is Drosophila models overexpressing expanded
also one C.  elegans model expressing human G4C2 repeat in eye and motor neuron, respec-
wild-type or mutant FUS using a panneuronal tively, exhibited age-dependent disruption of
promoter (Murakami et  al., 2012). Expression the fly eye and reduction in locomotion (Xu
of mutant FUS, but not wild-type FUS, causes et  al., 2013). Importantly, the G4C2 repeats
cytoplasmic mislocalization associated with can interact with specific RNA binding pro-
progressive motor dysfunction and reduced teins, suggesting that RNA binding proteins
lifespan. The severity of the mutant pheno- may be sequestered in intranuclear RNA foci
type in C. elegans closely parallels the disease that would impact negatively on the function of
presentation in humans with the same FUS motor neurons (Xu et al., 2013). Taken together,
mutations. Importantly, the mutant pheno- these initial results suggest that both loss- and
type could not be rescued by overexpression of gain-of-function mechanisms could contribute
wild-type FUS, suggesting that FUS mutants to the pathogenesis of C9ORF72-linked ALS.
exert toxic gain-of-function effects via accu-
mulation of FUS in the cytoplasm, rather than
titration of FUS from its physiologic location in

The zebrafish is a small, rapidly breeding fresh-
A hexanucleotide repeat expansion in an intron water fish that is easy to grow in the laboratory.
of a previously uncharacterized gene, termed As a vertebrate, it shares many developmental
C9ORF72, is the cause of a major proportion and anatomic features with humans. The main
of cases of FALS and frontotemporal dementia advantages of studying motor neuron diseases
(Renton et al., 2011; DeJesus-Hernandez, et al., in zebrafish are the rapid development of the
2011). How the hexanucleotide repeat expan- spinal cord and the pattern of motor neuron
sion causes neurodegeneration in ALS remains branching accessible as early as 24 hours post-
elusive. The finding that alternative transcripts fertilization. In addition, responses to touch and
of C9orf72 are greatly reduced in patients sup- swimming can be monitored following hatching
ports the view that loss of C9orf72 is a major around 48 hours postfertilization. Moreover,
determinant leading to neurodegeneration in the simplicity and effectiveness of manipulat-
ALS. RNA foci, a feature common to other ing gene expression makes the zebrafish an
noncoding repeat expansion disorders, such attractive model because more than 80% of the
as myotonic dystrophy and fragile-X associ- gene structure is available and shows 50–80%
ated syndrome, containing the expanded hexa- homology with most human sequences. When
nucleotide repeats are observed in neurons in identified, the zebrafish homologs can be tar-
ALS and suggest the possibility of a toxic RNA geted for knockdown by injections of selective
mechanism via sequestration of RNA binding antisense morpholino oligonucleotides and by
proteins that underlies neuronal degeneration. genomic editing approaches.
In addition, RNA translation (Mori et al., 2013;
Ash et al., 2013; Zu et al., 2013) may be another SOD1
mechanism by which the mutation leads to
toxicity. In initial studies to examine whether To develop a SOD1 model in zebrafish, inves-
loss of C9ORF72 function contributes to motor tigators overexpressed the zebrafish Sod1
212 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

gene harboring the G93A mutation. They is likely caused by off-target effects of morpho-
showed that when accumulated to three- lino used. Importantly, double-homozygous
fold of the endogenous Sod1 level, Sod1G93R mutants (tardbp -/-;tardbpl-/) showed muscle
caused a slow-progressing motor neuron dis- degeneration, strongly reduced blood circula-
ease characterized by increased motor abnor- tion, mispatterning of vessels, impaired spinal
malities, muscle atrophy, motor neuron loss, motor neuron axon outgrowth, and early death
and reduced survival (Ramesh, et  al., 2010). (Schmid et  al., 2013). Similar results were
In addition, age-dependent neuromuscu- described when elimination of both zebrafish
lar junction defects characterized by shorter TARDBP orthologs resulted in a severe motor
and more punctate synaptic boutons were phenotype with shortened motor axons, loco-
observed. Complementing this model, human motion defects, and death at around 10  days
wild-type SOD1, SOD1G93A, SOD1G37R, and postfertilization (Hewamadduma et al., 2013).
SOD1A4V mRNAs were each injected into These studies suggest the possibility that loss
zebrafish embryos:  mutant SOD1, but not of TDP-43 function plays a pathogenic role in
wild-type SOD1, causes abnormal motor neu- TDP-43 proteinopathy in ALS and offer a use-
ron axon branching and shortened axon length ful model system to identify and validate thera-
in a dose-dependent manner (Lemmens et al., peutic targets. Interestingly, upregulation of a
2007). These models are consistent with the muscle-specific actin binding protein (Filamin
idea of toxic gain of function by mutant SOD1 C) identified in zebrafish lacking Tardbp has
and provide a useful platform for identification been observed in cases of FTLD-TDP (Schmid
and validation of therapeutic targets. et al., 2013).

With discovery of TDP-43 mutations linked A second ALS gene encoding another RNA
to ALS (Neumann et al., 2006; Kabashi et al., binding protein gene, termed FUS, was iden-
2008; Sreedharan et  al., 2008), the mecha- tified (Kwiatkowski et  al., 2009; Vance et  al.,
nism of how mutant TARDBP cause motor 2009). Using genetic approaches similar to
neuron degeneration was investigated by both those used in studies of TDP-43, efforts were
gain- and loss-of function studies. By injecting begun to investigate the mechanisms whereby
human wild-type and ALS-associated mutant mutant FUS causes motor neuron degenera-
TARDBP mRNAs into zebrafish embryos, it tion. Knockdown of zebrafish Fus generated a
was shown that overexpression of mutant, but motor phenotype that could be rescued upon
less so of wild-type, human TARDBP caused coexpression of wild-type human FUS (Kabashi
a motor phenotype in zebrafish embryos et al., 2011a). In contrast, the two most frequent
characterized by shortening of motor axons, ALS–related FUS mutations, R521H and
premature and excessive branching, and swim- R521C, failed to rescue the knockdown pheno-
ming deficits (Kabashi et  al., 2010). Because type. These results support the idea that loss of
wild-type TDP-43 can also be toxic, mutant FUS function may contribute to degeneration
TDP-43–specific effects in this model system of motor neurons in mutant FUS-linked ALS.
are difficult to interpret. However, the R521H mutation caused a toxic
Besides tardbp, the zebrafish has a para- gain of function when expressed alone, similar
logue, termed tardbpl (TAR DNA binding to the phenotype observed on knockdown of
protein-like) gene. Several groups have indepen- zebrafish Fus (Kabashi et  al., 2011a), indicat-
dently generated tardbp and tardbpl knock-out ing that caution is necessary when interpreting
and double (tardbp -/-;tardbpl-/-) knock-out outcomes in overexpression studies of RNA
zebrafish. In contrast to morpholino-induced binding proteins, such as FUS or TDP-43.
transient knockdown of tardbp resulting in In parallel studies, it has been shown that
aberrant motor axons (Kabashi et  al., 2010; expression of either mutant human FUS
Armstrong & Drapeau, 2013a), homozygous or knockdown of zebrafish fus resulted in
tardbp knock-out zebrafish exhibited no phe- impaired motor activity and reduced neuro-
notype as a result of compensation by a unique muscular junction synaptic fidelity with altered
splice variant of Tardbpl (Schmid et al., 2013; quantal transmission. These impairments in
Hewamadduma et al., 2013). Such discrepancy neuronal function could be partially restored
19  Animal Models of Adult MND 213

in larvae depleted of fus expressing wild-type, is random, multiple lines are usually character-
but not mutant, human FUS. Although these ized to rule out integration site-specific effect.
results suggest that both a loss and gain of Variation of transgenic models has also been
FUS function could play a mechanistic role developed. For example, chimeric approaches
in FUS-linked ALS (Armstrong & Drapeau, in which models host a mixture of normal and
2013b), additional experiments are required to mutant expression cells are used to assess cell-
clarify this issue. versus non–cell-autonomous contributions
in ALS.
Animal models of GGGGCC repeat expan- CONSTITUTIVE AND CONDITIONAL
sion in C9orf72 have been developed in GENE KNOCK-OUT/KNOCK-IN
vertebrate models (Renton et  al., 2011; MODELS
DeJesus-Hernandez et  al., 2011). To test
whether loss of C9orf72 function participates In contrast to transgenic models, gene-targeting
in disease pathogenesis, investigators depleted strategies via homologous recombination
the zebrafish orthologue of zC9orf72 in zebraf- (Thomas & Capecchi, 1987)  coupled with
ish and observed axonal degeneration of motor embryonic stem cells (cells that are capable of
neurons (Ciura et al., 2013). Importantly, they forming whole organism when introduced into
demonstrated that such loss of motor neurons foster mice; Martin, 1981; Evans & Kaufman,
could be rescued by expressing human C9orf72 1981)  provided the opportunity to generate
mRNA, highlighting the specificity of the mice with any single gene (allele) of interest
induced phenotype. These results revealed a deleted (constitutive knock-out), the deletion
pathogenic consequence of decreased C9orf72 of exons encoding a functional domain of the
levels, supporting a loss-of-function mecha- protein (constitutive functional knock-out), or
nism of disease in C9orf72-linked ALS (Ciura to introduce a mutation (disease-associated)
et  al., 2013). In contrast, investigators have into a gene of interest (constitutive knock-in).
used a gain of function study to assess whether When both alleles are disrupted (homozygotes)
the hexanucleotide expansion repeat plays by intercrossing mice that harbor singly dis-
a role in pathogenesis of disease. Zebrafish rupted allele (heterozygotes), these constitutive
embryos injected with 383 or 723 GGGGCC knock-out mice provide a very useful tool to
repeats form intranuclear RNA foci, and ani- study the physiology or loss-of-function pheno-
mals carrying these expanded repeats undergo types of any gene of interest within the context
apoptotic cell death (Lee et  al., 2013). These of a whole organism.
outcomes suggested that both loss- and gain-of- The constitutive knock-out approach, how-
function mechanisms contribute to degenera- ever, suffers from two major limitations. First,
tion of motor neurons in C9orf72-linked cases. if the gene of interest is essential for embryo-
These model systems have the potential to genesis, it would preclude analysis of its
identify and validate therapeutic targets. physiology in the adult because homozygous
knock-outs would die in utero. Second, the
general deletion of the gene in all the cell types
would preclude studies that assess whether
Rodent Models specific cellular dysfunction is caused by loss
of a gene in target cells (cell autonomous) or
by loss of the gene in bystander cells (non–cell
Transgenic rodent models are genetically engi- autonomous). The use of cre recombinase and
neered model organisms created by microinjec- loxP target site (Araki, Imaizumi, Okuyama,
tion of the ALS gene construct into fertilized Oike, & Yamamura, 1997), for example, is one
eggs, and lines of animals are subsequently approach that will address these issues.
established and characterized. A  cell type– Cre recombinase is a phage-encoded
specific or ubiquitous promoter is used to drive enzyme that recognizes two identical frag-
the transgene. The transgene usually encodes ments of DNA (loxP site) and mediates the
either the human normal or mutated protein. recombination of the two loxP sites (Sternberg
Because the site of integration of the transgene & Hamilton, 1981). Engineering a pair of
214 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

loxP sites, one on each side of any target gene human SOD1 mutations are modeled in
sequence, in direct-repeat orientation allows rats: H46R SOD1 and G93A SOD1 (Howland
the regulated deletion of the target sequence et  al., 2002; Nagai et  al., 2001). Similar to
by selective expression or activation of cre the mouse, these transgenic animals have
recombinase in a time- or cell type–specific progressive degeneration of both upper and
manner. The cell type–specific recombination lower motor neurons and disease sever-
is usually achieved by controlling cre recombi- ity is directly proportional to mutant SOD1
nase expression driven by a specific promoter expression. The G93A SOD1 mutation causes
(Gu et al., 1994), whereas the temporal control a more aggressive disease in rats than the
is facilitated by expressing cre recombinase H46R SOD1 mutation (Nagai et  al., 2001).
under the control of an inducible promoter Unlike in mouse models, onset of muscle
(Kuhn, Schwenk, Aguet, & Rajewsky, 1995) or weakness occurs in either the forelimbs or
mutant estrogen receptor/cre recombinase chi- the hind limbs; forelimb onset is an indicator
meric protein that can mediate recombination of an aggressive disease course (Storkebaum
in the presence of an estrogen agonist (Feil, et al., 2005).
Wagner, Metzger, & Chambon, 1997). Thus,
both constitute and conditional knock-out CHIMERIC MODELS: CELL- AND
mice are powerful tools that have been used to NON–CELL-AUTONOMOUS ROLES OF
define gene function in development, physiol- MUTANT SOD1
ogy/behavior, or loss-of-function phenotype of
genes linked to ALS. A significant contribution of transgenic mouse
studies was the finding of a role for nonneu-
ronal cells in motor neuron disease (Boillee,
Vande Velde, & Cleveland, 2006b). In chime-
As indicated above, the identification of mis- ric mice that comprised mixtures of normal
sense mutations in SOD1 linked to FALS more and mutant SOD1-expressing cells, toxicity to
than 20 years ago (Rosen et al., 1993) has led motor neurons was shown to require damage
to the development of a variety of animal mod- from mutant SOD1 acting within nonneu-
els including transgenic rodent models (Wong, ronal cells. Normal motor neurons in SOD1
2012). mutant chimeras develop aspects of ALS-like
Mutant SOD1 transgenic mice recapitulate pathology. Importantly, nonneuronal cells that
many features of ALS, including mitochondrial do not express mutant SOD1 delay degen-
dysfunction, degeneration of motor axons, pro- eration and significantly extend survival of
gressive motor neuron loss, denervation muscle mutant-expressing motor neurons (Clement
atrophy, and paralysis (Gurney et  al., 1994; et al., 2003).
Wong et al., 1995; Bruijn et al., 1998). Most of To further clarify the contributions of non-
SOD1 transgenic rodent models use the SOD1 neuronal cell types to disease, investiga-
promoter to mimic its normal pattern of expres- tors used additional chimeric mouse model
sion. In addition, models using neuronal-specific (Yamanaka et al., 2008b) and models in which
(Jaarsma, Teuling, Haasdijk, De Zeeuw, & mutant SOD1 transgene can be selectively
Hoogenraad, 2008)  or astrocytic-specific pro- deleted either in microglia (Boillee et  al.,
moter (Gong, Parsadanian, Andreeva, Snider, 2006a), astrocytes (Yamanaka et  al., 2008a),
& Elliott, 2000)  have also been developed. or oligodendroglia precursors (Kang et  al.,
Such transgenic mice have been important 2013). Invariably, these models demonstrated
in initiating efforts to understand the non– that depletion of mutant SOD1 in nonneu-
cell-autonomous nature of ALS. ronal cells attenuated disease and extended
Transgenic SOD1 mouse models have vari- survival of mice, supporting the view that non–
able ages of disease onset and rates of disease cell-autonomous mechanism is a major contrib-
progression dependent on (1) SOD1 mutation, utor to motor neuron loss in ALS.
(2) transgene expression level, (3) gender, and
(4)  genetic background (Heiman-Patterson, DYNACTIN MODELS
Although much of the rodent work has Missense mutations in a dynactin gene
focused on mouse SOD1 transgenics, two (DCTN1) encoding the p150Glued subunit of
19  Animal Models of Adult MND 215

dynactin have been linked to human motor axonal degeneration, and pathologic hallmarks
neuron disease (Puls et al., 2003). of TDP-43 proteinopathies were reported.
Mouse models have been generated with The first published transgenic TDP-43 mouse
mutant p150Glued (Lai et al., 2007; Laird et al., model (Wegorzewska et al., 2009) accumulated
2008). A  mutant G59S p150Glued knock-in the mutant protein to approximately three-fold
mouse model in which the G59S point muta- the level of the endogenous Tdp-43 and exhib-
tion is introduced into the mouse endogenous ited abnormal gait by 13 weeks of age and
Dctn1 allele has been made. The G59S muta- paralysis and death by 22 weeks of age. This
tion destabilizes p150Glued and disrupts the rapid disease course was accompanied by a loss
function of dynein/dynactin complex, result- of upper motor neurons but a relatively mild
ing in early embryonic lethality of homozygous loss of lower motor neurons, with signs of axo-
knock-in mice, whereas heterozygous knock-in nal degeneration. However, the cause of death
mice, which developed normally, start to dis- is likely intestinal dysfunction (Guo et  al.,
play motor neuron disease–like phenotypes 2012; Esmaeili, Panahi, Yadav, Hennings, &
after 10  months of age. These mutant mice Kiaei, 2013).
showed excessive accumulation of cytoskeletal Several groups have also documented similar
and synaptic vesicle proteins at neuromuscular findings of rapid early death of mutant TDP-43
junctions, loss of spinal motor neurons, and astro- mice (Wils et al., 2010; Tsai et al., 2010) or rats
gliosis (Lai et al., 2007). In contrast, transgenic (Zhou et al., 2010; Huang et al., 2012) express-
mice that overexpress mutant G59S p150Glued ing relative high levels of mutant protein.
under the control of the neuron-specific Thy-1 Because high level of expression of wild-type
promoter also display a motor neuron disease human TDP-43 was shown to be highly toxic
phenotype resulting in degeneration of motor in rodents (Shan et al., 2010; Igaz et al., 2011;
axons, loss of motor neurons, muscle weakness, Cannon et al., 2012), a likely interpretation of
paralysis, and/or premature death (Laird et al., outcomes from these mutant TDP-43 rodents
2008; Chevalier-Larsen, Wallace, Pennise, & is that toxicity arises from simply overexpress-
Holzbaur, 2008). Interestingly, there is evi- ing the human TDP-43 protein rather than a
dence of autophagic cell death occurring in toxic gain of adverse property by the mutant
these mutant p150Glued mice (Storkebaum protein.
et al., 2005). To avoid such high levels of TDP-43 expres-
sion, work has focused on developing lines of
animals expressing modest levels of human
TDP-43. Wild-type or mutant (G348C and
The discovery of TDP-43 proteinopathy in A315T) TDP-43 mice models have been gen-
ALS- frontotemporal dementia (Neumann erated using a large human TDP-43 genomic
et  al., 2006)  has led to attempts to model fragment such that the levels of transgenic
TDP-43–linked ALS in mice. Models with products were only two- to three-fold of endog-
no TDP-43 replicate a robust age-dependent enous Tdp-43 (Swarup et  al., 2011). These
motor neuron disease observed in mutant transgenic mice developed age-related patho-
SOD1 or dynactin mouse models. Similar to logic and biochemical changes including ubiq-
SOD1 mouse models, development of disease uitinated TDP-43–positive inclusions, TDP-43
phenotypes in TDP-43 transgenic mice is cleavage fragments, intermediate filament
highly dependent on the promoter used and abnormalities, axonopathy, and neuroinflam-
the level of transgene expression. mation. In addition, these lines of mice exhib-
Transgenic TDP-43 models mouse lines have ited impaired learning and memory as well as
been developed expressing human TDP-43 motor dysfunction in an age-dependent man-
under the control of various promoters, includ- ner (Swarup et al., 2011). However, there was
ing mouse Prion (Wegorzewska, Bell, Cairns, no evidence of age-dependent motor neuron
Miller, & Baloh, 2009; Stallings, Puttaparthi, loss or paralysis in these lines.
Luther, Burns, & Elliott, 2010; Xu et  al., In parallel, transgenic wild-type and mutant
2010, 2011), Thy1.2 (Wils et  al., 2010; Shan, TDP-43 mice have been developed that
Chiang, Price, & Wong, 2010), or CamKII express modest levels of transgenic products
(Tsai et  al., 2010; Igaz et  al., 2011)  promoter. under the murine PrP promoter (Arnold et al.,
These mice lacked lower motor neuron loss, 2013). The ALS-causing mutants (TDP-43Q331K
216 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

and TDP-43M337V), but not wild-type human (2013) showed that the knock-out of Tdp-43
TDP-43, showed age-dependent, progressive in postnatal motor neurons led to progressive
motor axon degeneration and motor neuron weight loss and motor impairment by the age
loss. However, these lines of mice do not exhibit of 60 weeks. These animals exhibited atrophy
a paralytic disease. Although these transgenic of spinal motor neurons, degeneration of large
lines expressing modest levels of TDP-43 are motor axons, and denervation muscle atrophy
promising tools for identification and validation (Iguchi et  al., 2013). These results are consis-
of therapeutic targets, they point to the possi- tent with the view that loss of TDP-43 function
bility of development of transgenic lines that contributes to pathogenesis of TDP-43 pro-
will lead to a robust disease phenotype that are teinopathy in ALS.
observed in mutant SOD1 models.
Tardbp knock-out mouse models have FUS
been generated. In contrast to gain of func-
tion studies, investigators used gene-targeting Even before the discovery of missense muta-
approaches to test whether loss of TDP-43 tions in FUS linked to ALS (Kwiatkowski et al.,
function contributes to motor neuron degen- 2009; Vance et  al., 2009), constitutive FUS
eration in TDP-43 proteinopathy-associated knock-out mice were produced to investigate
ALS. Initial efforts focused on development the effects of FUS deficiency (Hicks et  al.,
of constitutive TDP-43 knock-out mice. 2000). FUS null mice died within 16 hours
Homozygous knock-out mice died during of birth and exhibited evidence of abnormal
early embryogenesis showing that TDP-43 is a lymphocytes and chromosomal instability.
critical RNA binding protein in the developing Conditional knock-out of FUS in the adult ner-
organism (Kraemer et al., 2010; Sephton et al., vous system will be useful to examine whether
2010; Wu et al., 2010). However, heterozygous loss of FUS function may contribute to the
Tdp-43 knock-out mice developed signs of pathogenesis of FUS-linked ALS.
motor disturbance with age-dependent deficits Taking a complementary approach, investi-
in grip strength and cage-hanging tests com- gators used a transgenic approach to assess the
pared with wild-type littermates but there is mechanism whereby ALS-linked mutant FUS
no evidence of neuropathology consistent with led to motor neuron degeneration. Initial efforts
motor neuron disease (Kraemer et al., 2010). showed that expression of human wild-type
An alternative approach to examine the FUS, mutant R521C, and Δ14 in brains of mice
effects of reduced TDP-43 expression is to exhibited FUS cytoplasmic aggregates in neu-
use a conditional knock-out strategy to bypass rons; however, these mice do not show robust
embryonic development. Chiang and col- evidence of motor neuron disease (Verbeeck
leagues (2010) found that heterozygous dele- et al., 2012).
tion of Tardbp did not alter TDP-43 protein Rat models overexpressing either mutant
or mRNA levels, supporting the notion that (R521C) or wild-type FUS have been made.
TDP-43 is tightly regulated. Interestingly, Mutant FUS transgenic rats developed pro-
conditional deletion of both Tardbp alleles in gressive paralysis. Neuropathologically, mutant
adult mice caused rapid loss of body fat and FUS rats showed ubiquitin aggregation, glio-
mice died rapidly after Tdp-43 is ubiquitously sis, degeneration of motor axons, and loss
depleted (Chiang et  al., 2010). To assess the of neurons in the cortex and hippocampus.
impact of depletion of Tdp-43 in motor neu- Although transgenic rats that overexpressed
rons during aging, cell type–specific dele- the wild-type human FUS were asymptomatic
tion of Tardbp alleles in adult mice using Cre at young ages, they showed a deficit in spatial
recombinase approach is necessary. Using the learning and memory and a significant loss of
Hb9-Cre driver thought to possess efficient cortical and hippocampal neurons at advanced
excision in motor neurons, Wu, Cheng, and ages (Huang et al., 2011). Similarly, overexpres-
Shen (2012) reported that mice with homo- sion of wild-type FUS under the mouse Prion
zygous deletion of Tardbp in spinal motor promoter revealed that although no effect was
neurons exhibited motor neuron loss, reactive observed in heterozygous FUS mice, homozy-
astrocytosis, microglia activation, and accumu- gous FUS mice displayed an aggressive neuro-
lation of polyubiquitinated proteins. Using a degenerative phenotype with early death at the
different driver, ChAT-Cre driver, Iguchi et al. age of 12 weeks (Mitchell, McGoldrick, Vance,
19  Animal Models of Adult MND 217

& Hortobagyi, 2013). These results indicated ensure effective translation of neurobiologic
that strong accumulation of wild-type FUS is insights into the clinic to benefit patients. In
highly toxic and makes it difficult to interpret the future, it is anticipated that current exist-
the effect of mutant FUS in these animal mod- ing animal models coupled with a new set of
els. In the future, generation of lines of animals model systems will be instrumental for not only
that modestly accumulation the FUS protein providing greater understanding of disease
would be useful for mechanistic studies. mechanisms, but also identification and valida-
tion of mechanism-based therapeutic targets
for development of effective treatment strate-
gies for ALS.
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Chapter 20

Multidisciplinary Clinics and Practice

Parameters and Guidelines
Mark B. Bromberg

BACKGROUND AND NEW POINTS Delivering the Diagnosis

CLINICS Bereavement

BACKGROUND AND quality of life for the patient and caregiver

NEW POINTS when care is optimized.

Clinical care of patients with motor neuron dis-

ease (MND) has advanced with the advent of INTRODUCTION
multidisciplinary clinics, now considered the
standard of care. Formal practice parameter/ All forms of MND are progressive and affect
guidelines for multidisciplinary care have been many motor modalities, including speech,
put forward, but are based largely on clinical nutrition, activities of daily living, mobility,
experience, because studies of care of patients and eventually respiration, and also behavioral
with MND are lacking. issues. Associated are a number of trouble-
The clinical care challenge for the provider some symptoms that patients may experience.
is compassionate delivery of the diagnosis of With disease progression there is concurrently
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and for a growing burden on the caregiver. Maximal
the clinic team is helping the patient make care of patients with MND requires consid-
informed and timely decisions at various time eration of several domains, including physi-
points in the course of the disease. Since the cal, psychological, and social issues. These can
publication of practice parameters/guidelines, best be managed in a clinic where patients and
updates have been published. Data support caregivers can be attended to by a multitude of
an increase in longevity and improvement in providers.

222 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

PRACTICE PARAMETERS therapists, speech therapists, respiratory thera-

AND GUIDELINES AND pists, nutritionists, social workers, and nurses,
in addition to neurologists (Table 20–1; Corr,
MULTIDISCIPLINARY Frost, Traynor, & Hardiman, 1998). Recent
CLINICS additions to clinics include clinical pharmacists
(Jefferies & Bromberg, 2012). Other provid-
Efforts sponsored by the American Academy of ers that frequently interact with patients are
Neurology (AAN) resulted in a practice param- occasioned by particular conditions and issues,
eter in 1999 and an update in 2009 that focus and include pulmonologists, sleep medicine
on evidence-based data for ALS care (Miller specialists, gastroenterologists, otolaryngolo-
et  al., 1999, 2009). With similar goals, the gists, assistive technologists, and psychologists
European Federation of Neurological Societies or psychiatrists (Table 20–2). The ideal clinic
(EFNS) performed a systematic review of the allows a patient to see the full spectrum of pro-
literature to establish evidence-based guide- viders (Table 20–1) during each visit, taking
lines for patients with ALS and caregivers in away from each provider that which is benefi-
2005 and an update in 2012 (Andersen et al., cial. Clinic visits are typically every 3 months,
2005, 2012). and more frequent if clinically necessary. One
Domains singled out in the practice parame- difficulty for patients is visit length, which are
ters and guidelines are (1) breaking the news or 3 hours or longer. The spectrum of providers
giving the diagnosis, (2) management of com- is usually available in regional ALS or MND
mon symptoms, (3)  role of multidisciplinary specialized clinics. However, smaller general
clinics, (4)  management of adequate nutri- neurology clinics can function as “virtual mul-
tion, (5) management of respiratory symptoms, tidisciplinary clinics” by outside consultations
(6)  management of cognitive and behavioral or referrals to the full spectrum of providers
impairment, (7)  enhancement of communica- as needed.
tion, and (8) palliation and end-of-life care.
Within these domains are challenges working
with an inexorably progressive disease: (1) need
for adequate information delivered in a com- IMPACT OF PRACTICE
passionate manner to enable patient and fam- PARAMETERS AND
ily to make decisions, (2)  allowing for patient GUIDELINES
self-determination and autonomy, and (3)  dis-
cussion of advanced directives and end-of-life Assessments have been made to determine the
care introduced in a timely manner. level of care provided to the patient with ALS
The initial practice parameter laid out the prior to, but in terms of, the initial practice
main domains, and both the practice param- parameter based on a review of care data col-
eter and guidelines reviewed evidence-based lected from the ALS CARE Database between
data to support management and interventions. 1996 and 1999 (the year the practice parameter
Another purpose of both efforts is to identify was published; Bradley et  al., 2001). The ALS
areas for future research. CARE Database existed from 1996 to 2006
and included 91 clinics (mostly specialized ALS
centers) that enrolled more than 2,500 patients
and enumerated demographic data and data
CLINIC PROVIDERS on patient care issues (Miller et al., 2000). The
assessment of care is based on 2,393 patient
Clinical care has focused on ALS, but also records. Eighty-two percent believed that they
applies to all forms of MND. Optimum care had been given sufficient information about ALS.
involves a spectrum of issues that can best be With respect to symptoms and their manage-
addressed by a matched spectrum of provid- ment discussed in the practice parameter only
ers in a multidisciplinary clinic, and both the a small number of patients were treated:  54%
AAN practice parameter and EFNS guidelines for sialorrhea, 41% for reported depression, and
recommend care in such clinics (Miller et al., 28% for dyspnea. Among the 373 who had died,
2009; Andersen et  al., 2012). Clinics typi- 90% had advanced directives, but only 47%
cally include occupational therapists, physical had hospice services. During the terminal stage
Table 20–1  Core Providers in Multidisciplinary ALS Clinics
Discipline Activities
Speech therapist Assess swallowing:
•  Provide strategies; coordinate with nutritionist
Assess speech:
•  Provide strategies
•  Coordinate acquisition of augmentative (computer) devices
Occupational therapist Assess daily activities:
•  Provide equipment (utensils, splints)
Physical therapist Assess mobility and safety:
•  Provide equipment (canes, walkers)
•  Coordinate acquisition of braces, wheelchairs, lifts
Respiratory therapist Assess respiratory function:
•  Perform pulmonary function tests
•  Demonstrate noninvasive ventilation, cough-assist devices
•  Coordinate acquisition of respiratory equipment; pulmonologist
Nutritionist Assess weight loss:
•  Design appropriate diet (weight loss/gain; with feeding tube)
•  Provide strategies, discuss feeding tube
•  Coordinate acquisition feeding tube; gastroenterologist
Social worker Assess psychological and home environment of patient and family:
•  Provide coping strategies
•  Offer counselling
Nurse Oversee clinical recommendations:
•  Patient follow-up
Clinical pharmacist Counsel medications
•  Provide information on dosing and side effects
•  Suggest pharmacologic symptom management
•  Manage follow-up laboratory studies

Table 20–2  Ancillary Providers Available to the Clinic

Discipline Activities
Pulmonologist Assess respiratory function:
•  Noninvasive and tracheal ventilator management
Sleep medicine Assess nocturnal ventilation
•  Noninvasive ventilator management
•  Polysomnogram needs assessment and interpretation
Gastroenterologist Assess nutritional issues:
•  Gastric feeding tube placement and management
Otolaryngologist Assess speech, swallowing, and respiratory function:
•  Tracheostomy placement and management
Assistive technologist Assess communication and mobility function:
•  Computer-based communication devices assessment
•  Adaptive mobility devices assessment
Psychologist/psychiatrist Assess psychosocial issues:
•  Mood issues assessment
•  Coping strategies management
Home care Assess home living situation:
•  Home safety needs determination
•  Equipment and modifications assessment
Hospice Assess personal care needs:
•  Home aid and care provision
•  Ensure comfortable death
Spiritual care Assess spiritual needs
224 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

for the 373 who had died, 2.5–17% had symp- fourth is addressing and managing end-of-life
toms of breathing difficulties, anxiety, pain, and issues, and a final one is bereavement support.
chocking during the terminal stage that appar- These challenges result in parallel stresses for
ently were not adequately managed. clinic staff managing these issues.
One beneficial measure is patient survival,
and from two prospective comparisons, patients
attending a multidisciplinary clinic lived sig- Delivering the Diagnosis
nificantly longer with mean survival increased
by 7.5–10  months (Traynor, Alexander, Corr, A key issue is delivering the diagnosis in an
Frost, & Hardiman, 2003; Zoccolella et  al., appropriate manner that is compassionate, pro-
2007). In contrast, another study showed no vides sufficient information, and provides reas-
survival benefit (Zoccolella et al., 2007). surance for long-term support. This is termed
“breaking the news.” Recommendations are
available in the practice parameters, and
addressing the challenges has been sum-
CLINIC CHALLENGES marized as a protocol abbreviated SPIKES
(Box  20.1; Miller et  al., 1999, 2009; Chio &
There are many challenges to managing MND, Borasio, 2004; Andersen et al., 2012). It is rec-
for patients, caregivers, and clinic staff. The ommended that there be an open discussion of
first is giving the diagnosis, the second is pro- the possibility of MND during the diagnostic
viding a positive face in the setting of inexora- evaluation. Collusion with family members to
ble loss of function, the third is managing key spare the patient is discouraged, but there may
points related to nutrition and respiration, the be social and cultural factors to be taken into

Box 20.1  Algorithm for Giving the Diagnosis of MND

(based on SPIKES algorithm)
S: Setting of delivering the diagnosis and provider’s listening skills
•  Focused interview with open time limit
•  Provider’s ability to listen to the patient’s response and tailor discussion accordingly
P: Patient’s perception of the condition and its seriousness
•  Understanding how much a patient knows and their perception of disease
•  Correcting erroneous information
I: Invitation from the patient to be given the information
•  Awareness of how much patient is able to receive
•  Awareness of possibility of patient defense mechanisms
K: Being knowledgeable about the condition and facility for explaining medical facts
•  Providing succinct explanations
•  Providing written information for after-visit patient review
E: Able to recognize patient’s emotions and provide empathy as the patient responds
•  Being comfortable with marked patient emotional responses
S: Have a management strategy and provide a summary
•  Offering the services of a multidisciplinary clinic and a between-visit contact
•  Final summary to assess for misunderstandings
Modified from Chio and Borasio (2004).
20  Multidisciplinary Clinics and Practice Parameters and Guidelines 225

account. An initial explanation of the form of Providing Hope

MND should be complete, but brief, because
there maybe limits as to how much a patient Providing the element of hope in the setting of
can absorb. An especially challenging issue is an invariably progressive disorder is very chal-
explaining the inexorable progression, and at lenging for providers. Hope can be projected by
the same time offering hope. Having available providers to the patient in the form of a positive
written material for the patient to review out- attitude. Another form is a clinic’s participa-
side of clinic is helpful. tion in formal clinical trials with the underly-
The attitude and practice pattern of the ing hope for a successful drug or intervention.
physician making the diagnosis is important Hope can be shared among patients through
in how the news is presented and received by patent-oriented Internet web sites. Patients
the patient and family (Chio & Borasio, 2004). frequently generate an element of hope for
Factors include fear of being the messenger themselves when they choose alternative or
of bad news, not having answers to patient’s complementary medications. Approximately
questions, lack of sufficient time to give the 50% of patients with ALS in Europe and the
diagnosis, and lack of training and experi- United States partake in complementary medi-
ence for this activity. Giving the diagnosis cine, at a large cost, most of which is not cov-
also opens for the physician fears of one’s own ered by insurance (Wasner, Klier, & Borasio,
mortality. Some of these may explain why pri- 2001; Vardeny & Bromberg, 2005). An extreme
vate practice neurologists frequently transfer example of patient hope is their participation
the task to multidisciplinary clinic neurolo- in unproven stem cell trials that are not con-
gists by recommending a confirmatory or sec- ducted under the auspices of regulatory agen-
ond opinion. cies, and have very high cost and some element
A survey of how the diagnosis of ALS was of medical risk (Bedlack, 2011).
received included 94 patient-caregiver pairs,
50 unpaired patients, and 19 unpaired care-
givers (McCluskey, Casarett, & Siderowf, Managing Key Time Points
2004). The diagnosis was given by a neurolo-
gist in 91%, by an ALS specialist in 8%, and Patients vary as to areas of weakness and pat-
by physiatrists or surgeons in less than 1%. terns and rates of progression. Standards of
Patient perceptions of physician’s performance care are available that include guidelines for
was poor in 16%, below average in 9%, aver- offering and managing treatment and interven-
age in 31%, good in 19%, and excellent in 25%. tions based on a timeline or level of disability
Many deficiencies were noted:  only 50% of (Miller et al., 2009; Andersen et al., 2012). Key
physicians mentioned the availability of multi- points include offering riluzole at the time of
disciplinary clinics and national organizations diagnosis, managing nutrition and respiration
that focus on ALS (ALS Association and the interventions and durable medical equipment
Muscular Dystrophy Association in the United along the course, discussing end-of-life issues
States); and 35% did not mention that ALS is and hospice late in the course, and bereave-
a terminal disorder. There was a positive asso- ment after the patient dies. Discussion of inter-
ciation with patient satisfaction and more time ventions likely need to be broached several
spent giving the diagnosis (average, 32 min; times to optimize patient acceptance, at the
range, 1–180 min). same time keeping in mind that patient refusal
The SPIKES algorithm includes elements reflects patient autonomy.
of reading a patient’s emotions and projecting
empathy. A  study of neurology resident per-
formance during a mock session giving the Addressing End of Life
diagnosis to a standardized patient revealed
that communicating empathetically was a Introducing end-of-life issues to the patient is
major issue (Schellenberg, Schofield, Fang, & as challenging as giving the diagnosis. There
Johnston, 2014). The exercise was believed by are guidelines in the practice parameters and
the residents to be useful, and a recommenda- guidelines for initiating the discussion based
tion was for more training in residency for giv- on the level of respiratory symptoms and
ing difficult diagnoses. insufficiency.
226 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Bereavement evidence for “burn out” leading to leaving the

Bereavement takes several forms:  one for the
patient and family as loss of function and abili-
ties are mourned, and traditionally for the fam-
ily at time of death. For the former, empathy is CLINIC BENEFITS
important during clinic visits. The latter takes
several forms:  one is contacting the family at Attendance at a multidisciplinary MND clinic
time of death to give recognition and closure compared with a general neurologic clinic has
for the family and clinic staff, and the other is been shown to be beneficial. Potential positive
formal bereavement counseling. From a sur- factors for the multidisciplinary clinic include
vey of 32 ALS multidisciplinary clinics, 66% of more rapid attention to adequate nutrition and
neurologists and 94% of clinic managers (most respiratory function, more timely offering of
commonly nurses) contacted the family at time ambulatory aids, greater use of riluzole, and
of death, and 25% of neurologists and 55% of better support that reduces psychosocial stress
managers attended some funerals (Bromberg, (Van den Berg et al., 2005).
Schenkenberg, & Brownell, 2011).


Participating as providers in multidisciplinary One goal of the AAN ALS practice param-
ALS clinics, in which the number of new or eter and EFNS guidelines is to encourage
second ALS diagnoses can reach 250 per year, and increase compliance with the recom-
can be stressful. A  survey of 32 clinics indi- mendations. The AAN has developed an ALS
cated that there was stress at all time points, quality improvement measurement tool that
from diagnosis to death, but varied markedly can also be used in quality initiatives (Miller
among neurologists and clinic managers (most et  al., 2013). From an evidenced-based lit-
commonly nurses; Bromberg et  al., 2011). erature review, 11 recommendations were
Stress was experienced and tended to be lower based on clinical importance and with links
among more experienced providers (neurolo- to desired outcomes; they were open for pub-
gists and managers). Despite such stress, there lic review and comments, and then finalized
was a high level of work satisfaction and little (Table 20–3).

Table 20–3  Quality Improvement Measures Chosen to Improve ALS Patient Care

Quality Measure Evaluation and Monitoring
1. Multidisciplinary care plan—developed or updated Care plan developed and updated annually
2. Disease-modifying drugs offered and discussed Drugs discussed/offered and reviewed annually
3. Cognitive and behavioral impairment screen Screened and repeated annually
4. Symptom management therapy offered and Therapy discussed/offered
5. Respiratory insufficiency assessed and tested Insufficiency assessed/tested every 3 months
6. Noninvasive ventilation discussed Discussed and updated annually
7. Screened for impaired nutrition Screened every 3 months
8. Nutritional support offered Support offered
9. Communication support offered Communication support offered and updated
10. End-of-life planning Assistance offered and updated annually
11. Querying falls Queried of past year
They are suitable for evaluation and monitoring for quality of care. Modified from Miller et al. (2013).
20  Multidisciplinary Clinics and Practice Parameters and Guidelines 227

REFERENCES measures. Report of the Quality Measurement and

Reporting Subcommittee of the American Academy
of Neurology. Neurology. 2013.;81:2136–40.
Andersen PM, Abrahams S, Borasio GD, de Carvalho M,
Miller RG, Jackson CE, Kasarskis EJ, England JD,
Chio A, Van Damme P, et al. EFNS guidelines on the
Forshew D, Johnston W, et  al. Practice param-
clinical management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
eter update:  The care of the patient with amyo-
(MALS)—revised report of an EFNS task force. Eur
trophic lateral sclerosis:  multidisciplinary care,
J Neurol. 2012;19(3):360–75.
symptom management, and cognitive/behavioral
Andersen PM, Borasio GD, Dengler R, Hardiman O,
impairment (an evidence-based review). Report
Kollewe K, Leigh PN, et al. EFNS task force on man-
of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the
agement of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  guidelines
American Academy of Neurology. Neurology.
for diagnosing and clinical care of patients and rela-
tives. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(12):921–38.
Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF, Mitsumoto H,
Bedlack RS. Compassionate use of stem cells for
Newman D, Sufit R, et  al. Practice parameter:  the
ALS: popovers and hot air. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(an evidence-based review). Report of the Quality
Bradley WG, Anderson F, Bromberg M, Gutmann L,
Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy
Harati Y, Ross M, et  al. Current management of
of Neurology:  ALS Practice Parameters Task Force.
ALS:  comparison of the ALS CARE Database
Neurology. 1999;52(7):1311–23.
and the AAN practice parameter. Neurology.
Schellenberg KL, Schofield SJ, Fang S, Johnston WS.
Breaking bad news in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the
Bromberg MB, Schenkenberg T, Brownell AA. A survey
need for medical education. Amyotroph Lateral Scler
of stress among amyotrophic lateral sclerosis care pro-
Frontotemporal Degener. 2014;15(1–2)47–54.
viders. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2011;12(3):162–7.
Traynor BJ, Alexander M, Corr B, Frost E, Hardiman O.
Chio A, Borasio GD. Breaking the news in amyo-
Effect of a multidisciplinary amyotrophic lateral scle-
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rosis (ALS) clinic on ALS survival: a population based
study, 1996-2000. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
Corr B, Frost E, Traynor BJ, Hardiman O. Service provi-
sion for patients with ALS/MND: a cost-effective mul-
Van den Berg JP, Kalmijn S, Lindeman E, Veldink JH, de
tidisciplinary approach. J Neurol Sci. 1998;160(suppl
Visser M, Van der Graaff MM, et al. Multidisciplinary
ALS care improves quality of life in patients with
Jefferies KA, Bromberg MB. The role of a clinical pharma-
ALS. Neurology. 2005;65(8):1264–7.
cist in a multidisciplinary amyotrophic lateral sclero-
Vardeny O, Bromberg MB. The use of herbal supplements
sis clinic. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2012;13(2):233–6.
and alternative therapies by patients with amyo-
McCluskey L, Casarett D, Siderowf A. Breaking the
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). J Herb Pharmacother.
news: a survey of ALS patients and their caregivers.
Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2004;5(3):131–5.
Wasner M, Klier H, Borasio GD. The use of alternative
Miller RG, Anderson FA, Jr., Bradley WG, Brooks BR,
medicine by patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
Mitsumoto H, Munsat TL, et  al. The ALS patient
sis. J Neurol Sci. 2001;191(1-2):151–4.
care database:  goals, design, and early results. ALS
Zoccolella S, Beghi E, Palagano G, Fraddosio A, Guerra
C.A.R.E. Study Group. Neurology. 2000;54(1):53–7.
V, Lepore V, et  al. ALS multidisciplinary clinic and
Miller RG, Brooks BR, Swain-Eng RJ, Basner RC,
survival. Results from a population-based study in
Carter GT, Casey P, et  al. Quality improvement
Southern Italy. J Neurol. 2007;254(8):1107–12.
in neurology:  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis quality
Chapter 21

Allied Health and Other Providers

Mark B. Bromberg


Physical and Occupational Therapists EQUIPMENT NEEDS
Respiratory Therapists EXERCISE
Possible Harmful Effects of Exercise

BACKGROUND AND how to use them effectively and on outcome

NEW POINTS measures of their efficacy.

Beyond the neurologist and nurse, a wide

range of providers including physicians and INTRODUCTION
providers from allied health fields are impor-
tant for orchestrating the full range of care for The progression of weakness in MND affects a
patients with motor neuron disease (MND) great range of physical and emotional functions
and caregivers and to manage the effects of for the patient, caregiver, and family. To man-
progressive weakness and associated con- age these issues effectively requires an equally
sequences. Pulmonologists and gastroen- wide range of physicians and allied health pro-
terologists are essential for ventilator issues viders (Box 21.1). The range of issues can best
and placement of feeding tubes, respectively. be managed in a multidisciplinary clinic where
Physical, occupational, and respiratory thera- a core group is available at every clinic visit,
pists have leading roles, but also dietitians, and a peripheral group that can be consulted
social workers, pharmacists, wheelchair and for challenging or uncommon issues.
orthotic specialists, and assistive technolo- Some providers have obvious roles, but
gists have key positions in the multidisci- because the forms of MND are rare, training
plinary clinic. and experience with this group of patients is
Despite the importance of these providers not common, and therapeutic advice may not
for MND care, there are few publications on always be appropriate in the setting of MND.

21  Allied Health and Other Providers 229

Box 21.1  List of Physician and Allied Health Providers That can
be Supportive to Patients With MND and Caregivers
(alphabetical order)
Physician Providers
Interventional radiology
Sleep medicine
Allied Health Providers
Assistive technology
Clinical pharmacy
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Respiratory therapy
Speech therapy
Social work
Wheelchair fitting

These concerns are not helped by gaps in the by the respiratory therapist. Pulmonologists
literature. are generally available for pulmonary compli-
cations, such as pulmonary infections, and if a
patient is hospitalized and requires temporary
invasive ventilation. One key role for the pul-
PULMONOLOGY monologist is in discussing tracheal ventila-
tion, and if selected by the patient, managing
There are many review articles on noninva- training for home care and periodic follow-up
sive and invasive ventilation use in MND, but (Bromberg, 2001). A  second key role is with-
few articles on specific particulars of respira- drawal of invasive ventilation when a patient
tory management from the pulmonologist’s requests it (LeBon & Fisher, 2011).
perspective (Bach, 2002; Winck et  al., 2004;
Bach, Bianchi, Aufiero, 2004). An explanation
for the relative lack of directed articles is that
pulmonologists generally work with respiratory GASTROENTEROLOGY,
therapists and thus care recommendations and INTERVENTIONAL
consensus guidelines to help with respiratory RADIOLOGY, AND SURGERY
insufficiency represent joint efforts.
Initial assessment of pulmonary function and Adequate nutrition and nutritional support
initiation of cough-assist devices and noninva- prolongs survival in MND. When nutrition is
sive ventilation in the clinic is usually managed inadequate, support can be managed by gastric
230 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

feeding tubes, which can be placed by gastro- Physical and Occupational

enterologists, interventional radiologists, or Therapists
surgeons. Complications of tube placement
increase when pulmonary function is low, Physical and occupational therapists provide
and placement is encouraged before forced a wide range of services at all stages of MND
vital capacity is less than 50% of predicted. (Table 21–1). The primary goals of physical and
However, endoscopic feeding tube placement occupational therapists are to maintain as much
by a gastroenterologist or interventional radiol- independence for activities of daily living and
ogists can be accomplished in these situations mobility; secondary goals are to recommend
by use of noninvasive ventilation during the and manage exercise to reduce complications
procedure (Gregory, Siderowf, Golaszewski, & caused by immobility and help prevent or
McCluskey, 2002; Czell, Bauer, Binek, Schoch, manage pain; and tertiary goals are to assess
& Weber, 2013). Feeding tube placement by a for adaptive equipment and home modifica-
surgeon is performed under general anesthesia. tions (Lewis & Rushanan, 2007). Assessments
by physical and occupational therapists are


Table 21–1  Range of Activities
Psychiatric disorders are rare in amyotrophic Provided by Physical, Occupational,
lateral sclerosis (ALS) in the absence of fronto- and Respiratory Therapy
temporal involvement, but behavioral disorders
Adaptive devices Large-diameter utensils/writing
are more common in the setting of ALS with
frontotemporal syndrome or dementia (Strong, Special drinking cups
2008). When patients with ALS have psychiat- Button hooks
ric disorders consideration should also be given Aids to downing socks and shoes
to a premorbid condition. Behavioral disorders Long-reach grabbers
are common in patients with behavioral variant Electronically controlled
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction, but there are switches
few studies to guide treatment or management Transfer aids Raised toilet seats
of behavioral disorders (Merrilees, Klapper, Arm rails by toilet
Murphy, Lomen-Hoerth, & Miller, 2010; Pivot disks
Transfer belts
Seltman & Matthews, 2012). Patients respond Transfer boards
to anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antipsychotic Mechanical lifts (chairs, toilet
medications. Psychiatrists are usually called on seats)
in difficult situations when their broad treat- Splints and Finger/wrist splints
ment experience may be helpful. Depression in braces Ankle-foot-orthosis
ALS is not common, and responds to antide- Neck supports Collars
pressant medications. Wheelchairs Evaluation and fitting
MND itself can tax all aspects of mental Manual/power
health of the patient, caregiver, and fam- Home Home safety evaluations
ily members. Counseling can be effective. modifications Structural changes bathroom/
Psychologists can have a role in counseling. Lift devices (stair lifts/elevators)
Psychologists may not be familiar with the Driving Evaluations
progressive aspects of MND if they are not evaluations Modifications
working in the clinic (Pagnini, Rossi, Lunetta, Pulmonary Oral suction machines
Banfi, & Corbo, 2010). interventions Insuflators/exsuflators
Noninvasive ventilators
Invasive ventilators
Communications Dry write/erase boards
PHYSICAL, OCCUPATIONAL, AND Letter/picture boards
Computers (desk/laptop)
Eye-gaze controlled computer
All patients with MND lose function because
of muscle weakness, compounded by spasticity. Modified from Lewis and Rushanan (2007).
21  Allied Health and Other Providers 231

efficiently conducted during multidisciplinary to encouraging placement of a gastric feed-

clinic visits where the range of assistive tech- ing tube when oral intake is insufficient, and
nology devices can be assessed and offered adjusting enteral intake and managing compli-
(Casey, 2011). Physical needs of patients inter- cations after a feeding tube is placed. Other
sect with caregiver abilities to easily and safely areas are answering queries about supplements
provide and fulfill them, and both parties must (Muscaritoli et al., 2012).
be queried for safety, particularly for transfers
and lifting activities involved in activities of
daily living (Lewis & Rushanan, 2007).
Speech is an essential component of personal
Respiratory Therapists interactions that include communicating basic
needs and clarifying them, maintaining social
All patients with MND lose diaphragm
intercourse and personal intimacy, and sharing
strength and experience a variety of respi- new information. Speech is impaired to vary-
ratory symptoms, including shortness of ing degrees in 80% of patients with MND.
breath with speech and activities, orthopnea, Changes progress slowly but steadily and
and respiratory failure. Respiratory thera- patients can become essentially mute. A num-
pists ask about respiratory and sleep symp- ber of augmentative and alternative communi-
toms; perform pulmonary function tests; cation devices are available (Table 21–1) and
and introduce and guide use of respiratory speech therapists are important in assessing
interventions, such as breath stacking exer- and recommending appropriate devices.
cises, cough-assist devices, and noninvasive Patient usage of augmentative and alterna-
ventilation including fitting of the interface tive communication devices is highly vari-
and monitoring use (Table 21–1). One clinic’s able, and specific recommendations can be
experience with noninvasive ventilation use challenging. One study reviewed modes of
showed a four-fold increase when the ser- communication across a wide spectrum and
vices of a respiratory therapist were available concluded that it is important to assess past
compared with before (Kareus, Kagebein, & and current preferred means of communica-
Rudnicki, 2008). tion between patient and caregiver before
making recommendations for specific devices
(Fried-Oken et  al., 2006). A  patient’s actual
NURSING use of augmentative and alternative communi-
cation devices may be less than predicted by
The nurses’ role is broad, and varies among the speech therapist (Gruis, Wren, & Huggins,
clinical settings—multidisciplinary clinic, 2011), and many patients rely on speech to
private clinic, and hospice care. The nurse communicate even when markedly impaired.
manages the flow in a multidisciplinary clinic Under these conditions, patients and primary
and is frequently the person who fields calls listeners adapt with equal perceptions of com-
and questions from the patient and caregiver munication effectiveness between the patient
between clinic visits (Clarke & Levine, 2011). and listener (Ball, Beukelman, & Pattee, 2004).
In a private neurology clinic, the nurse can However, speaking strategies (voice amplifica-
recommend referrals to other physicians and tion) for the patient are limited in distracting
allied health providers (Davis & Lou, 2011). social settings.
When patients are in hospice the nurse guides
end-of-life issues.
NUTRITION The prospect of familial ALS has a profound
impact on the family. Most patients with ALS
Optimizing nutrition can be viewed as a con- enquire about the possibility of passing ALS on
tinuum, starting with adjustments to oral feed- to offspring. Until recently, the question could
ing when dysphagia causes reduced intake, be addressed by asking about the patient’s
232 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

family history for ALS, and if negative, the ORTHOTICS

answer of “highly unlikely” could be given with
relatively high confidence. With the findings Bracing at the ankle with an ankle-foot ortho-
of 12 associated genes, and in particular the sis can be helpful when there is ankle dorsi-
c9orf72 mutation and its pattern within a fam- flexion weakness, although weakness from
ily of individuals having either frontotemporal lower motor neuron loss may be helped more
lobe dementia or ALS combined with the issue by bracing than weakness from upper motor
of hexanucleotide repeat length, the answer to neuron loss (spasticity). There are several dif-
the question of passing ALS on to offspring has ferent orthotic devices made from a variety of
reduced confidence. materials and the experience of the orthotist is
Genetic testing for the full spectrum of essential for choosing a functional device.
known mutations is readily available, but a
negative result does not exclude a genetic cause
because ~40% of families with ALS have undis-
covered gene mutations. The expanded genetic WHEELCHAIR SEATING
knowledge raises challenging clinical questions
for the patient and family, and these include Most patients with MND benefit from a wheel-
whether to test, reasons for the choice, whether chair to allow travel over greater distances with
to communicate results to siblings and offspring, less fatigue and less risk of falling. Wheelchairs
and how to report complicated genetic infor- must be fitted to the patient, and for power
mation. The latter issue is especially important wheelchairs, features and accessories must be
because basic genetic information has been selected to match the patient’s physical needs
found to be limited among patients with ALS and home environment (Trail, Nelson, Van,
(Fanos, Gelinas, & Miller, 2004). Appel, & Lai, 2001).
Guidelines for genetic testing have been A survey of 32 patients with ALS about
offered (Chio et al., 2014). They include testing the prescription process, use, and satisfaction
patients with first- or second-degree relatives with power wheelchairs reinforces the scope
with ALS or frontotemporal lobe dementia, of the process to achieve satisfaction (Ward
but consideration should be given to particular et al., 2010). The wheelchair-seating specialist
family circumstances. Given the complexities is usually a vendor who works with a physical
of ALS genetics and the relative lack of genetic or occupational therapist to write the prescrip-
knowledge among patients, genetic counseling tion. Insurance companies and governmental
is highly recommended when testing is consid- agencies (Medicare in the United States) have
ered (Chio et al., 2013). specific requirements that must be met.
From the patient perspective, 25 were que-
ried as to their thoughts about genetic test-
ing, and 60% would agree to being tested, and DRIVING EVALUATIONS
30% believed it was appropriate to test their
children (Fanos et al., 2004). Another study of The effect of reduced motor control (weakness
20 patients from families with known muta- and spasticity) and reduced executive decision
tions associated with high genetic penetrance making from frontotemporal lobe dysfunction
showed that 70% chose to have the results on driving ability of patients with MND is an
of their testing revealed (Fanos et  al., 2011). area with no literature. Driving evaluations can
Reasons for wanting to know were reduced be arranged through physical or occupational
anxiety and the ability to plan; reasons for not therapists with special training or through
wanting to know were being overvigilant of departments of motor vehicles.
symptoms and if tested negative feeling guilty
that a sibling was positive. Basic understanding
of patterns and penetration were lacking for
some subjects. The psychological impact var- CLERGY
ied among patients, both positive and negative.
The mode of test reporting varied in that some Religiosity as measured by the Idler Index of
patients wished the results be given in person Religiosity (two items assessing public and two
and others by telephone. items assessing private religiousness) has been
21  Allied Health and Other Providers 233

found to be correlated with quality of life of an item of durable medical equipment:  from
the patient with ALS measured by the McGill experience, a patient may think about a
questionnaire with disease progression (Walsh, wheelchair over one or more clinic visits that
Bremer, Felgoise, & Simmons, 2003) and also span 3 or more months. Thus, when a patient
of the caregiver (Calvo et al., 2011). Despite the agrees with the device timely delivery is very
importance of religiosity there are no publica- important.
tions on the direct role of clergy with patients
with ALS.

ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY A frequent question posed by patients with
ALS is whether physical therapy exercise pro-
The ability to aid a patient with daily activities grams, designed and supervised by physical
has expanded and therapists are the principal therapists, can restore lost muscle power or
people to assess and offer devices (Table 21–1; slow the progression of weakness. Exercise may
Casey, 2011). Although such aids are routinely result in increased strength of exercised muscle
offered when therapists believe they would groups but does not slow progression or reduce
help, patients do not use all items that are fatigue. Maintaining an exercise program is
offered. A survey queried the use of 33 devices difficult for patients.
(included in Table 21–1) by 63 patients with The role of exercise in ALS has been
ALS (Gruis et  al., 2011). Devices used often addressed by several studies. One study of
or always by greater than or equal to 20% of patients with El Escorial Criteria definite or
patients included arm rails by the toilet, raised probable ALS completed a 6-month program
toilet seat, shower chair, shower bars, slip-on in which 8 were randomized to exercise and
shoes, ankle-foot orthoses, transfer boards, stretching and 10 subjects to stretching only.
speaker phone, and electronic wheelchair con- The exercise group had thrice weekly and indi-
trols. Devices commonly offered that were vidualized moderate level, endurance-type
rated as less useful included buttonhooks, exercise for limbs and trunk and were based
dressing sticks with hooks, and long-handed on general health, neurologic status, and fit-
reaching tools. Interestingly, electronic speak- ness level; the stretching program was daily to
ing devices, although widely prescribed, were twice daily for both groups (Bello-Haas et al.,
rarely used by most. 2007). At 6  months, ALS Functional Rating
Scale scores were significantly reduced and
quantitative leg strength score increased in
TIME LINE OF DURABLE the resistive exercise group, but there was no
EQUIPMENT NEEDS difference in level of fatigue. Dropout over
the 6  months was high, and for a variety of
The progressive nature of MND means that reasons. In another study, 14 patients with
items of durable medical equipment will be definite or probable ALS were randomized
required in a timely fashion and selection of to individualized resistive exercise compared
features, especially for power wheelchairs, with 11 who continued with daily activities
must be made with future needs taken into (Drory, Goltsman, Reznik, Mosek, & Korczyn,
consideration. One study of patients with 2001). At 3  months there was a significant
ALS showed that by 50% of a patient’s dis- slowing in the ALS Functional Rating Scale
ease course most patients need a wheelchair, score in the exercise group, and at 6  months
and other ambulatory aids at shorter intervals the trend remained but not to a significant
(Fig. 21–1; Bromberg, Brownell, Forshew, & degree. Strength showed a positive trend in
Swenson, 2010). A  similar study of patients the exercise group. Dropout was also high
with primary lateral sclerosis showed the same with insufficient numbers of subjects for valid
progressive need for equipment for ambula- comparisons.
tion (Peters & Floeter, 2009). What is not con- ALS is a progress disorder and the degree of
sidered in the time line is the time period a loss of muscle strength and how it affects walk-
patient needs to accept a recommendation for ing has been studied. A group of 118 subjects
234 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Cumulative Probabilities of Need for

Durable Medical Equipment and Interventions
Cane AFO
100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Walker Wheel Chair

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Bulbar UE LE

Figure 21–1.  Time line of cumulative needs for durable equipment. X axis: percent of disease (ALS) duration. Y axis: per-
centage of patients needing durable item. AFO = ankle-foot orthosis; LE = lower extremity; NIV = noninvasive ventila-
tion; PEG = percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; UE = upper extremity. (From Bromberg et al., 2010, with permission.)

with ALS had serial quantitative assessment distal muscles (Slavin, Jette, Andres, & Munsat,
of leg strength from major muscle groups and 1998).
expressed as normalized summed leg strength Physical symptoms of fatigue, muscle
(Tufts Quantitative Neurologic Examination), cramps, muscle spasms, spasticity, and mus-
and Tufts Quantitative Neurologic Examination culoskeletal pain are assessed by physical
scores were compared with their walking abil- therapists. Although many interventions are
ity. When global leg strength declined to 54% individualized for patients by the therapist,
patients lost the ability to ambulate indepen- efficacy data from randomized controlled trials
dently (without aids) in the community, when are important and have been assessed formally
it declined to 37% they lost the ability to walk in Cochrane Reviews.
outside, and when it reached 19% they lost General recommendations include consul-
the ability to ambulate. Among leg muscle tation with a physical therapist and planning
groups, strength of knee flexion was, somewhat for gradual increase in intensity and frequency
surprisingly, more important in maintaining of exercise over time (Anziska & Sternberg,
ambulation than strength of knee extensor or 2013). Aerobic exercise is favored over resistive
21  Allied Health and Other Providers 235

exercise. Nonambulatory patients can par- Possible Harmful Effects of

ticipate with hand-held ergometers. Signs Exercise
of excessive exercise activity include muscle
pain that does not resolve within a day, and A remote history of relatively intense exercise
the intensity of exercise should be lessened has been questioned as a possible factor in
accordingly. Patients often ask about the value the later development of ALS. Epidemiologic
of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in studies suggest that premorbid lean body mass
ALS: however, muscles are activated by stim- and athleticism may be more common among
ulation of motor nerve fibers and not muscle patients with ALS (Scarmeas, Shih, Stern,
fibers, and with disease progression the num- Ottman, & Rowland, 2002). However, other
ber of achievable fibers lessens (discussed in studies have not confirmed the association
the section on diaphragm pacing in the chap- (Veldink et  al., 2005). A  review of 23 stud-
ter on respiration). ies showed that half reported a possible asso-
Exercise for patients with ALS may be lim- ciation and half did not (Veldink et al., 2005).
ited because of respiratory insufficiency. To Epidemiologic methods were questioned for
compensate for this, a trial of eight patients many of the studies.
with ALS exercising on a treadmill with the
assistance of bilevel noninvasive ventilation to
maintain oxygen saturations showed that such
patients can exercise without harmful effects FALLS
and forced vital capacity values were main-
tained compared with a control group not exer- Falls are a common occurrence with patients
cising (Pinto et al., 1999). with MND, because of spasticity (ALS and pri-
Diaphragm strength is the limiting factor in mary lateral sclerosis) and leg weakness (ALS
MND and the question of the use of diaphragm and progressive muscular atrophy). Spasticity
exercises arises. In one study the diaphragm affects the ability to correct for being off-balance
was exercised by exaggerated breathing efforts, with rapid contraction of muscles, and weak-
but no change in forced vital capacity was ness can affect proximal or distal leg muscles.
found over 3 months (Nardin et al., 2008). Only Clinical assessment of spasticity and weakness
eight patients were recruited and there was dif- is not predictive of the likelihood of falling.
ficulty in mastering the technique. The time it takes to stand up from a chair, walk
Another approach to diaphragm exercise is three meters, turn around, and sit down again
use of a resistive inhalation device. A study of (Timed Up and Go test) has been shown to cor-
26 patients with ALS with normal respiratory relate with falls (Montes et al., 2007).
function was divided into two groups:  one
group participated in resistive inhalation
exercises for 8  months, whereas the other REFERENCES
group did not for 4 months and then partici-
pated in the exercise program for 4  months Anziska Y, Sternberg A. Exercise in neuromuscular dis-
(Pinto, Swash, & de Carvalho, 2012). There ease. Muscle Nerve. 2013;48(1):3–20.
were no significant differences between the Bach JR. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  prolongation
two groups. of life by noninvasive respiratory AIDS. Chest.
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role of supplements on strength. One study for tracheotomy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
of 28 patients with ALS assessed quantita- Chest. 2004;126(5):1502–7.
tive strength of 10 muscle groups before and Ball LJ, Beukelman DR, Pattee GL. Communication
effectiveness of individuals with amyotrophic lateral
6  months after taking creatine, 20 g daily for sclerosis. J Commun Disord. 2004;37(3):197–215.
7 days and 3 g daily thereafter (Mazzini et al., Bello-Haas VD, Florence JM, Kloos AD, Scheirbecker J,
2001). Maximal strength improved statically Lopate G, Hayes SM, et al. A randomized controlled
only in two muscle groups (knee extensors trial of resistance exercise in individuals with ALS.
and elbow flexors) and only in some subjects. Neurology. 2007;68(23):2003–7.
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over 6  months. Fatigue was also reduced in ALS—A Comprehensive Guide to Management.
these muscle groups. New York: Demon; 2001:187–210.
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Bromberg MB, Brownell AA, Forshew DA, Swenson M. Merrilees J, Klapper J, Murphy J, Lomen-Hoerth C,
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ment needs and interventions for amyotrophic lat- caring for patients with frontotemporal dementia
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2010;11(1-2):110–5. Scler. 2010;11(3):298–302.
Calvo A, Moglia C, Ilardi A, Cammarosano S, Gallo S, Montes J, Cheng B, Diamond B, Doorish C, Mitsumoto
Canosa A, et al. Religiousness is positively associated H, Gordon PH. The Timed Up and Go test:  pre-
with quality of life of ALS caregivers. Amyotroph dicting falls in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Lateral Scler. 2011;12(3):168–71. 2007;8(5):292–5.
Casey KS. Creating an assistive technology clinic:  the Muscaritoli M, Kushta I, Molfino A, Inghilleri M, Sabatelli
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Chapter 22

Respiratory Assessment and

Mark B. Bromberg


FAILURE Diaphragm Pacing
Methods of Testing
Respiratory Survey Questionnaires and
Air or Breath Stacking
Insufflation and Exsufflation Devices
Bilevel Ventilation
Survival and Quality of Life

BACKGROUND AND prolong survival, but optimum time to recom-

NEW POINTS mend use has not been determined. Fulltime
ventilation can prolong life beyond the natural
Respiratory failure is the proximate cause of course and a decision about fulltime ventila-
death with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tion is the most important one a patient has
and progressive muscular atrophy (PMA). to make.
Symptoms of failure progress in a predictable Several pulmonary tests are available to
manner but early on may be subtle and require assess respiratory status, but the most sensitive
frequent monitoring. Interventions with non- metric has not been determined. The optimum
invasive ventilation (NIV) are helpful and may time to initiate NIV in the course of ALS is
238 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

undetermined. Comfortable use of NIV may be such as with a cough, internal intercostal and
challenging for some patients and more of an abdominal muscles are activated. An effective
issue for those with bulbar muscle weakness and cough requires glottic control (closure), which
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction. Cough-assist becomes compromised with marked bulbar
devices can aid pulmonary hygiene. Electrical weakness.
stimulation of the diaphragm may prolong sur- The diaphragm consists of two hemidia-
vival and enhance diaphragm muscle function, phragm muscles, each innervated by a phrenic
but definitive data are lacking. nerve that is derived from third to fifth cervi-
cal roots. Chest wall muscles are innervated by
nerves derived from second to sixth thoracic
roots. Although respiratory failure results pri-
INTRODUCTION marily from lower motor neuron (LMN) loss,
there is also likely a component of upper motor
Respiratory failure occurs with ALS and PMA neuron (UMN) failure from neuron loss in
and to a less predictable degree with primary brainstem regions associated with generation
lateral sclerosis. Assessing respiratory symp- of rhythmic respiratory drive. Although little
toms and pulmonary function testing are the is known about the effects of the UMN com-
first steps, leading to recommendations initially ponent in ALS, the diaphragm motor evoked
for improving pulmonary hygiene and later for potential to transcranial magnetic stimulation
respiratory interventions. Because respiratory was found to be absent or reduced in up to half
failure is the proximate cause of death with of patients (Shimizu et al., 2010). Of note, some
ALS and PMA, counseling of the patient and of these patients had no respiratory symptoms.
family is essential at multiple time points to give
the patient autonomous choices for breathing
interventions. Guidelines for care of patients
with ALS suggest thresholds for conversations ALS PROGRESSION AND
with patients when breathing becomes symp- RESPIRATORY FAILURE
tomatic or forced vital capacity (FVC) is 50%
of predicted (Clinical indications, 1999; Miller The pattern of LMN loss as it relates to the
et al., 2009; Andersen et al., 2012). phrenic nerve is obviously important in patient
care. It is interesting that clinically, respiratory
function may be reduced but is generally bet-
ter than limb or bulbar function at late stages
RESPIRATORY ANATOMY of ALS and PMA; that is, patients may be
AND PHYSIOLOGY bedbound from limb weakness but have rela-
tively comfortable respiration. The late onset
Inspiration results from activation of the dia- of respiratory involvement has been confirmed
phragm, scalene muscles, the external intercos- in a series of 150 patients with ALS followed
tal muscles, levator costae (origin, transverse at 3-month intervals until respiratory symp-
processes of thoracic vertebrae; insertion, rib toms developed (Fujimura-Kiyono et al., 2011).
below), and the parasternal intercostal muscles Regions of involvement were determined from
(small muscles close to the border of the ster- the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised
num and chondrocostal junctions). In the set- score: respiratory symptoms developed in only
ting of quiet inspiration, activation of the 3.3% of patients when the second body region
diaphragm moves about 45% of the air volume, was affected, in 32.6% when the third region
and external intercostal muscles about 25% of was involved, and in 57% when the fourth
the air. Quiet expiration is passive from elastic region was involved.
recoil of the rib cage. There is also likely a degree of neural com-
With greater respiratory drive from respira- pensation that preserves respiratory capac-
tory insufficiency, accessory inspiratory muscles ity in the setting of progressive phrenic nerve
are activated and include the sternocleidomas- loss (Nichols et  al., 2013). Mechanisms con-
toid, serratus anterior, pectoralis group, upper sidered include (1)  greater UMN respiratory
trapezius, various spinal muscles, and abdomi- drive from brainstem plasticity, (2)  increase
nal muscles. With active or forceful expiration, in the size of the phrenic nerve motor units,
22  Respiratory Assessment and Management 239

and (3)  increased use of accessory inspiratory function (normal evoked diaphragm response
muscles. and no evidence for needle electromyogram
abnormalities), and their FVCs were 84–128%
of predicted and MIP between 2 and 93  cm
H2O (de Carvalho, Costa, Pinto, & Pinto,
SLEEP-DISORDERED 2009). These patients were characterized clini-
BREATHING cally as having marked UMN signs. Thus, noc-
turnal oximetry may detect sleep-disordered
Sleep-disordered breathing represents altera- breathing not predictable from other respira-
tions of the respiratory pattern with pauses tory measurements in the clinic.
that reduce the quantity of ventilation during
sleep. Obstructive sleep apnea is common in
the general population, and is likely also a fac-
tor in some patients with ALS. However, there RESPIRATORY METRICS
are greater concerns for hypoventilation dur-
ing rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in ALS, Several respiratory function tests are available
supported by a variety of findings. One study in the clinic, at home, or in a sleep laboratory
of 21 patients with definite ALS who had poly- (Box 22.1; Gruis and Lechtzin, 2012). Common
somnography showed rare apnea and hypopnea clinical tests include FVC (both sitting and
episodes, but among those with reduced dia- supine, and rapid and slow), MIP and MEP, and
phragm function some experienced markedly maximal nasal sniff pressure. Oxygen saturation
reduced or no REM sleep, and some had acti- can be measured in the clinic and by noctur-
vation of the sternocleidomastoid muscles dur- nal oximetry in the patient’s home during sleep.
ing REM sleep, interpreted as a compensator Carbon dioxide levels can be measured in the
mechanism because only the diaphragm and clinic noninvasively by capnography (Kim et al.,
extraocular eye muscles are usually active dur- 2011). A full or abbreviated nocturnal polysom-
ing REM sleep (Arnulf et al., 2000). nogram provides information about hypoxia
and hypercarbia, and central and peripheral
(obstruction) factors during different stages of
sleep. The diaphragm muscle response (ampli-
EARLY DIAPHRAGM tude) to electrical stimulation can be measured
DYSFUNCTION in the electrodiagnostic laboratory. Diaphragm
excursion can be measured radiographically
Respiratory function can be impaired at sev- or by ultrasound and diaphragm thickness by
eral sites, centrally with reduced neural drive, ultrasound (Hiwatani, Sakata, & Miwa, 2013).
in the airways with obstruction, and at the
diaphragm with weakness and fatigue. It is
important that sleep-disordered breathing may Methods of Testing
occur with good respiratory metrics. A  study
of 11 patients with ALS who had no medical FVC and MIP and MEP values are affected by
respiratory disease, normal respiratory tests testing variability from a variety of factors, and
(FVC, maximal inspiratory and expiratory the optimal testing strategies have not been
pressures [MIP and MEP]), normal Pco2, determined (Box 22.1; Pinto, Geraldes, Vaz,
and normal diaphragm response to electri- Pinto, & de Carvalho, 2009).
cal stimulation underwent polysomnography
because they had saturations to 90% on noc-
turnal oximetry studies (Atalaia, De Carvalho, Respiratory Survey
Evangelista, & Pinto, 2007). Sleep-disordered Questionnaires and
breathing was detected in eight patients, which Instruments
included apnea and hypopnea occurring in
REM or non-REM sleep. In another study of Several survey questionnaires or instruments
261 unselected patients with ALS followed developed for other sleep-related breathing
with periodic nocturnal oximetry, 13 (5%) disorders have been used to assess respira-
had desaturations despite normal diaphragm tory symptoms in ALS. They assess indirectly
240 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Box 22.1  Pulmonary Tests, Testing Factors, and Testing

Pulmonary tests
Forced vital capacity (rapid exhalation): seated or supine
Slow vital capacity (slow exhalation)
Maximal inspiratory or expiratory pressure
Nasal sniff pressure
Day and nocturnal oximetry
Day carbon dioxide levels
Diaphragm muscle response (compound muscle action potential) to phrenic nerve
Diaphragm excursion: fluoroscopy or ultrasound
Diaphragm thickness: ultrasound
Pulmonary testing factors
•  Reference values
  Volume in liters or pressure in centimeters of H2O
  Reference values from normative data vary among sources: percent of predicted
•  Patient learning
  Higher values with practice
•  Patient fatigue
  Lower values with respiratory muscle fatigue
•  Patient coordination
  Variable values because of incoordination of bulbar function from UMN loss
•  Facial muscle weakness
  Inability to achieve lip seal around tube (use of mask to circumvent weakness)
•  Pseudobulbar affect
  Ease of laughing
Pulmonary testing strategies
Average of 5–10 tests
Better of two technically good responses
Highest of three tests within 5% variability
Learning effect: best of 15–20 tests

respiratory function, as a means to identify a variety of symptoms (Box 22.2), supported by

early changes, including those that may occur pulmonary function test values, likely provide
during sleep and whose impact may not be as much clinically useful information as survey
obvious (Box 22.2). Questionnaire sensitiv- questionnaires or instruments.
ity assessment is usually based on correla-
tions with pulmonary function measurements,
which in turn are static daytime measurements NIV
and whose ability to assess respiratory function
is uncertain (Bourke, McColl, Shaw, & Gibson, The most common form of NIV used with ALS
2004). Periodic patient and family querying for and patients with PMA is bilevel ventilation.
22  Respiratory Assessment and Management 241

Box 22.2  Respiratory Symptoms, Sleep Survey Instruments,

and Respiratory Threshold Values for NIV
Respiratory symptoms
Shortened spoken sentence length caused by dyspnea
Use of accessory muscles at rest
Disturbed sleep caused by nocturnal arousals
Morning headaches
Excessive daytime fatigue and sleepiness
Sleep survey questionnaires/instruments
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Sleep Apnea Quality of Live Index
Threshold respiratory test values for NIV
Forced vital capacity of <80–50% of predicted
Maximal negative inspiratory force less than −60 cm H2O
Sniff pressure <40 cm H2O
Nocturnal saturations of <88% for 5 consecutive minutes
Arterial Pco2 > 45 mm Hg

There are many factors involved with the suc- expiratory pressure; the machine increases to
cess of bilevel NIV, and there is an art to work- the inspiratory pressure and flow when it senses
ing with patients to improve patient tolerance a change initiated by the patient’s inhalation,
and hours of usage (Gruis & Lechtzin, 2012). and the inspiratory flow lasts 3 seconds or when
One factor that is difficult to codify is the clini- inspiratory flow slows, indicating the end of the
cal effort used to initiate NIV in terms of per- patient’s inspiration. In the spontaneous mode,
sonnel to monitor and adjust the interface and the patient’s breathing rate sets the machine’s
pressure settings and follow-up, which in the respiratory rate. In the spontaneous-timed
extreme is the initiation of NIV in a hospital mode, a back- up rate of machine-triggered
setting lasting several day and nights (Volanti inspiratory pressure and flow and pressure can
et al., 2011). be set. The spontaneous-timed mode can be
used when respiratory muscles are too weak to
trigger the inspiration flow. There are autoti-
trate NIV machine models that adjust pres-
Bilevel Ventilation sures and flows to help achieve target volumes.

With bilevel ventilation there are two pres-

sure levels, which can be adjusted separately
(inspiratory and expiratory airway pressures), RESPIRATORY THRESHOLD
and the difference between the two is the FOR NIV
level of pressure support. The NIV machine
can function in two modes, spontaneous and The physiologic threshold for recommending
spontaneous-timed. Both modes start with the NIV has not been determined and likely is
242 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

highly dependent upon the individual patient’s function is normal is better than at a symptom-
symptoms and respiratory testing values (Gruis atic time. One study of patients with ALS who
& Lechtzin, 2012). However, there are general received NIV and used it for more than 4 hours
guidelines that include symptoms and signs, per night focused on two groups:  an early use
and some threshold respiratory test values are group of 25 patients whose FVC was more than
linked to national and health insurance regu- 65% (average, 73.4%), and a late-use group of 67
lations (Box 22.2; Clinical indications, 1999; patients whose values were less than 65% (aver-
Miller et al., 2009; Andersen et al., 2012). age, 48.3%) at initiation of NIV (Lechtzin et al.,
2007). There were no significant clinical differ-
ences between the two groups, but the average
MIP was 54 cm H2O for the early use group and
PREDICTORS OF NIV USE 28 cm H2O for the late-use group. Tracheal-free
survival was significantly prolonged among the
The goal of 4 hours per night use of NIV is early use group (2.7  years) compared with the
an arbitrary number. Adherence varies across late-use group (1.7 years).
studies, and two external variables are the level
of personnel available for telephone follow-up
encouragement and pressure and interface
adjustments; and the location of where NIV EFFICACY OF NIV
is started, at home or in a hospital setting
with greater patient attention. Intrinsic vari- The efficacy of NIV can be viewed as correc-
ables include the degree of bulbar weakness tion of nocturnal desaturations. It can be a
and frontotemporal lobe dysfunction (Volanti challenge to achieve such efficacy. In one study
et al., 2011). of 82 patients with ALS, 40 were adequately
Patients with ALS with bulbar weakness are ventilated and 42 were not (Gonzalez-Bermejo
reported to have greater difficulty with NIV, et al., 2013). Air leakage around the interface
attributed to dysphagia and difficulty with was the main source of persistent nocturnal
secretion management. A study of 71 patients desaturations (53%) and obstructive events
with ALS found that mild to moderate bulbar another source (26%).
symptoms (based on a 0–8 scale) were fac-
tors for poor NIV tolerance (Lo Coco et  al.,
2006). In another study of 50 patients, adher- LONG-TERM EFFECTS
ence was six time more likely in limb-onset OF NIV
than in bulbar-onset patients (Gruis, Brown,
Schoennemann, Zebarah, & Feldman, 2005). NIV represents an intervention in the man-
Patients with ALS with frontotemporal lobe agement of ALS and there have been a large
dysfunction are also reported to have greater dif- number of studies, dating from the mid-1990s,
ficulty with NIV (Olney et al., 2005). In a study looking for positive effects. There are many
of 81 patients with ALS, those that had fronto- NIV variables, including at what level of respi-
temporal lobe dysfunction had shorter survival ratory compromise intervention is recom-
and were less compliant with NIV. Of note, there mended (FVC percentage) and ability of the
were more patients with bulbar weakness in the patient to use the device (hours per night or
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction group. day), and what is measured metric (survival,
quality of sleep, and quality of life). Most stud-
ies are observational and none fully controlled
(sham ventilation).
Survival and Quality of Life
FVC guidelines for institution of NIV vary
among clinics from 50% to 80% of predicted, A review of the literature to 2005 found four
although there are other factors and test values retrospective, seven prospective, and one ran-
that influence this threshold. There are no stud- domized controlled studies, providing class II
ies to determine if starting NIV when respiratory to IV evidence (Piepers et al., 2006). Overall,
22  Respiratory Assessment and Management 243

for survival, four studies reported longer sur- one study, the combination of assisted cough
vival for patients who tolerated NIV compared and spontaneous-timed mode ventilators,
with those who did not and survival was longer which were used for more than 20 hours/day
for those without bulbar symptoms; for effect was effective in supporting comfortable respi-
on pulmonary function, two of six studies ration for long periods (mean, 11 ± 18 months),
showed no impact of NIV and one showed a and was believed to be effective in lieu of tra-
slower decline in FVC among those who toler- cheal ventilation (Bach, Bianchi, & Aufiero,
ated the intervention; for quality of life, all five 2004). However, patients with marked bulbar
studies found it to be positive; for respiratory weakness were frequently unable to maintain
symptoms, reductions were found in the three adequate saturations and required tracheos-
studies that queried them. tomy (mean, 22 ± 25 days) or died (mean, 48 ±
A recent Cochrane review found only two 61 days).
randomized studies (Radunovic, Annane,
Rafiq, & Mustfa, 2013). One study of 13
patients with ALS who had nocturnal desatu- Sleep
rations of less than 90% were randomized to
two groups:  seven to “early NIV initiation” The effects of NIV on sleep have been assessed
with mean FVC of 77%; and six “standard in 12 patients with ALS with home polysomno-
NIV initiation” with FVC less than 50% of grams, one before and one after NIV (Katzberg
predicted (Jackson, Lovitt, Gowda, Anderson, et al., 2013). NIV resulted in improved oxygen
& Miller, 2006). The study focused on clini- saturations (7% non-REM, 6.7% REM sleep)
cal and pulmonary functional associations and time at less than 90% saturation improved
between the symptomatic groups with no from 30% to 19% but NIV did not have an effect
long-term follow-up. Another study random- on apnea or hypopnea indices, sleep efficiency,
ized 22 patients to NIV and 19 to standard or arousal index of sleep stage distribution.
care and followed them until death (Bourke Another study of 19 subjects with ALS who
et  al., 2006). NIV use was higher in patients were accustomed to NIV and who had poly-
with good bulbar function (mean, 9.3 hours/ somnography studies showed frequent asyn-
day) compared with those with poor function chrony between the ventilator and patient
(mean, 3.8 hours/day), and the former group breathing (Atkenson et  al., 2011). Asynchrony
used NIV many months longer with progres- may be caused by air leaks from mask or mouth
sion of respiratory decline. Quality of life was or inappropriate pressure setting, leading to
measured by the Short Form-36 health-related nontriggered and double-triggered breath-
instrument and two sleep-related instruments. ing efforts, which in turn increase the work of
Those on NIV and who had better bulbar func- breathing and disrupt sleep. No ALS clinical
tion showed greater elements of quality and for features were found to predict asynchrony.
longer periods of time compared with those not
on NIV or those on NIV but with poor bulbar
function. Patients on NIV and who had good PREDICTORS OF
bulbar function had longer survival than those NONINVASIVE USE
not using NIV, but there was no survival advan-
tage with NIV for those with marked bulbar Use of NIV varies among patients and predic-
function. tors of compliance have been sought. Patients
Greater use of NIV has been singled out as with bulbar-onset ALS may have greater diffi-
the main identifiable factor in improving sur- culties with NIV, but data are equivocal (Gruis
vival in a single center as assessed among 2,037 et al., 2005; Jackson et al., 2006).
patients with ALS over 2002–2009 (Gordon
et  al., 2012). The proportion of NIV use was
16% during the period 2002–2004 and 51%
during the period 2006–2008). SUPPLEMENTAL OXYGEN
Prolonged daily use of NIV (>20 hours/day)
to maintain oxygen saturations greater than When oxygen saturations are low there is a ten-
94% is feasible, and is aided by NIV machines dency for physicians to order supplementary
with spontaneous-timed mode capabilities. In oxygen. If there is a component of pulmonary
244 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

or cardiac disease supplemental oxygen may the phrenic nerve as it enters the diaphragm
be appropriate. However, older literature indi- muscle, has been available to patients with
cates that supplemental oxygen in the setting ALS (Onders et  al., 2009). Hook electrodes
of hypercarbia could reduce respiratory drive. are implanted in the underside of each hemi-
Little data are available on possible respira- diaphragm muscle during a laparoscopic
tory depression with the use of supplemental procedure, with site of optimum diaphragm
oxygen in the patient with ALS, but caution is activation determined during the procedure.
recommended. Diaphragm pacing was originally developed
for quadriplegics who have intact phrenic
nerves, but the Food and Drug Administration
granted Humanitarian Device Exemption for
ELECTRICAL PHRENIC ALS in 2011. The stimulating electrode and
NERVE AND DIAPHRAGM ground wires are tunneled to the outside and
STIMULATION stimulation is via an external battery-powered
device. The procedure is well tolerated with
The diaphragm is activated from medullary minimal surgical morbidity and rare mortal-
respiratory neurons via phrenic nerves and is ity (Amirjani et al., 2012), and a gastric feeding
affected by both UMN and LMN loss. During tube is commonly placed during laparoscopy.
sleep there may be reduced UMN drive lead- Stimulation is typically at night in conjunction
ing to disordered respiration and sleep. The with NIV and the electrical shocks are mildly
degree of LMN loss is the ultimate variable for uncomfortable but readily tolerated.
diaphragm strength, and partial denervation Diaphragm pacing is intended to be used
may result in alterations of diaphragm muscle in patients with ALS with early and moder-
fiber type. In this setting, electrical activation ate respiratory failure and in conjunction with
of the diaphragm has the possibility of maxi- NIV. Inclusion criteria included at time of sur-
mizing respiration during sleep, optimizing gery are an FVC between 45% and 85% of pre-
diaphragm strength, and prolonging survival. dicted and demonstration that the diaphragm
can be activated either by electrical stimula-
tion of the phrenic nerve or movement demon-
Phrenic Nerve Stimulation strated with fluoroscopic sniff test.
Putative positive effects of full diaphragm
The diaphragm can be activated by electri- activation by electrical phrenic nerve stimula-
cally stimulating the phrenic nerve. There tion include conditioning of muscle fiber types
are two techniques distinguished by types of (fast twitch to slow twitch type), reduction of
stimulating electrodes and their locations: one atelectasis, increase in compliance, better syn-
activates the phrenic nerves in the neck using chrony with NIV, and possibly longer survival
a variety of electrode configurations (cuff, rib- (Onders et al., 2009). From a study of 14 patients
bon electrodes), and the other activates the with ALS who underwent polysomnography
nerves as they enter the diaphragm (hook elec- before and after 4 months of diaphragm condi-
trodes; Amirjani, Kiernan, McKenzie, Butler, tioning there were positive effects on sleep effi-
& Gandevia, 2012). Both techniques were ciency, arousal index, and neck muscle activity
originally developed for quadriplegic patients despite progressive decrease in respiratory
who have intact phrenic nerves. For patients metrics (Gonzalez-Bermejo, Morelot-Panzini,
with ALS, there are limited data on the use Salachas, Redolfi, & Straus, 2012).
of electrodes activating the phrenic nerves in Long-term effects of diaphragm pacing have
the neck, and recent interest is with electrodes been reported from case series with compari-
activating the nerves as they enter the dia- sons with historic controls, but several random-
phragm, also called diaphragm pacing. ized trials are underway. Because diaphragm
pacing requires a surgical procedure under
general anesthesia there are notes of caution
Diaphragm Pacing until the results of randomized studies are
available with patients with ALS (Scherer &
Electrical stimulation of the diaphragm, or Bedlack, 2012; Mahajan, Bach, Saporito, &
more accurately, electrical stimulation of Perez, 2012). It is important for the patient
22  Respiratory Assessment and Management 245

to understand that over time there is greater followed for 3–55  months (mean, 25  months)
phrenic nerve loss and reduced ability to elec- most continued to derive satisfaction and plea-
trically activate the diaphragm. sure with their daily lives despite progression
of weakness. Communication became more
difficult for all, with a range of use strategies
for communication tactics from computer use,
LONG-TERM MECHANICAL to “yes-no” answers, to being locked-in with-
VENTILATION out the ability to communicate. Several of
these patients were placed in nursing homes.
Although respiratory failure is the most com- Caregiver burden increased with the use of
mon proximate cause of death for patients with LTMV, but satisfaction remained high.
ALS and patients with PMA, respiration can The clinical features of patients using LTMV
be managed for long periods with positive pres- have been studied (Spataro, Bono, Marchese,
sure mechanical ventilation. Various terms are & La Bella, 2012). From one center, 87 (31%) of
used, including long-term mechanical ventila- 279 patients with ALS chose LTMV and there
tion (LTMV) and tracheal ventilation. Ideally, were more males than females (1.7:1). Most
a patient should be given the option to actively (94%) were cared for at home. Survival was sig-
choose LTMV, but many patients are placed on nificantly longer compared with patients who
a ventilator under emergency medical condi- did not chose LTMV (median, 47 compared
tions. This speaks to the need for periodic dis- with 31  months), but influenced by 25% of
cussions about respiratory failure and patient patients who died within 1 month, and most of
choices. these were associated with the need for emer-
An important factor in patient selection for gency tracheostomy. Nutrition by gastric feed-
LTMV is the attitude of the neurologist or ing tube occurred in 66%.
pulmonologist toward the intervention. From
a survey of neurologists in the United States
and Japan, 79% of US neurologists reported
seldom or never suggesting or encouraging PATIENT AUTONOMY FOR
LTMV compared with 32% in Japan (Rabkin RESPIRATORY DECISIONS
et al., 2013). This resulted in 84% of US neu-
rologists reporting that less than 10% of their The challenges patients face when they delib-
patients were on LTMV compared with 32% erate over choices for respiratory interventions
of Japanese neurologists. Interestingly, most should not be underestimated by providers.
(70%) neurologists from both countries would One important factor in the decision-making
opt against LTMV if they had ALS. process brought out from interviews is that
The characteristics of who choses mechanical patient fears focus more on the manner of
ventilation have been studied in a prospective death than fear of death itself (Lemoignan
study on a group of patient who were followed & Ells, 2010). A  related issue is the ability of
toward the end of their natural course of ALS the patient to assimilate detailed information
(FVC <50% of predicted; Rabkin et al., 2006). about ventilator choices and consequences if
Among 72 patients, 14 choose mechanical venti- not chosen. Thus, it is important to periodically
lation and 58 died from ALS without mechani- review respiratory options. There is also likely
cal ventilation. The 19% who choose ventilation an adaptation process by the patient, first to
is higher than reported in other studies (except choosing (or not) an intervention and then to
for Japan, where it is 45%). Statistically signifi- becoming comfortable with any form of ven-
cant factors favoring future choice of mechani- tilation. This factor is especially important in
cal ventilation were young age (mean, 51 vs. moving from NIV to LTMV.
65  years), having children age younger than
21 years, and more optimism about the future.
Nonsignificant factors were level of functional
impairment, degree of bulbar dysfunction, COUGH AUGMENTATION
degree of cognitive impairment, and impor-
tance of religious faith. Among the 14 patients An effective cough is essential to clear respi-
who were placed on mechanical ventilation and ratory secretions and aspirated material.
246 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

A threshold adequate cough, measured in liters INSPIRATORY MUSCLE

per minute, is more than 160 L/s, compared EXERCISE
with normal flows of 6 L/s. An effective cough
also requires control of the glottis, and thus Respiratory muscles can be exercised with
can be more impaired in patients with bulbar resistive breathing (inhaling through a device
weakness. with adjustable pressure settings). One study
Several respiratory interventions can be of patients with ALS with normal respira-
offered before or in conjunction with the need tory function randomized to resistive breath-
for assisted ventilation. ing exercise compared with another group
randomized to breathing without resistance
(Pinto, Swash, & de Carvalho, 2012). Despite
Air or Breath Stacking exercising, there was no slowing in the rate of
change of respiratory measures.
Air or breath stacking is a technique where
small volumes of air are consecutively held
by glottis closure until no more air can be HIGH-FREQUENCY CHEST
retained, and can be performed manually by
the patient or with the aid of a mask with a WALL OSCILLATORY
one-way valve and a resuscitation bag. A study TREATMENT
in patients with Duchenne dystrophy showed
that breath stacking results in greater volumes High-frequency chest wall oscillatory treat-
and higher peak cough flows (Kang & Bach, ment is effective in assisting mucus clearance
2000). in hypersecretion disorders, such as cystic
fibrosis. In ALS, small, randomized controlled
trials have compared the addition of this treat-
ment to standard NIV. Twenty-two patients
Insufflation and Exsufflation with ALS were randomized to high-frequency
Devices chest wall oscillatory treatment twice daily
for 12 weeks compared with 24 patients who
This is a device that provides positive pressure did not receive treatment (Lange et al., 2006).
via a mouthpiece during inhalation preceding There were improvements in the feeling of
a cough, followed by negative pressure during breathlessness, but not in objective respiratory
the cough. Insufflation-exsufflation devices are measures. Another study looked at long-term
helpful to increase peak cough flow when glot- survival (Chaisson, Walsh, Simmons, & Vender,
tal weakness prevents the ability to generate 2006). Among eight patients with ALS receiv-
sufficient pressure (Chatwin et al., 2003; Bach, ing NIV, four were randomized to receive
2003). high-frequency chest wall oscillatory treatment
An assessment of the efficacy of a variety of for 15 minutes twice a day. There was no differ-
cough interventions among 28 patients with ence in survival between the two groups.
ALS, measured by an increase in peak cough
flow and patient’s subjective feelings of clear-
ance, included manual techniques (coach-
ing, abdominal thrust) and instrumented ASPIRATION PNEUMONIA
techniques (abdominal thrust augmenting
deep breath enhanced by a resuscitation bag, The combination of dysphagia and respira-
abdominal thrust augmenting end-inspiratory tory insufficiency increases the risk of aspi-
breath augmented by NIV, and assisted cough ration pneumonia. An incidence study from
by insufflation-exsufflation; Senent et  al., Olmstead County, MN revealed 4 cases of
2011). All techniques increased peak cough aspiration pneumonia among 40 patients with
flow from low baseline values in patients ALS (Sorenson, Crum, & Stevens, 2007).
with and without bulbar symptoms, but the Dysphagia and respiratory compromise were
insufflation-exsufflation device provided the common features, and three had gastric feed-
greatest flow (up to five times the unassisted ing tubes. Residence in a nursing home was
cough). a risk factor (three of the five). Aspiration
22  Respiratory Assessment and Management 247

pneumonia was a late event and although Bourke SC, Tomlinson M, Williams TL, Bullock RE,
death was within 6  months, overall survival Shaw PJ, Gibson GJ. Effects of non-invasive ventila-
tion on survival and quality of life in patients with
was not affected. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a randomised controlled
trial. Lancet Neurol. 2006;5(2):140–7.
Chaisson KM, Walsh S, Simmons Z, Vender RL. A
clinical pilot study:  high frequency chest wall
CAUSE OF DEATH IN ALS oscillation airway clearance in patients with amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
AND END-OF-LIFE CARE 2006;7(2):107–11.
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several factors. There are differences between insufflation/exsufflation in patients with neuromuscu-
clinical and pathologic causes of death. In a lar weakness. Eur Respir J. 2003;21(3):502–8.
Clinical indications for noninvasive positive pres-
study of 100 patients with ALS assessed by sure ventilation in chronic respiratory failure due
autopsy, the following causes were noted: clini- to restrictive lung disease, COPD, and nocturnal
cal diagnoses were hypoxia (47%), broncho- hypoventilation:  a consensus conference report.
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monia (16%), heart failure (10%), pulmonary nocturnal oximetry in amyotrophic lateral sclero-
sis:  periodic desaturation. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
embolus (6%), hypoxia (3%), hemoperitoneum 2009;10(3):154–61.
(2%), and unknown (8%; Corcia et  al., 2008). Fujimura-Kiyono C, Kimura F, Ishida S, Nakajima H,
Thus, hypoxia was a rare cause, and broncho- Hosokawa T, Sugino M, et  al. Onset and spreading
pulmonary factors a common cause. patterns of lower motor neuron involvements predict
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Chapter 23

Nutritional Assessment and

Mark B. Bromberg


EFFECT OF WEIGHT LOSS Gastric Feeding Tubes


Weight, or body mass index (BMI; weight [kg]/
Nutritional status is a concern in amyotrophic height [m2]), are important metrics in ALS.
lateral sclerosis (ALS), and can be difficult to Reductions can be caused by loss of muscle mass
assess because of predictable weight loss from from denervation, loss of appetite, dysphagia
muscle atrophy caused by lower motor neuron and fatigue of swallowing, weakness and fatigue
(LMN) degeneration. Contributing issues are of arm function for feeding, and a hypermeta-
loss from reduce food intake related to swal- bolic nutritional state. However, there are major
lowing difficulties and upper extremity weak- issues to measuring losses in body mass com-
ness and fatigue reducing food delivery. Gastric partments to determine factors particular to an
feeding tubes can be used to manage nutrition. ALS patient, and to measuring energy expendi-
There are data supporting an association ture for nutritional guidance. The importance is
between high normal weight and enhanced that there are data supporting greater longev-
ALS survival. Elevated serum lipids may also ity with higher BMI and with elevated lipids.
be a positive factor for survival. Metabolic Nutritional supplementation can be managed
needs may be elevated because of a hyper- with the aid of gastric feeding tubes.
metabolic state in some patients with ALS.
There are different methods of feeding tube
placement, and although the procedure is rec- PREMORBID WEIGHT AND
ommended before respiratory function is com- RISK OF DEVELOPING ALS
promised, it can be accomplished safely using
bilevel ventilation during the procedure when Epidemiologic data support an increased
respiratory function is low. risk of developing ALS associated with low

250 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

premorbid BMI. From a cancer and nutrition El Escorial Criteria for definite or probable
study in Europe that included 518,108 individ- ALS who were seen quarterly showed that
uals followed for 13 years, there was a statisti- patients who had greater BMI losses had sig-
cally significant association between low BMI nificantly more rapid rates of progression and
(underweight BMI <18.5 kg/m2; normal-weight shorter survival. A  significant association was
18.5– 25 kg/m2) at enrollment in the study and found between negative change in BMI over
the risk of dying from ALS for both genders time and bulbar site of onset (Jawaid et  al.,
(Gallo et  al., 2013). Among women there was 2010). It is not clear if negative changes in BMI
a three-fold increased risk with underweight on survival reflect greater loss of muscle mass
compared with normal-weight women; among from denervation or a hypermetabolic state or
men there was a trend for reduced risk com- other factors.
pared with normal-weight men, but note was
made that there were insufficient numbers of
underweight men, possibly accounting for sta-
tistical differences between genders. Another NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT
study of 1,100,910 subjects followed from 14 to
28 years showed that low BMI was also asso- The ability to assess nutritional status is
ciated with developing ALS, with a step-wise important in managing nutrition. A  variety
decrease with increasing BMI values (O’Reilly of metrics to assess nutritional status are
et al., 2013). Pathophysiologic explanations are available, but factors unique to ALS influ-
conjectural, and may relate to hypermetabolic ence interpretation of commonly used met-
states in some individuals. rics. Change in weight or BMI as a measure
of caloric expenditure is complicated by
predicted weight loss from muscle atrophy
caused by LMN degeneration and weight gain
WEIGHT LOSS OVER caused by pedal edema from leg weakness and
THE COURSE OF ALS immobility (Kasarkis et al., 2014). Nutritional
needs in ALS are also difficult to determine
Weight loss occurs in about 50% of patients because caloric needs can be reduced due to
with ALS (Korner et al., 2013). Several factors less energy expenditure from muscle weak-
can be involved, as enumerated previously, but ness, but also increased from muscle stiff-
weight loss can also occur among patients with ness from spasticity, and some patients are
ALS who have normal swallowing. in a hypermetabolic state (Desport, Torny,
Weight or BMI loss from reduced muscle Lacoste, Preux, & Couratier, 2005).
mass caused by LMN degeneration (neurogenic Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
muscle atrophy) is an obvious disease-based can be estimated by a number of methods,
pathologic cause, but it is difficult to separate including determination of the basal or rest-
reduced muscle mass from loss of fat and water. ing metabolic rate, use of several empiric
Reduced appetite is described among patients equations based on body metrics and gender,
with ALS, and from a study of 51 patients given or directly measured by doubly labeled water.
a questionnaire about appetite, 47% described Basal metabolic rate is assessed immediately
severe loss of appetite that increased to 67% on wakening after 8 hours sleep and 12 hours
over 6  months and was not correlated with of fasting, and is performed in a hospital or
dysphagia (Holm et al., 2013). This was associ- laboratory setting. Resting metabolic rate is
ated with a 5% weight loss among patients with a less stringent and a more practical proxy
reduced appetite compared with 2% loss in for basal metabolic rate, and is measured
those without impaired appetite. after several hours of rest and fast and no
recent exercise. Both measure oxygen taken
up and carbon dioxide given off, using a vari-
ety of indirect calorimetry instruments, and
EFFECT OF WEIGHT LOSS calculations (with assumptions) are made to
arrive at an estimate of calories (kilocalorie)
An effect of loss of BMI on survival has been used. Empiric equations using body met-
demonstrated. A study of 285 patients fulfilling rics (height, weight, BMI) and gender have
23  Nutritional Assessment and Management 251

been generated to simplify approximations to over time, but among the 20% who did the
energy needs (e.g., Harris-Benedict and other changes were from hypermetabolic to normo-
equations). The most comprehensive method metabolic or vice versa. No clinical features
is to use doubly labeled water, which permits of ALS or clinical metrics were identified that
assessment of actual energy used over a long clearly correlated with or predicted those
time period (days) and can include energy in the hypermetabolic state. A  study of 11
used during daily activities. patients with ALS from 10 families with his-
A study of TDEE in 10 bedridden ALS sub- tory of ALS (none with superoxide dismutase
jects on full time tracheal ventilation using mutations) found that all patients with a fam-
the doubly labeled water method showed val- ily history had higher resting metabolic rates
ues that differed from conventional estimates compared with 52% of patients with sporadic
using equations (Harris-Benedict, Dietary ALS (Funalot, Desport, Sturtz, Camu, &
Reference Intake, etc; Ichihara et  al., 2012). Couratier, 2009).
Another study assessed TDEE in 80 ambula- Reduced nutrition has been shown to be a
tory ALS subjects by the doubly labeled water negative factor for the development of ALS
method and measured energy expended over and a negative prognostic factor for those with
10  days in the patient’s home environment ALS. In a large population study of more than
(Kasarskis et  al., 2014). Data were modeled 500,000 subjects from 10 Western European
against a large number of variables with the countries, underweight subjects (BMI <18.5)
result that for patients with ALS the following were at increased risk for developing ALS,
equation accurately predicts TDEE: especially for women (Gallo et al., 2013). In a
study of 55 patients with ALS in whom mal-
nutrition was assessed by a BMI less than 18.5
• TDEE (kcal/day) = Harris-Benedict resting malnutrition was diagnosed in 16% and sur-
metabolic rate + (55.96 × ALS Functional vival was significantly shorter in the malnour-
Rating Scale [ALSFRS]-6)–168 ished group (Funalot et al., 2009).
• For men:
TDEE (kcal/day) = 66 + (13.7 × weight in kg)
+ (5 × height in cm) – (6.76 × age in years) +
• For women: COMPONENTS
TDEE (kcal/day) = 655 + (9.6 × weight in kg)
+ (1.8 × height in cm) – (4.7 × age in years) + Lipid level has been reported to be elevated in
(55.96 × ALSFRS-6) – 168. patients with ALS compared with control sub-
jects, and higher levels are associated with bet-
ter survival in a study of 369 French patients
To facilitate calculations, a web-based calcula-
with ALS (Dupuis et  al., 2008), but not con-
tor has been developed:
firmed in a study of 658 Italian patients with
ALS (Chio et al., 2009). The effect of the use
of statins among patients with ALS has been
investigated, and although there were early
reports of increased rate of functional decline
METABOLIC RATES (ALSFRS-R; Zinman, Sadeghi, Gawel, Patton,
& Kiss, 2008), a meta-analysis of case con-
Metabolic needs in ALS are complex, and trolled studies investigating the role of lipids
likely vary among patients. An important find- revealed only two case controlled studies and
ing is that patients may be in a hypermeta- one retrospective cohort study (Zheng, Sheng,
bolic state. In a study of 61 patients with ALS & Shang, 2013). No significant differences
in whom resting metabolic energy expendi- were found in the incidence of ALS and statin
ture was measured at 6-month intervals for use and none with prolonged survival.
up to 2  years (or until death or incapacita- Serologic factors have been investigated
tion), nearly 50% were in a hypermetabolic in ALS, showing increases in ferritin (Nadjar
state (Bouteloup et  al., 2009). Most patients et  al., 2012)  and decreased uric acid levels
did not change their metabolic requirements (Zoccolella et al., 2011). Urine factors have also
252 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

been investigated, with normal urine values perform gastric feeding tube placement before
of arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium, thallium, the forced vital capacity is less than 50% of pre-
cobalt, and aluminum (Qureshi, Brown Jr, dicted to reduce the incidence of side effects,
Rogers, & Cudkowicz, 2008). but data are minimal for this limiting number.
Gastric feeding tube placement by the percu-
taneous endoscopic gastroscopy (PEG) tech-
nique can be performed with low forced vital
NUTRITIONAL capacity values when concurrent noninvasive
INTERVENTIONS ventilation is used. A  prospective series of 30
patients with ALS with forced vital capacity
Adequate fluid and nutrition can be main- values of 35% (± 18%), 25 of whom were using
tained by dietary supplementation, and when noninvasive ventilation regularly, included 27
not effective, by gastric feeding tubes. who had feeding tubes successfully placed
(Sancho et al., 2010).
Timing for nutritional needs includes a num-
Nutritional Supplements ber of factors, many of which are interrelated:

In the setting of ALS, progressive weight loss • Degree of bulbar dysfunction (degree of
usually has a component of dysphagia, which dysphagia)
includes fatigability from swallowing efforts. • Weight loss (approximately 10% loss from
Nutritional supplements are directed to premorbid weight)
high-calorie products that are easy to swallow. • Fatigue of eating
Although any thick liquid facilitates swallow- • Prolonged feeding time
ing, high calories per unit volume are achieved • Upper extremity weakness affecting food
most easily with commercial feeding products delivery
that have 1–1.5 kcal/ml and include a balanced
formula. Gastric feeding tubes can be placed by several
In line with higher lipids as possible favor- techniques:
able factors, there is interest in supplementa-
tion with high calories from fats, but with small • Endoscopy (PEG)
numbers of subjects and for short periods of • Fluoroscopy (radiologic inserted gastros-
time (Paganoni & Wills, 2013). One study of tomy [RIG])
16 patients with El Escorial Criteria definite • Open surgery
ALS were randomized to receive a control
diet or one containing 70% mild protein and PEG and RIG are performed under conscious
30% starch, and were followed for 16 weeks sedation and the open surgical procedure
(Silva et al., 2010). A large number of body and under general anesthesia. A  variety of physi-
nutritional measurements were made, and the ologic patient factors can influence which tech-
control group lost on average 1 kg, whereas the nique to choose (Stavroulakis, Walsh, Shaw, &
treatment group gained 1 kg (changes in both McDermott, 2013). A  comparison of success
groups statistically significant). rate and complications among 100 patients
with ALS receiving gastric feeding tubes
showed placement failure rate of 9 of 57 (16%)
Gastric Feeding Tubes with PEG, with subsequent successful place-
ment by RIG, and 1 of 51 (2%) with RIG (Allen
The American Academy of Neurology prac- et al., 2013). Postoperative aspiration was more
tice parameter and the European Federation frequent with the PEG technique.
of Neurological Sciences guidelines outline
clinical trigger points to discuss and recom-
mend feeding tube placement (Miller et  al.,
1999; Andersen et  al., 2005). The timing of REFERENCES
feeding tube placement has two issues to con-
sider:  safety of the procedure and optimizing Allen JA, Chen R, Ajroud-Driss S, Sufit RL, Heller S,
nutrition. The general recommendation is to Siddique T, et  al. Gastrostomy tube placement by
23  Nutritional Assessment and Management 253

endoscopy versus radiologic methods in patients Korner S, Hendricks M, Kollewe K, Zapf A, Dengler R,
with ALS: a retrospective study of complications and Silani V, et al. Weight loss, dysphagia and supplement
outcome. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal intake in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
Degener. 2013;14(4):308–14. sis (ALS):  impact on quality of life and therapeutic
Andersen PM, Borasio GD, Dengler R, Hardiman O, options. BMC neurology. 2013;13:84.
Kollewe K, Leigh PN, et al. EFNS task force on man- Miller RG, Rosenberg JA, Gelinas DF, Mitsumoto H,
agement of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  guidelines Newman D, Sufit R, et  al. Practice parameter:  the
for diagnosing and clinical care of patients and rela- care of the patient with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
tives. Eur J Neurol. 2005;12(12):921–38. sis (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality
Bouteloup C, Desport JC, Clavelou P, Guy Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy
N, Derumeaux-Burel H, Ferrier A, et  al. of Neurology:  ALS Practice Parameters Task Force.
Hypermetabolism in ALS patients: an early and per- Neurology. 1999;52(7):1311–23.
sistent phenomenon. J Neurol. 2009;256(8):1236–42. Nadjar Y, Gordon P, Corcia P, Bensimon G, Pieroni L,
Chio A, Calvo A, Ilardi A, Cavallo E, Moglia C, Mutani Meininger V, et  al. Elevated serum ferritin is asso-
R, et al. Lower serum lipid levels are related to respi- ciated with reduced survival in amyotrophic lateral
ratory impairment in patients with ALS. Neurology. sclerosis. PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e45034.
2009;73(20):1681–5. O’Reilly EJ, Wang H, Weisskopf MG, Fitzgerald KC,
Desport JC, Torny F, Lacoste M, Preux PM, Couratier Falcone G, McCullough ML, et  al. Premorbid body
P. Hypermetabolism in ALS: correlations with clini- mass index and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
cal and paraclinical parameters. Neurodegener Dis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
2005;2(3-4):202–7. 2013;14(3):205–11.
Dupuis L, Corcia P, Fergani A, Gonzalez De Aguilar JL, Paganoni S, Wills AM. High-fat and ketogenic diets
Bonnefont-Rousselot D, Bittar R, et al. Dyslipidemia in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Child Neurol.
is a protective factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 2013;28(8):989–92.
Neurology. 2008;70(13):1004–9. Qureshi M, Brown RH, Jr., Rogers JT, Cudkowicz ME.
Funalot B, Desport JC, Sturtz F, Camu W, Couratier P. Serum ferritin and metal levels as risk factors for amy-
High metabolic level in patients with familial amyo- otrophic lateral sclerosis. Open Neurol J. 2008;2:51–4.
trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. Sancho J, Servera E, Chiner E, Banuls P, Gomez-Merino
2009;10(2):113–7. E, Sancho-Chust JN, et  al. Noninvasive respiratory
Gallo V, Wark PA, Jenab M, Pearce N, Brayne C, muscle aids during PEG placement in ALS patients
Vermeulen R, et  al. Prediagnostic body fat and risk with severe ventilatory impairment. J Neurol Sci.
of death from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: the EPIC 2010;297(1-2):55–9.
cohort. Neurology. 2013;80(9):829–38. Silva LB, Mourao LF, Silva AA, Lima NM, Almeida SR,
Holm T, Maier A, Wicks P, Lang D, Linke P, Munch Franca MC Jr, et al. Effect of nutritional supplementa-
C, et  al. Severe loss of appetite in amyotrophic lat- tion with milk whey proteins in amyotrophic lateral scle-
eral sclerosis patients:  online self-assessment study. rosis patients. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2010;68(2):263–8.
Interact J Med Res. 2013;2(1):e8. Stavroulakis T, Walsh T, Shaw PJ, McDermott CJ.
Ichihara N, Namba K, Ishikawa-Takata K, Sekine K, Gastrostomy use in motor neurone disease (MND): a
Takase M, Kamada Y, et  al. Energy requirement review, meta-analysis and survey of current practice.
assessed by doubly-labeled water method in patients Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
with advanced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis man- 2013;14(2):96–104.
aged by tracheotomy positive pressure ventilation. Zheng Z, Sheng L, Shang H. Statins and amyotrophic lat-
Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2012;13(6):544–9. eral sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Jawaid A, Murthy SB, Wilson AM, Qureshi SU, Amro MJ, Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
Wheaton M, et al. A decrease in body mass index is 2013;14(4):241–5.
associated with faster progression of motor symptoms Zinman L, Sadeghi R, Gawel M, Patton D, Kiss A.
and shorter survival in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. Are statin medications safe in patients with ALS?
2010;11(6):542–8. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2008;9(4):223–8.
Kasarkis EJ, Mendion MS, Matthews DE, Mitsumoto H, Zoccolella S, Simone IL, Capozzo R, Tortelli R, Leo A,
Tandan R, Simmons Z, et al. Estimating daily energy D’Errico E, et al. An exploratory study of serum urate
expenditure in amyotorphic lateral sclerosis. Am J levels in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Clin Nutr. 2014;99(4):792–803. J Neurol. 2011;258(2):238–43.
Chapter 24

Communication Assessment
and Management
Mark B. Bromberg




Speech is an intrinsic element of human
Speech dysfunction occurs in more than 80% interaction and under normal circumstances
of patients with motor neuron disease (MND) is effortless. It is used for needs and wants,
and communication becomes challenging for information transfer, social closeness, and
patients and caregivers. A  variety of com- social etiquette (Murphy, 2004). A progressive
munication aids are available, from simple speech disturbance occurs in more than 80%
to complex electronic devices, and the vari- of patients with MND and ranges from mild
ety has expanded as computer devices have impediments to anarthria. It may occur early
evolved. with bulbar-onset ALS, or late in the course
It is important to offer augmentative and with limb onset. Both upper motor neuron
alternative communication devices with early (UMN) and lower motor neuron (LMN) loss
speech changes and to review the spectrum contributes to dysarthria, and thus speech dis-
of devices as further speech changes occur. turbances occur across the spectrum of MND
Patient choice for devices varies, and profes- (Table 24–1). Communication can perhaps be
sional support with ongoing patient training viewed from two perspectives:  one for basic
is essential to optimize use, especially with body needs and comfort, and the other for
eye-tracking systems. The challenges related communication of abstract thoughts and feel-
to frontotemporal dysfunction on the ability ings. Both are essential, and it might be envi-
to use communication devices has not been sioned that the latter is especially important to
determined. Brain-computer interface devices express feelings related to an inexorably pro-
are attractive but not well developed for amyo- gressive disorder. Complicating the latter per-
trophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). spective are elements of frontotemporal lobe

24  Communication Assessment and Management 255

Table 24–1  Speech Features Dependent on Loss of Upper or Lower Motor

Neurons, but Most Patients Have a Degree of Loss of Both Neurons
Speech Components Upper Motor Neuron Loss Lower Motor Neuron Loss
Quality Strained/strangled Breathy/hoarse
Resonance Hypernasality Nasal air emissions
Pitch Low pitch Pitch breaks
Prosody Short phrasing Slow speech
Intensity Variable Decreased
Respiration Reduced breath control Reduced breath support
Adapted from Brownlee and Palovcak (2007).

dysfunction that is characterized by reduced minute to 100–125 words per minute intelligi-
verbal output, which occurs in 50% of patients. bility is reduced, and intelligibility falls rapidly
with further slowing. The site of ALS onset is
less a reliable predictor of when and severity of
altered speech, but patients with bulbar onset
SPEECH PRODUCTION AND experience impaired speech earlier than those
DYSARTHRIA with limb onset.

Dysarthria can be of the flaccid type caused

by LMN loss (tongue atrophy, nasal emission
of air, slurred speech) or spastic type caused SPEECH EXERCISES
by UMN loss (no tongue atrophy, slow tongue
movements, strained and slow speech), but Speech exercises are generally not effective in
most patients exhibit a mixed flaccid-spas- improving altered speech from ALS (Beukelman,
tic pattern that can change over time with Fager, & Nordness, 2011; Korner et  al., 2013).
changing degrees of LMN and UMN losses However, recommendations for compensatory
(Table  24–1; Tomik & Guiloff, 2010). Other communication strategies are helpful.
cranial nerves may be involved, such as lower
facial muscles for lip control (cranial nerve VII)
and the vagus nerve (cranial nerve X) for palate COMPENSATORY SPEECH
elevation, vocal cord movements, and laryngeal
movements. Respiratory control is another fac- STRATEGIES
tor affecting speech in MND, and patients may
adjust sentence length based on reduced respi- Suggestions to improve verbal communi-
ratory reserve. cation include the following (Brownlee &
Palovcak, 2007):

1. Communication strategies:  negotiate for

SPEECH ASSESSMENT SCALES having the listener try to complete sen-
tences to reduce the burden on the patient,
Speech assessment scales are available to or have the patient complete them if they
assess specific aspects of speech (Ball, Willis, wish; negotiate to have the listener repeat
Beukelman, & Pattee, 2001). However, the last word comprehended to prevent
changes in speech in ALS are readily detected, fatigue from repeating.
first by the patient, and shortly thereafter by 2. Limit distractions and optimize set-
the family. Patients initially describe the need ting:  communicate face-to-face; sit away
to concentrate more and to work harder to from distractions (isolated from other con-
speak. Speech fatigue is factor in clarity, and versations) and reduce extraneous sound
there may be days of good speech intermixed distractions (television, radios).
with days of poor speech. When verbal output 3. Communication timing: for communicating
falls from a normal rate of 200–250 words per personal issues schedule times early before
256 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

the patient tires from communicating com- deterioration to maximize benefit. For high-
mon issues; for social communication in technology devices, there is a high cost and a
groups minimize communication earlier in time period for insurance authorization, and
the day or schedule a rest period. also a time period for training.
4. Speech rate:  slow speech rate to reduce Patient acceptance of augmentative and alter-
slurring. native communication varies (Beukelman et al.,
2011). Success is influenced by patient physical
Patients and caregivers generally rate com- limitations (degree of arm and hand weakness
munication effectiveness similarly (Ball, for typing and using a mouse), cognitive status
Beukelman, & Pattee, 2004). When intelligibil- (frontotemporal lobe dysfunction), environment
ity is poor there is frequently marked frustra- (willingness of speech pathologist and caregiver
tion for both parties. to help), and motivation (both patient and care-
giver). Eye-tracking systems have the potential
to be the most useful for communication but
PALATAL LIFT AND require extensive training and ongoing support
from both communication specialists and fam-
AUGMENTATION ily members (Binger et al., 2012).
Intraoral prosthetic devices have been used to
augment speech in patients with ALS. A pala-
tal lift, which raises the soft palate to reduce IMPACT OF COMMUNICATION
nasal emission and improve resonance, or DEVICES
combined with a palatal augmentation device,
which reduces the space between the dor- Health-related quality of life of patients with
sum of the tongue and the hard palate, have ALS with dysarthria is enhanced by the use of
been evaluated in a series of 25 patients with communication devices (Korner et  al., 2013).
ALS (Esposito, Mitsumoto, & Shanks, 2000). Use of devices varies among patients. Needs
Twenty-one patients found benefit, but two for and subsequent use of communication
found it uncomfortable and did not use the devices depends on many factors, including
device. Among the 19 who initially used a lift, the degree of dysarthria and situational needs.
10 progressed to needing an augmentation Among 15 patients with ALS, a key feature
component. Duration of use was affected by to reduce tension and frustration between
disease progression, and most benefited for patient and caregiver was the development
6 months, but three benefited for 2 years. The of communication strategies (Murphy, 2004).
greatest effect was with patients who had pre- These include analysis by the patient and
dominant UMN dysfunction. caregiver of specific blocks to understand-
ing a word or concept and use of nonverbal
signs. A study of 26 patients with ALS and 34
AUGMENTATIVE AND associated caregivers used a “communication
ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION device use checklist” to assess usage (Fried-
Oken et al., 2006). Devices included a range of
Augmentative and alternative communication moderate-technology devices (text-to-speech).
is defined as any mode of communication other The highest uses were for getting needs met,
than speech. Augmentative refers to supple- clarifying needs, and giving instructions; low-
menting impaired speech, and alternative est uses were for casual conversations. Another
refers to reliance on another method of speech. study of patients with ALS using an eye-gaze
A range of devices is available (Box 24.1) and system showed that they used it to good effect,
patients may benefit from different devices but note is made that the survey was among
over time as speech changes: augmentation for patients actively using the system (Caligari,
simple communication, and alternatives in the Godi, Guglielmetti, Franchignoni, & Nardone,
setting of speech fatigue to alternative devices 2013). Another survey found a low percentage
as speech fails. It is advantageous to offer of patients with ALS who used communica-
augmentative and alternative communica- tion devices, and rated them as “medium” for
tion devices early in the progression of speech usefulness (Gruis, Wren, & Huggins, 2011).
24  Communication Assessment and Management 257

Box 24.1  Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Interventions and Devices
•  Speech therapy and exercises
  Not considered effective
•  Speech environment strategies
  Effective at reducing competing sounds
•  Patient and family coping
  Natural process; successful
  Family familiarity with speech
•  Palatal lift
  Limited data
•  Low technology
  Alphabet and picture boards
  Alerting systems
•  Medium technology
  Voice recognition software
  Touch screen and mouse typing
•  High technology
  Eye-gaze tying
  Brain-computer interface

It is likely that the successful impact of com- features queried, 84% expressed preference
munication devices depends on training and for an electrode cap but 72% were interested
ongoing support. Thus, it is important in the in surgically implanted electrodes; training ses-
clinic to help the patient and caregiver to sions ideally were to be short and setup time to
acknowledge communication frustrations and use the instrument low at 30 minutes; speed
introduce to them the idea of communication of letter selection was idealized at 15–25+ per
strategies, which evolve over time from simple minute with an accuracy of 90%.
to technical. Brain activity is commonly monitored by
encephalography using scalp electrodes in
standardized positions, and the most common
method is based on event-related potentials,
BRAIN-COMPUTER INTERFACE although other methods are available (Cipresso
et al., 2012). The P300 evoked potential occurs
Brain-computer interfaces take information 200–700 milliseconds after a stimulus:  a grid
directly from the brain, which obviates the of characters on a screen is presented and then
need for movements from the subject, and the desired character is located by the subject,
can be used to spell messages, operate com- a P300 potential is generated, and several tri-
puters, and control the environment (Wolpaw, als are necessary to obtain an averaged poten-
2013). A  survey of 61 patients with ALS was tial out of background encephalography noise.
conducted to determine what features in a Accuracy is high at 90%.
brain-computer interface would be desirable Although most studies demonstrate positive
(Huggins, Wren, & Gruis, 2011). Among the use of brain-computer interfaces in ALS, one
258 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

study assessed the ability to communicate over Binger C, Ball L, Dietz A, Kent-Walsh J, Lasker J, Lund S,
time (Silvoni et  al., 2013). A  small number of et al. Personnel roles in the AAC assessment process.
Augment Altern Commun. 2012;28(4):278–88.
patients were studied yearly for up to 3  years Brownlee A, Palovcak M. The role of augmentative com-
and there was no loss of ability to communicate munication devices in the medical management of
using activation of P300-based cursor control ALS. NeuroRehabilitation. 2007;22(6):445–50.
of icons with progression of ALS as measured Caligari M, Godi M, Guglielmetti S, Franchignoni F,
Nardone A. Eye tracking communication devices
by the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised. in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis:  impact on dis-
ability and quality of life. Amyotroph Lateral Scler
Frontotemporal Degener. 2013;14(7-8):546–52.
Cipresso P, Carelli L, Solca F, Meazzi D, Meriggi P, Poletti
FRONTOTEMPORAL LOBE B, et al. The use of P300-based BCIs in amyotrophic
DYSFUNCTION EFFECT lateral sclerosis:  from augmentative and alternative
communication to cognitive assessment. Brain Behav.
ON COMMUNICATION 2012;2(4):479–98.
Esposito SJ, Mitsumoto H, Shanks M. Use of pala-
Cognitive impairment in ALS as it relates to tal lift and palatal augmentation prostheses to
improve dysarthria in patients with amyotrophic
language dysfunction is complex and its com- lateral sclerosis:  a case series. J Prosthet Dent.
plexity has not been fully sorted out (Bak & 2000;83(1):90–8.
Hodges, 2004). Verbal fluency is impaired as a Fried-Oken M, Fox L, Rau MT, Tullman J, Baker G,
component of frontotemporal lobe dysfunction, Hindal M, et al. Purposes of AAC device use for per-
but its impact on the ability for social commu- sons with ALS as reported by caregivers. Augment
Altern Commun. 2006;22(3):209–21.
nication is not known, and likely varies with Gruis KL, Wren PA, Huggins JE. Amyotrophic lateral
the degree of frontotemporal lobe and bulbar sclerosis patients’ self-reported satisfaction with assis-
dysfunction. Early writing errors have been tive technology. Muscle Nerve. 2011;43(5):643–7.
noted (Ichikawa et  al., 2008). Comprehension Huggins JE, Wren PA, Gruis KL. What would
brain-computer interface users want? Opinions
is much less impaired. and priorities of potential users with amyo-
Impaired communication cannot be solely trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
attributed to executive dysfunction because neg- 2011;12(5):318–24.
ative scores with executive dysfunction (naming, Ichikawa H, Koyama S, Ohno H, Ishihara K, Nagumo
sentence completing tests, spatial anticipation K, Kawamura M. Writing errors and anosognosia in
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia. Behav
test, card sorting test) overlap with scores of Neurol. 2008;19(3):107–16.
language dysfunction (confrontational nam- Korner S, Sieniawski M, Kollewe K, Rath KJ, Krampfl
ing, comprehension, verb processing) by 44% K, Zapf A, et  al. Speech therapy and communica-
among patients with ALS (Taylor et  al., 2013). tion device:  impact on quality of life and mood
in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
The impact of cognitive impairment on the use Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
of brain-computer interfaces is complex and has 2013;14(1):20–5.
not been fully studied (Cipresso et al., 2012). Murphy J. Communication strategies of people with
ALS and their partners. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Silvoni S, Cavinato M, Volpato C, Ruf CA, Birbaumer N,
REFERENCES Piccione F. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis progression
and stability of brain-computer interface commu-
Bak TH, Hodges JR. The effects of motor neurone dis- nication. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal
ease on language:  further evidence. Brain Lang. Degener. 2013;14(5-6):390–6.
2004;89(2):354–61. Taylor LJ, Brown RG, Tsermentseli S, Al-Chalabi A, Shaw
Ball LJ, Beukelman DR, Pattee GL. Communication CE, Ellis CM, et  al. Is language impairment more
effectiveness of individuals with amyotrophic lateral common than executive dysfunction in amyotrophic
sclerosis. J Commun Disord. 2004;37(3):197–215. lateral sclerosis? J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
Ball LJ, Willis A, Beukelman DR, Pattee GL. A protocol 2013;84(5):494–8.
for identification of early bulbar signs in amyotrophic Tomik B, Guiloff RJ. Dysarthria in amyotrophic lat-
lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Sci. 2001;191(1-2):43–53. eral sclerosis:  a review. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Beukelman D, Fager S, Nordness A. Communication 2010;11(1-2):4–15.
support for people with ALS. Neurol Res Int. Wolpaw JR. Brain-computer interfaces. Handb Clin
2011;2011:714693. Neurol. 2013;110:67–74.
Chapter 25

Psychological and Psychiatric

Assessment and Management
Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND investigations are descriptive with little infor-

NEW POINTS mation on treatment.

Studies of psychological and psychiatric symp-

toms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
focused on the incidence of depressive symp- DEPRESSION
toms, which are relatively low. With the aware-
ness that a frontotemporal syndrome and A review of the literature to 2007 on the psy-
dementia can be present in 50% of patients chological health of patients with ALS revealed
with ALS, there is recognition that behavioral the following (Averill, Kasarskis, & Segerstrom,
symptoms can have an impact on the caregiver. 2007). Depression, based on reports from
However, there are few studies of how to man- structured interviews, was estimated at an
age them. incidence of 5.5% among patients with ALS,
and the level of depression was estimated from
standardized tests (Beck Depression Inventory,
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and
INTRODUCTION was found to be in the minimal range. The feel-
ing of hopelessness, defined as a belief that the
Given the inexorable progression of motor neu- future holds no possibility for positive events,
ron disease, depression was a consideration emotions, or outcomes, was reported to have
that could affect quality of life for the patient a wide range (absent to severe), and moder-
and caregiver, and could be treated. The find- ate to severe hopelessness was expressed by
ing that frontotemporal syndrome and demen- 20–30% of patients. The progressive nature of
tia are present in up to 50% of patients with ALS suggests an accumulative psychological
ALS, and commonly includes behavioral symp- burden. However, most studies did not find a
toms, expands the psychological and psychiat- progression of depression or hopelessness over
ric spectrum. Furthermore, certain forms of time. Overall, this literature review supports
familial ALS can include family members with the notion that the features of ALS do not in
only psychiatric disturbances. At this point, general determine the psychological state of

260 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

the patient, and a positive meaning to life can repetitive behaviors. Patients may be more sus-
be found by the patient. ceptible to extrapyramidal side effects of anti-
Management and treatment of depression psychotic medications and use of medications
in ALS is by counseling and medications. For with less D2 receptor antagonism is preferable
some patients with ALS, fear of the unknown (Pressman & Miller, 2014). Without specific
future is a factor in reduced mood, and frank medication trials, caregiver awareness that
discussions about progression and manner of behavioral symptoms are under patient control
death can be helpful. Standard use of antide- may be helpful in reducing some of the stress
pressant medications may be helpful. (Merrilees, Klapper, Murphy, Lomen-Hoerth,
& Miller, 2010).

Changes in behavior are a common compo-
nent of frontotemporal dysfunction (behavioral Averill AJ, Kasarskis EJ, Segerstrom SC. Psychological
variant) in ALS (Strong, 2008), and also pri- health in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
mary lateral sclerosis (Grace et al., 2011). They Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2007;8(4):243–54.
include alternations in personality and social Grace GM, Orange JB, Rowe A, Findlater K, Freedman
M, Strong MJ. Neuropsychological functioning
conduct. They can be categorized as apathetic in PLS:  a comparison with ALS. Can J Neurol Sci.
type with apathy, inertia, and loss of volition; 2011;38(1):88–97.
stereotypic type with ritualistic behavior and Houseman G, Walsh S, Brothers A, Lyter J, Simmons
conformity to routines; and disinhibition type Z, Klapper J. Frontotemporal degeneration in the
with overactivity, disinhibition, and distract- patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: helping the
caregiver cope. J Neurosci Nurs. 2013;45(2):96–100.
ibility. Symptoms are progressive over time. Lillo P, Mioshi E, Hodges JR. Caregiver burden in amyo-
Patients may not fulfill formal criteria for fron- trophic lateral sclerosis is more dependent on patients’
totemporal dementia. behavioral changes than physical disability: a compar-
Management and treatment of behavioral ative study. BMC Neurol. 2012;12:156.
Merrilees J, Klapper J, Murphy J, Lomen-Hoerth C,
symptoms can be difficult in the setting of Miller BL. Cognitive and behavioral challenges in
ALS. This fact results in great stress on the caring for patients with frontotemporal dementia
caregiver (Lillo, Mioshi, & Hodges., 2012; and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral
Houseman et  al., 2013). Physical exercise for Scler. 2010;11(3):298–302.
the patient can be beneficial but difficult in Pressman PS, Miller BL. Diagnosis and management of
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. Biol
the setting of weakness. Pharmacologic man- Psychiatry. 2014;75(7):574–81.
agement focuses on neurotransmitter involve- Strong MJ. The syndromes of frontotemporal dysfunction
ment:  serotonin selective uptake inhibitors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral
may help with disinhibition, impulsivity, and Scler. 2008;9(6):323–38.
Chapter 26

Symptoms and Management

Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND frequency, and severity of symptoms are not

NEW POINTS available. One study of treatment efficacy set
forth 14 common symptoms in ALS based on
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is primar- clinical experience, but additional symptoms
ily a disease involving loss of upper motor neu- are encountered (Table 26–1; Forshew &
rons (UMNs) and lower motor neuron (LMNs), Bromberg, 2003). Another approach to assess
resulting in weakness and spasticity as the frequency and severity is to query patient
main motor symptoms. However, there are experiences from PatientsLikeMe, a volun-
secondary symptoms related to these features tary online Internet-based ALS patient forum
and to consequences of infirmity. There is also ( From such a query,
recognition of behavioral issues related to fron- 33–51% of patients experience most of the
totemporal lobe dysfunction. symptoms listed in Table  26–1 (Nakamura,
With few randomized controlled trials Bromberg, Bhargava, Wicks, & Zeng-Treitler,
involving patients with ALS for symptoms man- 2012).
agement, recommendations are almost entirely Symptoms described by patients with ALS
based on experience with similar symptoms in caused by infirmity are not unique to ALS.
other diseases. With few randomized trials for symptom man-
agement in ALS, most information on efficacy
is from trials conducted in other diseases or
INTRODUCTION from clinical experience. Treatment efficacy
has been assessed from both the clinician’s
Patients with ALS describe a range of symp- and the patient’s perspectives (Forshew &
toms, but robust patient surveys on the number, Bromberg, 2003; Nakamura et  al., 2012), and
Table 26–1  List of Common Symptoms and Treatment Options
Symptom Treatment
Behavioral disturbance Understanding
SSRIs (common dosages)
Pseudobulbar affect Amitriptyline (10–80 mg)
Severe 5%; moderate 19%; mild 37% Nuedexta (dextromethorphan, 20 mg/quinidine, 10 mg)
Severe 4%; moderate 19%; mild 37%
Anxiety Reassurance
Severe 5%; moderate 19%; mild 38% Benzodiazepines: lorazepam (1–2 mg), valium (2–5 mg)
SSRIs (common dosages)
Depression SSRIs (common dosages)
Severe 5%; moderate 18%; mild 38%
Weakness Energy conservation
Walking aids (sticks, walkers), DME (wheelchairs)
Shortness of breath Noninvasive ventilation
Lorazepam (1–2 mg), morphine sulfate (1 mg +)
Fatigue Energy conservation
Severe 15%; moderate 40%; mild 34% Walking aids (sticks, walkers), DME (wheelchairs)
Fasciculations Gabapentin (300 mg +)
Severe 9%; moderate 35%; mild 42%
Spasticity, spasms Baclofen (20–80 mg)
Severe 13%; moderate 34%; mild 37% Tizanidine (4 mg +)
Benzodiazepines (5 mg +)
Muscle cramps Muscle stretching
Quinine sulfate (325 mg)
Baclofen (20–80 mg)
Sialorrhea Amitriptyline (25–50 mg)
Severe 10%; moderate 19%; mild 32% Glycopyrrolate (1–2 mg)
Scopolamine (patch)
Botulinum toxin (500 units)
External beam radiation (20 Gy)
Thick phlegm Guaifenesin (200 mg +)
Laryngospasm Counseling
Benzodiazepines: lorazepam (1–2 mg), valium (2–5 mg)
Pain Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (common doses)
Severe 6%; moderate 21%; mild 33% Opioid drugs
Acetaminophen (325 mg +)
Physical therapy
Disrupted sleep Sleep hygiene
Severe 5%; moderate 19%; mild 31% Noninvasive ventilation
Trazodone (25–50 mg)
Zolpedim (5–10 mg)
Constipation Fiber
Severe 5%; moderate 19%; mild 38% Hydration
Stool softeners
Urinary and bowel urgency Oxybutynin (5 –15 mg)
Dependent limb symptoms Limb elevation
Compression gloves and hose
Deep venous thrombosis Aspirin (325 mg)
Percentages of severity for some symptoms from PatientsLikeMe self-reporting (approximately 3,200 patients). Order of
treatment modalities from PatientsLikeMe self-reporting and from the literature.
DME = durable medical equipment; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
26  Symptoms and Management 263

of note, estimates of drug efficacy made by cli- mg (mean, 64 mg) with good effect in 20 of 22
nicians are more often positive and higher in patients after 6 weeks (Szczudlik, Slowik, &
magnitude than estimates made by patients. Tomik, 1995). From PatientsLikeMe data, 21%
of patients believed amitriptyline was effective
(Nakamura et al., 2012).
Changes in ALS patient behavior are common EXCESSIVE YAWNING
and are related to the frontotemporal lobe syn-
drome and dementia. Symptoms include irrita- Patients with ALS often describe excessive
bility, executive deficits, apathy, loss of insight, and forced yawning. Based on a survey from
disinhibition, and aggressive behavior. PatientsLikeMe, 60% reported mild-moderate
From one study, 81 ALS caregivers reported yawning and 9% severe yawning (Wicks, 2007).
symptoms of reduced motivation (81%), apathy The mechanism is believed to represent UMN
(41%), and symptoms consistent with dementia pathology. Most patients do not seek treatment,
(11%; Lillo, Mioshi, Zoing, Kiernan, & Hodges, but patients have responded to thioridazine
2011). No drug treatment trials for behavioral (Williams, 2000).
changes are available for ALS, and drugs sug-
gested for specific symptoms are by catego-
ries (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
atypical antipsychotics, N-methyl-d-aspartate ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION
agonists). Another approach suggested for
the caregiver is an understanding and accep- Anxiety in ALS may derive from concerns
tance of behavioral issues (Merrilees, Klapper, about the future, concerns about dying, and
Murphy, Lomen-Hoerth, & Miller, 2010; shortness of breath. Addressing questions and
Seltman & Matthews, 2012). concerns about specific issues may help relieve
There are no controlled trials of anxiolytic
drugs in ALS. Pharmacologic treatment should
PSEUDOBULBAR AFFECT be individualized, based on patient circum-
stances with consideration for premorbid anxi-
Pseudobulbar affect is common in patients ety and whether a short-term versus a long-term
with ALS and can be a source of embarrass- antianxiety medication is appropriate. In the
ment for both patient and caregiver. The pres- setting of respiratory compromise from ALS
ence of pseudobulbar affect and quantitative there is some concern for oversedation. From
measure of its magnitude can be assessed by PatientsLikeMe data, 27% of patients believed
a survey instrument (Center for Neurologic lorazepam was effective (Nakamura et al., 2012).
Study-Lability Scale; Moore, Gresham, Depression in ALS occurs with low fre-
Bromberg, Kasarkis, & Smith, 1997). quency (15–20%), and consideration should
Using this instrument, a combination of dex- be given to circumstances related to ALS, and
tromethorphan, 20 mg, and quinidine, 10 mg also to premorbid mood conditions. There are
orally twice daily, has been shown to be effective no controlled trials of antidepressant drugs in
at reducing laughing and crying (Brooks et al., ALS. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
2004; Pioro et  al., 2010). Dextromethorphan are appropriate. From PatientsLikeMe data,
is the active drug and quinidine reduces its 17% of patients believed sertraline was effec-
rapid metabolism. Side effects are dizziness tive and 9% believed fluoxetine was effective
and nausea, which may limit tolerability but (Nakamura et al., 2012).
there are no cardiac issues. The drug combina-
tion has been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration for pseudobulbar affect, under
the brand name Nuedexta. WEAKNESS
Amitriptyline has also been used for pseudo-
bulbar affect, supported by empiric data and a Weakness in ALS is primarily caused by loss
single older study using a dose range of 30–100 of LMNs, but spasticity and stiffness from
264 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

UMN loss also contributes. The drug tirase- FATIGUE

mtiv enhances the sensitivity of sarcomers to
calcium and increases force generation, and Fatigue is a common symptom expressed by
is currently being tested in a pilot study in patients with ALS and may have multiple con-
patients with ALS (Shefner, Wolff, & Meng, tributing factors, including changes in psycho-
2013; Shefner, Watson, Meng, & Wolff, 2013). logical drive, changes in central drive caused
Because the drug improves muscle strength, it by premotor cortex changes, loss of UMNs
could result in a degree of global improvement resulting in changes in LMN activation pat-
in function. Data from several small and short terns, loss of LMNs, and changes in excitation-
trials (3-week duration) were pooled:  with contraction coupling (Thomas & Zijdewind,
oral doses up to 500 mg there were trends 2006; Lou, 2008). It is not possible to distin-
toward improved ALS Functional Rating Scale guish among these factors for an individual
(ALSFRS) scores and handgrip endurance patient.
(Shefner, Wolff, & Meng, 2013). Dizziness was In one study of 223 patients surveyed at
the most common side effect. Interestingly, 3-month intervals, fatigue, as measured by
when tirasemtiv was taken in combination with the Fatigue Severity Scale, was found in the
riluzole, serum level of riluzole rose by a factor clinically significant range in 44% at first
of 2.5. visit and in an additional 22% at 3  months
later (McElhiney, Rabkin, Gordon, Goetz,
& Mitsumoto, 2009). Fatigue was correlated
with greater weakness, as measured by lower
SHORTNESS OF BREATH ALSFRS-R scores, whereas depression was
less prevalent and did not increase over time.
Shortness of breath eventually occurs in most Other factors include reduced mood and side
patients with ALS because of progressive effects of medications, and poor sleep caused
respiratory failure. The American Academy by nocturnal cramps and nocturia (Lo Coco &
of Neurology (AAN) Practice Parameter La Bella, 2012).
Guideline offers a respiratory symptom man- A randomized placebo trial of modafinil
agement algorithm that focuses on periodic with an open-label extension showed that with
assessment of respiratory function by pulmo- doses up to 300 mg daily there was a significant
nary function tests and inquiry of symptoms. improvement in the Clinical Global Impression
When acute and reversible factors, such as Score and in energy and stamina on visual
secretion management and pneumonia, have analogue scales (Rabkin, Gordon, McElhiney,
been assessed, long-term management is by use Rabkin, & Chew, 2009).
of noninvasive ventilation (Miller et al., 1999).
There are situations where shortness of
breath is transient, lasting minutes and not
associated with exertion or accountable by FASCICULATIONS
other factors, that are likely caused by anxiety.
Reassurance can be helpful. Directing cool air Fasciculations are almost ubiquitous, and a
from a fan onto the patient can also help. Low key feature in making the diagnosis of ALS.
doses of lorazepam (0.5–2 mg sublingually) can They are sufficiently troublesome in about 5%
be effective. of patients from PatientsLikeMe to receive
Shortness of breath caused by respira- therapy (Nakamura et al., 2012). No studies are
tory insufficiency that cannot be managed by available on treatment of fasciculation poten-
noninvasive mechanical ventilation, or if the tials, but from the same PatientsLikeMe sur-
patient cannot tolerate the device, or wishes vey, 8% of patients believed that gabapentin
not to use it, needs to be managed by medica- was helpful.
tions. The AAN Practice Parameter Guideline
suggests lorazepam, 0.5–2 mg sublingually, or
morphine, 2.5–5 mg sublingually (Miller et al., SPASTICITY AND SPASMS
1999). Shortness of breath during the terminal
stages of ALS should be managed by hospice Spasticity of movements (velocity-dependent
and palliative care. increase in muscle tone) in ALS and primary
26  Symptoms and Management 265

lateral sclerosis is caused by loss of UMNs lead- implantation, and could also be used to assess
ing to several changes that include increased and predict its effect on ambulation.
stretch-induced activity from muscle spindles,
decreased spinal inhibitory pathways, and
increased LMN excitability (although not con-
firmed in humans; Gracies, 2005). This leads CRAMPS
to difficulties in arresting inappropriate mus-
cle activity and leads to limb stiffness during Muscle cramps, including nocturnal cramps
movements. Stiffness affects the legs with poor in leg muscles but also with other muscles in
balance during walking and greater risk of falls. the setting of routine activities, such as neck
Spasms reflect uncontrolled and exagger- muscles with yawning, abdominal muscles with
ated responses to peripheral stimuli (cutaneous bending over, and hand and forearm muscles
or stretch of limb muscles) leading to uncon- with dressing, are common among patients
trolled extension or flexion of the legs. In addi- with ALS, occurring in 35% of patients in
tion to interfering with ambulation and patient a PatientsLikeMe survey (Nakamura et  al.,
care, spasticity and spasms can be painful. 2012). Nocturnal cramps can be severe and
Treatment of spasticity and spasms in frequent and disrupt sleep.
ALS includes a spectrum of nonpharmaco- A Cochrane Database review of drug trials
logic efforts and drugs. A  Cochrane Review in ALS found only one trial with cramp fre-
included assessment of physical therapy, non- quency as a primary endpoint and 13 studies
pharmacologic applications, prescription and as a secondary endpoint, and no study showed
nonprescription medications, nerve and muscle a favorable response (Baldinger, Katzberg, &
chemoneurolysis, surgical interventions, and Weber, 2012). Drugs studied included tetrahy-
alternative therapies (Ashworth, Satkunam, drocannablinol (study with cramps as primary
& Deforge, 2012). Only one exercise program endpoint), vitamin E, baclofen, riluzole, l-thre-
compared the effects on spasticity assessed by onine, xaliproden, indinavir, and memantine
the Ashworth scale (Drory, Goltsman, Reznik, (studies with cramps as secondary endpoint).
Mosek, & Korczyn, 2001). Twenty-five patients In a global review of quinine sulfate for
with ALS were randomized to an exercise pro- cramps, two Class  I  studies showed a posi-
gram or usual activity, and the Ashworth scale tive effect, whereas several Class  II and III
was significantly reduced in the exercise group studies showed both efficacy and no efficacy
at 3 months, but not at 6 months. Drop-out was (Katzberg, Kahn, & So, 2010). Of note, in 2005
high at 6 months for both groups. the Food and Drug Administration considered
Several drugs are available for spasticity, cramps an off-label indication for quinine due
including baclofen, tizanidine, dantrolene, to side effects. Among ALS PatientsLikeMe
and benzodiazepines, but there are no con- 32% believed that quinine was effective and
trolled trials to guide choice in ALS. A  treat- 27% that baclofen was effective (Nakamura
ment principle is to start with a low dose et al., 2012; Katzberg et al., 2010). Preventative
and increase slowly to reduce or prevent side stretching exercises have not been adequately
effects, most commonly fatigue and occasion- assessed (Katzberg et al., 2010).
ally weakness caused by reduced limb stiffness
from loss of spasticity. A  PatientsLikeMe sur-
vey indicated that 29% of patients treated by
baclofen believed it was effective, whereas 5% SIALORRHEA
of patients believed tizanidine was effective
(Nakamura et al., 2012). Intrathecal delivery of Sialorrhea in ALS reflects an increased amount
baclofen is an approach to delivering the drug of saliva in the mouth caused by reduced
at appropriate doses to the spinal cord without clearance from inefficient swallowing (Scully,
systemic side effects. A  review of intrathecal Limeres, Gleeson, Tomas, & Diz, 2009).
baclofen in eight patients with ALS indicated Approximately one to one and a half quarts of
good pain relief in half, but there was no men- saliva are normally produced, and clearance
tion of its effects on ambulation (McClelland requires frequent swallowing, about 600 swal-
et  al., 2008). A  positive response to an intra- lows in a 24-hour period. The submandibular
thecal test dose predicted response after pump and sublingual glands are responsible for 70%
266 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

of saliva production in the unstimulated state, epithelial cells (Rubin, 2010). Mucin can form
whereas in the stimulated state (chewing) gel-like glycoproteins. Thus, it likely that thick
saliva production may increase five-fold and phlegm in patients with ALS represents nor-
the larger amount is from parotid gland. Thus, mal secretions that collect because of ineffi-
accumulation of saliva is expected with even cient swallowing and a weak cough. Treatment
mild dysarthria. has been empiric, and includes guaifeneson.
There are no clinical trials of oral drugs to Assistive cough devices may also be helpful.
reduce saliva production, but the AAN Practice
Parameter has an algorithm based on clinical
experience (Miller et  al., 1999). Oral drugs
commonly used include amitriptyline (12.5–75 LARYNGEAL SPASMS
mg), glycopyrrolate (1–4 mg), scopolamine
patch, and atropine (oral drops 1%). Among Laryngospasm represents a feeling that air can-
ALS PatientsLikeMe, 29% believed amitripty- not be moved with respiration and is associated
line was effective and 18% believed glycopyr- with inspiratory stridor. It is caused by spasm
rolate was effective (Nakamura et al., 2012). of the laryngeal sphincters (there are three
Botulinum toxin has been formally studied sphincters:  aryepiglottic fold, ventricular fold
in small ALS trials, and a review of 13 stud- [false vocal cords], and the true vocal folds). It
ies showed the following (Stokholm, Bisgard, is not clear which are involved in laryngospasm
& Vilholm, 2013). Botulinum types A  and B in ALS, but muscle activity does not seem to
were equally effective, but type B is associated be caused by spasms from UMN loss because
with shorter onset latency. Toxin is delivered to it is more common among patients with spi-
parotid and submandibular glands by anatomic nal bulbar muscle atrophy (Kennedy disease),
landmarks or by ultrasound guidance. Dosages which has no UMN involvement, than among
vary among toxin types and brands and are patients with ALS who have UMN involvement
diluted compared with treatment of dystonia. (Sperfeld, Hanemann, Ludolph, & Kassubek,
Treatment is believed by patients to be effec- 2005). The cause of laryngeal sphincter tight-
tive, supported by quantitative measurements of ness is not known but gastroesophageal reflex
saliva. Treatment is temporary, and repeat injec- has been noted. Laryngospasm, although
tions are at 3- to 5-month intervals or on a per- frightening, lasts a brief period of time and is
sonalized schedule. Side effects are mild, with not life threatening, and an understanding of
some patients reporting thicker saliva and some a this is important to impart to patients.
dry mouth, and good oral hygiene is emphasized.
External beam radiation to the salivary
glands has been used in patients who have
not had a good response to pharmacologic or PAIN
botulinum treatment. The pattern of salivary
glands radiated varies; most include the sub- ALS is not considered an intrinsically painful
mandibular glands with variable inclusion of disorder. However, several patient surveys show
the parotic glands, and one study radiated a that more than 50% of patients with ALS expe-
single side. Doses varied but mean doses were rience pain, occurring at all stages (Chio et al.,
20 Gy delivered in five fractions (Guy et  al., 2012; Rivera et  al., 2013). Causes of pain are
2011; Kasarskis, Hodskins, & St Clair, 2011; not clear and likely varied, but common factors
Bourry et al., 2013). Efficacy was judged to be are pain related to immobility and not being
high by patients. able to shift position, joint and muscle contrac-
tures related to immobility and not being able
to activate a full range of motion, muscle sore-
ness from relative overactivity of weak muscles,
THICK PHLEGM and muscle cramps and spasms. The distribu-
tion of pain is primarily of the musculoskeletal
Patients with ALS frequently describe thick category and affects most commonly shoulders,
phlegm deep in their throat, but there are no neck, and legs.
studies on phlegm in ALS. Phlegm represents A Cochrane Database review found no ran-
mucus, likely largely secreted by respiratory domized or quasirandomized trials for pain
26  Symptoms and Management 267

in ALS (Brettschneider, Kurent, & Ludolph, There are no objective data on the frequency
2013). The available data on pain manage- of constipation among patients with ALS, but
ment in ALS was reviewed and collated. The one telephone survey of 16 patients unable to
musculoskeletal nature of pain in ALS leads to attend clinic reported a frequency of “consti-
treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pation and inability to clear lung secretions”
drugs as the first line (44%), then opioids (40%) in 61%, increasing to 72% over 6  months
and acetaminophen (19%). Conclusions about (Mannino et al., 2007).
doses and relative efficacy were not readily Treatment regimens are not specific for
extractable from the data. patients with ALS. It is not clear that reduced
fluid intake and reduced physical activity per
se contribute to constipation (Meshkinpour
et  al., 1998). A  graded approach can be used
DISRUPTED SLEEP and based on responses to increased fiber
intake (foods; psylliym, 25 g daily), osmotic
Issues with sleep are common among patients agents (milk of magnesia; polyethylene glycol,
with ALS, and from a survey of 91 patients, 17 g daily), and stimulant laxatives (bisacodyl,
57% meet experienced poor sleep on the senna; Lembo & Camilleri, 2003).
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (Lo Coco & La
Bella, 2012). An interview revealed nocturia
occurring in 63%, nocturnal cramps in 45%,
difficulty turning in bed in 39%, and snoring BLADDER AND BOWEL
in 24%. Restless leg syndrome has also been INCONTINENCE
identified as more common among patients
with ALS (25%) than a control group (8%; Lo Bladder and bowel incontinence and other
Coco, Piccoli, & La Bella, 2010). symptoms of dysfunction in ALS have received
Treatment includes assessing manageable little attention. It is known that the LMNs
issues (nocturia) and medications for treatable that innervate the external rectal sphincter
associated causes (muscle cramps, restless leg (nucleus of Onuf) are mostly spared in ALS
syndrome). Medications directed toward sleep and frank incontinence is not common, espe-
have not been assessed formally, but from cially when LMNs from the same spinal seg-
a PatientsLikeMe survey, amitriptyline was ments to leg muscles are markedly reduced
judged to be effective by 34% and zolpidem by (Kihira, Yoshida, Yoshimasu, Wakayama, &
16% (Nakamura et al., 2012). Sleep hygiene is Yase, 1997). It is likely that LMNs innervating
important to emphasize because with immo- the bladder sphincter are also spared, because
bility patients may nap in the daytime more bladder incontinence is not common. A survey
that realized, taking away from nocturnal of 54 patients with ALS for urinary symptoms
sleep time. indicated that 14% experienced incontinence,
and 23% postmicturition dribble (Lopes de
Carvalho, Motta, Battaglia, & Brichetto, 2011).
Other symptoms included 18% urgency, 27%
CONSTIPATION increased frequency, 50% nocturia, and 60%
feeling of incomplete emptying.
Constipation is a common complaint, and in There are no objective data on treatment
a general review of systems among healthy of bowel symptoms in ALS, but reports from
individuals, 16% overall and 33% among PatientsLikeMe indicate that oxybutynin is
individuals older than age 60  years respond judged effective by 46% of patients (Nakamura
positively (Bharucha, Dorn, & Lembo, 2013). et al., 2012).
Furthermore, patients may rely on personal
definitions of constipation, but the formal
definition includes infrequent bowel move-
ments (frequency of bowel movements in the URINARY DISORDERS
general population varies markedly), hard-to-
pass stool, sensations of incomplete evacua- Urinary symptoms are described by patients
tion, and straining (Lembo & Camilleri, 2003). with ALS, and a study of 54 patients meeting
268 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

definite or probable ALS were queried for was lower than in patients with stroke and spi-
urinary symptoms (Lopes de Carvalho et  al., nal cord injuries but five times higher than in
2011). Among the 41% with symptoms experi- the general older population. Thrombosis pro-
enced after the onset of ALS symptoms, a feel- phylaxis was not believed to be necessary.
ing of incomplete emptying was reported by
59%, nocturia by 50%, increased frequency by
27%, urgency by 18%, and incontinence
by  14%. Although postvoid residual volumes SKIN BREAKDOWN
were lower among asymptomatic patients,
22% had residual volumes greater than 50 ml Skin breakdown leading to pressure ulcers
(cut-off value for normal voiding). There were seems to be less common in patients with
significant linear correlations between post- ALS than expected given the accentuation of
void residual volumes and the ALSFRS-R boney prominences caused by loss of muscle
(negative) and Ashworth spasticity (positive) combined with reduced subcutaneous fat
scores. Treatment and management were from weight loss in the setting of immobility.
not addressed in detail, but antispasticity for Charcot noted this paradox in patients with
urgency and intermittent catheterization for ALS compared with those with other debilitat-
residual volumes were mentioned. ing diseases. This does not mean that patients
with ALS are immune to pressure ulcers, and
a review of patients admitted to a single hos-
pital revealed a 5% rate of skin breakdown
DEPENDENT LIMB SYMPTOMS among patients with ALS, which was similar
to patients with other neurologic diseases,
Severe limb weakness leads to immobility and although there were unusual factors in the
dependent limb postures. This causes hands cases (Hayashi et al., 2007).
and distal legs to become cold to the touch,
very red in appearance (including a purple hue),
swollen, and occasionally painful. Although
many of these symptoms (rubor, tumor, and SWEATING
dolor) are associated with inflammation or vas-
Patients occasionally describe excess sweating.
cular insufficiency, they are a normal response
In a quantitative study of sweat production at
in ALS to reduced blood flow to atrophic dis-
distal arm and leg sites, 39 patients with El
tal limb muscles (coldness), lack of lymph fluid
Escorial Criteria definite to probable ALS were
movement (swelling), and cutaneous capillary
compared with 39 control subjects (Beck et al.,
engorgement (redness).
2002). Subjects with ALS who were relatively
Treatment is to elevate the limb or wear
early in the course of their disease had higher
pressure hose or gloves, but the symptoms
are not of medical concern and reassurance is rates of sweat production than control subjects
in the hands (but lower in the feet), but those
later in the course had lower rates. It is not
clear if the findings early in the course explain
the occasional patient with marked sweating
DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS about the head or burning of the eyes.

All forms of motor neuron disease are associ-

ated with reduced mobility and the possibility REFERENCES
of developing deep venous thrombosis as a con-
sequence. In a study of 438 patients with ALS Ashworth NL, Satkunam LE, Deforge D. Treatment
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thrombosis (Elman, Siderowf, Houseman, neuron disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
Kelley, & McCluskey, 2005). Lack of ambu- Baldinger R, Katzberg HD, Weber M. Treatment for
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26  Symptoms and Management 269

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Kasarskis EJ, Hodskins J, St Clair WH. Unilateral parotid RA, Wynn D, et  al. Dextromethorphan plus ultra
electron beam radiotherapy as palliative treatment for low-dose quinidine reduces pseudobulbar affect. Ann
sialorrhea in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol Neurol. 2010;68(5):693–702.
Sci. 2011;308(1-2):155–7. Rabkin JG, Gordon PH, McElhiney M, Rabkin R, Chew
Katzberg HD, Khan AH, So YT. Assessment:  symptom- S, Mitsumoto H. Modafinil treatment of fatigue in
atic treatment for muscle cramps (an evidence-based patients with ALS: a placebo-controlled study. Muscle
review):  report of the therapeutics and technology Nerve. 2009;39(3):297–303.
assessment subcommittee of the American academy Rivera I, Ajroud-Driss S, Casey P, Heller S, Allen J,
of neurology. Neurology. 2010;74(8):691–6. Siddique T, et  al. Prevalence and characteristics of
Kihira T, Yoshida S, Yoshimasu F, Wakayama I, Yase Y. pain in early and late stages of ALS. Amyotroph Lateral
Involvement of Onuf’s nucleus in amyotrophic lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener. 2013;14(5-6):369–72.
sclerosis. J Neurol Sci. 1997;147(1):81–8. Rubin BK. Mucus and mucins. Otolaryngol Clin North
Lembo A, Camilleri M. Chronic constipation. N Engl J Am. 2010;43(1):27–34, vii-viii.
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Lillo P, Mioshi E, Zoing MC, Kiernan MC, Hodges JR. J Oral Pathol Med. 2009;38(4):321–7.
How common are behavioural changes in amyo- Seltman RE, Matthews BR. Frontotemporal lobar degen-
trophic lateral sclerosis? Amyotroph Lateral Scler. eration: epidemiology, pathology, diagnosis and man-
2011;12(1):45–51. agement. CNS Drugs. 2012;26(10):841–70.
Lo Coco D, La Bella V. Fatigue, sleep, and nocturnal Shefner JM, Watson ML, Meng L, Wolff AA. A study
complaints in patients with amyotrophic lateral scle- to evaluate safety and tolerability of repeated doses
rosis. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(5):760–3. of tirasemtiv in patients with amyotrophic lateral
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sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
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comes in patients with ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler bar signs]. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 1995;29(5):663–74.
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2005;64(4):753–4. form of ALS. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2007;116(1):76;
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the literature and a proposal for tailored treatment. 2000;55(10):1592–3.
Chapter 27

Intimacy, Sexuality, and Pregnancy

Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND spouse, suggests a possible parallel increase

NEW POINTS in intimacy that can be viewed as a positive
aspect of the disease. However, balancing pos-
Intimacy and sexuality are essential human sible positivity are issues for the patient, related
issues. Most patients with motor neuron dis- to how they feel about changes in their body,
ease (MND) are cared for by spouses. The and for the caregiver, related to fatigue from
progressive physical dependence for care can physical and temporal demands on their time
be rewarding for the patient and caregiver, or and difficulties related to possible changes in
taxing and affect intimacy. Premorbid coping behavior of the patient. Furthermore, physi-
skills and the spousal relationship, combined cal intimacy in a relationship naturally changes
with ongoing patient physical limitations and over time, and most patients with ALS are
emotional comfort with their changing bodies, older. Other factors are past coping skills of the
affects intimacy and sexuality. individuals and past interactions as a couple.
Despite its importance, little is written about
intimate interactions between patients with
MND and caregivers. Sexual activity occurs
with patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis INTIMACY
(ALS), including those on long-term mechani-
cal ventilation. The topic is not often brought MND affect all aspects of intimacy and sexu-
up at clinic visits, leaving patients and caregiv- ality for both the patient and caregiver. The
ers uncertain as to whom to discuss issues with. issue of intimacy and sexuality in the setting
Women with ALS have conceived and given of MND has not been studied extensively, and
birth without significant obstetric issues. there is little discussion of issues and how to
handle them in clinic.
A broad survey of intimacy using the Morris
Intimacy Scale, which includes questions on
INTRODUCTION affection, cohesion, expressiveness, compat-
ibility, conflict resolution, sexuality, autonomy
The progressive need in MND for more help and identity, and global satisfaction with the
with personal care, most often delivered by the relationship, was given to 50 patients with ALS
272 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

and their spouses (Atkins, Brown, Leigh, & fear of rejection, fear of not satisfying their
Goldstein, 2010). Morris Intimacy Scale scores partner, their own passivity, and decreased
were similar when estimated for the time libido; for the caregiver the issues were their
before the onset of ALS, with small drops in partner’s attitude, their attitude, changes in the
scores over approximately 2 years of serial eval- patient’s body, and their decreased libido.
uations. Note is made that 80% of the patients From the same study, only 13% reported
with ALS were male, and the caregivers’ scores having been asked about sexual issues by
were lower, but not significantly so, at the last their physicians (type of physician not stated).
evaluation. Related to this issue was uncertainty among
the individuals as to who was the appropriate
provider to consult.
Sexual activity has been queried among
SEXUALITY patients using ventilation (Kaub-Wittemer,
Steinbuchel, Wasner, Laier-Groeneveld, &
Sexuality and sexual activity are tightly linked Borasio, 2003). Sexual activity was more impor-
to intimacy. Although the frequency of sexual tant for patients using noninvasive ventilation
activities varies among healthy couples and (56%) and long-term mechanical ventilation
over time in the relationship, and most ALS (43%), than for the caregivers (41% and 20%,
couples are older and have been married for a respectively). Sexual activity was higher among
long time, there are likely additional changes couples in the setting of noninvasive ventilation
related to MND. (31%) than in the setting of long-term mechani-
In a survey of 26 couples (three partners and cal ventilation (14%).
seven single patients), one of whom had ALS,
sexuality was found to be an important issue for
both individuals in the relationships (Wasner,
Bold, Vollmer, & Borasio, 2004). Over the PREGNANCY WITH ALS
course of ALS, ranging from 3 to 218 months
(mean, 30  months), there was a decline in Pregnancy implies sexual activity plus issues
physical function among the patients as mea- with carrying and delivering the child.
sured by the ALS Functional Rating Scale Several female patients with ALS who con-
score, which included weak patients (mean ceived and delivered babies have been
score, 28; range, 3–46). Physical weakness was reported (Chio et  al., 2003; Sarafov et  al.,
the most common factor linked to sexual prob- 2009; Sobrino-Bonilla, 2004). Issues with
lems. There was a decline in interest in sexual- and methods of delivery depended on overall
ity for both individuals, from about 75% being strength and respiratory status of the mother,
initially “very interested” before ALS onset to and delivery was vaginal when constitution-
44% at time of the survey. Satisfaction with ally strong and by cesarean section when
their sex life declined for both individuals, impaired. No untoward effects on the fetus
from an initial 73% in the patients and 66% in were reported.
the caregivers, to 44% for both at the end of
the survey. It was noted that 60% of patients
and 44% of caregivers felt an improvement in
their overall relationship since disease onset, INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL
and 20% of patients and 11% of caregivers also BEHAVIOR
noted an improvement in their sexual relation-
ships. There was a smaller decline in having Inappropriate sexual behavior and inappropri-
sexual intercourse at least once a month, from ate aspects of sexual drive (timing and unwill-
94% of patients and 100% of caregivers, to 76% ingness of the partner) can be part of the
of patients and 79% of caregivers. It is also frontotemporal lobe syndrome experienced by
noteworthy that despite obvious physical and the patient, but are uncommon elements with
mechanical issues associated with invasive ven- frontotemporal lobe syndrome features in ALS
tilation, five of six patients reported having sex- (Strong et al., 2009).
ual intercourse at least once per month. Issues One case report describes demands for fre-
associated with sexuality for the patient were quent sexual intercourse by a husband with a
27  Intimacy, Sexuality, and Pregnancy 273

recent diagnosis of ALS and symptoms of fron- Kaub-Wittemer D, Steinbuchel N, Wasner M,

totemporal lobe syndrome that responded to Laier-Groeneveld G, Borasio GD. Quality of life and
psychosocial issues in ventilated patients with amyo-
sertraline (Anneser, Jox, & Borasio, 2007). trophic lateral sclerosis and their caregivers. J Pain
Symptom Manage. 2003;26(4):890–6.
Sarafov S, Doitchinova M, Karagiozova Z, Slancheva
B, Dengler R, Petri S, et  al. Two consecutive
REFERENCES pregnancies in early and late stage of amyo-
trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Anneser JM, Jox RJ, Borasio GD. Inappropriate sexual 2009;10(5–6):483–6.
behaviour in a case of ALS and FTD:  successful Sobrino-Bonilla Y. Caring for a laboring woman with amy-
treatment with sertraline. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. otrophic lateral sclerosis:  a case report. MCN Am J
2007;8(3):189–90. Matern Child Nurs. 2004;29(4):243–7.
Atkins L, Brown RG, Leigh PN, Goldstein LH. Marital Strong MJ, Grace GM, Freedman M, Lomen-Hoerth C,
relationships in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Woolley S, Goldstein LH, et al. Consensus criteria for
Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2010;11(4):344–50. the diagnosis of frontotemporal cognitive and behav-
Chio A, Calvo A, Di Vito N, Vercellino M, Ghiglione P, ioural syndromes in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Terreni A, et  al. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis asso- Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(3):131–46.
ciated with pregnancy: report of four new cases and Wasner M, Bold U, Vollmer TC, Borasio GD. Sexuality in
review of the literature. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their
2003;4(1):45–8. partners. J Neurol. 2004;251(4):445–8.
Chapter 28

Quality of Life
Mark B. Bromberg


INTRODUCTION Caregiver Quality of Life
Patient Quality of Life
Hopelessness and Suicidal Ideation

BACKGROUND AND there are many scales and instruments avail-

NEW POINTS able. Quality of life is important for the patient
with motor neuron disease (MND), and also for
Assessing quality of life and attempting to the caregiver, because there are major func-
improve it is especially important in the setting tional and daily changes for both. At time of
of an inexorably progressive disorder. However, diagnosis, patients are concerned about these
quality of life is difficult to define and measure. changes, and commonly ask how disease pro-
Early efforts were linked to health-related gression will affect their quality of life.
quality of life instruments.
Several amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)–
specific quality of life instruments have been
developed that include existential elements TYPES OF INSTRUMENTS
that focus on sense of purpose and meaning
in life. Using these instruments, quality of Efforts to assess quality of life in MND can
life for patients with ALS has been found to be based on the type of instrument used
be relatively stable over the course of the dis- (Bromberg, 2008). Instruments include
ease and independent of the progressive loss of (1) health-related, (2) disease-specific, (3)
motor function. Quality of life of the caregiver open-format or existential-based, and (4)
has been measured and found to be somewhat single-item questions. In addition, there are
lower than that of the patient. instruments addressing specific areas, such
as depression, anxiety, meaning in life and
purpose in life (existential items), coping
mechanisms, and other areas (Table 28–1).
INTRODUCTION Health-related and disease-specific quality of
life instruments are multidimensional because
Quality of life is an essential element for all they include several domains addressing physi-
people. It is hard to define and measure, and cal, social, health, functional, and emotional
28  Quality of Life 275

Table 28–1  Commonly Used Quality QUALITY OF LIFE FOR THE

of Life Instruments in Assessing PATIENT AND CAREGIVER
Patients With ALS
Concern for quality of life in the setting of a
•  Short Form-36 Ware & Sherbourne, disease that is progressive, without treatment,
1992 and that shortens life is an important issue for
Disease-specific both the patient with MND and family. When
•  ALS Assessment Jenkinson et al., 1999 estimating future quality of life patients usu-
Questionnaire-40 ally conclude that it will be poor.
•  ALS-Specific Quality Simmons et al., 2006
of Live
Open or existential Patient Quality of Life
•  Schedule for the Clarke et al., 2001
Evaluation of the The important finding for ALS from com-
Individual Quality of parisons using a variety of open instruments
Life-Direct Weighting (Schedule for the Evaluation of the Individual
•  McGill Quality of Life Cohen et al., 1995
Quality of Life-Direct Weighting, McGill
•  ALS-Specific Quality Simmons et al., 2006 Quality of Life Questionnaire; Table 28–1)
of Life is that quality of life is relatively preserved
Single item despite continued loss of function as measured
•  McGill Single Item Cohen et al., 1995 by the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised
Item-specific in both cross-sectional and longitudinal stud-
•  Beck Depression Beck, 1996 ies (Robbins, Simmons, Bremer, Walsh, &
Inventory-II Fischer, 2001; Neudert, Wasner, & Borasio,
•  Caregiver Burden Novak & Guest, 1989 2001; Bromberg & Forshew, 2002). However,
Inventory another study that used the single-item portion
•  Idler Index of Idler, 1987
of the McGill instrument, a 10-cm visual ana-
logue scale marked to indicate current quality
of life (higher numbers indicate better quality
issues. Open-format quality of life instruments of life), showed a slow statistically significant
allow the subject to define and assess elements decline over 13  months from 7.49 to 5.89  cm
that make up their perceived quality of life. (Lou, Moore, Gordon, & Miller, 2010).
Single-item questions represent a global assess- Patients with ALS who go on to use full-time
ment. Instruments addressing specific areas ventilation also experience a good quality of
are frequently used to supplement or validate life despite progression of weakness (Gelinas,
more general instruments. O’Connor, & Miller, 1998). In one study com-
A point to bear in mind when assessing qual- paring patients using tracheal ventilation
ity of life data related to the various forms (most with ALS, but also patients with brain-
of MND is that patient strength and func- stem strokes) with those with ALS and strokes
tion inexorably decline, and instruments that who are using noninvasive ventilation or need
include physical and functional questions no ventilation, neither quality of life (using
show lower scores over time for those areas or the McGill Quality of Life instrument) nor
domains, and thus these questions tend to drive depression were significantly different among
summary scores to lower ratings. In contrast, the groups (Rosen et al., 1993). Another study
open-format and single-item questions are not confirmed that patients with tracheal ventila-
necessarily directly influenced by physical and tion maintain their McGill scores (Rousseau,
functional losses and have a higher likelihood Pietra, Blaya, & Catala, 2011).
of providing more realistic estimates of quality
of life from the subject’s perspective. Of note,
although health-related instruments are accu- Hopelessness and
rately designated as such, publications that use Suicidal Ideation
these instruments frequently refer to them in
general terms as “QoL” instruments and do not It remains likely that there is a negative affect
always distinguish their health-related nature. on quality of life early in ALS because when
276 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

given the diagnosis and informed about the Caregiver Quality of Life
prognosis of ALS patients frequently expressed
an element of hopelessness. In support are The lives of patients with MND and caregiv-
findings that state anxiety (an unpleasant emo- ers are linked in many ways, both physically
tional arousal in the face of threatening issues) and emotionally. Thus, it is not surprising that
is higher at the time of diagnosis and lower quality of life of both parties is interdepen-
at a later point in time (Vignola et  al., 2008). dent. Of note, most caregivers are spouses, and
However, longitudinal studies of depression given the male predominance of ALS, most are
show no increase including evaluation in the female.
final 3 months of life (Rabkin et al., 2005). An advantage of open quality of life instruments
More than half of patients in one study said is that the same instrument can be administered
that they might under some circumstances to both the patient and caregiver. When the
consider taking a prescription to end their life same instrument (Schedule for the Evaluation of
(Ganzini, Johnston, McFarland, Tolle, & Lee, the Individual Quality of Life-Direct Weighting)
1998). Hopelessness was cited as the main fac- is given to spousal pairs, caregivers score lower
tor, depression a minimal factor, and religion in quality of life than patients (Bromberg &
a positive supportive factor. In a follow-up Forshew, 2002), but another study showed simi-
study after these patient had died, one-third lar scores for both (Lo Coco et al., 2005). Data
had expressed to their spouses an interest in support a linkage between a patient’s higher
assisted suicide in the last month of life, again existential scores and their caregiver’s sense of
largely attributed to feelings of hopelessness well-being (Pagnini et  al., 2011). Conversely,
(Ganzini, Johnston, & Silveira, 2002). Toward behavioral symptoms from frontotemporal syn-
the end there is the concept of “quality of drome, apathy in particular, are associated with
death” (Bromberg, 2008). Factors that contrib- lower quality of life of the caregiver. Of note, as
uted to poor quality of death include difficulty judged by the caregivers, almost 50% of patients
with communication, dyspnea, insomnia, pain, with ALS had elements of frontotemporal lobe
and generalized discomfort. It is important to symptoms (apathy most common, followed by
emphasize that most patients with ALS pass executive decision-making and disinhibition),
away peacefully in their sleep and symptoms of making this an important element for caregivers
discomfort can be managed. (Chio et al., 2010).
Depression among caregivers is higher than
among patients (Rabkin, Albert, Rowland, &
Response Shift Mitsumoto, 2009). From a survey of 71 patient
spousal pairs tested with the Beck Depression
The explanation for lack of change in quality of Inventory, 10% of patients and 13% of care-
life is a “response shift,” whereby individuals reset givers were depressed. A  longitudinal study
or reframe their expectations as circumstances supports greater depression in caregivers com-
change (Bromberg, 2008). The finding of good pared with patients over 9  months (Gauthier
psychosocial adjustment in the setting of a termi- et al., 2007).
nal disease is not unique to the particulars of the Invasive ventilation requires greater care-
disease and has been found among patients with giver effort. The results of a survey of 52
cancer (Lule et  al., 2012). This information is patients with ALS on invasive ventilation
important to present to patients to reduce some showed a good quality for the patient and
of their fears. The response shift is a natural phe- a lower level of quality of life for the care-
nomenon, and a common example that occurs giver (Kaub-Wittemer, Steinbuchel, Wasner,
for everyone as natural “aging” when priorities Laier-Groeneveld, & Borasio, 2003).
important at a young age become less impor-
tant at an older age with no loss of satisfaction.
Another related finding is that when “psycho-
logical health” subscales from the ALS-Specific PERCEPTIONS OF
Quality of Life (Table 28–1) are compared with QUALITY OF LIFE
functional scales in a group of patients with ALS
there is no change over time despite progressive It can be difficult to imagine the quality of
loss of function (Cupp et al., 2011). life of another person, especially when the
28  Quality of Life 277

other person’s circumstances are out of the treated in the past (Rabkin et al., 2005). When
ordinary. One study of 89 patients with ALS patients are followed in the course of the dis-
and 188 healthy subjects (either caregivers of ease to the terminal phases, rates of depres-
the patients with ALS or age-matched volun- sion decline (Rabkin, Albert, Rowland, &
teers) assessed the situation of each other (a Mitsumoto, 2009). Another life factor that can
vignette about a typical patient with ALS was affect quality of life and self-esteem in the set-
given to the age-match volunteers; Lule et al., ting of ALS is marital intimacy before disease
2013). Estimates of depression were similar onset (Goldstein, Atkins, Landau, Brown, &
between the patients with ALS and their care- Leigh, 2006). Thus, premorbid mood issues
givers, but patients and caregivers estimated and coping mechanisms are important factors
less depression than volunteers. Global qual- with MND.
ity of life scores (Anamnestic Comparative Two frequently recommended interven-
Self-assessment) were similar between the tions, noninvasive ventilation and gastric feed-
patients and caregivers, but both patients and ing tube placement, have been investigated
caregivers rated their quality of life lower than for their affect on quality of life. One study of
they estimated in the volunteers. subjects followed in a negative drug trial used
the McGill single-item quality of life visual
analogue scale (Lou et  al., 2010). Initiation
of noninvasive ventilation during the study in
FACTORS AFFECTING 74 subjects revealed a nonsignificant trend to
QUALITY OF LIFE better quality of life, whereas placement of a
gastric feeding tube in 52 subjects resulted in
Specific factors have been sought that might a significant slowing in the rate of decline of
influence quality of life, and the large num- quality of life on the visual analogue scale. In a
ber of individual tests available with specific study of 27 patients with ALS, 22 of whom were
focuses allows for generalized conclusions. Two receiving noninvasive ventilation and 5 requir-
existential factors are existential elements and ing invasive ventilation, there were no signifi-
religiousness. Existential elements are those cant differences between the two groups for the
that concern a person’s thoughts of how they McGill open scale and the SF-36 health-related
relate to the world in general. They include scale (Rousseau et al., 2011). Another study of
how one orients oneself in the world and 39 patients with ALS supported an increase in
includes life’s experiences and personal beliefs. quality of life as measured by the McGill scale
Religiousness and spirituality are broadly con- within 1 month of starting noninvasive ventila-
sidered and may or may not relate to traditional tion (Mustfa et al., 2006).
religious beliefs or practices.
Data from several studies support religion as
a positive factor. Seventy-five caregivers were
given the Idler Index of Religiousity and the REFERENCES
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was found that religiousness, in particular pri- Inventory-II. San Antonio: Psychological Corp; 1996.
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psychosocial issues in ventilated patients with amyo- 2011;258(10):1801–4.
trophic lateral sclerosis and their caregivers. J Pain Simmons Z, Felgoise SH, Bremer BA, Walsh SM, Hufford
Symptom Manage. 2003;26(4):890–6. DJ, Bromberg MB, et al. The ALSSQOL: balancing
Lo Coco G, Lo Coco D, Cicero V, Oliveri A, Lo Verso physical and nonphysical factors in assessing quality
G, Piccoli F, et  al. Individual and health-related of life in ALS. Neurology. 2006;67(9):1659–64.
quality of life assessment in amyotrophic lateral Vignola A, Guzzo A, Calvo A, Moglia C, Pessia A,
sclerosis patients and their caregivers. J Neurol Sci. Cavallo E, et  al. Anxiety undermines quality of
2005;238(1-2):11–7. life in ALS patients and caregivers. Eur J Neurol.
Lou JS, Moore D, Gordon PH, Miller R. Correlates of 2008:15(11):1231–6.
quality of life in ALS:  lessons from the minocycline Walsh SM, Bremer BA, Felgoise SH, Simmons Z.
study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2010;11(1-2):116–21. Religiousness is related to quality of life in patients
Lule D, Ehlich B, Lang D, Sorg S, Heimrath J, Kubler with ALS. Neurology. 2003;60(9):1527–9.
A, et  al. Quality of life in fatal disease:  the flawed Ware JE, Jr., Sherbourne CD. The MOS 36-item short-form
judgement of the social environment. J Neurol. health survey (SF-36). I. Conceptual framework and
2013;260(11):2836–43. item selection. Med Care. 1992;30(6):473–83.
Chapter 29

Caregiver Issues
Mark B. Bromberg



BACKGROUND AND physical assistance and emotional support.

NEW POINTS There is a burden for the caregiver in provid-
ing these functions that increases over time,
Caregivers have key roles in providing emotional as the patient requires more physical assis-
and physical support for patients with motor tance. Additionally, other symptoms common
neuron disease (MND), which increases over in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclero-
the course of the disease. This imposes an emo- sis (ALS) that further tax caregiver reserves
tional and physical burden on the caregiver that include pseudobulbar affect and frontotempo-
becomes more challenging to manage over time. ral syndrome and dementia. In the setting of
Many facets of providing care have been stud- predictable and progressive issues, caregivers
ied and a high degree of caregiver resiliency is display a resiliency and derive a feeling of sat-
noted. Most caregivers are spouses, and MND is isfaction from the efforts (Miller et al., 2000).
a disorder of older adults, and premorbid issues
and coping strategies have an affect on the care-
giver burden. The emotional burden further
increases when there are behavioral issues in IMPACT OF MND ON
the patient because of frontotemporal lobe syn- CAREGIVERS
drome or dementia. The overall burden is associ-
ated with level of care, and is greatest when the The impact of providing care affects a large
patient is using long-term mechanical ventilation. number of areas, including general health,
Spirituality is an important positive element for the emotional status including anxiety and coping
caregiver and patient. with strains, life satisfaction, socioeconomic
situation, and relationships. Protective fac-
tors include social and structured support.
INTRODUCTION These areas have been studied in a variety of
settings and using different instruments, and
The role of providing care is of paramount the results have been summarized (Mockford,
importance to the patient with MND for both Jenkinson, & Fitzpatrick, 2006).
280 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

• General health:  The number of hours issues can affect quality of life for both. One
required for patient care increases over study assessed quality of life, as measured
time, particularly for patients on a ventilator, by the McGill Quality of Life instrument, of
and most such patients are treated at home. both patient and caregiver at 6-month inter-
Caregiver health status is somewhat lower vals (Roach, Averill, Segerstrom, & Kasarskis,
than that of the general population. 2009). Multilevel modeling was used to esti-
• Emotional status:  Depression is not com- mate variability within and between the pairs
mon among caregivers but is slightly greater and over time. Both patients’ and caregivers’
compared with their patients. Sadness over quality of life varied, and analysis suggested
the progressive loss of patient function rep- that about half of the total variance was caused
resents progressive grieving during the life by stable differences between patients and
of the patient. Anxiety is found to be variable caregivers, primarily with psychosocial aspects.
and not correlated with disease progression. Patient quality of life fluctuated over time
Coping with emotional strains is related to but was not related to time since diagnosis,
the extent and use of support systems, which whereas caregiver quality of life also fluctuated
include family and friends, and is more but decreased over time.
effectively used by female caregivers.
• Life satisfaction: Daily activities change with
greater patient care needs, particularly when
patients are placed on long-term ventila- LONGITUDINAL EFFECT OF
tion, and the need to think about the patient CAREGIVER BURDEN
before engaging in an activity represents
“forced life changes.” A range of instruments has been used to assess
• Socioeconomic situation:  The progression caregiver burden and its impact. Overall, there
of weakness affects patient and caregiver is a greater negative impact on quality of life
employment, but is offset somewhat by the for the caregiver than for the patient.
higher average of disease onset that is in From a cross-sectional study compar-
the retirement range. The costs of care vary ing quality of life between patients with
among countries with respect to insurance ALS and caregivers using the Schedule for
coverage. However, home renovations rep- the Evaluation of the Individual Quality of
resent a financial strain. Life-Direct Weighting quality of life instru-
• Relationships: The relationship between the ment, an open instrument where the responder
caregiver and patient depends on many fac- defines elements making up their quality of
tors, including premorbid interactions, and life, index values were lower for the caregiver
may show equally an improvement or reduc- than the patient (Bromberg & Forshew, 2002).
tion. Problematic issues related to sexuality From a longitudinal study using the McGill
are fears consequent to physical changes. quality of life instrument, an instrument that
• Protective factors:  Social support from fre- includes existential elements, there was a cor-
quent caregiver contact with family and relation in falling quality of life scores for the
friends is important. However, friends may caregiver over time from diagnosis, but not for
retreat because of not knowing how to inter- the patient (Roach et al., 2009).
act with the caregiver or patient. Formal sup- Several studies show greater physiologic
port groups are helpful, perhaps less so very stress (anxiety and mood) that increases over
early or very late in the course of the disease. time for spousal caregivers, but has only
Support from religious groups is very helpful. mild correlations with the physical burden of
providing care (Goldstein, Atkins, Landau,
Brown, & Leigh, 2006; Gauthier et al., 2007).
Depression among caregivers, as measured
by the Beck Depression Inventory, was not
LONGITUDINAL QUALITY common (13%) and was mild in degree,
OF LIFE BETWEEN PATIENT and worsened little over the course of the
AND CAREGIVER patient’s disease (Rabkin, Albert, Rowland, &
Mitsumoto, 2009). Factors such as caregiver
Most caregivers are spouses, and MND is burden and fatigue also worsened over time,
a disorder of older adults, and premorbid but to small degrees.
29  Caregiver Issues 281

EFFECT OF PATIENT’S has been compiled to aid the caregiver in

BEHAVIORAL managing cognitive and behavioral symptoms
(including irritability, executive deficits, apa-
DYSFUNCTION thy, loss of insights, disinhibition, aggression,
and rigidity; Merrilees, Klapper, Murphy,
Frontotemporal lobe dysfunction is experi-
Lomen-Hoerth, & Miller, 2010). Behavioral
enced by up to 50% of patients with ALS, vary-
interventions are emphasized over drugs,
ing in severity from mild to sufficiently severe
because pharmacologic intervention has not
to fulfill diagnostic criteria for frontotemporal
proved to be markedly effective. How these
dementia (see Chapter  5 on frontotemporal
interventions can help the caregiver is not
lobe dementia). Symptoms of the syndrome
clear, and the final recommendation is working
have a negative impact on the caregiver.
toward “acceptance” of the behavioral issues.
From a set of instruments assessing behav-
ior given to 70 patient-caregiver couples,
49% of caregivers ranked their patient as
having frontotemporal behavioral symptoms,
whereas only 13% of patients acknowledged POSITIVE FACTORS FOR
such symptoms (Chio et  al., 2010). Another CAREGIVERS
study compared patients with ALS without
frontotemporal syndrome with those with Despite the overall challenges in provid-
frontotemporal dementia, and a marked ing care, positive factors have been identi-
lack of insight was noted in the patients with fied. In a study of 75 caregivers assessed for
dementia (Woolley, Moore, & Katz, 2010). their level of religiousness by the Idler Index
The most common behavioral issues are apa- of Religiosity there was a positive correla-
thy, executive dysfunction, and to a lesser tion between quality of life measured by the
extent disinhibition. Quality of life as mea- McGill instrument and religiousness (Calvo
sured by the McGill instrument and depres- et al., 2011). Higher correlations were found
sion as measured by the Zung Depression for private religious activities (taking place in
Scale were negatively correlated with the the home or generally in daily life) than for
magnitude of the behavioral symptoms and public (formal religious institutions) religious
not with the patient’s level of function. In activities.
another study, patient impulsivity and disin- A study assessed the relationship between
hibition were the more challenging issues for the patient’s sense of well-being and the care-
caregivers and negatively impacted their bur- giver’s sense and quality of life (Pagnini et al.,
den (Lillo, Mioshi, & Hodges, 2012). 2011). Both the patients’ and caregivers’ sense
Over time, patient symptoms tend to become of well being were based on several ques-
more troublesome. From a study of 10 patients tions from the McGill quality of life scale that
with ALS on long-term tracheal ventilation focus on existential issues; the patient was also
(median time, 48 months) aggressive irritabil- asked two questions about the role of religion
ity, greater interest in sex (despite being sexu- taken from the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
ally inactive), and obsessiveness were viewed Specific Quality of Life-Revised instrument;
by the caregivers to have progressed over time and the caregivers’ quality of life was measured
(Marconi et al., 2012). by the single question on quality of life over the
Pseudobulbar affect may be separate from past 2  days. There were correlations between
frontotemporal lobe behavioral issues, and the caregivers’ sense of well-being and qual-
by itself affects the caregiver burden but only ity of life with positive patient responses to
to a mild degree (Colamonico, Formella, & spirituality.
Bradley, 2012).

Bromberg MB, Forshew DA. Comparison of instruments
Behavioral issues are major negative factors addressing quality of life in patients with ALS and
affecting the caregiver. A  list of interventions their caregivers. Neurology. 2002;58(2):320–2.
282 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Calvo A, Moglia C, Ilardi A, Cammarosano S, Gallo S, Merrilees J, Klapper J, Murphy J, Lomen-Hoerth C, Miller
Canosa A, et al. Religiousness is positively associated BL. Cognitive and behavioral challenges in caring for
with quality of life of ALS caregivers. Amyotroph patients with frontotemporal dementia and amyo-
Lateral Scler. 2011;12(3):168–71. trophic lateral sclerosis. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Chio A, Vignola A, Mastro E, Giudici AD, Iazzolino B, 2010;11(3):298–302.
Calvo A, et al. Neurobehavioral symptoms in ALS are Miller RG, Anderson FA, Jr., Bradley WG, Brooks
negatively related to caregivers’ burden and quality of BR, Mitsumoto H, Munsat TL, et  al. The ALS
life. Eur J Neurol. 2010;17(10):1298–303. patient care database:  goals, design, and early
Colamonico J, Formella A, Bradley W. Pseudobulbar results. ALS C.A.R.E. Study Group. Neurology.
affect:  burden of illness in the USA. Adv Ther. 2000;54(1):53–7.
2012;29(9):775–98. Mockford C, Jenkinson C, Fitzpatrick R. A review: carers,
Gauthier A, Vignola A, Calvo A, Cavallo E, Moglia C, MND and service provision. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Sellitti L, et al. A longitudinal study on quality of life 2006;7(3):132–41.
and depression in ALS patient-caregiver couples. Pagnini F, Lunetta C, Rossi G, Banfi P, Gorni K, Cellotto N,
Neurology. 2007;68(12):923–6. et al. Existential well-being and spirituality of individu-
Goldstein LH, Atkins L, Landau S, Brown R, Leigh PN. als with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is related to psy-
Predictors of psychological distress in carers of people chological well-being of their caregivers. Amyotroph
with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Lateral Scler. 2011;12(2):105–8.
Psychol Med. 2006;36(6):865–75. Rabkin JG, Albert SM, Rowland LP, Mitsumoto H.
Lillo P, Mioshi E, Hodges JR. Caregiver burden in How common is depression among ALS caregiv-
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is more dependent ers? A  longitudinal study. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
on patients’ behavioral changes than physical dis- 2009;10(5-6):448–55.
ability:  a comparative study. BMC Neurology. Roach AR, Averill AJ, Segerstrom SC, Kasarskis EJ. The
2012;12:156. dynamics of quality of life in ALS patients and caregiv-
Marconi A, Meloni G, Fossati F, Lunetta C, Bastianello ers. Ann Behav Med. 2009;37(2):197–206.
S, Melazzini M, et  al. Aggressiveness, sexuality, and Woolley SC, Moore DH, Katz JS. Insight in
obsessiveness in late stages of ALS patients and ALS:  awareness of behavioral change in patients
their effects on caregivers. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. with and without FTD. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
2012;13(5):452–8. 2010;11(1–2):52–6.
Chapter 30

End-of-Life Care
Mark B. Bromberg




End-of-life care focuses on amyotrophic lateral
All forms of motor neuron disease (MND) are sclerosis (ALS) but also includes progressive
progressive and are proximate causes of death. muscular atrophy (PMA) due to similar survival
End-of-life care is important in the continuum statistics, and less commonly on primary lateral
of MND care and should include the patient, sclerosis due to its longer survival. Two terms
caregiver, and family members. One concept is commonly used toward the end of life are pal-
that end-of-life care starts at the time of diag- liative care and hospice care. There are formal
nosis and progresses in magnitude over the differences:  palliative care focuses on reliev-
course of MND. ing suffering in the setting of a serious illness,
Patients are frequently concerned with the whereas hospice is palliative care at the final time
manner of death, and in particular the pos- period (6–12  months) of a life-shortening ill-
sibility of choking and pain. Some patients ness. In some countries the term palliative care
think about suicide or assisted death at some includes hospice, and the term hospice can refer
point in the course of MND. The issue of to a building or institution that specializes in
manner of death should be discussed fre- palliative care. However, it is to be emphasized
quently with the assurance that choking and that end-of-life or hospice care for patients with
pain are not common and can be managed ALS can represent a care approach, and does not
through hospice care. Bereavement for the depend on a physical care facility. The contempo-
caregiver and family should be addressed, but rary focus on palliative and hospice care dates to
a form of mourning by the patient for activi- the 1960s. The palliative/hospice care movement
ties lost during MND progression should also includes ALS as a noncancer disorder (Oliver,
be considered. Borasiio, & Walsh, 2000; Bede et al., 2011).

284 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Box 30.1  Triggers for Initiating Discussions About End-of-Life

1.  Inquiries by patient or family
2.  Psychological, social, or spiritual distress or suffering
3.  Marked degree of pain
4.  Dysphagia associated with recommendation for gastric feeding tube
5. Dyspnea, forced vital capacity <50% or predicted, symptoms of
6.  Loss of function in two body regions
Modified from Mitsumoto et al. (2005).

The state of end-of-life care in ALS was physical well-being. The principles of end-of-
reviewed in 2005 (Mitsumoto et al., 2005). A list life care as it relates to a fatal disease can be
of clinical triggers for providers to initiate discus- considered in a continuum, from the time of
sions about end-of-life care was recommended diagnosis with frank discussion, to hospice,
(Box 30.1). Areas where knowledge was deficient and beyond for bereavement by the family
were identified, and included incorporation of an (Fig.  30–1). Related to a time continuum of
interdisciplinary approach to end-of-life care and care is continuous surveillance of suffering.
guidelines for optimizing care. Among 100 patients with ALS surveyed, suf-
fering was reported in 20%, and was related to
pain, hopelessness, and greater sense of bur-
den (Ganzini, Johnston, & Hoffman, 1999).
Although hospice is considered in the context
of end-of-life care, it is more appropriate to PATIENT DECISION-MAKING
consider palliative care as “relief of suffering in
the setting of a serious illness.” Thus, palliative At the time of diagnosis of ALS or PMA a
care can be considered in the broader context statistical time course of disease progression
as supporting both a patient’s psychosocial and is available (median survival 2–4  years from







Figure  30–1.  Concept of the principles of hospice across the full timeline of MND, and beyond for bereavement by
the family. DME = durable medical equipment; EOL = end of life; NIV = noninvasive ventilation; PEG = percutaneous
endoscopic gastroscopy.
30  End-of-Life Care 285

symptom onset) and most patient either ask topic appropriate close to the time of death.
about the time course or read about it from However, an argument can be made to con-
outside sources. A comparison has been made sider these documents for everyone when they
between 32 patients with ALS and 59 with reach adult age, and in the setting of ALS at an
advanced cancer with a 2-year survival of less early stage (Benditt, Smith, & Tonelli, 2001).
than 50% (Astrow et  al., 2008). Patients with If made late in the course of ALS, commu-
ALS more often than patients with cancer nication abilities may be compromised and
discussed options for end-of-life treatment, unfinished business related to estate planning
do-not-resuscitate choices, and hospice care. difficult to manage.


Documents to direct one’s health care and Eligibility guidelines vary among countries
estate are important for everyone of adult age, (Bede et  al., 2011). In the United States,
but especially so in the setting of a progressive there are guidelines for Medicare (Centers for
and fatal disease. However, surveys indicate Medicare and Medicaid Services) determina-
that a minority of patients with ALS, and also tion of terminal status (Box 30.2). There are
a minority of neurologists, attorneys, and the no patient costs for such care (aside from pos-
general public, has prepared these documents. sible small copayments for some drugs), but
Among 21 patients with ALS, 7 patients with expenses are covered only when provided by
cancer, 14 healthcare providers, 12 estate plan- Medicare-approved hospice agencies. Hospice
ning attorneys, and 20 healthy control subjects care is nominally for 6  months, but can be
in the United States queried for their knowl- renewed if progression is documented. It has
edge about and completing of legal documents been pointed out that only a small percentage
(Banks-Bromberg & Bromberg, unpublished of patients with ALS who could benefit from
data), estate planning attorneys completed hospice care fulfill Medicare guidelines. In
the most documents and patients (ALS and one study, only 5 out of 97 patients with ALS
cancer) more than healthcare providers and fulfilled Medicare guidelines; however, the
control subjects (Table 30–1). The most com- remaining patients were accepted into hos-
mon reason was planning to complete at a later pice care based on local hospice guidelines
time. A sample of 15 patients with ALS and 15 (McCluskey & Houseman, 2004). For these
neurologists from Germany analyzed attitudes patients, the average number of days in hospice
of neurologist presenting the topic and patients was 84 (range, 1–534 days).
receiving it (Burchardi, Rauprich, Hecht, The range of hospice services varies among
Beck, & Vollmann, 2005). Both considered the regions, and Box 30.3 lists services covered by

Table 30–1  Percentages of Medical and Legal Documents Completed by Groups

Estate Healthy
Planning Patients Patients Healthcare Control
Attorneys With ALS With Cancer Providers Subjects
Living will 64% 43% 57% 29% 20%
Health care proxy 73% 38% 43% 21% 5%
Medical directive 36% 33% 14% 14% 5%
Emergency directive 0% 24% 0% 0% 5%
Will 91% 57% 57% 50% 65%
Trust 82% 33% 43% 29% 20%
General power of attorney 45% 33% 43% 21% 15%
Special power of attorney 45% 5% 0% 0% 0%
Joint tenancy 73% 48% 43% 93% 65%
Gifts 45% 14% 0% 21% 15%
286 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Box 30.2  Medicare Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Hospice

All of the following within past 12 months:
Forced vital capacity <30% of predicted
Significant dyspnea at rest
Requirement for oxygen supplementation at rest
Artificial ventilation declined
Or demonstration of both:
Rapid progression, demonstrated by all of the following within past 12 months:
Independent ambulation to wheelchair or bed-bound status
Speech from barely intelligible to unintelligible
Diet from normal to pureed
Independence in most or all activities of daily living to need for assistance
Nutritional impairment by all of the following within past 12 months:
Oral intake of nutrients and fluids insufficient to sustain life
Continuing weight loss
Dehydration or hypovolumia
Artificial feeding methods declined
Or demonstration of both:
Rapid progression (above)
Life-threatening complication by one of the following with past 12 months:
Recurrent aspiration pneumonia
Upper urinary tract infections
Recurrent fever refractory to antibiotic therapy
Skin ulcers (multiple sites/episodes, stage 3 to 4)

Medicare. Because hospice is brought in at the 2% patients with ALS (National Hospice &
terminal stage of MND hospice may not sup- Palliative Care Organization; Facts & Figures,
port the institution of life-prolonging interven- 2013,
tions, such as gastric feeding tubes and assisted public/Statistics_Research/2013_Facts_
or long-term ventilation, although hospice does Figures.pdf).
support the continued use of them. These
interventions are usually introduced at an ear-
lier stage and are considered by international
guidelines to improve patient quality of life END-OF-LIFE PATIENT CONCERNS
(Andersen et  al., 2012). If not in place when ABOUT MANNER OF DEATH
hospice is being considered they should be
reviewed and instituted before starting hospice. Patients frequently articulate greater fear about
the manner of death from ALS than the pros-
pect of death. The magnitude of their internal
thoughts about the manner of death can only
TIME IN HOSPICE be imagined, and it is important to enquire
frequently after their thoughts and address
The time period terminal patients (all diagno- them explicitly. One concern expressed is suf-
ses) spend in hospice care in the United States focating, but a study of 100 patients with ALS
is short (median, 19.1 days; average, 69.1 days). assessed by autopsy indicates that acute respi-
Most receive care in their homes (66%). The ratory failure occurred in 9% and hypoxia in
diagnoses include cancer 37.7%, and less than 3% (Corcia et  al., 2008). Other concerns that
30  End-of-Life Care 287

Box 30.3  Medicare Coverage for Underlying Diagnosis or

Associated Injuries
Physical therapy
Occupational therapy
Social work
Hospice aide and homemaker services
Medical equipment
Wheelchairs, walkers
Medical supplies
Bandages, catheters
Symptoms or pain relief (may require a copayment)
Grief and loss
Short-term inpatient care
Pain and symptom management
Volunteer help
Modified from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Product No. 02154 (revised August 2013).

are considered suffering are losing functional only mild increases during the final 24 hours.
independence and being dependent on and a Midazolam was given to 78%. Other medica-
burden to the caregiver (discussed later). tions included management of oral secretions.
Medications were administered by a variety of
routes but morphine was frequently adminis-
PALLIATING PAIN tered by mouth.

ALS and PMA are not intrinsically painful dis-

orders, but pain is experienced to some degree
by a large percentage of patients during the SUICIDE IN PATIENTS
course of the disease (see Chapter 26 on symp- WITH ALS
tom management; Chio et  al., 2012; Rivera
et  al., 2013). The last days of any disease can Patient suicide represents self-management
include new-onset pain or a worsening of pre- of the end of life, and is a concern. There are
vious pain and with ALS can include discom- many factors involved and personal ones can
fort from respiratory insufficiency. A  study of only be assessed remotely. Some countries and
palliative medications during the final 3  days states in the United States allow or do not reg-
for 62 patients from six hospices in the United ulate physician-supported suicide. Suicide is
Kingdom revealed the following (Oliver et al., taking one’s own life, and euthanasia is defined
2010). Of note, 75% of patients died in a hos- as another person directly assisting in the death
pice, nursing home, or hospital. Most (6%) of a patient at the patient’s explicit request. It is
received morphine (mean equivalent oral challenging to assess numbers of patients fall-
doses, 50–80 mg; range, 10–520 mg), with ing into each category.
288 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

A study of patient attitudes toward suicide MANAGING THE PROCESS

was conducted in Washington and Oregon OF DYING
in the United States (Ganzini, Johnston,
McFarland, Tolle, & Lee, 1998). Fifty-six A challenge for any physician is managing the
percent of patients with ALS agreed with circumstances of a patient’s death, from any
the statement:  “Under some circumstances cause. There are issues that can be identified
I  would consider taking a prescription for a and that deserve individual patient consider-
medicine whose sole purpose was to end my ation and attention, and should be addressed
life.” Hopelessness, but not depression, was openly with the family, especially if the physi-
more common. A similar study was conducted cian (neurologist or hospice/palliative care phy-
among patients in Switzerland and Germany sician) is not planning to be present at the time
and showed that 42% had thought about sui- of death (Twaddle, 2001).
cide and 21% percent thought about euthana-
sia (Stutzki et al., 2013). 1. Disease reality and end of life: Preparing
A population-based cohort study in Sweden, a patient and family that MND will be
where neither suicide nor physician-suicide is the proximate cause of death is impor-
regulated, supported a 5.8-fold risk for suicide tant for all.
(identified from International Classification 2. Prognostication:  Estimating the time of
of Diseases codes) among patients with ALS death is difficult with ALS, and it is not wise
(Fang et  al., 2008). Factors were younger to set a time because patients may miss the
age and within the first year after diagnosis. time on either side; if death is earlier fami-
A  directed survey of dying patients with ALS lies feel not prepared, if it is later emotions
was conducted in the Netherlands where sui- may have already peaked.
cide and physician-assisted suicide is illegal but 3. Nutrition and fluids: Patients at the end of
not punished if performed under strict condi- life do not require nutrition and fluids.
tions (Veldink, Wokke, van der Wal, Vianney 4. Pain: It is important to assess for pain and
de Jong, & van den Berg, 2002). Among 203 offer relief.
patients, 17% chose euthanasia and 3% were 5. Delirium and agitation: Patients may drift in
directly assisted by a physician. and out of consciousness and family should
Queries sent to 53 caregivers from the be aware of this. If agitated, medications
Northeast region of the United States about should be given to treat symptoms.
their patients’ thoughts and actions at the end 6. Spontaneous movements:  Myoclonic jerks
of life revealed the following (Albert et  al., and agonal movements may occur and the
2005). Although 43% expressed thoughts family should be informed to expect them;
about ending their life, only three (6%) did so occasionally a seizure occurs.
with the assistance of hospice. Greater hope-
lessness and less comfort in religion were
Comparisons of euthanasia rates and PLACE OF DEATH
underlying factors between patients with ALS
and those with other fatal medical diagno- The place of death is influenced by several fac-
ses has been performed in the Netherlands tors, including medical condition at time of
(Maessen et  al., 2010). Twenty percent of death, local availability of nursing facilities, and
patients with ALS died due to euthanasia or patient wishes (Oliver & Turner, 2010).
physician-assisted suicide compared with 5% A study from a North American patient reg-
of patients with cancer and 0.5% of patients istry of 1,014 patients with ALS who had died
with heart failure. Questionnaires indicated showed that 64% died at home, 21% died in a
that among patients with ALS, fear of suffoca- hospital, 8% in a nursing home, and 8% in a
tion was a factor in 45% and being dependent hospice (Mandler et al., 2001). Another study
in 37%, compared with patients with cancer, of UK and German patients noted that 52%
where pain was a factor in 46% and fatigue and 52%, respectively, died at home (Neudert,
in 38%. Oliver, Wasner, & Borasio, 2001).
30  End-of-Life Care 289

BEREAVEMENT to stop working and 52% of homes requiring

renovations. Providing care resulted in 67%
The definition of bereavement focuses on the feeling that it pulled the family together, but
reaction of an individual to the loss of some- 15% feeling that it was detrimental to family
one close to them, but it can also be expanded relationships.
to include the patient who frequently feels
the impending loss for what they expected to
be able to do physically or be a part of in the
future. Such issues may surface for the patient ORGAN DONATION
at different time periods. Similarly, there can
be bereavement by the caregiver and family Requests to donate organs are frequently
members while the patient is living as they enquired about by patients with ALS and their
realize that the patient’s participation and pres- families. Criteria for donation after cardiac
ence will be limited. Recognition of this form death excludes donors with high-risk diseases,
of contemporaneous grieving can be helpful but a report from a consensus meeting allowed
for the patient and family, and is considered in donors with “end-stage musculoskeletal dis-
the time line presented in Figure 30–1. eases” (but diseases were not specified; Bernat
Issues related to bereavement by the care- et  al., 2006). Several patients with ALS have
giver and family have not been well studied in donated organs (Toossi et al., 2012; Smith et al.,
ALS. The number of United States ALS clin- 2012). However, a note of caution has been
ics (certified by two major US organizations) raised as to the safety of organ tissue donation
offering bereavement support in 2005 was based on concerns for a prion-like propagation
39% (Hebert, Lacomis, Easter, Frick, & Shear, of misfolded protein from the donated organ
2005). The primary method of active bereave- to the unaffected host (Holmes & Diamond,
ment support was referral to outside resources, 2012). Furthermore, patients with ALS with-
including grief support groups, social workers, out a family history of ALS or dementia may
and mental health specialists, and only 39% have unsuspected mutations associated with
had the availability of professional counseling hereditable ALS and dementia (Majounie
within the clinic. et al., 2012).
Another survey included 27 families con-
ducted over an unspecified number of years
after the death of the patients (Martin & REFERENCES
Turnbull, 2001). From the survey, 22% believed
they were coping well; 33% coping with mod- Albert SM, Rabkin JG, Del Bene ML, Tider T, O’Sullivan
erate ongoing difficulties; but 37% were coping I, Rowland LP, et  al. Wish to die in end-stage ALS.
Neurology. 2005;65(1):68–74.
poorly, with no relationship of improvement in Andersen PM, Abrahams S, Borasio GD, de Carvalho
coping with the passage of time. There was M, Chio A, Van Damme P, et  al. EFNS guidelines
no formal bereavement program in effect for on the Clinical Management of Amyotrophic Lateral
these family members. Negative feelings about Sclerosis (MALS)—revised report of an EFNS task
the disease included sadness, fear, frustration, force. Eur J Neurol. 2012;19(3):360–75.
Astrow AB, Sood JR, Nolan MT, Terry PB, Clawson L, Kub
hatred and anger, depression, and a lack of J, et  al. Decision-making in patients with advanced
hope. Despite the fact that there was no family cancer compared with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J
history of ALS, there remained concern about Med Ethics. 2008;34(9):664–8.
passage to the offspring. It is interesting that Bede P, Oliver D, Stodart J, van den Berg L, Simmons Z,
Brannagáin D,.et al. Palliative care in amyotrophic lat-
only 37% of families participated in fundrais- eral sclerosis: a review of current international guide-
ing for ALS. lines and initiatives. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr.
Factors contributing to caregivers’ feelings 2011;82(4):413–8.
included 82% experienced burn-out and 63% Benditt JO, Smith TS, Tonelli MR. Empowering the indi-
did not use respite care (may or may not have vidual with ALS at the end-of-life:  disease-specific
advance care planning. Muscle Nerve.
been available). Most families incurred consid- 2001;24(12):1706–9.
erable expense, 22% severe and 26% moder- Bernat JL, D’Alessandro AM, Port FK, Bleck TP, Heard
ate, related in part to 48% of patients having SO, Medina J, et al. Report of a National Conference
290 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

on Donation after cardiac death. Am J Transplant. McCluskey L, Houseman G. Medicare hospice refer-
2006;6(2):281–91. ral criteria for patients with amyotrophic lateral
Burchardi N, Rauprich O, Hecht M, Beck M, Vollmann J. sclerosis:  a need for improvement. J Palliat Med.
Discussing living wills. A qualitative study of a German 2004;7(1):47–53.
sample of neurologists and ALS patients. J Neurol Sci. Mitsumoto H, Bromberg M, Johnston W, Tandan R,
2005;237(1-2):67–74. Byock I, Lyon M, et  al. Promoting excellence in
Chio A, Canosa A, Gallo S, Moglia C, Ilardi A, end-of-life care in ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Cammarosano S, et  al. Pain in amyotrophic lateral 2005;6(3):145–54.
sclerosis:  a population-based controlled study. Eur J Neudert C, Oliver D, Wasner M, Borasio GD. The course
Neurol. 2012;19(4):551–5. of the terminal phase in patients with amyotrophic lat-
Corcia P, Pradat PF, Salachas F, Bruneteau G, Forestier N, eral sclerosis. J Neurol. 2001;248(7):612–6.
Seilhean D, et  al. Causes of death in a post-mortem Oliver D, Borasiio GD, Walsh D, editors. Palliative Care
series of ALS patients. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. New  York:  Oxford
2008;9(1):59–62. Press; 2000.
Fang F, Valdimarsdottir U, Furst CJ, Hultman C, Fall Oliver DJ, Campbell C, O’Brien T, Sloan R, Sykes N,
K, Sparen P, et  al. Suicide among patients with Tallon C, et al. Medication in the last days of life for
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Brain. 2008;131(pt motor neuron disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
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Ganzini L, Johnston WS, Hoffman WF. Correlates of suf- Oliver DJ, Turner MR. Some difficult deci-
fering in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Neurology. sions in ALS/MND. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
1999;52(7):1434–40. 2010;11(4):339–43.
Ganzini L, Johnston WS, McFarland BH, Tolle SW, Lee Rivera I, Ajroud-Driss S, Casey P, Heller S, Allen
MA. Attitudes of patients with amyotrophic lateral J, Siddique T, et  al. Prevalence and character-
sclerosis and their care givers toward assisted suicide. istics of pain in early and late stages of ALS.
N Engl J Med. 1998;339(14):967–73. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener.
Hebert RS, Lacomis D, Easter C, Frick V, Shear MK. 2013;14(5-6):369–72.
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ALS: a national survey. Neurology. 2005;64(1):137–8. A, et al. Organ donation after cardiac death from with-
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sion? Ann Neurol. 2012;72(6):832–6. Stutzki R, Weber M, Reiter-Theil S, Simmen U, Borasio
Maessen M, Veldink JH, van den Berg LH, Schouten HJ, GD, Jox RJ. Attitudes towards hastened death in
van der Wal G, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD. Requests ALS: a prospective study of patients and family care-
for euthanasia: origin of suffering in ALS, heart failure, givers. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal
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after death from ALS. Amyotroph Lateral Scler. Med. 2002;346(21):1638–44.
Chapter 31

Costs of Amyotrophic Lateral

Sclerosis Care
Mark B. Bromberg


INTRODUCTION Diaphragm Pacing
Noninvasive Ventilation MEDICARE AND ALS
Invasive Ventilation

BACKGROUND AND caregiver, are difficult to estimate. Hospice care

NEW POINTS costs are low because of the short time a patient
with ALS is under hospice care. Overall, ALS
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disor- has higher associated costs among chronic disor-
der with progressive needs over time for equip- ders characterized by progressive muscle weak-
ment and interventions. Prior to the approval ness. Funding in the United States comes from
of riluzole in the early 1990s the costs of ALS private insurance, Medicare (most patients with
care were relatively low and based on durable ALS are older, and those who have paid into the
medical equipment, but since approval the Federal Insurance Contributions Act are eligi-
drug became a major cost factor. ble based on ALS as a disability), and Veterans
The costs of ALS care are largely driven by Association for military veterans (ALS is consid-
medications (riluzole and Nuedexta), dura- ered a full service connected disability).
ble medical equipment (power wheelchairs),
interventions (noninvasive ventilation and gas-
tric feeding tube placement and nutritional INTRODUCTION
supplies, and diaphragm pacing [NeuroRx
DPS]), and alternative communication devices. Data on the cost of health care for patients with
Complementary alternative medicines and ALS are important for patients and funding
treatments are commonly used, but cost data agencies. Direct costs incurred for care increase
are not available. Costs of home care related to over time and include those for medications,
the caregiver, and lost wages of the patient and durable medical equipment, interventions,
292 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

hospital care, provider expenses, and end of Zaccara, 1999; Arnold et al., 2005; Tavakoli &
life care (hospice). Indirect costs are lost wages Malek, 2001; Tavakoli, 2002).
for both the patient and caregiver. There is also
an issue of cost-effectiveness for therapies and
interventions in a disease with progressive dis- Nuedexta
ability where current disease-modifying thera-
pies have a modest effect on prolongation of Nuedexta is a combination of dextrometho-
life and where interventions cannot markedly rphan, 20 mg, the active drug, and quinidine sul-
improve function (Ginsberg & Lowe, 2002). fate, 10 mg, a drug that reduces the metabolism
Costs of care studies are for ALS and there are of dextromethorphan. It was approved in the
no studies for other forms of motor neuron dis- United States in 2010 for pseudobulbar affect.
ease, but costs for progressive muscular atro- When drug trial results for efficiency were pub-
phy are likely similar to those for ALS. Costs lished the drug could be compounded at low
for primary lateral sclerosis are likely less, at cost, but after Food and Drug Administration
least on an annual basis, but life expectancy is approval the cost increased (Table 31–1).

Two drugs are approved for ALS in the United
States, riluzole as a disease-modifying drug A significant percentage of patients with ALS
and Nuedexta for treatment of pseudobulbar (~50%) seek alternative treatment options with
affect. However, many patients seek alternative the hope of slowing the progression of weakness,
treatments in hopes of modifying the course of improving strength and function, or curing the
ALS, but the frequency of use and costs cannot disease (Vardeny & Bromberg, 2005; Wasner,
be readily calculated. Klier, & Borasio, 2001). Treatments include
vitamins and supplements; acupuncture; and
more complex treatments, which include stem
Riluzole cell therapies. Given the wide spectrum of alter-
native medications, costs are difficult to assess,
Riluzole is approved for treatment of ALS but one estimate from a German ALS popula-
in the United States and other countries. tion in 2001 reported a median of $4,700 and
Riluzole became generic in 2013 and the cost a high value of $40,000 (Wasner et  al., 2001).
dropped (Table 31–1). The costs and gains Stem cell treatment has captured the interest of
attributable to riluzole are based on an exten- patients as an alternative to riluzole. With only
sion of life by 2–6  months, and have been formal Phase I/II safety trial data available in the
evaluated by a variety of models. Comparisons United States, an unknown number of patients
between use of riluzole and best support- with ALS seek unproven and unregulated stem
ive care are based on “quality-adjusted life cell therapies abroad. Such treatments have
years,” which is a measure of disease bur- substantial costs, including transportation to a
den factoring in the quality and quantity of foreign country; accommodations; and the treat-
life that would be added by the interven- ment itself, which can reach $10,000 to $40,000.
tion, with scaling values for each year from Most complementary alternative medications
perfect health (1.0) to death (0.0). Analysis and procedures are not covered by insurance
yields a wide range of cost-benefit values per and represent out of pocket expenses.
quality-adjusted life years, from $US30,000 There are formal efforts to investigate
to more than $US60,000 (based on the year alternative medications and procedures that
2000). Conclusions vary with respect to cost are listed on the Internet. ALSUntangled
effectiveness:  support for cost effective- ( represents the investiga-
ness is largely based on prolonging survival tory efforts of a group of ALS neurologists to
at an early stage of ALS when a patient has determine the science behind complimentary
good function (Messori, Trippoli, Becagli, & offerings.
31  Costs of ALS Care 293

Table 31–1  Costs for Pharmacy (Prescription Drugs), Durable Medical Equipment,

and Interventions Used for Patients With ALS
Drugs to treat ALS
•  Rilutek/riluzole
-  Rilutek $2,500/month
-  Riluzole $525/month
•  Nuedexta $670/month
Drugs to treat symptoms
•  Amitriptyline $4/month
•  Glycopyrrolate $80/month
•  Scopolamine patch $160/month
•  Botulinum toxin $500/injection
•  Baclofen $4/month
•  Mood-stabilizing drugs (selective serotonin reuptake $4–$12/month
•  Pain
- Meloxicam $4/month
- Trazodone $4/month
Durable medical equipment
•  Walkers $130
•  Manual wheelchairs $3,000
•  Power wheelchairs $20,000
•  Alternative communication
-  Eye-gaze tracking system $20,00
•  Noninvasive ventilation $500–$1,000/month
•  Diaphragm pacing
-  NeuroRx DPS, device only $21,250
-  Avery Biomedical Devices, device only $58,000
•  Gastric feeding tube
- Placement Highly variable
-  Feeding formula $400/month
Pharmacy costs based on single academic center’s pharmacy; durable medical equipment and interventions are estimates;
costs vary because of insurance contracts.

DRUGS TO MANAGE Noninvasive Ventilation

Noninvasive ventilation requires a ventilator
A spectrum of drugs is used off-label and hardware and is usually managed in an out-
to treat symptoms associated with ALS. patient clinic, most commonly as part of a mul-
Symptoms include sialorrhea, spastic- tidisciplinary clinic or in a pulmonology clinic,
ity, mood, sleep, constipation, urinary but occasionally is set up during a formal sleep
urgency, and pain, and their use is dis- study or overnight in a hospital. Ventilators and
cussed in Chapter  26. Costs are relatively expendable supplies are expensive but are usu-
modest (Table 31–1). ally borne by insurance or other health agency,
with little expense to the patient.

Invasive Ventilation
Full time tracheal ventilation has higher costs
Two common interventions for ALS are non- associated with it, including the ventilator
invasive ventilation and gastric feeding tubes, (and a back-up ventilator is commonly recom-
and recently diaphragm pacing. mended in case of primary ventilator failure),
294 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

and more expendable supplies. Furthermore, determined that by the time a patient reaches
there is the issue of 24-hour care, and costs for 50% of their disease course they begin to
care vary widely because care can be assumed require ambulatory aids and wheelchairs, non-
by some combination of family support (after invasive ventilators, and gastric feeding tubes
training) or professional care. (Fig. 31–1). Furthermore, the time-to-need for
these items was largely independent of site of
symptom onset (bulbar, arm, leg). In terms of
Gastric Feeding Tubes cumulative costs, patients with leg onset reach
$33,000 and those with bulbar or arm onset
Gastric feeding tubes are placed by gastroen- $20,000, the difference attributed to the uni-
terologists in an endoscopy suite, radiologists versal need for wheelchairs among patients
in an interventional radiology suite, or by sur- with leg onset (Fig. 31–2).
geons in an operative suite. The procedure may Alternative communication devices, espe-
require coordinated care by an anesthesiolo- cially eye tracking systems, can be expensive,
gist. Most are placed in an outpatient setting and the cost may or may not be borne by insur-
or 1-day surgery. Overall costs are difficult to ance companies (Fig. 31–1).
determine because of regional variability in A cost-effectiveness analysis has been made
pricing and contracted discounts. for noninvasive ventilation for patients with
ALS (Gruis, Chernew, & Brown, 2005). The
model is based on determine quality-adjusted
Diaphragm Pacing life years for patients started at time of diag-
nosis compared with when force vital capacity
Diaphragm pacing is proposed to augment reaches 50% of predicted. The results indicate
noninvasive ventilation. There are two types that if noninvasive ventilation were started
of devices:  one uses electrodes implanted early it would be cost effective at $3,132 per
around the phrenic nerves in the neck (Avery year (2004 dollars) if it resulted in an improve-
Biomedical Devices) and the other is by elec- ment in the EuroQol ED-5D visual analogue
trodes implanted in the diaphragm muscle as the scale (“health today”: 0–100) of 13.5%.
phrenic nerves enter the diaphragm (NeuroRx
DPS). They were developed for cervical spinal
cord injuries, but in 2011 the Food and Drug
Administration, under a Humanitarian Device CLINICAL CARE COSTS
Exemption, approved NeuroRx DPS for ALS.
Both procedures require surgical intervention Overall, ALS patient costs have been esti-
and are performed in an operative suite, and mated in the Netherlands, comparing 35
also require an anesthesiologist. The cost of the patients cared for by a general provider with
respective devices (Table 31–1) does not include 63 patients cared for in a multidisciplinary
surgical and operating suite or anesthesia costs. ALS clinic (van der Steen, van den Berg,
Buskens, Lindeman, & van den Berg, 2009).
Costs, calculated monthly but expanded to
annually included direct and indirect costs (€
DURABLE MEDICAL converted to US$ in 2003)  were similar for
EQUIPMENT general provider care (€15,252/$17,040) and
for multidisciplinary care (€16,032/$17,911).
Equipment needs for patients with ALS com- Costs were 22% higher for bulbar-onset
monly includes walking aids (cane-walking patients than for spinal onset, attributed to
stick, braces, walker), wheelchairs (manual costs of gastric feeding tube placement and
and power), ventilators (most commonly non- supplies. Costs also rose with greater func-
invasive types, less commonly positive pres- tional disability (determined by the ALS
sure types), and gastric feeding tubes (which Functional Rating Scale), with a two-fold
have surgical intervention costs). One cost increase from mildly disabled (score 30–40)
analysis assessed equipment and intervention to severely disabled (score 0–20).
needs during the course of ALS (Bromberg, A similar study in Spain of 63 patients
Brownell, Forshew, & Swenson, 2010). It was with ALS showed average annual costs (both
31  Costs of ALS Care 295

Cumulative Probabilities of Need for

Durable Medical Equipment and Interventions
Cane AFO
100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Walker Wheel Chair

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

100 100

75 75

50 50

25 25

0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100

Bulbar UE LE

Figure 31–1.  Time line of cumulative needs for durable equipment. X axis: percent of disease (ALS) duration. Y axis: per-
centage of patients needing durable item. AFO = ankle-foot orthosis; LE = lower extremity; NIV = noninvasive ventilation;
PEG = percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; UE = upper extremity. (From Bromberg et al., 2010, with permission.)

dire ct and indirect costs; € converted to US$ (€13,826/$19,218), and Alzheimer disease
in 2008) of €36,194/$50,310, with a range (€28,198/$39,195).
of €17,000/$23,630 for low severity and Efforts have been made to place patients
€42,728/$59,392 for high severity patients with ALS into stages based on their degree
(Lopez-Bastida, Perestelo-Perez, Monton- of disability, and this has allowed estimates of
Alvarez, Serrano-Aguilar, & Alfonso-Sanchez, the costs per stage (Chio, Hammond, Mora,
2009). The greatest difference between the Bonito, & Filippini, 2014). Yearly costs based
two patient groups was the estimated costs of on 1 year of data indicate the following: stage
nonprofessional home care (Lopez-Bastida 0 (weak but no loss of independence), €280;
et al., 2009). This is greater than the costs in stage 2 (loss of independence in one domain),
the Netherlands, but many factors may differ €560; stage 3 (loss in another domain), €625;
between the studies. A comparison of costs for stage 4 (loss in another domain), €825; and
other diseases estimated by the same group of stage 5 (loss in another domain), €825.
investigators ranked annual ALS costs higher Multidisciplinary clinics are common coor-
than for HIV/AIDS (€13,823/$19,214), stroke dinating centers of care, and a study from the
296 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Cumulative Probability of Cost for In another study in the United States using
ALS Patients by Site of Onset 1996 Nationwide Inpatient Sample, which
35,000 included data from 20% of US hospitals, 1,600
hospital admissions for patients with ALS were
compared with 5,364,728 admissions for non-
25,000 patients with ALS (Lechtzin, Wiener, Clawson,
Cost (USD)

20,000 Chaudhry, & Diette, 2001). Compared with

non-ALS admissions those for patients with
15,000 ALS were significantly more likely to be
10,000 through the emergency department, have
more life-threatening issues with more hospi-
5,000 tal deaths, longer hospital days, and required
0 more institutional after hospital care.
0 25 50 75 100 A recent cost analysis of ALS in the United
Percent Disease Progression States included direct medical and nonmedical
Bulbar UE LE
costs and indirect loss of income (Larkindale
et al., 2014). Medical costs were calculated based
Figure  31–2.  Time line of cumulative costs for durable on commercial insurance database and Medicare
equipment. X axis:  percent of disease (ALS) duration. Y claims data; nonmedical and indirect costs were
axis:  cumulative costs over disease duration. LE  =  lower
extremity; UE = upper extremity. (From Bromberg et al.,
determined from a survey sent to families regis-
2010, with permission.) tered with the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Most patients with ALS (83%) were covered by
private insurance or by Medicare. Total annual
Netherlands compared 63 patients with ALS per-capita costs (2010) was $63,693; broken
who received care in a multidisciplinary clinic down as $31,121 annual per-patient medical
with 35 who received general care (van der costs, $17,889 nonmedical costs (weighted by
Steen et al., 2009). Costs (both direct and indi- the need to change or modify residences because
rect and indexed to 2003)  were tracked over of infirmities of ALS), and $14,682 indirect costs.
3  months, and costs for the multidisciplinary
group were €1,336/$1,493 compared with
€1,271/$1,420, with higher costs for weaker
patients as measured by lower ALS Functional HOSPICE CARE COSTS
Rating Scale scores.
Hospice care for ALS is difficult to calculate
because the number of eligible patients for
hospice care is not known, nor is the length of
HOSPITALIZATION COSTS stay for those in hospice care. A  comparison
of hospice costs from one hospice program in
The rate and pattern of hospitalization has been the United States from 2001 to 2003 between
found to vary among patients with ALS cared for 25 patients with ALS and 159 with lung can-
by general neurologists compared with care by a cer indicated for patients with ALS a signifi-
multidisciplinary ALS clinic (Chio, Bottacchi, cantly longer length of stay (87 vs. 35  days),
Buffa, Mutani, & Mora, 2006). In a study from a and greater average daily expense ($65.00 vs.
registry in Italy of 124 patients compared by the $76.00) attributed to greater need for durable
former and 97 by the latter, there was an average medical equipment and staff services (Elman,
of 3.3 hospital admissions per patient followed Stanley, Gibbons, & McCluskey, 2006).
by general neurologists compared with 1.2
admissions for patients followed by ALS clinics.
Among admissions, more were for acute events
among those cared for by general neurologists ALS COSTS COMPARED
and more were for procedures (feeding tube or WITH OTHER DISEASES
tracheal tube placement) among those cared for
by ALS clinics with resultant shorter hospital Determining total care costs of rare diseases is
stays. Survival was also enhanced. difficult because comprehensive data are not
31  Costs of ALS Care 297

readily available. A cost comparison of ALS with neutrinoless double-beta decay with the NEMO 3
two chronic disorders with loss of strength and detector. Physical Rev Lett. 2005;95(18):182302.
Bromberg MB, Brownell AA, Forshew DA, Swenson M.
function, Duchenne and myotonic dystrophies, A timeline for predicting durable medical equip-
has been made (Larkindale et  al., 2014). Data ment needs and interventions for amyotrophic lat-
were collected from insurance databases and eral sclerosis patients. Amyotroph Lateral Scler.
Medicare claims and nonmedical and indirect 2010;11(1-2):110–5.
Chio A, Bottacchi E, Buffa C, Mutani R, Mora G. Positive
costs were determined from family surveys; costs effects of tertiary centres for amyotrophic lateral scle-
are from 2010 US$. Annual costs of ALS were rosis on outcome and use of hospital facilities. J Neurol
$63,693, for Duchenne dystrophy were $32,236, Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2006;77(8):948–50.
and for myotonic dystrophy were $32,236. Chio A, Hammond ER, Mora G, Bonito V, Filippini G.
A breakdown of the total costs for ALS includes Development and evaluation of a clinical staging
system for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J Neurol
medical cost, $31,121 (medical and pharmacy Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2014.
claims); nonmedical cost, $17,889 (home costs, Elman LB, Stanley L, Gibbons P, McCluskey L. A cost
travel costs, nutritional supplements, paid aids); comparison of hospice care in amyotrophic lateral
and indirect cost, $14,682 (family income loss). sclerosis and lung cancer. Am J Hosp Palliat Care.
Ginsberg G, Lowe S. Cost effectiveness of treatments for
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a review of the literature.
Pharmacoeconomics. 2002;20(6):367–87.
VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Gruis KL, Chernew ME, Brown DL. The cost-effectiveness
AND ALS of early noninvasive ventilation for ALS patients. BMC
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Several epidemiologic studies show a higher A, et al. Cost of illness for neuromuscular diseases in
incidence of ALS among US military veterans the U.S. Muscle Nerve. 2014;49(3):431–8.
(Weisskopf et al., 2005). This led to a review by Lechtzin N, Wiener CM, Clawson L, Chaudhry V,
the Institute of Medicine in 2006 with the conclu- Diette GB. Hospitalization in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis:  causes, costs, and outcomes. Neurology.
sion that “there is limited and suggestive evidence 2001;56(6):753–7.
of an association between military service and Lopez-Bastida J, Perestelo-Perez L, Monton-Alvarez
later development of ALS.” This, in turn, led the F, Serrano-Aguilar P, Alfonso-Sanchez JL. Social
Secretary of Veterans Affairs to declare in 2008 economic costs and health-related quality of life in
ALS as “presumptive and compensable disease” patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Spain.
Amyotroph Lateral Scler. 2009;10(4):237–43.
and 100% disability benefits for veterans, who Messori A, Trippoli S, Becagli P, Zaccara G. Cost effec-
can receive their care in Veterans Administration tiveness of riluzole in amyotrophic lateral sclero-
Medical Centers and durable medical equipment sis. Italian Cooperative Group for the Study of
and structural alterations to their home. Meta-Analysis and the Osservatorio SIFO sui Farmaci.
Pharmacoeconomics. 1999;16(2):153–63.
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MEDICARE AND ALS ease stage. Eur J Health Econ. 2002;3(3):156–65.
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have contributed to the Federal Insurance E, van den Berg LH. The costs of amyotrophic lateral
Contributions Act a certain number of quar- sclerosis, according to type of care. Amyotroph Lateral
ters. Those eligible receive full disability sta- Scler. 2009;10(1):27–34.
Vardeny O, Bromberg MB. The use of herbal supplements
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Wasner M, Klier H, Borasio GD. The use of alternative
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REFERENCES Weisskopf MG, O’Reilly EJ, McCullough ML, Calle EE,
Thun MJ, Cudkowicz M, et  al. Prospective study of
Arnold R, Augier C, Baker J, Barabash A, Broudin G, military service and mortality from ALS. Neurology.
Brudanin V, et  al. First results of the search for 2005;64(1):32–7.
Chapter 32

Clinical Trial Designs in Amyotrophic

Lateral Sclerosis
Dan H. Moore and Mark B. Bromberg


Randomized Trials


There are several challenges in demonstrating
Clinical trials for motor neuron disease (MND) an effective drug for MND. One is that the
focus on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but underlying pathophysiology is not known and
progressive muscular atrophy and primary lat- mechanisms targeted by the drugs are hypo-
eral sclerosis have largely been included. Drugs thetical. A related issue is that more than 5%
or interventions that treat the underlying pathol- of ALS has a genetic basis but is indistinguish-
ogy in MND are unlikely to result in improve- able clinically from sporadic ALS, and mecha-
ment in strength, and a slowing in the rate of nisms for sporadic or hereditary forms may
progression is more realistic. However, natural or may not overlap. A  second issue is that a
rates and patterns of progression vary markedly, drug cannot restore degenerated neurons, and
challenging statistical trial design. Furthermore, realistic expectations are a slowing in the rate
with only one successful trial there is little practi- of progress. Among the forms of MND, ALS
cal experience with endpoint measures. is the most rapidly progressive and drug trials
A goal of trial design is short duration and focus on ALS and not primary lateral sclerosis
low number of subjects together with sensi- because of its intrinsic slow rate of progression
tive endpoint measures. New trial designs have and its rarity. Progressive muscular atrophy is
been tested and several endpoint measures usually excluded from drug trials because the
have been used and others proposed, but expe- El Escorial Criteria and its revisions (Brooks,
rience with achieving the goals has been ham- 1994) were intended for clinical trials and do
pered by ineffective drugs. not have a category for progressive muscular

32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 299

atrophy. A third issue is that within ALS there examination of effect size, biologic impact,
is a spectrum of sites of onset and rates of and dose ranging. Recently, the design of
progression, which can influence the sensitiv- phase II trials has been the focus of statistical
ity and choice of primary endpoint measures. design innovations in ALS trials and provides
A  fourth issue is that there are interventions an opportunity to improve efficiency of drug
that can prolong survival, such as noninvasive screening by reducing the numbers of patients
ventilation and nutritional support by gastric required for phase III trials and reducing the
feeding tubes. A fifth and practical issue is the cost of phase II trials (Fig. 32–1).
number of subjects needed to be enrolled, and Phase III trials are primarily designed to estab-
several trials have required over 1,000 subjects. lish efficacy, often in hopes that it will be a piv-
These challenges have not dampened clinical otal trial of the agent and will receive Food and
trial efforts, and a review of therapeutic agents Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the
for ALS in 2008 listed 43 clinical trials of 32 disease. However, in ALS, phase III trials are
different compounds involving a total enroll- often performed at a time when only animal or
ment of more than 10,500 patients during laboratory data provide support for proceeding
the period 1993–2007 (Lanka & Cudkowicz, to the large and expensive trial. Recent experi-
2008), and since the review another two com- ence shows that this practice is associated with
pounds involving another 1,000 patients were a low chance of efficacy and high costs. For
negative (Box 32.1). Despite these efforts, a comprehensive review of clinical trials and
only one agent, riluzole, has been shown to definitions go to the website http://clinicaltri​
be effective in two formal (pivotal) trials and
also in trials of other drugs that were negative
for the study drug but showed a positive effect
for study subjects taking riluzole. Of note,
the therapeutic mechanism of riluzole is not CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGN
known. Thus, independent of a better knowl-
edge of the pathophysiology or steps involved There are several trial designs and endpoint
in ALS there is a need for a more efficient measures to choose from for ALS trials. Efforts
ways to test drugs. to explore designs and endpoint measures have
the goals of shortening the duration and lower-
ing the number of subjects to provide statisti-
cally robust answers to candidate drugs with
CLINICAL TRIAL PHASES minimal time and expense. Four features of
trial design are reviewed:
Clinical trials usually proceed in a three-step
sequence. Phase I trials are for drug tolerability 1. The comparison group (concurrent vs. his-
and toxicity, and investigating pharmacokinet- torical controls or hybrid design including
ics of the agent. There may be a dose escala- both)
tion scheme, where small groups of patients 2. The endpoint (mortality, rates of decline
are given the same dose and, if there is no over time)
evidence of toxicity, the next group is given a 3. The method of analysis (log-rank for mor-
higher dose. This is continued until there is tality or number of days to drop X points,
evidence of toxicity and various rules are used linear mixed effects for declines over time,
to determine the maximum tolerated dose. simple t test for number of events at a
In ALS, dose escalation to find the maximum selected time)
tolerated dose is not often used in phase I tri- 4. The type of trial (parallel 2-arm or multiarm,
als, and testing different doses is deferred to a cross-over, sequential, lead-in, two-stage)
phase II trial.
Phase II trials provide the basis for decid-
ing whether to proceed to a phase III trial, and
if so, provide critical data to help design the COMPARISON GROUPS
phase III trial with respect to dose, endpoint
measures, and statistical design. Unfortunately, Most clinical trials for ALS use a concurrent
earlier ALS phase II trials often neglected comparison group (control). If the trial is
300 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Box 32.1  Drug Efficacy Trials for ALS, Most were Phase III
Riluzole (two trials)
Gabapentin (two trials)
Ciliary neurotrophic factor (rhCNTF; two trials)
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (three trials)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Releasing hormone
Xaliproden (two trials)
Vitamin E (two trials)
Coenzyme Q10
Creatine (two trials)
Branched chain amino acids (two trials)
Minocycline (two trials)
Sodium phenylbutyrate
Bovine gangliosides (two trials)
Interferon-beta (IF1a)
Lithium (three trials)
Modified from Lanka & Cudkowicz (2008).

blinded, the comparison group receives a pla- subjects (guaranteed of receiving active drug),
cebo but subjects do not know whether they and also for efficiency of design. Knowing
are getting the drug that is being tested or a the behavior of the comparison group instead
placebo. The requirement for adequate con- of having to measure it in a trial results in a
trols in phase III trials is generally accepted. four-fold savings in sample size, provided that
However, for phase II trials there has been the historical control group is quite large. Half
discussion about the utility of using historical the savings comes from eliminating a new set
controls. Use of historical controls, in place of controls; the other half comes from not hav-
of concurrent controls, is highly attractive to ing to estimate parameters for these controls.
32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 301

(A) Treated (B) Treated (C) Treated

Placebo Placebo
Historical Historical
Placebo Placebo

Time Time Time

Parallel 2-arm Single arm Parrallel 2-arm with
Concurrent control Historical Placebo Calibration and
Historical Placebo

(D) Treated 1 (E) Treated 1 Additional patients

Treated Winner
Treated 2 Treated 2 Treated
Treated 3 Treated 3

Time Time
Selection without placebo Selection with placebo

Figure 32–1.  Diagrams for phase II designs. For each diagram time goes from left to right. Box lengths indicate length
of trial. Box heights represent sample size. (A) Standard parallel 2-arm design where patients are randomly assigned to
treatment or placebo. Results are compared at the end of the trial. (B) All enrolled patients are treated. At the end of the
trial they are compared with matched historical control subjects who were placebo patients in earlier trials, indicated by the
offset in time. (C) A small number of patients are randomized to placebo and compared with historical control subjects. If
the control groups do not differ, they are pooled for comparison with treated. (D) Several treatments are compared and a
winner is selected. Patients are rerandomized to the winning treatment or placebo. Final comparison for efficacy at the end
of the second stage. (E) Several treatments are compared and a winner is selected (stage 1). New patients are recruited and
randomized to the winner or placebo (stage 2). At the end of stage 2, the combined data are tested for futility. If utility is
not rejected, the agent is eligible for phase III.

There is debate in the ALS drug trial- An important point is that it is not clear that
ist community:  a 2004 consensus statement the natural history of ALS is known with suffi-
concluded that “It is not appropriate to use cient precision, and there is a major concern for
historical controls for comparisons, due to a the potential for drift of the endpoint over time
large degree of variability in disease course (e.g., survival), which could also bias comparisons.
and evolving standards of patient care” (Leigh A study of the natural history of ALS found that
et  al., 2004). However, more recent publica- survival has improved over time, but other met-
tions support the use of historical controls, rics have not: the rates of decline for functionality
provided that they are matched with respect (ALS Functional Rating Scale [ALSFRS] or ALS
to symptom duration and initial clinical fea- Functional Rating Scale-Revised [ALSFRS-R];
tures that affect the outcome under study Cedarbaum & Stambler, 1997; Cedarbaum et al.,
(Czaplinski et  al., 2006; Gordon, 2009). Of 1999), muscle strength, and forced vital capac-
note, the FDA accepts the use of historical ity (%FVC) did not change during 1990–2008 in
controls in clinical trials under certain condi- placebo groups enrolled in different clinical trials
tions:  “Although.  .  . the regulations consider (Qureshi, et al., 2009).
a historical controlled trial as a potential ade- Historical controls have been used in two
quate and well-controlled trial design, this recent trials. Thalidomide was found to be
design is only acceptable when the natural his- ineffective for ALS in a small (N  =  23) open
tory of the untreated condition (which would label (i.e., no concurrent control) trial. The
serve as the historical control with which to ALSFRS-R slopes for subjects in the trial were
compare the treated group) is known with compared with the slopes of placebo controls
great precision” (Katz, 2004, p. 10). from a previous trial of topiramate (Stommel
302 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

et  al., 2009). To ensure comparability, initial 2006). This design is currently being used for
clinical characteristics of subjects enrolled in the testing drugs for Parkinson disease.
thalidomide trial were compared and matched Another issue to consider with comparison
with those of the historical topiramate placebo groups in phase II trials is whether or not sub-
controls. There were no differences in slopes. jects were taking riluzole. There is no consen-
Lithium was found to be ineffective in an sus on this point, and some trials require all
open label trial (N = 107) when the slopes of enrollees to be taking riluzole, whereas others
the ALSFRS-R of subjects on lithium were stratify by riluzole usage. With stratification,
matched to placebo controls from six previ- it is possible to determine whether the effect
ous ALS clinical trials (Miller et  al., 2011). of an agent is modified by riluzole usage. This
Supplementary data analysis showed that the may be important, because a new agent could
matched controls from the six studies con- be synergistic or antagonistic with riluzole.
ducted between 2000 and 2009 were similar
and thus met the FDA’s requirement that the
historic controls are “known with great pre-
cision.” No change was noted in the primary ONLINE SELF-REPORTED
endpoint (slope of ALSFRS-R) over calendar PATIENT DATA
time from 2000 to 2009. An additional com-
parison available for this lithium study was A unique approach to assessing drug or inter-
with another contemporaneous placebo con- vention efficacy is made available by the web-
trolled trial of lithium (Aggarwal et al., 2010), site PatientsLikeMe (, an
which showed that there was no difference online patient community where patients with
between the randomized placebo group and ALS can enter data and engage in observa-
the matched historical placebo database. tional studies that has been used to track medi-
Historical controls that are carefully matched cation and supplement use (Wicks et al., 2010).
to subjects in a trial are less likely to suffer from It was used to track changes in the ALSFRS-R
the deficiencies of many historically controlled score before and after taking lithium (pre-
clinical trials where there has not been suffi- scribed by personal physicians), which was
cient attention paid to matching, nor to selec- occasioned by the publication of an abstract
tion of an endpoint that has been shown to showing promising results of lithium based
remain stable over time. on a small number of patients (Forani et  al.,
There has also been discussion of a hybrid 2008). The PatientsLikeMe study included 149
design that uses a mixture of concurrent and treated patients compared with a selection of
historical controls. This design uses only a 447 matched control patients (selected using
small concurrent placebo group (called a cali- a matching algorithm), and data at 12 months
bration placebo group) so that most subjects showed no treatment response (Fig. 32–2;
are randomized to the treatment group. Two Wicks et al., 2011). The results were available
comparisons are made to determine whether before the first of three formal studies began
the treatment shows signs of efficacy. The first recruiting subjects and were confirmed by
comparison is a futility test of treated sub- the formal trials (Aggarwal et al., 2010; Miller
jects compared with historical controls. If the et  al., 2011; UKMND-LiCALS Study Group,
treated group does not exceed the threshold 2013). This study design has advantages of
for futility, then the (concurrent) calibration short study time without the need for multi-
placebo group is compared with the historical center and institutional review board approval,
placebo control group. If the calibration pla- access to a control population, and cost; limi-
cebo group falls outside the confidence bounds tations are use of self-reported data, although
for the historical placebo group, Bayesian the ALSFRS-R has good self-report reliability
methods are used to update progression rates (Montes et al., 2006), lack of blinding, possible
for the historical placebo group and the treated patient optimism leading to a marked placebo
group is tested against the updated informa- effect, and inability to control for certain vari-
tion. Significance levels for the two-stage test- ables. Further limitations of active subject
ing are adjusted so that the overall significance participation is to influence the outcome of
level is equal to the desired level (Cudkowicz formal trials either by publishing online their
et  al., 2010; NINDS NET-PD Investigators, functional status during the trial and making
32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 303

ALSFRS-R Scores of Patients on Lithium



ALS-FRS-R score



Lithium Start

–18 –15 –12 –9 –6 –3 0 3 6
Months (Lithium starts on Month 0)

Figure 32–2.  Aggregate view of ALSFRS-R scores for 348 patients with ALS who self-rated their function before and
after starting lithium for ALS. (From Wicks et al., 2011, with permission.)

efforts to break the blind drug/placebo alloca- the slope of a line fitting functional measures
tion. Recognition and involvement of patients versus time is significantly different from zero
in the design of studies is important to mini- within 4–6 months for most patients with ALS.
mize patient-led “disobedience” to trial design Currently, the rate of decline (slope) of the
(Wicks, Vaughn, & Heywood, 2014). ALSFRS-R is the most commonly used end-
point in several trials (Stommel et  al., 2009;
Miller et al., 2007, 2011; Gordon et al., 2007;
Kaufmann et  al., 2009; Gordon, Cheung, &
ENDPOINT MEASURES Levin, 2008). The ALSFRS-R consists of the
sum of ratings (scored 0, no function to 4, nor-
A variety of primary endpoint measures have mal function) for 12 common activities (e.g.,
been used in ALS trials. Survival, or the time handwriting, walking, and breathing). Decline
to need for invasive ventilation, is considered of ALSFRS-R has been shown to be linear with
the “gold standard” because it captures the time, at least for periods up to 9  months fol-
endpoint of the disease, and was the end- lowing enrollment into a clinical trial (Traynor
point for each of the trials used in the only et al., 2004). Over longer periods of follow-up,
FDA-approved drug, riluzole. However, tri- the rate of decline is curvilinear with gradual
als using survival require long durations and slowing of the rate as the ALSFRS-R decreases
large sample sizes because the death rate per in value (Fig. 32–3; Gordon et al., 2010). The
year is relatively low. Furthermore, respiratory ALSFRS-R creates other efficiencies because
insufficiency may be managed with noninva- it does not require the subject to visit the treat-
sive ventilation leading to prolonged survival, ment center, reducing loss of data from weak
and nutritional supplementation by way of a subjects. Several studies have established
gastric feeding tube may also prolong survival. the reliability of the scale when assessed by
As a result, more practical endpoint measures telephone interviews (Kasarskis et  al., 2005;
have been used in recent clinical trials. These Kaufmann et al., 2007; Mannino et al., 2007).
endpoints measure loss or decline of subject’s Manual muscle testing is another endpoint
function, and trial length can be shortened measure that declines as ALS progresses. It has
because losses can be measured monthly and replaced the older, time-consuming method of
304 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults


Estimated total ALSFRSR score







0 1 2 3 4 5
Time from onset (years)
Figure  32–3.  Slope of ALSFRS-R score from symptom onset through 5  years, based on linear mixed effects additive
model. (From Gordon et al., 2010, with permission.)

quantitative muscle testing using fixed appa- designated in most trials as a secondary end-
ratus (exemplified by the Tufts Quantitative point measures.
Neurologic Examination). Both methods A review of different endpoints (survival,
require a trained evaluator to rate the subject’s ALSFRS-R, manual muscle testing, and FVC)
muscle strength for several different muscle was studied in a small (N = 30 patients) clini-
groups because ALS characteristically begins cal trial of glatiramer acetate (Cudkowicz
focally. Manual muscle testing has been used as a et  al., 2006). The comparison found that the
primary endpoint in some trials (Sorenson et al., ALSFRS-R endpoint was the most reliable,
2008)  but has several disadvantages. A  major easiest to administer, and correlated well with
disadvantage is the requirement for the patient survival.
to be measured at a center where a trained eval-
uator can perform the test, or for the evaluator
to visit the patient. Also, there are missing data
when the muscle is incapacitated (e.g., from an METHODS OF ANALYSIS
injury). It is more expensive to administer than
the ALSFRS-R, is fatiguing to the patient, and it The method of statistical analysis depends on
does not closely correlate with survival. the endpoint, the comparison group, and the
Other endpoints used in recent clinical tri- study design. Kaplan-Meier curves are used to
als include FVC, measured as percent of nor- estimate survival over time for the treatment
mal for healthy persons because this measure and control groups in clinical trials with survival
shows a decline over time. However, it requires as the primary endpoint. A  log-rank test can
evaluator training and quality control (Sanjak be used to compare survival in the two groups.
et al., 2010). Estimates of the number of motor An alternative is to fit a Cox proportional haz-
units innervating a group of muscles (motor ards model to the data and perform a test of
unit number estimation), before the muscle the hazard ratio for treated versus control
has lost all strength is attractive (Shefner et al., subjects using a z statistic (equal to the hazard
2011). However, it can be applied only to a lim- ratio divided by its standard error) or a similar
ited number of muscles and requires evalua- test statistic. Covariates (e.g., symptom dura-
tor training for quality control (Shefner et  al., tion, bulbar or limb onset, and so forth) can be
2011), and there are methodological issues added to the model to adjust for possible differ-
that have resulted in modifications (Shefner, ences in the randomly assigned treatment arms
2009). Another approach is a neurophysiologic (Cudkowicz et al., 2006; Gordon et al., 2007).
index that combines several neurophysiologic A linear mixed effects model has proven
metrics (de Carvalho et al., 2010; Cheah et al., to be useful for analysis of continuous mea-
2011). Among these, FVC has greater within- sures that decline with disease progression
and between-patient variation than ALSFRS (e.g., ALSFRS-R, FVC%; Gordon et  al.,
or manual muscle testing, and all have been 2007; Miller et al., 2007). The model specifies
32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 305

a mixture of fixed and random effects. Fixed Survival ranks all deaths in order of their sur-
effects are those that affect all patients in vival time, and then survivors are ranked by
the study. Random effects reflect individual their slopes, starting with the fastest progressor
patient variations from the fixed effects. The ranking immediately after the last death. The
simplest model includes fixed effects for inter- sum of the ranks in the two treatment groups
cept (initial value), slope and treatment effect (treatment vs. placebo) are then compared
on slope plus random effects for intercept and using standard rank tests. Another advantage
slope. Under this model the treatment effect of this method is the ability to determine if a
is assumed to be the same for each treated drug has a differential effect on function or
patient, and is usually expressed as a reduc- survival
tion in slope. The analysis weights each patient
inversely proportional to the variance of that
patient’s estimated slope. The equation for the
simple model is TYPES OF TRIALS

Y ( ij) = (B0 + b0i ) + Randomized Trials

(B1+B2 ∗ D ( i ) + b1i ) ∗ T ( ij) + e ( ij) , The most common design of ALS trials is a ran-
domized, two parallel arm trial where one arm
where Y(ij) is the measured score (e.g., receives the agent being tested and the other
ALSFRS-R) for the ith patient at time j; B0, a placebo. Traditionally, this design tests the
B1, and B2 are fixed effects for the intercept null hypothesis of no treatment effect against
(B0), “natural” slope (B1) and change in slope the alternative that the treatment is effective.
(B2) due to treatment. D(i) is the dose assigned A  modification, suggested for phase II trials,
to the ith patient and b0i, b1i and e(ij) are ran- interchanges the two hypotheses. This is a futil-
dom effects. T(ij) is the time that measurement ity design and predicts a level of improvement
is made on the ith patient at the jth test, and is under the null hypothesis and the agent is
measured from the date of the first measure- advanced to further testing if the null hypothe-
ment. For trials longer than 9 months, it is use- sis is not rejected. This design can increase the
ful to add an additional fixed term to allow the likelihood that agents with moderate effects
slope to change over time. are considered for phase III testing by using a
A key concern with this model is that patients one-sided test and a more liberal choice of type
who drop out of studies tend to have faster rates I and type II errors. This design was proposed
of progression, which would introduce bias, for phase II trials in ALS (Palesch & Tilley,
especially if drop-out rates are higher in one of 2004)  and subsequently used in some recent
the study arms. A  suggestion for dealing with ALS trials (Aggarwal et  al., 2010; Kaufmann
this is to assign a score of 0, or a score equal to et al., 2007).
the minimum of those remaining in the trial, to
those who die or have tracheostomy during the
trial. Assigning 0 scores to drop-out increases Multiarm Trials
the variance of the slope and makes the linear-
ity assumption for the rate of decline unlikely In clinical trials efficiency is defined as the
to be true. This method has been used in some number of patients required to achieve a spe-
recent clinical trials as an index of sensitivity cific power to detect a prespecified effect.
(Miller et al., 2007; Kaufmann et al., 2009). Efficiency can be increased by comparing sev-
An alternative method for dealing with eral treatments against placebo in a single trial,
drop-outs is a rank-based procedure that rather than in separate trials. Efficiency can be
allows combining deaths with other outcomes increased by conducting the trial in two stages.
(Finkelstein & Schoenfeld, 1999). This method, In the first stage, the treatments are compared
identified in an ALS setting as Combined against each other and the winner is compared
Assessment of Function and Survival, was used with placebo or historical control to determine
in a large phase III trial of dexpramipexole whether to proceed to a phase III trial. In the
(Cudkowicz et  al., 2011; Berry et  al., 2013). second stage, a futility design is used to deter-
Combined Assessment of Function and mine whether the winning treatment in the first
306 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

stage should be tested further. This design was of decline after randomization. Also, the vari-
described in 2006 (Cheung, Gordon, & Levin, ability of change in slope within patients was
2006)  and used in a trial comparing minocy- almost as large as between-patient variability in
cline combined with creatine versus celecoxib slopes, so that there was little gain in efficiency
combined with creatine (Gordon et al., 2008), with this design.
and in another trial to compare two doses of The lead-in design has also been proposed
coenzyme Q10 (Kaufmann et  al., 2009). The for selecting patients with ALS whose rates of
coenzyme Q10 trial was stopped after the sec- decline may make them more sensitive to an
ond stage because the winner (high-dose coen- effective agent (de Carvahlo & Swash, 2006).
zyme Q10) was declared to be futile. In the Rates of decline vary widely among patients and
creatine trial (Gordon et al., 2008), the winning it is difficult to show a drug effect in patients
combination passed futility, when compared that are slowly progressing. This study showed
with historical controls, but to date no phase that rates of progression for three measures of
III trial has occurred. decline (ALSFRS, estimated motor unit num-
In theory a selection design with up to 10 ber, and neurophysiologic index) at 1  month
agents tested against each other (with no were significantly predictive of changes at
concurrent control) in the first stage and the 3 months. This suggests that a 1-month lead-in
winner compared against concurrent control might be sufficient to identify those patients that
in the second stage would reduce the total would require shorter follow-up to see the effect
number of patients required by more than of an agent. This design has not yet been tested
50% compared with doing 10 individual trials in a clinical trial, but results from a recent trial of
(Schoenfeld & Cudkowicz, 2008). An addi- dexpramipexole support the utility of selecting
tional benefit of a multiarm selection trial is patients based on their disease severity (this trial
that a large percentage of patients receive an is discussed later in Subject Selection.)
active agent. This facilitates recruitment and
retention, and the results provide a ranking of
the agents. Disadvantages of a selection trial Cross-over Trials
are that information about potential efficacy
is limited, if no placebo group is used, and A cross-over design, where the treatment and
that agents that are not selected for further placebo are switched (after a wash-out period)
testing may still be effective (Cudkowicz for patients enrolled in a 2-arm, parallel trial
et al., 2010). is recognized to suffer from several disadvan-
tages that make it unsuitable for trials in ALS.
First, because ALS is progressive with rate of
Lead-in Trials decline increasing over time, patients receiving
drug first may have different responses than
Another type of trial uses a lead-in design those who receive drug later (i.e., a drug may
where patients are enrolled but not treated be more, or less, effective if given early in the
for several months, then randomized to treat- course of the disease). In addition, there is the
ment with drug or placebo for an additional added possibility of a carryover effect that is
period of observation (Miller & Moore, 2004; common to all cross-over designs. Nevertheless,
Moore & Miller, 2004). This design compares this design has been used recently to study the
slope changes, after versus before treatment, effects of treatment to manage ALS symptoms
and was used in two large trials (Gordon et al., (Weber, Goldman, & Truniger, 2010).
2007; Miller et  al., 2007). Theoretically, the
design is more efficient because a baseline
(untreated) rate of decline is estimated for Sequential Trials
each patient and this information is incorpo-
rated into the analysis. However, results from Sequential designs, where results are moni-
these trials revealed that the rate of decline tored continuously or at preplanned inter-
of ALSFRS-R (the primary endpoint for both vals, have not been widely used in ALS
studies) gradually increased over time for most trials, although they may be worth consider-
patients. This required the addition of a fixed ing. A  theoretical comparison of the continu-
effect coefficient to model the increased rate ously monitored sequential design with results
32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 307

from a 2-arm, parallel trial for efficacy with This method uses three components in deter-
survival at 18 months as an endpoint revealed mining if an agent is effective: (1) an opinion
that the trial could have been stopped earlier about the plausibility of different values for
for futility (Groeneveld et al., 2007). However, the treatment effect (known as the prior);
this trial required lengthy follow-up so that all (2)  the results from the actual clinical trial
patients had already been enrolled before the (expressed as a likelihood); and (3) an updated
trial could be stopped. As a result there was no calculation about the treatment effect based
savings in numbers of patients, but many could on the first two components (known as the
have been spared lengthy treatment with a posterior distribution; Spiegelhalter, Abrams,
futile agent. & Myles, 2004). Advantages of the Bayesian
A recent group sequential trial of lithium approach include (1) continuous updating of
was conducted by the NEALS consortium. information as data accumulate; (2)  use of
This trial used ALSFRS-R as the primary information from sources outside the trial,
endpoint measure, and there were three such as the likelihood that any agent will
preplanned interim analyses. This trial had work, in general; (3)  hierarchical modeling
several innovative features. The primary end- to incorporate information from different
point event was a 6-point or greater drop in therapies; (4)  using currently available data
the ALSFRS-R or death. The trial was double to calculate predictive probabilities of future
blind so that neither patients nor those eval- outcomes; and (5)  use of posterior prob-
uating the primary endpoint knew whether abilities to make inferences regarding effi-
the patient was receiving lithium or placebo. cacy rather than calculated values. (Biswas
Patients assigned to placebo were switched to et  al., 2009)  The inferences about efficacy
lithium, without being informed of the switch, are generally expressed as a probability dis-
once they registered a 6-point drop, allowing tribution that is valuable in the determining
a greater percentage of patients to be treated. the risks and benefits of going forward with
The trial was designed to have 80% power to a larger study. Many articles and books have
detect a 40% decrease in the rate of decline of been written about Bayesian methods and the
ALSFRS-R. A  futility stopping boundary was interested reader is encouraged to learn more
defined by a one-sided p value for the log-rank about them. To date, we are unaware of any
test based on a comparison of the numbers of Bayesian trials in ALS.
events in lithium versus placebo arms of the
trial. The trial used a stopping rule for futility
at the first interim analysis if the p value for
the log-rank test was greater than 0.68. This SUBJECT SELECTION
trial was stopped for futility at the first interim
analysis with 84 of the planned 250 patients Results from a recent phase III clinical trial
enrolled (Aggarwal et al., 2010). It is possible of dexpramipexole suggest that it may be
that longer treatment could have proven to be advantageous to study subgroups of patients
effective, a disadvantage of this type of design. with ALS. This trial did not show an effect in
This is an important design consideration the treated population considered as a single
to take into account in sequential trials. The group, in contrast to promising results from
advantage of being able to stop a trial early an earlier phase II trial. A comparison of the
when the agent seems to be ineffective must patient populations in the two trials revealed
be traded off against the possibility that longer that patients enrolled in the earlier trial
treatment is required to show an effect. tended to have more advanced disease than
those enrolled in the phase III trial. In par-
ticular, phase III enrollees had longer symp-
Bayesian Trials tom duration, were less likely to be taking
riluzole, and fewer of them were in the “defi-
There has been increased interest in Bayesian nite” El Escorial category. When the analysis
designs for clinical trials. In fact, a Bayesian of phase III results was restricted to those
approach has become the standard in design- in the definite category with symptom dura-
ing clinical trials conducted at the M.  D. tion less than 15.3 months and who were tak-
Anderson Cancer Center (Biswas et al., 2009). ing riluzole, it was found that the treatment
308 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

was effective. This suggests it may be use- number of years. Recently, these require-
ful to test new treatments in more advanced ments have been adjusted with FVC greater
patients first and then, if the treatment is than 70–75% of predicted and disease dura-
shown to be effective, extend the trial to less tion of 2  years to select subjects early in
advanced patients. the disease process to minimize drop-outs
and maximize treatment effect (under the
assumption that treatment is more effective
early than late in the course). Minimizing
CLINICAL TRIAL drop-outs is important, especially when trials
OPERATIONS are of long duration. However, any restric-
tions to trial enrollment have the negative
Clinical trials in ALS require the participa- effect of selecting trial patients who are not
tion of multiple clinical centers to enroll a representative of all patients with ALS.
sufficient number of subjects over a rea- Subject enrollment has been found to vary
sonable amount of time. Challenges with a among participating clinical centers (Bedlack
trial are the start-up time for each center to et al., 2008). Trial enrollment is low, about two
enroll and subject retention. Within centers, per month per center, but the range was wide
start-up time includes establishing a finan- (0.1–7.5 per month). A number of factors likely
cial contract and institutional review board influence enrollment rates:  a high percentage
approval. Data from five large clinical tri- of patients chose alternative therapies over for-
als shows a median contract approval time mal trials, centers may vary in enthusiasm for
of 105  days and institutional review board and encouragement to enter trials,
approval time of 125  days and a total mean
start-up time of 252 days (range, 70–596 days;
Atassi et  al., 2013). Retention factors (cause
of withdrawal from the study) are consent DISCUSSION
withdrawal, death of the subject, and adverse
events, resulting in a mean attrition rate of During the past 5  years, the ALS field has
33%. Adequate subject retention to trial seen an increasing interest in designing and
completion is important, and factors favoring implementing more efficient phase II trials,
retention are higher ALSFRS-R scores (sup- resulting in several specific changes. The use
porting earlier disease burden) and longer of historical controls has begun to gain accep-
time from diagnosis to enrollment (support- tance, particularly in the WALS group, which
ing slower disease progression). Suggestions has assembled a database of placebo controls
for improved retention are shorter trials, from previous clinical trials. The NEALS and
simpler testing burden, remote assessments the WALS consortia are sharing deidentified
(telephone and telemedicine assessments), individual patient data to determine whether
and self-administered assessments. outcome measures are stable over time. The
A further issue is whether subjects that shared databases have been used to measure
enter drug trials are representative of all within- and among-patient variability to select
patients with ALS. A  survey of 813 patients measures that are the most efficient and to
found that 66% met entry criteria (El determine the shape of response over time
Escorial Criteria definite, probable, prob- (linear vs. nonlinear). Efforts to identify fac-
able laboratory-supported) but only 30% tors that influence trial outcomes, such as
actually entered clinical trials (Chio et  al., El Escorial Criteria status, symptom dura-
2011). Those who entered trials tended to be tion, and vital capacity at enrollment are also
younger, had longer diagnostic delay, were important, so that studies with differing entry
more likely to have limb onset, were more criteria can be compared. The knowledge
likely to be male, and ultimately had longer gained from these studies will facilitate the
tracheostomy-free survival than those in an use of historical controls in future clinical tri-
epidemiologic cohort. Inclusion/exclusion als, to reduce the number of patients enrolled
criteria for trials often include requirements in trials of futile therapies, and to decrease the
for FVC values to be above a threshold and financial risk associated with large phase III
symptom duration no longer than a specified trials.
32  Clinical Trial Designs in ALS 309

There has also been a shift toward end- trialists, through their consortia, with appropri-
points that can be assessed with shorter dura- ate support from the pharmaceutical industry,
tion trials (e.g., slope of ALSFRS-R in place may also be able to test more than one drug at
of survival). Several studies have shown that a time using selection designs. With increased
patients with slower rates of decline tend to interest in genetic and other markers, it may
survive longer than those with faster rates of be possible to divide ALS into stages so that
decline. There is also concern that patient clinical trials can be more focused as they are
choice can affect survival (e.g., whether or in cancer.
not or when to accept artificial life support). Methods for increasing patient participa-
Thus, it is reasonable to use rates of decline in tion in clinical trials have also been consid-
place of survival. However, the optimal length ered. Some trials feature open label access to
of a trial using ALSFRS-R or other functional all patients upon trial completion. However,
measures as a primary endpoint is not known. to date there has not been a comparison of
It may turn out that longer trials are required recruitment in trials with versus without this
to give an agent time to alter the course of feature.
the disease through a beneficial effect on the Several of the designs discussed previously
motor neurons. are diagrammatically illustrated in Figure 32–1.
New endpoints, such as the neurophysio- In conclusion, this review suggests an increas-
logic index (de Carvalho et al., 2003), enhanced ing desire to increase efficiency in testing new
measurement of motor unit numbers (Shefner agents for ALS. All aspects of the design of clin-
et al., 2011; Nandedkar, Barkhaus, & Stålberg, ical trials are being studied to achieve greater
2010), and electrical impedance (Rutkove efficiency. It is hoped that this will speed the
et  al., 2007), are being identified and com- identification of useful therapies in ALS.
pared with more established ones. These new
endpoints are appealing because they estimate
the number of motor neurons directly rather DISCLAIMER
than indirectly through loss of motor func-
tion or changes in muscle due to loss of motor The text of this chapter is an adapted and
units. However, to date they have been used expanded version of a previous publication by
only in studies that estimate rates of change the first author (Moore, Katz, & Miller, 2011).
and reliability.
Other methods to increase efficiency
include a search for biomarkers that deter-
mine whether an agent is “hitting the target.” REFERENCES
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Chapter 33

Stem Cell Therapy for Motor Neuron

Stacey A. Sakowski, J. Simon Lunn, and Eva L. Feldman

CONSIDERATIONS FOR STEM CELL In Vitro Mechanistic Rationale
THERAPY DEVELOPMENT In Vivo Support for Clinical Translation
Stem Cell Classifications and Properties
FOR ALS Neural Stem Cell Trials


ALS involves the progressive degeneration of
There is no markedly effective therapy to both upper and lower MNs. Patients present
slow the progression of amyotrophic lateral with either bulbar signs or limb-onset muscle
sclerosis (ALS), despite many drug trials. The atrophy and weakness, and symptoms progress
mechanism of motor neuron (MN) degen- throughout the disease course to ultimately
eration and death is not known, but growth culminate in complete loss of muscle func-
factors can protect against MN degeneration tion. The average survival following diagnosis
in cell culture studies. This has led to clini- is only 2–5  years, with death typically caused
cal trials of neuroprotective growth factors by respiratory failure or pneumonia result-
in ALS, but none have succeeded in slowing ing from the loss of MNs innervating the dia-
degeneration. phragm. Riluzole, the only available treatment
Stem cells have attractive properties as a for ALS, acts by attenuating glutamate toxicity
potential treatment modality for ALS. While it but only improves survival for approximately
is unlikely that stem cells can replace MNs that 3  months (Borasio & Miller, 2001). The abil-
have degenerated and restore strength, both ity to identify novel efficacious treatments for
nerve and glial stem cells produce neuropro- this devastating disease is hampered by the
tective growth factors, metabolic factors, and yet undetermined pathogenic mechanisms
immunologic factors that may be protective. of ALS onset and progression. Although only
Certain formidable aspects include the source 10–15% of ALS cases are familial and attrib-
of stem cells and the route of delivery; how- uted to known genetic mutations in genes, such
ever, formal trials are underway. as Cu2+/Zn2+ superoxide dismutase (SOD1),

33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 313

TAR DNA binding protein 43 (TDP43), or therapies, and present preclinical data support-
hexanucleotide repeat expansions in the 5’ ing the clinical translation of stem cell thera-
noncoding region of the C9orf72 gene, most pies to patients with ALS. Finally, we assess
ALS is sporadic with no known cause (Ilieva, completed and ongoing clinical trials examin-
Polymenidou, & Cleveland, 2009; Kabashi ing various stem cell therapy approaches in
et al., 2008; Rothstein, 2009; Sreedharan et al., patients with ALS.
2008; van Blitterswijk, DeJesus-Hernandez, &
Rademakers, 2012; Gordon, 2013). Research
indicates that multiple cell types in the spi-
nal cord, including astrocytes and glia, play a CONSIDERATIONS FOR
role in ALS pathogenesis (Ilieva et  al., 2009; STEM CELL THERAPY
Lee et al., 2012). Several disease mechanisms, DEVELOPMENT
including glutamate toxicity, loss of trophic
support, RNA dysregulation, and inflamma-
tion, are also probable (Rothstein, 2009; Bruijn, Stem Cell Classifications and
Miller, & Cleveland, 2004; Polymenidou et al., Properties
2012; Evans et  al., 2013), and evidence sup-
ports the contention that differing insults influ- ESCs are derived from the inner cell mass of a
ence disease progression at the level of the MN developing blastocyst and they are pluripotent,
cell body, distal axon, and at the neuromuscular possessing an unrestricted ability to differenti-
junction (Fischer et al., 2004; Fischer & Glass, ate into cells from all three germ layers (Vazin
2007; Gould, et  al., 2006). This complexity & Freed, 2010). Studies using known devel-
makes the development of effective targeted opmental cues have demonstrated that ESCs
therapies challenging; therefore, comprehen- can differentiate into neural lineages, includ-
sive therapies that impact multiple aspects of ing MNs and other cell types that reside in
disease offer the best potential for improved the spinal cord microenvironment (Gaspard &
outcomes. Vanderhaeghen, 2010; Wichterle et  al., 2002).
Stem cells have gained tremendous popu- The number of ESC lines available for scien-
larity in the 21st century as a cellular therapy tific use, however, is limited due to strict fed-
for ALS and numerous other conditions (Lunn eral requirements and restrictions that have
et  al., 2011a, 2011b; Miller, 2006). The term hindered the development and translation of
“stem cell” denotes a population of cells that ESC-based therapies to patients. Preclinical
maintains the ability to self-renew and differ- advances in cellular transplantation research
entiate along a diverse set of cellular lineages. have been made using murine ESC lines, which
Several stem cell classifications exist that differ are more accessible and easier to work with.
in their source of origin and their differentia- Although these studies have shed light on the
tion capacity, including embryonic stem cells potential applications of stem cell–based thera-
(ESCs), progenitor cells, mesenchymal stem pies for ALS, the direct translational applica-
cells (MSCs), and induced pluripotent stem tion to human patients is limited. Furthermore,
cells (iPSCs; Lunn et  al., 2011a, 2011b). The it is essential to ensure there is no major risk for
cells’ inherent properties, along with cell avail- tumorigenicity, which may accompany the use
ability and supply, constitute both advantages of undifferentiated cells.
and limitations for each class depending on the The use of progenitor cells and MSCs for
desired application. In this chapter we pres- disease modeling and therapeutic application
ent the rationale behind and current progress is more advanced, however, and the beneficial
toward the development and application of properties of these stem cell classes for cel-
stem cell therapies for ALS. We begin by intro- lular therapy development are multifaceted.
ducing the various types of stem cells, with a Progenitor cells are derived from more devel-
specific emphasis on the characteristics of the oped sources, either embryonic or adult, and
different stem cell types that support their maintain the ability to self-renew. However,
application for mechanistic discovery and the the cells’ potential range of differentiation is a
treatment of ALS. We also introduce important result of their relative developmental age and
considerations for cellular delivery approaches source of derivation. Neural progenitor cells
that are critical for development of cellular (NPCs) are harvested from the nervous system
314 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

of fetal or adult tissue and give rise purely to for patient-specific administration. Similarly,
neural lineages (Kim, 2004; Xu et  al., 2006). umbilical cord blood stem cells (UBCs) offer
There are also populations of neural stem cells an alternate source of multipotent cells that
that naturally reside in the adult body, although may be harvested for cellular therapy develop-
they are typically rare and in limited supply. ment (Silani et al., 2004). Yet, caveats to the use
Within the brain, the two prominent niches of of autologous MSCs and cord blood stem cells
stem cells are found in the subgranular zone include lineage restrictions and any underlying
in the hippocampus and in the subventricular genetic predisposition those cells carry. This
zone of the lateral ventricles (Garzon-Muvdi feature, however, supports the use of MSCs
& Quinones-Hinojosa, 2009). These cells give as potential diagnostic and prognostic markers
rise to new neurons predominantly associ- for ALS. In one study, MSCs harvested from
ated with memory and learning or olfactory ALS patient bone marrow exhibited specific
function, respectively. Studies in transgenic alterations in pluripotency and growth factor
G93A-SOD1 mice have shown that endog- secretion profiles, which may be correlated
enous neural stem cell populations respond to with disease progression rates and be predic-
MN degeneration by increasing proliferation, tive of prognosis (Koh et  al., 2012). Similarly,
migration, and neurogenesis (Chi et al., 2006). other studies identified genes in MSCs from
Although this suggests that the body may be small cohorts of patients with ALS that may
attempting to combat MN degeneration and serve as novel disease biomarkers (Gupta et al.,
restore functional neuronal circuitry, it is likely 2012, Nachmany et  al., 2012). These results
that the limited number of adult neural stem suggest that in addition to providing an autolo-
cells is not sufficient to completely halt disease gous source for cellular therapies, MSCs may
progression, and with time can become over- represent an accessible cellular option for the
whelmed or depleted. Similarly, alterations in identification of diagnostic and prognostic bio-
the properties of these endogenous stem and markers for ALS.
progenitor cell niches in the brain of ALS mice Finally, the recent development of and
have been reported (Liu & Martin, 2006). advances in iPSC technology has introduced
These data indicate, however, that NPC trans- an enticing alternative option to obtain plu-
plantation may simulate the natural response ripotent, self-renewing cells from nonem-
to MN degeneration in ALS. In vitro and in bryonic tissue (Gunaseeli et  al., 2010, Inoue,
vivo data using NPCs demonstrate that in addi- 2010; Kiskinis & Eggan, 2010). iPSCs are gen-
tion to differentiating into neural cells, NPCs erated from fibroblasts obtained following a
are capable of the production and secretion skin punch biopsy by introducing a selection of
of neuroprotective factors, providing support transcription factors that reprogram the cells
to cells within the spinal cord, and improving to a more ESC-like state. Although the origi-
the toxic spinal cord microenvironment in ALS nal approach involved the expression of OCT
(Boulis et  al., 2011). These findings are dis- 3/4, KLF, SOX2, and C-MYC, various alterna-
cussed in more detail later in the chapter and tive combinations of factors delivered by vector,
support the continued development and appli- virus, protein, or RNA-mediated vehicles have
cation of NPCs as cellular therapies for ALS. now been used by several groups to successfully
Alternatively, MSCs are a more abundant drive iPSC reprogramming (Cho et  al., 2010;
and readily accessible source of multipotent, Hanley, Rastegarlari, & Nathwani, 2010; Judson
self-renewing cells that offer an option for the et  al., 2009; Yakubov et  al., 2010; Yamanaka,
development of autologous cellular therapies. 2008; O’Doherty, Greiser, & Wang, 2013).
Derived from bone marrow, they naturally These cells can then be differentiated using
differentiate into osteoblasts, chondrocytes, standard neural developmental cues to estab-
and adipocytes, but recent evidence has dem- lish neural populations for disease modeling
onstrated approaches to differentiate MSCs and therapeutic discovery. For example, iPSCs
across lineages to establish neural cell popula- from patients with sporadic ALS offer a means
tions (Caplan, 2007; Mezey, Mayer, & Nemeth, to study disease mechanisms and test therapies
2010; Satija, et al., 2009). Because they can be that could be efficacious in this more common
derived and expanded from a patient’s own form of ALS. Dimos et al. (2008) described the
bone marrow, MSCs may circumvent the first iPSCs derived from an 82-year-old patient
issue of immunosuppression when developed with ALS who exhibited a slowly progressing
33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 315

disease with clear clinical symptoms, and iPSCs the stem cells are expected to do is essential
derived from a 54-year-old patient with ALS to determine the most appropriate stem cell
have also been reported (Luo et  al., 2012). type for therapeutic development. To improve
Both studies demonstrated that the iPS lines outcomes in patients with ALS, one advantage
could be differentiated into MNs, and although to using stem cell–based therapies is the abil-
long-term characterization of the cells is still in ity to replace lost or damaged cellular popula-
progress, these studies indicate the feasibility of tions. However, it is unlikely that direct MN
developing iPS from fibroblasts from patients replacement is practical or warranted for
of various ages with neurodegenerative dis- ALS (Lunn et  al., 2011b; Boulis et  al., 2011;
ease. iPS lines have also been developed from Thonhoff, Ojeda, & Wu, 2009). Transplanted
a cohort of patients with sporadic ALS and con- MNs must project axons over long distances
trol subjects, and from a patient with familial through inhibitory white matter in a diseased
ALS with a mutation in TDP43, and used for environment lacking the developmental
drug screening assays, further demonstrating cues that supported the original differentia-
the potential of iPS lines for therapeutic dis- tion and axonal outgrowth of MNs. Although
covery (Egawa et  al., 2012; Burkhardt et  al., studies using mouse ESCs and MNs derived
2013). Despite the tremendous advantages from mouse ESCs and NPCs have demon-
iPSCs offers for mechanistic discovery and strated that these cells are capable of extend-
therapeutic screening, however, the potential ing axons peripherally and forming functional
for iPSC grafting and cellular therapy devel- neuromuscular contacts in embryonic, injury,
opment is much less evolved. On one hand, and disease models (Wichterle et  al., 2002;
autologous patient-specific cells might circum- Deshpande et  al., 2006; Harper et  al., 2004;
vent the need for immunosuppression with Wichterle & Peljto, 2008; Wichterle, Peljto, &
grafting and may be generated following rela- Nedelec, 2009; Yohn et  al., 2008), intraspinal
tively noninvasive skin punches. On the other transplantation in G93A-SOD1 rats indicated
hand, establishment of sufficient numbers of improved motor function but no evidence of
iPSCs can be slow and further characteriza- axonal outgrowth and neuromuscular junc-
tion of cellular properties must be completed tion formation, and graft survival was an issue
before translation of such a new technology (Lopez-Gonzalez, Kunckles, & Velasco, 2009).
is possible. Additional considerations include This is not surprising given the susceptibility of
the need to understand the long-term conse- MNs to cell death under toxic in vitro condi-
quences of transcription factor–based repro- tions that mimic the ALS spinal cord micro-
gramming, issues such as genetic stability and environment (Lopez-Gonzalez et  al., 2009;
immunogenicity of the iPSCs, and the perma- Boillee, Vande Velde, & Cleveland, 2006;
nence of transcription factor silencing following Clement et al., 2003; Di Giorgio et al., 2007),
line development (Lunn et  al., 2011b; Okita, and supports the idea that other protective
Nagata, & Yamanaka, 2011). Furthermore, the mechanisms are likely responsible for the ben-
use of any ALS patient-based cellular therapy eficial effects of NPC transplantation on motor
includes the risk of perpetuating any inherent function following transplantation. Instead,
predisposition to disease or global epigenetic replacement of other neuronal and nonneuro-
modifications. With further advancement of the nal cellular populations in the spinal cord has
field, however, iPSC technology has the poten- shown promising results in preclinical studies.
tial to provide tremendous insight into disease As mentioned previously, multiple cell types
mechanisms that are relevant to both sporadic are likely involved in ALS pathogenesis, includ-
and familial ALS, and further development of ing astrocytes and microglia, through effects
iPS technology for ALS is warranted. on metabolic support for MNs and release of
toxic metabolites (Ilieva et al., 2009; Lee et al.,
2012); therefore, cellular therapies replac-
ing glial populations may ease the demand on
CELLULAR THERAPY endogenous populations to improve the spi-
EXPECTATIONS FOR ALS nal cord milieu and support remaining MNs.
In vivo, wild-type astrocyte transplantation is
When considering a cellular therapy approach capable of attenuating the death and degenera-
using stem cells for ALS, understanding what tion of MNs expressing G93A-SOD1 (Clement
316 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

et al., 2003, Boucherie et al., 2009), and trans- levels of IGF-I or GDNF confers neuroprotec-
plantation of glial-restricted precursors that tion (Park et al., 2009) and intramuscular trans-
differentiate into astrocytes improves survival plantation of GDNF-producing MSCs attenuate
in mutant SOD1 rats, likely via restoration of MN death and increase survival in G93A-SOD1
glutamate transporter levels (Lepore et  al., rats (Suzuki et al., 2008). Together, these stud-
2008). Overall, these studies indicate that stem ies indicate that restoration of neurotrophic fac-
cell transplantation and differentiation into tor levels can have a significant impact on MN
supporting cell types may alleviate MN degen- health and ALS disease progression.
eration by preserving a less toxic spinal cord Stem cells also afford an array of addi-
microenvironment. tional benefits that may improve ALS dis-
Defects at the neuromuscular junction and ease outcomes. One of the many proposed
in MN axons are a prominent early feature of mechanisms for ALS involves a role for
ALS, occurring well before symptom onset and inflammation in progressive MN degenera-
MN loss (Fischer et al., 2004; Fischer & Glass, tion (Papadimitriou et  al., 2010; Pollari et  al.,
2007). These defects are associated with a loss 2011; Rizzo et  al., 2014). As demonstrated in
of neurotrophic support, which indicates that a recent study reported by Canzi et al. (2012)
neurotrophic factor production by stem cells where intracerebroventricular injection of
may provide benefit in ALS. Stem cells natu- skeletal muscle–derived stem cells that dif-
rally express an array of growth factors, and also ferentiate to neural lineages improved motor
respond favorably to growth factor production function through neuromuscular junction
or treatment. A  study that evaluated the effect protection and anti-inflammatory cytokine
of intrathecal infusion of epidermal growth fac- upregulation, selecting stem cell lineages that
tor and fibroblast growth factor 2 on endog- are capable of regulating inflammation may
enous NPCs demonstrated that growth factor improve outcomes in ALS. Within the spinal
treatment enhanced neuronal differentiation cord, loss of functional motor circuitry is also
and migration to the ventral horn in transgenic a consequence of MN degeneration and the
G93A-SOD1 mice (Ohta et al., 2006). Similarly, toxic spinal cord milieu. Studies characterizing
human NPCs exhibit increased neurite out- human spinal stem cell (HSSC) transplantation
growth and decreased proliferation in response in G93A-SOD1 rodents indicate that HSSCs
to increased levels of the neurotrophic factor predominantly differentiate into neuronal
insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), as well as cells expressing GABAergic and glutamatergic
increased survival in the presence of glutamate markers, in addition to astrocytes (Yan et  al.,
(Lunn et  al., 2010). Protection by IGF-I is 2007). These neuronal cells expressed synap-
well-established in ALS (Sakowski, Schuyler, & tophysin and integrated into the MN circuitry
Feldman, 2009) and has supported clinical trials on transplantation (Xu et al., 2009), indicating
examining the efficacy of subcutaneous IGF-I that HSSC transplantation may represent a
treatment in patients with ALS (Borasio et  al., direct mechanisms to maintain functional con-
1998; Lai et  al., 1997; Sorenson et  al., 2008). nections and support vulnerable MNs in a toxic
Although IGF-I administration did not yield environment.
the expected outcome in these trials, it is likely Overall, each class of stem cell exhibits an
that IGF-I failed to reach MNs in the spinal array of attributes that support their appli-
cord following a subcutaneous administration cations for cellular therapy development,
paradigm, a hurdle that could be circumvented and for mechanistic and therapeutic discov-
by intraspinal transplantation of stem cells ery through disease modeling. The advan-
expressing IGF-I and other neurotrophic fac- tages and limitations for each class of stem
tors. Numerous stem cell lines have been devel- cell for applications in ALS are summarized
oped that overexpress protective growth factors. in Figure 33–1. Stem cell therapies that are
Cortical NPCs engineered to express glial cell– capable of alleviating toxicity, attenuating
derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) are protec- inflammation, and enhancing neurotrophic
tive against MN death in G93A-SOD1 rats and support for remaining MNs in the diseased
also differentiate into astrocytes and glia, form- spinal cord microenvironment may offer the
ing a multifaceted attack on the ALS disease best options for cellular therapy development
course (Suzuki et al., 2007). Similarly, intraspinal to combat the multitude of insults MNs face
transplantation of NPCs expressing increased during ALS.
33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 317

Adult Neural Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem Cells Multipotent
Pluripotent Very restricted identity
Very difficult to isolate
ESC-derived MNs
Politically charged
Governmental oversight Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Newer technology, limited long-term analyses
Potentially pluripotent
Carries genetic predisposition of donor
iPSC-derived MNs

Progenitor Cells
Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Rare, hard to isolate Multipotent
Differentiate to restricted lineages Cross lineages for neural differentiation
Potential for autologous treatment
depending on tissue of origin Umbilical Stem Cells Relatively easy to isolate

Figure 33–1.  Comparison of stem cell properties. Various classes of stem cells exist, including ESCs, UBCs, MSCs, adult
neural stem cells, and NPCs, which exhibit differing characteristics. Here, we highlight the beneficial features that distin-
guish the different stem cell classes and the suitability of each type for mechanistic and therapeutic discovery and/or as
cellular therapies for ALS.

DELIVERY APPROACHES (Boulis et  al., 2011; Raore et  al., 2011; Riley
FOR CELLULAR THERAPY et  al., 2011). This device underwent iterative
changes and extensive optimization using mini-
Although stem cells exhibit an array of char- pigs to validate its safety for lumbar intraspinal
acteristics that warrant their development as injections, and was used in the Phase I clinical
a therapeutic approach for ALS, the ability to trial investigating the feasibility and safety of
safely and accurately deliver stem cells to the intraspinal HSSC transplantation in patients
precise regions affected by ALS is a delicate with ALS (Feldman et  al., 2014; Glass et  al.,
and important matter. Numerous approaches 2012; Riley et  al., 2012; Riley et  al., 2014;
have been tested, including systemic stem cell discussed later in the chapter). Depicted in
administration, ventricular and intrathecal Figure 33–2, this innovative device allows for
injections, and intraspinal transplantation using minimized procedural complexity while still
freehand or table-mounted injection methods maintaining safety and accuracy (Boulis et al.,
(Chen et al., 2007; Deda et al., 2009; Mazzini 2011; Raore et  al., 2011; Riley et  al., 2011).
et al., 2010). For all these approaches, however, Consisting of a platform and gondola that are
controls and long-term data regarding the effi- mounted directly to the patient’s spine, precise
cacy, accuracy, and safety of these procedures in positioning of the injection cannula is possible
patients are required. Our experience examin- while compensating for any slight movement
ing cellular therapy administration approaches of the platform application. A  mechanical
in a large animal, the Gottingen minipig, indi- z-drive is used to precisely position the needle,
cates that freehand injection paradigms fail which places a floating cannula into exact loca-
to produce sufficient accuracy and reproduc- tions in the spinal cord. Once the rigid outer
ibility. Furthermore, occurrences of sheering sleeve is retracted to expose the flexible cath-
injuries, pressure injuries, and graft reflux fol- eter attached to the floating cannula, the stem
lowing injection of stem cells into the spinal cell preparation may be slowly injected into
cord using freehand or table-mounted devices the spinal cord ventral horn at regular inter-
are also possible because of patient respiration, vals. A  pump is used to administer injections
spinal cord pulsation, and other minor unpre- to ensure controlled and reproducible delivery
dicted movements during surgery. Therefore, a rates. Measurements for injection positioning
spinal cord stabilization and injection device for are predetermined using magnetic resonance
intraspinal therapeutic delivery that anchors to imaging to ensure accurate anatomic target-
the patient vertebrae has recently been devel- ing. Moreover, a modification of the device
oped to offer a novel approach for controlled has been developed to accommodate cervical
precise targeting of intraspinal injections intraspinal injections; this device was also used
318 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

(A) (B)



Figure  33–2. Spinal cord stabilization and injection systems for intraspinal stem cell transplantation. (A)  Platform
anchored to patient’s spine consists of two bridge rails (blue), one of which is scored at 2-mm intervals to aid regular posi-
tioning of injections. Gondola (green) compensates for slight movements in the platform application. Mechanical z-drive
(orange) allows precise raising and lowering of floating cannula. (B) Cannula tip is positioned 1-mm medial to dorsal root
entry zone. (C) Needle penetrates into spinal cord ~4 mm from pial surface. (D) Once needle tip is positioned at the target,
metal outer sleeve is pulled up, leaving flexible tubing exposed. (From Boulis et al., 2011.)

in the Phase I trial and is now being used in the techniques to generate functional MNs from
ongoing Phase II trial (Raore et al., 2011; Riley mouse ESCs, MSCs, and iPSCs has aided in
et  al., 2014). Overall, the device has applica- the ability to generate ALS models (Thonhoff
tions for the delivery of a vast array of biologics et al., 2009; Park et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2012;
to the spinal cord. Hu & Zhang, 2009, 2010; Guo, et  al., 2010;
Gonzalez-Garza et al., 2013). MNs generated
from iPSCs of a patient with familial ALS
SUPPORTING DATA FOR ALS exhibit multiple pathologic features of ALS
(Bilican et  al., 2012), suggesting that similar
STEM CELL THERAPIES studies in iPSCs from patients with sporadic
ALS will enable a previously unattainable
In Vitro Mechanistic Rationale means to model this more prevalent form of
ALS for mechanistic investigation and screen-
In vitro studies using stem cells have provided ing. In fact, drug screening in ALS patient–
important insight into the possible applica- derived iPSCs has already demonstrated
tions and therapeutic benefits of stem cells. that it is possible to identify compounds that
The establishment of in vitro differentiation effectively rescue abnormal MN phenotypes
33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 319

(Egawa et  al., 2012; Burkhardt et  al., 2013). Studies using UBCs have provided insight
On the therapeutic development front, stud- into the indirect protection that stem cell
ies characterizing MSCs from patients with therapies afford to MNs in the spinal cord. In
ALS demonstrate that early passage MSCs one study, intracerebroventricular injection of
are stable and express anti-inflammatory che- UBCs demonstrated significant improvements
mokines and neuroprotective growth factors, in disease progression in transgenic ALS mice
such as vascular endothelial growth factor that was attributed to decreased inflammation
(VEGF), supporting the use of early passage through the production of cytokines and che-
MSCs as a cellular therapy (Choi et al., 2010). mokines, despite a lack of UBCs localized in
Similarly, NSCs grown adjacent to spinal cord the spinal cord ventral horn (Bigini et al., 2011).
sections are capable of inducing axonal out- Further validation of systemic effects from
growth, and addition of conditioned media UBC-based therapies is seen with intravenous
from NSCs to spinal cord sections indicates infusion of UBCs in ALS mice, which resulted
that GDNF and nerve growth factor pro- in modulation of the immune system inflam-
duction and secretion underlie these effects matory response, improvements in disease
(Llado et al., 2004). Cocultures of NSCs with progression, MN protection, and increased
spinal cord slices also conferred neuropro- survival (Garbuzova-Davis et  al., 2003, 2008).
tection in the presence of excitotoxic stress, Direct intraspinal transplantation of UBCs
further validating that the NSCs have poten- also improved motor function, increased sur-
tial therapeutic benefit for ALS (Llado et al., vival, and attenuated MN loss and astrogliosis
2004). A  positive effect of enhanced gluta- in transgenic G93A-SOD1 mice (Knippenberg
mate transporter expression has also been et al., 2012b). Furthermore, genetic modifica-
identified in in vitro studies using primary and tion of UBCs to express VEGF and fibroblast
immortalized glial precursor cells (Maragakis growth factor 2 resulted in enhanced growth
et al., 2005). Together, these studies indicate factor profiles and differentiation of the UBCs
that in addition to the possibility for disease to an astrocyte phenotype in the spinal cord
modeling and therapeutic screening, stem following retro-orbital injection in an ALS
cells exhibit a multitude of beneficial proper- mouse model, demonstrating that stem cells
ties that may mitigate many of the proposed can serve as a vehicle to increase local growth
pathologic insults in ALS, and warrant their factor production and support adjacent cellular
continued therapeutic development. populations (Rizvanov et al., 2011).
MSCs confer similar beneficial effects in
ALS animal models. In G93A-SOD1 mice,
In Vivo Support for Clinical intravenous administration of MSCs attenu-
Translation ated aggregate accumulation and astrocyte
and microglial activation (Uccelli et al., 2012),
Perhaps the most convincing preclinical ratio- and astrogliosis and microglial activation
nale for the use of stem cell therapies to com- were also attenuated following intraspinal
bat neurodegeneration in ALS comes from the MSC transplantation (Vercelli et  al., 2008);
extensive amount of in vivo evidence support- significantly improved motor symptoms were
ing stem cell efficacy. These studies, which have observed in both studies. Similarly, MSC
investigated the therapeutic ability of various intrathecal delivery in ALS mice resulted in
stem cell types, including ESCs, UBCs, MSCs, increased MN numbers, slowed motor func-
and NPCs, are summarized in Table 33–1. As tion decline, and prolonged lifespan (Kim
mentioned previously, ESCs have been used to et al., 2010). Intrathecal delivery in ALS rats
derive MNs for cellular replacement therapies promoted differentiation into astrocytes along
(Thonhoff et al., 2009; Lopez-Gonzalez et al., with attenuated MN loss, lower inflamma-
2009). Although motor function was transiently tion, and improved survival (Boucherie et al.,
improved in these studies, the lack of periph- 2009). Systemic administration of MSCs that
eral axonal projections, a paucity of neuromus- are induced with neurogenin-1 also enhanced
cular junctions, and issues with graft survival MSC migration to the central nervous system
support the contention that mechanisms other and significantly increased motor perfor-
than direct MN replacement contribute to the mance in ALS mice (Chan-II et  al., 2013).
benefits of cellular therapies for ALS. Further evidence of MSC neuroprotective
320 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

Table 33–1  Application of Stem Cell–based Therapies in ALS Models

Cell Type Themes Effective* References
ESCs Motor neuron replacement No Lopez-Gonzalez et al. (2009)
UBCs Reduced astrogliosis; impact Yes Garbuzova-Davis et al. (2003, 2008);
on inflammation Knippenberg et al. (2012b)
Vehicle for delivery of growth Yes Rizvanov et al. (2011)
Other unknown mechanism Yes Bigini et al. (2011)
MSCs Reduced astrogliosis; Yes Boucherie et al. (2009); Uccelli et al.
microglia activation (2012); Vercelli et al. (2008); Kim et al.
Synergistic grafting Yes Forostyak et al. (2011)
Neural induction Yes Chan-II et al. (2013)
Vehicle for delivery of Yes Suzuki et al. (2008); Pastor et al. (2012);
neuroprotective factors Knippenberg et al. (2012a)
NPCs Cell integration into the Yes Xu et al. (2006, 2009, 2011); Yan et al.
spinal cord (2007); Lepore et al. (2011); Corti et al.
(2007); Hefferan et al. (2012); Mitrecic
et al. (2010)
Growth factor production Yes/No Suzuki et al. (2007); Park et al. (2009);
Klein et al. (2005); Hwang et al. (2009)
Addressing issues — Raore et al. (2011); Hefferan et al. (2011);
for clinical Yan et al. (2006); Usvald et al. (2010);
translation: cellular Lamanna et al. (2012)
immunosuppression and
cell graft tracking
ESC, embryonic stem cell; MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells; NPCs, neural progenitor cells; UBCs, umbilical cord blood
stem cells.
*  Study considered effective if modulation of at least one of the following aspects of disease was observed: onset, motor
neuron loss, survival.

effects is observed following GDNF upregu- astrocytes, migrate within the spinal cord, and
lation accompanying intraspinal transplan- do not form tumors in an ALS spinal cord
tation in ALS mice (Pastor et  al., 2012)  and microenvironment, supporting the safety and
through GDNF delivery using engineered potential capacity of cellular therapies (Lepore
MSCs to ALS rat muscle (Suzuki et al., 2008). et  al., 2011). The potential to use stem cells
MSCs expressing GLP-1, which exhibits anti- to deliver neuroprotective growth factors has
oxidant effects and protects against excito- similarly been investigated. Transplantation
toxicity, also improve outcomes in ALS mice of NPCs engineered to express either IGF-I,
following intracerebroventricular administra- VEGF, neurotrophin-3, or GDNF into ALS
tion (Knippenberg et  al., 2012a). Likewise, mice and rats via intraventricular, intrathecal,
synergistic effects of MSC therapy via intra- or intraspinal injection approaches indicates
venous and intraspinal administration are that engineered cells engraft into the brain and
also observed (Forostyak et al., 2011), further spinal cord and are capable of differentiating
supporting the efficacy of MSC-based thera- into neurons, oligodendrocytes, and astrocytes
pies and delivery strategies for the treatment to protect MNs (Suzuki et al., 2007; Park et al.,
of ALS. 2009; Klein et al., 2005) and delay disease onset,
NPCs also harbor a diverse range of fea- prevent apoptosis, and prolong survival (Hwang
tures that denote a strong ability to contest et al., 2009). Therapeutic mechanisms and effi-
the neurodegenerative processes of ALS. cacy have also been assessed in both ALS mice
One study examining glial-restricted progeni- and rats. NPC grafting in the G93A-SOD1
tor cell replacement in ALS mice revealed mouse delayed disease onset and progres-
that progenitor cells survive, differentiate into sion, resulting in a significant improvement
33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 321

in survival (Corti et al., 2007), as did intraspi- a small number of trials are paving the way for
nal NPC transplantation in G93A-SOD1 rats the continued development and optimization
(Xu et  al., 2006, 2009, 2011; Yan et  al., 2007; of stem cells as a therapeutic entity. Although
Hefferan et  al., 2012). Detailed characteriza- MSCs do not naturally adapt a neural fate,
tion of cellular grafts in these rats indicated that MSCs are readily accessible, offer a means for
the cells differentiated into neurons, formed the development of autologous cellular thera-
axons, and synapsed with the existing host neu- pies, and protection is evidenced in multiple in
rons to reestablish neuronal circuitry (Xu et al., vivo studies (Table  33–1). At this point, most
2006, 2009, 2011; Yan et  al., 2007; Hefferan cellular therapeutic approaches to reach clini-
et  al., 2012). Furthermore, transplantation cal testing are MSC-based trials, which are
into multiple spinal cord segments to target centered in various countries across the globe.
both cervical and lumbar regions enhances the A study in Israel on 19 patients with ALS and
therapeutic efficacy of NPC transplantation a pilot study in India on 10 patients with ALS
in ALS rats (Xu et  al., 2011). Finally, in vivo demonstrated that intrathecal MSC delivery is
studies using NPCs have shed light on critical safe and well-tolerated, and the study in Israel
issues required for clinical translation. Studies further showed that combination therapy
in ALS rodents demonstrated that combined with intravenous MSC administration is fea-
immunosuppression regimens consisting of sible (Karussis et  al., 2010; Prabhakar et  al.,
FK506 and mycophenolate or rapamycin 2012). Characterization of the effects of MSC
promoted enhanced HSSC or NPC graft sur- administration on the immune response in this
vival following intraspinal transplantation, trial ascertained that MSCs confer immedi-
respectively (Hefferan et  al., 2011; Yan et  al., ate immunomodualtory effects for patients
2006). Although clinical application for ALS with ALS, and demonstrated that prelabel-
uses human cells in patients, these analyses in ing of MSCs with ferumoxides may provide
rodents receiving human stem cell transplants an avenue for future cell graft tracking stud-
provide important insight into the response ies (Karussis et al., 2010). In South Korea, the
to grafting. Detailed characterization of graft safety of intraventricular MSC administration
survival, as well as comparisons of cellular dos- using an Ommaya reservoir was also validated,
ing, has also been assessed in a large animal, suggesting that future studies examining repet-
Gottingen-Minnesota minipigs. These studies itive MSC administration would be possible
in immunosuppressed minipigs characterized (Baek et  al., 2012). Injection of MSCs into
cell survival, density, distribution, and matura- the frontal motor cortex has been examined in
tion to establish feasible and safe dosing ranges Mexico, where a preliminary study involving 10
for direct intraspinal injections of HSSCs for patients with ALS revealed that the application
clinical translation (Raore et al., 2011; Usvald of autologous peripheral blood mononuclear
et  al., 2010). Studies in rodents and minipigs cells is safe, well-tolerated, and efficacious,
are also underway to assess the ability to track because patients receiving MSCs exhibited a
cellular grafts in vivo using magnetic resonance statistically significant increase in survival com-
imaging (Lamanna et  al., 2012). Together, pared with a control ALS patient cohort who
these studies address the neuroprotective did not receive the therapy (Martinez et  al.,
mechanisms and efficacy, as well as critical 2009). The safety results were further con-
considerations for human application, which firmed in a larger follow-up study involving 67
strongly support the clinical translation of cel- patients with ALS, which exhibited a 90% sur-
lular therapies to patients with ALS. vival after 1 year and a mean long-term survival
rate of over 40 months (Martinez et al., 2012).
Finally, intraspinal injection of MSCs has been
CLINICAL APPLICATION examined in four reported trials. Two consecu-
tive Italian trials on 19 patients with ALS dem-
AND PROGRESS onstrated that direct injection of MSCs into
the thoracic spinal cord using a table-mounted
MSC Trials fixed-arm injection device was safe (Mazzini
et  al., 2010, 2012). Although postmortem
The clinical translation of cellular therapies for analysis data was not reported for the first
ALS is still a relatively new concept; however, trial to determine survival of the cellular grafts
322 Motor Neuron Disease in Adults

(Mazzini et  al., 2010), and no major clinical where the relative risk of surgery increased
improvement was observed in the second anal- across cohorts, as measured by patient disease
ysis, long-term postoperative monitoring for up severity, the targeted spinal cord region, and
to 9 years supports the safety of the approach the number of injections (Lunn et  al., 2011a,
and the need for larger future trials (Mazzini 2011b; Boulis et al., 2011). Twelve individuals
et al., 2012). Intraspinal grafting in 11 patients with ALS, beginning with six nonambulatory
with ALS in Spain using a table-mounted verti- patients followed by six ambulatory patients,
cal injection approach, however, supports the received either 5 unilateral or 10 total bilateral
safety of MSC therapeutic applications in ALS injections of 100,000 cells per injection into the
and demonstrated increased MN numbers lumbar spinal cord (Lunn et al., 2011a, 2011b;
with attenuated pathologic features and no Boulis et  al., 2011). Results indicate that the
acceleration of disease progression rates, sug- approach and introduction of stem cells into
gesting neurotrophic effects of MSC grafting the spinal cord is safe and well-tolerated (Glass
(Blanquer et al., 2010, 2012). Lastly, a trial in et  al., 2012; Riley et  al., 2012). Although this
Turkey injected MSCs into the high cervical was a safety trial, patient symptom monitoring
spinal cord of 13 patients with ALS and demon- revealed no acceleration of disease progres-
strated safety with positive effects on electro- sion in any patient and one patient exhibited
neuromyography measures in most patients at improvement of clinical symptoms; however,
1 year (Deda et al., 2009). Overall, much larger larger studies are required to accurately assess
controlled trials are necessary to accurately efficacy of the intervention (Glass et al., 2012).
determine the best approach for MSC delivery Because there was no previous data on the
and evaluate the efficacy of MSCs for the treat- immunogenicity of HSSCs in patients with
ment of ALS; however, the safety evidenced in ALS available before the trial, results from the
these initial steps translating MSC-based cel- first 12 patients indicted that no HLA anti-
lular therapies to patients with ALS indicates bodies against the cells were detected in any
that continued development of MSC therapies patient, including those who discontinued or
is warranted. reduced dosing of the immunosuppressive
drugs because of immunosuppression-related
toxicity; however, postmortem analyses are
Neural Stem Cell Trials required to fully assess cellular graft survival in
these patients (Glass et al., 2012).
As described, the therapeutic efficacy of NPCs Based on the positive safety results from
is well-supported by in vitro and in vivo stud- the first 12 patients receiving intraspinal
ies (Table  33–1), and NPCs are capable of lumbar HSSC transplants, Food and Drug
mitigating a variety of the proposed insults Administration approval for six additional
complicating ALS pathogenesis. Specifically, patients was also been granted to examine the
the NSI-566RSC HSSC line differentiates safety and feasibility of targeting HSSC trans-
into neural cell types, produces neurotrophic plants to the cervical spinal cord. Cervical
factors, forms synapses with host neurons and intraspinal HSSC transplantation has the
integrates into the neural circuitry, attenu- potential to support critical MNs controlling
ates MN loss, and improves disease symptoms the diaphragm, because most ALS patient
and survival following intraspinal grafting in deaths result from consequences of diaphrag-
ALS rodents (Xu et al., 2006, 2009, 2011; Yan matic innervation loss. Design iterations to
et  al., 2007; Hefferan et  al., 2012). Based on the spinal cord stabilization and injection
the amount of preclinical support for HSSCs, device were made, optimized, and validated
along with the design, optimization, and in minipigs to support the safety and accu-
validation of an innovative device to safely racy of cervical intraspinal injections (Raore
administer cellular therapies directly to the et  al., 2011; Usvald et  al., 2010). These final
spinal cord (Fig. 33–2), in 2009, the Food and six surgeries have been completed, and all six
Drug Administration approved the first Phase patients received five unilateral HSSC injec-
I trial investigating the safety and feasibility of tions of 100,000 cells per injection in the cervi-
intraspinal HSSC transplantation in patients cal spinal cord, with the final cohort including
with ALS in the United States. The trial was three individuals that previously received
designed to follow a risk-escalation paradigm, lumbar stem cell transplants. Data analysis
33  Stem Cell Therapy for MND 323

and detailed trial outcomes demonstrate that cell bodies in the spinal cord and to neuromus-
no major adverse effects of the surgery have cular junctions may also be warranted based
been observed, suggesting that the approach on in vivo data, because protection of neuro-
is safe, feasible, and well-tolerated (Feldman muscular junctions has established efficacy in
et al., 2014; Riley et al., 2014). Based on the ALS (Suzuki et al., 2008; Krakora, Macrander,
encouraging data from Phase I, Phase II of & Suzuki, 2012) and attenuation of MN loss in
the trial commenced in 2013 and is currently the spinal cord is not always sufficient to impact
underway. With continued progression and motor function or survival (Fischer et al., 2004,
completion of this and future clinical trial 2007; Gould et al., 2006). Understanding the
phases, it is hoped that this trial will provide requirements for immunosuppression is also
important and groundbreaking insight into essential to establish future stem cell–based
the development of novel therapies for the therapy approaches for patients with ALS.
treatment of ALS. In rodents, immunosuppression improves
survival of human cell grafts (Hefferan et al.,
2011; Yan et  al., 2006); however, many cur-
rent trials are assessing and characterizing the
LOOKING INTO THE effect of autologous patient-specific MSCs or
FUTURE HSSCs where cross-species incompatibility
is not an issue. Continued analyses, including
Although remarkable progress has been made determination of graft survival and character-
in recent years concerning the characterization ization of local immune responses in postmor-
and translation of stem cell–based therapies tem tissues from ongoing and future trials, will
for ALS, there are still many aspects of cel- provide important insight into requirements
lular therapy development that are left to be for immunosuppression in future clinical
determined. Techniques to reliably track and applications. Finally, further development and
monitor stem cell grafts in vivo and in patients characterization of alternative stem cell types,
with ALS are already being developed (Usvald such as iPSCs, may provide another more
et  al., 2010; Lamanna et  al., 2012), but con- accessible resource for cellular therapy devel-
tinued optimization of these novel approaches opment. Overall, although these are just some
will provide tremendous insight into the migra- of the issues at hand, continued progress and
tory potential, distribution, and survival of cel- advances in technology are driving the devel-
lular grafts. Similarly, continued investigation opment of clinically relevant stem cell thera-
into the neuroprotective benefits conferred pies for ALS. Incredible strides have been
by stem cells will improve the understanding made toward this goal in the past decade, and
of not only ALS pathogenesis, but also how to with vigilant attention to the issues at hand,
enhance therapeutic approaches to achieve meaningful advances toward much-needed
maximal benefit. Along these lines, stem cell treatment options for patients with ALS can
therapies targeted at multiple spinal cord seg- be made.
ments have exhibited increased protection in
animal models (Xu et al., 2011), and the ability
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Abrahams Written Verbal Fluency Test, 30 clinical and pathologic homogeneity and underlying
affect, pseudobulbar, 21 mechanisms
Airlie House Criteria (diagnosis), 95–96, 96t, 98t hypotheses of propagation, 179–80
air stacking, 246 parallels to FTD, 180
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), 7, 164, 174–75. See cognitive changes and motor neuron degeneration in
also motor neuron disease; specific topics population-based studies, 125–26
classification, 134, 144, 178–79 cortical imaging changes in ALS patients, 15, 16f
clinical progression, 110–11, 111f, 112t, 180. See also immunologic aspects of ALS, 190–96
motor neuron disease (MND) progression molecular neuropathology, 175, 176–77t, 178
prediction of progression and survival, 116–17 molecular neuropathologic subtypes/signatures of
by phenotypes, 10 ALS, 178–79
relation to other MND, 3, 4 pathogenesis, 181–86
staging, 116 corticospinal motor neuron development,
two staging outlines, 116t degeneration, and subcerebral projections, 184–86
as a systemic disease, 182 events in, 180, 181f
ALS behavioral impairment (ALSbi), 29 nonautonomous cell death, 180, 182–83
ALS clinics, multidisciplinary. See also ALS treatment and pathogenic mechanisms, 180
management prime observations, 180
ancilliary providers available to, 223t physiology and pathophysiology, 15–17
challenges facing, 224 ALS symptoms, 261. See also specific symptoms
addressing end of life, 225. See also end-of-life care common, 262t
bereavement, 226 management, 261, 262t, 263–68. See also ALS treatment
delivering the diagnosis, 224–25 and management
managing key time points, 225 ALS treatment and management. See also ALS clinics;
providing hope, 225 ALS symptoms: management; clinical trials; specific
clinic benefits, 226 topics
clinic providers, 222, 223t allied health and other providers, 228–29
clinic stress, 226 types of, 229–33
practice parameters and guidelines, 221–22 complementary alternative medications and procedures,
impact of, 222, 224 292. See also nutritional supplements
quality improvement measures chosen to improve costs, 291–97
patient care, 226, 226t compared with costs of other diseases, 296–97
ALS-cognitive impairment (ALSci), 29 drugs used in, 36–38, 292, 293, 293t
ALS epidemiology, 119–20 drug efficacy trials, 299–302, 307. See also clinical
descriptive, 120 trials
incidence, 120–22, 121t nonpharmacologic management of FTD, 36, 37
methodologic considerations, 120 targeting immune mechanisms and neuroinflammation,
mortality, 122 195
prevalence, 121t, 122 ALS with frontotemporal dementia (ALS-FTD or ALS/
genetic, 123–25, 124t FTD), 27–28, 38, 136
time trends, 122–23, 124f assessment of cognitive and behavioral deficits, 29–31
ALSFRS (ALS Functional Rating Scale), 114–15 biomarkers, 34–35
ALSFRS-6 (six questions of ALSFRS-R), 114–15 clinical features, 28–29
ALSFRS-R (ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised), 114– clinical relevance of FTD, 35
17, 128, 301–4, 303f, 304f, 306–9 cognitive changes and motor neuron degeneration in
ALS-FTD-Q (Amyotrophic Lateral population-based studies, 125–26
Sclerosis-Frontotemporal diagnostic criteria and categorization, 29
Dementia-Questionnaire), 30 effect of FTD on course and prognosis, 35, 128
ALS Functional Rating Scale. See ALSFRS epidemiology, 28, 125–27
ALS pathology, 14f, 14–15, 15f, 174–75. See also ALS with genetics, 32–34, 133–34, 136–38. See also SOD1
frontotemporal dementia: pathology mutations in ALS
brain areas where pathologic features are usually seen, considerations for genetic testing, 144
166, 166f genes with possible ALS and FTLD overlap, 138–44

330 Index

ALS with frontotemporal dementia (cont.) breath stacking, 246

imaging, 31–32 Brodmann areas, 13f
implications of FTD for caregivers, 35–37 bulbar dysfunction, 21–23
nonpharmacologic management of FTD, 36, 37 bulbar palsy. See progressive bulbar palsy
pathology, 32–34, 163, 164. See also ALS pathology
definitions, 164 c9orf72 gene
pharmacologic management, 36–38 mutations in, 124, 124t, 126, 128, 143, 175, 208t, 211
Alzheimer disease (AD), 121, 123, 126, 127 repeat expansion in intron of, 51–52, 124, 125, 143, 144,
amitriptyline, 263 157, 160, 169, 169f–171f, 172, 178, 183, 211, 213
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. See ALS TDP-43 and, 178
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Cognitive Behavioral C9ORF76 gene, 125
Screen, 30–31 c9orf76 protein, 143
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Frontotemporal Caenorhabditis elegans models of MNDs, 209–11
Dementia-Questionnaire (ALS-FTD-Q), 30 cancer, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 107–8
animal models of adult MNDs, 207, 209 caregiver burden, longitudinal effect of, 280
invertebrate models, 209–11 caregiver coping, 281
select models, 207, 208t caregivers, 279
vertebrate models, 211–17 impact of MND on, 279–80
antidepressants, 263 implications of FTD for, 35–37
antipsychotic agents, 37–38 positive factors for, 281
anxiety, 263 quality of life, 276
aphasia longitudinal quality of life between patient and
logopenic progressive, 28 caregiver, 280
progressive nonfluent, 28–29 CCR2 (C-C chemokine receptor 2), 193
Appel scale, 112, 115 CD4+ T cells, 194
Aran, François Amilcar, 2 central motor conduction time (CMCT), 64–65
assistive technology, 233 central nervous system (CNS) imaging. See imaging
astrocytes and ALS, 182, 192–93 cerebrospinal fluid. See CSF
Awaji Criteria (diagnosis), 96–97, 98t cervical muscles, EMG abnormalities in, 44–45
axonal dynamics, disruption of, 186 Charcot, Jean Martin, 2, 4
charged multivesicular body protein 2b. See CHMP2B
Bayesian experimental design, 307 chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2), 193
behavioral abnormalities in frontotemporal lobe function, chemokines in ALS, 193
47, 48 chemotatic protein-1 (CCL2), 193
behavioral assessment instruments, 30–31, 32t chimeric models  of MNDs, 214
to assess frontotemporal lobe function, 47, 48 CHMP2B (charged multivesicular body protein 2b), 169
behavioral disturbance, 263 CHMP2B mutations, 141
behavioral dysfunction, effect of patient’s, 281 choline (Cho), 66, 83
behavioral impairment, 29. See also cognitive and clergy, 232–33
behavioral deficits in ALS-FTD clinical trials, 298–99, 308–9
behavioral symptoms, 260 endpoint measures, 303–4
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), methodology, 299, 308–9
27–29, 126, 135, 164, 171, 172 comparison groups, 299–302
Bell, Charles, 2 drop-out, 305
bereavement, 226, 289 subject selection, 307–8
biomarkers methods of analysis, 304–5
for ALS-FTD, 34–35 online self-reported patient data, 302–3
for MND, 50–51 operations, 308
gold standards, 51t phases, 299
sources of, 53, 53t diagrams for phase II designs, 301f
types of, 51t, 51–68, 80 types of, 305–7
bladder incontinence, 267 clinics. See ALS clinics
blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast CMAP. See compound muscle action potential
imaging, 76–77 cognitive abnormalities in frontotemporal lobe function,
BMAA (β-  N-methylamino-L-alanine), 198, 202–3 47, 48
mechanisms of BMAA toxicity, 199–201 cognitive and behavioral deficits in ALS-FTD, 125–26
potential routes of human exposure to, 201, 201f assessment of, 29–31
structure, 199f cognitive assessment instruments, 30–31, 32t
body mass index (BMI), 249–50 to assess frontotemporal lobe function, 47, 48
botulinum toxin, 266 cognitive dysfunction in nondemented patients with
bowel incontinence, 267 MND, 18–19
Brain, Walter Russell, 4 communication
brain-computer interface, 257–58 augmentative and alternative, 256
brainstem, 166, 168 frontotemporal lobe dysfunction effect on, 258
breath, shortness of, 264 suggestions to improve, 255–56
  Index 331

communication assessment and management, 254–58 diaphragm, EMG abnormalities in, 45

communication devices. See also communication diaphragm dysfunction, early, 239
assessment and management diaphragm pacing/electrical diaphragm stimulation,
augmentative and alternative, 257 244–45, 294
impact, 256–57 diaphragm strength, 235
communication interventions. See also communication differential diagnosis, 102–8, 103t
assessment and management diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 31–32, 66, 81–83, 85–86,
augmentative and alternative, 256 114
complementary alternative medications and procedures, DNA, 158
292. See also nutritional supplements driving evaluations, 37, 232
compound muscle action potential (CMAP), 43, 58, 105f, Drosophila models of MNDs, 209–11
113 Duchenne, Guillaume, 2
compound muscle action potential (CMAP) scan, 113 dying. See also end-of-life care
computed tomography (CT) scan, 76, 77t managing the process of, 288
constipation, 267 place of death, 288
cortical inhibitory influence, loss of, 86–87 dynactin models  of MNDs, 214–15
corticospinal neurons (CSMN) dynactin p150Glued, 209, 214–15, 217
development, degeneration, and subcerebral dysarthria, 21–22, 255
projections, 184–86 dysphagia, 22–23
corticospinal tracts (CSTs), 76, 78, 80–84
cough augmentation, 245–46 EIM (electrical impedance myography), 61–64, 62f, 63f,
cramps, 265 113–14
cranial muscles, EMG abnormalities in, 45 steepest slope vs. mean slope, 63f, 63–64
creatine (Cr), 66, 83, 235 El Escorial Criteria (diagnosis), 8–9, 9t, 43–44, 94, 95,
creatine kinase, serum, 46 95f, 96t, 97, 98t
Creuveilhier, Jean, 2 embryonic stem cells (ESCs), 313, 315, 319, 320f
cross-over trials, 306 EMG (electromyogram) abnormalities in individual
CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), 46, 51, 53, 53t, 54, 55t, 56t, muscles, 44–45
57, 58 EMG (electromyogram) testing, 42
CSF ratio of Tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (pTau) needle, 43–44
to total Tau (tTau) (CSF pTau:tTau), 34–35 end-of-life care, 225, 247, 283–84
CX3CR1 fractalkine receptor, 193 legal documents, 285, 285t
cyanobacteria, ALS, and the BMAA patient decision-making, 284–85
hypothesis, 198–203 time line of MND care, 284
cytokines in ALS, 193 triggers for initiating discussions about, 284
cytosine-adenosine-guanosine (CAG), 102, 103 end-of-life patient concerns for manner of
death, 286–89
daily energy expenditure, total, 250–51 energy expenditure, total daily, 250–51
DCTN1 (Dynactin 1), 214–15 EPHA4, 186
death in ALS patients. See also dying; end-of-life care; equipment needs, durable, 233
mortality costs, 293t, 294, 296f
causes of, 247 time line of cumulative needs for, 233, 234f, 295f, 296f
decomposition-enhanced spike-triggered averaging Erb, William, 3
(DE-STA), 60 euthanasia, 288
deep venous thrombosis, 268 exercise, 233–35
Dejerine, Joseph, 3 inspiratory muscle, 246
dementia. See ALS with frontotemporal dementia; possible harmful effects, 235
frontotemporal dementia extramotor structures, 168
dendritic cells, 194–95 eye movement abnormalities, 25
dependent limb symptoms, 268
depression, 259–60, 263, 275–76, 289 falls (accidents), 235
dextromethorphan, 263 familial ALS (FALS), 134–35, 144, 150, 154, 178
diagnosis (of MND). See also differential diagnosis genetic causes/gene mutations, 51–52, 58, 139–44, 150,
algorithm for giving the, 224 153, 154, 157, 159, 160, 169, 175, 178, 179t, 209
delivering the diagnosis, 224–25 pathology, 168–70
time to diagnosis, 94–95 familial pattern of MND, 4
diagnostic biomarkers, 51t “far-current electrode” montage, 62, 62f
diagnostic criteria, 7–8, 29, 94, 95. See also differential fasciculations, 24, 264
diagnosis fatigue, 264
Airlie House Criteria, 95–96, 96t, 98t fecal incontinence, 267
Awaji Criteria, 96–97, 98t feeding tubes, 252, 294
El Escorial Criteria, 8–9, 9t, 43–44, 94, 95, 95f, 96t, forced vital capacity (FVC), 238, 239, 242, 243
97, 98t fractalkine, chemokine receptor to, 193
Lambert criteria, 43–44 fractional anisotropy (FA), 66, 114
WFN criteria, 1, 5, 7–9, 9t, 94, 95, 96t, 97, 98t Frontal Assessment Battery, 30
332 Index

frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 27. See also ALS with genetic counseling, 231–32
frontotemporal dementia genetic epidemiology of ALS, 123–25, 124t
genetics, 135–36 genetics, 133–36. See also ALS with frontotemporal
incidence and prevalence, 127, 127f. See also ALS with dementia: genetics; familial ALS; genes
frontotemporal dementia: epidemiology genetic testing, 231–32
overlap of MND and, 85, 85t considerations for, 144
variants, 28. See also behavioral variant frontotemporal genome-wide association studies (GWAS), 155–57, 160
dementia glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), 316,
frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD), 126, 164. 319–20
See also ALS with frontotemporal dementia; Glued (Gl) gene, 209
frontotemporal dementia; frontotemporal lobe Gowers, William, 3–4
dysfunction Guam hypothesis, 199–201
prevalence, 127 beyond, 201–2
terminology, 28, 164 gynecomastia, 104f
frontotemporal lobe, 17 gyrus, pre-central, 78–79, 79f
frontotemporal lobe dysfunction. See also frontotemporal
lobar degeneration heavy metal toxicity, differential diagnosis of ALS
and communication, 258 and, 107
and dementia, 19–21 hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, 195
features of, in ALS patients, 20, 20f hereditary spastic paraplegia, 106–7
frontotemporal lobe function testing, 47, 48 high-frequency chest wall oscillatory treatment, 246
frontotemporal structural connections of primary motor hnRNPAB1/  2, 143–44
cortices, 89f hopelessness, 275–76
FTLD (frontotemporal lobar degeneration). See hospice, 284f, 285–86
frontotemporal lobar degeneration hospice care costs, 296
FTLD  -17, 137, 138 Medicare eligibility criteria for admission to, 285, 286
FTLD-FUS, 164–66, 171, 172, 179 time in, 286
FTLD-MND/ALS, 164–65. See also ALS with hospitalization costs, 296
frontotemporal dementia Human Genome Project, 154, 158
subtyping of cerebral pathology of, 171f, 171–72 human spinal stem cell (HSSC) transplantation, 316, 317
FTLD-tau, 33, 34, 136, 164, 170–71, 179. See also MAPT hypersalivation, 265–66
FTLD-TDP, 34, 164, 165, 165t, 172. See also FTLD-U; imaging, 31–32, 46–48, 75–76, 89
TARDBP in animal models, 89, 89f
subtyping of cerebral pathology of, 171f, 171–72 core cerebral motor pathology and, 80–84
FTLD-U (FTLD with ubiquitinated pathology), 33, 136, for diagnostic exclusion, 77–80
138, 139, 175, 178, 179. See also FTLD-TDP; extramotor cerebral pathology and, 84–86
TARDBP future directions, 88–89
FTLP proteinopathy, 176–77t mechanistic, 86f, 86–87
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 31, 67, 86 presymptomatic pathology and, 88
FUS (fused in sarcoma), 32, 34, 165–66, 180, 208t, 210– radionucleotide, 84
13, 216–17. See also FTLD-FUS types of, 76–77, 77t, 80t. See also specific types
TDP-43 and, 181f, 183 generic advantages and disadvantages, 77t
FUS-mediated ALS, 34 and mechanisms of pathogenesis, 80t
FUS mutations, 32, 34, 124t, 128, 139–41, 154, 169, 175 nature of tissue contrast, 77t
FUS proteinopathy, 176t, 178 imaging biomarkers, 65–67, 80. See also biomarkers: for
immunologic aspects of ALS, 190–96
GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), 84, 87, 88 inclusion body myopathy with Paget disease of bone and
gait, 24 FTD (IBMFTD), 141
gastric feeding tubes, 252, 294 inclusion body myositis, differential diagnosis of ALS and,
gastroenterology, 229–30 105, 105f
Gehrig, Lou, 7, 8f incontinence, 267
genes, ALS-associated induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSCs), 313–15, 317f, 318
genome-wide approaches to identify, 150, 151f, 152t, inflammation markers in ALS, 193. See also
153. See also genetics neuroinflammation
candidate gene approach, 155 inspiratory muscle exercise, 246
exome sequencing, 158–60 insufflation-exsufflation devices, 246
future directions, 160–61 insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I), 316
genome-wide association studies (GWAS), 155–57, intimacy, 271–72
160 invertebrate models of adult MNDs, 209–11
homozygozity mapping, 157–58
linkage analysis, 153–55 43 kDa TAR-DNA binding protein (TDP-43), 33–34, 34f
identified genes and loci, 152t Kennedy disease
genetic biomarkers for ALS and molecular pathways, cranial nerve features, 103, 103f
51–53, 52t differential diagnosis of ALS and, 102–3, 104f
  Index 333

laboratory tests for MND, 42–48 continuum lines for different aspects of, 6f
Lambert diagnostic criteria, 43–44 historical recognition, 2
laryngeal spasms, 266 historical setting, 1–2
lead-in trials, 306 mechanisms in, 86f, 86–87. See also specific
legal documents, 285, 285t mechanisms
portion completed by various groups of people, 285, 285t nomenclature and classification, 5–7
lithium, 302, 307 WFN research classification, 7–9
log of odds ratio (LOD), 153 origin of the term, 4
logopenic progressive aphasia (LPA), 28 terminology, 3, 164
long-term mechanical ventilation (LTMV), 245 motor neuron disease (MND) progression, 109–10
loss-of-heterozygozity (LOH) analysis, 154 clinical progression, 110–12
Lou Gehrig disease. See ALS clinimetric scales, 112t, 112–15. See also specific scales
lower extremity dysfunction, 24 composite scales, 112–13
lower motor neuron (LMN) involvement, 111 electrophysiologic scales, 112t. See also specific scales
electrodiagnostic criteria for, 98t prediction of progression and survival, 116–17
lower motor neurons (LMNs), 13–14 quantitating progression, 115–16
adult-onset LMN phenotypes, 9, 9t motor neuron resistance and vulnerability, 180–82
defined, 13 motor threshold (MT), 64
diagnostic criteria, 95, 98t motor unit number estimation (MUNE), 58–61, 59t, 59f,
lumbrosacral muscles, EMG abnormalities in, 44–45 113, 115
Lyme disease, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 107 in ALS studies, 61
lymphocytes. See T cells in ALS motor unit number index, 113
mSOD1 (mutant Cu2+/Zn2+ superoxide dismutase),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 31, 46, 65, 76, 77t, 190–92, 194
79f, 81, 114 multiarm trials, 305–6
diffusion MRI (dMRI). See diffusion tensor imaging multifocal motor neuropathy, differential diagnosis of ALS
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), 32, 65–66, and, 103–5, 104f
83–84, 84f, 86 MUNE. See motor unit number estimation
whole-brain, 85f muscle anisotropy, effect of, 61–62, 62f
MAPT in FTLD, 136–38. See also FTLD-tau muscle biopsy, 45
medical equipment, needs for durable, 233 muscle imaging, 46
costs, 293t, 294, 296f muscles
time line of cumulative, 233, 234f, 295f, 296f affected in ALS, 168
Medicare and ALS, 297 EMG abnormalities in individual, 44–45
Medicare coverage for underlying diagnosis or associated muscle strength, 233–35. See also lower extremity
injuries, 287 dysfunction; upper extremity dysfunction;
Medicare eligibility criteria for admission to hospice, 285, weakness
286 muscular atrophy. See also progressive muscular atrophy
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), 313, 314, 317f, 319–22, spinal, 100
320t myasthenia gravis, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 106
metabolic biomarkers, 57–58 myeloid dendritic cells, 194
metabolic rates, 251
metal toxicity, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 107 N-acetylaspartate to choline ratio (NAA/Cho), 66, 83
methodology, 120. See also clinical trials: methodology N-acetylaspartate to creatine ratio (NAA/Cr), 66, 83
microglia, role in ALS, 182–83, 191–92, 192f “near-current electrode”montage, 62, 63f
microRNAs (miRNAs), 52–53 nerve conduction testing, 43
microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT). See MAPT network-based analysis (imaging), 89
in FTLD neural progenitor cells (NPCs), 313–16, 317f, 319–22,
mineral levels, 251–52 320f
Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), 30 neural stem cells (NSCs) trials, 314, 317f, 319, 322–23
mononeuropathies, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 106 neuroimaging. See imaging
Montreal Cognitive Assessment, 30 neuroinflammation, 87, 191–93, 195
mortality, ALS, 122. See also death in ALS patients neuronal death, 180, 182–83
motor cortex, 168 neurophysiologic biomarkers, 58
frontotemporal structural connections of primary motor neurophysiologic index, 113
cortices, 89f Nogo-A, 54
motor evoked potential (MEP), 64 noninvasive ventilation (NIV), 237, 240–41
motor neuron degeneration. See also specific topics cost, 293
corticospinal, 184–86 efficacy, 242
in population-based studies, 125–26 long-term effects, 242–43
motor neuron disease (MND), xxv, 1, 12–13, 164. See also threshold respiratory values for, 241–42
ALS; specific topics use of
anatomy, 13–14 early vs. late, 242
animal models of adult MNDs, 207–17 predictors of, 242, 243
clinical features, 6f, 6–7, 18–25 Norris scale, 112
symptoms and signs by region of involvement, 19t nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, 57
334 Index

nucleoporin p62. See p62 progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), 9–10. See also
nuedexta, 292 respiratory assessment and management
nursing, 231 clinical progression, 111
nutrition, 231, 249 diagnostic criteria, 9–10, 94, 100
nutritional assessment, 249–51 differential diagnosis, 102, 103t, 107
nutritional components, serologic, 251–52 pathology, 15
nutritional interventions, 252 relation to other MND, 3, 4
nutritional status and survival in ALS, 128 progressive nonfluent aphasia (PNFA), 28–29
nutritional supplements, 231, 235, 252 protein biomarkers for ALS, 53–56t, 56–57. See also
occupational therapists, 230–31 protein homeostasis, disruption of, 184
occupational therapy, activities provided by, 230t, 230–31 protein inclusions, 165–66
oligodendrocytes, 183 TDP-43 inclusions, 141–43, 155, 165, 165t, 166
oligodendroglia, 183 TDP-43-negative inclusions, 33, 34, 169, 170, 172
OPTN (optineurin), 141, 158 TDP-43-positive inclusions, 33, 166, 167f, 168–72, 171f
organ donation, 289 proteinopathy, 144, 163, 164, 176–77t
orthotics, 232 FUS, 176t, 178
oxygen, supplemental, 243–44 multisystem, 144
TDP-43, 176–77t, 178, 209, 212, 215–17
p62, 165, 166, 168, 169, 178, 184 pseudobulbar affect, 21, 263
Paget disease of bone, 141 psychological and psychiatric assessment and
pain, 266–67 management, 230, 259–60
pallliating, 287 pulmonary tests, testing factors, and testing strategies,
palatal lift and augmentation, 256 240. See also respiratory metrics
pallliating pain, 287 pulmonology, 229
paraneoplastic syndromes, differential diagnosis of ALS
and, 107–8 quality of life, 274
paraplegia, hereditary spastic, 106–7 factors affecting, 277
parkinsonism dementia complex (PDC), 198, 199, 202 noninvasive ventilation and, 242–43
PatientsLikeMe, 261, 302 for patient and caregiver, 275–76, 280
Penn State Screen of Frontal and Temporal Dysfunction perceptions of, 276–77
Syndromes, 30 quality of life instruments, 274–75
percutaneous endoscopic gastroscopy (PEG). See gastric types of, 275t, 275–76
feeding tubes
PET (positron emission tomography), 31, 76, 77t radiculopathy, spondylotic, 105–6
PFN1, 159–60 radiology, interventional, 229–30
PFN1 (profilin 1), 186 radionucleotide imaging, 84
PGRN mutations, 138–39 randomized clinical trials, 305. See also clinical trials
phenotypes, ALS by, 10 rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 239
phlegm, thick, 266 rectus abdominis muscles, EMG abnormalities in, 45
phrenic nerve stimulation, electrical, 244 reflexes, pathologically brisk, 24
physical therapists, 230–31 religiosity, 232–33
physical therapy, activities provided by, 230t, 230–31 research methodology, 120. See also clinical
physician-assisted suicide, 288 trials: methodology
plasma-cytoid dendritic cells, 194 respiratory anatomy and physiology, 238
pneumonia, aspiration, 246–47 respiratory assessment and management, 237–47
poliomyelitis, 107 respiratory decisions, patient autonomy for, 245
positron emission tomography (PET), 31, 76, 77t respiratory dysfunction, 25
pre-central gyrus, atrophy of, 78–79, 79f respiratory failure, ALS progression and, 238–39
pregnancy with ALS, 272 respiratory metrics, 239, 240
primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), 10 methods of testing, 239
clinical progression, 111–12 respiratory survey questionnaires and instruments, 239–40
diagnostic criteria, 10, 94, 98–100 respiratory symptoms, 241, 264
Pringle criteria, 99–100 respiratory therapy, activities provided by, 230t, 231
Singer criteria, 99 respiratory threshold for NIV, 241–42
differential diagnosis of hereditary spastic paresis and, response shift (bias), 276
106–7 retroviral diseases, differential diagnosis of ALS and, 107
pathology, 15 riluzole, 292
physiology and pathophysiology, 17 RNA, 52–53, 211
primary motor cortex (PMC), 78–79 RNA processing and RNA toxicity, 183
prion-like propagation of ALS, 184, 185f rodent models  of MNDs, 213
profilin 1 (PFN1), 186 chimeric models, 214
prognostic biomarkers, 51t constitutive and conditional gene knock-out/knock-in
prognostic factors, 35, 116–17, 127–29 models, 213–14
progressive bulbar palsy (PBP), 3 dynactin models, 214
clinical progression, 111 transgenic models, 213
  Index 335

saliva, excessive production of, 265–66 considerations for development of, 313–15
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 263 delivery approaches for cellular therapy, 317–18
semantic dementia (SD), 28, 135 looking into the future, 323
sequential trials, 306–7 supporting data for
sequestosome 1. See p62; SQSTM1 in vitro mechanistic rationale, 318–19
serologic laboratory studies, 45–46 in vivo support for clinical translation, 319–21, 320t
serotonergic involvement, 87 stem cell transplantation, 195
sexual behavior, inappropriate, 272–73 spinal cord stabilization and injection systems for
sexuality, 271–72 intraspinal, 317, 318f
shortness of breath, 264 suicidal ideation, 275–76
sialorrhea, 265–66 suicide in ALS patients, 287–88
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 150, 156, superoxide dismutase 1. See SOD1
158–60 surface-based morphometry, 81
single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), surgery, 229–30
76, 77t surrogate biomarkers, 51t
skin breakdown, 268 sweating, 268
disrupted, 267 TARDBP, 155, 175, 212. See also FTLD-TDP; FTLD-U;
noninvasive ventilation and, 243 TDP-43
sleep-disordered breathing, 239 mutations in, 124, 124t, 155, 175, 209, 210, 212
sleep survey questionnaires/instruments, 241 Tardbp, deletion of, 216
SOD1 (superoxide dismutase 1), 137 TAR DNA-binding protein 43. See TDP-43
SOD1 mutations in ALS, 34, 51, 52, 124, 136–37, 153–54, TBPH, 209–10
169, 175, 176t, 178, 196, 208t, 209, 211–12. See T cells in ALS, 194
also mSOD1 Tdp-43, 216
cell- and non-cell-autonomous roles of mutant SOD1, TDP-43 (43 kDa TAR-DNA binding protein), 33–34, 34f,
214 168–71, 176–77t, 178, 183, 184, 185f, 208t, 209–
cell death and, 182 10, 212, 215–17. See also FTLD-TDP; FTLD-U;
and disruption of protein homeostasis, 184 protein inclusions; TARDBP
expression of mutant SOD1 in astrocytes, 193 FUS and, 140–41
incidence, 51, 133 head trauma and, 172
and prion-like propagation, 184, 185f nature of, 165
spasms, 265 ubiquilin-2 and, 34
laryngeal, 266 TDP-43 mutations, 32, 139
spastic catches, 24 FUS mutations with, 140
spasticity, 24, 264–65 TDP-43 pathology in CNS, distribution of, 33, 34f
spastic paraplegia, hereditary, 106–7 TDP-43 proteinopathy, 176–77t, 178, 209, 212, 215–17
spectroscopy. See magnetic resonance spectroscopy T helper cells (Th cells). See CD4+ T cells
speech assessment scales, 255 thoracic muscles, EMG abnormalities in, 45
speech exercises, 255 thrombosis, deep venous, 268
speech features dependent on loss of upper or lower total daily energy expenditure, 250–51
motor neurons, 254, 255, 255t transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 64–65
speech production, 255 transreactive response (TAR) DNA-binding protein 43.
speech strategies, compensatory, 255–56 See TDP-43
speech therapy, 231 Tufts Questionnaire Neuromuscular Examination
SPIKES algorithm, 224, 225 (TQNE), 112–13
spike-triggered averaging (STA), 60
decomposition-enhanced, 60 ubiquitin, 165, 175. See also FTLD-U
spinal cord, 166, 167f UBQLN2 mutations, 142, 155, 169
spinal cord imaging, 88 UBQLN2 (ubiquilin 2) mutations, 34
spinal fluid studies, 45–46 ultrasound, 47–48
spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), 100 muscle, 114
spondylotic radiculopathy, differential diagnosis of ALS umbilical cord blood stem cells (UBCs), 314, 317f, 319,
and, 105–6 320f
sporadic ALS (SALS), 134–35, 144, 150, 157, 160, 175, UNC13A, 128, 156–57
178 upper extremity dysfunction, 23–24
cortical hyperexcitability and, 65 upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement, 98–100, 111
gene mutations/genetic causes of, 52, 58, 141–44, 150, upper motor neurons (UMNs), 13
154, 156, 160, 175 defined, 13
metabolites and, 58 uptake motor neuron (UMN) loss
pathology, 166, 167f, 168 nerve conduction tests for, 43
SQSTM1, 142 urinary disorders, 267–68
stem cell classifications and properties, 313–15, 316f urinary incontinence, 267
stem cell therapy for MND, 312–13, 320t
cellular therapy expectations for ALS, 315–16 valosin-containing protein (VCP), 141–42, 172
clinical application and progress, 321–23 venous thrombosis, deep, 268
336 Index

ventilation. See also noninvasive ventilation weight, premorbid

bilevel, 241 and risk of developing ALS, 249–50
cost, 293–94 weight loss over the course of ALS, 250
invasive, 293–94 effect of, 250
long-term mechanical, 245 West Nile virus, 107
verbal fluency tests, 30 wheelchair seating, 232
vertebrate models of adult MNDs, 211–17 World Federation of Neurology (WFN)
Veterans Administration and ALS, 297 diagnostic criteria, 1, 5, 7–9, 9t, 94, 95, 96t, 97, 98t
viral diseases, ALS, and PMA diagnostic criteria performance reviews, 97
differential diagnosis, 107 research classification, 7–9
voxel-based morphometry (VBM), 67, 81, 85 Written Verbal Fluency Test, 30

weakness, 263–64, 268. See also lower extremity yawning, increased/excessive, 21, 263
dysfunction; muscle strength; upper extremity
dysfunction zebrafish models  of MNDs, 211–13

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