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Solammon 1

Elijah Solammon

Dr. Holt

Bard 12

14 April 2023

Revenge Gone Wrong

` Hamlet is essentially a play about a young prince from Denmark who experiences tragic

family endeavors, making him obsessed with seeking revenge for the wrongdoings of others

upon his family. Prince Hamlet's father, formerly known as King Hamlet, was tragically

murdered by his brother Claudius with a motive to take the throne of Denmark. Claudius secretly

murdered King Hamlet, then later marries his brother's widow Queen Gertrude. Prince Hamlet is

informed by what appears to be a ghost of his father that his father was slain by his uncle Claduis

and must seek revenge immediately to fortify his fathers name. Once Prince Hamlet is informed

about what has happened to his father, he becomes furious and is willing to avenge his father by

any means possible. Throughout the duration of the play Hamlet constantly plots retribution

against King Claudius but fails on multiple occasions due indecisiveness and impulsion.

Hamlet's failure to obtain revenge to prove his uncle's guilt of murdering his father ultimately

cost the lives of many characters in the play, as well as his own.

Hamlet's impotence to carry out revenge on King Claudius cost lives of many of the

characters in the play. Including Ophelia, Gretrude, Polonius, and Laertes. In many facets of the

play, Hamlet's decisions not to kill Claudius caused a ripple effect of death throughout the play.
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Hamlet has the opportunity to follow through with avenging his father by killing King

Claudius while he is lonesome inside of a church. But Hamlet hesitates to kill King Claudius

because he believes that murdering Claudius while he is inside of a church is deemed a sin and

would allow Claudius to go to heaven, even though he murdered King Hamlet. “Why this is hire

and salary, not revenge…Then trip him that his heels may kick at heaven And that his soul may

be as damned and black As hell whereto he goes” (III, iii 85) Thus, Hamlet does not follow

through with killing King Claudius.

Hamlet's failure to seek revenge on King Claudius causes him to act irrationally and

mistakenly kill Polonius. Hamlet is suspicious that King Cladius is spying on him and Gertrude

while they are having a private conversation in Queen Gertrude's quarters. However, it is

Polonius that is spying on their conversation. Hamlet hears what he thinks to be King Claudius

behind a curtain and attempts to murder him but kills Polonius instead. “Thou wretched, rash,

intruding fool, farewell!I took thee for thy better: take thy fortune Thou find'st to be too busy is

some danger”. ( III, V 30-34) Hamlet's hasty decisions caused the death of Polonius. Shortly

after Polonius' death, Ophelia becomes depressed by the circumstances in which her father has

died. She was so impacted by this that she might have taken her own life. “And will it not come

again? No, no, he is dead, Go to thy death-bed, He never will come again. God has mercy on his

soul. And of all Christian souls. God buy you.” (V, iv 215)

In the final act of the play Hamlet returns to Denmark after being banished to England

for his crimes for killing Polonuis. Strangely, Hamlet is confronted by pirates that return him to

Denmark. As Hamlet makes his return to Denmark, he is awaited by Laertes and King Claudius

who plan to kill Hamlet by sword or poison. A fencing match takes place between Hamlet and

Laertes in an attempt to kill Hamlet with a poisoned sword, but Laertes fails in killing Hamlet.
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King Claudius, then later tries to kill Hamlet with a poisoned drink but the poisoned drink is

wrongly given to Gretrude instead, eventually killing her. “O, my dear Hamlet! The drink!.. I am

poisoned.” (IV, ii 340) As Hamlet sees his mother fall to the ground he is filled with rage and

finally kills Claudis and Laertes. But Hamlet's victory is short lived as he would shortly die after

from the wound of the poisoned blade. “Heaven make thee free of it… I am dead Horatio'' After

avenging his fathers murder Hamlet's plot is out of spite, shortly parishing after the death of


In conclusion, Hamlet is a tragedy about a prince who is unsure of his decisions about

revenge aspiring from his fathers death which leads to the death of multiple characters in the play
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Star Wars Revenge of The Sith Adaptation Hamlet

In Star Wars, Anakin Skywalker is greatly affected by the loss of his teacher Obi-Wan

Kenobi. Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi is killed by a villain from the Dark Side, The Emperor, seeking to

take over the Light Side. As Anakin is grieving the loss of his friend, a ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi

informs him that he must seek revenge on The Emperor. Thus, becomes obsessed with seeking

revenge on his enemy The Emperor for killing Skywalker's beloved friend Obi-Wan Kenobi.

While Anakin Skywalker attempts to carry out revenge on The Emperor he hesitates to do so.

Because Anakin's reluctance to kill the Emperor causes many deaths throughout the duration of

the movie, including his own. Anakin's failure to carry out his revenge cost the lives of Mace

Windue, The Emperor and General Grievous.

Anakin has the opportunity to strike down The Emperor when he is in the Jedi temple

pledging to ancestors for forgiveness for killing Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin approaches the

Emperor as he begins to lift his lightsaber and strike the Emperor down, but Anakin reminds

himself that if he attempts to murder The Emperor while residing in the Jedi temple, Anakin will

be punished by the Jedi Order for his crimes. Therefore, Anakin does not follow through with his

plan to kill the Emperor. Leaving Anakin frustrated that he does not follow through with his

Obi-Wan Kenobi wish to avenge his name.

Anakin meets with fellow Jedi in a secret meeting to discuss Anakin's behaviors after the

death of his friend Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin becomes paranoid and believes the Emperor is

secretly listening to their conversation behind closed doors. Anakin aggressively makes his way

past the door and strikes down what he thinks is the Emperor, but is fellow Jedi Mace Windue.

As a result of killing Mace Windue. The following Jedi on the council think that Anakin has

gone mad and should be punished for his crimes against Mace Windu immediately. Anakin’s
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privileges of being a Jedi have been taken and has been banished from the Jedi Temple. As

Anakin is on his way to be banished he is approached by imperial clones that surprisingly return

him back to the Jedi Temple instead of holding him hostage. Anakin informs Jedi Yoda that he is

making a return to the Jedi Temple.

In the final scene of the movie Anakin Anakin returns to the Jedi Temple in another

attempt to seek revenge on the Emperor once more. Anakin is approached by the Emperor and

his apprentice General Grievous. The Emperor and General Grievous plot kill Anakin in a

lightsaber battler once and for all for the disturbance he has caused in the Force. In an epic battle,

Anakin defeats the Emperor along with General Grievous, but at a low cost. Anakin is severely

wounded and dies shortly following the battle.

Anakin Skywalker does not live to see that he successfully avenged his friend's murder.

Skywalker's hesitation for carrying through with revenge for his good for Obi-Wan Kenobi

eventually caused the death of himself as well as other characters throughout the movie.
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Sound Designer and Music Director

Married Next Year - Rod Wave Act 1 Scene 2

In the start of the play, the royal courts of Denmark assemble together as Queen Gertrude and

King Claudius get married following the death of King Clauduis.Queen Gertrude and King

Claudius celebrate their marriage happily. The song Married Next Year by Rod Wave is a song

about commemoration and the celebration of marriage.

Summer 16 - Drake Act 1 Scene 5

In Act I Scene 5 Hamlet finds out from the Ghost of his father that he was murder by King

Clauduis and that Prince Hamlet must avenge his fathers name by any means. When Hamlet

hears this from the Ghost of his father he becomes furious. The song Summer 16 expresses the
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act of revenge upon anyone standing in his way of achieving his desired goals. Hamlet can

relates to this because Hamlet is willing to take any steps to get revenge on King Claudius

Spies - Coldplay Act 2 Scene 2

In Act 2 Scene 2 Claudius suspects that Hamlet is starting to go crazy from the death of his

father. Therefore Claudius hires spies to watch over Hamlet. The song Spies by Coldplay refers

to how Coldplay wants to find peace of mind, but people are watching his every move. Hamlet

wants to come to terms with his fathers death, meanwhile Claudius sends spies over to monitor

his behavior.

Lonely Child - Youngboy Never Broke Again Act 3 Scene 1

Act 3 Scene is where Hamlet performs his soliloquy where he says he famous “To Be or Not To

be” Hamlet is very emotional as he expresses the grief he is experiencing as he deals with his

love life, fathers death and family endeavors. The song Lonely Child by Youngboy Never Broke

Again is very in which Youngboy speaks about his love life, deaths that have impacted his life,

and compilations with family.

Paranoid - Kanye West Act 3 Scene 2

In Act 3 scene 2 Hamlet hires a set of actors to reenact the murder of his father, to show the royal

courts as well as King Clauduis what truly happened to the former King Hamlet. As King

Claudius watches the performance he realizes that the actors performing are reenacting the

murder of King Hamlet and starts to feel guilty for killing the former king. During the middle of

the play King Claudius becomes paranoid and calls for the play to be stopped immediately.

Violent Crime - Kanye Went Act 3 Scene 3

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Claudius becomes fed up with Hamlet's behavior and wants Hamlet to be banished. Claudius

makes plans to banish Hamlet off to die in England. The song Violent Crimes by Kanye refers to

plotting violent actions out of selfishness and discomfort. Similar to Claudius in Hamlet.

Take Me to Church -Act 3 Scene 3

King Claudius realizes the repercussions of him murdering King Hamlet.Hamlet had to

opportunity to kill King Claudius in church but did not because in doing so this would make him

got heaven

Everybody dies - J. Cole Act 3 Scene 4

In Act 3 Scene 4 Hamlet kills Polonuis mistaking him for Claudius. After Hamlet kills Polonuis

he seems to be apathetic to the fact he has just murdered a man. In the song Everybody Dies by J

Cole, Cole say “someday everybody has to die” as death is a part of life and if bound to happen.

Brendan's Death Song - Red Hot Chili Peppers Act 4 Scene 7

Ophelia mourns her fathers death after he was violently killed by Hamlet. She becomes deeply

saddened and appears to take her own life off screen. The song Brendan’s Death Song by Red

Hot Chilli Peppers is an interpretation of someone accepting the fate of their death due the

tribulation they have been through.

I'm Back - Eminem Act 4 Scene 6

Hamlet is banished from Denmark and sent to England to be put to death by King Claudius after

Hamlet killing Polonius. As Hamlet is en route to England to be sentenced to death he is

approached by sailors that capture him but surprisingly the sailors return him to Denmark.

Hamlet writes a letter to Hortia announcing his return. In the song I’m Back by Eminem,
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Eminem profoundly makes it known that he is returning. Similar to Hamlet as he makes his

return to Denmark

Over My Dead Body - Drake - Act 5 Act 1

Gravediggers dig up Ophelia's body to inform the audience that she has tragically passed away.

In the song Over My Dead Body by Drake the chorus of the song displays emotion of accepting


Sing About Me, I’m Dying Of Thirst - Kendrick Lamar Act 5 Scene 2

Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst By Kendrick Lamar is a song portraying a story about how

death from violence from hatred causes disruption in a community. Violence from hatred leads to

the final act of Hamlet causing Hamlet, Gertrude, Laertes and Claudius all parish in the final act.

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