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Power Supplies SPS 1000 series are based on the primary switched AC/DC converters topology.
Power supplies of this technology have got a high efficiency factor. Simplified functional diagram is
shown in the fig.1.

P H+N+P E ~50Hz,230V/TN-S

L U1
NTC C f1 C f2
F1 U1 S U2 F2 U2
Input t Input Inverter Output Output
N N1 filte r re ct. re ct. filte r -

F ans
M speed

R S 232 Um
Im Um
C ontrol
Iž Display unit
0-5V circuit

Už Iž

"ON" "OF F "


+5V +5V
S witch

"OF F " "ON" S witch

F ig.1
The 230 AC line voltage is rectified by a bridge rectifier „U1“ and smoothed by a large electrolytic
capacitor „Cf1“. RFI filters „F1“ protect the line and a load from a high frequency interference
produced inside the power supply. When the unit is switched on, the electrolytic capacitor is charged
via NTC resistors. Inrush current is limited approximately to 60A/10ms. This must be taken into
account at a fusing of the line outlet. It is recommended to use 16A normal fuse or 10A slow one. The
rectified 230V AC (300V DC) is chopped by the inverter „S“ which consists of four MOSFET
transistors and transformed to a lower voltage. The 50kHz power converter is of full bridge type. The
regulation of the output voltage (current) is achieved by pulse-width modulation varying duty cycle
(D=0÷80%) at the constant frequency.

The lower voltage is rectified by the output rectifier „U2“ and smoothed by a storage choke „TL“ and
large electrolytic capacitor „Cf2“. An output filter „F2“ suppresses high frequency interference
Heart of the control circuits is a controller, which comprises PWM modulator, an error amplifier, and
5,1V reference, oscillator and totem pole output stage. Secondary side consists of the voltage and
current regulators, 5V/0,5A reference for powering display unit and precise 5V/5mA reference for
command signal setting. Current regulator output signal passes via an optocoupler to the error
amplifier input.
The settings of output DC voltage and a current limitation can be reached trough the built-in
potentiometers – ROUGHLY in the range 0÷95% of Umax (Imax) and FINE in the range 0÷5% of Umax
The built-in insulated interface RS 232 and the external analogue one are optionally available to set
the output voltage and current. The external analogue interface should be equipped by two external
DC/DC (5V/5V) insulated converters. One for voltage setting and the second one for current. Under
remote control condition the REMOTE switch must be switched on and the FINE potentiometers
must be turned to the left zero position.
Output voltage and current are picked-up and come both to the control circuit and display unit.
Voltage is indicated on the 3-digit display and the current at the same time on the 3-½-digit display.
Power supply output may be turned on or off by the Disable OUTPUT switch at any time
independently on the load. Turning unit on or off by a mains switch may be also done at any position
of this switch. It is recommended to use Disable OUTPUT switch prior to the mains switch to
disconnect a load. Input circuit devices (NTC, diodes, capacitors) stress will be decreased. Mains
current will be less than 0,1 Amps during STAND-BY state. This makes it possible to leave the input
power on and use disable OUTPUT switch for turning on and off. Turning output off takes app. 0,1s
and turning on of soft start process takes app. 2s until a duty cycle doesn’t reach max. value. Real
output voltage falls to zero depending on the load. There is no output current sink capability. Bleed
resistor connected across a filter circuit discharges capacitors when the unit is turned off. Only a few
mAmps discharge current source improves this feature.
From an auxiliary mains transformer are powered both the primary side control circuits (30V AC)
and secondary one (12V AC) which involves also display unit circuits and fans speed control circuits.
PTC thermistors pick-up a temperature of the both heat sinks.


Power circuits are placed on the main mother PCB. Display unit is soldered to it and control unit is
connected via a connector. Further elements lay-out and cooling system shows following fig.2.

Optionally, instead of RS 232 interface, a connector may be fitted on the rear panel to connect an
analogue interface. In the bottom and top cover of the steel case are created slots for an air intake.
This slots are covered by a fine net. Cooling air passes along heat sinks and goes out through a rear
panel. Efficient cooling needs following an unobstructed area between:
- a table and bottom cover - min. 15 mm
- stacking of two units - min. 20 mm
- a rear panel of the unit and a wall - min. 100 mm

Power Supplies SPS 1000 series of class I equipment should normally be connected via a 3 line cable
to mains PH+N+PE 50Hz, 230V±10%/TN-S. Protection achieved by basic insulation and
connection to earth for all conductive parts that are capable of assuming hazardous voltage if the
basic isolation fails. An output secondary circuit with voltages between conductors and between any
conductor and earth, not exceeding 100V DC (basic enviroment), under normal operating conditions,
which is separated from hazardous voltage by at least basic insulation, and which meets neither the
requirements for an SELV circuit nor the requirements for a limited current circuit.
Between output and input circuit (main and auxiliary transformers) is used reinforced insulation and
creepage and clearance distance is 8mm. Based on above mentioned Power Supplies SPS 1000 series
appear to be a safety equipment.
Handling and operation of the SPS 1000 is very simple.

* REMOTE switch turns to „OFF“ position - local control mode
* All potentiometers move to the left zero position - only advice, it’s not strong
* Disable OUTPUT switch move to „ON“ position - its not strong demand
* Connect a load - it’s not necessary
* Cable plug insert to a socket
* Switch on the mains switch – position „ON“
(mains switch indicator and both LED displays light on)
* Set assumed current limitation by potentiometers - in CV mode
* Set desirable output voltage on the both displays
may be observed real date of the voltage or current
* Set assumed max. voltage depending on the max. - in CC mode
load resistance and max. constant current
* Set desirable constant current within constant
current range

During operation in CV or CC mode an output power supply may be interrupted and restarted again
by the disable OUTPUT switch.

It’s recommended to turn the load off, first by the disable OUTPUT switch and to remove wires from
the output terminals. Than the mains switch may be turned off. Unit may be switched off directly by
the mains switch at any operating condition.

Power Supply SPS 1000 normally needs no maintenance or calibration. Only care must be taken not
to obstruct cooling of the unit. When a unit is equipped by a dust filter, which must be cleaned or
changed for a new one at the least once per year. The built-up of dust on the impellers of the fans and
the heat sinks fins depends on the environment. Since the fans have over-capacity dust will not
present a problem very quickly. The internal construction of the power supply is such that no dust
wouldn’t reach the sensitive control circuit. There may occur a dust between the heat sink fins. It is
advisable to inspect the fans, heat sinks as well as all units regularly.


- Electric strength (EDV) tests should not be repeated in the field. Improper test methods can cause
severe damage to the power supply. Electric strength and earth continuity tests have been performed
in the factory on each unit. The 4000Vrms cannot be tested afterwards on the assembled unit because
the insulation between the components on the input side to the case is specified at 2000Vrms. Since
the insulation output-case is low (only 500V DC due to fans) the insulation of the primary
components to case will break down when 4000Vrms is applied between input and output

(2000Vrms + 500V DC < 4000 Vrms).

- High energy may be stored in the output capacitors. Don’t cause a short circuit across the output.

- Don’t remove wires from the output terminals under load condition, especially at the higher voltage.
There probably will occur an arc, which may damage the unit. First turn off a load by disable
OUTPUT switch.

- The time between turning mains switch off and on must be min. 60s.

- The same type should replace fuses.

- Output voltage indicated on the display after turning disable OUTPUT switch off is present until
output capacitors discharge (depends on the load).

- To avoid overheating the output capacitors by a pulsating load, the AC component of the load
current should be limited. One method of decreasing the AC current on the output capacitor is by
using a large external electrolytic capacitor in parallel with load. This also reduces problems of the
inductance in a long lead. Care must be taken so that the capacitor in combination with the load
inductance will not form a serial resonant circuit.

- The output voltage is available 2s after mains switch on. This feature may be improved according to
customer requirements.

- Serial operation is allowed up to 300V total voltage. The power supplies can be connected in series
without special precautions.

- Parallel operation of the two units without active current sharing is allowed. It is recommended to
connect a diode per each unit – anode to plus terminal, cathode to common load and to set the same
voltage on both units at the turning disable OUTPUT switch off. When the both output voltages are
not the same nothing terrible happen because each unit has a current limitation. In parallel operation
may occur a higher ripple voltage which my be up to 2 times of the normal ripple voltage value. In
case of short circuit at any of the outputs of paralleling units, both units result short – circuited.

- Reverse polarity protection can be achieved with an external fuse combined with a rapid diode as in
following figure 3:


incorrect polarity
of the battery

This case may occur especially in the battery charger application. After applying reverse polarity

without protection elements the unit has to be sent to the producer for repair.

- Overvoltage at the output may damage the power supply. Coming from reliable operation of the
units have been already made, those are not equipped with any OVP circuit. The OVP protection in
the case of an active load (DC motor) may be done by two external rapid diodes connected
according to following figure 4:


SPS1000 D1

In the event of passive inductive resistor load (solenoid), there must be used a rapid diode D1 at
least. The adjustable thyristor crowbar protection against internally as well as externally caused
overvoltages may be delivered as an option or may be made by a customer qualified person. In
generally, it’s difficult to predict max. allowed overvoltage in the case of the continuously
controlled output voltage power supply. The 3V margin would be dangerous at 5V output for
powering a TTL logic and lower one could be able to trigger the thyristor crowbar under normal
operating condition due to a disturb noise.

- Avoid condensation inside the power supply, break-down could be the result. Condensation may
occur during a period when the power supply is switched off and the ambient temperature is low.
Always allow the power supply to dry before switching it on again.

- An aggressive enviroment with acid, salt, etc. can harm the electronic components, afterwards pc-
boards may be dissolved.

- Don’t remove top or bottom cover of the case under operating conditions. Dangerous voltage may
cause a serious injury.

When there is a suspicion of incorrect display reading value of current or voltage, only qualified
person may do a calibration.
First needs to be adjusted reference voltage 5V source by trimer R241 on the control unit. Then may
be adjusted correct voltage by trimer R301 and current by trimer R401. Both are placed on the display

Enclosure: Interface RS 232 instruction manual or Analogue interface instruction manual.

Power Supply SPS 1000 can be also remotely controlled by the RS 232 C serial interface from a
personnel computer or by another device comprising this serial interface.

Connection procedure:
1. Connect CANON9 connector on the rear side of the power supply and computer serial port with a
serial cable.
2. Set-up serial port: 1200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
Example: MODE COM1: 1200,N,8,1
3. Set remote control switch to position REMOTE.
4. Move disable OUTPUT switch to position ON.
5. Fully turn to the left both fine potentiometers for current and voltage.
6. Switch on power supply and send following ASCII string through serial port: "SZU90,0I11,00E" ,
after this string send character 0x0D (ENTER)
Meaning of each symbol:
S …beginning of message
Z…power supply switched ON (V…power supply switched OFF). Tu switch OFF power supply,
resp. his output, zero voltage and current shall be set.
U90,0 means setting voltage 90,0V (max. 99,9V)
I05,00 means setting current limit to 5,00 A (max. current range is up to approx. 12,5 A)
E…end of message

It is necessary to keep always the same string length. It means that needed voltage 5 V is entered
as U05,0 and current 0,5 A as I00,50.

After sending correct string is the requested voltage and current limit set on the power supply.
Power supply does not confirm message reception.

Wire connection of communication cable to connect to IBM PC compatible computer:


XS1:2 XS2:3
XS1:5 XS2:5
Maximal distance between power supply and computer is 10m. (RS232 C)

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