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1. Program to Split an integer as a sum of two prime numbers.

2. Program to Read name and marks of ‘n’ number of students from user and store them in a file. If
the file previously exits, add the information of ‘n’ students.
3. Program to Find Sum of Natural Numbers using Recursion.
4. Program to Calculate Average using Arrays.
5. Program to Find Prime Numbers between two Integers.
6. Program to Pass a Structure by Reference. and Program to Pass an address to a Function.
7. Program to Store Information in Structure and Display it.
8. Program to Display largest element using Dynamic Memory Allocation – calloc().
9. Program to Reverse a sentence using Recursion.
10. Program to Write all the members of an array of structures to a file using fwrite(). Read the array
from the file and display on the screen.
11. Program to Update Details of Employee using Files.
12. Program to Merges lines alternatively from 2 files & print result.
13. Program to Display the Function names defined in C Source file.
14. Program to Count No of Lines, Blank Lines, Comments in a given program.
15. Program to Copy a file into another file.
16. Program to Append the content of file at the end of another.


17. Program to Find factorial using for, while and do while in C++.
18. Program to Generate Fibonacci Series using for, while and do while in C++.
19. Program to Generate Prime numbers using for, while and do while in C++.
20. Program to Find given number is perfect number or not using for, while and do while in C++.
21. Program to Find given number is Armstrong number or not using for, while and do while in C++.
22. Program to Generate a pyramid using for, while and do while in C++.
23. Program to Add two matrices in C++.
24. Program to Multiply two matrices in C++.
25. Program to Sort elements using arrays in C++.
26. Program to find largest and smallest number in the list using arrays in C++.

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