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Professional Development Timeline

Step 1: Consider Organizational Needs

Organizational Actions Timeline

 Develop a culture of respect and Begins with the onboarding process starting
on day one of employee interaction.

 Reduce the number of harassment and

discrimination complaints.
Monitored quarterly and annually for any

 Ensure all employees understand the increase.

importance of preventing
discrimination and harassment in the
Online training environment with a graded

test to be taken during the first week of

employee onboarding.

Step 2: Utilize Performance Assessment Talks to Spur Development

 Conduct needs assessment survey to These surveys will be conducted annually

determine employee perspectives and
needs. during as employees submit their

performance accomplishments.
 Utilize performance assessments to
identify areas of emphasis that
employees need additional training Check in conversations are conducted
and support in.
quarterly to identify shortcomings and apply

corrective action.

Step 3: Recognize Employee Potential and Readiness

 Provide mentor training to These mentor training sessions will be held

organizational management that assist
them in identifying leadership skills biannually. The intention is to train
and potential candidates for
promotion. management employees to identify

particular skills and talents in their

 Utilize the performance assessment
process to identify the readiness of subordinates.

Performance assessments ratings are given

annually. These ratings can include an

additional symbol or number that further

identifies a staff member’s readiness level

and potential for promotion.

Step 4: Consider All Types of Training

 Provide online courses that educate on These test will be taken in the first week of
the prevention of discrimination and
harassment. onboarding, then annually, and they will be

available at any time for employees.

 Hold in-person workshops to provide
interactive learning and discussion
Workshops will be held quarterly to allow

 Coaching sessions for employees who for group discussions that spur
need one-on-one training and support.

 Seminars are another great

opportunity to develop skills and learn
from guest speakers who specialize in
delivering information in unique and
memorable ways. Coaching sessions will be conducted on an

as needed or as identified basis.

Every effort will be made to have a guest

speaker brought in or have the team attend

a local event annually.

Step 5: Plan for the Before, During, and After

 Prior to conducting training, The importance of each training session will
communicate the importance of the
training and identify meaningful be communicated before instruction begins.
resources to support it.
Proper planning will ensure the training hits

 During training sessions, create a safe the mark and remains successful.
and respectful environment that
encourages open and honest dialogue.
Remain available during breaks to
allow for additional questions or issues
to be addressed outside of a group
environment. Every training session will adhere to these

principles at all times.

 After the completion of training make
the resources available to employees.

At the conclusion of each session follow-up

with employees periodically to ensure

understanding. Provide them with additional

resources and make time to listen to

suggestions or additional questions.

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