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For my sample of work, I chose to complete a scientific literature analysis of recent Martian

discoveries relating to human survivability and general surface trends. I analyzed 5 papers on
various topics about the Martian surface and water. Below are my summarizations of findings,
all images used are the work of the authors of the papers below:

Mars has been the focus of extensive scientific research in recent years, with numerous
studies aimed at understanding the planet's geology, atmosphere, and potential for supporting
life. The availability of new data from orbiters, rovers, and landers has led to a wealth of recent
publications on various aspects of Mars. In this literature analysis, we will explore a selection of
recent papers related to Mars, covering topics such as the search for evidence of past or
present microbial life, the geologic history of the planet, and the potential for human exploration
and colonization. By examining the latest research in these areas, we can gain a better
understanding of Mars and its history to help ourselves as we move to explore and colonize the
red planet. Of the research papers analyzed, three focus on the effects and attributes of the
Martian surface that may play a role/challenge how astronauts and rovers function on the planet
while completing their jobs:


1. “Radiation Environment and Doses on Mars at Oxia Planum and Mawrth

Vallis: Support for Exploration at Sites With High Biosignature Preservation
Potential” by Da Pieve et al. (2020)

Recent studies have examined the radiation levels at potential landing sites on Mars for
future missions and habitats. In particular, three locations (shown below) were chosen by Da
Pieve and his team for examination: Mawrth Vallis 1 & 2, and Oxia Planum, in terms of their
radiation levels.
Surprisingly, all three locations exhibited similar levels of radiation. However, Mawrth Vallis 2,
which has greater water stores, was found to have a slight advantage in moderating neutron
absorbance levels during solar minimum. Interestingly, this finding indicates that radiation
actually increases, as neutrons are more likely to capture radiation and become irradiated.
Despite this, the general results of the study suggest that the Martian atmosphere is capable of
mitigating most major radiation events and differences in local geographical and geological
features do not affect much. These findings could be useful for future Mars missions, as they
provide a better understanding of the radiation levels at different locations, allowing for more
informed decisions on where to land and establish habitats.
These findings are important should we begin settling Mars. Knowing the radiation
environment of the surface of Mars is incredibly important because colonists or visiting
researchers do not want to get cancer because they chose a bad spot to set up camp. However,
this study seems to conclude that it almost does not matter, Yay!

2. “Diurnal variation of the surface temperature of Mars with the Emirates

Mars Mission: A comparison with Curiosity and Perseverance rover
measurements” by Atri et al. (2022)

In this recent study, focusing on attaining more accurate surface temperature readings,
two separate measurements of temperature on Mars were analyzed. One measurement was
obtained from rovers, while the other was obtained from satellites. Interestingly, the
space-based observations tended to be slightly lower on average compared to the values
obtained by the rover. This discrepancy could potentially be explained by the individual large
energy/temperature inertia of the rocks around the rover, resulting in higher average
temperatures. The overall conclusion of the study is that the field of view (FOV) is a critical
factor in determining temperature readings. With a small FOV (like that of a rover) small
structures can have a large impact on recorded temperature, while with larger FOVs (satellites
with low resolution) the details get washed out.
The authors detail that further work is needed to focus on understanding and mitigating
the error in seasonal variations of temperature and determining whether it is due to terrain
roughness, local geography, or other factors. This research could provide valuable insights for
future Mars missions, especially those related to exploring and studying the Martian atmosphere
and climate. By improving our understanding of temperature measurements and variability on
Mars, scientists can gain a better understanding of the planet's environment and how it has
While many of the findings in this paper are somewhat uninteresting, it does point out
some glaring issues we have with our current measurements. Like the paper before it, this one
is attempting to identify an issue that astronauts might face when arriving on Mars, though, for
astronauts in space suits, these discrepancies in temperature may not make much of a
difference. However, knowing where to improve is half the battle of progress, and that is what
this paper is doing.

3. “Lifting of Tribocharged Grains by Martian Winds” by Kruss et al. (2021)

Tribocharging: the process by which particles are induced with a charge by rubbing and
friction between other particles

This experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics and characteristics of

blowing sand on Mars. Specifically, the study focused on the effects of electrodynamics within
sand particles as they are mixed up and rubbed together during sandstorms, affecting the
grains' ability to be thrown into the air. To simulate the Martian sandy surface, a wind tunnel was
used. The researchers found that as the electric field strength (caused by tribocharging)
increased, the required shearing velocity - which provides drag - decreased by an average of
10% for every model tested.

This finding suggests that gusty days could lead to more wind storms on Mars. The reason for
this is that between gusts, the sand remains charged. As a result, the next gust of wind can be
weaker, yet still lift the same volume of dust. Overall, the study highlights the importance of
considering electrodynamics when studying the dynamics of blowing sand on Mars, with much
emphasis placed on the importance of determining the other roles of tribocharging and
electrodynamics in Martian weather.
By improving our understanding of the factors that contribute to sandstorms on the
planet, we can better predict and prepare for potential risks associated with future Mars
missions, as well as gain a greater understanding of the planet's environment and geological

I found that these three papers fit pretty well together as they each focus on creating
more accurate and safer models for occupational hazards that will almost certainly come up on
Mars. These three give me the impression that the scientific community surrounding Mars is
gearing up for people to actually travel there. Given the recent resurgence of the space industry,
I think some want to make sure they know everything they will need to know about the surface
before actually going. This next paper though is a member of the older and more tried and true
area of research on the Martian surface. Searching for patterns in water marks to determine the
prospects of life on Mars before us, and what the history of the globe was long ago.


4. “Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake system and flood

deposits at Jezero crater, Mars” by Mangold et al. (2021)

The Perseverance rover's mission to the Jezero lake crater yielded many exciting new
findings in the search for evidence of past water on Mars in 2021. The rover has been
investigating the Kodiak fan and associated delta for water marks, and has made some
fascinating discoveries covered in this paper. One of the most significant findings by these
authors is the evidence of fluctuations in water level, which hint at prehistoric humidity capable
of supporting a water cycle. Additionally, the rover identified fluvial floods that formed around the
same time as the lake, which is a strong indication of a sustained water system.
Another interesting discovery is the presence of rounded boulders, suggesting that the flooding
which did occur came in smaller amounts over longer periods, rather than only one or two
massive floods which would have thrown around the jagged rocks without wearing them down.
Perhaps the most exciting discovery is the fine silt deposits of Fe/Mg that the rover has detected
in the Jezero crater. These elements are essential for life, and the presence of such deposits
suggests that the crater could have been a life-sustaining environment in the past. However, of
course, no actual evidence of fossils or large-scale life was seen.
Overall, the Perseverance rover's mission to the Jezero crater has granted many new
insights into the geologic history of Mars, and it is completely self-evident that the research we
have always been doing on Mars will continue. Even if humans do go, we will still continue to
search for previous life, and a deeper understanding of how Mars became desolate. These
findings will be crucial in our ongoing quest to better understand the potential for life on the Red
Planet while we ourselves go there.


While this example emphasizes the continued interest in the scientific community about
the geology of Mars, the next is somewhat a combination of the previous section and ideas of
planning for the future colonization of Mars. Water will be an ever-present thought for those
living on the red planet, so knowing where to find it or harvest it will be vital. This final paper
brings together all the other motivations under this umbrella.

5. “Water storage capacity of the Martian mantle through time” by Dong et al.

Dr. Junjie Dong has shed new light on the modeling of water content in the Martian
mantle. Using a combination of old data and a new method of bootstrap aggregation modeling,
Dong and his team have made serious progress in attaining correct models. Via their new
model, the study focused on the effects of iron within the mantle order to create a plausible
model for the water content in the middle layers of the planet as it relates to the element iron.
A large portion of the study is devoted to the derivation of an equation relating the current
mantle temperature to the water levels within. They focused on modeling this relationship in
Olivine, Wadsleyite, and Ringwoodite.

This expression allows researchers to extrapolate back in time and explore where the Martian
oceans and water may have gone. Comparisons between the structure of Mars and Earth were
also made, noting Earth has much less mantle water than Mars. This difference could be
attributed to the lower iron content in Earth's mantle, or magnesium compounds reducing water
storage space.
Overall, this research paper has made significant contributions to our understanding of
the Martian mantle and the potential for water on the Red Planet. Their findings include the fact
that Martian water levels have decreased as the mantle has cooled, and, as in the graphs
above, that higher iron content yields more water in the crust. The team also makes note that
the water content may be much lower by virtue of a poor transportation system to get the water
into the core in the first place. By using novel modeling techniques and incorporating new data,
the study has opened up new avenues for further research in this area.

In doing all this research, I find that much of the research being done in the last
few years related to the Martian surface is focusing on the human relationship to the
environment on the surface. Granted, each area of motivation is being covered. There
are still scientists looking at Mars for only the history of where it came from. But in
looking very briefly at many other publications, it seems that the Martian community is
really seriously gearing up for humanity to go there. The exploration of the Jezero
Crater by the Perseverance rover, and the focus on the water content within the Martian
mantle, both offer insights into the history and potential of the planet as a potential
home for human life. It is clear that while the scientific community is still driven by
curiosity and a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe, there is also a
growing sense of urgency and practicality in the exploration of Mars.

Da Pieve, F., Gronoff, G., Guo, J., Mertens, C. J., Neary, L., Gu, B., Koval, N. E., Kohanoff, J.,
Vandaele, A. C., & Cleri, F. (2021, January). Radiation Environment and Doses on Mars
at Oxia Planum and Mawrth Vallis: Support for Exploration at Sites With High
Biosignature Preservation Potential. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(1).

Atri, D., Abdelmoneim, N., Dhuri, D. B., & Simoni, M. (2022, October 26). Diurnal variation of the
surface temperature of Mars with the Emirates Mars Mission: a comparison with
Curiosity and Perseverance rover measurements. Monthly Notices of the Royal
Astronomical Society: Letters, 518(1), L1–L6.

Kruss, M., Salzmann, T., Parteli, E., Jungmann, F., Teiser, J., Schönau, L., & Wurm, G. (2021,
December 1). Lifting of Tribocharged Grains by Martian Winds. The Planetary Science
Journal, 2(6), 238.

Mangold, N., Gupta, S., Gasnault, O., Dromart, G., Tarnas, J. D., Sholes, S. F., Horgan, B.,
Quantin-Nataf, C., Brown, A. J., Le Mouélic, S., Yingst, R. A., Bell, J. F., Beyssac, O.,
Bosak, T., Calef, F., Ehlmann, B. L., Farley, K. A., Grotzinger, J. P., Hickman-Lewis, K., . .
. Williford, K. H. (2021, November 5). Perseverance rover reveals an ancient delta-lake
system and flood deposits at Jezero crater, Mars. Science, 374(6568), 711–717.

Dong, J., Fischer, R. A., Stixrude, L. P., Lithgow-Bertelloni, C. R., Eriksen, Z. T., & Brennan, M.
C. (2022, October). Water storage capacity of the martian mantle through time. Icarus,
385, 115113.

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