Module 1 Presentation

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Lesson Plan

Caterease: Module 1 Lead Management

This presentation will cover the lead management module in Caterease, focusing on
terminology, lesson plans and topics, and automation. We will conclude with time for
Q&A and feedback requests.

Learning Activities: Group Schedule:

Presentation, Small Group ● Today 4/18/2023 13:30:00
Discussion Apr 18, 2023
Underlying Event Process: ● Next Session 5/2/2023 13:30:00
Creating Information, Updating May 2, 2023
Information, Understanding
Information, Sharing Information,
Using & Applying Information

Individual Schedules:

Tiffani Coby (W&F) Lindsay Terri (M&T) Karen

4/20/2023 4/20/2023 4/19/2023 4/19/2023 TBD

16:00:00 16:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 Apr 28, 20…
Apr 20, 20… Apr 20, 20… Apr 19, 20… Apr 19, 20…

Attend Presentation, Schedule Small Group Lessons

By the end of the presentation, you will have a beginning understanding of the key terms
and how Caterease will manage leads and contacts, creating proposals, and streamlining
your selling process through automation.

Procedure Guide (
Step-by-Step Instructions (
Lesson Plan
Caterease: Module 1 Lead Management
Instruction Outline

Check-in with how trainees are feeling about training & Debrief
Previous Session
Did we do what we intended to do? What can we take away for next time?

Respond to Feedback If Needed

Acknowledge Goal Achievements


Brief Summary & Objectives

Brief Instructional Materials
Facilitate Learning Activities


Review & Connect

Streamlining, Centralization, Productivity, Customer Experience, Reports &

Confirm Individual Dates & Next Week’s Session

Request Feedback
What are three things that can improve the training most? Were the activities and
materials easy to understand?

Add to your Calendar 4/24/2023! Apr 24, 2023

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