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The Assimilators by Asad Imran

HomeClassical Poetry

Classical Poetry - Past Papers -

MA English Literature - Part 1 -
Sargodha University
byAsad Imran •January 14, 2022
Table of Contents

1. 2022
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
2. 2021
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
3. 2020
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
4. 2019
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
5. 2018
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
6. 2017
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
7. 2016
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
8. 2015
1. Short Questions
2. Long Questions
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Total Marks: 100
Passing Marks: 40 (As of 2020)
Note: Objective part is compulsory. Attempt any four questions
from the subjective part.

Short Questions
1. What kind of person was the parson?
2. What was troublesome for the Wife of Bath?
3. Whom does Spenser invoke in "The Faerie Queene?
4. Define Invocation
5. According to Milton, what brought death into the world, and all
our woe? (Paradise Lost)
6. What is the theme of Shakespeare's sonnet When I Consider
Everything That Grows?
7. What are the main features of Metaphysical poetry?
8. What is the theme of A Valediction of Weeping' by John Donne?
9. How does Clarissa console Belinda at the loss of her lock?
10. Who has been called "The Inferior Priestess' in Canto I of The
Rape of the Lock'?

Long Questions
1. Write a character sketch of any two of the following:
        The Squire
        The Friar
        The Wife of Bath
2. Discuss The Faerie Queen' as an epic in the classical style.
3. Write a note on Milton's grand style in "Paradise Lost'
4. Write a critical appreciation of any two of the following poems by
John Donne:
        Goe and Catche a Falling Star
        The Good Morrow
        A Valediction-Forbiddinug Mouming.
5. Portray the character of the Dark Lady as emerges from study of
Shakespearean sonnets
6. It is Pope's use of the supernatural machinery, moreover, which
more than any other single feature made the poem the signal success
that it is," says G. Holden. What is your opinion?

Short Questions
1. Define Prologue.
2. Where did the pilgrims stay on their way to Canterbury?
3. What was the task entrusted to the knight of the Red Cross by
The Fairy Qucen?
4. Who is the Shepherd in the very opening lines of "Paradise Lost
Book 1?
5. Who was next to Satan in power?
6. What is the age of Shakespeare known as?
7. Which age did John Donne belong to?
8. What is a dramatic monologue?
9. At whose suggestion did Pope write "The Rape of The Lock?
10. Who has been called the "Fairest of Mortals" in "The Rape of
The Lock?

Long Questions
1. How does Chaucer portray his age through his characters in
"The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales"?
2. Spenser's letter to Raleigh testifies to his acceptance of the duty
of moral teaching and to his belief in allegory as the means of its
fulfilment. Discuss in the light of "The Faerie Queene
3. In what respect does 'Paradise Lost excel other epics written in
English literature?
4. Elaborate the major themes of Shakespearean Sonnets
5. "John Donne is interested less in the moral casuistry of love
than in philosophical questions provoked by it." Elaborate in
the light of Donne's poetry
6. "Pope's heroine in The Rape of The Lock is not a bride to be but
a coquette par excellence." Discuss

Short Questions
1. What is classicism?
2. Define metaphor. Give examples.
3. What is meant by allegory?
4. Define Meta Physical conceit. Give examples.
5. What is meant by Mock Epic?
6. Mention the characters associated with church in Chaucer's
"The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales"
7. Define Cynical Love.
8. What does Red Cross Knight symbolize in "The Faerie Queen"
by Spenser?
9. What are the prominent traits of Satan in "Paradise Lost" by
10. Why did Baron sever Blind's lock?

Long Questions
1. Chaucer's "Prologue to Canterbury tales" represents his
century completely. Amplify.
2. Describe Milton's "Paradise Lost" as an epic poem.
3. On what ground Spenser is called "Poet's Poet"? Describe in
detail with reference to his poem "Faerie Queen". 
4. Write the critical appreciation of the poem "Why Didst Thou
Promise Such A Beautiful Day" by William Shakespeare.
5. To Donne Woman was no goddess but a creature desirable
indeed but not adorable" Comment with reference to the poems
you have read.
6. "Every Lock" satirist is at heart an idealist" What ideals of
Pope lie embodied in "The Rape of the Lock". 
Short Questions
1. Define humour. Give illustration.
2. What is Sonnet? Give examples.
3. Define blank verse. Give an example.
4. What is ballad? Give examples.
5. What is meant by alliteration?
6. What is the aim of Paradise Lost?
7. Why is Spenser called "The Poet's Poet"?
8. Mention three moods of love according to John Donne.
9. How much importance did Belinda attach to her lap dog?
10. Why were the pilgrims going to Canterbury?

Long Questions
1. Chaucer reflects his bias against the ecclesiastical figures
through a masterly touch of humour and irony" Discuss with
reference to Chaucer's "Prologue to the Canterbury Tales"
2. Critically analyze Satan's character in the light of his speeches
in book-I of Milton's "Paradise Lost"
3. Discuss Spenser as a child of renaissance and reformation with
special reference to "The Faerie Queen".
4. Discuss William Shakespeare as a unique and matchless
5. Do you favour Dr. Johnson's view that in metaphysical poetry
John Donne has Yoked together heterogeneous ideas by
6. Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" is a satire on 18 century
England". Elaborate.

Short Questions
1. What is classicism?
2. What is epic?
3. Define simile.
4. What is heroic couplet?
5. What is Sonnet?
6. Why were Pilgrims going to Canterbury?
7. Who is called poet's poet?
8. Who is called champion of Metaphysical Poctry?
9. What is the importance of Hampton Court?
10. To which class does squire represent?

Long Questions
1. Which are the salient features of Chaucer's characterization?
Write a comprehensive note
2. How does Millon justify the ways of God to Man? How far is he
successful in doing so?
3. Discuss "Faerie Queen'" as an allegory
4. Which are the different themes of Shakespears Sonnets?
Elaborate in detail.
5. Describe John Donne's treatment of Love as depicted in the
poems in your syllabus.
6. How does Alexander Pope point out the evils of English Society
in the 18 century in "The Rape of the Lock". 

Short Questions
1. Explain “O cherub! To be weak is miserable”.
2. Define epic
3. Why were the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
4. What does knight Redcross symbolize?
5. Define allegory.
6. What is cynical love?
7. Define satire?
8. Define Oxymoron.
9. Define heroic couplet.
10. Why did Lord Peter serve Belinda’s Lock?

Long Questions
1. Bring out the use of irony in Chaucer’s treatment of religions
characters in “The Prologue”.
2. “Spenser’s descriptive skills is marvelous”. Illustrate from “The
Faerie Queene”.
3. In “Paradise Lost” Milton plans ‘to justify the ways of God to
men’. How far is he successful in doing so?
4. Illustrate the three moods of love in Donne’s love poems.
5. “The little is made great and the great little” (Hazlitt). How does
it happen in “The Rape of the Lock” and why is it done?

Short Questions
1. Why were the pilgrims going to Canterbury?
2. Name the three ideal characters in “The Prologue”.
3. Define allegory.
4. What does the dwarf symbolize?
5. Why did Lord Peter server Belinda’s lock?
6. Define the term ‘metaphysical’.
7. What is cynical love?
8. Define irony.
9. Why does Shakespeare compare his beloved to a summer’s day?
10. Define satire.

Long Questions
1. Write a detailed commentary on Chaucer’s art of
2. Discuss Spenser as a poets’ poet.
3. Not only as a dramatist but Shakespeare also reveals his artistic
skill in writing odes. Discuss.
4. Discuss Donne’s three moods of love in his metaphysical lyrics.
5. How does Milton “Justify the Ways of God to Men”?
6. “The Rape of the Lock” is a bitter satire on the 18th-century
aristocratic society. Discuss.

Short Questions
1. What was the plan of Canterbury Tables?
2. Define allegory.
3. Define epic.
4. Why was Knight Recross accompanying Una?
5. Who was Archimago?
6. Where did Belinda’s lock finally go?
7. Define wit.
8. What is sensuous love?
9. Why did Satan temp?
10. Write the rhyme scheme of a Shakespearean sonnet

Long Questions
1. Write a detailed note on Chaucer’s modernity.
2. Discuss “The Faerie Queene” as an allegory.
3. Discuss Shakespeare as a sonnet writer
4. How far is Dr. Johnson’s definition “heterogeneous ideas youked
together by violence” Justified with reference to Donne’s
5. Discuss ‘The Rape of the Lock’ as a mock-epic.
6. Elaborate the Adam-Eve relationship in the light of their
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