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Proteins are composed of smaller

units. The monomers that make up BIOMOLECUL
proteins are called amino acids.
Flowers and Tress, Human and
Protein have numerous function Animals.What do we have in
common that keeps us all
alive? Large Biological
within living things. They help form Molecules.Called
macromolecules by some
many of the structural features of authorities, the large biological
molecules inside every living
the body including hair, nails and organism are essential for the
biological process that sustain
life- like growth, cell
muscles. They aid in transporting development, and
reproduction. All biological
materials across cellular membranes. molecules are organic
compounds, meaning they
contain atoms of the elements
An example would be the uptake of carbon. The other elements
that make up biological
glucose into cells from the bloodstream. molecules are hydrogen,
oxygen,nitrogen and
They act as biological catalysts. And phosphorus.

many more function.

These molecules are comprised of Like carbohydrates, lipids are Like DNA And RNA- are
the elements carbon (C), hydrogen composed of carbon, hydrogen, constructed form monomers
(H), and oxygen (O) Carbohydrates and oxygen. In addition to called nucleotides, which add
have several functions in cells they storing energy, lipids help build phosphorus to the other four
are excellent source of energy for certain hormones; provide composite elements.
many different activities going on in insulation; and form cell Nucleic acids carry your genetic
our cells Some carbohydrates may membranes. code and translate it into the
have a structural function. For actual proteins that perform
example, the material that makes your bodily actions.
plants stand tall and gives wood its tough
properties are a polymer form of
glucose known as cellulose hg

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