Oral Pathology Dent1411

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Description ofNeoplasia
Neoplasia new
growth, cells are uncontrolled
Neoplasm new growth of tissue, growth is uncontrolled and progressive
lumor swelling, used synonym for neoplasm

means as a

occurrence of Neoplasia
irreversible change in cells, passed onto new cells (uncontrollable cell multiplication)
abnormal process
causes of Neoplasia
chemicals:hundreds ->
Radiation: Sun, X-rays, nuclear fission
spontaneous from
oncogenic viruses (HPV) genetic mutation
Classification of Tumors
localized, encapsulated, cannot spread
Benign remains

Malignant non-encapsulated, spreads (metastasis)


Names of Tumors
Prefix is determined by tissue/cell of origin

suffix-oma indicates tumor

tumors: lipomalfat). Osteoma (bone)

Naming Malignant
carcinoma: malignant, epithelium

·sarcoma: malignant, connective tissue

-squamous cell carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma: malignant, squamous epithelium
Osteosarcoma: bone
other examples: lymphoma, melanoma, etc
Treatment of Tumors

Benign: surgical excision; wide local excision or enudation (removalwmor

Malignant: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, combination
Epithelial Tumors
3 types in mouth: squamous, salivary gland, Odontogenic epithelium
Tumors of Squamous Epithelium

-benigh, soft palate or

tongue "microscope: finger-like projections
-Small exophytic pedunculated) sessile growth" treatment: surgical excision
white or normal mucosa color


LenkoPlakiaplague, biopsy may show epithelial dysplasia, squamous cell carcinomal


-Erythroplakia red smooth or granular or velvety), floor of mouth, tongue, soft palate

-Epithelial dysplasiapremalignant (to squamous cell carcinoma), may revent if stimulus removed

↳white, red, or mixed; floor of mouth or tongue; treatment: surgery

·Squamous cell carcinoma
-floor of mouth, ventrolateral (alsolips/face-better prognosis)
tongue, soft palate, retromolar areas

↳solar cheiltic: sun

damage, mild-severe epithelial dysplasia occurs

Risk Factors for Squamous Cell Carcinoma:

Tobacco ->
surgery, sometimes radiation
Alconol staging: higher stage: worse prognosis
-> ->
Verrucous carcinoma

growing exophytic tumor; pebbly red and white surface
"numerous papillary epithelial projections filled w/ Keration
"epithelium differentiated, does not contain atypical cells, broad based rete
is well
-best of all SCC:no invasion through basement membrane
=treatment surgical excision

Basal cell carcinoma


skin tumor associated w/
malignant sun exposure
↳common face; (white adults)
nonhealing ulcer with rolled borders
streatment surgical excision, radiation; rarely metastasizes
Salivary Gland Tumors
"most often of junction of hard and soft palate
Pleomorphic adenoma Adenoid cystic carcinoma (cylindromal

Monomorphic adenoma Mucoepidermoid

· ·

Pleomorphic Adenoma Benign Mixed Tumor
· -

"Most common; 90% of all salivary gland tumors

most common extraoral location=parotid; intraoral palate =

Clinically: slowly enlarging, non-nucleated, painless, dome shaped mass

·Treatment: surgical excision, recurrance varies due to success of surgery
known to become

Benign Encapsulated Tumor

Monomorphic Adenoma

"uniform pattern of epithelial cells, treatment surgical excision

most common in adult females, upper lip and basal mucosa
Monomorphic Adenoma: Warthin Tumor
encapsulated tumor wl epithelial and lymphoid tissue

-usually soft, compressable/fluctant, painless mass

-commonly on
gland, rarely intraoral, adult
parotid men

·Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma (Cylindroma)

growing, malignant, major or minor salivary glands; commonly on parotid
can be ulcerated/painful (pain: first symptom)
Treatment =
surgical excision, radiation if metastasis,
prognosis is poor

Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Malignant SalivaryGland Tumor


unencapsulated, infiltrating tumor; clinically slowly enlarging


most common for major is parotid, minor is palate


combo of mucus cells and squamous-like cells (epidermoid

-may appear in bone as a unilocular or multilocular radiolucency

"usually occurs in adults; most common
malignant sat in children: women most often
·Treatment: surgical excision, neck dissection if cervical node involvement
Epithelial odontogenic tumors.Mixed odontogenic tumors

Mesenchymal odontogenic tumors Peripheral Odontogenic tumors


derived from tooth forming tissues;contain epithelium, mesenchyme, or combo
"usually benign, some rare malignantforms
Epithelial odontogenic tumors

·Ameloblastoma Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (CEOT)


Odontogenic tumor calcifying odontogenic cyst


·benign, slow growing, locallyaggressive;may cause bone expansion

·max or mand;mostoften mand in molar or ramus area

unencapsulated, infiltrates tissue


↑rads:multilocular soap bubble/honeycomb;can occur my

dentigerous cyst
Treatment surgical

removal, reoccurance is common

Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor


of polyhedral epithelial cells - adults, either sex
we calcifications win deposits treatment:

Amyloid-like material Surgical excision
Rads:a unilocular/multioccular radiolucency- usually mand, bicuspid/molar area
Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor (AOT)
encapsulated, benign:70% in females (20,70% involve anterior jaw
more common in max, often associated with impacted teeth
↑rads:well-circumscribed radiolucency;may have
radiopaque areas

Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst


mostcommon <40

nonaggresive cystic lesion lined wi

odontogenic epithelial,
↑Rads:Usually well-defined, unil multilocular, mayhave calcification

Associated characteristic keratinization (round wl centres
ghostcen clear

~Treatment:Surgical enucleation;usually does reoccur

Mesenchymal Odontogenic Tumors

Odontogenic Benign cementoblastoma



cementifying and ossifying fibromas
Odontogenic Myxoma benign encapsulated, infiltrating
non tumor:Age 10-29
-Rads:multilocular, honeycombed radiolucency, poorly defined
~mostoften in mand.;maybecome
large and displaced
surgical excision,

may recur

Cementifying/Ossifying Fibromas
Central -

benign, well circumscribed

mostcommon:females, adults
305-40s, mandible
from radiolucent calcified
to radiolucent
depending on amount

contains fibrous connective tissue

and calcifications
Treatment surgical excision, reoccurance is rare


Benign Cement oblastoma cementum-producing lesion

Rads:well defined radiopaque mass wi halo
Treatment:enucleation removal of tooth;does recour


Mixed Odontogenic Tumors


~Ameloblastic fibroma Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma Odontoma

Ameloblastic Fibroma
benign, nonencapsulated

-more common:
young children andadults, males, mand.bicnspid/molar
-rads:well or poorly defined unilmultiocular radiolucency
Treatment:surgical excision;low recurrance

Ameloblastic fibro-odontomae
~features of ameloblastic fibroma and Odontoma

lavg101. Posterior jaws

mostcommon: adults
Rads:well-delineated radiolucent unil multilocular in radioucency
Treatment conservative

surgical excision, recurrance is unusual

teeth, anterior maxilla
Compound:mass resembles

not teeth, posterior mandible
mostly adolescents and young adults clinical:failure of tooth to errupt
~ -

Treatment:Surgical excision

Tumours of SoftTissue
lipoma tumors of nervetissue vascular
Lipoma-benign tumor of mature fatcells

~Clinically: yellowish mass, thin epithelium layer common: buccal mucosa, vestibule. 7 4O
~micro: Well delineated, Uniform Sizelshape Treatment:surgical excision

Tumors of Nerve Tissue


·Granular cell tumor

Congenitalepulic Neurofibroma or Schwannoma
Neurofibroma and Schwannoma -
benign, schwann cells

~commonly if intraoral, any

tongue sex or
age Treatment:surgical excision
Neurofibroma:well delineated, diffuse proliferation of spindle shape Schwann cells

Schwannoma:spindle shape arranged in palisaded whorls around a central pink zone

WI connective tissue capsule
-Granular CellTumor -

benign, large cytoplasm

cells we
often on Tx=
tongue, then buccal women
Painless, nonulcerated, flesh coloured nodule
Congenital Epulisebenign, cells closely resembling granular
cell tumor
likely arises from primative mesenchymal cells;pedunculated sessile
or mass on
"usually max
gingiva; almostalways in
girls Tx:
surgical excision

Vascular Tumors.Hemangioma lymphangioma. Malignantvascular tumors

Hemangioma benign proliferation of capillaries

Capillary hemangioma (small capillaries) hemangioma larger vessels)


Cavernous or

often presentatbirth or shortlyafter, over half on head/neck

·mostcommon:tongue, females, adults in response to trauma, blanch WI pressure
Tx:spontaneous remission. Surgery, or injection
-Lymphangioma benign tumor of lymphatic
most present at birth, half head and neck, predilection

in no sex

Intraoral-most common tongue ill defined, pebbly surface ecystic in neck=cystic hygroma

Tx =

surgical excision; tend to recur

-Malignant Vascular Tumors

>Angiosarcoma rare in oral cavity
surgery, radiation, combo

"Kapos; sarcoma - older men, Hive purple macules, plagues, exophytic tumors; hard palate and
Tumors of Melanin producing cells

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