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(Hons) Business Management

Financial Management and Decision

Semester 2

Level HE5

1. Key Information............................................................................................................................2
2. Module Communications..............................................................................................................2
3. Module Description.......................................................................................................................2
4. Learning and Teaching: Campus Plus...........................................................................................3
5. Graduate Attributes........................................................................................................................3
6. Learning Outcomes and Assessments...........................................................................................4
7. Assessment Deadlines...................................................................................................................4
8. Assessment Feedback....................................................................................................................4
9. Module Calendar...........................................................................................................................5
10. Formative Assessment.................................................................................................................6
11. Indicative Reading.......................................................................................................................6
12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments....................................7
13. Procedures for Other Assessments..............................................................................................8
14. Academic Misconduct.................................................................................................................8
15. Assessments.................................................................................................................................9

1. Key Information
Module Tutor Mr.Vishnu Kannamthoditheruvil
Availability and Contact Please email for any drop-in sessions to meet face to face or zoom
Weblink to Moodle Class
Weblink to Module

2. Module Communications
The Module Tutor’s contact details are provided above. You must check your University of
Bolton email address and the Moodle area dedicated to this module regularly as many module
communications are channelled through these media.

Your Module Tutor will normally aim to respond to your email messages within 2 full working
days of receipt. However, responses will be longer in holiday periods.

3. Module Description
The aims of this module are: This module aims to enable you to appraise problems associated with
managing an organisation within the context of the modern business environment and to develop
an awareness of how management accounting techniques can aid management decision making,
planning and control. You will also develop your presentation and team working skills through the
delivery of a group presentation. The Game attributes for this module are Collaborative and

All professionals, experts, and special guests from the field will assist students in becoming well-
prepared for their field because they will gain first-hand knowledge through practical examples,
which will help them to be more proficient in their field by pointing out various issues promptly
and developing those areas more. It is also up to date with the new edition of references and
adequate information.

This module has been reinforced by the previous accounting/finance module covered in their year
1. The module components cover different aspects of management accounting and decision
making. The order of the topics on the module calendar has also been sequenced in an order that
reinforce one another and follows up on the previous topic covered.

This module considers and recognizes prior learning. The cohort will have opportunity to
participate in various discussions related to management accounting and decision making
concepts and improve their previous knowledge. Students will be able to learn more advanced
aspects of financial decision making and performance management which will help build their
knowledge for higher studies. This module has some technical concepts and require students to

understand and apply their knowledge in practice. Therefore, some complex topics have been split
into sub-topics to ensure students are able to understand and grasp contents with a wide range of
formative tasks set for each topic while considering learners from various backgrounds.

For this module, there are two assessments where one is an oral assessment (group presentation)
and the other is a written exam. In the exam, no choice questions will be given. Whereas for the
group presentation students can select any company which is listed in the London stock exchange
for the financial analysis. Written exam will be carried out to test their understanding and give
them better chance at passing first time.

The overall program structure and modules are designed to enable students to prepare for the
external future challenges that they may face in the workplace through gaining sufficient
knowledge and experience in financial decision making and management accounting concepts.
They will learn about current issues that firm’s face and how effective financial decision making
can help to resolve the issues. The assessment is designed to reflect the module learning
outcomes. This module is not theoretical only but students will be given different case studies and
in class activities to apply their knowledge in real life. This learning will also help students value
the importance of financial concepts in their personal and professional life in the future.

Correct verbs have been used to assess the learning outcomes for this HE5 module to challenge
students’ existing and newly acquired skills and knowledge. The range of assessments are
designed to challenge the students to research into current issues that will build and expand on
their existing knowledge and to successfully transition into further professional qualification.

4. Learning and Teaching: Campus Plus

This module is delivered over 15 weeks using a Campus Plus blended learning approach which
involves campus-based sessions, supported by scheduled online learning.

Scheduled sessions will comprise lecture with workshop activities. If you are unable to attend a
scheduled session due to factors outside your control, you are expected to inform your tutor and
engage in any activities set before the next session. To support your learning, online sessions may
be recorded and made available on Moodle (for up to one year).

In weeks 6, 7, and 8 tutorials will take place which will provide you with the opportunity to
discuss your progress on the module and receive feedback on assessments. This may be face-to-
face or online as arranged.

To complete the module successfully you must allocate a substantial amount of independent study
time, which will involve undertaking directed study and assessment activities. Directed study
activities will include undertaking set activities and carrying out assessment activities.

5. Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes are the personal qualities and skills which the University of Bolton community
values, and which a student is expected to develop during their time at the University. Graduate

attributes act as a point of reference for a student’s personal development and support the
articulation of employability and transferable skills.

In total there are 10 graduate attributes (GAME). This module seeks to support the development
of: Self-awareness, resilience, problem solving, effective communication, global citizenship
(includes sustainability), enterprise, adaptability, collaboration, confidence, life-long learning.

6. Learning Outcomes and Assessments

Module Learning Outcomes Assessment

No. and Type
LO1: Appraise the main current technical language and Assessment 2:
practices of management accounting and decision management Examination
LO2: Assess the relevance of financial management theories by Assessment 2:
analysing business operations through the use of relevant Examination
decision analysis and performance management techniques
LO3: Manipulate financial and other data to undertake Assessment 2:
numerical analysis Examination
Assessment 1:
LO4: Interpret cost and management accounting reports Group presentation and
applying appropriate costing methods report + individual

7. Assessment Deadlines

Assessment item Due Date Weight

Group presentation and report + 29th March,2023 50%

1 individual reflection

3 hour examination Exam Week 50%


8. Assessment Feedback
Feedback on items of assessment can be formal (such as on a signed feedback form) or informal
(such as advice from a tutor in a tutorial). Feedback is therefore not just your grade or the
comments written on your feedback form, it is advice you get from your tutor and sometimes your
peers about how your work is progressing, how well you have done, what further actions you
might take.

We recognise the value of prompt feedback on work submitted. Other than in exceptional
circumstances (such as might be caused by staff illness), you can expect your work to be

marked and feedback provided not more than 15 working days from the deadline date.
However, please note that that such feedback will be provisional and unconfirmed until the
Assessment Board has met and may therefore be subject to change.

Please take time to read or listen to your assessment feedback. This can be very useful in
determining your strengths and key areas for development, and can therefore help you improve on
future grades.

9. Module Calendar

Session Date or Week Topics Covered Planned Delivery

No. Commencing Method*
1 01/02/2023 Introduction to Financial Management On campus
techniques to include Sources of Finance
and capital structure
2 08/02/2023 Interpretation of accounts including On campus
profitability, efficiency, liquidity and
shareholder value ratios
3 15/02/2023 Interpretation of accounts including On campus
profitability, efficiency, liquidity and
shareholder value ratios
4 22/02/2023 Decision making - relevant costs, limiting On campus
factors, risk and uncertainty
5 01/03/2023 Decision making - relevant costs, limiting On campus
factors, risk and uncertainty
6 08/03/2023 Feedback tutorials, Capital Investment On campus
Appraisal - Payback method, Accounting
Rate of Return, Net Present Value and
Internal Rate of Return alongside capital
rationing and an appreciation of taxation
and inflationary implications.
7 15/03/2023 Feedback tutorials, Capital Investment On campus
Appraisal - Payback method, Accounting
Rate of Return, Net Present Value and
Internal Rate of Return alongside capital
rationing and an appreciation of taxation
and inflationary implications.
8 22/03/2023 Feedback tutorials, Performance On campus
Management and Measurement - KPIs,
Balanced Scorecard, EVA and performance
management models
9 29/03/2023 Group Presentation-Deadline for On campus
Cost, Volume and Profit Relationships.
10 05/04/2023 Cost, Volume and Profit Relationships. On campus
11 12/04/2023 Budgeting and Budgetary Control – On campus
technical such as functional, production and
cash budgets alongside behavioural aspects.
12 19/04/2023 Standard Costing and Variance analysis On campus
13 26/04/2023 Revision On campus

14 03/05/2023 Revision On campus
15 10/05/2023 Exams On campus
* Subject to change in the event of any campus restrictions

10. Formative Assessment

Formative assessment is employed to support your learning on the module, allowing you to reflect
on feedback on your progress from your tutors and peers. It takes a variety of forms including
class quizzes, in class presentations and discussions does not contribute to the final module mark.

11. Indicative Reading

Atrill, P. & McLaney, E. (2015) Management Accounting for Decision Makers (8th ed). Harlow:

Drury, C. (2016) Management Accounting for Business, (6th ed). Andover: Cengage Learning

Northcott, D., Hopper T. and Scapens, R. (2007), Issues in Management Accounting. Harlow:

Watson, D. and Head, T. (2016) Corporate Finance: Principles and Practice.(7th ed). Harlow:

Zimmerman, J. (2013) Accounting for Decision Making and Control (8th ed.). London: McGraw-

ACCA Global (

Bized - Business Education Brought to Life (

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (


Some publishers are starting to offer additional online materials. For example see:

Web resources: Students will be expected to make extensive use of the electronic journals
available to them via Athens

12. Guidelines for the Preparation and Submission of Written Assessments
1. Written assessments should be word-processed in Arial or Calibri Light font size 12. There
should be double-spacing and each page should be numbered.

2. There should be a title page identifying the programme name, module title, assessment title,
your student number, your marking tutor and the date of submission.

3. You should include a word-count at the end of the assessment (excluding references, figures,
tables and appendices).
Where a word limit is specified, the following penalty systems applies:
 Up to 10% over the specified word length = no penalty
 10 – 20% over the specified indicative word length = 5 marks subtracted (but if the
assessment would normally gain a pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass
mark for the assessment).
 More than 20% over the indicative word length = if the assessment would normally gain a
pass mark or more, then the final mark will capped at the pass mark for the assessment.

4. All written work should be referenced using the standard University of Bolton referencing
style– see:

5. Unless otherwise notified by your Module Tutor, electronic copies of assignments should be
saved as word documents and uploaded into Turnitin via the Moodle class area. If you
experience problems in uploading your work, then you must send an electronic copy of your
assessment to your Module Tutor via email BEFORE the due date/time.

6. Please note that when you submit your work to Moodle, it will automatically be checked for
matches against other electronic information. The individual percentage text matches may be
used as evidence in an academic misconduct investigation (see Section 13).

7. Late work will be subject to the penalties:

 Up to 7 calendar days late = 10 marks subtracted but if the assignment would normally gain a
pass mark, then the final mark to be no lower than the pass mark for the assignment.
 More than 7 calendar days late = This will be counted as non-submission and no marks will
be recorded.

Late submission of assessments on refer and those which are graded Pass/Fail only, is not
permitted. Students may request an extension to the original published deadline date as
described below.

8. In the case of exceptional and unforeseen circumstances, an extension of up to 14 days

after the assessment deadline may be granted. This must be agreed by your Programme
Leader, following a discussion the Module Tutor. You should complete an Extension
Request Form available from your Tutor and attach documentary evidence of your
circumstances, prior to the published submission deadline.

Extensions over 14 calendar days should be requested using the Mitigating Circumstances
procedure, with the exception of extensions for individual projects and artefacts which, at the
discretion of the Programme Leader, may be longer than 14 days.

Requests for extensions which take a submission date past the end of the module
(normally week 15) must be made using the Mitigating Circumstances procedures.

Some students with registered disabilities will be eligible for revised submission deadlines.
Revised submission deadlines do not require the completion extension request paperwork.

Please note that the failure of data storage systems is not considered to be a valid reason for
an extension. It is therefore important that you keep multiple copies of your work on different
storage devices before submitting it.

13. Procedures for Other Assessments

Please check the assessment brief for all guidance on assessment methods/activities.

14. Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct may be defined as any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in
any assessment. This includes plagiarism, collusion, commissioning (contract cheating) amongst
other offences. In order to avoid these types of academic misconduct, you should ensure that all
your work is your own and that sources are attributed using the correct referencing techniques.
You can also check originality through Turnitin.

Please note that penalties apply if academic misconduct is proven. See the following link for
further details:

15. Assessments

Module No BMP 5006

Module Name Financial Management and Decision Making
Assessment Number 1
Assessment Type (and Group Presentation, Group Report, and Individual
weighting) Reflection
Assessment Name Financial Analysis
Assessment Submission Date 29th March,2023

Learning Outcome Assessed:

Learning Outcomes

LO4: Interpret cost and management accounting reports applying Group Presentation,
Group Report, and
appropriate costing methods
Individual Reflection

Assessment Brief
Group Task- Presentation and Report

As a group choose a firm from the FTSE 250. Obtain a copy of the most current annual report.
A different company must be chosen by each group. 4 or 5 people are required for the group.

You must summarize the data from the company's most recent report for the benefit of
prospective investors who will be invited to a brief presentation that your group will make.
Additionally, you are expected to evaluate the general applicability of annual reports. They do
not understand why businesses take the time and effort to create these hefty and frequently
complex documents.
Create a presentation based on the information in the annual report for an audience of
possible investors who have been invited. After a 15-minute presentation, there will be a 5-
minute question answers session. You can include the following aspects in your presentation:

 Working capital requirement and liquidity position of the company

 Form /mix of existing finance
 Financial performance and efficiency of the company
 The clarity and usefulness of the information provided by the company

As a group write a 1000 word report summarising all of your main findings from the
Financial analysis (of your chosen firm), that you have carried out.

 At team meetings, discussions, and report writing, every team member must contribute
actively and fairly.
 Each team member is required to retain a written record of all team meetings, including dates,
attendance, topics covered, and assignments and contributions. In the event of a disagreement
over the relative contributions and grades of team members, these documents will be
requested and utilized as evidence.
 You must submit your work with the following details: your group number, the submission
date, the names of every team member, your student number, and a description of each
student’s contribution to the report and the presentation.

Individual Task- Individual Reflection

Prepare a 500 word individual reflection discussing key learnings from the above group task.

Additional Information:

 Do not share your work with other groups.

 All sources must be referenced using Harvard referencing guidelines.
 You should submit your work through Turnitin (via Moodle).
 Please refer to the Module Specification/Guide for information regarding indicative
reading, guidelines for the preparation and submission of assignments (formative and/or
summative), and the assessment criteria.

Minimum Secondary Research Source Requirements:

Level HE5 - It is expected that the Reference List will contain between ten and fifteen sources. As a
MINIMUM the Reference List should include two refereed academic journals and four academic

Marking criteria:

Report (30%)
Description Marks Marks Awarded
Relevance and level of knowledge 20%
Level of English language 5%
Evidence of Research/References 5%
Total 30%

Individual Reflection (20%)

Description Marks Marks Awarded
Relevance 10%
Level of Understanding and clarity 10%
Presentation (50%)
Description Marks Marks Awarded
Indicative Content – 40%
Relevance of theories presented 10%
Level of knowledge 10%
Evidence of Research/References 5%
Level of English language 5%
Response to Questions 10%
Presentation – 10%
Structure and Clarity and Visual Aids/ Presentation 5%
Team Work/Cohesion and Timing and Length 5%
Total 50%

Grand total 100%

Specific Assessment Criteria:

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply. Please see section 16)

First Class (70% and above)

The group provides excellent analysis and interpretation of the financial position and performance
of the company through use of management and communication skills. The group presents an
excellent analysis of the various factors (internal or external) that are directly or indirectly related
to the financial position and performance of the company. The group also demonstrates an
excellent knowledge of the research done. The work is exceptionally well written and includes
accurate citations using Harvard referencing style. The presentation provides an excellent set of
very well designed slides, with good content, indicating thorough and critical evaluation of the
chosen organisation. Individual reflection is exceptionally well written with a lot of clarity.

Second Class (50-69%)
The group provides a good analysis and interpretation of the financial position and performance of
the company through use of management and communication skills. The group presents a good
analysis of the various factors (internal or external) that are directly or indirectly related to the
financial position and performance of the company. The group also demonstrates good knowledge
of the research done. The work is well written and includes appropriate citations as per the
Harvard referencing guidelines.
The presentation provides a generally good set of slides, indicating good critical evaluation of the
chosen organisation. Individual reflection is good and clear.

Third Class (40- 49%)

The group provides a limited understanding of the concepts. The work done represents basic
analysis and is not able to provide a thorough and complete understanding of the various
management and communication skills involved. The work does not represent any thorough
research done in relation to the analysis. The ideas presented are unclear. Includes referencing list
with some omissions. The work is not well structures and well presented. The presentation offers
a weak set of slides, in terms of content and design, with little critical analysis of the chosen
organisation. The individual reflection is satisfactory.

Fail (39% and below): Students who do not meet the requirements of a third class grade will not
successfully complete the assessment activity.

16. General Assessment Guidelines for Written Assessments Level HE5
Relevance Knowledge and Analysis, Creativity and Problem- Self-awareness Research/ Written English Presentation and
Learning outcomes Understanding Solving and Reflection Referencing Structure
must be met for an
overall pass
Work is directly Demonstrates an Presents a perceptive synthesis and critical Provides A wide range of Writing style is clear and appropriate to The presentational style
relevant and expertly exceptional breadth and evaluation of findings’ drawing on a broad insightful contemporary and the requirements of the assessment. An and layout are correct for
(Exceptional Quality)

addresses the depth of knowledge and range of relevant sources in order to draw reflection and relevant reference exceptionally well written answer with the type of assignment.
requirements of the understanding of theory clear, systematic, justified conclusions. critical self- sources selected and competent spelling, grammar and Evidence of planning and
85% - 100%

brief. and practice beyond the Provides a critical insight and interprets awareness in drawn upon. punctuation. For example, paragraphs logically structured.
Class I

threshold expectation for complex matters and ideas relation to the are well structured and include linking Where relevant, effective
Learning outcomes the level. comprehensively. outcomes of own Sources cited and signposting. Sentences are inclusion of, and reference
are met. Demonstrates creative flair and a high level work and accurately in both the complete and different types are used. to, figures, tables and
Demonstrates of originality. personal body of text and in the A wide range of appropriate vocabulary images.
sophisticated conceptual Demonstrates exceptional problem- solving responsibility. Reference List/ is used.
understanding of skills and initiative. Bibliography.
specialised areas.
Work is relevant and Demonstrates an excellent Presents an excellent appraisal of findings Provides A wide range of Writing style is clear and appropriate to The presentational style
comprehensively breadth and depth of through the critical analysis of information excellent relevant reference the requirements of the assessment. An and layout are correct for
(Excellent Quality)

addresses the knowledge and sources. reflection and sources selected and excellently well written answer with the type of assignment.
70% - 84%

requirements of the understanding of theory Draws clear, systematic, justified and self-awareness in drawn upon. competent, spelling, grammar and Evidence of planning and
Class I

brief. and practice for this level. perceptive conclusions. relation to the punctuation. For example, paragraphs logically structured
Demonstrates creative flair, a high level of outcomes of own Sources cited are well structured and include linking Where relevant, effective
Learning outcomes Demonstrates in-depth originality and initiative. work and accurately in both the and signposting. Sentences are inclusion of, and reference
are met. understanding of key areas Demonstrates a critical understanding of personal body of text and in the complete and different types are used. to, figures, tables and
in different contexts. problem-solving approaches and applies responsibility. Reference List/ A wide range of appropriate vocabulary images.
excellent problem-solving skills. Bibliography. is used.
Work is relevant and Demonstrates a thorough Presents a perceptive appraisal of findings Provides very A range of Writing style is clear and appropriate to The presentational style
addresses most of the breadth and depth of through the critical analysis of information. good reflection appropriate reference the requirements of the assessment. A and layout are correct for
(Very Good Quality)

requirements of the knowledge and Draws clear, justified and thoughtful and self- sources selected and very well written answer with the type of assignment.
brief. understanding of theory conclusions. awareness in drawn upon. competent spelling, grammar and Evidence of planning and
60% - 69%

and practice for this level. Demonstrates a very good level of creativity relation to the punctuation. For example, paragraphs logically structured in the
Class II/i

Learning outcomes Demonstrates very good and originality. outcomes of own Sources cited are well structured and include linking main.
are met. understanding of key areas Demonstrates a critical understanding of work and accurately in the main and signposting. Sentences are Where relevant, effective
in different contexts. problem-solving approaches and applies personal both the body of text complete and different types are used. inclusion of, and reference
strong problem-solving skills. responsibility, as and in the Reference A range of appropriate vocabulary is to, figures, tables and
required by the List/Bibliography. used. images.

Relevance Knowledge and Analysis, Creativity and Problem- Self-awareness Research/ Written English Presentation and
Learning outcomes Understanding Solving and Reflection Referencing Structure
must be met for an
overall pass

Work addresses key Demonstrates a sound Presents a logical Provides valid Relevant reference Writing style is mostly appropriate to The presentational style
(Good Quality) requirements of the breadth and depth of appraisal of findings through the critical reflection and sources selected and the requirements of the assessment and layout are correct for
50% - 59% brief. Some irrelevant knowledge and analysis of information. self-awareness in drawn upon. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are the type of assignment.
content. understanding of theory Draws clear and justified conclusions. relation to the generally competent and minor lapses Logically structured in the
Class II/ii

and practice for this level. Demonstrates creativity and originality. outcomes of own Most sources do not pose difficulty for the reader. most part.
Learning outcomes Demonstrates sound Demonstrates a critical understanding of work and accurately cited both Paragraphs are structured and include Inclusion of figures, tables
are met. understanding of key areas problem-solving approaches and applies personal the body of text and in some linking and signposting. and images but not all
in different contexts. effective problem-solving skills. responsibility, as the Reference Sentences are complete. relevant or referred to.
required by the List/Bibliography. A range of appropriate vocabulary is
assessment. used.
Work addresses the Demonstrates a sufficient Presents valid appraisal of findings in parts Provides some Some relevant Writing style is occasionally not The presentational style
(Satisfactory Quality)

requirements of the breadth and depth of following a critical appraisal of information. reflection and reference sources appropriate for the assessment. and layout are largely
brief, although knowledge and Interprets a number of matters and ideas but self-awareness in selected and drawn Grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct for the type of
40% - 49%

superficially in understanding of theory with some descriptive passages evident relation to the upon. generally competent, but may pose assignment.
Class III

places. Some and practice for this level. which lack clear purpose. outcomes of own minor difficulties for the reader. Some Adequately structured.
irrelevant content. Demonstrates creativity and originality in work and Some weaknesses in paragraphs may lack structure, and Inclusion of some figures,
Demonstrates places. personal referencing technique. there is limited linking and signposting. tables and images but not
Learning outcomes understanding of a range Demonstrates a critical understanding of responsibility, as Some appropriate vocabulary is used all clear, relevant and/or
are met. of key areas in different problem-solving approaches and applies required by the referred to.
contexts. sufficient problem- solving skills. assessment.
Work addresses some Demonstrates a lack of Presents a descriptive overview of findings Provides limited Sources selected are Writing style is unclear and does not For the type of assignment
of the requirements of knowledge and following some analysis of information. reflection and limited and/or lack match the requirements of the the presentational style,
the brief. Irrelevant understanding of theory Some passages lack clear purpose. self-awareness in relevance. assessment in question. layout and/or structure are
35% - 39%

and superficial and practice for this level. Demonstrates scant creativity or originality. relation to the Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and lacking.

content. Demonstrates insufficient Demonstrates a lack of critical outcomes of own Poor referencing punctuation makes reading difficult and Inclusion of figures, tables
understanding of a range understanding of problem-solving work and technique employed. arguments unclear in places. Paragraphs and images but not clear,
One or more of areas in different approaches and insufficient problem- personal are poorly structured. relevant and/or referred to.
learning outcomes contexts. solving skills. responsibility,
have not been met. when required.
Work does not Demonstrates inadequate Presents a descriptive overview of findings Provides An absence of Writing style is unclear and does not For the type of assignment
address the knowledge and with little consideration of the quality of inadequate academic and relevant match the requirements of the the presentational style,
requirements of the understanding of theory information drawn upon. reflection and sources selected and assessment in question. layout and/or structure are
brief. Irrelevant and and practice for this level. Demonstrates little or no creativity. self-awareness in drawn upon. Deficiencies in spelling, grammar and lacking.

superficial content. Demonstrates a lack of understanding of relation to the punctuation makes reading difficult and

Demonstrates insufficient problem-solving approaches and limited outcomes of own Poor referencing arguments unclear. Unstructured Inclusion of figures, tables
One or more understanding of relevant problem- solving skills. work and technique employed. paragraphs. and images but not clear,
learning outcomes areas. personal relevant and/or referred to.
have not been met. responsibility,
when required.


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