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(347) 724-3560 | | Location: Willing to relocate

Citizenship: U.S. | Security Clearance: Secret (Active) | Veterans’ Preference: None


National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD June 2021 – Present

Scientific Program Analyst
Full-time: 40 hours/week
• Processes harassment allegations weekly submitted through a public webform; drafts letters to respondent's institutions with a summary
of the allegation, statement of NIH expectation of civil interactions that support safe work environments for NIH extramural staff, the
steps the institution should take to ensure its employees engage in civil behaviors, and whether the alleged behaviors affect any NIH-
funded activities
• Conducts literature reviews related to preventing, and addressing harassment in scientific conference settings including utilization of
PubMed, Medline, Google, and other search engines and tools
• Maintains project tracking tools, monitors progress of project against key milestones to ensure timely delivery of work products, and
provides key progress updates throughout the timeline to stakeholders
• Produces a wide range of deliverables in support of the NIH extramural research portfolio including reports, memos, communications,
presentations, briefing decks, and training materials and assures that materials adhere to Section 508 compliance guidelines
• Develops and edits web content including infographics, webpages, blogs, resources, policy summaries for the public, and intranet sites
and monitors click and open rates to measure subscriber engagement
• Provides editorial support and quality control for internal and external communications products, promotional materials, curricula, and
other resources
• Creates curriculums and training e-modules for new Program Officials in LMS via multiple course delivery methods (e.g., e-module, live
Q&A, and pre-recordings)
• Maintains SharePoint sites and shared electronic document data libraries, including development and monitoring of content and ensuring
that documents and data posted to the sites are accurate and filed appropriately
• Provides support for virtual meetings, requiring close coordination and calendar management with other team members; drafts agendas
and other meeting materials, and manages the electronic distribution of meeting materials to attendees

Recora Health, New York, NY [Remote] October 2021 – May 2022

Enrollment Consultant
Part-time: 20 hours/week
• Educated over 60 potential patients and family members weekly about Recora's cardiac recovery program including the benefits and
patient journey; and confirmed patient interest when answering questions and gaps in understanding
• Documented insurance, provider, and clinical updates regarding patient health using Zendesk and communicated with managers and other
Enrollment Consultants through Slack communications regarding nuanced patient logistics
• Provided estimates for insurance eligibility including any copays or out of pocket costs and maintained records and follow up for patients
who were unable to begin care immediately
• Distributed educational materials to interested patients through email and other communication channels

Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA August 2021 – December 2021
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Community Assessment
Part-time: 15 hours/week
• Delivered lessons on how to evaluate data to identify major community needs and thereafter, develop data-based recommendations
• Facilitated group discussions during in-class activities, and answered questions regarding individual and group deliverables
• Consistently provided weekly feedback to 25 students on individual and group submitted assignments
• Held office hours to ensure that students understood how to design primary and secondary data instruments, collect mixed methods data
(i.e., key informant interviews, windshield surveys, surveys, etc.), and conduct data analysis and data triangulation; and met individually
with students to assist with writing literature reviews, and citing in APA style
• Provided logistical support by updating syllabus, course PowerPoint slides, and assigned readings; also managed Canvas course website,
documented attendance, and maintained folders with submitted student deliverables and feedback

United States Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C April 2020 – June 2021
Program Analyst
Full-time: 40 hours/week
● Provided literature review research, writing, and editing support for papers, tools, and strategic planning documents that advance
technical leadership in the field of HIV
● Analyzed country-level HIV testing services data for Angola using DATIM and Tableau to improve testing target achievements, and
understand partner and site level successes and challenges
● Supported World Health Organization (WHO) grant management through coordinating quarterly check-in technical calls, maintained
version control of revised scopes of work, and worked collaboratively with stakeholders to identify, research, and recommend funding
opportunities for country-level priorities
● Participated in PEPFAR interagency technical working groups, including those relating to prevention programming, with logistical and
analytical support as needed
● Revised content for and USAID HIV testing services websites to ensure that information is accurate and updated
● Provided human-centered design technical assistance to optimize adolescent use of facility-based HIV services in Lesotho through the
development of focus group guides and in-depth individual questionnaires
● Co-authored an abstract submission to International Conference on AIDS and STI’s in Africa 2021 titled “Insights and lessons learned
from a human-centered design activity in Lesotho to support continuity in treatment among young clients”
● Collected and monitored safe and ethical index testing assessment data through REDCap, Excel, and Google Forms tools to assess global
patterns across countries in meeting guidance standards
● Reviewed 9 resumes for relevant background, skills, and experiences, resulting in the hiring of interns for the Sustaining Technical and
Analytic Resources program
● Co-presented at the Accelerating Support to Local Partners webinar in May 2021 on safe and ethical index testing in USAID PEPFAR
funded programs to over 200 participants
● Prepared various program documents and correspondence with technical staff; examples include project authorization documents, action
memos, and data sharing agreements ensuring that all documentation is complete and in compliance with USAID rules, regulations, and

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA December 2018 – May 2020
ORISE Program Evaluation Fellow
Part-time: 25 hours/week
● Conducted qualitative analysis of data across 12 health departments to assess capacity to deliver pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
services and linkage to care for men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons
● Evaluated and synthesized successes, challenges, and recommendations for PrEP Implementation, Data-to-Care and
Evaluation activities and used excel for data management and analysis of local site evaluation to discover common themes
● Conducted literature reviews of evaluation literature regarding cluster evaluation, participatory evaluation, utilization focused
evaluation, equity and evaluation, media evaluation, and navigation strategies in HIV prevention
● Co-authored 2 manuscripts related to scaling up PrEP among sexual minorities at risk for HIV with the Division of HIV Prevention,
Prevention Research Branch

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA June 2019 – June 2020
Museum Guide
Part-time: 15 hours/week
● Created schedules and instructions for crowd control, historic materials protection, and other aspects of addressing the public during tours
and special events
● Launched a virtual scavenger hunt to provide an interactive way for museum visitors to learn about CDC’s significant contributions to
public health domestically and globally

Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA August 2019 – December 2019
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Research Methods
Part-time: 15 hours/week
● Assisted faculty with course preparation by printing out materials, facilitating group discussions during in-class activities, and answering
questions regarding individual and group deliverables
● Consistently provided weekly feedback to 36 students on submitted assignments
● Held weekly office hours to ensure that students grasped research methods concepts and met individually as requested with students
seeking assistance with writing literature reviews, and citing in AMA style

RTI International, Durham, NC March 2018 – June 2018

Substance Use and Gender Applied Research (SUGAR) Research Assistant Intern
Part-time: 18 hours/week
● Conducted outreach in Durham and Guilford counties to recruit, screen, and enroll young Black women using substances aged 18-22 into
a health research study designed to promote empowerment and reduce sexual risk behaviors
● Screened candidates for study participation and eligibility and assured participants fulfilled eligibility requirements
● Educated with potential study participants about the study including the possible risks/benefits, procedural details, and significance of the
study; and answered study related questions posed via e-mail or phone calls from potential participants and/or the public
● Prepared new IRB research proposals, amendments, continuing review applications and adverse event reports according to institutional
and departmental policies and procedures and federal regulations
● Ensured studies were completed in a timely manner through implementing effective screening and recruitment strategies and completing
required documentation
● Coordinated and scheduled follow-up visits for enrolled participants and educated study patients concerning informed consent procedures,
HIPAA authorization
● Maintained the security and confidentiality of participants' paper or electronic data (e.g., case report forms kept in a secure, locked space)
● Transcribed 14 focus group interviews of young South African women aged 16-24 who engaged in high-risk sex, as part of a project
designed to increase uptake and adherence of PrEP for HIV prevention
● Utilized transcriptions to identify structural, interpersonal, and individual factors contributing to stigma and discrimination accessing
healthcare, social support, and individual risk behaviors
● Generated tweets for the RTI Global Gender Center Twitter account to promote the panelists and guest speakers of the 2018 Ending
Gender Inequalities Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa and increase conference attendees

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA May 2017 – August 2017
Research Fellow
Full-time: 40 hours/week
● Completed training in public health leadership, biostatistics, epidemiology, and scientific writing courses
● Identified and screened literature pertaining to the sexual scripts that shape Black heterosexual women’s sexual experiences and
identified socio-cultural, historical, and environmental factors that predispose Black women to risk of HIV infection
● Produced a qualitative literature review using 5 electronic bibliographic databases and used NVivo Plus 11 to code sources and
discover common themes and presented poster presentation findings at the 2017 Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and
Native Americans in Science conference in Salt Lake City, UT


Emory University, Atlanta, GA Master of Public Health May 2020

Behavioral, Social and Health Education Sciences

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology May 2018

• Marshall, B., Salabarría-Peña, Y., Douglas, C., Nakelsky, S., & Pichon, L. C. (2021). The utility of evaluation in optimizing
implementation and improvement of HIV prevention programming. Evaluation and program planning, 101980. Advance online
• Salabarría-Peña, Y., Douglas, C., Brantley, M., & Johnson, A. (2021). Informing the future of PrEP navigation: Findings from a five-
site cluster evaluation. Evaluation and program planning, 101999. Advance online publication.
• Douglas, C. (2018). "No one wants us for real": How College-Educated Black Women Understand Dating Opportunities, Define
Priorities, and Cope with Structural and Cultural Vulnerabilities.


National Institutes of Health

• Statistical Inference for Non-Statisticians: Part 1 & 2, July 2021
• Enterprise Risk Management, June 2022

United States Agency for International Development

• Ethics Education, November 2020
• Tableau Accelerated I and II Training, September 2020
• Understanding Implicit and Explicit Bias, September 2020
• Records Management Fundamentals, August 2020
• Proven Techniques for Technical Communication, July 2020


• Project Management • Program Management • Grant Management • Grant Administration • Grant Review
• Stakeholder & Community Engagement • Policy Development • Qualitative Data Collection & Data Analysis • Data Entry
• Literature Reviews • Manuscript Production • Focus Group Guide & In-Depth Interview Guide Design • Curricula Design
• Health Education • Oral & Written Communication • Monitoring & Evaluation • PEPFAR, USAID, CDC, NIH Experience
• Subject Matter Expertise: HIV/AIDS, HIV Testing Services • Countries Worked: U.S.
• Data Analysis: NVivo, MAXQDA, Tableau, Survey Monkey, Power BI • Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Web Conferencing: Zoom, WebEx, Blue Jeans, Microsoft Teams, and Google Hangout

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