Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi: Model Paper For Annual Exam - 2023 English (C) Paper-II Section - A'

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Model Paper for Annual Exam – 2023 English (C) Paper-II

Q.1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
i) The word ‘Occidental’ is used for:
*eastern *western *southern *northern
ii) Vasco da Gama and Columbus were explorers from this continent:
*Africa * Asia*Europe*Antarctica
iii) “Columbus” was an explorer from:
*England *France *America *Italy
iv) In “Twenty Minutes with Mrs. Oakentubb” this girl’s face reminded HE of his little
* British* American* Nigerian *Korean
v) Joseph Conrad was contemporary of:
* Oliver Goldsmith*James Thurber*Frank Arthur*John Galsworthy
vi) The synonym of revenge used by Frank Arthur in the melodrama “Twenty Minutes with Mrs.
Oakentubb” is:
*retribution * punishment*vengeance*retaliation
vii) The year 1818 was considered to be the most tragic year in this poet’s life:
*Shelley* Gray *Campion*John Keats
viii) “The Prisoner of Zenda” was published in the:
*First half of 19th century * Second half of 19th century
* First half of 20th century * Second half of 20th century
ix) P.B. Shelley belonged to the:
*First Generation of Romantic Poets* Second Generation of Romantic Poets
* Third Generation of Romantic Poets*Fourth Generation of Romantic Poets
x) Each stanza in the poem ‘The Man of Life Upright’ contains this number of lines:
*two *four lines *six lines *eight lines
xi) A warm praise was given to the novel “The Prisoner of Zenda” by this famous author:
*Charles Dickens*Sir Walter Scott*Robert Louis Stevenson*Thomas Hardy
xii) This person sent a letter to warn Princess Flavia not to accept Michael’s invitation:
*Fritz*Sapt*Rassendyll *Mauban
xiii) Colonel Sapt was a man of strong nerves, at the shooting lodge he looks as fresh as:
xiv) Milton’s superb literary piece “Samson Agonistes” is written in the form of a poetic:
xv) An upright man gets his wisdom from:
*scholars *teachers *holy books*heavenly things
xvi) Alexander Pope considers this thing to be a prison:
*home *nature *world *house
xvii) “Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth” was often quoted during this war:
*Civil War*World War I* World War II *War of Independence

xviii) The drawbridge was connecting:

*Zenda with border *Zenda with Chateau *Strelsau with Zenda *new and old parts of castle.
xix) ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’ is Anthony Hope’s this number of novel:
*Third *Fourth*Fifth *Sixth
xx) According to Einstein this is the fundamental emotion which forms the base of true art and
true science:
*joy *desire *interest *curiosity


Note: Attempt any 10 part questions from this section, selecting at least two part questions from
each sub-section. All questions carry equal marks.

SUB-SECTION I (Intermediate English Book –II)

Q2. i) Who was Robert Snow? Why did James Jones strike a blow to him in the play ‘Act
Threeof the Silver Box’?
Ans: Robert Snow was a detective in the X. B. Divison of metropolitan police. When Mr.
Barthwick reported at the station about the theft of silver cigarette box then Robert Snow went to
the home of Mr and Mrs Jones in the afternoon. There, he caught them red handed. Since, Mrs.
Jones was the charwoman employed at Barthwick’s home so Robert Snow tried to take her to the
police station. Meanwhile, Mr. Jones confessed that her wife was innocent and he took the silver
box himself. Robert Snow did not pay an ear to his words so in rage Mr. Jones struck him a blow.

ii) How long did the panic last and how was order restored in the lesson “The Day the Dam Broke”?
The broken-dam rumor, as James Thurber mentions in his essay ‘The Day the Dam
Broke’, did not last more than two hours. The tangled evacuation of the city ended as
abruptly as it began, and all the people silently went to their home, leaving the
streets peaceful and deserted. The order was restored by the militiamen. However,
their bellowing through the megaphone initially added to confusion and increased
the panic because people thought they were saying “The dam has now broken”
rather than “The dam has not broken.”

iii) Which elements are necessary to keep human life tolerable in a machine age according to
Ans: According to Bertrand Russell, if human life is to be tolerable then it must contain art, love,
music and simple joys of life. These things were tended to forgotten in the machine age but these
things are necessary in living a contented life.

iv) How can Asia be made stable in the opinion of Liaquat Ali Khan?
Ans. Asia can be made stable by removing all the seeds of disruption. In most of the Asian nations
there is intense nationalism, great backwardness and impatience with the colonial rule. Aisa must be
stable because it contains half the population of the world.

SUB-SECTION II (Selections from English Verse: PART II)

v) Who were killed when Samson shook the huge pillars of the temple?
Ans: When the Samson was taken captive by the philistines. They arranged feast in
the temple. The huge gathering included gentry from all part of the country was come
to see him. Samson was brought to display his immense strength and perform
whatever he could. When the show was ended he feel exhausted and requested the
guides to take some rest between pillars. He felt the pillars in his arms and straining
all the nerves and horribly shook the pillars to and fro. The whole roof felt with the
burst of thunder over the super-ordinators. He also became the victim of the
complete destruction.
vi) Why does Shelley think that music vibrates in the memory even after soft voices die?
Ans. The poem tells us that even after we stop listening to good music, this soft music
lingers on in our memories for a long time to come. Another example that he gives is
of flowers like violets, telling us that even after flowers die away, their sweet scent
lingers with us for a long time to come.
vii) Throw light on the message of the poem “Say Not the Struggle Naught Availeth”?
Ans. The poem teaches us the Moral of inflecting courage. The poet through various
images conveys that without struggle man cannot accomplish anything in the world.
It confesses that struggle is the key of success, it right said.

viii) What are Pope’s views about death in the poem “An Essay on Man”?
Ans. The poet means that if a man aspires, to rise in life, he should remember and fear death and be
humble. The fear of death would make man turn to God. Thus he would ‘adore’ God. That is, the
life according to the principles, laid down by God. This means that man would live a clean life and
avoid sin, as far as possible.


ix) What happened to lady Mauban after the death of Duke Michael?
Ans. After the death of Duke Michael Lady Mauban started crying hysterically. She loved Michael a lot and
she wanted to take revenge from Rupert of Hentzau who killed Michael. When Rupert was standing in the
middle of drawbridge then she came and fired at Rupert of Hentzau even though the bullet did not hit him.

x) Write a few lines about Rudolf Elphberg V OR Johann.

Ans: Rudolf Elphberg is a young, tall and handsome man. He is an educated man. He has
red hair, straight nose, blue eyes and a beard. His physical appearance bears
striking resemblance to that of Rudolf Rassendyll, though there were some points of
differences, which are pointed by Rudolf Rassendyll:
“The king’s face was slightly more fleshy than mine, the oval of its contour the least
trifle more pronounced and his mouth lacking something of the firmness which was
to be gathered from my close-shutting lips.”
However, in spite of these differences, Colonel Sapt could not help mentioning to
“You’re an Elphberg, every inch of you.”

xi) Who was responsible for Duke Michael’s death and how?
Rupert of Hentzau killed Black Michael. He was so ambitious that he killed his master
only to get Mauban. He was fond of wine and woman.

xii) What does Fritz mean by saying “Heaven doesn’t always make the right men kings!”?
Ans. In his role as the king, Rudolf Rassendyll is far more impressive than the real king
Rudolf Elphberg. He carries out his duties as a king majestically and tact fully without
revealing his true identity. People love him and none cares to find out whether he is the
real king or not. Within few days he makes for himself a place in their hearts. On
considering his qualities Colonel Sapt liked him and he wanted that he worked as the
king but he was loyal to his state. Due to best qualities of Rassendyll deserved to be the
king of Ruritania.


xiii) Use any two of the following phrasal verbs in sentences:
break down He broke down just before his examination.
look into, The police is looking into the case.
carry out, The experiment was carried out in a sealed tube.
take off, The plane took off from Islamabad airport.
keep up with, You need to keep up with the current affairs in order to pass CSS.
pick up. He picked up my phone.

xiv) Use any two (four sentences) of the following pair of words in your sentences:
bury: berry (The Muslims bury the dead bodies / I like to eat berries.)
princes: princess; (Princes will gather here tomorrow / She is the princess of Oman.)
express: impress; (We must express our feelings / She is trying to impress me.)
flower: flour; (I saw a beautiful flower / Flour is very expensive nowadays.)
sweat: sweet; (I sweat while running / She likes to eat sweet potatoes.)
heroin: heroine (heroin is a dangerous drug / She is the heroine of this film.)
xv) Match any Four of the following words or phrases of column ‘A’ with the meaning in
column ‘B’:
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
peg out sword
insularity survey
sabre bunch of flower
reconnaissance die
nosegay narrow-mindedness
(Peg out → die, insularity → narrow mindedness. sabre → sword, reconnaissance→survery,
nosegay → bunch of flower)


Note: Attempt all questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.

Q3. Write character-sketch of Princess Flavia

OR give critical appreciation of the poem “The Solitary Reaper.”
1. PRINCESS FLAVIA (Most Important)
Princess Flavia is a character from the novel entitled The Prisoner of Zenda, written by
Anthony Hope. She is the only female character who is not directly involved in
the conspiracies, which pervade the entire atmosphere of the novel. She is the cousin and
fiancée of King Rudolf Elphberg and is the immediate inheritor to the throne. She bears a
bewitching personality and fascinates the readers by the elegant attitude.
Her appearance can be perceived by Rudolf Rassendyll’s saying:
“A girl pale and lovely, surmounted by a crown of glorious Elphberg hair.”
Beautiful Aspects of her Role
Princess Flavia is a young, captivating and decent lady. She possesses a character full of
virtues and commands great respect and admiration among the people of Ruritania. They
wish to see her as the future queen of the country. She is a noble and kind-hearted woman.
“Trust men, and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Princess Flavia is a lady with elements of love in her heart. These elements increase the
fascination and temptation in her character. She sincerely and quite confidently admits
her inclination towards Rassendyll, being impressed by his personality. She was bold
enough to propose Rassendyll but her sensibility restricted her to perform any action below
dignity. She gave heart and soul to Rudolf Rassendyll considering him to be the real king.
She never mourns her decision even after coming to know that he is a pretender. She
confessed that Rudolf Rassendyll was acceptable to him even if he was a beggar.
“The fate of love is that it always seems too little or too much.”
- Amelia Barr
The princess was a sincere and devoted lady, always worried about the security of
Rassendyll. When Black Michael was successful in injuring Rassendyll, she at once
reached Zenda to look after him. This action reflects her sense of responsibility and
devotion towards the man whom she loved from the depths of her heart.
She said to Rassendyll:
“Oh, if you were not the king, then I could show you how I love you.”
Duty and Patriotism
Princess Flavia is a responsible lady. She very loyal to her country and knows the difference
between love and duty. She sets an example of the greatest sacrifice by giving up her love
at the altar of duty. This aspect of her character shows that she is not the slave of her
Her sense of duty is enlightened when she says to Rassendyll:
“Your ring will always be on my finger, your heart in my heart. But you must go and I must
The Great Sacrifice
In order to maintain peace in Ruritania and not to disgrace the royal family, Princess Flavia
took a sensible and daring step. She sacrificed her love for the sake of her homeland and
parted with Rassendyll forever. It was a noble and graceful decision in the interest of
Ruritania and the Royal family.
“There is no Moral authority like that of sacrifice.”
- Nadine Gordimer
Princess Flavia proves to be not only the leading female character of the novel but also the
most lively and integral personality. She holds the attentions of the readers because of her
charm, duty and incredible virtues.
To love one person with a private love is poor and miserable, to love all is glorious.”
- Thomas Traherne


"The Solitary Reaper" is a poem by the famous British poet William Wordsworth. It was
published in 1807 in his collection of poems, "Poems in Two Volumes." The poem is written
in ballad form and describes the experience of the speaker who comes across a young
Scottish woman singing a haunting melody while working in the fields. The poem has
received critical appreciation from literary critics due to its unique style and the use of
imagery and sound to convey the beauty of nature and the emotional impact of music.

One of the notable aspects of the poem is its simple and straightforward language, which
captures the essence of the Scottish landscape and the beauty of the natural world. The
poem is also characterized by its use of repetition and rhetorical questions, which
emphasize the melancholic mood of the speaker and the impact of the woman's singing on
him. The use of a ballad form also lends the poem a sense of musicality and rhythm, which
complement the theme of music that runs throughout the poem.

The poem is also noted for its vivid imagery, which allows the reader to imagine the scene
in detail. Wordsworth's description of the woman's song as "melancholy" and "plaintive"
captures the emotional resonance of the music and its impact on the speaker. The use of
the natural landscape as a backdrop for the scene also adds to the overall ambiance of the
poem, with Wordsworth's description of the "deep and gloomy" vale and the "mountain-
tops" emphasizing the beauty and majesty of the natural world.

The emotional impact of the poem is also noteworthy. The speaker's response to the
woman's singing is visceral and immediate, with the music inspiring a sense of longing and
melancholy within him. The poem suggests that music has the power to evoke emotions
that transcend language and cultural boundaries, highlighting its universal appeal. The final
stanza of the poem, which contrasts the woman's solitary singing with the collective
singing of a nightingale, adds to the poignancy of the poem and its underlying theme of
the transience of beauty and the inevitability of change.

In conclusion, "The Solitary Reaper" is a well-crafted poem that uses language, imagery,
and sound to convey the beauty of nature and the emotional impact of music.
Wordsworth's unique style and use of repetition and rhetorical questions contribute to the
poem's overall effect, while the ballad form adds a musical quality to the work. The poem's
universal theme of the power of music and its ability to evoke emotions that transcend
cultural and linguistic boundaries has ensured its enduring appeal among readers and
critics alike.

Q.4 Write an essay on any One of the following topics:

(i) Safety Measures against Heat wave in Summer
(ii) Sports are Essential Part of Healthy Life
(iii) A New Wave of Terrorism
(iv) Technology- pros and cons
(i) Safety Measures against Heat wave in Summer
Summer is the hottest season of the year, and it is during this period that we experience
heat waves. Heatwaves can cause severe health issues such as dehydration, heat cramps,
and heatstroke, among others. In this essay, we will discuss the safety measures that
individuals can take to protect themselves against heat waves during summer.

Firstly, staying hydrated is crucial during hot weather. One should drink plenty of water and
fluids, such as sports drinks, to replace the fluids lost through sweating. Avoid caffeinated
drinks, as they are diuretics and can contribute to dehydration. Additionally, it is advisable
to carry a water bottle wherever you go, so that you can drink water whenever you feel

Secondly, it is essential to dress appropriately for hot weather. Wearing light-colored and
lightweight clothing that is loose-fitting can help keep the body cool. Clothes made from
natural fibers such as cotton and linen are ideal for hot weather, as they allow air to
circulate and sweat to evaporate from the skin.

Thirdly, it is important to avoid direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the
day. This is particularly important between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun's rays are most
intense. If possible, one should remain indoors or in a shaded area during these hours. If
going outdoors is necessary, then one should wear a hat or carry an umbrella to shield
themselves from direct sunlight.

Fourthly, it is advisable to avoid strenuous activities during hot weather, particularly during
the hottest hours of the day. Physical activity increases the body's temperature, which can
lead to heat exhaustion or heatstroke. Instead, it is better to engage in low-intensity
activities such as swimming or walking in shaded areas.
Fifthly, it is essential to keep homes and workplaces cool during hot weather. This can be
achieved by using air conditioning or fans, keeping windows and doors closed during the
hottest hours of the day, and opening windows at night to let cooler air circulate. It is also
important to ensure that air conditioning units and fans are in good working condition and
regularly serviced to ensure optimal performance.

In conclusion, heatwaves can be dangerous, and it is crucial to take appropriate measures

to protect oneself during hot weather. Staying hydrated, dressing appropriately, avoiding
direct exposure to the sun during the hottest hours of the day, avoiding strenuous
activities, and keeping homes and workplaces cool are some of the safety measures that
individuals can take to protect themselves against heatwaves during summer. By following
these measures, individuals can enjoy the summer months without risking their health.
(ii) Sports are essential part of healthy life

Sports and physical activity play a crucial role in leading a healthy life. They not only
improve physical fitness but also have a positive impact on mental health. Engaging in
sports activities regularly can improve overall health and well-being. In this essay, we will
discuss why sports are an essential part of a healthy life.

Firstly, sports activities help to maintain physical fitness. Engaging in sports activities
regularly can help individuals to develop muscular strength, increase endurance, and
improve flexibility. Sports activities such as running, swimming, and cycling, help to
improve cardiovascular health, which is essential for overall health. Regular exercise can
also help to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood

Secondly, sports activities promote mental health. Physical activity releases endorphins,
which are hormones that improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Engaging in sports
activities can also improve self-esteem and self-confidence, which are essential for a
healthy and fulfilling life. Additionally, sports activities provide opportunities for social
interaction, which is beneficial for mental health.

Thirdly, sports activities can teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and
goal-setting. Participating in team sports such as basketball, football, and volleyball, can
teach individuals the importance of collaboration, communication, and support. Sports
activities can also help individuals to set and achieve goals, which is essential for personal
growth and development.

Fourthly, sports activities provide opportunities for individuals to connect with nature.
Many sports activities such as hiking, camping, and mountain biking, involve being in
natural settings. Connecting with nature can have a positive impact on mental health,
reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Lastly, sports activities provide opportunities for individuals to challenge themselves

physically and mentally. Participating in sports activities can be challenging, and it can
require individuals to push themselves beyond their limits. Overcoming challenges and
achieving goals can improve self-esteem and confidence, which is essential for leading a
healthy life.

In conclusion, sports are an essential part of a healthy life. They not only improve physical
fitness but also promote mental health, teach valuable life skills, connect individuals with
nature, and provide opportunities for individuals to challenge themselves. It is essential to
engage in sports activities regularly to maintain a healthy and fulfilling life.
(iii) A New Wave of Terrorism
Terrorism has been a persistent threat to global security for several decades, and it has
evolved over time. In recent years, there has been a new wave of terrorism that poses a
significant challenge to security forces worldwide. This new wave of terrorism is
characterized by the use of technology, global reach, and an increasing trend of individual
radicalization. In this essay, we will discuss the new wave of terrorism and its implications.

One of the defining features of the new wave of terrorism is the use of technology.
Terrorist groups have increasingly turned to technology to plan and carry out attacks.
Social media platforms, encrypted messaging apps, and online forums are used to
communicate and coordinate attacks. Additionally, the use of drones and other unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) has become more prevalent in recent years. This reliance on
technology has made it more challenging for security forces to track and intercept
potential threats.

Another feature of the new wave of terrorism is its global reach. Terrorist groups such as
ISIS have demonstrated the ability to operate across borders and establish a presence in
multiple countries. This global reach allows terrorist groups to recruit individuals from
around the world and coordinate attacks in different countries. Furthermore, the internet
and social media platforms have facilitated the spread of radical ideologies globally,
making it easier for individuals to become radicalized.

Individual radicalization is another significant aspect of the new wave of terrorism. While
traditional terrorist organizations relied on a hierarchical structure, the new wave of
terrorism is characterized by individuals who self-radicalize. These individuals may have no
direct contact with terrorist groups, but they share the same extremist ideologies and may
carry out attacks independently. This trend has made it more challenging for security forces
to identify and prevent attacks, as individuals may not have any prior record or links to
known terrorist organizations.

The implications of this new wave of terrorism are significant. Traditional approaches to
counter-terrorism may not be effective in countering the threat posed by this new wave of
terrorism. Security forces must adapt their strategies to account for the use of technology
and the global reach of terrorist groups. Additionally, efforts to prevent radicalization must
be intensified, particularly in vulnerable communities where individuals may be at risk of
being radicalized.

In conclusion, the new wave of terrorism poses a significant challenge to global security.
The use of technology, global reach, and individual radicalization have changed the nature
of the terrorist threat. It is essential that security forces adapt their strategies to counter this
new wave of terrorism effectively. Additionally, efforts to prevent radicalization and address
the root causes of extremism must be intensified to prevent individuals from becoming
radicalized. The fight against terrorism is an ongoing one, and it requires a concerted effort
from all stakeholders to ensure global security.
(iv) Technology – Pros and Cons
Technology has had a significant impact on our lives, transforming the way we live, work,
and interact with one another. While there are several benefits of technology, there are also
some downsides that we must consider. In this essay, we will discuss the pros and cons of

Pros of Technology:
1. Efficiency: Technology has made our lives more efficient by automating several
processes. For example, computers and machines have replaced manual labor,
resulting in higher productivity and faster completion of tasks.
2. Communication: Technology has made communication easier and more convenient.
We can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world, at any time, through various
communication tools such as social media, video conferencing, and messaging apps.
3. Information: Technology has made access to information easier and faster. With just
a few clicks, we can access a vast amount of information on any topic from anywhere
in the world.
4. Entertainment: Technology has made entertainment more accessible and diverse.
We can stream movies and TV shows, listen to music, play video games, and engage
in social media, among other things.

Cons of Technology:

1. Dependency: Our dependence on technology has increased over time, and it can be
challenging to function without it. This dependence can have negative
consequences if technology fails, such as system crashes or power outages.
2. Isolation: While technology has made communication easier, it has also led to a
sense of isolation. People may spend more time engaging with technology than
interacting with others in person, leading to social isolation and loneliness.
3. Cybersecurity: With the increase in technology usage, the risk of cyber attacks has
also increased. Cyber attacks can lead to data breaches, identity theft, and financial
4. Health: The excessive use of technology can have negative effects on our physical
and mental health. For example, prolonged screen time can cause eye strain and
sleep disturbances, while social media can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-

In conclusion, technology has its pros and cons. While it has made our lives more efficient,
improved communication, and provided access to information and entertainment, it has
also led to dependency, isolation, cybersecurity risks, and health issues. It is essential to
strike a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of technology, to ensure that we use
it in a way that enhances our lives while minimizing its negative effects.

Q5. Change the narration.

(i) “How long will you take to solve this question, Rose?” Jane said.
Jane asked Rose how long she would take to solve that question.
(ii) He said to me, “Do women tend to live longer than men in the world?”
He asked me if women tended to live longer than men in the world.
(iii) The notice in the shopping mall says, “Beware of pickpockets.”
The notice in the shopping mall advises to beware of pickpockets.
(iv) The spectators said, “How fantastic the skipper plays!”
The spectators exclaimed with surprise that the skipper played fantastic.
(v) Grandfather said, “Hope sustains the world.”
Grandfather said that hope sustains the world.

Q6. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

“You are certainly very thoughtful about others,” answered the wife, as she sat in her
comfortable armchair by the big pinewood fire; “very thoughtful indeed. It is quite a treat to hear
you talk about friendship. I am sure the clergyman himself could not say such beautiful things as
you do, though he does live in a three-storeyed house, and wear a gold ring on his little finger.”

(i) Identify the title of the text and the writer. (2)
Ans. “The Devoted Friend” by Oscar Wilde.
(ii) State the qualities of the person addressed? (2)
Ans. The miller was a very selfish person. Little Hans died due to his selfishness.
(iii) Give meaning of the following words: (3)
(a) thoughtful - Imaginative
(b) indeed - Certainly
(c) treat - Reward
(iv) Identify the word classes of the following words: (3)
(a) certainly - Adverb
(b) pinewood - Noun
(c) three-storeyed - Adjective

Solved by:
Sir Nasim Zulfiqar

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