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Next, ethical clearance would be obtained to ensure that the research is conducted with appropriate

safeguards for the participants. Survey questions would then be developed, covering topics such as
pregnancy or fathering a child, age at which the pregnancy occurred, and any negative effects on
academic performance. The survey questions would be pilot tested with a small group of criminology
students to ensure clarity and ease of understanding. The survey would then be administered to the
target population through various means, such as online surveys or paper surveys distributed in class.
Participation would be voluntary and participants would be informed of the purpose of the survey. Once
the data is collected, it would be organized and stored securely. A data analysis would then be
conducted using appropriate statistical techniques to answer the research questions. Finally, the results
would be interpreted to draw conclusions about the prevalence of early pregnancy among criminology
students and its effect on academic performance. It is important to ensure that the data gathering
procedure is conducted ethically, with informed consent, confidentiality, and protection of participant
privacy. Additionally, appropriate sampling methods should be used to ensure the validity and reliability
of the data.

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