BOX Solution Overview V5.0

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Single Window, Multi-Network,

Financial Messaging Hub

Solution Overview
July 2019 edition

Including the 3 top 2019 challenges

Instant Payments

EBA CLEARING RT1 & ECB TIPS in production

Messaging infrastructure: BOX

Big move towards ISO 20022 T2 / T2S consolidation

Eurosystem T2/T2S consolidation New RTGS uses ISO 20022

Migration of FIN payments to ISO 20022 Change from FIN Y-Copy to V-Shape

Messaging infrastructure: BOX Big bang Nov. 2021

See how one solution can cope with these challenges

BOX User Forum 2020

Come and join us at the next BOX User Forum in 2020.
Network with our BOX users, partners and market participants.
BOX Solution Overview

Table of Contents
THE 3 TOP 2019 CHALLENGES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
SINGLE WINDOW FOR MULTI-NETWORK INTERBANK FINANCIAL MESSAGING --------------------------------------------- 7
EBA CLEARING STEP2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
T2S - TARGET2 SECURITIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
EBICS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
SIANET --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
SWIFTNET ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
SWIFT GLOBAL PAYMENTS INNOVATION (GPI)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
BOX-LINK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
DOMESTIC NETWORKS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
FURTHER TRADITIONAL NETWORKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
INSTANT PAYMENTS - EBA CLEARING RT1 & ECB TIPS IN PRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------- 11
INTEGRATION WITH CUSTOMER’S CHOICE OF INFRASTRUCTURE ------------------------------------------------------------- 12
PLATFORM INDEPENDENCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
BOX WEB SERVICES, ALSO CALLABLE FROM EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS ------------------------------------------------------ 15
INTEGRATION WITH THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
USER PROFILE MANAGEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16
SERVICE PROVIDER OPTIMISATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
MULTI-COUNTRY DEPLOYMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17
BILLING & STATISTICS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
SCALABILITY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20
PERFORMANCE OPTIMISATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21
COMPLETE ISO 20022 STACK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21
FORMAT CONVERSION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
SECURITY ASPECTS IN BOX --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
SWIFT CUSTOMER SECURITY PROGRAMME (CSP) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
MONITORING AND ALERTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23
MESSAGE WAREHOUSE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
ARCHIVING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25
WORKFLOW & ROUTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

BOX Solution Overview

MANUAL MESSAGE PROCESSING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27

COMPANY OVERVIEW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
CONTACT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
MANAGEMENT TEAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
BOX USER FORUM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30

BOX Solution Overview

The 3 top 2019 challenges

Instant Payments

PPI TRAVIC-Interbank
SWIFT Alliance Gateway Instant
Including (EP/BX) Session
Management & Administration

Key advantages of using BOX over payment application direct connection

Prerequisites for Professional Instant Payments Infrastructure

Active / Active for Continuous Operation with customer’s choice of high-availability

Multi-Network and multi CSM connectivity for emergency switching and load balancing
Unlimited software scalability for highest throughput and extreme peak handling
Complete monitoring fully integrated with customer’s choice of infrastructure

BOX Solution Overview

Big move towards ISO 20022 SWIFT

ISO 20022 functionality in BOX

BOX Solution Overview

T2 / T2S Consolidation

▪ Same look & feel for FIN & MX messages

▪ Same routing / workflow capabilities for FIN & MX messages
▪ Backend connectivity
▪ Support of JMS, MQ, Active MQ, SOA, DB, File
▪ Generic message transformation for MX messages via XSLT
▪ Enrichment of MX messages with network envelope information
via Submission Profiles encapsulated in BOX
▪ Duplicate check for FIN and MX messages
▪ Message Validation for FIN & MX (payments)
▪ Syntactically, Semantically, cross field checks

▪ All T2S features (Signature, Oversize / Timeout) included in BOX

▪ All Instant Messaging (SCTInst) features included in BOX
▪ MT – MX transformation for the new T2 system included in BOX
▪ No additional message exchange required, no extra costs
▪ Possibility to store non transformable excess data (MX -> MT) in BOX for
exception handling
▪ Eurosystem Single Market Infrastructure Gateway (ESMIG)
Adapter included in BOX
▪ Multiple Network connectivity and switching support for SIA & SWIFT

BOX Solution Overview

Single window for multi-network interbank financial messaging

BOX covers all aspects of financial messaging, including the 2018 challenges:
BOX is live with Instant Payments for EBA CLEARING RT1.
BOX is the first SWIFT interface to be fully compliant with the SWIFT CSP.
BOX customers are using gpi in live operation.

Live production and ongoing development in an active user community

BOX has been in live production with central banks, large financial institutions and
service providers in Europe and North America for many years.
The annual BOX User Forum is the key event for the user community.
The product roadmap is discussed and ongoingly developed with our SME customer

Multi-network connectivity for SWIFT, SIA, EBICS and domestic networks

European Central Bank Directive for SIPS triggers multi-network connectivity

The ECB directive for SIPS (systemically important payment systems) covers legal,
functional, security, reliability, and contingency arrangements.
To minimise risks, financial institutions connecting to SIPS need to mitigate against
single points of failure in their infrastructure. This includes network connectivity.
The ECB has to date declared several pan-European Payment Systems as
systemically important; including T2S operated by the Eurosystem, and STEP2
operated by EBA CLEARING. The new T2 and others will follow.
EBA CLEARING STEP2 Intraday Switch via EBICS / SIA / SWIFT is the first
implementation of alternate network switching capability for a SIPS.
BOX can simultaneously connect to multiple networks and guarantees continuous
operation even in case of complete network outage - thus mitigating single points of
failure risk.

BOX Solution Overview


The European Central Bank (ECB) has identified STEP2 as one of the “Systemically
Important Payments Systems” (SIPS).

EBA CLEARING offers its customers multiple options to connect - via EBICS, SIA,
and/or SWIFT.

As of June 2014, EBA CLEARING offers an ‘Intraday Switch’ allowing financial

institutions to connect to two out of the three networks simultaneously.

Using the multi-network architecture of BOX, customers can connect to STEP2 via
EBICS, SIA, and/or SWIFT simultaneously. This support is ‘out of the box’ and
guarantees complete redundancy of the networking infrastructure. Additionally, higher
bandwidth can be achieved for peak traffic periods by connecting to more than one
network at the same time.

T2S - Target2 Securities

BOX is adapted to the specific requirements of T2S and supports both network
providers SIA/Colt and SWIFT.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has identified T2S as one of the “Systemically
Important Payments Systems” (SIPS).

BOX facilitates and manages the complete integration of customer’s business

applications with the T2S platform including the following functions:
Real-time and store and forward protocols
T2S digital signature
Data compression / decompression
Processing of end-to-end information for T2S
File size management
Oversize management
Debulking / bulking of T2S files and multi messages
Message validation corresponding to T2S rules for ISO 20022
Conversion of business messages to T2S format
SWIFT MT 15022 & MX 20022 coexistence and conversion
BOX is integrated for T2S with Liquidity Management Solutions including:
IBM Liquidity Manager, Worldline CRISTAL Liquidity, Manager and TAS Aquarius.

BOX Solution Overview


EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) is a protocol for the

transfer of financial transactions through an IP network – most typically the Internet.
Originally designed for the communication between corporate customers and financial
institutions it has been extended to also support the communication between financial

EBICS is mainly used in Germany, France, and Switzerland. It is one of the 3 network
options to connect to EBA CLEARING STEP2 for SEPA transactions and one of 2
options for the Pan European Instant Payments service from EBA CLEARING which
went live in November 2017.

BOX provides EBICS connectivity and supports the French domestic network PeSIT via
the TRAVIC components from PPI AG - a leading provider of EBICS solutions.


SIANet provides connectivity to EBA CLEARING for STEP2 as an alternative to

SWIFT FileAct and EBICS.

SIA, in partnership with Colt, is one of the two network infrastructure providers to
connect to TARGET2-Securities (T2S).

In Italy, SIA provides access to, and operates, the RNI (Rete Nazionale Interbancaria)
national financial network including CIT (Cheque Image Truncation).

BOX has been tightly integrated with SIANet and is certified by SIA for:
SEPA File transfer to EBA CLEARING
T2S via SIA / Colt
RNI, Rete Nazionale Interbancaria


BOX connects to SWIFT via SWIFT Alliance Gateway (SAG) via MQHA and provides
the following messaging services:
FileAct Store and Forward
FileAct Real-time
InterAct Store & Forward
InterAct Real-time

For FileAct, the Remote File Handler provided by SWIFT as well as MQ LFT are
supported, thus avoiding the necessity to store confidential data outside of the DMZ.
All messaging interfaces are fully certified for SWIFTNet 7.2.

BOX Solution Overview

SWIFT global payments innovation (gpi)

BOX has implemented the necessary extensions for gpi and has been part of the initial
pilot program. Several major banks are in production with BOX for gpi today.

Tracker database update

▪ Manual MT199 and automated MT199/299 creation

Backward compatibility
▪ UETR generation when missing in SWIFT MT
▪ Matching of 202cov with MT103
▪ UETR / Service Type Identifier removal for FIN-Messages

MT199 tracking facility, which customers don’t have to pay SWIFT fees for.

Several major banks are in full production with BOX for gpi today.


BOX-Link can be used to transfer messages and files from BOX to BOX and to/from
other SWIFT enabled solutions without using the SWIFT network.
BOX-Link provides a full emulation of SWIFT traffic for FIN, InterAct and FileAct.

BOX-Link is widely used by BOX customers to reduce financial operational costs as no

network fees are charged.

“BOX-Link” used to be called “MQ FIN Link” in previous BOX versions and “MERVA
FMT” (Financial Message Transfer) with MERVA.

Domestic Networks

The architecture of BOX supports concurrent use of multiple financial networks.

Current implementation beyond EBICS, SIA, and SWIFT protocols include:
RNI: In Italy the national financial network RNI is supported via SIA.
PeSIT: In France the national financial network PeSIT is supported via PPI TRAVIC.

The support of additional national or regional networks and protocols are implemented
based on feedback driven by the BOX community, with the BOX User Forum being key
to discuss and prioritise these requirements.

Currently under development and/or discussion with the user community are:
CHIPS, Fedwire, ACH - USA
EDItran, Spain
SIC, Switzerland

BOX Solution Overview

Further traditional networks

BOX also supports the following generic options for the transfer of financial messages:

Tested Telex, Tested Fax, Tested Email

Instant payments - EBA CLEARING RT1 & ECB TIPS in production

BOX powers instant payments for messaging intelligence such as

Active / Active for continuous operation with customer’s choice of high-availability and
provides multi-network and multi-CSM connectivity for emergency switching and load

Unlimited software scalability enables highest throughput and extreme peak handling.
Complete monitoring can be fully integrated with the customer’s choice of

Key advantages of using BOX over Payment Application direct connection

BOX Solution Overview

Integration with customer’s choice of infrastructure

BOX is designed to run in professional high-end computer centre environments.

BOX assumes the following prerequisites in a customer / service provider environment.

Platform independence

BOX supports the following operating systems, relational databases,

web application servers and virtualisation options.

BOX Solution Overview

Integration with software infrastructure: MQ, SOA, File and Database

BOX integrates seamlessly with the customer’s choice of transport channel:

BOX Solution Overview

BOX Solution Overview

BOX Web Services, also callable from external applications

BOX provides some out of the box web services. Some examples are outlined below.

The ‘Validation Service’ allows an application to send a message to the service and to
receive a reply indicating whether the message passed validation, or if not, which
syntactical or semantic errors were detected.
The ‘Authorisation Service’ checks if an RMA authorisation exists for a specific
correspondent and specific message type and returns the result to the calling
The Archive Search and Retrieval Service enables applications to look up the BOX
Archive and extract messages for further processing.
The ‘Printing Service’ can be used to print SWIFT messages in various formats.
The ‘T2S Signature Service’ checks the validity of a T2S signature or calculates a
signature from a provided digest and returns the result to the calling application.

Integration with third party applications

Based on a modular plug-in architecture, third party software for embargo checking,
filtering and liquidity management can be seamlessly integrated with BOX workflow

The BOX plugin architecture for content processing workflow is used to transform BOX
messages into 3rd party specific formats. Three different types of plugins are used:
• XSLT transformation
• Fixed length Buffers
• Customer specific implementation

BOX analytic functions are used to determine which messages require processing by
external applications.

Reply messages are received from the external application and appended to the original
message. The data provided by the external application can be viewed in the standard
journals and queues using XHTML technology.

The data received from the external application is analysed and further routing decisions
based on the analysis results.

The process is controlled by the BOX application queue monitor:

Should no answer be received from the external application within a configurable
timeframe, an alert is generated, and the message forwarded to an exception queue

BOX Solution Overview

User Profile Management

BOX comes with a sophisticated User Profile Management (UPM) facility, covering up
to 8 hierarchical levels. This allows our customers to model even the most complex
organisational structures. This powerful capability eliminates much of the complexity
found in legacy messaging systems when managing user profiles.

For service providers this allows completely independent organisations to define their
organisational UPM map using their own virtual BOX instance. This does not impact
the UPM configurations or message processing of other organisations sharing the
same physical BOX system. This function and architecture makes BOX a favoured
platform for service providers - who manage the traffic of multiple financial institutions.
INTERCOPE has several large service provider customers making use of this

Within an organisation, access rights for message handling can be defined with high
granularity, including approval limits based on message amount values in local and
foreign currencies. These attributes can be defined for large organisational units,
departments, or individual users whereby definitions on higher organisational levels
are inherited down the hierarchy.

Typical “roles” are used to define different access profiles, and then associated with
organisational units or individuals. A time zone indicator may be set for UPM objects
such as users, roles, and organisational units. This information is used in distributed
environments to display all date/time information in the local time of the user.

The user authorisation for message processing functions is handled directly by BOX.
The user authentication can also access external directories/ repositories via LDAP or
other standards. In addition, single sign-on systems are supported with the user data
synchronised with external directories via LDAP.

BOX provides multi-factor authentication through:

▪BOX passwords + TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password)

▪RADIUS method + TOTP

▪LDAP method + TOTP

▪SMTP method + TOTP

BOX Solution Overview

Service provider optimisation

BOX customers typically deploy the product in 3 instances:

A development system
A quality assurance (QA) system
A production system

A new release or fix pack of BOX is normally installed and tested on the development
system initially, then verified on the QA system, and finally deployed on the production
system. To ease these deployment steps, BOX includes batch tools to migrate
configuration data easily between systems. The data is exported in XML format. All
relevant objects can be exported and imported including Workflow (routing)
configuration, UPM configuration and Journal views.

Optimised staging comprises the following:

Unattended staging support from UAT to Production for multi-instances

Controlled by scheduled batch jobs
Support for automated staging through replacement variables
Replacing of system-dependent values, such as data base parameters
MQ parameters and Logical Terminals
Enables unattended fully-automated multi-instances staging process whenever
required (over the weekend for example)

Multi-Country Deployment

When one logical BOX system is used in several different countries, for legal reasons,
it may be required that messages are stored only in the country where they are sent or
received. This can be implemented using regional data warehouses, physically located
in each of the countries where the requirement is. The central message processing
database only stores the messages temporarily until the message processing
sequence has been completed.

BOX Solution Overview

Billing & Statistics

Box integrates with the customer specific billing infrastructure of service providers.
Using a plug-in technology individual interfaces can be provided.

Statistical data can be obtained in online queries in the BOX client using various filter
criteria. For further processing in tools such as EXCEL the results of these queries can
be exported.

BOX comes with a predefined set of reports generated with BIRT (Business
Intelligence and Reporting Tool – Open source). In addition, customised reports can
be defined in BIRT.

The BOX statistics tool reads SAG event logs as a central data source and provides
unified reports even when different CBTs are used. The tool stores all collected data in
DB2 or Oracle database tables and includes a set of standard statistics. In addition,
tools such as Crystal Reports or BIRT can be used to create any type of individual

The BOX statistics tool can run independently of the BOX server and even on a
different platform such as z/OS, z/Linux, AIX, Linux, Solaris or Windows.

BOX Solution Overview

Three Tier Architecture – BOX server, BOX client, connected via database

The BOX server controls message processing, the workflow and it includes a system
monitor that generates alerts and allows integration with the customer’s system
management tools via SNMP. The server is written in C and C++ and optimised to
handle very large data volumes on a small footprint.

BOX provides a Web-Client written in JAVA which is deployed in a Web Application

Server. It uses business logic implemented in the Web Application and AJAX for
communication with a Web Browser. It can be used together with standard Web
Browsers such as Internet Explorer or Firefox.

BOX stores all relevant data in the tables of a Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS), which is a prerequisite for every BOX installation. ODBC and JDBC
standard interfaces are used with products from different vendors.

High availability with continuous operation via twinned Active-Active

BOX Server 1 & 2 reading messages form Queue A & B.

Both channels can be selected on both messaging interfaces.

BOX Solution Overview


BOX is horizontally and vertically scalable and can be deployed in several processing
nodes on different machines at the same time. Each of these processing nodes have
their own dedicated physical message processing database. Each physical database
is part of an overall logical BOX message warehouse, which is presented to users,
system administrators, and external applications as a central BOX Message
Warehouse, with a central UPM and configuration database.

BOX Solution Overview

Performance Optimisation

High message volumes with moderate resource consumptions.

BOX has been designed and optimised to handle very large message volumes – as
processed by the largest financial institutions and service providers. Importantly it also
does this on a very small system footprint. Benchmarks using actual customer use
cases and workflows on IBM and Oracle labs have shown impressive results:

Proven 500,000 FIN messages per hour with message validation

Traffic of one full day to be handled in 2 hours
Proven 20 GB of files with SEPA transactions in 6 minutes
One BOX instance can handle virtually unlimited data volumes

For instant payments in excess of 1.000 msg/sec were achieved on one processing

Complete ISO 20022 stack

ISO 20022 is a universal financial industry message scheme defined in XML syntax by
ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation Standard Organisation). Since
2005 ISO 20022 messages have been developed for many business areas of the
financial industry and ISO 20022 has evolved as the future standard for financial

In Europe ISO 20022 messages are already mandatory for SEPA Credit Transfers
(SCT), Direct Debits (SDD), and now for Instant Payments Credit Transfers (SCT inst).
For the clearing and settlement of security transactions ISO 20022 messages are
used by the Target2 Securities system of the European Central Bank. The RTGS
system of Eurosystem Target2 will be migrated to ISO 20022 based MX messages.
The SWIFT services FileAct, InterAct and RMA make use of ISO 20022.

BOX includes a complete ISO 20022 stack including the implementation of specialised
T2S Messages derived from ISO 20022 and special SSP messages used by the
European central banks. Comprehensive functionality is provided for message entry,
repair, and authorisation, printing, retransmission, as well as for duplicate checking
and validation.

Complete ISO 20022 stack

Entry / Repair / Authorisation
Printing / Retransmission
Duplicate Checking / Validation
BOX-Link for InterAct & FileAct
Custom enhanced ISO 20022 messages such as SSP for Deutsche Bundesbank

BOX Solution Overview

Format Conversion

BOX has several facilities to convert between different message formats: Using standard
XSLT style sheets any XML based format can be generated (e.g. for backend applications
using proprietary formats). For non-XML formats additional plugins can be developed.
Conversion between SWIFT MT and MX messages, and vice versa, is an integral function
of BOX. Implementation for specific message types is made when SWIFT defined
conversion rules are published and when requested by customers.

Both formats for the same transaction are visible through the BOX GUI.
Initial conversions are provided for:

Customer Payments and Cheques SIC

MT 103 MX->MT:
Funds camt.052 -> MT950
MT 502, 509, 515 pacs.009 -> MT202(COV)
Settlement and Reconciliation pacs.008 -> MT103
MT 540, 541, 542, 643 MT -> MX:
MT202(COV) -> pacs.009
MT103 -> pacs.008

Security aspects in BOX

Box is fully integrated into the security infrastructure environment of the customer
including the following aspects:
Secured Redundant Customer Environment
Cluster, Disaster Recovery
Transaction Protection
Message & Configuration Audit-log
Configuration Management (n-Eyes)
Alerting & Keep-alive signalling
Application Security
Cooperate with Customers on Audits
Integration with SSO-Systems
Continuity Services
Continuity Services
Training Classes
Health Check
Content Encryption
Segregation of Duties
User Profile Management
Role Allocation (n-Eyes)

BOX Solution Overview

SWIFT Customer Security Programme (CSP)

INTERCOPE has repeatedly participated in various vulnerability tests and updated

BOX to shield against attacks and threats - long before CSP was launched. Full scope,
no compromise, INTERCOPE conforms to all mandatory and all advisory vendor
controls (Embedded / Supported).

The INTERCOPE Security Team actively supports customers with CSP- related advise
in close cooperation with the BOX User Community.

INTERCOPE has become one of the first SWIFT software vendors to complete the
SWIFT Customer Security Programme (CSP) self-attestation for SWIFT global
business services; FIN, RMA, InterAct and FileAct by August 2017. In December 2017
the customer certification has been completed.

Monitoring and alerting

Centralised System Supervision

A monitor module continuously receives live signals and statistical information from
each individual component. Any exceptional event or problem including, for example, a
failure of a communication link is forwarded to the monitor and an appropriate recovery
action is automatically undertaken.

For centralised system control and supervision BOX can interact with external facilities
and systems such as Syslog, an operator console, file-based data exchange or via
SNMP. BOX has an SNMP subagent with a worldwide registered Management
Information Base (MIB). These components are used to integrate BOX into standard
System Management Applications such as IBM Tivoli Netview or others. BOX alerts
are received as standard SNMP traps. A broad range of information can be accessed
by reading SNMP variables and the system can be actively controlled by writing SNMP

Additionally, relevant information is provided by queue and session traffic monitors, by

channel history of all exchanged messages.

All configuration changes are recorded in a dedicated audit log.

Comprehensive information about all user interaction with messages is recorded in the
message history which is searchable using various filter criteria and is archived along
with the message.

BOX Solution Overview

Message Warehouse

BOX includes a performance optimised Message Warehouse. This is separated from

the database tables used for core processing and is primarily used to provide fast and
flexible access to the messages handled by BOX. The Message Warehouse can also
be deployed to provide access to messages from external data stores. Examples of
such implementations include:
Message Warehouse for SEPA related messages
Customer specific implementations

Message specific data warehouse tables are available for the following types of
ISO 20022
T2S messages / files
SIANet file transfer

With this approach, specific message types can be better reflected in GUI elements
such as journals and application queues. Significant performance enhancements have
been achieved by an index structure adopted to the specific search criteria applicable
to the different message types.

BOX Solution Overview


Messages can be purged after a configurable retention period from the active
message database. It is also possible to configure if, and with which data, messages
should be archived in the BOX archive during this operation. The archiving tables are
separated from the message warehouse of the live messages, but the data can be
retrieved from the Web Client in the same manner as live messages and archived
messages can be moved back to the life database for further processing.

In addition to the BOX archive, messages can be exported to external archiving

systems which may typically be the case for long term archiving.
A generic interface to such archiving systems is provided which exports the data to be
inserted into the long-term archive in a configurable manner into file

BOX Solution Overview

Workflow & Routing

The BOX routing component can analyse all fields of a message including header
information, user or applications defined fields and information generated by BOX.
Based on this analysis, multiple routing destinations can be assigned - including
specific back office applications, printers, email addresses, and queues for manual
intervention. In addition, functions such as duplicate checking and interaction with
external applications like e.g. embargo, filtering, and liquidity management solutions
can be included in the workflow.

Routing rules can be defined in a table based graphical user interface, or alternatively
in a traditional analysis programming language.

The table-based routing is business oriented, easy to use and mainly used for the
definition of standard routing rules. The data can be exported to MS Excel.

The BOX programming language provides high level programming functions in

addition to develop complex analysis and decision algorithms. It is e.g. used to
implement MERVA routing according to BOX standards

Application Queues
BOX includes a concept called “application queues”. Typically, messages routed to these
queues require some form of manual intervention such as an authorisation or correction,
or they are waiting for a system event such as the receipt of an ACK or NAK. The
messages in these queues can be accessed via the BOX GUI under various selection
criteria and a predefined set of actions can be performed by authorised users.

Although BOX comes “out of the box” with a predefined set of standard application
queues, the general concept of application queues is universal, and any type of
application queue can be defined to address customer specific requirements.

In addition, application queues can incorporate certain specific attributes such as being
started and stopped or launching external applications manually or at predefined times
(scheduling). The elimination of physical queues saves on computing resources, gives rise
to performance benefits, and enables higher levels of message throughput from the same
hardware configuration

Message Enrichment
Messages in BOX can be enriched by application specific data. This data is stored in
BOX as part of the message and can be displayed in BOX Journals and Application
Queues. The data can be filtered and searched for by standard BOX search and filter
functions and can be analysed for routing decisions.

In addition to the configuration options of the graphical user interface it is also possible
to customise screens using X-HTML syntax. This is particularly helpful for visualising
customer specific user data and offers a high degree of flexibility for implementing
customer specific requirements.

BOX Solution Overview

Duplicate Checking
This functionality exists for FIN, InterAct and FileAct via checksum and header info.
Duplication Checking is a specific configurable part of the workflow and is not related
to any PDE / PDM handling. If this feature is active, BOX builds and stores a message
digest from configurable message information such as amount, transaction references,
sender, and recipient. Every new message is checked against this information. If the
message is found to be a duplicate it is passed to the corresponding error queue.

Options can be defined as to which message types are to be checked, which parameters
are to be extracted, and which time period for which messages are to be checked.

Manual Message Processing

BOX offers the most comprehensive functionality available in the industry in this area
currently including ISO 20022, FIN, and RNI messages.

A single browser-based user Interface offers the same look-and feel for SWIFT FIN
and ISO2022 XML Messages.

An intuitive graphical user interface for message entry and repair, authorisation,
investigation and message warehouse visualisation.

Flexible management of personalised templates.

Complete online message validation including cross field validation and RMA

Configurable authorisation rules and cycles (“4 eye” or “6 eye” principle for
specific messages and amounts).

Several levels of context sensitive online help are provided together with error
checking including field related access to SWIFT user handbooks when applicable.

Message Inquiry
The BOX Web Client includes a customisable graphical user interface to allow searching
for specific messages under various filter criteria including “Quick Search”, “Standard
Search” and “Advanced Search” modes. With the help of these tools, frequently occurring
queries can be easily initiated with just a few clicks, while complex analyses can be
carried out using combinations of logical operators, like those used in SQL statements.
The results of a search are presented in configurable columns, showing the most
important information at a glance on the first page, whilst more specific data can be
obtained by opening an individual message.
The message content can be visualised in several formats, including a user friendly
graphical presentation, Wire Format and XML, and all information displayed can be
printed. In addition, the GUI can be customised for accessing external data repositories
based on individual customers choices.

BOX Solution Overview

Company Overview

INTERCOPE is a private, independent company founded in 1982 in Hamburg, Germany

with a global team of professionals locally available in all major countries.

Intercope is an independent and highly reputable software technology company serving

financial institutions across the globe. From SWIFT CSP, ESMIG, gpi, Instant Payments
connectivity for multiple CSMs over multiple networks, to legacy SWIFT consolidation and
replacement, Intercope provides deep expertise and a platform for all interbank
messaging that embraces new standards and market initiatives while reducing costs and
boosting revenues.
Intercope is a team of passionate and highly competent German software engineers who
work with a growing list of customers to provide high quality software.
Intercope is the ideal solution partner for the realities of the digitally disruptive age.


Intercope GmbH
Himmelstrasse 12-16
22299 Hamburg

+49 40 514 52 0

The Intercope homepage can be found at

BOX Solution Overview

Management Team

Reinhart Laumer, President and CEO

Reinhart, a software development pioneer since 1969 and
IT entrepreneur since 1977, founded INTERCOPE in 1982
in Hamburg, Germany and has been leading the company
successfully for more than 30 years. Reinhart is
INTERCOPE’s major shareholder and takes his strategic
decisions in close cooperation with his management team.
He has polyglot communication skills and maintains close
contacts with major customers and partners around the
world. Within the SWIFT community, he is well known for
having attended all SIBOS events since 1985.

Frank Kollender, CFO and Managing Director

Frank and his team handle all aspects of financial
management and administration within INTERCOPE. Frank
is actively involved in strategic company decisions and the
primary partner of our customers for all contractual matters.
Frank, banker and certified business economist, joined
INTERCOPE in 1990. Prior to this, he has been working
with Vereins-und Westbank in Hamburg, Germany.

Olaf Grossler, Manager of Implementation and Support

Olaf is responsible for the customisation and
implementation of BOX Messaging Hub and
MessagePlus/Open. Olaf and his team work in close
cooperation with our customers and support them by
remote assistance and onsite attendance as required.
Before being appointed to his current position, the
graduated computer scientist worked as a key developer of
Box Messaging Hub and MessagePlus/Open with
INTERCOPE since 1993.

Jens Huser, Development Manager

Jens is responsible for the core development of Box
Messaging Hub and MessagePlus/Open. He is personally
involved in all major architecture and design decisions,
leads a team of some 15 highly motivated software
professionals and has a strong focus on all aspects of
quality management in the development process. Jens,
graduated physicist, joined INTERCOPE in 1990 and since
has been involved in all major software development
projects of the company.

BOX Solution Overview

BOX User Forum

The BOX User Forum was founded in 2011 with the first meeting hosted by Bank
Austria in Vienna. Subsequently, the event has been organised on a yearly basis,
evolving into the most important event for the BOX community and INTERCOPE.

The BOX User Forum and its meetings provide an excellent forum for BOX customers
to exchange their experiences with the product, to discuss customer requirements for
new functions and enhancements of the product, and to hear about new trends and
developments in the industry. INTERCOPE actively participates in this process to
ensure that all development activities are in line with customer requirements and
technological advancements in the industry.

Close customer relationships and the early consideration of customer requirements in

the development process form an essential part of INTERCOPE’s culture and have
always been a key factor in the success of the company. The BOX User Forum
provides an excellent forum to maintain and to further enhance these outstanding

This year’s BOX User Forum was held at Burg Hemmersbach, Germany 13-15 May

Next year’s BOX User Forum will also be held at Burg Hemmersbach near Cologne,


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