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ll iilllJiitilitifl ili!

}Il11lltl trtrtlI tlr liTliiillllililljli

illi$l[]1ri iilillllliili lii:lir!ll ll llr llllIIlltir



r\iannr':,cncr SAMyUNG ENC Co., Ltd.

1..0.'. M3 17, Dongsam Dong. Youngdo-gu,
Bitsilit, 606 - 083, K6fta
Tet.: 82 51-601-5555; '...F.nt.: 82-51-413 1446-; . wrow,samyungenLcom

Ilpuenoutduxamop z 06 arbtio*:'uaeuz at4uouuo cn ymu u xo e oit

euctnewbr (IHCC) GPS {DGPS),. nyn, "SPR-1400"

.: :. ... .... :,.:. ..,....,: ..,a.:.... . :.....
GPS (DGPS) Reeeiver Equi.pwent, type "SPR-1400"

Korr noNienljarr_pbr


,I.L ra ssr,'raqu

B.n,E7eflKo / V. Et enko
a dioo'nri,
TexHrl.rcc(nc AaHrbrc

Pi6B'e aacrtohtu: / Frcquencies of operctiofl:

GPS' ls7s.42 Mf4 /MH. + 1MI4 / MItz (C/A code)t
DGPS- 283.5 -325.04f4/kdz G uaro8 50014 / Jtetluebcf nep 500H2).
KottlecnBo kdflatuB o6pa6onKu rputwoenua cuzl6oB: / Nunbet oJ rcceirins chqfl,el* 12.
ItcftpeftHocmb padeno u o6lo9reEut 4eKlu\rx KoopdtAon: t ceryBnL. / Positiofl up.lare interrol: I s.cond
Th r pa3iep Mdu@nopa: *un|oxtecnorru4eckun, 70rj8 nn (128164 notex).
Tfpe dhd lize oJ displol: LCD, 70'38 ktn (128164 dok).
I,I.noalB nunaiu: ,ocnos4\bti mok- l0 - 368j
nepe$eBiun nof-110 h' 220 B t I0/o, 50/60 14 ! svo (c uctornBaBuen 6roxe,unaflr SP-100).
Poeer Source: DC- t0 - 36vj
AC- t10 ot 220v1:10%, s0/60H2!5% (Nith optiaflal Potet Suppll Uflit SP'100).
Ilonpe6ntenos nostlocnb: / Povet coflsunption: 20 Bn / w .
Iuora3oB pa6olu n$ne|nntp: / wotkins Tenpetature Aoflqe:
-15"C - +55"C -drt 6noKoe, lcnansB,tuaetudx Bo Brlnpe4lw ,oneulequsx clAsa / Jot prcte.ted u"its:
-25'C - +70'C -Arr 610$06, tcmtAa'tusae8ar Ea omKpuflon naal6e / Jor eqo*d u,ti/J.

Ilpue$owdwonop zao64abion AaBrraqlotflon cflnquxoson cuctue$d GPS, n'n"sPR-1400\ conoum

B caebn4rx 6toxos: / GPS Receirer Equipnent, tfpe "SPR 1400", cn sisk oJ lolloring n its:
- SPR-1400 - 6nor uflduKo4us u rn?aBtequr (Bepc,r nPuPMnAo?o o6ei'e4e4u ' v6.00) / Dnpta/
Birl Contrcl Unit Gofte,re vetsion V600);
' SAN'60 - GPS oltuelfla / GPS Afltennd
Ioior\urenbsae 6roxu: / Optioral Unik:
- SANB-300 - DGPS arneBga / DGPS Anten at
- SP-100 - 6no{ nunaflut (flepeies$btn nok/no.norlgbtt tuoK) / AC/DC Poflet Supplf Unit.

TexHn'iec{ar .qo(yMclrarrxr n .qara ee olo6peHx, Poccur'icl]rNl Nlopclin\I perncrpo\r cy/roxorcrBa

Technical doclnentation ald thc dalc of iis aplroval by Rnsian Maritirne Register of SiippiDg

Tex u4ec\atr doxymeuma4rt odo6peflo fnasHblv lnPaqrcltuer'l

PoccuicKozo ,topct ozo pezucmpa cyitorodcmea (rcx, No. 011-6.5MK4-27365 on 19.10.20112.):
SPR-1400. PlKBodct so no lcmaHo,Ke u 3Kcnnlafia4uu,

The technical ilocuflentotion is approved b1 the Head ofice

of the R ssia,t Matitime Register of Shippiflg (ref. No. 011-6.sMR1-27365 of 19.10.2011):
- SPR 1400, User Manual.
O6pa3eq r3aenrr rcnl,rraH noa rexHnrrecxuNr Ha6nlorlcHric\{ Poccirnc{oro MopcKol_o perncrpa cyrorioncrBa.
Prodxct\ stecime! has becn lesied uder ihe ieohnical superlision of Rnssian Maritin€ Register of Shipping.
AI(r N 11.03163.011 at 19.10.2011

O6racrr, npriMerennr x orpaHu{eHxt

Alplicalion and limnations
npueno nulranop ,no6anb1lon Haou.L4uoBson oryrsflu4oBon cu.nenbt GPS (DGPS)' mui 'SPR'1400''
spedHa3daaeH Dm ucnon*oeasu saau2a4 oHHozo o6opydoeatux An opctux cydax c
natcunanbson cLopocnbn, Be npe'uuapqen 70 yma,

GZS (DGPS) Receirel Equipnent, t?e "SPR 1400", k ifltended fot use as saligatio al eq iP ent on
seagoiltg ships with nsxintm speeds not e'ceedikg 70 k1lots,

Bua xoKyveHTa, BHAaBacNIoro IIa ]I3aenne

Tlpe ofdocuDren! issued for prodncl

I4sdenuedonnro nocmaartfibct co C'uAefienbcmsoM PocclticKozo Mopctroro peeucfipa cldoxodcflsa

no fiopne 6.s.31.
The prcdltct shall be deliveted i'ith the Certifcates of the Russian Maritime Registet of Shipping
ifl accotdance eith form 6.5.31.
01/2010 11.03672.011

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