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Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members

Basic Information
Incumbent Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members
Name Year of birth Gender  Position Term of office
CHEN Siqing 1960 Male Chairman From April 2014 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2020
LIU Liange 1961 Male Vice Chairman and President From October 2018 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
WU Fulin 1963 Male Executive Director and From February 2019 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
  Executive Vice President
LIN Jingzhen 1965 Male Executive Director and From February 2019 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
  Executive Vice President
ZHAO Jie 1962 Male Non-executive Director From August 2017 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2020
LI Jucai 1964 Male Non-executive Director From September 2015 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
XIAO Lihong 1965 Female Non-executive Director From August 2017 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2020
WANG Xiaoya 1964 Female Non-executive Director From August 2017 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2020
LIAO Qiang 1974 Male Non-executive Director From September 2018 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
LU Zhengfei 1963 Male Independent Director From July 2013 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
LEUNG Cheuk Yan 1951 Male Independent Director From September 2013 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
WANG Changyun 1964 Male Independent Director From August 2016 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
Angela CHAO 1973 Female Independent Director From January 2017 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
JIANG Guohua 1971 Male Independent Director From December 2018 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
WANG Xiquan 1960 Male Chairman of the Board of Supervisors From November 2016 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
LIU Wanming 1958 Male Shareholder Supervisor From August 2004 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2019
WANG Zhiheng 1973 Male Employee Supervisor From December 2018 to the date of the 2021 Employee Delegates’ Meeting 
LI Changlin 1962 Male Employee Supervisor From December 2018 to the date of the 2021 Employee Delegates’ Meeting
LENG Jie 1963 Male Employee Supervisor From December 2018 to the date of the 2021 Employee Delegates’ Meeting 
CHEN Yuhua 1953 Male External Supervisor From June 2015 to the date of the Annual General Meeting in 2021
SUN Yu 1973 Male Executive Vice President From February 2019
XIAO Wei 1960 Male Chief Audit Officer From November 2014
LIU Qiuwan 1961 Male Chief Information Officer From June 2018
LIU Jiandong 1969 Male Chief Risk Officer From February 2019
MEI Feiqi 1962 Male Secretary to the Board of Directors Company Secretary from March 2018 and Secretary to the Board of
  and Company Secretary   Directors from April 2018

Note: No incumbent director, supervisor or senior management member, except Mr. SUN Yu who held 10,000 H shares of the
Bank, held any share of the Bank.

Former Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members

Name Year of birth Gender Position held before leaving the post Term of office
GAO Yingxin 1962  Male Executive Director and Executive Vice President From December 2016 to January 2018
REN Deqi 1963 Male Executive Director and Executive Vice President From December 2016 to June 2018
ZHANG Qingsong 1965 Male Executive Director and Executive Vice President From August 2018 to September 2018
ZHANG Xiangdong 1957 Male Non-executive Director From July 2011 to June 2018
Nout WELLINK 1943 Male Independent Director From October 2012 to June 2018
WANG Xueqiang 1957 Male Shareholder Supervisor From August 2004 to March 2018
DENG Zhiying 1959 Male Employee Supervisor From August 2010 to December 2018
GAO Zhaogang 1969 Male Employee Supervisor From April 2016 to December 2018
XIANG Xi 1971 Female Employee Supervisor From August 2012 to December 2018
LIU Qiang 1971 Male Executive Vice President From November 2016 to September 2018
PAN Yuehan 1964 Male Chief Risk Officer From April 2016 to January 2019
GENG Wei 1963 Male Secretary to the Board of Directors and Company Secretary Secretary to the Board of Directors from June 2015
  to March 2018 and Company Secretary
  from October 2015 to March 2018

Note: Except that Mr. GAO Yingxin held 1,100 H shares of the Bank, no former director, supervisor or senior management
member held any share of the Bank during their terms of office.

2018 Annual Report 86

Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members

Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members Paid in 2018

Remuneration before tax from the Bank in 2018 (Unit: RMB ten thousand)
Contribution by Whether
the employer to remunerated
social insurance, by
enterprise annuity, shareholding
supplementary companies or
medical insurance Other other
Remuneration and housing monetary connected
Name Position paid provident fund income Total parties
Incumbent Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members
CHEN Siqing Chairman 54.60 14.44 – 69.04 No
LIU Liange Vice Chairman and President 18.20 5.02 – 23.22 No
WU Fulin Executive Director and Executive Vice President – – – – No
LIN Jingzhen Executive Director and Executive Vice President 36.86 10.88 – 47.74 No
ZHAO Jie Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
LI Jucai Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
XIAO Lihong Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
WANG Xiaoya Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
LIAO Qiang Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
LU Zhengfei Independent Director 55.00 – – 55.00 Yes
LEUNG Cheuk Yan Independent Director 40.00 – – 40.00 No
WANG Changyun Independent Director 49.30 – – 49.30 Yes
Angela CHAO Independent Director 42.53 – – 42.53 Yes
JIANG Guohua Independent Director 1.69 – – 1.69 Yes
WANG Xiquan Chairman of the Board of Supervisors 54.60 14.44 – 69.04 No
LIU Wanming Shareholder Supervisor 78.65 22.26 4.58 105.49 No
WANG Zhiheng Employee Supervisor – – – – No
LI Changlin Employee Supervisor – – – – No
LENG Jie Employee Supervisor – – – – No
CHEN Yuhua External Supervisor 26.00 – – 26.00 No
SUN Yu Executive Vice President 22.42 4.43 0.40 27.25 No
XIAO Wei Chief Audit Officer 89.68 24.36 2.54 116.58 No
LIU Qiuwan Chief Information Officer 44.84 8.83 1.51 55.18 No
LIU Jiandong Chief Risk Officer – – – – –
MEI Feiqi Secretary to the Board of Directors and
  Company Secretary 56.94 15.27 3.54 75.75 No
Former Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members
GAO Yingxin Executive Director and Executive Vice President 4.10 1.14 – 5.24 No
REN Deqi Executive Director and Executive Vice President 24.57 6.84 – 31.41 No
ZHANG Qingsong Executive Director and Executive Vice President 36.86 10.56 – 47.42 No
ZHANG Xiangdong Non-executive Director – – – – Yes
Nout WELLINK Independent Director 29.67 – – 29.67 No
WANG Xueqiang Shareholder Supervisor 21.02 7.35 0.75 29.12 No
DENG Zhiying Employee Supervisor 5.00 – – 5.00 No
GAO Zhaogang Employee Supervisor 5.00 – – 5.00 No
XIANG Xi Employee Supervisor 5.00 – – 5.00 No
LIU Qiang Executive Vice President 36.86 10.56 – 47.42 No
PAN Yuehan Chief Risk Officer 89.68 24.35 2.54 116.57 No
GENG Wei Secretary to the Board of Directors and
  Company Secretary 14.23 5.44 0.46 20.13 No

87 2018 Annual Report

Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members


1 In accordance with the government regulations, since 1 January 2015, the Bank remunerates Chairman of the Board of
Directors, President, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, executive directors, and executive vice presidents pursuant to
the rules on remuneration reform for central enterprises.

2 The 2018 final remuneration for Chairman of the Board of Directors, President, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors,
executive directors, shareholder supervisors and other senior management remembers is to be determined and will be
disclosed in an additional announcement by the Bank.

3 The Bank remunerates directors, supervisors and senior management members who are employed by the Bank with
salaries, bonuses, contribution by the employer to social insurance, enterprise annuity, supplementary medical insurance
and housing provident fund, as well as other monetary income. Independent directors receive directors’ remunerations
and allowances. Other directors are not remunerated by the Bank. Chairman of the Board of Directors, executive directors
and senior management members do not receive any remuneration from the Bank’s subsidiaries.

4 Independent directors receive remuneration in accordance with the resolution of the 2007 Annual General Meeting.
External supervisors receive remuneration in accordance with the resolution of the 2009 Annual General Meeting.
Remuneration for shareholder supervisors is in accordance with relevant remuneration scheme of the Bank and approved
by the shareholders’ meeting.

5 In 2018, Non-executive Directors Mr. ZHAO Jie, Mr. LI Jucai, Ms. XIAO Lihong, Ms. WANG Xiaoya, Mr. LIAO Qiang, and
Mr. ZHANG Xiangdong were not remunerated by the Bank.

6 Mr. SUN Yu’s remuneration disclosed in the above table is paid for his service as the Chief Overseas Business Officer of the
Bank in 2018.

7 Some independent directors of the Bank served as independent non-executive directors of other legal entities or
organisations, which caused such legal entities or organisations to be defined as connected parties of the Bank. Save as
disclosed above, none of the directors, supervisors or senior management members of the Bank was remunerated by the
connected parties of the Bank during the reporting period.

8 The above persons’ remuneration is calculated on the basis of their actual time working as directors, supervisors or
senior management members of the Bank in 2018. Employee supervisors’ remuneration above is paid for their service as
supervisors of the Bank during the reporting period.

9 For the starting time of the term of office of the above-mentioned directors, supervisors and senior management
members, please refer to the section “Basic Information”.

10 The Bank incurred RMB11.46 million in remuneration to its directors, supervisors and senior management members’
services in 2018.

Positions held in Shareholding Companies by Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management


Save as disclosed above, in 2018, none of the Bank’s directors, supervisors or senior management members held
any position in the shareholding companies of the Bank.

2018 Annual Report 88


CHEN Siqing

Chairman of the Board of Directors since August 2017. Mr. CHEN joined the Bank in 1990 and
served as Vice Chairman of the Bank from April 2014 to August 2017, President of the Bank
from February 2014 to August 2017, and Executive Vice President of the Bank from June 2008 to
February 2014. Mr. CHEN held various positions in the Bank from June 2000 to May 2008, including
Assistant General Manager and Vice General Manager of the Fujian Branch, General Manager of
the Risk Management Department of the Head Office and General Manager of the Guangdong
Branch. Mr. CHEN previously worked in the Hunan Branch of the Bank before he was dispatched to
the Hong Kong Branch of China and South Sea Bank Ltd. as Assistant General Manager. Mr. CHEN
served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of BOC Aviation Limited from December 2011 to
March 2018. Since December 2011, Mr. CHEN has been serving as Non-executive Director of BOC
Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited. He served as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of BOCHK
(Holdings) from March 2014 to August 2017, and has been serving as Chairman of the Board of
Directors of BOCHK (Holdings) since August 2017. Mr. CHEN graduated from Hubei Institute of
Finance and Economics in 1982. He obtained an MBA from Murdoch University, Australia in 1999.
He is a Certified Public Accountant and holds the title of Senior Economist.

LIU Liange
Vice Chairman and President

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors since October 2018 and President of the Bank since August
2018. Mr. LIU joined the Bank in 2018. He served as Vice Chairman and President of the Export-
Import Bank of China from July 2015 to June 2018. Mr. LIU served as Vice President of the Export-
Import Bank of China from March 2007 to February 2015. He also served as Director of the African
Export-Import Bank from September 2007 to February 2015, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
of Sino-Italian Mandarin Capital Partners from March 2009 to June 2015, and Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Regional Credit Guarantee and Investment Facility (Asia) from March 2014
to May 2015. Mr. LIU worked in the People’s Bank of China for many years, successively serving
as Deputy Director-General of the International Department of the PBOC, President of the Fuzhou
Central Sub-branch of the PBOC and Director of the Fujian Branch of the State Administration of
Foreign Exchange, Director General of the Anti-Money Laundering Bureau (the Security Bureau)
of the PBOC. Mr. LIU has been serving as President of Shanghai RMB Trading Unit since October
2018 and as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited since
December 2018. He graduated from the Graduate School of the People’s Bank of China with a
Master’s Degree in Economics in 1987. He holds the title of Senior Economist.

89 2018 Annual Report


WU Fulin
Executive Director and Executive Vice President

Executive Director of the Bank since February 2019 and Executive Vice President of the Bank since
December 2018. Mr. WU joined the Bank in 2018. He served as Deputy General Manager of China
Everbright Group Limited from March 2015 to October 2018. Mr. WU also served as Chief Economist
of China Everbright Group Limited (and its predecessor) from April 2013 to October 2018, Chairman
of Sun Life Everbright Life Insurance Company Limited from July 2015 to October 2018. From
September 2009 to March 2017, Mr. WU served as General Manager of Strategies Management
Department of China Everbright Group Limited (and its predecessor) and also served as Equity Director
of Everbright Financial Holding Asset Management Company Limited from April 2010 to June 2017.
He worked in China Everbright Bank for many years, and successively served as General Manager of
Planning and Treasury Department and the Treasury Department of China Everbright Bank, General
Manager of Kunming Branch of China Everbright Bank, General Manager of Shenzhen Branch
of China Everbright Bank, General Manager of the Strategies Management Department of China
Everbright Bank. He graduated from Fudan University with a Doctor’s Degree in Economics in 1995.
He has qualification of associate researcher.

LIN Jingzhen
Executive Director and Executive Vice President

Executive Director of the Bank since February 2019 and Executive Vice President of the Bank
since March 2018. Mr. LIN joined the Bank in 1987. He served as Deputy Chief Executive of BOC
Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited from May 2015 to January 2018, and served as General Manager
of the Corporate Banking Department of the Bank from March 2014 to May 2015. He served as
General Manager (Corporate Banking) of the Corporate Banking Unit of the Bank from October
2010 to March 2014. Prior to this, he successively served as Deputy General Manager of Corporate
Banking Department and Corporate Banking Unit of the Bank. Mr. LIN has been serving as Chairman
of BOC International Holdings Limited since April 2018, Chairman of BOC International (China)
Co., Ltd. since May 2018, and Non-executive Director of BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited since
August 2018. He graduated from Xiamen University in 1987, and obtained a Master of Business
Administration Degree from Xiamen University in 2000.

2018 Annual Report 90


Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2017. Mr. ZHAO served as Inspector of the
Agricultural Department of the Ministry of Finance from August 2014 to August 2017. He was an
Inspector of the Office of Countryside Comprehensive Reform of the State Council from September
2008 to August 2014. From December 1991 to September 2008, Mr. ZHAO served successively as
Chief of Division of Taxation and Chief of Comprehensive Division of the Department of Taxation,
Deputy Chief of the Department of Taxation, Deputy Chief of the Department of Tax System and
Regulations of the Ministry of Finance, Chief of Office of Panel of Countryside Taxation Reform of
the State Council, and Deputy Chief and Inspector of Office of Countryside Comprehensive Reform
of the State Council. He graduated from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics and Public
Institute of the Ministry of Finance in August 1982 and July 2005, respectively, with a Bachelor’s
Degree and a Doctor’s Degree.

LI Jucai
Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director of the Bank since September 2015. Mr. LI served as Party Committee
Member and Secretary of Party Discipline Committee of the Information Network Center under the
Ministry of Finance from December 2014 to September 2015. He acted as the specialised Deputy
Secretary of Party Committee of the Information Network Center under the Ministry of Finance
from April 2010 to December 2014. From November 1996 to April 2010, he had successively been
the Deputy Head of the Science Division of the Culture, Education and Administration Department,
Division Head of the Investment Evaluation Center, Director of Administration Office and Head
of the Administrative Division of the Information Network Center under the Ministry of Finance.
Mr. LI majored in Finance in China Northeast University of Finance and Economics and graduated
with a Bachelor’s Degree in 1986. Mr. LI has qualification of Senior Economist.

XIAO Lihong
Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2017. Ms. XIAO has been serving as Non-executive
Director of China Galaxy Securities Company Limited since February 2019, and as Director of China
Galaxy Financial Holdings Company Limited since October 2018. From April 2014 to August 2017, she
served as Inspector of the Current Account Management Department of the SAFE. She was Deputy
Director-General of the Current Account Management Department of the SAFE from September 2004
to April 2014, and concurrently as Vice General Manager and Party Committee Member of the Beijing
Branch of China Construction Bank from July 2011 to July 2012. She served successively as Deputy
Chief of the Current Account Division and the Non-trade Foreign Exchange Management Division of the
Supervision and Inspection Department, and Chief of the Business Supervision Division of the Current
Account Management Department of the SAFE from October 1996 to September 2004. She graduated
from the China Central University of Finance and Economics in August 1988 with a Bachelor’s Degree,
and from the Central University of Finance and Economics and Peking University in September 2003 and
July 2012, respectively, both with a Master’s Degree.

91 2018 Annual Report


WANG Xiaoya
Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director of the Bank since August 2017. Ms. WANG served as Non-executive Director
of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited from January 2012 to June 2017. From May
2007 to December 2011, she was Deputy Director-General of the Research Bureau of the PBOC. She
taught at the Central China Normal University where she served as Assistant Lecturer and Lecturer
from July 1985 to January 1995. She served as Deputy Chief and Chief of the Macroeconomic
Analysis Division of the Research Bureau of the PBOC from July 1997 to May 2007, and concurrently
as Deputy Mayor of Tongliao City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region from October 2005
to February 2007. She received a professional title of research fellow in 2005. Ms. WANG was a
member of the Post-Doctoral Academic Committee and a Post-Doctoral Co-mentor at the Institute
of Finance of the PBOC. Currently, she is a member of the Academic Committee of the China
Institute for Rural Studies of Tsinghua University, Invited Researcher of the National Institute of
Financial Research of Tsinghua University, Doctoral Supervisor of Southwestern University of Finance
and Economics and Invited Professor at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Ms. WANG graduated from the Economics Faculty of Central China Normal University and the
Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in January 1990 and June 1997 with a
Master’s Degree and a Doctor’s Degree, respectively.

LIAO Qiang
Non-executive Director

Non-executive Director of the Bank since September 2018. Mr. LIAO has worked at S&P Global
Ratings from 2005 to 2018, successively serving as an associate, associate director, director, and
senior director for the rating agency’s financial institution ratings group. He was also the Sector
Lead and Chief Rating Officer for S&P’s Financial Institution Ratings in Greater China, a designated
Global Voter on S&P’s Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment Committees, and a member of
S&P’s Global Industry Focus Team on government-related entity ratings. From 1998 to 2005, he
successively served in the General Division and Institution Management Division of the Non-bank
Financial Institution Supervision Department of the People’s Bank of China and the Market Access
Division of the Non-bank Financial Institution Supervision Department of former China Banking
Regulatory Commission. He is also a non-practicing member of Chinese Institute of Certified Public
Accountants and a member of the academic board of Hongfan Institute of Legal and Economic
Studies. Mr. LIAO received a Doctor’s Degree in Economics from the Graduate School of the Chinese
Academy of Social Science in 2010, a Master’s Degree in Monetary Banking from the Institute of
Finance of the People’s Bank of China in 1998, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Renmin
University of China in 1995.

2018 Annual Report 92


LU Zhengfei
Independent Director
Independent Director of the Bank since July 2013. Mr. LU currently serves as the distinguished professor of
Cheung Kong Scholar of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He served as the head of the
Accounting Department of the School of Business, Nanjing University between 1994 and 1999, and the head of
the Accounting Department of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University between 2001 and 2007,
and Associate Dean of Guanghua School of Management, Peking University between 2007 and 2014. Mr. LU
also currently serves as an executive director of the Accounting Society of China and Deputy Director of Financial
Management Committee, an editorial board member of Accounting Research and Audit Research, and a member
of the Disciplinary Committee of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In 2001, he was elected as
a member of “The Hundred People Project of Beijing New Century Social Science Theoretical Talent”. In 2005, he
was elected to the “New Century Excellent Talent Support Plan” of the Ministry of Education, PRC. In 2013, he
was elected to the “Renowned Expert Training Project” (first batch) of the Ministry of Finance. In 2014, he was
elected as distinguished professor of Cheung Kong Scholar of the Ministry of Education, PRC. He currently serves
as an independent non-executive director or an independent supervisor of a number of companies listed on the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange, including: independent non-executive director of Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd. since
November 2005, and Independent Supervisor of PICC Property and Casualty Co., Ltd. (“PICC P&C”) since January
2011. He was an independent non-executive director of PICC P&C from February 2004 to December 2010, an
independent non-executive director of Sinotrans Ltd. from September 2004 to May 2018, and an independent
non-executive director of China National Materials Co., Ltd. from December 2009 to April 2018. He has served
as an independent non-executive director of China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation Limited since
November 2018. Mr. LU graduated from Renmin University of China in 1988 with a Master’s Degree in Economics
(Accounting), and received his Doctor’s Degree in Economics (Management) from Nanjing University in 1996.

LEUNG Cheuk Yan

Independent Director
Independent Director of the Bank since September 2013. Mr. LEUNG is a former partner of Baker & McKenzie,
which he joined in July 1987 and from which he retired in June 2011. During 2009 and 2010, he had served as
a part-time member of the Central Policy Unit of The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Mr.
LEUNG has been an independent non-executive director of MMG Limited, which is listed on The Stock Exchange
of Hong Kong Limited, since July 2012. Mr. LEUNG graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong with
a Bachelor of Social Science Degree (First Class Honours) in 1976, obtained a Master of Philosophy Degree from
The University of Oxford in 1981 and completed his legal study at The College of Law in England in 1982. He was
admitted to practice as a solicitor in Hong Kong in 1985, in England and Wales in 1988, in the Australian Capital
Territory in 1989 and in Victoria, Australia in 1991. He is a Senior Associate Member of St. Antony’s College,

WANG Changyun
Independent Director
Independent Director of the Bank since August 2016. Mr. WANG currently serves as professor and doctoral supervisor in
finance at Renmin University of China (“RUC”), and the dean of Hanqing Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance,
RUC. He served as a lecturer at RUC from 1989 to 1995 and as a lecturer at Business School, National University of
Singapore from 1999 to 2005. He served successively as the Chair of Applied Finance Department of RUC, Director of
China Financial Policy Research Center (a key research base of Ministry of Education) and Executive Vice Dean of Hanqing
Advanced Institute of Economics and Finance at RUC from 2006 to 2016. Mr. WANG is currently also the Vice Chairman
of China Investment Specialty Construction Association, Director of China Finance Annual Meeting Committee, Director
of China Finance Association, Deputy Editor of Finance Research Quarterly, Deputy Editor of China Finance Research, and
Deputy Editor of China Financial Review. He also serves as the standing committee member of Beijing Haidian District
People’s Political Consultative Conference, the Central Committee member of China Democratic League, the special
auditor of State Auditing Administration, the independent non-executive director of Sunway Co., Ltd. (originally named as
Sichuan Star Cable Co., Ltd.) and Beijing Haohua Energy Resource Co., Ltd. Mr. WANG has received social recognition and
prizes including the Special Government Allowance of State Council, Best Paper Award of Chicago Board of Trade in 2001,
and the “Middle Age Experts with National Outstanding Contribution”, membership of “the Program for New Century
Excellent Talents” of Ministry of Education in 2004, “Financial Support of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young
Scholars” in 2007, a member of the “New Century National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Program” in
2013, and the “Cheung Kong Distinguished Professor” of Ministry of Education in 2014. He obtained his Master’s Degree
in economics from RUC in July 1989 and Doctorate in Financial Economics from the University of London in January 1999.

93 2018 Annual Report


Angela CHAO
Independent Director
Independent Director of the Bank since January 2017. Ms. CHAO serves as Chairman and CEO of Foremost Group,
an international shipping company. From 1994 to 1996, Ms. CHAO worked in the mergers & acquisitions department
of Smith Barney, which is now Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. From 1996 to 1999, Ms. CHAO served as deputy
general manager of Foremost Group, and from 2001 to 2017, Ms. CHAO had successively served as Vice President,
Senior Vice President and Deputy Chairman of Foremost Group. Since 2018, she has served as Chairman and CEO
of Foremost Group. In May 2005, Ms. CHAO was unanimously voted to be BIMCO39’s (The Baltic and International
Maritime Council 39) Counsellor. In September 2005, she was selected as “Eminent Young Overseas Chinese” by
the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council of China. In November 2007, she was invited as speaker of
World Shipping (China) Summit. In April 2011, she became a Founding Member of the Wall Street Journal’s Task
Force on Women in the Economy. Ms. CHAO currently serves on the Boards of The Metropolitan Opera, Museum of
Modern Art PS1, the UK P&I Marine Insurance Mutual, Foremost Foundation, Shanghai Mulan Education Foundation,
and she also serves on the Harvard Business School’s Board of Dean’s Advisors, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global
Policy Board of Advisors, Lincoln Center Global’s China Advisory Council, the Chairman’s Council of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art and American Bureau of Shipping Council. In addition, she is also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations, serves on the Young Leaders Forum of the National Committee on US-China Relations and serves
as the member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Antai College of Economics and Management Advisory Board, and
honorary chairperson of the Jiao Tong University Alumni Association in America. Ms. CHAO graduated from Harvard
College in three years in 1994 with a Bachelor’s Degree in economics (Magna Cum Laude), and received her Master
of Business Administration Degree from Harvard Business School in 2001.

JIANG Guohua
Independent Director
Independent Director of the Bank since December 2018. Mr. JIANG serves as Professor of Accounting at the
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Currently he also serves as a member of China National
MPAcc Education Steering Committee and Associate Dean of Peking University Graduate School. Mr. JIANG has
successively served as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of the Accounting Department of
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University since 2002, during which he successively served as Director
of the Yenching Academy, Executive Associate Dean and Director of the Yenching Academy from 2013 to 2017.
From 2007 to 2010, he was a senior investment consultant at Bosera Fund Management Company; from 2010
to 2016, he served as independent director of Datang International Power Generation Co. Ltd.; from 2011 to
2014, he was an academic advisor to the Global Valuation Institute of KPMG International; and from 2014 to
2015, he was a member of the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. Currently he also serves
as independent director of ZRF Fund Management Company Ltd. and China Merchants Life Insurance Company
Ltd. Mr. JIANG was named National Leading Talent in Accounting by China Ministry of Finance (2012). He was
an Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researcher consecutively from 2014 to 2017. He was a member of the 17th
Stock Issuance Review Committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission. Mr. JIANG graduated from Peking
University in 1995 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, received his Master’s Degree in Accounting from Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology in 1997, and obtained his Doctor’s Degree in Accounting from the
University of California, Berkeley in 2002.

2018 Annual Report 94


WANG Xiquan
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors

Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank since November 2016 and Vice Party Secretary
of the Bank since June 2016. Mr. WANG previously served in several positions at Industrial and
Commercial Bank of China Limited (“ICBC”) for many years. He served as the Executive Vice President
of ICBC from September 2012 to July 2016 and Executive Director from June 2015 to July 2016. Mr.
WANG served as a member of the senior management of ICBC from April 2010 to September 2012.
Between September 1999 and April 2010, he successively served as Deputy Head of the Hebei Branch
of ICBC, General Manager of Risk Management Department, General Manager of Internal Audit
Bureau, and General Manager of Human Resources Department. Mr. WANG graduated from Shanxi
Institute of Finance and Economics in 1983 and received a Doctor’s Degree in Management from
Nanjing University in 2009. He holds the title of Senior Economist.

LIU Wanming
Shareholder Supervisor

Shareholder Supervisor of the Bank since August 2004 and Deputy General Manager of the Office
of Board of Supervisors since April 2005. Since January 2014, Mr. LIU has served as Deputy General
Manager of the Audit Department of the Head Office of the Bank. From November 2001 to August
2004, Mr. LIU was designated by the State Council to serve as Director Supervisor and Deputy
Director General Supervisor at Bank of Communications and the Bank respectively. From August
1984 to November 2001, he worked with the National Audit Office, Agricultural Development Bank
of China and the Central Financial Working Commission. Mr. LIU received a Bachelor’s Degree in
Economics from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics in 1984.

WANG Zhiheng
Employee Supervisor

Employee Supervisor of the Bank since December 2018. Mr. WANG currently serves as General Manager
of the Human Resources Department of the Head Office of the Bank and Director of BOC Aviation
Limited, BOC International Holdings Limited and Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited. Mr.
WANG joined the Bank in July 1999, serving successively as Deputy General Manager of the Human
Resources Department of the Head Office, Deputy General Manager of the Guangdong Branch and
General Manager of the Qinghai Branch of the Bank. Mr. WANG graduated and obtained a Master’s
Degree in Finance from Nankai University in 1999.

95 2018 Annual Report


LI Changlin
Employee Supervisor

Employee Supervisor of the Bank since December 2018. Mr. LI currently serves as General Manager
of the Credit Approval Department of the Head Office of the Bank and Director of Bank of China
Group Investment Limited. Mr. LI joined the Bank in September 1984, serving successively as Deputy
General Manager of the Risk Management Department of the Head Office and General Manager
of the Credit Approval Division of the Risk Management Unit of the Head Office of the Bank. Mr. LI
graduated from Central University of Finance and Economics (finance major) in 1984.

Employee Supervisor

Employee Supervisor of the Bank since December 2018. Mr. LENG currently serves as General
Manager of the Hebei Branch of the Bank. Mr. LENG started working in November 1981 and joined
the Bank in September 1988, serving successively as Deputy General Manager of the Shandong
Branch, Deputy General Manager of the Shanxi Branch, General Manager of the Ningxia Branch
and General Manager of the Chongqing Branch of the Bank. Mr. LENG graduated from Shandong
Institute of Light Industry (economics administration major) in 1999 and University of Jinan in 2009
(accounting major).

CHEN Yuhua
External Supervisor

External Supervisor of the Bank since June 2015. Mr. CHEN served as Vice President of China
Cinda Asset Management Co., Ltd. from December 2008 to August 2013. He previously served as
Chairman of China Cinda Investment Co., Ltd. from April 2004 to December 2008, Head of the
Equity Department of China Cinda Asset Management Company and General Manager of China
Cinda Investment Co., Ltd. from March 2000 to April 2004, and President of China Cinda Trust &
Investment Company from December 1996 to March 2000. Prior to this, he served as Deputy
General Manager of the Personnel Department and Deputy General Manager of the Personnel &
Training Department of China Construction Bank (CCB) Head Office from April 1994 to December
1996, Division Head of the Construction Economy Department of CCB Head Office and General
Manager of CCB Real Estate Consulting Corporation from March 1992 to March 1994, Deputy
Head of the Construction Economy Division, Deputy Head of the Real Estate Credit Department and
Head of a direct sub-branch of CCB Sichuan Branch from August 1986 to March 1992. Mr. CHEN
graduated from Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics in 1986 and received a Master’s
Degree in Economics.

2018 Annual Report 96

Senior Management Members

LIU Liange
Vice Chairman and President

Please refer to the section “Directors”

WU Fulin
Executive Vice President

Please refer to the section “Directors”

LIN Jingzhen
Executive Vice President

Please refer to the section “Directors”

97 2018 Annual Report

Senior Management Members

Executive Vice President

Executive Vice President of the Bank since February 2019. Mr. SUN joined the Bank in 1998 and
has served as Chief Overseas Business Officer from September 2018 to February 2019. From March
2015 to November 2018, Mr. SUN served as General Manager of London Branch of the Bank, CEO
of Bank of China (UK) Limited, and also served as General Manager of London Trading Center of
the Bank from December 2015 to November 2018. Mr. SUN previously served as Director of Global
Financial Markets Department, Director of Financial Markets Unit (Client Business), Director of
Financial Markets Unit (Securities Investment), Deputy General Manager of the Shanghai Branch and
General Manager of Global Markets Department of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited. Mr. SUN
has concurrently served as Director of Bank of China (UK) Limited since March 2015, as Chairman
of the Board of Directors of Bank of China (UK) Limited since December 2018, and as Chairman
of the Board of Directors of BOC Aviation Limited since February 2019. He graduated from Nankai
University with a Master’s Degree in Economics in 1998.

Chief Audit Officer

Chief Audit Officer of the Bank since November 2014. Mr. XIAO joined the Bank in 1994, and
served as General Manager of Financial Management Department of the Bank’s Head Office from
November 2009 to November 2014. Mr. XIAO served as Deputy General Manager of the Beijing
Branch of the Bank from May 2004 to November 2009, and also concurrently served as Chief
Financial Officer of the Beijing Branch of the Bank from January 2007 to November 2009. He
successively served as Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager of the Asset-Liability
Management Department of the Bank’s Head Office from December 1999 to May 2004, and also
served as temporary Deputy General Manager of the Beijing Branch of the Bank from November
2002 to May 2004. Mr. XIAO obtained a Doctor’s Degree in Economics from Renmin University of
China in 1994. He has the qualification of Senior Accountant.

LIU Qiuwan
Chief Information Officer

Chief Information Officer of the Bank since June 2018. Mr. LIU joined the Bank in 1994. He served
as General Manager of Information Technology Department of the Bank since December 2014.
From September 2009 to December 2014, he served as General Manager of the Software Center of
the Bank. Mr. LIU previously served as Deputy General Manager of the Ningxia Branch and CEO of
BOCSOFT Information Industrial (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. He graduated from Xi’an Mining College with
a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in 1982. He holds the title of Senior Engineer.

2018 Annual Report 98

Senior Management Members

LIU Jiandong
Chief Risk Officer

Chief Risk Officer since February 2019. Mr. LIU joined the Bank in 1991. Since March 2014, he has
served as General Manager of the Credit Management Department of the Bank. Mr. LIU served as
General Manager (Investment Banking) of the Corporate Banking Unit of the Bank from February
2011 to March 2014. Mr. LIU previously served as Deputy General Manager of the Corporate
Banking Department and Corporate Banking Unit of the Bank. He graduated from Renmin University
of China in 1991 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, and obtained a Master’s Degree in
Economics from Renmin University of China in 2000.

MEI Feiqi
Secretary to the Board of Directors and Company Secretary

Company Secretary of the Bank since March 2018 and Secretary to the Board of Directors since April
2018. Mr. MEI joined the Bank in 1998. He has previously served as Deputy General Manager of the
Beijing Branch of the Bank, General Manager (Wealth Management and Personal Banking) of the
Personal Banking Unit of the Bank, Spokesman of the Bank and General Manager of the Executive
Office of the Bank’s Head Office. Prior to joining the Bank, he worked at the Ministry of Geology
and Mineral Resources and the General Office of the State Council. He graduated from Chengdu
University of Technology with a Bachelor’s Degree, and later received on-the-job postgraduate
education. He holds the title of Senior Economist.

99 2018 Annual Report

Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members

Changes in Directors, Supervisors and Senior Mr. JIANG Guohua began to serve as Independent
Management Members Director and member of the Audit Committee, the
Personnel and Remuneration Committee and the
Changes in the Bank’s directors were as follows: Connected Transactions Control Committee of the
Board of Directors of the Bank as of 14 December
Mr. GAO Yingxin ceased to serve as Executive Director 2018.
and member of the Risk Policy Committee of the
Board of Directors of the Bank as of 24 January 2018 Mr. WU Fulin began to serve as Executive Director
due to change of job. and member of the Connected Transactions Control
Committee of the Board of Directors of the Bank as of
Mr. REN Deqi ceased to serve as Executive Director 3 February 2019.
and member of the Connected Transactions Control
Committee of the Board of Directors of the Bank as of
Mr. LIN Jingzhen began to serve as Executive Director
12 June 2018 due to change of job.
and member of the Risk Policy Committee of the
Mr. ZHANG Xiangdong ceased to serve as Non- Board of Directors of the Bank as of 3 February 2019.
executive Director and member of the Strategic
Development Committee and the Personnel and Changes in the Bank’s supervisors were as follows:
Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of
the Bank as of 29 June 2018 due to reason of age. Mr. WANG Xueqiang ceased to serve as Shareholder
Supervisor and member of the Duty Performance and
Mr. Nout WELLINK ceased to serve as Independent Due Diligence Supervision Committee of the Board of
Director, member of the Strategic Development Supervisors of the Bank as of 31 March 2018 due to
Committee and the Audit Committee, and Chairman the reason of age.
and member of the Risk Policy Committee of the
Board of Directors of the Bank as of 29 June 2018 due Mr. DENG Zhiying ceased to serve as Employee
to the expiration of his term of office. Supervisor and member of the Duty Performance and
Due Diligence Supervision Committee of the Board of
Mr. WANG Changyun began to serve as Chairman of
Supervisors of the Bank as of 14 December 2018 due
the Risk Policy Committee of the Board of Directors of
to work-related reasons.
the Bank as of 29 June 2018.

Mr. ZHANG Qingsong began to serve as Executive Mr. GAO Zhaogang ceased to serve as Employee
Director and member of the Risk Policy Committee of Supervisor and member of the Duty Performance and
the Board of Directors of the Bank as of 20 August Due Diligence Supervision Committee of the Board of
2018. Supervisors of the Bank as of 14 December 2018 due
to work-related reasons.
Mr. ZHANG Qingsong ceased to serve as Executive
Director and member of the Risk Policy Committee of Ms. XIANG Xi ceased to serve as Employee Supervisor
the Board of Directors of the Bank as of 18 September and member of the Financial and Internal Control
2018 due to change of job. Supervision Committee of the Board of Supervisors of
the Bank as of 14 December 2018 due to work-related
Mr. LIAO Qiang began to serve as Non-executive reasons.
Director and member of the Strategic Development
Committee and the Personnel and Remuneration
Mr. WANG Zhiheng began to serve as Employee
Committee of the Board of Directors of the Bank as of
29 September 2018. Supervisor of the Bank as of 14 December 2018,
and as member of the Duty Performance and Due
Mr. LIU Liange began to serve as Vice Chairman, Diligence Supervision Committee, member of the
Executive Director and member of the Strategic Financial and Internal Control Supervision Committee
Development Committee of the Board of Directors of of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank as of
the Bank as of 11 October 2018. 15 January 2019.

2018 Annual Report 100

Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management Members

Mr. LI Changlin began to serve as Employee Supervisor Mr. LIU Quiwan began to serve as Chief Information
of the Bank as of 14 December 2018, and as Officer of the Bank while Mr. ZHANG Qingsong ceased
member of the Duty Performance and Due Diligence to concurrently serve as Chief Information Officer of
Supervision Committee, member of the Financial and the Bank as of 26 June 2018.
Internal Control Supervision Committee of the Board
of Supervisors of the Bank as of 15 January 2019.
Mr. LIU Liange began to serve as President of the Bank
as of 27 August 2018.
Mr. LENG Jie began to serve Employee Supervisor of
the Bank as of 14 December 2018, and as member of
the Duty Performance and Due Diligence Supervision Mr. SUN Yu began to serve as Chief Overseas Business
Committee of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank as Officer of the Bank as of 12 September 2018. As
of 15 January 2019. of 3 February 2019, Mr. SUN Yu began to serve as
Executive Vice President and ceased to serve as Chief
Changes in the Bank’s senior management members Overseas Business Officer of the Bank.
were as follows:
Mr. ZHANG Qingsong ceased to serve as Executive
Mr. GAO Yingxin ceased to serve as Executive Vice
Vice President of the Bank as of 18 September 2018
President of the Bank as of 24 January 2018.
due to change of job.
Mr. GENG Wei ceased to serve as Secretary to the
Board of Directors and Company Secretary of the Bank Mr. LIU Qiang ceased to serve as Executive Vice
as of 2 March 2018. President of the Bank as of 18 September 2018 due to
change of job.
Mr. MEI Feiqi began to serve as Company Secretary
of the Bank as of 2 March 2018. Mr. MEI Feiqi began Mr. WU Fulin began to serve as Executive Vice
to serve as Secretary to the Board of Directors of the President of the Bank as of 28 December 2018.
Bank as of 27 April 2018.
Mr. PAN Yuehan ceased to serve as Chief Risk Officer
Mr. LIN Jingzhen began to serve as Executive Vice
of the Bank as of 18 January 2019 due to change of
President of the Bank as of 28 March 2018.
Mr. REN Deqi ceased to serve as Executive Vice
President of the Bank as of 12 June 2018 due to Mr. LIU Jiandong began to serve as Chief Risk Officer
change of job. of the Bank as of 3 February 2019.

101 2018 Annual Report

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