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MGMT 601 – Strategic Management

Flipped Classroom – Student Instruction

Throughout the course you are introduced to different topics of strategic management.
The content includes many different topics related to corporate governance, strategic
thinking, positioning and internal/external analysis and research. In this assignment, you
will be tasked with developing a 15-minute lesson for one particular topic.

This assignment will be completed in groups of 2-4 (instructor discretion), and your
group will be responsible for becoming the class experts on the topic given to your

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to learn more about a
particular topic, prove your understanding by teaching the topic, and developing others,
while learning from your classmates’ personal experiences.

Some of the information provided in the lessons will be included in the final project.

Your group will be assigned one of the following topics:

 Strategic management process  International Market Strategies

 Analyzing the external  Product Life Cycle
environment  Strategic control
 SWOT  Corporate governance
 Competitive advantage

Your lesson must include:

 The information needed to answer the questions related to the topic on the
following pages.
 Visual aids.
 One-page handout summarizing topic, provided to each student and instructor.

Information and materials:

 You may use information from any source. However, remember that just because
there is a lot of information on the internet, does not mean that it is valuable.

 Try to use sources such as: instructor provided resources, peer-reviewed

articles, library resources, etc. You are becoming the class experts on your
assigned topics, so make sure your information is credible.


 15% of total final grade

 See rubric for details
 The lesson will be assessed in class by the instructor

MGMT 601 The Flipped Classroom Assignment Rubric

Scoring Guide:
5 Excellent: An exceptional job has been done. Could not have been done better.
4 Very Good: The work is above and beyond the expectations of the assessment.
3 Average: The work has met all requirements of the assessment at a more advanced level.
2.5 Satisfactory: The work has met all requirements of the assessment.
2 Limited: In some areas, the work does not meet requirements of the assessment.
1 Insufficient: Student has not completed a large part of what was required.
0 Not Present: There is no identification of the evaluation area being covered.
Expectations Weight Total

Content provided for each question is accurate and complete. 3 /15
Information is presented in a clear, organized, and logical manner. Content is
easy to understand. 1 /5
Content provided is credible and sources are communicated. 2 /10
Total /30
Visual Aids and Supporting Materials
Visual aids are used effectively to clarify and enhance concepts.
1 /5
One-page handout is provided. Document contains content related to questions, 2 /10
easy to read, and visually appealing. Sources are included. 1 /5
An activity is provided. Activity supports learning effectively.
Class Engagement
Students were given opportunities to meaningfully contribute to the lesson (e.g.,
ask questions, give examples, etc). 1 /5
The experts demonstrated knowledge of topic (e.g., not reading notes or slides,
answer questions, etc). 1 /5
Lesson plan was interesting, engaging, and impactful. 1 /5
Total /15
The lesson plan was delivered with professionalism (e.g., well-prepared,
appropriate language, other characteristics as discussed in LO1). 2 /10
Total Mark /75
The Flipped Classroom Assignment
Topic Questions

Instructions:The experts for a topic are required to provide the information needed to
answer each question associated with their topic. The questions for each topic appear
on the following pages.
 The other students will record their answers to the questions for each topic
during the lessons.
 Attend each lesson, listen attentively, and record your answers.
Note for instructors:
 The topic question sheets could be printed and provided to students so that they
can write in their responses during the lessons.
The Strategic Management Process

1) What is strategic management, give examples?

2) What makes a company’s offering superior to those of its competitors?

3) What is the difference between Strategic and Operational Planning?

4) What is the difference between a Vision and Mission Statement?

Suggested activity: Using a known business, create a new Vision and Mission
statement with the class.
Analyzing the External Environment (Valentine’s Group)

1) How do trends and events in the general environment and the competitive
environment affect each other? How do they affect corporations’ performance?

2) Why are environmental scanning, environmental monitoring, and competitive

intelligence critical inputs?

3) Provide an example of how scenario planning could be used.

4) Explain the purpose of and provide some extra tips and important things to
remember when doing a PESTLE and Porter’s 5 Forces.
Zoom-expand the company- plan to reduce ríks

5) Suggested activity: Do a PESTLE or Porter’s Five Forces analysis with the





-participate in meeting

- Being positive in response

- monitor what is happening


SWOT Analysis

1) Explain the SWOT Analysis. Provide some extra tips and important things to
remember when doing the analysis.

2) How do you draw conclusions and analyze the outputs from your SWOT
3) What kind of actions would you take for each section of the SWOT Analysis?

4) Suggested activity: Do a SWOT analysis with the class.

Competitive Advantage

1) Define competitive advantage.

2) What are the criteria for competitive advantage? Explain them.

3) Describe and explain the generic strategies of competitive advantage?

4) Suggested Activity: Lead the class in building a competitive advantage strategy

for a known business.
International Market Strategies

1) Why Do Companies Expand into Foreign Markets?

2) What are the opportunities of expanding internationally? What are the


3) Discuss the International Strategies.

a. Global Strategy
b. Transnational Strategy
c. International Strategy
d. Multidomestic Strategy

4) Suggested activity: Lead the class through a quiz on different businesses and
see if the class can figure out the type of international strategy used.
Product Life Cycle

1) Explain the product life cycle including all 4 stages.

2) Describe the first mover advantages and disadvantages?

3) Explain the difference in strategies when the product life cycle declines.

4) Discuss the importance of understanding this concept as a business entity.

5) Suggested Activity: Lead the class through an example of a real product and how
it went through a lifecycle.
Strategic Control

1) Describe the traditional approach.

2) Describe the contemporary approach.

3) Define organizational behaviour. Why is it important?

4) Discuss reward systems as a tool for governance.

5) Suggested Activity: Lead the class through a discussion of an actual business

and what their corporate culture is doing well or flip it by doing a negative
business culture.
Corporate Governance

1) Who does corporate governance concern itself with?

2) What is the difference between a board of directors and the managers of an


3) What are the duties of an effective board of directors?

4) Provide an example of shareholder activism.

5) Suggested Activity: Show news clippings or articles to the class that show why a
board of directors working effectively to protect shareholders.

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