Pro Forma Invoice An Giyanto Bayu Buana Travel

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Jl Raya Manado Bitung Watutumou II Kec Kalawat

Minahasa Utara, SulawesI Utara
Phone: 081119025933--0431818888

Guest Name : MR GIYANTO Reservation No : 18692

Billing Address : BAYU BUANA TRAVEL
Hp No : 02123509999'

We are pleased to confirm the following reservation

Guest Name :
Arrival : 21-Mar-22
Departure : 23-Mar-22
Room rate : IDR 650.000
Total Room Night : 2 DAYS
Total Reservation : 1 ROOM
Total Amount : IDR 1.300.000
Pre Payment :

Pre Payment must be receive by Hotel lates 5 days before Arrival or you can send Copy Bank Transfer
By whatsapp Number 082191219199. if not, the reservation will be automatically switched into publish rate

Account Name : Sutanraja Hotel Manado

Bank Name : Mandiri
Account Number : 150-0012-8357-22

Best Regards

FO Cashier

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